HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-22, Page 1124th -.YEAR -16
)uyligh t so Nin :time
�,,s„„ a et, ��k% .".,H'. PkraY'i e',i,L'�,"n.r. "Ni'W,j&>ML•
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Id's that time of year again 'whets we' lose an
hour's sleep but gain an extra hour of daylight,
from thereon.
Dayligh saving, gime begins at 2.a.m. Sunday4
and Goderich and district residents are reminded,
to turn their clocks ahead one hour: ' •
That's Sunday, April 25, •2 a.m. -• daylight
saving time begins. •
Frontiersmen form here,...
will assist IurItnr.patrol
The Corps of Imperial
,..,Frontiersmen, whose purpose is '
to function as an auxiliary
police. force in times of need
and to protect life and
property, have asked town
• council. 'for a mooring site, as
well as' assistance in the supply
Ao gas and.. oil ..- _....
A spokesman for the
Goderich-based group said his
Corps will retain two men on
" an " easily -recognizable craft a '
all times, one of 'which may
assist the harbour' master if
required. The men will ,patrol
Goderich harbour and vicinity
to .assist,•any craft, in distress.
The local corps was formed
in December of 1970. Tile
charter requires , that , all
members of 'the' csrps be
familiar with public relations,
law, powers of arrest, first aid
and the liquor control act.
The local Corps of Imperial
Frontiersmen, which .is •
affiliated with the Legion of
Frontiersmen whose
headquarters are at London,
England, assisted at the •
Goderich arena during the
recent I�ion''s sponsored -Young
Canada. Week. ''
The corps has a - 15 -foot,.
fiberglass craft equipped with a
55 horsepower motor and
meets all requirements of the
department~, of transport,
including first aid, towing, fire
fighting and pumping
The spokesman added, "as
the Frontiersmen is a non-profit
organization, this service will be
provided .(with 'the exception of
the mooring site and assistance
in supplying gas and oil) at no
e'se t� the town of
New bylaws
just means Accept bid
-- no dumping on- new tack .
, ti
Mar, B. Howell of 12 St.
Vincent' St., Goderich, has let
tan council know she wants
action taken on the installation
of a heavier water line on her
street. ,
' In a letter to town fathers she
pointed out that she realized St.
Vincent Street was not one of
the most important arteries,of
the town, and consequently had
been patient.
"Now a situation .has arisen
which might develop into an
emergency," Miss Howell wrote,
She explained that the water line
is very old and may give out at
-n-, moment.
LI •
This is the scene at .the corner- of Montreal and • Elgin Streets: 'Goderich Town Council' spent
considerable time last week discussing the new traffic island pictured here. It was pointed out that
it is an experiment being conducted by the town police to determine whether or not &permanent
island would alleviate some of the traffic problems encountered at this intersection.
Goderich ,couflcit:briefs
"Therefore I request that a '
provide better water
,,service edu heavier water Aine be installed ® ®
sooner toservice for e •washroomfacilities
all the residents on the street."'•
" W
The letter stated that the • / .12) ,
providing of better water service
for all the residents'on the. s reef: orSt.ristop' s .
was necessary before -;any work is -'.
done-- • -W.—. it rove KAs n'fa'ce ',Co"me•- ,bu.d .et,. t'.r • hich :, Daniel „J. :\1urph, ', president of installation of a ,$241Q2 sprinkler -L,--
conditions. P incidentally isn't2t o. far off '4thl \ Li(f'nd"" Country ('lub,a'Sy'Steni at, the community arena. ,_ :`
' . "When the time comes for according to finance committee 1,1tttited, asked „that the club be ('K.NX radio requested and '
received approval to broadcast ,
from -a location somewhere on
the square during 'the months of E
July and August. . '
A letter or• thanks from
Kathy ()'Keefe, R. R,'"• - 3, ' _
Goderich, was read. s Miss =
()'Keefe thanked--m4'.or -Harry E'
Worsell, "Thr his . warm
hospitality shown when children ''',1"." -
bIlimulululttnuWmiumemlulnimanatuiiialliii muliliel lilnnitinilulfrmutYulltllln111111111111110
Iditoriol .ca.m r en#u a .._ ,L,...-.. .
i0ter e
you. °, <t teL. ... f
in country th_club?
