HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 6KNUDSON ON GOLF McCAII4 FROZEN DAIRY SMOOTH ApiF sir ' 1411 ,PUDDINGS icP\ • rp. •r• -9(.1pERICHSIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1971 Golfers start season W,Thcidnu1rsesston The signs of spring along the , • Maitland River are indicative of the opening of the.golf seasbn. ' • The first event:e is he "Clean -Up" session this Saturday ,morning. All the men who are planning to join this year are urged to attend and .bring along their husky SOMto aid this worthatise. The golf c,o m mittee , reminds •these members tosupply their Own rakes, garbage bags, etc. ''-''":'"Theladis-er-Areib;e-phrir-seo -their share df the work around • the clubhouse beginning at 9 Knudson on gol 1 a.rn. Extra brooms and dusters • may be requirgd. The "men plan to begin Monday evening, April 26, with their first "Men's Nite," of the season. This atartsat 5 p.n. The women will start their activities the first week of May. Crave • te-ellected by at, 1' STRICTLY' .s WITH. JAKE . ON. THE HOCKEY SCENE: Farewell, Boston, it's been nice. • And while we are far-froni,being Montreal fans, now that hog • town has be eliminate -a we will probably -have io stick with , . , Thorstkiy OMbovidets .. . windit-up with banquet The Lade Thursday Night standings, Happy Hustlers, total Social Bowling League held of 113. pts., captain Ev. Hamill; their banquet last Saturday Third place in year round evening at the Saltford Valley standings„ Sallies, total of 112 pts., captain Betty Reid; •, The ,, new executive was First place m playoffs int roduced as- GreenhOrsti, - — „ folloWs: ave.sparele n ea, t ,tt you ?are President, EV. Gardiner; 3'299, captain Dorothy TACKLE CARE By BOB HAWTHORNE, Three -Time World Casting Champion 'ti '• some of it for these gals?' Dear Jake: ' vice-president, Sandra Graham; MeConnell. Fishing.tackle, like .anything spoo,1 out of alignment. Anoth- secretary,. BevWhetstone; •anti , ig h verage, Fave - e, mquireso, care .2 d .trouble spot with 'the bait Th trophies for standings Betty Reid, 77-9; high Single„tion- your tackle from'time to time mechanism. If it is frooved, 'Failure to clifek,. over casting reel is the level win The aoderich Kinetie junior treas'urer, Donna Duncan. Sheardown, 198; high triple, Girls' •-softball league needs 'were presented as 'follows: first Barb Streeter, 351. • the team f'rom p Most itnproVed bowler, Bev e hese are '11, Years and se 4-1 year grOund standings 41,911rez4k01. e• m,„. ttSge t•hem'''' h., we ailw.e„.40,-;aaS 0e da44.4g11,-.r-• Kinettes,. 3,444t0., qt X4t§bzitte,,,,A7, irs...1,aVe•ragg;),-. weelt, ,• that be "We are in the need' °aches and helpeis, ladies who , ° j'dpiain Ev. Gardiner; ' lowest game bowled, Raggitt, Mrs. William Craven was 4Something if Toronto managed .• will help Second place in year round 4 V. re-elecled president of the. to scrape through with a victory No 'ex erience Goderich Figure Skating Club -in ,the quarter -final'?" Someone f at the group's annual meeting took us to task and told its we . held in the auditorium of the had better look ahead, being as weekly • hatuie Goderich Memorial Arena April we wrote the column early and the,,Leafs had already wOn two The president in her opening game. Actually we Were just fernarks thanked all the board predicting a,complete wipe-oUt Signal -Stat of the hog-towners and merely • George Knudson has won more- . major golf tournaments tluin any Canadian in the history of the game. • Now. Goderich golfers (and • aspirant&) can benefit froS George's kowledge,of the game in George Knudson on' Golf, which started last week in the Signal -Star. "Statistics say that 90 per cent of Canadian golfers can't break' 100," George says: ..`.1 v, c e - p .r, esident; second think can help all of them by members, chairman and parents for their co-operation during the past successful season. The minutes of the preVious annual meeting were read and Cy Murray gave the treasurer's report,' showing a favourable balance in the bank. Reports were presented by alt' the committee chairmee,,i, Mrs. Craven took the chair for the nominations. In addition to the president, the following offiCers were elected: Mrs. Grant Ellison. first . showing them a' few simple ' thi.ng's including positive thinki-ng. Lack of planning hurts ,even the scratch players." vice-president, Mrs. Joan, Deirolf; Mrs. Audrey Ormandy, secretary; Cy Murray,. treasurer. Directors are Mari Kotyk, Ellen Jeffrey, Art Hoy, Mrs. missed the boat. But bet . one thing's for sure - that fellow that told us about it was a Maple Leaf fan., • Through the infornPation-line passed on by Richard Madge, we see .where our town's Paul Henderson was the NHL' Star of the Week. Their reasoning - 'Paul Hendersdn , played a major role in the Leafs' making the Stanley Cup playoffs this. year. With the • post -season round up, he fiasn't lost any of his momentum as the NeW York Rangers. discovered last ,week.". 