The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-15, Page 15A 0
Mr. and Mrs: Bogues of
• Lucknow, parents of Mrs, Lorne
Emmertort, Mr. and Mrs.
Emmerton April 4th. '
Mr. Heber Eedy is bat lc in
. hospital again and is to have
4 ,
speedy recovery Mj. Eedy.
The 140L held the last card
party' of the season Thursday;
April 8th; Whew! That's a relief.
How many ways can you
describe a card, party? I was
beginning to feel just like the
fellow in the song who sang
"How many ways can I say that
I love you?" Well here gbes;
there were ten tattles and
everyone was able to play, with
none left out. Mrs. Mary Rivett
and Mr. Alvin Alton jitterbugged
into the first two places, while
Mrs. Walter Alton and Mr.
• Geordy Saunders tangoed slowly
into the two last places.
Everyone enjoyed himself.
Mrs. Irvin Eedy is home from
her stay in the hospital. Glad
you're better Colleen.
Oh! Before I forget; this will:
be my last -week as the
Dungannon reporter. .1 want to
thank everyone who has assisted
.me, by passitig on- news items
and I also want to -thank the
many people who were kind
enough to say that -they enjoyed
• the column. Starting„„next„..wegic,„
Mrs.. .1mnagr.W.A.
taking over. I know that you are
going to enjoy Linda's column
and she will " appreciate it very
much if 'yob will send her word
when Auntie Mame visits you
• from Buffalo or old Grampa
Whosit from North Bay drops in
• on you or your cat has kittens or
whatever. Linda's phone number
• is 529-7967.
Chuck Young 'is in London
Hospital again and had some
skin grafting done•this'week. His
Mother and Dad were down to
see him on Friday: -He's corning
along pretty well.
Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Eedy are
home for the holiday weekend.
I've been thinking abobt,pant
dresses and have decided that
theyre_the real _McCoy. •.
Oh let's all sing of the pant dress
A style that ts truly stibhme„.,__
If you're fat like me •-• .
And can't-crossthe knee •
It makes sitting a more modest
time '
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spry of
Niagara Falls, New York, visited
Mr. and Mrs.- Lorne rvers this
Say Kids! know of a cat in
the village that taught rabbits to
climb out -of their•cager. What do -
* yOur pets do?, •
Speaking of Cars-, one of ours
. -gave my• soli Laird .a traumatic xperience , yeSterdaY. TiTi
decided she was a mechanic and
was doing whatever cats clortO
444, •
Woman to v'Oman
-----Continued frOltiP-agc-Mr-.---0-7-thintrearauaent.$ wen
.* for the newspaper:1W felt that if debt for a bok of chocolates and
the names of the , would-be decided to sell tickets on it for a
'artists' were put into the paper draw.
for the world to see, it might yVell, if ever I have tickets tO
deter some of thei get rid of in a hurry I will know , •
• warni car .......engines (maybe
teaching it to purr), when Laird
started the car. ' The motor
•seerningly emitted an anguished
poems and other literary •gems with ticket number 565.
yowl, whereupon Laird turned I''
although I -hasten to caution,
off the motor athat some kids thrive on this sort chance to support, that particular
un;detthehood. ThereVvas white m sorry didnt get a
nd went to look of aclAvity,and are prOud to sign cause. You, know, once 4
-,. . alt.eover -thew» , crippled kid and I , sure
Al kr, 444 44. AAA 4.4. AAA
• _Nile 1.1CW pia
ham and sala
r writing
-energy. -(But this is a family who.., to., contact. Those 34
neitspaper, Mr. Gower.) ,' youngsters sold about 1400
Very wisely, - Councillor tickets in /2 hours and raised
Frank Walkom pointed clot Alat $117.61 for Bunny Bundle. How
few people have the fortitude to about that? ' " .
write their owl), names on the Winner of- the prize was Mrs.
bottom, ' of such drawings and • A. B, Straughan, 126 Park 'St.,
Nile U.C,V, meeting was.held
stoin the church Thursday, April 8
with -16 „mei-nbers and one child
app rec la te d't?re help - ol'
white cat scooted for the garage. enough. • gotfrarlYf
It gave poor Laird the willies. He At any rate, it sounds as , folks 1.didn't even know. That's
shZok fohalf an hour.
though the women's washrooffi maybe why I get such as special
r „
in the court house will pleasure out of helping any plan
turned up about 1:45 the next
morning with a fe-w cuts on her be painted .... at the taxpayers' to raise money
expense. children. •
for crippled
face but not much the Worse.
It has been reported that Mr. If 1 had the say I would-
riot so generous.draw I've had a letter from'a local,
Russ, Johnson and.. family are reader (or at least I suspect it is
together all the owners of the
moving into, the doctor's office.
names printed on the washroom someone from Goderich 'and
Mr. and Mrs. gill Blake and
Becky are home for a visit. area) concerning the Alexandra"'
walls and put them to work_....
