HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-04-01, Page 3• k' 1 i 111. • tr M r. From the M rns•stOr's study BY REV. LEONARD®-WARR, Victoria St.-Beiivniller ' Unitcicl C7uirches , Be not deceived. • Once again we ' .have the literature, but its conception of prophet. God speaks to men . • ,Baha'is visiting our fair town of Goderich. This time concerts love is neither correct, nor through. His Son especially in featuring Jalal "wearing the consistently carried out, these last days. • No man . or western cloak ofahaisrn. r Bahaism accepts all the woman can place any founder of Bahaism teaches that all religions of the world, found any cult on -the-same level as the them fundamentally and , Lord Jesus- Christ'' To `do ,so is , religions are basically one and ti N . the same, and are equally good, everlastingly alike. In other 'sheer blasphemy. God' the therefore join,. the Baha'is ori wards it places Christianity as, Father has given • His " Son „„ .only an equal to . any ...otl3,ex .� a�u^err~trtkirf-Lr^sr` religion (inspite of the tact that" -and th 'i'h only �...o BY CORNELIUS It. STAM PRES, ' BEitEAN BIBLE SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60635 • they are tliesame, -why another`? - - - , r- a Pn an . On; ear ..e' lBahaism m of Persian Jesus Christ; was the Son of God,• equals to Him are The Father MohamMedan origin, tracing its who came from the bosom of ' and The Holy (host. beginning to the Mohammed the Father, Unique in His birth, b6lief: , "that the last true life, teachings, death, successor of Mohammed who resurrection and Kingship), • disappeared 'in, the 10th C. never It should be clear that died but is still living in a Bahaism has some very fine mysterious. city, surrounded by a points, which from the Christian band of faithful disciples and standpoint, make it all the more that at the end of tirne he will dangerous &s a religion. Who issue forth and fill the earth with would not praise it in the Baha'is justice after it has been filled when they advocate world • with justice. This hidden peace? Or who does not reali2e that it is more - •than a npble successor is said 'to_have revealed gesture for a white man from the himself from time to time. South to lay a sick -negro -child in through those to whom he has the bed next to his own in the made known hi -S' will, and who . are known as `tabs'. The last one same ward and tend, to both of these babs was a young with, equal tenderness? But all such nobility of characte • Persian merchant named Mirza r' does 'Ali Muhammed who took the not atone for sin! It is not a title of Bab' in 1844 and who religion. Least of all' is it a religion superior to Christianity. had much the' same relation to Simcoe; and .Beverly, Waterford; Bahaism emphasises the idea Baha'u'llah as John the Baptist that one.more divine spokesman -and her mother, Mrs. Evelyn had to Christ. Mirza Ali Culliford, Waterford. must add to Jesus'. words. God Muhammed. had constantly Funeral service was held • ' pointed. .to a divince prophet says there is no need for another 46. March .31 in Trinity; Anglican counterfeit Messiah,. another who was shortly to succeed him. Church, Sime with Rev. ' Before his death he sent his . v» 1-larvey Parker in charge assisted signet rings to :one of his friends by Canon -L. W. Owen. • and foremost supporters, one • Interment was in Oakwood Mirza• Husayn 'Ali his senior by (coninued _from page one) Cemetery, Sinrcoe, two years. The two.:never met, and were. not related. Soon this construction, telephone,' power NORMANDA KATHERINE Mirza Ilusayn 'Ali announced' - and maintenance servi'ces.','. • MacKAY '` himself 'as the divine The plan" also ,states„that in A well known ,memberof the manifestation predicted by him. rural areas, registered plans of - He is known'as Baha'u'llah that subdivision will not. .be community; Norma MacDonald, is "Glory, of. (god The permitted. beloved wife of Kenneth MacKay, passed aw suddenly followers of , the ' cult then "All divisions of land will 'be, Theatre • groups in Coder -4;h, at, her home , in ipley, on g , .or, ronvey�an.ce.