The Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-13, Page 8C.) IiJIIIUEU &11,911111113. ----ti'l'e handle -- s UTI'PI 1i , STATIONARY. MAPPINGS, TWINES, BAGS, SMALL WARES, FANCY GOODS, COMBS, • BRUSHES, SOAPS _-DANA 3iLL LIMES IN Nt1SIMAL GOODS . t=4"E=.QT1,E1S 2a:E1 ,rS, 7- 217TATS.+ a. CM:GC , EXETER, ONTARIO. 0 11 Booming Booming. Tho kqt is Booting spring Trade. New Dress Goods! New Dress Goods! Wecannot describe all the newness in the Dress Goods for Spring wear. We have a lovely stock—are you interested in prices? Look! 24Cts is our price for a pure wool cashmere -11 different shades. see this line, -40 CENTS is what most houses ask for same count goods. Have you seen the big stock of Ready-made Blouses, An immense assortment,—we sell you a good fitting, well -made Blouse for just about the cost of the bare material. WALL PAPERS Are going fast. We show perhaps the most varied and CARPETS stook of wall Paperscin western Ontariwhh we nsk you to come and inspeot. Wo.e cain and will save yon money on Wall Paper. see if we don't. Remember we are the leaders in Millinery for this season. Come and have a chat with our Miss Robertson, she will tell you all about the new styles in head wear. L .& Stewart. LOCAL JOrrTINI GS. Weddin= lfiells. On Wednesday morning last one of those pleasant events, which are inter- esting to both young and -J1d alike, took place in the Trivitt Memorial church—it being the marriage of YIiss Fanny Davis, only daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Davis, to Mr. Samuel Sweet, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet, all highly respected citizens of n y Exeter. The beautiful ceremony of the Church was pr,formed by the rect- or, Rev. Fred Honing Fatt, and now "Sam" and "Fanny,"as they are fa- miliarly called by their host of friends, are " one," The bride wore a travel ling suite of Fawn Diagonal, made in the "Empire " style, and trimmed with seal brown velvet. The wedding dress is of London Smoke Satin, trimmed with Lace Butello, and her reception gown is of Rucligose Silk Bengoline,. trimmed with figured Silk Batiste. There was a large attendance to wit- ness the ceremony, after which the newly -wedded couple passed down the aisle followed by a number of admin ing eyes to the carriage which was in waiting at the church door to convey them to the depot. They took the train northward via Palmerston, Owen Sound to Thornbury, where they will be guests of the bride's relatives. The bride was assisted by Miss Sarah, sister of the groom, and the groom was assisted by Mr. Jos, Davis, brother of the bride. The Anvo0ATn joins with the many friends of the newly wedded couple in wishing them God speed. COMMENTS. What we heard our young lady and bachelor friends remark:— " Didn't the bride look lovely. They were a model couple." "'The singing by the Choir was love " Weren't the responses done in good style." "Fred 'Knight did the Wedding March to perfection," " The chimers gave them a good "send off" anyhow." An old "bath,"was heard to say, "The church is the right place' to be married, and will have my wedding there when the time comes, " Velem for Site. The ttrideesigned has several first Plass farms for sale on easy terms, J. SrAai.zvlAN,1.i eter Bruce comity has fourteen llowsPAP- There aro :1466 more females than ers and Unrolls eountx fifteen. males in London, Ont. Wonder how Theshovel brigade. were. on duty Exeter stands.? ff' Friday and scraped main street. Druntbo has offered to exempt the McCormack company for twenty years and give thein a free site, Seven fishermen have been fined' at Chatham for net fishing in the Thames which is prohibited this, year, The sale of dairy cattle held at Mr. Phin Hunter, Us'borne, ou Thursday last was well attended' and prices realized were good. The wild {towers aro commencing' to bloom. We were presented with a beautiful boquet of the same by Miss C. Petersen last Tuesday. Mr, Wm. Bawden, ex reeye recently purchased the 30 acre farm of Mr. Jas. Eag'lesotr,situated near Bayfield for the sum $2700, It is a splendid wood farm Bluebirds and grassbirds have fol• lowed early in the path of robins and may be heard every morning giving forth their sweet, plaintive notes, Agents are going through the coun- ty selling platform scales at a higher figure than they can be bought for at any hardware store in the country. Farmers, don't be gulled. A young school mistress ina Dakota town has been dismissed from her po- sition because she amused her pupils by reading them ghost stories and news paper accounts of divorce cases. The Oddfellows of Exeter Lodge will attend divine service in the Presbyter.: ran Church in a body on Sunday April 30th when the Rev. Wm. Martin will deliver an appropriate sssrmun on Odd - fellowship. Clinton New Era.