Marine and General Hospital. In
paint they or their parents
"Jungle Wife". with
Would you like to have
had provided. -- the letter, the reader expressed
eight foot boa constrictor for a some rather thoughtful ideas
Realty, it is too bad that the"
which perhaps should be- aired
law doesn't provide for 'more
pet and bake your ' cakes with through the pages of this
ecsto e useon
crocodile eggs, spend,. degradingtatibd
offenders particularly young
hOlidayS with naked, Indians,
•from a rather shameful for that reason, I feel somewhat
cautious about printing the
dressed in a very few, feathers,„) content of the letter. If. the
•I'm the kind of a person, for
Edith Seimel had this experiencewriter. would care to submit '
instance, who believes that a
and along ,with her husband - another note - this time signed
,young person who has been •
Sasha and friend Gordon I would -be -delighted -to use
charged and found guilty ot.',-
Scifendel has written a hair the ideas in thig column with or
speeding could be punished
raising and sometimes hilarious „., without the name of the
thore effectively ,by having to
account of seven years in the contributer. However, I • do
crawl.arouna theSquarewith his
South. .American jungle. It's .at
- hands -tied .behind his backs:ma.' require a signelci letter beflare. I
the'Library. can relay any thoughts
pushing a bean along the
Mrs. ,...fred Young„ for' t'h.e . .• contained in the correspon-
•roadway with his•nose. Granted
second time in just over a year,
has had word of a relative'
B eil in gh ams -
President Mrs. Elwyn Pollock'
welconied everyone. Mrs. Earl
Sherwood' and Mrs. Doug M'cN.eil
•conducted the, worship service
which • included an kaster
message, responsive reading and
Rev C.McClen- hart s -
xzeVilift-sOltr•-"4"Watiti Missions'
showing projects of the United.
Church in -many countries of the
world. •
Mrs. Pollock presided for the
business part of the meeting.
After the roll call,- Mrs.' Alvin
Kerr read 'the Secretarys' report
and a "thank you'.Lnote:. from
Mrs: Elwyn Pollock in
appreciation for gifts and cards
when in hospital recently. -
A joint luncheon meeting
with- Dungannan U.C.W. will be
held in. Dungannon, Thursday,
April 15. The ham and salad
watching tribal rites, or beinglaw breakers ,who could benefit "" The letter was not signed and
visited by dignified chieftains
asW1'Th6iT'This time ik was
Mrs. Hazel Carr. Mrs. Carr was
grand -daughter to Mrs. Sarah
Wilson from near the Nile..
Friends here will .- be
interested to know that Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Mclllwain,of '
London are home again 'after a
winter • in • Florida, with,
Christmas holidays in • the
Bahamas with their son. Mr.
McIllwain's health is not° the
The sap is " flowing, the
syrup's amaking and now' S the
. time to- lay in your year's supply.
of maple syrup. t
Word has been received of the
• death of Alvin Fowler, youngest
brother of Mrs. ,Dines.Campbell,,,
in Toronto. Fuuerai Monday at,
--Clinton. Out syrnpathy"tbArg:-
Campbell and the rest of the
_family. .
• We extend our sympathyealso
to ,,the family of Mr., Wes.
Burfbughs, formerly of
Dungannon. Wes. died suddenly
of a' heart ,attack about 1:
Sunday morning. ' funeral
Tuesday afternoon, the 13th, at
GOTerich. • •,
One way we could -each do
our bit ,t12 'stop pollution is •to
refuse CO buY '6op in cans or
• throwaway'bottles.,
111111111111111111110=11111111M •
Volunteers perform more than
90 percent of
the ana dian Red (Ler )ss S ) ict
it may, be a. Victorian kind of ence •
sentence- but- 'the -ridicule' that--
• person- would- face--ItOm''his
friends would be enough to..
ensure that he didn't hp to
repeat'th'e performance.
- The way the laws are
presently set up, it is a kind of
status symbol among the young
to be brought up in court, fined
d warned. It makes heroes out
of the kids in the eyes of their.
peers..... and paupers out of the
parents who Usually end up
paying the bills n court even • I
though • they had nothing • j
(directly) CO; do with the.
• *
It appears, that Sesame Street
has beefi,saved. I'm not sure just
h�* much the people of
GoderiEh and of Huron County
-had -to -do it, •but-,-; that -
doesn't matter now that we are
assured -local' stations can carry
the' program if they 's6 desire.
understand the program is,
even used in 'some kindergarten
classes. I'm not at all surprised.
Sesame Street is an unusually
fine productidh which fascinates
adults as well as parents because,
itis such a pleasant way to learn..
'Some kind of a record has
been achieved,'I'rn.sure, by Paul.
Carroll's Grade • 6 class at
Victoria Public School.
The • kids decided- to - do
something—for Bunny Bundle,
the .CFPL Easter campaign th
raise fulittrfor crippled children.
We have -a- good supply of the
. • and SANILAC
Seed Beans
Foundation and Certified. ,
All at. competive prices.
Seed drain
.4444•44•414. 4•4
W. J. Denomme
tlIGHT• 4_24°
• Agent for 24 -hr.
, ••, • '
11. • •• .
. •
• ciotnaucti. stcoti,A4,-,.5TAR.,,Tti,v8SPAY. 041, ,
supper will be. held Nile
Church, Wednesday, May 26, .
On motion of. Mrs. Hugh
McWhinney and Mrs. Russell
,Brindley, a railing .will be
installed at the basement 'steps.
Arnold " Stot 'ers will' be
contacted regardi g having water
piped -to -the church,
Mrs. W. H. Talrnay was
aneOinted, , delegate. to
VV!striiinstatollege in May._
• -Mrs. Alvin- Kerr '•and
David MacDairmid attended the•
Thankoffering.' meeting ih•4
Auburn during the past week.'
The meeting closed with
prayer by Rev. C.. M. Clenaghan.
and Mrs. Pearl Watson and Mrs.
W. H. Talrhay served tea.
• see or 011
WilestEwars & tilikicEwan
44 North St. - 524-9531 „
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Lasso 4 is available
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