— •atYjnV/+Hr
that," she continued, "may I chairman deputy reeve Dave
suggest that theroad be lowered Gower, and Goderich councillors
and the sidewalk raised in areas ' will be considering a . $2,952
where"this is needed for a better "ubuilding housing- washroom and
relationship between the two, picnic facilities •at St.
and perhaps a curb on the south. , Christoper's Beach. 1
side of the street. The road and .Estimates for the building
sidewalk are.., both in terrible ,were sent.' -in by '' Goderich
condition and should have major Manufacturing Company. The
surgery" but it would be t '
a waste pr -see includes es t.we basic btId'
of money 'to 'do this before the only.
water line is done." • in
"In my humble opinion;" she'
concluded;"the cheapest way to
accomplish the most is to follow
the .laying of the water fine with
an immediate start on street
`resurfacing in the sequence and
ti•min _required for the best
result - ..-__ _
for town works Skaters'for town works
A rather, lengthy bylaw -•- bid from Bluewater Truck
• number, 13 of 1971 of . the C
town of entre Ltd. of $8,767.50 for a Goderich to be precise new Crud(' for the ' Goderich , a `,
k qt:it
Roller skating enthusiasts are
reminded -that .skating -at the
Goderich arena, . started last-.,.
Friday, from 8 p.m, to 11 p.m.
and continues' .every' Friday, •
Saturday, - Sunday and
Wednesday nights at the same
Roller skating, "in•Goderich's
newly , renovated arena'" r— oil
Western Ontario's best roller
floor" is open "to• everyone.
Cost: is 50 cents, with a 40 cent.
skate rental charge.
- •appeared in last week's• department of public works was
Signal -Star and reeve • Paul accepted in principle 'by council
Carroll thought perhaps a word last week. The tender, lOWest. of
of explanation was in' order.
five„submit ted, was referred ”.to
"The intent of the bylaw the public works committee to
basically," . he said *"is to " ensurer that, the truck referred
prohibit the dumping of refuse to complied ,.with specifications
over lake ,pr river banks or dead required, and ' ' if so • the.
department, was to order the
end streets." • � ; •, -., _ ,�,
The bylaw was apassed in vehicle. If the truck quoted on
February by council ;and was did ;not meet specifications,
effected as an anti -litter bylawthen the matter would have toy
-for any public areas in town. be referred to council again:
Mr. Carroll referred to the AA b I le home
problem at the beachresr-
"where, in some cases, it looks' g e"t,r�r essi ng
'16f tow+ -.-".:fathers °
Any person convicted of a
breach of any of the provisions
• of the bylaw shall forfeit and
pay at I•the discretion of the
convicting magistrate, a penalty
not exceeding $300 (inclusive
of costs) for each offence.
The bylaw is being published
• again this - week in the
Signal -Star.
in addition, a -special "one
and' only spring pickup" will be
carried out by the town ,works
department on Monday, May •3.
Material may be put out up
0' to 24 hours before that day.
Material on the boulevard by 8
a.m. on the third of May,
across' the ,entire. town, will be;
picked up.
• •
The erection of a mobile
home' on an existing foundation'
received the blessing of Goderich+
town , council at its regular
,meeting, ' Thursday night,
although there .were slight
objections from' - two members.
"t; Both reeve Paul Carroll and
councillor Frank .Walkom
suggested that allowing the
mobile home to be erected orr
Albert Street might be, "setting
a precedence.
Councillor Ed Giesbrecht,
who sentthe letter to council on
behalf of the town ,planning
board, assured council that no
precedence was being set.
"This is not a- trailer," he
said, "it's a mobile home."
other councill business,
gie,n a $5,(.)00 "recreation grants
-from the town. The. spokesman
for the group also requested that
• the c•ouittr\' club he giv-en a
'rebate oil Its lases.
('ouhcillor Reg "Jewell
reported that 'the "boys are back
to-titrrk,0tn the ttm * parte - and
the facilities are gr tdually
getling'into shape.
. .1pproval was gi've, for t he
ketown band getti�
Are you interested?
It is highly --unlikely that everyone is,>„but-there • '_
should certainly be' enough people .in' Goderich
and district ,interested in the fate of -the Maitland
Golf and Country Club' that the selling of this
asset to Goderich isn't necessary.
An initial objective, has 'been set - $30,000 to =_
be exact - and this amount Must be obtained in E
a short period of time. . •
Dan Murphy, Q.C,, 'the club's president, E
announced that- a citizens' committee of
interested people has been -.formed to conduct the,.- g.
campaign and he repeated his staternent. that the
taxpayers of the town of Goderich should not be
asked to purchase, and operate- -the Golca"nd Y
Curling Club,
And rightly so!
the 'club is advertised, prominently it) the town
industrial tourist brochures, and the town should.
help to subsidize the, club by way of finartc-iaf
assistance; but the bulk of the burden should be, E
car-r.ied-,4e members and other interested
citizens. _
The committee has been encouraged= by the
support already promised by individuals who have,
had _no previous connection with ° the club' bu't
who are. interested in preserving the facility as a E
legacy` for future generations. •Pledges -of upwards
of $1,000 have already been receivd. But snore •
--r' many more. ” are needed. - E
Debentures will be sold in denominations 'of E.
