HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-20, Page 1111
..IITCT•11,'.:$,PAT. •4PRII.20, 1893.
NO 306
The 0i6"11$ an ,
. .
SCitartered by Peruarnent eiseee.
Paid up Capital ... , .. .... .$2,000,000
Rest Fund, ... ,, .. .... .... 1,100,000S
Read offiee montreat. es: sa
Gesensnea MANAGEI1 ,'. •, • ,. •.
Roney advance e ' ..eema Farmer's aes.easeie
own aote$ w- .1. one or inore ondorsers:; at '1
per cent per animus.- . , . , , ., , ....,.. •
Exeter Branch. 'la', e a . . ,
Open every lawful day from 10, a, in,...to,3 p.
rn., Saturdays 1,0 eern.toitspsen : ,.
A generalhanking business:transacted
ey ecuuDReno:moolcitTRIA,ceTi,Eatss.aislaoilelagsf0337a.urnvtria,,,,t.. 3,,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sill) 'Manager.
. ,
•: ai.
It Will
ii i
f t'UISICsk
i k
v A,
1 u
St rolig
l '
' '
, at„
' .
al Like
u_.. .
•%--- e
All orders for the above Dye Atones
ean be left with E. H. Fish,
noy waiited„. • . ,
A sse•ood smart boy wented, 'to r learn
printieg. Apply at this offiee. .
Varnt sew Seale. ,: . .
elle uedersigned iees eseveral first
class farms for sale ou easy terms.'
i o ee;
e. orAmciutlx., sexeter
Another .35.atrze 5,„.ihipmena
Tee Bower leasestee 005none ship.
ped another coneissement of eigs last
e • •
Friday, The consianment makes; up a
whole ear, which is billed to Vaucouv-
. .
or, BC
e€7,7G"4,1j1:94.iston, bargains in Dress
Good and Bouts and Shoos. ,
• • • -
1 A Stewart, bareeins in window
es A.
blinds, Rollers, Curtoties cud Carpets.
el eitsee vs. teitinswess. , ' ,
.. The following' persons are attending
• - a
the sittino• of the ,Chancery ‘oul t at
. .,? , 7. ,
Goder'eh kn .the ease, l'\ fla°" vs' Sam
well: --Messrs John Gill, A. Alien, R.
, . ,
feauders, AN m. Drew, Wm., Welsh and
Mrs. Welsh. This aetion is one brought
, ,,
by the creditors of W m. Welsh agaiust
the defendant, who was trustee of the
Welsh estate, Cousisting• .of -property
now occupied by Mr, Welsh, ou Wil
liam street, and other •property. It ,• i8
alleged on behelf of the creditors that
the truseee riegleetedhia'duty. in rhe
matter of the disposaa of the e§tate, and
it is 301.1i..,>ht DOW. to make him liable for
the value of the estate., Ou the other
,, 0., ..,.., ,, i.., ,.,„
band the trustees.allees.S seas tic use
peso of the estate su a prover. milnner,
oti.nd that i he neglect . if any, was that
er the ere''''whe he saYa agreed t°
a settlement With Welsh, whereby , he
was allowed to retain the property.
li s
The trustee also says that persona )
he had il i la t I * with the disposal
no i 1 , o do
of the estate which he entrusted to his
solieitor. This is a coinplicated case
. .
and would be a difficult. matters to
forecast the result. F. Elliott for plff.,
RsH. Collins for Dft.. •
Perth -tonal .31.entlai.3. •
Wilson, Of Stephen, was the
euest os Millie Belem. Net week -'-.Mies
r, ' ' ' ' . '
Ma.ud,Christio Who has been- visiting
friends in Clinton tor the past weel- is
, p ,
home again. --'--Mr• T. Ne'tori, 'vho has
been confieed to his bed with a severe
aatherina in the head, is.able to attend
e , a . . , .
to his duties agaiu.-MreArchn: flicks,
started for Killarileye Man., on itIonday
laet.-Rey. Russell, of the ',lanai St.
Methodist church and Rev. Me.Donagh,.
of 'Mein St Meth Church went to Lon-
'• ' • • ' , ,, ,
don to attend a couferenceotehe Board
of Examiners W111011 ' took • place the
Sth ed 191h inst -Re Martin of
1. • a • • V• 7
the Presbyterian church, Exeter, and
, Rev. F • . • . . .
Res.. eleteher of the -Presbyterial)b
' , , - .,
church, .Tharnes Road,. went to ' at.
Thomas on Slouchy to ettend the Pres
' • '
byterian Synod held at that, place.-.
Messrs. NV. J. Carling, W. T. Hawkshaw
mai C. H. Sanders were in London on
h ' ' . '
-asmess luesdaY.-Miss Clara Cud-
, ,... .
