HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-01, Page 18t! U" i,/ APRIL 1,,1971 '�1GN�lI.-STAR., H �S A��. AP. r ..,,x...,, ... AAA L®Ad1's MR. AND, MRS. ALLEN LeBLANC Honeymoon in U.S.A. •Blessed Sacrament Church in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, was the- scene Monday, March 22 for the wedding at which Allen LeBlanc, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, son of Mr.candMrs. Percy LeBlanc, Goderich, t' ok Laura Lee" Lavergne, daughter of Mr• and Mrs. Leo Lavergne, Sault Ste. Marie, `Ontario, as his wife. Rev. Father Ray Farrell conducted the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white polyester crepe°gown trimmed with embroidered lace. Her illusion veil was held• by a band of embroidered lace and she carried a cascade of red roses. Maid of .honor was BeVerly Ke", Sault Ste. Marie. She wore a royal blue polyester crepe gown' similar. to the bride's' gown but without the lace trim; and matching ribbons in her hair. She carried a nosegay of white carnations tinted blue. Bridesmaids Peggy Peccolo and Emily Lavergne and flowergirl Anne Lee Lavergne, all eof Sault Ste. Marie, were gowned identically to the maid of honor. • Groomsman was Don Mei, Sault Ste. Marie. Ushers were Bob'Harrison, Lloyd LeBlanc and Michael.LeBlanc, all of Sault Ste. Marie. • For a 'honeymoon spent in the U.S.A., ,the bride changed to, a'pale pink crimplene pant suit worn with brown accessories. The 'couple will. reside at 129 Trelawne Ave.: Sault Ste. Marie. r Guests were present at the wedding from Sudb.urt ; London, ,Thorne,.. Goderich, 'Pence, , Quebec,:. and New Mexico and Wisconsin in the UF.S.X. " ••• `" Nobody can. breakup good marriage Dear At Landers:,Will you • please say something to the women in your reading audienetk who are filled with hate for the "Qther Wonsan" because she.. wormed her way into a happy marriage and broke it up'? 1 am fed up with this coniplaiut.. It appears in your column very ' and make sure it is a shielded one. You didn't ask for any editorial comment, put 1. can't,Dear Ani Landers: I'm a, help give it. Any mother who ltappil� married woman of would allow her pre-school * We have two little girls, 4 and 2. children4o view that much TV is The prc�ble►n is my mother. She abdicating .her - responsibilites. is. iitt Prove and yo'ung,.•looking Last year lead died. He hopeless alcoholic 'and getting plenty of garbage, along with It, ti Granted, they might see some for 46. often, gi +od material, •but they are also' "'w bias a • Don't these wives realize that NOBODY can break n up ' a successful marriage'? nThe .• "indestructibility .of a .marriage is '' from the•.iiot so_go_od. To remain . whole, in spite of trials '`arid tribulations, to fend off the"""`" co►npetitton — this is what a good marriage is all about. Moroi really went through hell with• him. Nu y that he is gone, Mom has been making up ' for lost time. .She was involved with , two men (-both bums) who cost her money and left town. (The last one drove off in.. tier car.) Now she has a fellow living With her. •He is closer to'my age than hers. My husband and I have,. had several arguments over this. He said he could overlook the first two boyfriends' because they at least had their own -apartments; but this guy is' too much. He ' refuses to 'allow me to. take our little girls to Granny's -place, nor will he allow her, in our -home so long as she keeps this bum. Our girls Miss'Grartny and shemisses thein. 1'd like your opinion. ~- Miss Her Dear M.H.: Your husband,. rn di es sense when he says the girls—,should not be taken' to --Granny's place. But. she should .not be barred from your home. • My advice is to keep the latch string out and your opinio•ns..to-.- yourself: .p 1 l The readers • Continued from Page' 2A. North Vietnam I can only feel ' 'impersonal sorry that they had to lose their lives, or in the case of the prisoners, their liberty, so . needlessly. For their wives and • families I feel a much deeper sorrow. The real victims are the millions of Vietnamese — the. displaced, the dead, the''rnaimed' and the mutilated -_- and their defoliated land. When the U.S.: has withdrawn —• and withdraw they must — there will be an accounting' to, do, and • we are all involved, including the Canadian Government which continues to sell\war material to the l.'.S. for use in Vietnam. There ,smust again be. War .Trials and' massive retribution paid -by the United States to .survivors (?) add her guilty leaders brought to trial. I was struck by , an unintentional bit of, irony in Shirley K'eller's .column., Immediately following her • thoughts on Vietnam was a paragraph' referring to the recent Week of Prayer held in.this• area. War and prayer: it seems, are ,...,.always closely associated, be. it on paper or in actual fact ... The preparations for the slaughter of human beings have 'atways,been made • in the --name bf God, or, some alleged hither being which •man, in all his imaginativeness, has `dreamed up. Chaplains ori all sides pray and celebrate May for the victory of the ,side Whose bread they ,eat. I've bunked with 'pious types who always :claimed they hut -rimed , "Onward Christian Soldiers" as they