HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-01, Page 122A •QODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THU/ISDAY, APRIL 1, 1971
P:Qtri the Distaff' Sida
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It is going too far
Beginning in 19'73, students entering
the province's teacTiers'-w' colleges "'will
require' a university degree in arts pr
science, it was revealed by Ontario's new
-Minister of Education, Robert Welch. •
It should ba stated at the outset that
this newest announcement is not the
product OS some deep soul-searching by
M. Welch, but rather it is a carryover, we
would suspect, , from "the -,Honourable,.
,hf 11
r•tfhM1 if14 t • .vrWi• .lY.V,k
We do, not intend to comment,on the
-visdom of this decision toupgrade the
requirements- for entering into teachers',
college. We may honestly question the
reasoning behind this move. Is it to`'
produce better classroom teachers or is it
to keep prospective teachers in school for
alonger period of time before they move
out into the work( stream? We 'really
What does, give us the -greatest measure
. of concern is the fact that, according to
Mr. Welch, beginning in 19174° virtually all
new teachers joining the staff -of our
elementary schools .will ''hold university
How are we going to pay all these new
teachers the starting salaries they will have
a right to demand according to tiresent
pay schedules? How are we. going to
absorb them into our system when the
natural tendency of any board desi."ring to
keep expenses down will. be to engage the
best possible 'feathers with the least
'amount of formal education , for the
longest period of time just to avoid added
costs? •
Dear Madam:
With the Local. Gals doing
such a dandy 'job Of airing all
angles of the Abortion Issue,
comments from a mere male on
this topic would be superfluous.
1 would, however, like to
commend Acting -Editor Shirley
Keller for tackling a touchy
subject and putting the plightof
the American, war-prisoners,n
North Vietnam in its" corre't
T Qnt rio_. Dep.aCt el t,.. f" t1 1nh 'perspective; Having visited North
v 11 � «•f'•-.-'•'••-a,� f F
�•, a they
�e�idn�, a� ,�l�Se�t
ion Voice of Women, Mrs. Harmer is
,„y eil„quilifiea to comrnent.
She explained, in last weeks
column, that the, Pentagon has
been using -these prisoners.. as
part of an intense propaganda
campaign to 'stir up hatred
against Hanoi and so justify
escalation of the bombing.
One ,of the things that the war
has ' demonstrated ' Is that,.,.
advertising does 'Ipay. It has
confused a large part of the
i ectorat& for a long time,
perpetuated the American belief
in happy endings; that they are
bigger and better, their purpose
r vert us; std: is .cfn nus side, .the
eiid justiffis the means,
machines are irresistable even in
the jungle, and that China will
tolerate on her borders what
The States would not in Cuba ..
. President Nixon's statement of
last week that Vietnam "will
just last rnonth passed legislation
regarding the Grade 13 credit• system
which is costing Huron County ratepayers
an`additional $150,000 next year.
This latest announcement regarding
teachers= college. admittance ' will
undoubtedly cost another bundle.
,And no one is convinced that either
new regulation- will benefit the overall
provincial educational system one whit.
Surely it is time that the people of. ;
Ontario rose in strong numbers to protest
the dictates of the ,present "provincial
government masterminds. We know of, no,.
better way to be heard than through ;the
' ballot ''boxes at •'the ' ria)tt” prrt'6164
Woman. to Woman
With Shirley J. Keller
With thisissue I relinquish my our new editor this week, Jack - I sat in'on a ,preeeting of the
' post as acting -editor. I might say ,,Mills. tjndoubtedly things will .0 oderich and District
that it has been exhausting but pick up again very. soon. . Association for the Mentally ,
_. exciting , to try .to wear two or In 'the meantime, I think a Retarded last week and spent,
three hats at the same time. - line spoken ;, by Reeve , - aul the entire evening mulling that
-1 do- want -to-'tank'- all- the - Carroll at last week's council ,.question overset my mind. Do 1
readers of " The Goderich meeting, tells the whole story. really know what it is like to
Signal -Star ' who have been so Mr. "Carroll was presenting a ' have a retarded child in the
. patient with me during this last 'paper on ..the . future_ harbor - home day after day after. day ...
month. I have\had an amazingly, developments which he had and to know th'c-_tiirie will likely
few number'. of'' complaints and typed and printed himself- He .never come when that child will
rt problems; to contend with, and I. 'told, council; ''"Jt' ' ' is. not .be 'self.sufffcient the way• most
suppose it is because you have professional but it is the best 1 -normal youngsters will be ,.