MOre, i8 visiting frieirds in leippen.-
Mr Robt Verit •• of inc Veldt Plow
i • ' , ' Y
Works, Brantford,. was renewing ae
quaintanees in town this week.-liiss
Ida Gillespie, is visiting friends in Hen-
.sall the peat few days. -Miss Ma
e •
d ' b f 1 '
teaves entertaine a num er o ier
a -
friends from town at her home in Eden
last Moeday eight.-Me...Jones, of the
firm of JOIIOS & McBride, London.Arch
• , • . . ,
lteetS of the rrivat Memorial Churen
bui idino' was in town Monde d f •
1 , ''. • , y, an en.
t It3 first tune yiewe the eauti u .e i
db 'f 1 d'
'len were the desian-
flee of 11'111°1 bis .11 '
e 7, r a .• •
ers.-Col. 13ob egcasol will. lecture
in London Saturdey night eu '"Shalse
' 6 s
speare."-Mr. Fred Farncombe, who
was recent] le,' •'
y reportedLing Seriously•
ill, is, we are pleased to learn, almost
. .
recovere,d.-Miss Welsh of Kalamazoo
7 '
Mich., is visiting friends in Exeter.-
Mr..sandy Oke has gone to Ingersol,
s h • es t I
where it., as aceap ec. a situation.-
Miss Maud Parkinson, who has been
visiting in Petrolia and Sarnia, return
ed i on v. i,
1 NI de 111 • John Davidson stare
ed for Chicago '1'hursday last, whores
e . ' -
he has secured work -Miss Lille Johns
1 ft f • St. Themes this Mornina -h ,
see will attend the Alma, College. -Mr.
John Moore, of . Witiotam was the
,, " ' •
truest of Mr Milee ieacrett this week.-
" s ' '..
Mr. John Speare, of Carmel, Man., has
been the auest of' his brother in law
Mr. John Shute. Usborne.--.Mr. James
of the Western Hole!, Richmond Street;
• ' ..., .
London, Is th of Mr. Dan 'IMIVIS
this, week The " Advocete " ecknoty-
' . • ' ' `
ledaes a very pleasant call. -Mr., John
Wisl,li.a... msof the. Rollius SWilliams
• •
was in town on Tuesday.- ay. -
T d
Will Davis, who has been employed in
Mitchell for some weeks, has returned.
--Geo. Baker, of Wingham, is vieitino•
nutter the parental roof.-Rey.Allen,of
Centralia, lode ito town ohis , cycle,,
on •Wednesday. -Mr, John P. IVIarshalls
of Rodgeryille, is attending the funer-
al of his late brother•at Chico, ese,__mses
- 6
Kennard. who has been engaged in
mi inery a ic ,.Ls Son's e
'II' t R• h Pickard 4.,t''1 ft
on Wedneeday for her home in , Bruce-
field. -Fred W ' Duusford, and John
Sanders, who have been spending the
• a
winter with their folks here, • returned
' ' '
to Sarnia on Monday. to accept their
position on the S. 8. Monarch, Sarnia,-
COI. Alymer, of Londen, was in torn
week and inspected • the artillery
A greed Bacbelore ball was held a,
.. , .,,, __
few steps aaeo in, that magnificient hetet
recently' .ereeted and kuoWn a's the
Wolper HeUSe,13erlitl. Thts is eensid-
°red one of the beSt hot ele in °titans)
for- its architecture, cOnvenieneeee and
, Ttle m.anito-ba Hereial soh. 00. ' enel'aag.-.'
ers lave struck 'an excellent plan sto
1 . a ... . . . ...as
'toe Ontatio teacheis out of the mine
P . ' ' P' ''''
province, If there are not enoiegb
Manitoba -made teachers,to.fIR all the
schools, they ProPose to maks, 'eat,' At
a recent exatnination ever,y CatididatO
passed and was granted a certificate, .
R. H. Colins, barrister, has supplied a
very necesser ;Want 'n his law office by
Placing thernin a'neW type writer.
Yost manufacture. It is a•I'Iteerioefo,athnet'
is 'claimed' ''best
back set to those who had - commenced
plowinse..-The firet barn raising of the
.aleeson took place at Mr Geo, Levey's
On Tuesday of halt ,week. Sides were
chosen by 'Messrs. W. Resh and J. Len
nedy, leiit the 'Fortner had an easy vi
,two.'1,1.y11.0Palaatecco°fIllblastvol:Ivirtrliginbaer '8Pwlilit;ielde
s, , . .
the other was the full lenath of elm.
se. „ , ,. 6
_Novel nund John, ti, y him again, -Mr.