—"F't.rmers tell us that the fall wheat is looking splendid,. that it has not been injured in any way by the frost, and that so far as their observation extends, it promises exceeding well:" About five o'clock Sunday morning a fire occnred inthe harness shop of Mr. Chas. Eacrett, Sarnia, formerly of Exeter. The building was completely, destroyed, together w.th its contents. His stock was insured. The country in this vicinity is look- ing unusually well. The grass is com mencing to show green and the fall wheat is also showing up in good shape In fact vegetation is much further ad- vanced than is usual at this time of the year. That interesting and live journal the Mitchell Advocate has passed another milestone and has now entering on the thirty fourth year of publication. The. Advocate is newsy and well conducted journal. May it continue in prosperity is our wish. The General Assembly of the Pres- byterian church for the Do;nmion meets in Brantford in June, when some 400 commissioners frcm the different Presbyteries of the church will consti- tute the highest court of the denomi- nation. On baturday night there was a cock fight at St. Catharines between St. Catherines and Brantford. It was $300 a side. The referee was aBuffalo man. The funniest thing' about the main was that the stake holdei got out during the fight and is still missing. The semi annual Institute meeting of the Teachers of West Huron will be held in the Public School, Exeter, on Thursday. and Friday, May 25th and 26th beginning on Thursday at 9 a m. the programs in connection with same will be circulated in a few days. Waterloo county boasts of no less than 23 journalist ' ventures. They'. may be classified as follows: 2 Dailies; 18 Weeklies: 1 Semi -Monthly, and 2 Monthlies; 14 of them are published in the English and 6 in the German language; 19 are political and 4 relig- ious. elig-i0ns. An exchange tells us of a school teacher who has introduced 'a novel system of spelling in her school. When one of the girls misses a word the boy spelling it correctly is permitted to kiss the girl. The boys are improving but it is feared the girls will soon for- get how to spell. Collector Vaningen, of Woodstock, has been notified that the Chicago Blade, New York Police Gazette, Illus- trated Times, Weekly Varieties and Wildoats have been placed under the ban by the customs authorities. Any persons handling these papers in fut- ure are liable to a fine of $200. Henry H. Winchell and Company played here on Monday night. Al- though the audience was slim the per- formance was splendid and deserving. much better pazonage. The beautiful and bewildering serpentine dance by. Laving Carlton was exceedingly - good in fact throughout all did their part well. A new dodge of the people who " live by their wits is to advertise for suck ers to purchase a beautiful steel en- graving" The Landing of Columbus," as authorized by the government, at the low rate of $2,50. Send on your money and you wilt receive in time one of the new two -cent Columbian stamps, There will be a total eclipse of the sun on April 16, invisible to North America, but visible in South America and Africa, and the Royal Geographi- cal Society of England is sending an expedition to each of the latter places to take observations, The cost:will be about 810,000, but much scientific knowledge is expected to be gained, Did you ever notice that the days of the month and week are always the same in March and November, in Alp ril and July, That is, if March comes on Monday, November will do likewise the same rule applying to the other abovenamed month g. In leap yeat January is with Mareh and November The last day of February and the fourth day bf July always occur on the sante day of the week; the same is Most of the :farmers have commenced seeding and they report the land its excellent. shape. The agricultural ' grounds, which were put up by auction for rental on Tuesday were parehased by 12r. Win. Bawden for $100. dr E. Treble is erecting a commod- ious workshop at tzo rear of the one he now oceilpies, He will convert the old shop into a show room and the upstairs department into a varnishing room. Mr, John Hope , of Brantford, Govern ment agent, whoso ti ity it is to select choice stock for the World's Fair' was in town on Tuesday. While hero he selected that excellent coach stallion, "Pasha," owned uy Messrs Dow & Ten nant; also that beautiful Clydesdale i n "Joendersau' owned Stall o A n by Courses, & Stewart, Lucan. It appears Mr. Hope's duties are to select the bust stock possible, and the . owners are compelled to take the animals to Chita go, for exhibition. Of course all ex penses aro paid by the Governmet. Another sehome is being worked for defrauding the public It is