HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-15, Page 4, • ,
Editorial commentary
. 1)
. ,.... ,,,, -prose,-cuting. attorney.. is, George
.' Falconbridge. ' presiding. . The.
TiCe"--7-1,ilacicstoCk, K.G.' . of ••
.' •"
Crown Attorney Seager. The
•,'furthesvidence both yesterday • .-
- . and kis`...morning followed the
.-...:. 2-1:i*.:—.:":!. • 6 , : line, brought out at the inquest;
.., man' witnesses declaring that
I.% they saw Jardine and Lizzie
- - Anderson, • together at the fair
trig t 0 t:-... -3 7: 'a :-..:. .207.7: ..;1. :. : ...: .. - . - :.. le.H.:, .. ..:-. • • .: :-., : 7..•-.-.., ..-.: :..,:::-.7.cr'...-..-.,-,-::::
.'i•,.....,- ,
-. .4L4:4..;.•:„...,,,..7,,,,:,.:;,..! .,• ,, ,..
.,, ..- a .few minutes before 10 'o'clock.
• ' of them bringing the time up to,. 4 6
grounds on the .f:atal day, SOMe
Dr. Bruce Smith, provincial,
• ,,,O,t,r7, '''' '4
• ...."4,W„ ,,,;,
4 I ,
,`..r.,`.,*.i• '''' . '•,' : 4,' '.r'''''',11:I ., examined this afternoon and
stated that on . his visits •to the `'
inspector of prisons, was'
.4,, ,,
• ar• ,•• '' "l'iv,,,,P_ . jail during•- 'th,e winter he
''''''''-i• A, .•,.):•••• 7.'"*42:1 1,,,
PeJaarsdeixnue?Is' ' s'
4',:f."4,f: .1' . ' , a 4. '''a afr. -a}
. 4.
a il (isr(w• c)r*.t7e), d iJiaer diriLt:no.
,,,2 .... .„- •,,?,zo .10,1,„ y. * ,,,, .
• that- the -, prisoner made a
. , confidence to stich an , extent
i...c0 ttli (Ili erefo re -. , • f„.,.. through,the — confession to him. In the
Anderson girl falling down the
' ' iAreekly newspap.ers cellar steps. in .a deserted house.,
Jardine confessed "the devil got I
_ . 1 7 : - -- ','.. : .r. -..:..: .,.. _ -. : f, - •— •: C — — — • — •
i . •M , poSsksion of me, I took out my
, islands on Lake Ontario. south yet., Mr. Rict,„ will advertiso at knife,, stabbed her ono, in the
-,'Stf-371-.•:.2•'• -..?7'F•i:1_'fP--_-..7.'1,2:Tt"'''''''''''' ''-- '''''-i.',ITF-it\:.,:-ClItriti'S"Veift-
,• .--e,fik?,'9:,-•entirt4V-Pq.rEfi•-ti"---6-r- - ----Trrthi-iiThp-iii"---''VfitrrithiVirrk4r6-Wi-iiii'llh'Vt-'''''-rie-*'---mriveinvIr\--.7-Troyttrir --.11.11100-4‘--r-4-1'4=44?"-:-„APt.0-e-tv,,44L-LY:tct.7.-:: ,„, •'..'•'" 7'7,
I. • thmat,,put-it in again and
, .,. . President ol' the Juror' entortainment and exhibition
• • . . ti ,-... . clothes off the girl, piled them in
:— --out in the Clinton ..\484-.s-1-lecord: ' :i.. ;4; :i: • ,
patient i.s the,,,,'basis• for ali the vnr , ..
• for students at 'Western says Ainsom, trtallaatrrf ' iowards the door. He 'went honie .
...._ . a heap and drew the body over • .
The ODC'' has leAe.d quarters
...•_ ._•., • a ' , •
. . Concern jor . the cancer
act i.., itie• of t hcCanad ian' Cancer. Exeter,Times-Adyocate: the Albatross. said this Nytek
and washed the knife and two or
SocietT-according to Irs..,_Ina• readers The old setgeants' 'barracks at several t1 ng clubs in,. Western
•.., three days later while examining
, .
..,,, ...
L'n it of t he' Society. '
. • • wriite: ' . • from the Ontario Development
Huron Park have -been leased Ontario have .shown interest M .
using the Huron Park airstrip lake bank he thought he
016 -knife -as he vv as sitting on they,
Durst. President of the Huron , .