tried to understand my situation could do." -' someday?
here. That sums up my feelings for The thing which irrrpressed.me
There have been -'some queries the' last month or so. I did my ' most' about ` the . folks " who
about the lack of picturesfrom very best and I'm grateful to you :comprise the local Association is
Young Canada Week 'in the last for your patience with me:: . their ' devotion. The group, is
edition. I should ,.tell you that I* * * small so very small to carry on
took '"a roll of action shots from There was one Signal reader ' . all the ambitious programs they
the Goderich-Tillsoriburg game • who lost 'her patience with me, attempt and ' yet their
and Bob (,egg, the young fellow however. She came into the complete devotion to these
who has ,stepped' onto the office to protest what , , she m e n to 11 y h an d i c a p ped
photographing scene in Goderich considered to be an improper 'youngsters helps- theme to dd
just. recently, : has !taken !some:, inference in 'a headline„ and to those mighty deeds which give
.others. - - f . . tell me I had used incorrect hope' where there was none .
I 'must admit it was my grammar - in one • particular before.
decision "'to make concerning sentence in the, newspaper. I noted with dismay' that the
them . and because they were ' I believe tile. lady is very Association is having a hard time
' • rather ,ion-descriptpictures of qualified to pass judgement on to find a treasurer. The person
kids we couldn't" identify, I the grammatical , errors 'in this ' who 'would take over the books
passed them by in favor of some newspaper and I do not question forthe organization would have
other news - and incidentally, her right. to draw it to my to have some bookkeeping
we had enough news last week attention-. I must admit that the know-how ... and it would be '
to fill at least another two pages wanner ,of the protest was what ever so helpful if..he,...or..she could -
if we had'had them. • ,, ;turned -me -off, to take a phrase , muster up some enthusiasm for
This week, however, Bob and. the kids like to use . . . and I ' the Association and its
I have tried hard to dig out some . • wasn't my usual congenial self endeavours. .
of the vhuman interest. stuff • for a few minutes ''after our . The meeting which I attended
'Concerning Young Canada Week encounter. was a special event. •It was the. '
•r - ,and- we have tried to- get I name back into my; inner annual meeting and many
pictures of all the winning teams office to stew and picked up a. persons from clubs around
' in the touryiament as well as copy of a neighboring newspaper Goderich who had been invited
some good action shots.. I just to browse and to learri if to -attend, were present. As the
- sincerely hope you will approve `possible. • Just about the first officers ' of the Association
of our efforts. . sentence I read went like this: ". brought forth their reports it
There has . been some . . trying to answer queires why was evident that many of those
comment as 'well, for the last there were a.. large number of at the meeting were hearing for
the very first time of the work
month, concerning the people walking on the fee ...'.
somewhat poor quality of our It was like a draught of magic- Which was being done by the
pictures. It may well be that the tonic and I was ready to face the Association in , and around
people of Goderich have -been " world again.
spoiled by Ron Price's Incidentally, as I -promised the
picture -taking` abilities. Ron, as , lady,. I will try to be more
most of` you,
Goderich. , _
It is obvious that ' the
.G.a.d,+rich .- and • District
know was a 4 -careful -in -future
and this week, I Association for the Mentally
professional photographer and am working as cautiously as it is Retarded . has been • laboring
accordingto other professional possible for me to work. quietly and surely, with no small
photographers to whom I have However, I am no grammatical amount of success."... but it is.
spoken, he was one of the very expert ... just a good average also 'apparent that! the
best, student in English Composition Association's advancement could
I cannot compete with him , . during high school. The results be swifter if it,could just get'its"1
and never ever pretended f m of my., inc"reased efforts may still tremendous hessage 'of service
could. I'm just happy to have
;fairly- ' clear prints for the
newspaper, which tell a bit of a
story for the readers.
I must' Also' mention Don
McGee; .the + 15 -year old GDCI
student who 'walked in off the
street to help us out in the
darkrooni, was a blessing for us.
Don has done this before
when Mr. Price had to be away
but this time, -we are particularly
~,,, 1ebted to Don for the great
not be too perfect, I'm afraid. • to the people. .
