HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 5• 0 11 • ••••••••••••••••• .r .•„4"',14 nl* 4` • • .04 DANCE APRIL 24th 9 1 Hall Alusif fly .The •COUNTRY BOYS For fiCkets Phone 524-0162 Qr 482-3240. 4 41ili Ot aril t14)..N. t , pAYFIELD (Iiitthway 21 6) - .0t)PERICH ENTERTAINMENT Dining & Dancing FAIDAY- 84 SATURDAY APRIL 23 &'24 • ' I ••••• - • - ,..o0DgfttcliSIONAl..-STAR,TtifiRSDAY,'R14 '4474,4 • 14. Curtain Up! • " • " , •••• • '3,••.•• .; „ , ; ' • • ''",** , • • ..-`1,40144, :1X5"/..•;k 4V.N.frr,,,t,"••(:" ••••••• arretr... 2.`A.karNX..4, "41Nr,514#,' Thursday, April 22nd Only!' _Jt's Cokinel Sanders' Canada -Wide • • 0 1 for the Signal..ttar's new EINITERTAIMPRIIA1111", , • # , . • • , , .4.. iez....... .N.! . ,. v• -''''''''.•044',4**-..)..,,....,4•.....,•9"*„.44,........,.,,z.., .4,...f.. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON -- ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. " FIRST SHAW AT 8:30,14.:Me OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY UNTIL WED., MAY 19 FRI. - SAT. - SUN. April 23-24-25 — DOUBLE FEATURE — •-"UP IN .THE CELLAR", 1.1ITTAR 1 RESTRICTED to PUICHS rigs Of *11 011 CM' • In Golor 'Joan Collins Wes Stern Judy. Pace "BLOODY MAMA • Shelley Winters PlalOnnt Diane Varsi, 0, •01 Oa 0. In Color Cartoon ,Caming Next Friday, - Saturday and Sunday — APRIL 10; --mAy 1-7 "KELLY'S HEROES" - AND "THEMOONSHINE WAR" • .D1SCOUNT • RECORD BAR, LATEST .H (TS Also Tape 'Cartridges, • And Cassettes JEWELL .BROS. The Square S P RJ 1\1-G S e a Demonstration of Tri -Chem Liquid Embroidery painting4and stamped goods, April 29th 10 a.m. So 6, p.m.; April 30th 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at 9 Albert St:, CI in ( formerly Crvv afod's Meat. Market) , Refresin:nent's. se-rved. 15.,,16 -..---HARBOURAIRES 'plus many other mUsicalnumbers supply int; ariA evening of religibus Sunday, April '2 -5th, at 7 p,m., .First Baptist.' Church, 'Montreal • Street. —.14,15,16 . DESSERT' Card Party aid .1'.31<se Sale' at 'Carlow Hall, May 5th 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., spon,sored by Tigei Dunlop WI. A,drn rssion 75c. Everyone welcome.. — •Satiirify Matinee.: 24 4 YlIWICSAN • • ,• •,!:i ,.) -' • Cromwell 01.4.1,14•Y. ONE COMPLETE SHOWING 7tAlt11190- „go., • E EVERY -60,1'0(S F Rif NDIY• FAMILY PHYSICIAN! • :m•-• ELLIOTT COULD R TICK 15 WAITING .. R SYMPHONY -AVAILABLE &from G0051104 ROTARY CLUB , Presents The. London° :,Syniiphony • lit Concert Brady Speoial Guest — BT B , GOCI AUDITORIUM SUNOPN, APRIL- 25th, 101 -- 200 P.M, ATUO,gNT $1.00 DULT $2.50 * ANYMEMBER OF "GODERICH.ROT4RY7CLUB. * CONTACT GLEN LODGE, PHONE 524-7521 FOR TICKET INFORMATION,. • •• ,,• **LIMITEDUMBER -OF TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE -DOOR •11 QN A FIR T\ COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS. 4" pE. SURE 1-041'ING THE CHILDREN, THEY'LL LOVE' .CFPI,'S • BILL BRADY, NARRATOR OF PETER AND -THE WOLF. go• THE IS THE # % %-- 1 f , *)•'n, '''''' ,, n ,. dt:,,,:‘, $'`,4 ir • ONLY CHEOULEO PERFORMANCE THE OF . . , .LONDON SYMPi-IONY7- IN THIS AREA . ..... . ••• • '4, • ""DoN"f MISS • . • , a I 4 40 4• • • • •e . ' . • • , • „ , ' • , , N • • 14-17 ' THE GODERICII • Women's Institute will sponsor, a -hake sale in the .tloderich Mill End, The Square; Friday;' April :lOth, at 2"p.m. — 1506,17' — _• . , • WATCH FOR — `!La Boutiime- Fashion Show and Dessert Party, —.5:30 and 9 p.m., at Si. Oeorge's Hall, 'pril. 28, 1971 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 COME to the Spring Concert of the • G9'derrai .-Trt45le Singers. A varied" musicat:prOgram will be presented at North Street Church on Tuesday, May 11-th, at' 8:30 Admission- adults Tfckets.are available froth any member, of t' -‘e ' A SERIES of prenatal clas.ses will begin Wednesday,••April 2S, 1971„ at 2 ,at Knox Presbyterian, Church,' (Joderi'ch. These will be, al weekly intervals for eight weeks. Those interested are invited to at or phone the keallh Unit. offic, Goderich 524-8301 betwen, 9 a.m. and 5 p.m: — 15,16 Mr. and Mrs. John Crad.dock will hold Opu House at their home, 156 Cameron. Stret,q, Goderich, on April 26 on the2ocrigiiliilir their 60th wedding,arm,iversary, from 275 -in, the afternoon and 7-9 at night. No gifts pleast' 16' THE TigerorRunlop WI will hold their regular meeting in the Township Hall, April 2811-1,, at 2 p.m. Guest „ speaker on. horticulture. Members please -takeTiotice. --- 16 0.) .7, 11.: • • • NEXT TRAVELOGUE TUESDAY, APRIL 27 JAMES FORSHEE "Japan" Sponsored by Goderich Rotary 4/ • FIRESIDE ;, in the home ,Of Albert 'Durst near • Benmiller; Frida, April 23rd at 8:30 pm, Open dscussion on the Baha'i Faith Phone 524-6354. — 16x RECEPTION for Mr. nd Gary Austin (nee.. --Sharon Wagner) in the Leucknow Legion' Hall on Friday, April 30, 1971. Ti ffi•n's . Orchestra. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. —. 16,17nc‘ • .. .. Mr. and Ms. Albert Tklylor hold Open 11ouse for friends - and relatives on the occasion of their' 60th weddrag anniversary in Knox -Church Parlour fipm 2-5 p.m. on Saturday, April 24, 1971. — 16 GODER.ICH Highland Dancing Association is holding a • Card party at the Legion HII starting a1 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 29.. Come and enjoy euchre ,..or '500. Prizes and lunch. • E/eryone Welome. .50d Per person. — 1647 BINGO Every Saturday Night LEGION HALL :Starting Time -8: 30 p.m. ossmormammimmium, COMING APRIL 26 tp ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL • Clinton For ONE WEEK ONLY MERCY BROTHERS 16b • MtNirmrrorroi. ENTERT AINMENT Cocktail Lounge FRIDAY' Smokey Dunn's Hillbillies SATURDAY ELGIN' FISHER TRIO * LAblES & ..ESCORTS ROOM * • TIHE TRI TONES FRIDAY SATURDAY 6, FREE PARKING — TAM/ SNACKS COMMERCIAL EITEL SEAFORTH