a picture scheme and is so arranged that the law cannot, touch them. For instauce a wily agent induces the unsuspecting to pay $1 or $2 and sign a contract supposedly reading that they have bought a handsome :painting. When the customer reads over the contract at his leisure he finds that he has agreed to pay $12 or $15 foe a cheap lot of. paintings. If he fails to take the whole lot the hidden language of the contract states all money previously. paid shall be forfeited. Those of our readers who cultivate the luscious pear noticed last season that for some reason the leaves of the trees seemed to suffer from blight about the middle of May. On close examin- ation it would be found that sap was exuding copiously about the axils of theleaves and dropping on the foliage below and sometimes running down the branches to the ground. The mis- chief is done by an insect known as the pear tree psylla, a small, yellow, jumping creature, .flattened in form and provided with a sharp beak with which it punctures the bark of the tree The remedy recommended is to paint the twigs with a strong solution of soft soap and syringe the foliage with strong soapsuds. A little judgement may be used so as not to make the so lution too strong and thereby injure the foliage Fisiiery Natters. The Government has decided that the proposednew regulations with re- gard to fishing in Lake Huron and Lake St. Clair will not be. put into force this season, su that fishermen will be able to ply their vocation un- der the old regulations. Coune il.1'roce edingp. The Council met at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday evening, 7th April, and examined tenders for sinking a well at the Town Hall for street water- ing purposes. Mr. Geo. Cudmpre's ten der being the lowest was accepted, on motion of T. B. Carling seconded by H. Spackman. There being no further business the council adjourned until. call of the Reeve. The 12th of July. "At the anuual meeting of the L. 0. L. of South Huron, it was decided : to celebrate the 12th July, 1895, in Exe- ter. So far the committee have met withevery encouragement and have reported that this will be the best cele bra`ion in the west. They have a loyal,: town, and a loyal poeple, and will pro- vide a royal reception for visiting brethren. The Exeter brethren invite all to participate in the anniversary festivities. Special railway rates ar- ranged:from all points."—Clinton News Record. ?Muskrats By an amendment of the law last session of the local legislature, the open session for trapping muskrat was limi- ted from Nov. 1. to April 1, instead of May 1, as previously. There has been much complaint about this alteration, and it intended that the open season shall be changed bacl to May 1, and probably it was by inadvertence that the old season was altered, Cir- culars have been sent out from the chief warder's office to the deputy war- dens not to prosecute or take cogniz- ance during the present month of April of any trapping of muskrat which may take place, but this does not apply to shooting or using guns in the taking of muskrat. Personal ]Mention. Archie Nelson left on Friday last to accept a position in the Clinton organ factory —Miss McTavish, whc has been at her home in Ripley for some time is again in our ` midst.—Frank Oke, of. Toronto, who has been renewing ac- quaintances in town, leaves to -day for Toronto,—Miss Lou. Brimacombe, who has been engaged as dressmaker in London, has returned home, and will remain a month.—Wm. Ballentyne, License Inspector, was in town on Tuesday.—Fred Brooks left yesterday for Ridgetown where he has, accepted a situation as tailor --Mrs. C. lios6 re- ceived a telegram on Monday from her home in Napanee that herr hus- band was very ill and that her pres once was wanted immediately. She left Tuesday morning.—Mrs. R. Davie and idrs. Isaac Bawden, who attended the funeral of the late Mr. Gemmell, who, was recently killed at Wroxeter, by being thrown from a buggy on '1 hursday last, have returned --Mrs. Dan Dyer went to London on Tuesday and will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. A, A, Lind, of London South, for a few weeks:—F. B. Samuels, of the Molsons Hank, is visiting in Toronto, this .week. —Mr. Ed ,Flant, is on the sick list. -- Mrs. Nicholas and John McAyoy, who have been visiting here, return to their true of the 24th of May and Christmas homes in Kincardine, to -day. iCa�t S31C!Ne`" 9 .gw MoTafish & Co's Old Stand. Away Belo Coni Look at a few of Oar Prices. Dry Goods. Former Prioe. Nov'.v Men's Suits 5 00 3 50 do 10' 00 6'00 Men's Pants 2 00 90 All Wool Tweeds 50 30 Yard Wide Gln„ rams 12J, 8 Prints 12-e to 15c 9 Ticking 20c to 25c I2. do 15c 8 Dress Goods 11 5 do 25 17 do 50 34 But we have not space to enumerate. Suffice