HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 39, • 41444.44444.74444.0. First CWL conveotion- wos held back in 1921 • ,e ITS -ORIGIN- - — - ignatia, 'F'onndress. Or the Sisters r ***After reading last wee x s column, a lady asks us what we have against Clinton -and its townspeople. Shucks, m'.am, not a darn thing. / As a matter -of fact, there are a lot of nice people over there. aut one Clintanite in particular, a close friend of Ours, certainly has ,our synipatifY. 'Seems he went to ,London to,:. do sine shopping on [gattIrday and was trapped between the third and forth floor -of a • targe department store for nigh ontb 'eight hours, PoOr'rellaw. Seems OP . the escalator !yoke down. * * * • • ***One,of the echelOtis•from the OntariO Chainber of Commerce traddled "into town last Friday to ee What the score- was on Goderich's not having either a chaMber, or a Board of Trade. When you come to think of it, it is a .little ,unuaual to see a town our size ‘,4,......withatiVs401,4094W0,ext-4,,, • • ° , * • -4C+ ,;"4:-'4 ** ounMlfor Stan- PrafttaSked us -if we-.cauld remind'ettizensta be on the lookout for new yield signs about town. Apparently they are putting them up here and there and, hejeels if people are made aware of them, there will be less difficulties. We did take a couple of • calls from people wanting to know why they weren't warned about those traffic islands like the one at Montreal and Elgin. Streets. Well, it we really don't think drivers have to be given reams of advance notice on such things. . * * * .***And big bouquets to members Of the local I.O.D.E. Seems the group had two ladies at last week's council meeting and plan on sending a couple of. their representatives to the town ,daddies'' chambers each week, "just to see what's going on." Sounds like a *real good idea; perhaps if more local groups would take the town interests to heart council membets would beP.bing, to full houses every week. So far he only real spectators we've seenat these • meetings have been *Mr. and Mrs. R. Hay -don, who seem to take a keen interest in local affairs. ' t * `4' * ***Motorists are reminded that studded snow tires must be off *cars by April 30, which means you have nine more days,left. And if • the government gets its way (and doesn't it usually?).that,will be the end of studded tires onOntario highways. The pros and cons of studs are many. Personally," we do think they are helpful but if the damage' 'they are doing to our highways is as the government wheels • say, then let's get rid of them. 47 ***And back to that -traffic island- again. Would you believe that - there is a stipulation in one ofthe town's bylaws whereby such temp&ary'struceures must be removed during a council meeting?. •Town...fathers aren•!.t taking.. the order too—seriously, as a matter of fact it's a standing joke around town hall. If the order were to be 'enacted the only alternative we can see is to have Harry Worsell draw up a roster and appoint a different council membereach week to pick up the traffic island .before ebuncil meeting..We!re still not sure • where one is supposed, to put- it but imagine that if it were enforced our town claddies'would certainly find a place! • „ * * • •'REPORT , On •Sunday, . April 4, iifveeigation was • made ' on, a • • shigle-vo vehicle collision''7Wcfr .. o7curred on Huron County • Road 25 involving a vehicle •• operated by Thomas Edward O'Neill, • RR 3, . Goderich. ibamage was incurred by the O'Neill vehicle. • On Sunday,' April 4, on • Highway 8' • West of Junction 1Huron Road 15, James- Wm. Alexander, RR 4, Walton, and Rager Edward Haugh, Toronto, 'were involved in a two vehicle collision resulting in minor damage to both vehicles. On Tuesday, , April 6, - Safety Talks were given at 4 , on Huron bounty,Schools involving :a 'total of45 children. • General: -requests for assistance 7-16; prisoner escorts — convictions — in -Provincial Court, Criminal • Division; Goderich,. • 7 , persons were can Victed .of •1-1. T. A., offences. Motorists! Now thatnSpring is officially here, this means We'll .