C C thtenth '
.., ronan llama s moving out to Mount
Cam., el at an early date, having se-
:cered a house in the villa' ge, and ,,seisr-
log the entire management of the old
homestead to his son Jaines,-On Wed
-nosclay of last week the wedding bell
tolled again at the residence of Mis
ustus'Ilayter, if beinhester the mar
lAthtli:e. .1of her eldest daug , Melton,
to Mr, James Maltese The '
' BrIttl*Sh Ger0111 Tr,
Loncloo April -1.7 ' Th 1N'
Express, in its e'eeltly reyie
British 'grata :trade," says:
wheat, is in small' supply a
hhaaevebeaecl,tivtahl:-)regialt'iltt .(')E
trade en, Tuesday and ,bottu
, .. , s . ' . . '
wee exhausted aucl the merle
' "
The 'surplus stocks have not 1
ed offi The overstock amou
000 qrs It is feared that th
at the leaclirig perts will he
by excessive offers. • The tot
of svheat time' fee amount t
qrs, In tweety•one out of tl
kets prices havaa'favored se
eons 'the de.' mail:1'48*n' lately t
inachine and to be the
kind of a type writer made. He has ee-.
careel theserviees Miss Bennett to
cexemonv was performed bv Dr Been.
- ' - '
meht7.of Parkhill. The groom was
011I1to'n , .
eXtter Abvfor,ate)
Xs published every Thursday Morning,
• at tho Office,
One Donee per anntun if' paid. in Advance,
$1.50 if' not so paid.
.a.d.-Isert2.135.xsz Mates or+ -3-rPlica''"
• t5.03...a. •
No paper discontinued untilall specificartrearago
are paid. Advertisements without
airections wee be published tee forbicimaride
eharged aecordingly.• Liberal diecount_ ...(1,
for transcient advertisements knserted f_
periods. , Every description of JOB
ii311-11tNTING turned. out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,. 111°117te°10-
ors. Liz°. far advertising, subscriptions, •
be made pa,vable to
Sanders 41% Dyer ,
- Church Directory.
Teiviesr MEMORIAL Cuuncif.--Rev. F II
Past. Rector. Sunday Services, it a,oni
R,08 7 p.m. sabbath school, 3 P-ra.Vi al‘'
communion, 1st Sunday of each ri.on i
Morning Service, an d in .ni onft4litshogfufinvaelbSyunof-
days, after Rvereng Service o ._
the m onth. Holy RaptIsm on .end Sunday,
of each month at morning sm.,. ice.
meenoniST CIIIIROII--jitrnek-st v A. L.
' Rep% ra
s ell, Pastor. SIIIIARy Services,10. a. ,
Ranuds0.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m.
1r nonagh Pas-
MAIN STREET—Ray. W. ......0- n _ ?_ _,..
tor. Sunday Services, 10 37 a. ni. a ri 6.6u P'.`"
Sabbath School 2.30 p. m.
PRESBYTERIAN 0.1110ICIL—ReY. .7. _ _ _0 p.
Pastor. sunelay seTvIces, 11 a. In.ileaidli
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m
of op-
• . ..
mate same, ,.
- , . , .
0.1-111t•bAn•mOe'Nrceillia,leitf,,Lul tani, Windsor2°reda eIlieseskt'
9 )8.1", l
week and' skipped to Detroit, . He was
arreste,c1 and locked ' up in Detroit but
by Mr. Nelson , broth
e,r of the bride while the bride wes as-
sisted by Mise'Teatie Hickey, sister of
the aroom. ' Presents were numerous
and'i useful, '4. . '
Miss Maud Christie of Exe
ed f 'feuds here this week
ton ipeople ,Were somewhat
Saturday mornina to soe a
inches of snow. oli' the ' gross
soon after his wealthy ,big brother ar-
rived in Windsor 'and endorsed the
cheek and R. A. was e'set at liberoy.--
Sarnia' Post. . . '
, On Wednesday night the mill dam
at Gerrie broke away and. the big
bridge over the MeltIancl RAY01, :NUS
washed away, It is thought ' by
. . " -
many that during, the recent thunder,
storm w.hich occurred on that ,nighte
lightning struck the •dam, loosening,.
it, and the heavy rain caused such an
additional 'pressure that it broke and
the rush of water proved too' much
for the bridge. . q'he 'miller loses aolecit
e ,,,,,,
*1 d' . '
e2,uuti by , le isaster, and the etima.
Owing to the recent heavy rain and
SnOW storms farmers have been oblig•
ed to put of their spring work ,for a
t,ime. Severa..1 from these parrts,a.ttend
(A the couticil ineeeing in Lunch on
Sattirday last.-Mise'Sa,rah Pollsc,1,- and
• . , . . . . ,
lesr brethers are visiting their sister
:Mrs. j. eleSeahn, nea,r Exeter, on Sun-
'day lest --Mrs.,Robb, teacher of S. S.