it to say you can get everything at 10 to 25 per cent. less than the original cost. Groceries At Cost Price. Boots & Shoes. A large line away below the Cost. Don't fail to call. Come often, it will save you money, G. G. JOIIMSTO, McTavish's Old Stand. laeafortri Dye Works. All orders for the above Dye Works can be left with E. H. Fish. Boy Wanted.. A good smart boy wanted to fear n printing. Apply at this office. sinning Pair Dates. Spring Fairs will be held in this dis, trict at the following places on dates named. South Huron at Brucefield, April 14th; South Perth at St. Marys, April 18th ; Blanshard at Kirkton, April 14th;` West Williams, at Parkhill, April 26th. April Fool - A tight rope performance was adver- tised in the town papers to take place on the market -square .on Saturday last People crowded in from all parts of the country to witness the daring feats,but as the hour for the"show to commence arrived, and the hands of the clock con- tinued to go around, people began to realize that it was an April fool joke, and that they had been badly sold. Just as the crowd was about to disperse a thick rope was run across main street from the Hicks House to an upper win- dow in Davis' grocery store, when a cheer went up, and all n'w satisfied that the performance would certainly take place. For hours the throng re- mained on the sidewalks with their eyes turned towards the rope, but for some unexplained reason the professor failed to put in an appearance, and ]anguagelmore forcible than polite was freely given expression to, One man who sat in a wagon from one to four o'clock, until his limbs became numb, was heard to say that he would never spend a dollar in Mitchell again, that the people were a lot of rogues, and that it was only a scheme to draw a crowd to town. The joke was a . good one and was perpetrated by some Strat- ford wit, who sent an advertisement to the .Advocate and Recorder. It had the effect, however, in showing the power. t what always bo t press,and w a may a of he y y expected by the judicious use of print- ers' ink.—Mitchell Advocate, S�aGk[lau & CO. Have this week opened out the best a n d largest stock of Amer ican and Ca- nadian Wall Paper maceossmacoolmmonemonwesennest Ever shown Town. N o w is the time to buy your pap- er for Spring. . loomliessmeenualemsoveumostroamossme Spackman & Co Gprods for Plenty of them. 'file latest and best assortment, full up in all grades and styles. 0-0-0 -0— 0-0-0 Grand St o ick for find- ing just what you nt. 9 Few can meet and none can O beat our prices. Quality and Grade, 6 high in all that we offer this sea 6 son, right and riglteous prices on. ' all things.Never were .sounder or surer bargains g ains offered in Groceries, Dry -Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing and Gents' Fur n.is,ius . E Kamin.ation will show ® That our Stock is especially strong in variety and thoroughly reliable in style, tothis we add the strong in - dueenlentof low prices. Highest rFw mrProduce c SEEDS! SEEDS!! Large Stock of S Co • • The Spring tirne is that Season of the year when everybody should take TIME by the forelock. This is . just what we have done and now we are able fill all orders for seeds of any kinds and in any gnanty. This is the only way to secure good, reliable seed. While you are in do not fail to see our new a es, , x. Foes, • • akos, Forks, • Shovels, &c, • In fact eyerything in way of Garden Tools. leak oil Intir LAgmy IF YOU WANT TO Bny or Sell a Farm TP VOTT WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF 'YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. Ino. Spaokman's Real ;state. Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending ` purchasers will receive the best adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for AllanLine and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 T h e undersigned have opened out a new Stock of first-class Spring and Summer suitings,in Canadian and Imported Tweeds Worsteds, etc., which , we sell at right prime. Tweed Pants $3. and upwards, Worsted do 4. do Tweed Suits' 10. do Worsted do 16. do Spring Over Coats $14,00 and Upward s. Ball and examine before purchasing elsewhere, We guarantee a goo. fit. Creech. ti Bissett. Fresh Maple Syrup at THE PEOPLE'S ROERY and Liquor Store We order our goods often and keep our 'stock always .fresh and clean. Parcels de- livered free in any part of Town. Kll!lit. One -Boor SoutihOper'a hall. ROLLIrS IWAMS mining CO., of Exeter. IIave opened an office opposite the Town Hall, and while build- ing the. NEW MILL Will keep constantly on hand a full stock of the VERY BEST BRAIDS OF FLOUR; also all kinds of mill stuff and Feed. Irarmers and townspeople will find it to their advantage to call and see us. ROL INS & WILLIAMS.,