,. -10, our. projected figures -for,
. . 4- , . .. Corporation for- PosSible use as a and the barrack accommodation detected' signs of blood omit, so-,
19717' -aid Mrs. Durst. more residence for students of the for '.•('el6-41d lb -ins.
:-t. , Joseph's• C,W•.L. would Univemity. of Western Ontario. he threw it • over the bank and
,,, than „half. of the Society'sentire. . 4.
•...,•.•,,..•......•,.,,• .. .
‘• ,.
..hudget wii.1 be•spent 00 research. iRe to thank N4,,,r,, paper for the '
Jack Rice, owner.Of the Club • ' ' The Huron ExpOsitor reports •
had not seen it Since. ••
Headlines: School Matters
.: , ...,,-- 4, ,.:e , • .....„. • ft). attack cancer at the level of . RR 1. Dungannon.
accornmodation ior a.bout. 80 student at, • ,,,;.1.),I..1.s...' was Chas, C. Lee GetS Surn.rner•Hdtel "
.•. ••• ...
. - r: , nng the past year 1970-11. . , Albatro'Ss, which is situated ' on a 6 riicie 1:3 'stude9t . from : Require Some ..itdjusting. Town
The purpose ,,• of research, Of c,ceilent-coverage we received
.. .'
.. . . course. is 1,6' find more effeetke adjacent to , tO 'harrac.k brook ,', . •,..: to Take -Oyer a. Portion- of he
- InethodS.bf treatMent as well as said this Nyeel; ne ., plans Marg. Elfigsen. zi, Grade, XIH (;rounds. at • Victoria School
,,. • • Mrs. Joe Coup n'ey . - .
_,,•,.„,,_7,-...•:.:.-.. L.,- ,-,••••„, .-• • "--- '''..L the cell, to find out what,causes ,.. g• '. students this fall.
, . informed, recently that'she was,, ' for'Another Year:"
_it ••and how to interfere with the, , RR 3. • ,
Rice Who has', spent het‘k.een ,. the highest 'scoring, girl "in a •
P 1 e 1 d'e n t. . , „ .
process.. , • . . (oderid ,. 0 rit.
._., S10.000 and, $15,.000 in • • recent proVinee-Vvide chemistry
1-Itimately.. however," !qrs. ° April 1.1, 1946 ' , .• . ,
„ ,. refurnishing the building said if exarrqation., „ , - ' .
enough' 'students, • • showed - -- , . , , • ° A„ll of the Patterson
Dear sir,• , ,
March 16, • 1971 -. •.,
Durst -:--ts.i.i441kti,ied„,'. ,"research is. . '•
/Ma obviousi going to benefit the . , On behalf* 'of (jade 7 and 8'
interest, Charterways bus lines , Nsliss , Elligsen - wrote the • Steamwhip "Lrnes' ships which•
• ,..7 . cancer patient of today as eh ;)f St• -Joseph's School in--
oUld attempt to "- provide 'Research A sistanceship wintered here cleared ' for the
as patients of the future." ' . ' Kingsbridge and ..also .the w
transportation. Faili•ng this, Examlinit ion.' ,in ' (.1,1e,plistrN:4" , head of the lakes over the • ,
with quatterly ln: addition: she' poi -hie -6 oUt.
-- the Cana d ian4a•ncer -Soeietv,i41.1 _•• -
. ,...... 'children of ' Nloose Fa.ctOr. we
would. like . to thank -Wolf" lb?
....-oncarpopls•-fo.r-C6Mlictiting:. '''' ' ''''''' ''''','--•'-'4'''',(1.' "-
students wotild have to 'depend xcuon,cluicted. by the ,L"nivefSity (;i : weekend 'and . the only vessels
90. ..The examination, now rernaining•in the harbor are
Ai ' ',pend more thgn rn-iitiot, taking ' tirnec4rut.tO take'piettireS-
, • .r N,Titten by Lob) studeqs from- .14i tIttio7trtimbarge's.--- - - .--- •
dollars on can-cer educat i Jr: . of .1f,". To us this. • was really. For S400 the student would •••
211 Ontario, SecondaryTSchools
. ' •
Twu weeks ago there Hodes c•onsicierable' mo• •t-. , . LlJ '''''''''''''''''''''' . . i rr e. *‘:...* i r" CJ ' , • m. . C as to objeet-T6-...--?-1 'W aS an . achievement, 'test' "liriii,6',, ..- r'a. d.1,54; i.'" e a c 41 ,
discussion at a:Meeting ...)f :he r-turon, • . :r€: ot., st-, 7. ,.., C (... y . t : ' : 7, e . =,r5:•• bh.-;:::„..e r •,( le ho;. to 'prevent car ',. -r.. ‘,•ery glad- now -that other people rea as o
• comprise 01-51Y-mutt-fpie.-ettoice constructed at the wes'erl y end
vc.;,cng,4,0_, it..vvas also tun. I'm, share a double room' and get
' are „going to read and.see our fee. for room only" residence ,
and :to con v -i ri-e---rhern tht ,•,,-,:,• questions 00 .chemistry. Miss now in .,.full 'operation did on
friends., Onee again 'thanks: ' . on campus . at Western ..is 8600.