No. 5., Hay, was visiting friends at Far-
quhar, on Saturday and Sunday last.--
-Mr. and Kra, T,' Woods who have been
Attending the funeral of their grand.-
WM b b F. I- • • , • •
e 1 , a y ian., Cults, hat e tetutned
of our citizens have started e
-Mrs. John and Niehola,
spent a 'few days with their t
Ed Seeders. `1-'11ev were on
home to Kenee-dine from 1
number of the`sl.E.,zeter. bo j....s'si
day last in town.- ' Girls ns
in Exeter boys.-5Irs. Geo. B
has been absent from'Clintoti
leue, montane, her hoi, health
past year, died on Sunday 1
remaius will -PIA 'be browte C
Friday and wad' to rtr's6 'in tie
Coniumption Was the cqusal
- - • s '
Mr. W m. 1 -la wden .Exere,eve i
was in town Tues,tatty. last,
Yon c.-Ttral)Pilie COUGH RI'
In all Pulmonary Diseases with emacia.
tion, as well as with spitting of blood, the
I -
effects of this remedy are very inereed.
, „„. es '
......D. AND *1.00 Put mOTTLE.
.. e . ..
OE sunZ Yol, GeT Tme kia 4 IL." ' ,
ted loss on the bridge is $ t,500. The
loss. of the bridsse renders necessary
to their home in Berlin. -Messrs Ross
and Pollock intend commencintr to
. . .. . ..
a ciretut of :bye miles in order to
, reach the station..
drive stakes on their fishing grounds
this week in order to get as early a
. .
It is no. money in your pas
to make your stables conifori
The Alliston Herald ' sae -s: -"It is
suggested that slates be hung in the
vesttbules of the churches to enable the
young ladies to reaister their nameseeINliss'R,
011 enterinm, If this p1,9,11• be adopted
b , .
the young men won t have to wait out
side until church is out to see if their
, _ , •
charmers are there."
A good deal of fish spearing has been
done in this neighborhood of late on
e .-
The assumption that it was lawful to
catch or kill salmon trout, whitefish,
fresh Water herring, speckled, brook
and river trout, bass, maskinonge and
pickerel by means of spe•ars ora le
,s.1 b C PP,
hook, neg•og or nishigans. tiame and,
Fishery lespector aleCann states that
this is .
this is eontiary to law and must be
discontinued. -London Advertiser.
. , •
Any night after dark, boys ranging
„run seven to fourteen years of acre
1 . ,...
can be found upon our streets. Who
is to blame if the boys fall into bad
company and bad habits? There is
food. here for reflection. Parents should
'sex, ,
' that their boys are , indoors before
right fall. the boys will arow into 'bee-
, ,
ter and trustier men, and their par-
ents will have reason to feel prond of
them in years to come.
word has been received that a prom
inent officer of the World's Fair staff at
ChiCacr0 whO iS nayina $2 a de for a
. ' ..- ,,, y
single rsom, without board, in the
Wilidir °ay h'13 been notified that o
_ , t • • , n
and after the 1st of May he will have
50 pay $7 a day for the same room
Without board. • If all Chicago hotel
keepers act in a similar manner to
this many people who had inten e
• , . ' a d
going to the World's •e air will probabl e
reccinsider their decision. , • •
We clip the following item, which is
the Blyth correspondent to Clint-
on New Era, and has reference to an
o xe etboy. S. H. Id E •t• • S H G'd1 f SI'
I eY7 son 0 i
Richard Gidleye--" S. H. G IDLEY,
MERCHANT TAILOR -The sty'ish and1
. , ,
well-dressed•geurlemen of Blyth are
evidence that its tailors are leaders in
the fashionable world. It is an easy
matter to sew a seam or a buttonhole,
!Alt the whole secret in the clothier's
art is in cutting the cloth. TiliS iS :VII'.
a, ,,e ,s forte and wherein lies th,
UM i y . , . • the
secret of his sueaess. He' has been in
business foe nearly eigest years, and
1 d d ' b 'Id• • ' I d
las succee e in ni mg up a sp en -
id trade. Not oney has this good fort
t h f • tl f
une come a him iom ie people o
the town, but his reputation extends
, ,
for miles eround sometimes es fer , es
' ' ' s
British Columbia. In his intercourse
. ti h• t • b th h d '" bl
wi i is pa ions, o e an nis a e
assistant, Mr eaman, are courteous,
hence tae popularity which the houseMillingCo.,.
, , , .