" This whole episode reminds
me—of"' my stint at the Exeter I have ata least ' two,
Times.Advocate. I-, graduated suggestions, one • for " the
from South Huron District High Association and one for all of us
School and after beginning to to keep in mind.
work at the local newspaper, my• First, I believe it would be
former high school English beneficial to the Association to
teacher took, a great interest in make absolutely certain that
my writing. their meetings and programs are
From time To -time' I would aired thoroughly in the press. I
see her and she would tell me invite thein ... any one of them
that she read most 'everything I •.• ..10 write to me or call me
job he has done. Our darkroom wrote. concerning their ideas • and
staff at this newspaper is "Great Scot," I exclaimed •o'ne successes. ' Together' we will
practically- nil•and those who,do ° time: !Surely you are not attempt to educate as many
have.the skills are too busy with looking for incorrect grammar." people as possible concerning
othee chores to spend the f "heavens' no," she stated. "1 the work which is being done by
necessary hours it takes each ,,read your columns for ideas, for the local Association.
week to 'prepare our prints for information 'and for recipes ::. '.Secondly, I would urge the
�e newSp►aper. Thanks Don. We , just like any other woman." community to make it their
7.p 1�:J�iR .. •^" � a`t h I H . W? 34 - it .v,a+.• Y f !M +,.5. -. q, < s` 14,
11.7 X4y� 7".. �.��'��'
v.. Jl�. Mt!• ,,k.t « L'... b. .. Nom. . '' '"'''M'\ :(' it4
�tk ' „ �n wall We � have been • � M ...
. p, a g .. her�< .;Adverse .y�we."..A ..o: e:s ' "t , a y on e' .' e�ai `"" District iat4 t :. tor --the
' �V(sYi;,ift udder` Lai;
cdnditio'na Here at the Signal understand 'the problems .of Mentally Retaided is really
siitort Staffed and shy on raising a retarded child unless he doing ... and wily such a small
ptofesSirifat know•how. We are "
p or she has had the experience"' I�,>�,f... . ,..
lodkthg, forward to ,the arrival of wonder. - ' Please turn tp Page '3A'
kt 1
',probably be the U.S.'s last war
could be all too true — if he
keeps provoking Red China.
By mounting a vast
advertising campaign to
brain -wash the American people
that, what they .are doing is right, •
the U.S. Government is now
following in Indochina the same •
teehnicques used in business. The
trclth would be- far too unsettling
to their illusions and the
romantic view ofd' hemselves and
It is always easier to see things
historicallyE ' Thus the ' First
World War' is a' subject, for
-fantasy treatment, we cannot
bear to take seriously ' the
rationalization of those who
directed the massacre. Yet atnthe
time, most people believed
them. APthe Somme and Ypres
and, other battles hundreds of
thousands died to move lines
forward a few yards. Generals
like ,Haig and- 1itchener
unbelievable figures in history —
eould only think to call for more
cannon fodder. On a baseless
faitk „ .an leaders; a whole
„' generation of young men
continued .to volunteer for it
useless death,
Sorheday men will read about
the 'iifdochina war with the same
disbelief that we feel about the
First World War. The. Generals
will all be 'there, the pointless
'savagery, the corn entators
glorying in other"" i'etes
bloodshed, the sel}deeeption.
They 'will read about ten years
of war, a small nation standing
up • under a greater tonnage of
bombs. than were dropped on all
.of Europe in the 'Second World
War, ' of Lieut. Wm. 'Caffey Jr.
U.S. Army.
"These limited operations .are
not enlargefnents of the war,"
said President Nixon as 'his
troops ". prepe`t3'ed,•44tefr m:nD ival)e;r"..,"u *;,.:,0,,,. •yp„•aartto,r .%w•xai•,
Cambodia, and later Laos.
Inhabitants of these !hapless ,
countries were offered the same
visions of victory that, laid
Vietnam waste and sent, the
innocents charging but of the
trenches of Ypres...
The great difference between
now .and 1914 — 18, so far as
tele illusions of war are,�'�
concerned, is that so few people
believe them now. The•'- U.S.
soldier in Vietnam certainly does
not, nor the draft -age kid
awaiting his call. Visitors from
. another planet, on, learning the
history of the Vietnam war,
would corTclude''our leaders were.
mad. But the truth is worse.
They are what passes for sane.
For the comparatively few
• U.S. airmen shot . down over
Please turn to Page 8.A
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