Unusual ' syrriptotris should be .Elligsen placed thirty-sixth to
and timing of leducatiori levies.. a e - ,- ":„„rr-r--. inicoME.-';•a-'d - :he sec..,nd p.ace While 'there have been no Saturday' the newly-ap,pointed '
faction believed' that the board shoW'c ,..,, • •ci-o-:'>, ft,. •fc•rme.j7s'cre '•''-<Driled '•-••-)!•-).-t•si '••-lg x-, possible 'because the t•rer . Nlarianne Frayne.• applications from...students as '
to write th e ,exarn.'. operator, N1r. Lloyd Nelson of
reported to a doctor .as quii.L•:. become the high€,A Scoring girl •
fur tux monies. friJrn the municipaii'Li,,,s i.r-le,....., • --,i
•, treatment is• started. the be', ter . . fl , .. . , • . 'S t 0 C kh 0 in 1 , S a Skate' heW an ,' •
. a rri ed here to co m rpente•:, his
witin the County. twice-yeari,/, ,-..; ri d ',/ r,,,,--
. --, -r.h,:, •.r.),..,.i.z..: Diii,.••fJr r-fluSt Prupi.-:;rz'y' the chancesorcure. , . , • . • _ ' 'The first "few places were
duties.. When the building ---was
. , ... • •
. . . • .
dates early enough to 'avudd excessive • '..,wners,. ,.Oethr )-n the 'Tarrn-ijiiHr.,.:,,•:,.n, * • .ettHer to .t e--...- 'tor
.. . . . . awarded undergraduate research,
constructed provision was made.. ' •
Wingh.arn will he ,a centre of • , scholarships at the cniversity of
aP., 131a i -i i:c interest chr'geS.'TI'rey were, J p p 0 se d ' • has ,•ai ,A. a f•s beer ,,,, bug-P'ear.' F ,r • the . ., • • • . for the operator and. his family-. "•'" ''''
_ Orig.inally many, school' :boards , in .cr,,,,,ei.4,ig the. fiik,;,,,ia-, crises „, ''''''''' „are— • . .,
.3„,„...--', - , • where•auditions will be held to .
. . • . this province,and particularly Of
. •,:..
' The top .fifty placings, including -
Nliss Elligsen, were given aWards with the contrOl room.' , ' ,
talent. . • ' , . . , . Waterloo: In esSence, this means .
:... and ultimately defeated ty/ the rerna.ining .prude; -it, ,i'.,1:1,._, pu: :,•,%a, .... feL d_ii.'ars ut
-'• It was announced in Toro•nto
• As I 'leave, 1..he Ontario
Economic Council •an egUallyto. live 'right -at his duties at fhe.„,,, •
Econornic Council' after' on to that they will ht paid to •a-ist a
control tower, a tour-roorn' IP'
• members of • the ----board who. favored June of et.A.,h- 'pa; cheouP,- it rrii..:4 . havP' beeh this 'Week that Wingham Will be sympathetic understanding . • ,
, , ' ei ht. years' this iS SiM 1V to say ' Personally 1 m headirig back professor at 'research while they '
nicely furnished apartmen,t being
thank you for•all'your past help. to ,my hobby .- the 'history of .. are still. undergraduate studentS,
incorporated into ..the building
di id.December'dates. , .satis!Lctri, . Pc: the erage - f6n-,!!•.,,,, . one of 1 i centres in Ontano ---- • - -
. •
: • sei:laleccet. performers for Ontario , Our home, is at the bottom of
• . . ,,•' . • a rather .steep hil4j. Even with. •Huronia., There is. stirrinuch to
be 'done and I hope to be able to. of books.- • - -.."' ' '
•••,, ;gander and goose crorn the farm
• _...,. , .„..__ ._ _ __......... ..... •. ....