AdiOtIrned Yeeltrea
Pursuant to adjournment the Trivitt
Memorial Church Vestry met Monday
evenieg., After prayer genera.
1 busi
ness was commenced, , N. Dyer Iltu••
don, the People's Warden, read 'finan•
cial report for the . past year. The
rector's report, also Ladles' Guild and
e un ay welt, i a and
a d School'reports,'o 'e d ' ' 1
adopted. -The'Envelope Committee for
the past year was reelected. .A.rnotion
for the election of an Advisory . Board
Advisory 7.
consietieg of nine members, was ear-
' NI ' •'
ned, i °Nem that fotu . sidemen be
elected was carried, All motions ap
e O
plaiha to reduction of sa,laries we'rW
, .
carnal. 'Ihe reqUest for an increase last
in the sexton'8 salary was refused; the
office is now yecant. After 'the, bone
diction, Ladies' Guild served refresh
nients in the way of a "'dip cf teal'?
cake, etc The Advisory.Board Met at
B. V. Elliott's office Tuesday evening.
We neglected to state in our lash re -'1A0
. . . ' '
port that Messte. E. Elltott and N. Dyer
Ifurdon weie elcated de e,ates to t e
c ........., ,....1,...,..t.. .1. . ..1. . . ' . i . 1... , A:
-- ,
Mr A J •McTavish Miss T illy Hera v
'•' ' .' ' "'
and Miss McTavish f F et • • th-
, o . ex , el, were 8
guests of Miss Edith Steinbach cm, Snit,
day. -Mr. Valentine Kocheris has re'
turn ed home from Cavalier. Dakota,
and brings with him a very dleeourag
ino. report of that part of the country.
' , .
-Some of the strangers who were in
town lately took a areat likino• for
• e
start as possible at the fishing, that is
right the early bird •catches the worm:
Tvliss Mary Taylor, of Mitchell is in
these parts Iceeping house for her
• • •
brother. -We would advise cool- Coop
Or of the Commercial House to keep his
Weather eve open or he will loose his
job as 'judging from appearance- there
is another (fair) appiieant who is on the
look out for the job. -Miss Addie Wil
son is at present in Petralea visiting
he.- brother.
. .
Feed the eow sonaethiuo
harden the butter. Cottons
will do it. -Professor Gilbert,
hypt0aki:liontgafclt'ottihleftran.soc'rael than
back• to it in thesway of fertil
. ,
Stocktiinherent' good
will make money with. the s
and care that serilbs; will ref
Other things being. equal.
imals, the one which Se the b,
rrefessional Cards.
.......—eeee----------------,-----_, ,,
...... H. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson s pie°.
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN STREET,ENETta, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at Henson. on ist
Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2ncl anclAth. Tuesday,
and ZUrich on last Thursday of each month,
eple,,, we win es,
in bay of ' what kind,
and they 'were really quite surprised
'and -yes, delighted- to find that Zur-
• • - s •
ich was the possessor of such a tine
eEee. le." -Mr. Curry. who has been
4' bC e• • • '
kept y the ounsile for a numbei ot
' •
years died very suddenly last week.
He bad 0- h ,a ti .of 00
r ,ac e se age ' years.--
, . b .
'h • - t- '
MissJacobs, who , as epen . the winter
with her aunt, Mrs. Ehnes, left for her
florae in Wallacebures a few days 'ago,
-Mr. Jacob Merner, who has been tod'
Michigan for a few weeks returned
7 •
home on Wednesday. -Mr. D. Weis -
miller, of Hensall was the auest f his
, , , , , o .
brother hela.w, II. L. Peine, on, Sunday
last. -Mr. H. Cook, of Hensel!, was vis-
-Mr • William Hess has started a
1 • C•ol't
slop in ici i on
(To late for last week.)
A number of our prominent citizens
. • .
after being summoned by Mr. and Mr3.
Hardy attende,d court at Berlin on Mon
• • • ,
day. The case belly/. settled, out of
• . b . • '
court their services were not iequiredstanding
, •
Miss McNeven, of Goderieh, was the.
o•nest of her •brother •11... Wm. McNev
" '
en last week. She and her sister Jen
hie w 0 aye een in unc 1 or some
h h b • ' Z ' .1 f
time returned to their home on Mon-
d '11 CG b d'VI HT P•
r re an i r e•eine
- • ' : ' ' ' '
, th 1 v• '
a their hotels e”eat1).7
ale .o , a inie. ,
- '
imni (wed Zurich will be able to boas
• ' ' -
of having two of tins best hotels • be
t ' L idon and Goderich -Fishina
- ween m 6
season has commenced, some Ole 0L
Iowa sports took. advantame of the
` • "
The Orensee soeial held on Tuesday
' ss ' - o
evg. last, unclet the auspices of the
. Tempters of Temperance, was
' s •
Al -n cvely respect a decided success.
though the audience was not so larae
so '
as anticipated, the program Was excel
lent, The quartette, "We all have a
, cold," rendered by Misses
very . .