-o.f _._Lor don____and�^Sarnia He_ Once Tlhu'r-sday, 1larcli__1B, 1971.. , changed -tl�c�ir-n�rrrl�-•-fr-am.._`..Iia-bs__.�.._by �urrsen.t.....f to Bahais and' proceeded to” the Land Division Committee won an Ontario .award for best She 'was born ,in Calumet, ascribe B'aha'u'llahk divine- and limited to one lot• per actor.. Little" `Theatre fans will gichigan, �I•Deceniber 1.;9, '1909, honour and. worship. Baha'u;llah applicant so as to maintain the remember, when he played the the daughter of the late Dan S.- passed away in May 1892 at the rural nature and characteristic of part of the King•in' "Richard MacDonald and tiiarg•rret Arin R MacKinnon. • Baha'is are pantheists because they accept all other religions along with their multiplicity of gods. As pantheism, Bahaism stands condemned from the standpoint of Christianity. Not, man's reaching up to every, higher manifestatio s of the divine, but the•„trans dent God descending to , man in divine , a(elation, is:t y out dof man ills. • YYtLL...l - RAT171E1 . GLOW Y r,'ti�s,�fa�4��t a(�+4T,'��jW�'.�w�'�kaS�.-a�R'rr� a'�, .. �..,, and died after all, This was, (fie,, INFIRMITIES, THAT TWE E. -POWER, cause• the Lord Jesus was rejected 'OF CHRIST MAY .REST UPON ME °.. as King both in His incarnation • • 7 I TAKE PLEASURE IN IN - and in Hrs,resurrection, Rom, 8:•FIRMITIES . •.. FOR WHEN,.I AM 2?,23 declares 41he result ass we WEAK, THEN AM I STRONG" (k!. see it in our own day: Cor. 12:.9,1'0). • SNE KNOW THAT THE '(FOR WHICH CAUSE•WE FAINT WHOLE CREATION GROANETH NOT;' BUT ,THOUGH OUR OUT AND TRAVAILETH IN PAIN TO WARD MAN PERISH, YET,,THE IN•• GETHER UNTIL NOW, AND NOT WARD MAN IS RENEWED QAY ONLY THEY, BUT OURSELVES BY DAY. FOR- OUR•LIGHT AFFLIC- ALSO, WHICH HAVE THE FIRST TION, WHICH IS BUT FOR A MO FRUITS 0� THE SPIRIT„EVEN WE MENT, WORKETH FOR U.S A FAR OURSELVES GROAN W17HIN MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL OUR SELVES, WAITING FOR THE WEIGHT' OF GLORY” (11Car. 4: ADOPTION, Ti IAT IS THE RE- 16,1+.7). DEMPTION OF OUR BODY." But Christians in 'this present evil age" need• physical infirmity to draw them closer to God in pryer and faith. Pau'I hirrmself said: ..Some parents must really wonder what value there is to kindergarten for youngsters when, all they seem to do is enjoy themselves.' Yet the educators at Colborne Central School. believe there is value in con's}ructive'p"'fayt'i'ft'i'i'a'rrd'the children in kindergarten are especially delighted with this kitchen . canner tithe school. It is plenty of fun to pretend . , , and there's a learning process, too under the guidance of a qualified kindergarten teacher. .4. "OUR WEAKNESS AND GOD'S POWER" When our Lord w!as on earth Wh He healed' great numbers of sick and diseased people. The 'be• (levers at Pentecost 'also healed many in the.name of Jesus, of- fering His return. from heaven upon condition of 'their repent- ance (Acts 3:1921): • • A11,4 those who were,., heated, however, finally succumbed. to` "MOST GLADLY THEREFORE' For this thing I bespught the Lo thrice•, that 'taught depart from me. Arid He said unto me: 'MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR -THEE, FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN • WEAKNESS" (11 Cor,. 12:7 9).•) 'The apostle's response to this is beautiful: Goderich and area obituaries WILLIAM JAMES DREW William James Drew,. 197 Bayfield Road, died suddenly at his residence• March 24. He was The son of the late William J. Drew and Mrs. Perle IVIoss) Drew, Goderich, he was born May' 3, 1924 in Goderich. ,He moved to London when •he was 16 years ,of age and returned to Goderich in 1951. lie resided in Toronto-an.d_Sarnia and returned to Goderich again in 1967.. Ile worked as a lab technician with Dow Chemical in Sarnia, He . was active in Little COUNT -Y PIN URGES STOP DEVELOPMENT states. iciU rl—areas " the la -n -Ro'om ith thee God'eri 'h Green . ' f. a /1g4)� 75 and-.was-suvicecded--b e -der . his son Abbas Affcndi born inlayers. She was a faithful member 'of Teheran Persia May 23,184-1. In The plan which cost the • He' was predeceased by his , . 