'Henderson, ,was a virtual ball of fire against, the surprised Rangers." 'the • write-up , Since- 1958, Knudson—has-7--Raymont, Kathy, Boddy_,I Zoe.' ,....continuess "who, had,,,tcr-battle ,won $308,945 on,the golf tour, winning the., World up in 1968,• the 'back-to-back Phoenix . and- Tuscon Opens in 1968, and •placed second. in the Masters • that same year. Don't miss George •on Golf. Knudson Raithby, Bob 'Chapman • and John Williams. . .,, The ' annual inter-clrit meeting will be held at the •Mitchell town hall at 2 -On. Sunday, April, 25. • Coffee and cookies • were served by the social committee.' • CHARGEX FOR "YOU SWING INTO,, SPRING CASUAL JACKETS, •9.95 up ALL WEATHEWCOATS 19.95 " VVASH. PANTS & JEANS 7.95 uP SPORT SHIRTS T-SHIRTS • -4.00 u -p NOVV AVA1 LAB L AT Pickett & Campbell limit The Store For Men 'CLINTON -- PODERICH - KINCARDINE 11 back to gain'a 2-2 split in the first four games of their series' with the Leafs. One reason they did .Wa.S... becaue they didn't contain Henderson,' who brake out for five playoff •goals, in the • first three games.' 'A distinguished honors for a distinguished gentleman, we'd say. ON THE ' SOFTBALL SCENE:. Industrial, softball league prez Reg Jewell re,minds is there' -is• a. ,meeting of the league at the townhall on Sunday. April 25 at 2 p.th This is an all-important Meeting so ,anyone interested in entering a team this year is'asked to get out and attend this one. , And here's • a letter' We. received from • the local Kinettes. There isnothing mote we can add except .- if you do • p needed but time and effort are'. a must. These girls are anxious to play but they are lacking support.• Support is not only in the lack of .coaches but• also facilities on which to play ball's For two years these girls have played on Victoria school playground,s, which has been in terrible shape. Efforts are being made to . get time at the Agricultural Park, but women's lib hasn't started • in Goderich yet. If 'possible we could use the assistance of sdme women, or men who would help by umpiring. This will only involve one night a week. Would you believe we could use .a heck of a lot of help? Our only enjoyment out of this softball is to see these kids play. ball. We need kids to play ,ball, but also'liceed the support of the parents. Some parents phone , azttit-g-, questions. -concerning ball but don't come out to help boost their kids' morale. ' •.So -if any- women (woman) or men are interested in helping out, please contact Mrs. Shirley Kennedy at 524-7.837 by the end of April, so we could begin organization. If no support is shown there will be no ;girls' softball in Goderich this' year. •' Thank you. * * * • h4 E. Mr. Sid Pratt, supervisorof ,racing, met with the local association Saturday morning, and 'outlined the necessary requirements to bring the track up to standards. ' , The association will now go to She town to get their appr9val and if we get their okay, race fans are in for -a big .surprise! 'The association has signed an agreement with, the 'Clinton club to rent their new machines, and already the, y fetk.that,,,,t,bl.q.k4 a major step forWard. Full 'details will be -available on otrfacelifting job. -• Our 'recent retired town foreman•has no trouble getting -in extia' hOurs. When asking Roy for the number of horses he has, he replys "five and a half." Maybe in later years the halfeyvill be another Patty Ann, racing at a record of 2:07. Although the de-h{riieri are not always there to help, they are there when' tne jctu 'es are t� be Liken! • THE FISHING SCENE; Trout season opens Saturday and the..Ontario department of. lands • and forests has put restrictions on fishing on certain well-known trout spawnfrig -;„ streams: Most. of ' these 'were fisted in last i-eeles. Signal -Star. Fishing on these streams, mostl in the Own Sound and ,northern Georgian Bay areas for trout wont be "allowed until May 9. • Landscaping--Tr04 Dig your choof majestic spruce from hea01,gbd at Wingham. , ' • 3'- 4' $1.50 - 4' 5' $2.00 • On Satu,rdays See sign on Hwy. 4,1% wiles south of Wingharn.L, Inquire for ddlivery of more than 50 by truck. ED MARSH 35772387 8noopy. BY GEORGE KNUDSON copyright 1971, 'Toronto Telegram Syndicate , Exercises • General conditioning is im- h'portant in golf — the .out-ol- condition golfer can't possibly. achieve his best score. mid -Jai -wary, I headed to ' California ,for"the.start of the winter tour. One month prior , to that I started seriously to' erepare myself physically. 7- . Every golfer, needs to do this. perhaps riot as"strenuous- ly a pro but enough to make the game more enjoyable, If , you are in shape, the five -mile, alk is a Pleasure and you: will UTOPIA CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES KRAFT, CHEiZ.141114 stiouLDER VEAL CHOPS VEAL PATTIES • . 