. Thieves who stole -a prize
OntaQu'reqUested,:that educatiJn levies be po....ind IL) • 6r15e, found tax tire quite a .•
sent in .b,:/. mur4cipalities:un a --quarte,rly ,',,rr,/ - particularHy since, -i: ' o i !.ecl ;,..round, . ,
-of 'Willian,? J. Tarsi-1,4nRR 3
..... • . •
basiS, presgsnably with the same thOught 1 ...1 S L -,,,',' heci•muther ..'vt,s, try.ing to ,sve 6 fe'*.i.vi, that talented performers chosen easy in the best of -winterS1'This
Hon. Allan J. Grossman said ' snow tires,- din -thing it is not
. ss make • sorrie. 'contribution in
association with the. public and (oderich, on -Tuesday night,
in mind - -that interest •charges might OF -1 '' ' ''. doHars for.Christrn-as gifts. , • _vvill• appeir at the new provirxial year's experience has proven private agencies .and individuals ' aPparently felt., a twinge ' of
, reduced. T.here was a'trernendoUs outcry . To'' us, a quarterl-, tax poyment system
. y showplace . on Toronto's conclusiyely-)that wiwy, is at tlik,,,,. concerned. A '. good • re'arvieW Consience because they left two
west -end lakeshare•after it opens, wheel is . much les::: impoiitant
other geese in place of the prize
at the proposal that municipal t-axec., maKes- good sense.- The. aMoOnt, t ,):•.,,be cm :1/4da',- 92. than how many others are in the . mirror‘ , is ,,. still ' compu Isory• -
f o w 1 .. Mr. Taman was
. . should • be collected . at i'nterls rt,ised' On each i-Jccasion v",ould• be .)nly. "The auditions start on April .3 '
. - for ' a car, an
part1cularly proud Of his prize
thrOUgtout, the year rather than on the- .
une•,fourth. as. bUrdensome. Goodness and will be held in Thunder Bay., car to provide both balance and . egalPment
ballast. : individual or a -nation. ' .
fowl and he does not think
ijI the best' for the years
, fre-worn-pattern of annual payment, .... , K•410',NS the bu ng
, Yl habits of. the ,generai - Sault Ste.. Marie, Sudbury, - ,, ,
• ' • What, precisely, ISSowrong with 6 public offer enough proof of ,. the TimminS, •tiorth Phay, Windsor; Thank -76U. for the balanced ahead! .1 '.
W., H.'CranstOn,. much ' of the.. exchange as. the
,• municipality collecting its taxes, includicig - 'popularity of -the in,stallment pla4-1 when it Sriarnia. ,, London, Kitcheiner,. assessment of our ' vast 'work. --
Thank ycitt equallY'for the extra - . • Chairman. ,•. ,
BE A BLOOD DONOR geese T left him are of ,a ,very
,ordinary, variety. ,'• '.
kAtawa, KingitOn, Cornwall,
those. required 'for':•.educetion" purposes, ,
• ,.. cOmes ju-paying for Uther purtha.ses. Peterborough,- Hamilton, Barrie, weitht 'Which your. views. have c,
would appetii- that we are still in the grip -
-find the quarterl'i. system 8' little more well as in Wingharri. , as ,added. '
Thevi,,p' ydu .have- helped us
four times a year insteacj„,..,.of cmce?.• '1t ', •
. • . - l,p-r-.4-,•efeeks and tax collectors,rnigh' St. ,C.dtharines and Toronto
.tirne-corisuming, but like any other • Mr. Grossman said, „34,.ce are °' to 'exaV more intelligently
,of an economic philosophy inherited from , •
very pleased with the number of. the' probl ItQs and potentials of
he .pionaers,... In rural Oytarid we , tend, to
•• - business managers, they would be ab_lp to apPlicationS from performers. I this province. and this nation
_.... believe the only time there is any spare • .w
ork 'out. a feasible system for c'ePting understand that'more than 600 have made a major contribution
egri un'ha-nd is'after the crops have been- what success we may have.
mo**y ' .0t more frequent. intervals. •,have been received , to date. It enjoyed
• .