'r 1912 he visited the U.S.A, where county $58,000 and took two sister,. Mrs. Alexander (Donna. Knox Presbyterian Church, a life the first disciples were won in„ years to ,prepare .,Will nbw be Perle) Reed 'March 16, 1971. , member of. the W.M.S. and- a Chicago and where the cause .has- :•presented to the Municipalities,- -Surviving- is • his rrtother; ---Mrs. past district deputy of the gRebekah Lodge. . " sin.. ..' gtow.n attQL a.pi.d.4, .10---- for udj2 and reLoJnmendati.ons., ..7 Perle Drew.:..... _.. • ,.. -.. _. ; _. ;.. _ - �' " • Survi�.ing besides her husband in 'any other country -except It will then go," back to the •Funeral service was at the • "are two daugtitt rs',. Mrs. George Persia, planning board for further study '"St•ites Funeral *Home Saturday, (Jeanne 'Marie) . MacLennan, Ba-h•alsrn claims that unity and and finally, back to Huron March. 27 with ,Harold McLaren Agincourt; .Mrs.. John (GWen). brotherhood are the only County -Council for final in charge.. Pollock Kincardine and one son important things and not , approval.Interment was in Maitland John D. Ripley; also twelvedoctrine,yet on the other hand "You can start livin with the: ' 7 rrr Cemetery, Hallbearers. were Jack grandchildren. the Bible says we are to be iven'plan ' today," Nicklom Cemetery, P g Y, 1V a ll, arold -Shore, -Ralph to„ sound doctrine. "Love" is the concluded; "if you agree with Brodie and Jack Brodie. ,Surviving are five sisters, Mrs. ever recurring.. ' word in its - 'it." Wilfred ( Virginia) I la'ckc tt of Lucknow; Mrs. ,James (Marie) ALEXANDER GORDON KERR „Lowry ,Ripley;, Mrs Lawre nce '1 railer no longer. such of ,R Alexander Gordan -Kerr, 46 2- --FUenore•}•--Harrison of Goderich; Interment was, in Maitland,„ Cemetery'. Pallbearers were, J. H. (Herb) Stott, A. M. Harper, \'i•lliam Leeson, . Reg Belt, �1 illiarti \\ark and Maurice Jenkins. - • MRS. LAURENE HILL Mrs. Laeirene`, Fitzsimons) dii41 suddenly' at her home 'in Toronto :llarch•21: She was in her 85th year. • J , I'he former Eunice Laurene Coldluhoun was" born in , the tli'tcl tt area -,Th daughter of the •late James and Margaret Colquhoun. LL' Slee married Harry Fitzsimons 'in 190'7, and lived. in-. Clinton until his .death i 19.48":•• Later' she married Arnold 11111 of • „Toronto, and has resided there �. dc>r tile -.past_ 23 --'ears:.. N1.r._•Hi-11 predeased her in ,October 1970. :Mrs. .Hill was a 'member of Wesley Willis United Church -and an active member of the Church choir for 38 years.' Surviving ,are two'�suns;-RRess,• (Toronto.) and "Norman of Goderich; one stepson, Arnold and stepdaughter Mrs.. Margaret Earle both of Toronto; "four grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. ' Funeral 'service was Thursday, March 25,' at Beanies F-rneral 'Home, Clinton, with the Rev. E: Morden of` •Union, Ontario, officiating. Interment -'was in Clinton Cemetery. • Pallbearers were: Percy Livermore, W. • M. Nediger, Filbert ' Shaddick, Clarence Perdue ,, George •Rumball, Maynard Corrie. •' h „ . . .......ellington Street, London, died Mrs. Burton . (Irene) Griffith of once running -gear 'out riday, March 26 -in Westminster Bervie; Florence of Ripley; and • Hospital. He Was 55. one brother John C. MacDonald . H ,•� The town's solicitor Ken residence. Born . in Sudbury July 17, " of Huron TWp. The letter from MHunter 1915 the the late Md Hunter has ruled that in his r, e son ofr, anThe funeral service wrrs held opinion, 'a trailer is no longer a' •pointed out that the ,proposed Mrs. R. Kerr, he was a former 'at . tire'• McLennan -McCreath dwelling would be --welt ;within' resident of Clinton and the Ripley, trailer once the runninggear has Funeral Homes• been removed and the body has the size', and cost of construction proprietor of the former Tots 'n Saturday, March 20„ -with Rev, been installed onto' a 'permanent permitted in that particular area Teens shop in Goderich • ` Kenneth Rooney officiating. ' of town. Ile is survived by his wife, the foundation'.Pallbearers were nephews, Mr.. Hunter gave his opinion A. copy of the letter' was sent former,, Irene Brundsdon whom • Donald' and " Randall • Lo'wry, to the planning board 'who will, he married November 22, 1946.; following a request to town .. 