Thompson and Wa n less, and Messrs
Beasts, and Harrison was well appreci-
ated; also the trio, "A short wife, or tall
Wife" etc. was warmly applauded,while
the Dialoane, "Mr and Mrs. Bowser"
peive.n, by Miss Thompson and Mr. Har
rison fairly brought down the house.
Eloquent temperance addresses were
also given by the Revs. McDonald end
Walper. A most enjoyable evening
was spent by all present. -The Rev,
Mr. Oliphant, of Bayfield. delivered a
most eloquent sermon to a larae audi-
ence in the, Methodist church on S1.11)-
day evening -Mr. John Wanless Jr
has commenced to learn the tailoring
, . . . , . -
' usiness with our enterprising' tailor
Mac. -The Misses No ,
ble of Seeforth
are the guests of Mr. Jets, Armstrong.
Our renowned "Sheep Bend" under the
' '
leadership of Professor Tailor, continue
t d' •sweet ' • th- "Mont
0 discourse music m ein.,
real •House" in the etreuing.--Sorne of
our enthusiasts have become tinted
.. . . , .
with spintuiaism. Such a diabolical
belief should be called inta a short
lived .
er will nearly always prove
profitable. - '
.. e .
Some who haese. tned it
common coal oil.applied threi
, •
day to nleeding warts on a 1
mule's leg is a sure. remedy.
t • t ut• s sssl d
ei o p 10 a 1- e c an sqe,
through a quill.
• • . ,
In promoting the health a
of plants we are also willies,
the chances of. disease both
trees anti fruit, a . .
lid maeurii
ings, and drainage are all -
items in securing this.
• No branch of egriculttire 4
higher intelligence on the pa
followers than does suceessfu
ture. Such as teel their abili
above the ordinary level coul
do better than to take up this.
.,Heard 's Dairyman" belii
the - t f ff • -
e gieot oe o the at mer. e
pityate dairyman or ereamel
itirihiS own lack of good d• • •
.. This is the devi
7 a ' hief with o
plas in, the mese u
When we remember thet a
rule is sun ortino• el •• If d •
n , ca 1,
greater part of her period of
and thus is asked to do dou
. . • ' .
all this time; the, plea for hbe
willn„,,,,,,,, all ee_ „.....,„e e,
eo "'"-". ''.'-' "-Rne ''
A col respondent of .a New
er saYs: 1 have known, but th
ers Who kept their barns tidy
"clean houee".thorough'y ted
ri H. iNGRAM, DENTIST, Member Rova
V. couege Dental surgeons, successor to
IL L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter Ont. A safe anaesthetic gaven for
'' less extraction of teeth. line Gold.
the pain .
Fillings as reouired.
..11 Residence -Corner Andrew an cl North
streets, Exeter, Ontario.
ran, T. p, messessaaRidar, M.EMBER OF
-1-1 the Collo 1.'' • eons
g.0 oi physicians am suig .
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. Accouch-
eur. Office, isasliwood, (nit.
----- ---------
Member of
TNit, T. ,A.. AMOS, M. AI 0. M ' .' .
-Li College of Physicians and Surgeons%
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal Col.legee o i
Physician$ and Surgeons Edinburgh, li en-
tiato of' the Faculty of Physicians and .S"nr-
Gitt'eow• FelloW of Trinity Medical
geoes, b,, ,
D Cowen's for-
college, Toronto. Office- r.
mer residence.
- - „
Alu • OR, conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office --Over O'Neil's Ban c, Exeter, Ontario.
noises, to Loan. , '
.e.s• of' Supreme court, Notary Public, Con-
ye:veneer, Commissioner, &c. liiioneyto loan
oface-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
------------•-•"------- ---- ---"`"-------
_Ed itors, conveyancers, esc.
samethisweek they were also very
' '• •
successful in capturing two good sized
Why not menbarns ti
A rainy day at thiSeii fall an
be '
Auctioneers .
rnud turtles if at first you. don't sue
' •
ceed try eaain boys -Mr Jecob Smith
' - ` ' ' ' ' '
of the letth con, Hay, who has been em
ployed in the Hensall grist mill has re
turned home to WW1< With his father On
. . . '.
the farm this summer -What mioht
' 6
, haye proved a very sad accident oe
cured at Messrs Kalbfleiseh's mill on
the 14th eon, While a number of men
were • • h ' '
sin sawmo. y some mis
• , , engaged • ' .