• be having many rainy days. On these rainy days, be watchful for children. Remember...It's harder for THEM to see you. It's also harder to sto on ,the wet pavement in any emergency such'. as a child darting out iri•fi'ont of you. Please take it easy on rainy days — WATCH FOR CHILDREN — and remember, children won't always remember to watch for you! • Because of the monumental' pf St. Joseph London 'and a task of settling the, thousands number of Sisters who had of immigrants :Picking to been stationed at St. Joseph's Canadian shores, all nationally Convent, Goderich, that being organized wamen's groups ,in the only Convent besides, the Canada had ;been • called' to , Motherhouse in - London, for Ottawa to share their viewsand-- Tsome years. League members opinions,, with the Minister of assisted in many- ways in the Recap ,s truet ion and Jubilee•fistivides. Iminigration.t.t this time..the The77045aerIch Sub ib of Catholic Women's League was the CWL observed "itg organized on a National basis, Birttiday on May 12, 1926 with APHPmE 'THE FIRST coNFFRENcE Hall.: At that dine there were . 2,0.0 glturch The first General Meeting or 86 members. - ' Conference!, •was called in- June • in MontreaL, and •EUClipictisTic. CONGRESS lie7etedlibeffe-teggtes4tisrtutazaro"Ark-64The- u eharistic 'eongress, -for Canada attended. Thus, the • the Diocese. of London, 'took Catholic Women's. 'League of place at St. Peter's Church on Canada had come into being. ' September 15, 1933. The Most Rev. J. T. Kidd,- Bishop of ORGANIZING London officiated, , assisted by 'His Excellency Most Rev. M. the pastor, Rev. Fr. L. P. F. Fallon, Bishoji of London, Lowry and visiting clergy. who attended, the Montreal Benediction took place at the Conference, immediately upon home of Judge and Mrs. T. M. his return, began ro appoint Costello, 'Nelson S. W. An altar organizers to tour the London was erected on the large . . . Diocese. During 1921 many • verandah, and crowds of priests,- • were organized in Sistersparishioners and school cities, towns and rural areas throughout the Dioceses in this capacity, Mrs. B. C. McCann, of London, 'on- the invitation of Rev. Father A. ,D. McRae, the pastor, came to Goderich in •May 1921, and addressed the inaugural meeting -in the Vestry of St. Peter's Church. Father McRae was the First Director and Mrs. J. J. Doyle, the First President in Goderich.' FI RS.I. CON•VENT.1,0N. The First Annual National Convention was held in Toronto in June 1921. Mrs. W. A.- Coulthurst was- delegated to repteseiir the Goderich Subdivisiot`P at the Convention. * * Some eresting and important events, some ,of historie value, have bey selected from the recdrds as Huron County • Road 25 Goderich Detachment personnel investigated frrepOrt of damage - to highway . guide posts apparently caused, ' by an unknown motor vehicle. Charges have been preferred in this • investigation. • bn Saturday, • April 10, on Highway 8' approximately 3 miles East of Goderich, a vehicle operated by Robert"• Leslie Egmondville, Ontario; was damaged by fire , which Originatedin the engine area of the vehicle. W. J. Denomme IFLOWE SHOP Phone 124. 8132 DAY OR 'NIGHT nt for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING .44•440 -4444•44!•••••444.4.4.••••••••••••••••••••„.••••••••444. k , THE EARLY YEARS In , the early years, much interest had • been centered around the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, soon ,to be re -located. New methods- .of raising • money, were , in** order. • Local women's' organizations sponsored a .candidate for Carnival Queen for the Dominion Day 1923• ' celebration.MisS Mary Ryan of —St*. Peter's was the saecessNI.