1�:dward and Douglas Harrison, council from Clayton„ Edward be invited-' to make, a one daughter, Judith; and two Courtney MacDonald and James for his son to move a house recommendation" to council sisters, Mrs. L. (Dorothy) .two Ilackett: trailer onto a lot on Albert concerning the matter before a and .Mrs. E. . (Madeline) • . • ;street for a permanent final decision is reached. _Parkinson, both of Toropto. . -MRS. MILLIE•AR•MSTRONG I 1 ' Funeral service was conducted Mrs. Millie Armstrong, 20 04TH OTIC ' C,H V R..CH ES • March 29, at the Ball Funeral . Anglesea St., (Goderich,,•• liod at Home Clinton, with4 Dr. George her home March , 9 following.,a ' Goth of Metropolitan Church, brief illness. FICOLY WEEK: PROGRAM London, officiating. Jos born in Lucknow to Interment was rel Clinton- She w Cemetery, Pallbearers:..:.•waere� R-r-� and .....IViinnie ..(McBride)....:,.. • Carnegie, G, Ellis, D. Bartliff, R.. Macauley, 'C. Stoskopf and 0. Stoskopf, Flowerbearers were Paul Dixon, John Dixon, Douglas Gaul! and Frank Dixon. • . ST. JO'SEP'F>�'S;:'""T 'fi'N*(� S i''R Titer ''" •�,:, „ PALM SUNDAY, April 4 Solemn Entrance, commemorating the Lord's entrance into Jerusalem; Reading of the Passion of our Lord according to, St. Luke; Holy Mass at 9:00 a.m, Evening Mass at 8:00 p.m. HOLY THURSDAY, April '8 Mass of the Last Supper; Washing of the Feet; Procession of the Eucharist; Holy Hour for Vocations at $:30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY, April Friday of the Lo'rd's•Death; Liturgy of the Word; Reading of the Passion of our Lord according to St. John; Solemn Prayers; Vener""atiori of thio Cross; -Holy Communion at 3:00 ', EASTER VIGIL April 10'. MRS. EDITH 4 LORRAINE BLACK Mrs. Edith Lorraine Black, Sirrtcoe, died in Norfolk General Hospital March 28, following a -riei1lness. She was 51. The service of Light;"The Easter Proclamation; Liturgy of She was born in.Waterford the Word; Liturgy of Baptism; Liturgy of the Eucharist; September 22; 1919. She was Solemn Faster Mass at 9:00 p.m,. married to Jahn Charles Blck ST. AUGUSTINE'S, ST. A(SGUUSTI N E formerly . of Goderich, who „ PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 4 Mass with the blessing of Palms at 11:00 a.m.; HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 8 Mass of the Last Supper at 8:00 p.m.; GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 9 Stations of the Cross at 3:00 p.m. ST.. MARY'S, LUCKNOW PALM'SUNDAY, APRiL 4 Mass with the Blessing of Palms at 11:00 a.m.i --. HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 8 Mass of the Last Supper at 6:30 p.m.; , GOOD FRIDAY, APR -IL '9 Stations of the Cross at -7:00 p. n, EASTER SUNDAY, April 11 — MASSES' SCHEDULE ST. JOSEPH'S K . N f3 ni 8 ST. *Il)1i4RY'S, L 11CKN'OW: 9:00 a•nT: S. AUGUSTINE'S: 11:00 a.m. • <Cf v,• » predeceased her July 1, 1969. Surviving are four children, John Charles, William Arthur, Peter Douglas and -`Shari, all of Simcoe; three grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Alex (Doris) Johnson; four brothers, Howard and Arthur, Toronto'; Raymond, 1C�furChn lili sori,--both deceasedv,Slit'•-' trairred as Nurse at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and , worked for the Public ••Health Service in Toronto. She was married in Toronto - to Frederick T. Armstrong who predeceased ,her October 15,' 1965. Since living in Goderich, she assisted with the Red Cross and was a former, member of Ahmeek Chapter of the I0DE, She was a members of North Street United Church. Surviving are two children., Mrs. Alan• -(Winifred) Pentland, North 'Bay and Krances. Goderich; two grandchildren: and one brother, Ernest, Palm Beach, California. Funeral service was at this Stiles Funeral Horne, March ,.31 with Rev. Robert L. Raymont officiating.' For Your INSURANCE e or call ,PlistEwan & MacE-w «an a,i47V, x r #' t . r n r n wq� .