management the ,saw broke. two of the
• , ,•,, ,., , , •
pieces happenea to stnise lawny atone.
bach jr. the, ono on the side of hie fere
head, theotheteon tIie bee, 'part of
his s
neck. The doctOr was summoned ims
medietely to sew up the wounde WOamain,
' ' ' , , •
• . . . .
re glad to hear he • Is imnroyma • as
a 6 • . - ' , e 6 .
well as ean be expected under the cir
Th' Methodist Church1 • t b
The here is 0 e
improved, by having an addition to the
front to enlarae it and also enclose the
steps TO- most of the money required
' G "
for these improvements, has been 'sub
.b d M• H 11 t h Sh
son e .- iss a , eae er at aron
S1 b 11 • •
P . who has een i , is recovering -
The fa,rmers are busy seeding. the land
• • . , d d't' T1 • '
is in goo con 1 aon now.- node is
tall- of another
sotne . ,. doctor coming to
our villeae elso 1, jeweller ' Our town
, ,.,, , '• ' .. ' '
is progressing -Robe Essery . is busy
1 rat b• dt f•
e oi e a ornde-e
bsaau in1ms, enu.m- Neaew anbe,lsl soare wr
' . .
of the day. Tiuetees of S. S. No. 2
have us. a new beTi. ur vi letre
hung.. b 11 0 '1
t- . ' '
• , ' ` 6
pui pose putting one, up soon, -Death
has been in our midst again and taken
a way one of our young. men, Daniel
would not missed.
Dr. Hoskins experience for
1892 showsehti,s he can 'terow
f dd d h 1.1 6
er so goo t at• t e cows
c - • ' •
every scrap o f it without •
trouble of cutting. it for , the
' - '
winter feed for them on fo
than his whole thirty acres o
it was aroWn in a youna orel
' - - '
In Eno.land farming is con:
,.. :
eusineee'lliat trust be leerned
- • ` ' '
as anythina else, - A man wit
. b ' s' . -
periepee would have difficulte
inea a eod .'e'iel therce, no ma
. . . - . ',
much capital he .might ,I.n
t' no matter what hie • ex
h Id not 1 1-, h
e COU .ease tin isss e es
.. , h •stock d
capital enoug in an 0
, , . . .
en opeilv. H.ere 1515 sometime
e '
Tr BROWN, Winchels ea. Lice;sed .Auct,
Ai • ioneer for the Counties of' Borth a,n..1
Middlesex, also for the township of' Usborne
Sales promptly attended. to and termsreasOn
sesie.saies arranged at Post office, wincheisa
A J. ReeLeNs, late of INIcaonnintVocti:,0Licens-
ZI,Beil. Auctioneer, for the f Hur-
on and middiesee. Residence: 1 mile south
of Heater, Ont. sale orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attend.ed to at reasonable
peiees, •
V BOSSENI3ERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie-
ALI • (else& Auctioneer for the 'counties of
eturon and Perth. Charges moderate and
al RED. W. FARNOOMII, Provincial Land
a,-1 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
liver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
eetese eon
Cho Western Fire Assurance Company,
of TorOnto
f 1
Tho Phoonix Fire Insiireeice Co'y.,
of London, Englana
The Alliance Vire Aesur, Co'sre '
, of London, Regiana.
. -.... .ROBINSON.-At
Ofeiese-Main-street, fleeter, one '
Clarke, son of Mr, Alex, Clarke, He
has been ailing for some time past and
.' old poultryman e
n ie of the
07R '
ocelot.-- t up za.on t e ins ,
A SI ' 1 h 6th ' t
- ' , , ,
' the wife of James , 0 Roterke, of a,
daughter; ' , '
s • t '
unslune, ITsboine, on
t se • th inst.- t e wi e o m. 0 •
1 17 ' h 'f • f W ' R b
•' ' ' ' ' ' '
,. inson of a dausshter. '
' • '
finally passed awass on Tuesday.
. llth . ..... , .,
ma litninse ills remains were fol-
6 . . ,
lowed by a large number., of friends
and was interred in She Fairfield come.
' ii ire d
tery, on bursday. e parents en
children .have the sympathy 01 the en
tire community. .,
The funed.a; sermon
that there's 110 danger in mal
hen 5 ,
oo fat for laying u • '
"(- ' P ince
i - s th inact: it or lack
bel eve at es ,
' a t .
eiseaan he absenee of the
pla,ce keeps the hells fromlayi
0 • •
t • . .