- candidate, and was " crowned Carnival queen.at that time. The Gol4gn Jubilee of St. Joseph's Convent.' Thanksgiving Day 1923, was attended by many *cli§tingu)stied guests, inclycling Rev. Mother FOR yOUR • • FIRE INSURANCE - • ' See br PhOhf A e • MALCOLM • MATHERS. GENERAL INStItANCV AGENT • 46WEST.tT. , •524.9442 0, 4, BULLDOZING • FENCE BOTTOMS,' . STONE PILES • EXCAVATING TWO BULLDOZERS FOR BOTH SERVICE RR 2 '4•• V.,4741K4.34444•44"Itirl• :41C•ge:44a107e.:7 624-9804 GODERICH children , were ,accomthodated on the spacious lawns. League mernbers took charge of the noonday ,luncheon and buffet supper at the Sunset Hotel, for visiting clergy. • DIOCESAN CONVENTION The 30th Annual Convention Of the London Diocesan Council of the CWL was held at the Hotel Sunset h1 June 1950. , The _Convention, theme was "Holy Year" with 151 delegates rallstered, representing 46 Subdivisions. A rec,eptiOn- and tea at the home of.Judge and Mrs. T. M. Costello; and a Holy . Hour at St. Peter's Church, preceded the Formal Opening of the Convention. The special speaker at the onvention banquet -was His Excellency the Most -Rev. John • C. Cody, BiOdp of London, and National Director of the • CWL. His subject was "My First Trip to the Eternal City." Bishop Cody related that,Rome was a • veritable fairyland by night, and a review of early Christianity by day,' He described briefly/his 12 Min. t audience with the Holy Father, Pope Pius XII. "You would no doubt be • amazed when , His Holiness -asketrabont-eatii 'corner -ol---tshe -,.Diocese with an apparent knowledge pf the distria, and to prove his interest in us, he —EOntributed money ° the. Manitoba" Relief Fund and the •Oubec towns qf Cabana and Rimouski." CLOSED FOR VACATION LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT WEST, STREET •• • -WILL_ BE CLOSED • ..1 MONDAY; APRIL. 26 UNTIL MONDAY, MAY 17 JEAN WITMER • -Proprietor GUENTER HEIM GRAPHIC ARTS WE ARE PLEASED TO BRING THE FOLLOWING SERVICES TO GODERICH • COMMERCIAL ART —' SIGNS 0 ta TRUCK LETTERING — INTERIOR & EXTERIOR - •DESIGN & CONSULTING "A COMPLETE ART & SIGN SERVICE" ,GODERICH, 38 EAST• 524-6601 ri 11 STOCKER FEEDER SALE HEIVSALL SALES ARENA SATURDAY,MAT 1st, 1:30 p.m 8100 HEAD VICTOR CONSISTING OF STEERS, HEIFERS And CALVES FOR CONSIGNMENTS. c*ONTACI THE MANAGEMENT HARGREAVES JACK 2.74V047;F#*;1PWCORMgwirin4=MAPqr AUVridiVE SVHECrainfkiittft" "'' LARRY GARDINER ' • • , , 44. Mrs.; Lillian Summers, Cypress St.,, has returned from a two-week trip to Florida. She was accompanied by her son and ,wife, IvLr. and MrsWiJijarn Mohring, Lonclan. They toured „Sypress.*4 Gardens and Bush Gardens, ., • "rnommairaimianimimmr, "'•'. Miss Catherine Toil, ewL, , Provincial Secretary; read a ...telegram from. His • Eminence James C. Cardinal McGuigan, Archbishop • of ' Toronto, proclaimirtchiS Wessing aw,the , Cb.tiV6ntictiwielegata% • HUNGARIAN CRISIS The Hungarian Crisis in 1956 was a 'natter of great concern. Hungarian refugees - had fled from their' hoineland due to the Communist Rule in their country. Over 90 refugees came to Huron County; 50 of 1h6se were . placed in the *Goderich. district by the Federal, Immigration Depart Aft immense amount of work had. been done by the Goderich Lions Club through- their. welfare epmmittee; the Maple Leaf Chapter IODE; and three organizations from St. Peterr's Church, in rehabilitating these refugYees. Various other groups and individuals rallied to the aid of some 13 families. • ° • LOCHALSH 4 •' ciDERICH SIGisTA. te§,T411, my Ar•ftgr; 4"14:44 The s adie's of Ashfield , •°' Presbyterian Church WMS held - • prey • 'meeting on Thursday evening at - the church.. Ladies from the 'Dungannon and, Whitechurch Societies were present to hear Mrs, Murray MacLennan of `Wingharn..show slides and talk on her recent visit to Japan. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie were Mr. , and Mrs, Ray MacKenzie of Toronto. Mr. John: • McCharles 'of Petrolia spent the weekend' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mcdharles. • Mr. and Mri.. Gordon. • al a.t gradn where. . hthet4pjeatkteeilnddei an • the reunion or nurses having graduated from the Stratford • Hospital. It was' the last time for the old school which will now be replaced hy a new one. Mrs. Oliver McCharles was the delegate to •the District 8 l-j9rticultural meeting in Lions Head on Saturday. Her -report • 'will be, given At the regular meeting of the Ripley.