20.494 424:: Ib. 89' Ib. 454 SLICE IDE PORK 4 lb. Oka. DEVON IDE BACON tb.',3 lb: 4 WE GIVE"A BETTER DEAL? You Better Believe It!! TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HA MORE .1.11 ONE YEAR DEPOSITS • CENTSI • SPECIAL' DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS• . • Interest.Paid Semi -Annually . SHARE SAVINGS • Current Dividend . Paid 770 6010 1/ 2 % CHRISTMAS AND VACATION ACCTS. PERSONAL CHEWING ACCTS 10c Per Cheque - No Other Charges Your credit uni9t: a great place to arid to borrow. find your game that much bet- ' ter. Jogging, skiing and skating all help to build up the legs. Skating and skiing in 'particu- lar are 'exercises that don't seem like work. A few minutes each day- inning on the spot will make it that much easier on opening day. ' The arms and hack muscles also need to be loosened up in the spring. Stretch exercises such as touching the toes, tor- so twist and shoulder rotation (similar to a swimming stroke):-, all help, , Isometrics are aid benefi- cial. Take a golf stance as in the • illustration. Push your wrist against • the wall. • Use your driving hand, then your.„ other hand., Try 'fii-Plish your hand right through the walU To, strengthen the wrists, t67 lifting a heavy book with one hand, holding it several min- utes a‘,vay from, the bqdy. Squeeze a rubber ball while watchihg television. If you are, in reasonably good shape, , try finger tip pushups. - There's one more good exer- cise you can try indoors, pro- viding you have a High Swing an extra heavy golf club. The average club .weighs 14 ounces. By adding a head tover. or 'someetveightd deviee, 504931 • - G06ERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION • .39. ST. 'DAVID ST. • NO FUSS• t JJADY TO BE . LIVED_ IN *TV *Moder'n- .4." Spacious * Fully furnished * Tastefully deciratcd *. Economical ' Financing available There is a Mobile Home waiting • for you at T N S !„,,c)r,114, 1.1()MT: COURT • Itt)R1. 11.011\1 tii.i.voy, 21, 832.2467 Will -often eatise trouble and replace it with a new one. inconvenience on a fishing • Prior to the ppening of the , The hest time..,ria.....chec,k tishirt,g,,,mas.(3a, ,s4d. liners,shoulds over your tackle is during the • winter months when' fishing is • , more or legs at a standstill. Check 'the guides on your fishing rods, especially the tip guide. Worn guides should be replaced as they will weaken the line. Frayed windin should be, rewound, -;-„Use size 00 pylon thread, and coat the windings with . at least two coats of clear varnish. The cork handle on your rod can be eakily cleaned up with sand. paper. Reels should be taken apart and cleaned. Soak the gears in A/6. 2 be removed and replaced with new ones. This is ,especially -true of monofilarAnt line which has a tendency to "kink up" if left on the reel spool for any length of time. Fly lines shoeld ,be removed from the reel,'cleaned with fly line con. p16 /. ditioner, and hung on a peg in . loose coils over the winter months. • Next, empty your° tackle box' and wash it out. Before replac- ing the lures, sharpen ,the hooks with a hook hone (Fig 2). The finish on spoons and spinners often become kerosene before applying dull. --Use silver -polish to re: .,greascanctoil. The bearings on store the.natural finish of the • a bait casting reel can be oiled 'lure. A little time taken in "The . without taking the reel apart , off season to renovate your (Fig. 1.) However, avoid re- tackle will prove"- beneficial moving both en,d c,aps at the many, .times • over -during the same time as this will put the fishing season. TIP OP THE WEEK When using spinning tackle, never attempt,,,to reel in line when the fish i making a ruL You gain'nothing by doing this, and if will cause monofilqment t9 become badlF twisted. •, 0) e 0 your. • THANK YOILO the'ccach and manager -of the Legion Novice Hotkey • Club, wish to. thank our players for a good season that • was very well played. To the parents we wish to extend a hearty "thank you" for their continued support, both in Goderich and, at out-of-town gatnes. , On liehalf of the Oranch 1,09 Legion, and, the Goderich • Minor Hockey ' Ass9ciation we - offer our ;sincere' • appreciation'. Yours insportsmanship, Dori Elliott, Coach; •' Howard Carroll, Manager. 16 • you make 'the chit mere useful in, strengthening up the whole body used i,n the swing. It's a good idea to practice swinging the ;club with the head cover on before, hitting a, ball. With the cover removed. the 'club seems light ,arid your swing .shOuld improve. :**`-1/ViEDDiftkiG '.....PHOTOGRAPHY * .PORTRAITURE *" PASSPORTS * 'COMMERCIAL Maxwell Studio J. SNYDER 'PHOTOGRAPHY ' . Call Wingham 357-1851 ••• • The buck starts here: 77% to 85% • of your dollars •w E R4,-.,„1,4:11,1vse • .buys iunrivietsst:the, • in'T:)aUi:n17c1dFLet. buys life -insurance, Get into a growthsituation with built hi guarantees: Manulife Investor, • a variable insurance plan. Call yournearest Manufacturers Life Ftepresentative. • 10471 MAHNInFh111,1.1.T LIFE FT Li. MEETING k. Sunday, April 25th • TOWN HALL -2 P.M. Alt Teams Or Interested Persons • PLEASE AtrEND .:--REG. JEWELL, • President Industrial Softball League 1.1 �i