• ,,,,,4,4_„..,,,50,14,, iti .01e -fall.. • .. - ' , .. , . Certainly the benefits which would accrue reflects the interest of the
people of " the province in Prime 'Minister, the
, .
• It is quite true that in earlier times, . to t•he board . of' education.' and the tionpurable Wm. G. Davis, will,
whetr a'griculture vvas the 'hinge -pin bf a eventual „saving to the_,taxpayers would __Ontario Pla'Ce." ,. .
Providing ;showcale for new be announcing my successor in
' ru.ral . economy and farmers rerred on the . make the'.eX-tra effort.worthwhile.
..•.,..„,•.....•.• , ' ' Ontario talent is one. of the the nay future. 1 bespeak for
sale --of their wheat for the.year's only real ., , - Wingham Advance -Times , many .,fatets of the neW.96-acre him in the -work of the Ontario
• „ ,
Money _should be *giv!n, to the needy,: 4to --pecessarily.-the.lajy.':.,:
Riverview Board of Education
•v• •
When • •
April 13, 1111
- 60 YEARS AGO •
- The trial of Edward Jardine
for the murder Of, Lizzie
Anders'Qh eQmmeheed, at the
. court house yesterday morning
and is still • proceecling. Court
' C a ID atiOn Chief Justice Sir 016nholme
opened Tuesday afternoon with
• °P,i's,..te,„;„ • • •
, • i,4147„,40,10..1,,,Ko.:
l 1,
1Phereasz 1••
ltS r.:=4 ,
C ornrr, - r •
;As f
. ,
a p pre..c :
' In recent. months we've been inundated
with figures on unemployment in this
country as well as the problem that will
be faced when students aftempt to find
work this summer.
It's not a bright pictgre by. ,an -y
standard and it was only «natural that
sOrne criticism would .be levelled, at the
federal, government when they annouhced
repently that seasonal workers from other
countries would again be brought into
Canada to help with harvest Work.
It would be improper to -suggest that
welfare assistance should be terminated.
-There are many people who require
assistance and their neighbors are quite
prepared to have soiyie of their tak..dollars
go to this cause.
----However, it is becoming evident that
more arid more support' is being given to
those vliho—stiggest that welfare payments
should - be' terminated for ,those
able-bodied recipients who won't accept
work when it made -available to them.
xeter Times -Advocate
ESTABLISHED My ooberith 124th YEAR
-0-• The County Town Newspaper of Huron ' —07
. ,,.
Government officials quickly replied Published at Goderich , Ontario every Thursday morning by
that bringing in workers would not affect
the unemployment situation to any great ABC , , ,. Signal -Star Publishing Limited •
extent because students and ' those
unemployed wouldn't take the harvest
TELEPHONE 524-8j31 area code 519
.107 At
Iti,r• r•71.,,,-Y.rp:
• ir?,),,q4110.„tion-40,04,40f..010,44.-r•o,rtirt ,,,,e,k4...70440.Torw.c.,00, ..,(krd,,,,,,v, AtQa,E5311,,pieSlialge.—nte,?;c14124-444444,0,14chq.,,,,,,,44,—,r,,,,..,,,, c',I*..4i,/, r4.1.4, ..., ..............,...m., ,...... ‘.0.41.,..., ...0.,...*,16.4..a.. ar
,. .ftr144b.sor?..." ,."'"''errr:'""''-'"'"'"—".'"""''"". '''''''''''...""a`,7',.**'''''...k.,4:S.4,-4.41,,,, -000,,,..........axat,,,i*.......... a...4k. ..,1,,,,..44... 0,57,0<1-7, .1044,4,,...4...a.,,,,,....,..„, ,dtmA„ 401.4 it.,, , , , ,,„
ere -Was a, Ti eltt" ms:tottrary wherr , JACK W. R. MILLS,' editor— ,
.. ,. Subscript 6b Rates $6 a Year -
' . • peOple were extremely pleased to take
. SH IR 1,1ty ,k,K,,ELLER;,.:.v57fr!IpIXoclitor To u.s.A.S7.S0 (in advance)
4.... . .. „, _. -whatever type, of work iheycould get, butED
WARD J. BYRSK I, advertising manager
' - Socortd class mail registration number 0716
obviously that isn't the situation now.
T •
• .• ••• . •
• • • ,
'••• • "
NOTHING Replaces
Ib. 49
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We Buy Direct Fri)tm The Producer :tave,
, • •a,. • . • •