—and District Society on ,Tuesday •,evening, Mrs. Doug Martin is employed at the bake shop in Ripley. Mrs. Mary Hannah Martyn •'has returned to here home -Lin Ripley after k, spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. Misses Donna and Linda Wylds of, London were weekend visitors with ' Mr. and Mrs. Warren' Wylds. Med'ica-atici was given when required' and Julius Kovacs Volunteered , his services as interpreter in " countless oeeasios- English classes were started about July .1, 1957 in the old Collegiate Building of Britania Road, after the CWL had contacted the Ontario Departmen't of Education. In observing? this Golden Milestohe.,,in League Histoiy, St. Peter's' CWL is privileged to 'have with them, a number of • early members, • who will be honoured guests at the Jubilee banquet on N1onda,,-(Ilext. * Among - them rs Mrs, Peter Graf, 106 Nelson St. E, and ` Miss • Mar, Lacey, 197 Cambridge St., the 'oldest president,., and theoldest' treaSurer. - • Vtich work has gone into the -pIaimtci tuake.the ,60,th'', Annivetsary a t"nemorable occasion for its members:, ,•• 4 • • • BY WILMAOKE A budgelt of. $2,191,200,00 was approved Monday Might in Se4 r P rbO nalt4rt'shpePeplty ial.MMeefttLiOnMg-pollt the• Hutr: Catholic Ser;arate Schaal 'Baird: This is an increase of five and. one-half .per cent .Over last year's budget of $2,071;163.00. • ' Jack ' Lane, business administrator, in outlining the . budget report, said the 'ordinary expenditures, which include all ex UV of th. hoard, will • rota $0,1, 5,045; except for e -vex tr a rdifitry, eNperidittoes -include debt- charges (principal and' interest on debentures), transportation and tuition leek willhe $466,955.00. The' maximum required from . the 45 municipalities in the two counties for separate school purposes - will amount to $375,225 less the educapon nill rate subsidy of $32,540 for a net break even'requirernent from the blunielpalit0 ies :$34;2,68500 ,raised throtigh taxationsit This requirement from the. municipalities of $342,685 .will 4�yid,for the refund or the original 1960 surplus. am ott$ of $46,44.8 and to recover$44$1.,2 -from former ,under lev,tes 114 ears 1,9691md4970; • Trustee Michael Corm 11 R• . R 4, Kipperit.,chairinap of the Finance Committee, said a rnig rate raise can be evected, reported the committee will, - meet on April 16 ,.to review -0e , —rates -,.for each' -wiU'ask for a special ineeting.of the board when the levY'fiitiach municipality is determihed. John Vintar, superintendent of education, reported that a • meeting to '' discuss the implications • of ,continuing separake school education to the 'end of Grade 13 will be held in 'St. Joseph's Parish Hall in Stratford on April 19 at 8 p.m. For Your INSURANCE see or call MacEwan & MacEwaro 44 North "St.' — 524-9531 °P. Donald G. MacEwan Peter S. MacEwan C!IFIEP VISITING.HOMEMAKERS ,.,REQUIRED ‘ I - • The Home Care Programme proposed for the Seaforth,,Ciinton area requires ' Certified .Visiting' Homemakers.. A course for women interested ii qualifying as a Certified Visiting Homemaker will be offered in the Clinton area soon. This course will be -organized by Conestoga College and sponsored by CanadiManpower. For further information, please contact the Huron County. Health Unit, Court House, Goderich, phOne 524-8301. '44.4.44mmeramnarr a, • NOW UNDER THE MANAGEWNT,OF STEWA T STEENSTRA RED BARNS — BLUE BARNS — GREEN' BARNS — MacDONALD'S — BURGE HEAVANS NAMES, JUST NAMES WHEN IT COMES TO 1311RGERS, ETC., NO ONE MINI -PRICED HAS' LOWER PRICES. BETTER VALUE - CLEANER PREMISES THAN THE MAGER BAR... MENU CiAR-BROILED JUNIOR BURGER 30' • NORMAL SIZE HAMBURGER SENIOR BURGER 404 Double Deck BURGER 554 TWO SENIOR PATTIES — 6 ol: of PURE BEEF CHEESEBURGER -45:` POLISH PUP (8AUSAG El 35 Hot Dog, 254 loot Long' 454 FRENCH FRIES A • MINI- PRICED CHICK 'NI' CHIPS MOST IN -TOWN FOR THE -PRICE • 1.1 FRENCH FRIES ONION • RINGS ,304 , • MILKSHAKES —304 COLD DRINKS- M 15 COFFEE HOT CHOC. 151 e ' SPECIAL AYS 5 HEAPING 0I3DERS FOR -ONLY • The Best In Town .,•41`..,',5''''`a.1441°./ d, 4741. .41.0142 1.00 ermiaireassui • • 4444.4. 44