squeezed the bomb -tit, salted a sleeping village with fire-bombs . .. However, enough in this vein. ,It was a dandy column, -Shirley. What we need is more women like you, with the guts to speak o t • and get` involved. •'There'd be far -fewer. wars, for one thin Should you ever decide . d run for Parliament, I'd honoured oto be your campaign manager. J. C. Hindmarsh write ... Aye; tear his body limb frorxl. limb, , Bring cord, or axe, or flame: Ie Daly knows, that` slot throagh him • hull England' come•to shaine. S Su often tbe "Other Woman" is, characterized as a she -devil•; d. plotter, or'worse ,ye't, a tramp. Granted, sometimes she is all three,., But no matter what she is, or isn't, she could not have broken up a solid marriage. --fit eee y -o -u- ri►- ted ,am from a 15 -year-old high school girl _ who was crying buckets because ,, her ,• best friend had stolen her steady sweetheart. Your reply was, "No girl can steal a sweetheart unless "he wants to be stolen. A boy isn't a sack of salt to be thrown•,over a shoulder and •earrie.d off." This was a powerfully trueStatement.. �ti'hy don't you apply it` to the older girls'? The principle is the same. Secure in Key Biscayne Dear Sec: 1 agree: Thanks for writing. Dear . lain Landers: I read somewhere that if a person sits close up.,to a color TV set hour after hour. he 'r 'igh,t suffer from. u ti f a vorable effects from radiation. My. two pre-school children just love TV. Some days they are in front of the set for as long .as five hours. Can this hurt them? Alamnru ' Dear Mamma: It is best nbt to stay• close to any potential source of radiatior►......,,for . long periods. of time., It is unlikely.; ,..-however, that your children will experience 1'adiation , effects t'tom__ .trodern TV set, since most sets are shielded 'by -a, steel frame around the picture which prevents .this. Clieck 'your set 1 Far Kentish .hop -fields • round him,seeln'd, r"" Lite drearrls, to come and go; Bright leagues of cherry -blossom gleam' d , One sheet 'Of living snow; : Thr: -smoke. above his •father's door Iwgre)) sott•eddy'ings hung: Must he then watch it rise no more, Dooin'd by himself. so,youuig Yes honour calls! stt'ettgth like steel.. THE PAI:VATE OF.THE-BUFFS Last dight, among- his fellow roughs, tie -jested, quaff'd and swore, • A drunken private of the Buffs, Who never look'd before. To -day, beneath the foeman's frown, Ile stands in Elgin's place, lArnbassador from Britain's crown -,; xd t o of all her race. , ,f,. ,..,^.r'!ire;.�`"^ryn�r„e'an.+�'�4i4tti.�R`�'ts•%+t,a'��^�-�:"z�ax%a2:rr�df . ,wM+n.,..rt•�.M, L'�✓w4a:t Poor, reckless, ' rude, low bora., untaught, Sewilder'd and alone, . i 'A''' heart with English instinct fraught 'He yet cai`i` !'all his own. iw, — with He put the vision by. Let dusty ' i,ndians,. whine and kneel;. a English lad must die. And thus, with eyes that would not shrink, With,k1iee •tn,ma,l unbent, . • Uiifalter'iog • oil its dreadful brink, To his red grave he went. - Vain; mightiest fleets of iron ' • smile Vain, those all -shattering .guns; Unless ' proud. E,igland keep, uil tamed, • The strong heart o1' her sons. ,;o. let his name through Europe ring -_ A mail of mean estates Who died,- as. firm as Sparta's king, Because his soul was great. AUTI IOR — Sir Francis Hustings Doyle, 1810-1888, Yours truly, A. GUrdon Kerr, Loudon, Ont. FIGHT CANCER with. check up a anda _;. cheque Take it from me,. WQ Sincerely Urge All Our Regular " Customers To ,Take Advantage of These Values . ., you'Il'never enjoy better -tasting chicken than any of my stores can serve'you — right now. "Colonel Sanders makes it linger-lickin' good!" Kntuck9 Fried Ckicken TAKE HOME SHOP 524-7359 t#1 Kingston St., Goderich At the Five Points WEDDING INVITATIONS * 4' x 7' ELM PAINTED GROOVE PANELING/ Reg. $7.84. NOW,$3.90' * 4' x 8',EL.M_EINTED GROOVE PANELING, Reg. $8.95. NOW $4.50 * 447-x 80"'x'/4" APSENITE INDOOR/OUTDOOR WATERPROOF PANELS ONLY $1.99 • * ;20%o OFF REGULATION SIZE PING PONG TABLES — NOW ONLY $20.40 CEIDAR' CLOSET LINING -- Reg., $8.95 Pkg. NOW ONLY $6.95 (Covers 16 Aq. ft.) * EXTRA BIG SAVINGS ON SkIL TRIGGER SPEED POWER DRILLS * 9' x 12' POLYESTER PILE SHAG RUGS ONLY $59.9,5 (Compare at$69.95) * 30 LEIC�,H 2 -SPEED RANGE HOODS NO. 653b NOW. 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SAVE TOO ON READY -TO -FINISH FURNITURE,AND MANY OTHER ITEMS THERE'S', NOT *•UC TIME LEFT TO SHARE IN THESE WONDERFU 1 BARGAINS.' ............ Sale Ends Neict Week ( hoo,c \,litip wedding in it,'itii'ti,-vl ith complete contidencc from our elegant'clei.tion . v hick includes antnounc;er9ients and all the correct v edding accessories Our wedding gift to \ou.,• a Keepsake coo. of \our in\ it,►tion procc sed in luxurious gold 44'1'4* i4* 010114.'VOi . ��r i4=F4Y'�,IYJ�FY)1"% MNj1,4*{�{;asSG�C►.YFG7�rn oberttll Wxgnttl*#fix West Street 5248331 KiNGSVILLE LA SALLE RIDGETOWN WEST LORNE WOODSLEE , EXETER , ' GODERICH 733-2341 734-7868 674-5465 7687 152'0 829-2+00 2355-142222 • 4 524-8321 AMHERS'BURG .736-2'151 BELLE RIVER 728-2320 COMBER . 687-2401 GRANO BEND 238-2374 OWEN SOUND ' 37673181 SOUTHAMPTON 791t3245 • THEDFORD 296-4991 '� ,, n u. �55vv ,maygg c .KIND CARRYTiDRE �•733434 a1' •