$100 and Mr. Murphy) stressed that. ,t -he
of Mobse 'Factory visited - debentures will ,be perfectly -secure' and in the
� •.. 'series o corrce so:r �:ano��
The Goderich Laketown Band last suttini(r, is r(t urrtut ,•.arid :again with his' third group the
is ^ again. busily engaged , itswish--share, the program with thi' /4irich Centennial B1tnd and this
preparing a series of summer....,,....Mary Lynn Telford 1ltgh1ind program will be shared with. the
• Sundayevening band concerts to ` fRineers.,
be held in the,Goderieh Harbour
Park. .-".,_,,, ,
' The. Goderich District N,
Huron -Perth
TBRD holding
annual meeting
The An.oual meeting of, the
Huron- e_rt TBRD Association
will take pface at the Candlelight
Restaurant, Bayfield Road on
Wednesday, May '5 at 6:30 p.m.
Those making reservations are
asked to do so before April 29,
Tickets are $2.50.
As well as a report of past
year's accomplishments, an.
interesting and varied ^program
-... has been lined up.
Ed Thornpson of Toronto,
formerly with Pollution -.-Probe,
and now with the Ontari i'TBRD
Association, will be the guest
- speaker.
In ' mid1it;;itst' ('hail"es. Brenda • , Harrison Highland
Kalbfleisch will be on the stand Dancers.
w .
Collegiate Viking Band and the
Goderich Laketown Band will
combine under Bandmaster
Charles• •Kalbfleisch to open the
series early in June. The date is•
still. not 'decided' but- the hour
will be 7:30 p.m.
Nine, consecutiye Sunday
evening concerts will commence
:June- 2? wttli 'thN'nrw'ictr
Musical' Society Banff' on •the
stand. This . is- . the same very
polished- large band that thrilled
th listeners, for two ,hours last
smmer in ',the Goderich District
Collegiate Auditorium.
The first of July weekend and
the Civic Holiday weekend will
feature -the Goderich Laketown
Band under the direction of
• Charles Kalbfleisch.
Bandmaster Walter Williams,is
returning with his large and terry
fine Paris' Citizens Band and will
play .two Sunday concerts at
2:00 and 7:30 .p.m., This •is the
same outstanding band that,, two
years ago toured Scotland.,
By' Very popular request ,.Bill
Boettinger's Accordion Band
_from, Kitchener 'is 'returning and
will be heard on"Jta'ly 25.
Bandmaster Dgn, Hill and i`iis
Milverton Legion Band is also
scheduled' this summer. •
The neighboring " Clinton
'Legion Pipe 'Band, under Pipe
Major Hec ,,,,Kingswell, which
attracted such a • large audience.,
- event the .club was dispcised of, ;would be paid 'in•
The "Maitlz,,nd Golf and Country Club it-mci'r.e
than an assei to this community.: It -x genuine =
tribute. ,
Members of the, committee y tl�-be: contact ng
=._.: all, -business peo.ple,-.corporetions;-, shareholders. and
= interested citizens' in the town of Goderich 'in the
.,„.yery near future. . •
° = For the sake of all concerned”- get interested!
FIIIIIairruawitininiI111arainiar111anniIIurai 11tuasnlitllnuoi miner anttutiutmnnnuttutmlunitlh=
Show are members of the Goderich Brownies who flew' up to
Guides in a ceremony last week. Back row (left to 'right) '
Heather Brander, Marie Bolton, Sheila Vance, Susan -Goodwin,
Lynda "McIntyre and Celia Drennan Centre row: -Pamela lamb,
bonelda, Smith and Barbara Vance. Front row'. Kim Brady,
Carolyn Little''and Roberta Wheeler (photo by Bob Legg) x
,R1w�+P'�. s..4�/"1.�.,,bfAAywait,•,t�•� .r �� }'�5'"�YL.,r
Taking time out to
...:111110► ,>r.a ^t`7Y .:r'�..... ,..�.a
pose for picture While touring the Signal -Star office Monday are some` of the students
at Victoria Public School.
Goderich District Collegiate
Institute held its' annual, music
night '71 last Friday, which
featured GDCI's An stage and
Viking band,' Goderich
Laketown band and the (trey
Highlands • Secondary school
band from Flesherfon.
Over 400 people attended
the performance which .took
place from 8 .p.m. Co 10 p.tn'.
Mr. C.' Kalbfleisch should be
congratulated for his efforts,
not only rn organizing the night
of -entertainment, but also for
directing three of the four
.he, highlights of the evening
council for
• n, i' �atr" t,u. a+ar+,tt{,lpwl.A��
"The Meisteminger" arra.. r �f`tt1re..-.
Out, for a Jam Session." clubs in Goderich (staff;�roto)
These pillars at the entrance of the 'town on Highway 8 are presently under considuation by
erich #" «with an e e toMrecons uctipn or repair. Also lacing considered
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