We hunk thee, should lay. l
come lietluss. aid the blood (
Wheat per blishel, ..... $0.63 OS 0,63
33 to 35
eate.“... ...... ........ A 29 to 80
3eae...... ............... , 55 to' 55
3utter . • • * $ 4 4,..ei ... we,' 1 1 to 18
[.,ard ,...i. .... ,,, ... • .. , 12 to 13
OggS .... ..... i . a ... '. .... 11 & 11
)hiekee per lb...... ,. ,... „ ' 5 to 8
'lover Seed, ... .,..,.. “. 075 to 10.00
Timothy. , „ ..., ..., ... 2,16 to 8,00'
A.Isike . ' . 575 to 0,00
II 4 i 4 4 0' i . l • if • • lo 4 I
, k ,: 700 to 7.25
" °I.' ' " ' *' * ' * ' ' '*"*'''
.o -tatoes per Ong ,......r..t . 50 to 60
_ , .., ...ti
. . .excl.
Great IEnsslish Prescription,.
rhe- -s• , , . - a
e• A fecful Medicine used over
, - se years in thalistinds of caeca.
s 1 OUreg SPerfttetiOt+hea, NerVOU8 ...1
e ' Weakneag, Etitissions, Impotencti ,
4 and all diseaSes cautiedloy abuse. '
feetonel indiscretion, Or eves -exertion. leresal
SIX packages Guaranteed to Cunt, whennketherl
T a Great Marne!'
Fail. Ask yoUr Drtiggist for u
PreiteettitlorIf take no substitute, One pftekate.
ti .$F 6 13.! ails Ws te forraraphlet Addreaj ,
seittriektil esslenilitieseliekie. beltoltt Minh.
of.Daniel Cleric,' which was tU ' have
been preached on Sunday evening lest
• . • - 1:4 ,
has been indefirittely postponed ine•
. . , es
to the sudden illness of his father, , It
see s that
TY1 I'' - f '' r l'
Mr. C.a.rk a ter pa ta cing
of a hearty supper, moved ticroSS the
w and suddenly stammered and
.0 , I t,t, ,
would have fallen . had he not been
. . , • , . .
caugnt by his son, The doctor pro•
nouneed it a blood vessol broken in 'his
1 depri ed Of
siewlY i V ei
that reason he advoeates the
., ..
pile. ' •
As a remedy against the al
' •re, rm t ia-
bate , nd to p o ote, he v ,,o.
the trunks and lower limbe
washed in with the foliar
ure: Take two thirds of a V.
8 . , , . e , ,
laked lune,thc, same as oi w,
aid one pint Of gas tar and 01
, . , . • -
"'Tis drill night, dearest, don t
t sit up,
I may be late,. you see;
I hardly know what friends pl. nieet,
And then .I, have my key, .
eight," she answered With a stnik,,
n' o ' ,ds were alw,i, ,s few. •
. —(1 wot . , ,
, ::;,,
rrt, n4 t i•A lyci +IN/A' trA.tvINATA i•An.
,. ,head
. .
There was:quite A fall 'of etnetes on
• . A. 18
de,. 1...7.... ..., ...Li let •t• 1 RI ilk itylit Ats •isriP . ..
and causing something like par-
sincerely hope he e
clysis. ,, wi'll r
colter soon. At the time of writing he
a Iittie better. -Our btitchet8, have
. . . ..
. , . ,
of hard soap, ., Dissolve one, pi
and plit into the itrixtur% t
, , . . .
enough common soil to prothic
et consistency for apply' 0
ay pe
If • 4,4
starsea on rounas again.
'Whiwash brw,h,
ark r4a.u.a.
VV, of the
lid priceS
11 whet
relay lett
?t, was flat.
Oen. Week-
Ilts to 343-
e market '
otl imports
is 334,030
iirty mar -
!lei -s Ia
or ',Toiled
tor, visit -
rho Can -
bout two
E rdening.
their way
ent San-
t be scarce
owers,w ho
, in t1 -
for the
st. Her
ileum Ott
f death. --
f Exeter,
ket to fail
that wilt
etsd meal
your fame
you give
eine feed.
urn a loss,
f two att-
tter feed -
the more
say that
times a
one's �r
It is bet-
irt the oil
nd vigor
to lessee
with the
g, farm -
emends a
rt of its
ty to rise
d hardly
ves thee-,
ther as a
✓ patrons.
y under -
that ft
• pro Us.
cow as a
ring the
le work
ral feed:-
ork pap-
ree fa.rra-
, Women
ce a year,
e same
the year
—10 cora
eat up
Yen the
in -more
UT acres
f fodder,
idered a
, as well
limit ex-
it) rent -
ter bow
ve, and
slid shoes
orate it
s differ-
ting the
es. HO
of exer-
rig whett
ens bc
se. For
• of trees,
inass be
ing roix-
i if oil of
it, ,wash.,
16 po Urn.%
it otlV
hen oda
e a prop