�3”„ b A r.c 1������R��r� '�' "t Donald G. MacEwan .a r •ti,.15 .... ,,, y... a :. Peter S. MacEwan rW SUNDAY SERVI(ES 'r •,C•7 P'1 .� ., ,.:� ali't :.il a , '01 t ia. aA e family that prays together . . stays together UNITED HOLINESS _CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, APRIL 4th 9:5,0 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. -,WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m.- EVANGELI"STIC SERVICE Prayer Service - Wednesday 7:30,,p. , A WELCOME AV/AITS YOU"a Pastor: REV. 0. H. LEE PHONE 524-6887 • WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST_CHURGH'' , Park Street at V i,ptoria H. RosS Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.rn. Worship Hou ro 1 1 a.m. r- r 4"':c L•.,.—. ...W G l.. L., V IVI�.>•„dram'N CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET '.1 I•'1:1,1,0RSHIP CHURCH- - CALL US IF YOU 'NEED A' RIDE! .524-956 or 524-644S- 10:00, a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 1:00 a;m. - MORNING WORSHIP PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 4th "ENTER KING JESUS” Believers Baptism in the Evening Service - 7:30 Regular Everting Service = 7:30 p.m. . Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT p.m. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praitte , PALM SUNDAY,' APRIL -4th 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - DIVINE WORSHIP. Sermon: "A PLACE ON HIS ROAD" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) = RECEPTION OF N..W MEMBERS -- t, r«r " 74tYw a ud ,e,.!3C 0:4 �.r�: '>A " 7.,3,0..Tp.,. ? ..,.- Y044. VG • PEOPLE'S S~OCYI ' r.: a, Enter to Worship Depart to Serve there was given to me a thorn in the flesh lest I should be exalted above measure. riAA WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford -- Ontario , cheque out �annlci C.. McCallum aM cr' child 'ri Representative pp215 •Wellington St. S., Goderich tO (11 • Phone -524-6272 or 524-7345 , MEMORIALS --MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING Goderibh D-istrict Representative „Frank i IIwain 524-7861 or 524-9465 X200 G ibbons, St. Reg. J. ,B•eII 45 Cambria Rd. S. 0- 524-7.464 PRYDf SON Clinton-Exeter-Seaforth • FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Co•nventioit ,of Ontario and Quebec) {.., -----MONTREAL STREET near The Square. '4 — A WELCOME TO ALL - • School For All. 10:00 a.m. - Adult Bible Class and Church 11:00 a.m. -• Morning Worship %Supervised Nursery,) "DEATH" _ . _.- Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., B.D. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle. ----M-filia-ted-with th.e_Pe.ntecostaI AssembIi f a na • a „ CORNER OF ELGIN ANDYVAT.=EL•„'00•STS. 'REV. R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 4th 10:00 Bali. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. -•-MORNING WDRSH•IP. 7-:00 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE YOU ARE INVITED:TO--ATTEND THESE SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH PALM SUNDAY - APRIL 4th. Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. 'Rector's Class at 9:45 a.m. Palms and ,Procession at 11.a.m. Children W,',111 remain in, church for this special service. (Nursery) WEDNESDAY (?.LENTEN SERVICES: 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. µE, h,:xmr Y ..'..,.�n,`, •aFr ..,at,ga.r:i Se.,„ irnaster:: I' 'P `ter-'Sdrei;, .-:, ;',':.t`Is#,# F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A B,D. Victoria' Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP R.IW. . LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m. - Bible School For •All Grades. 11=:00 a.m. - Worship Service: 'Sermon:. "THE PLACE CALLED CALVARY" 1:30 p.m. - "SONGS OF, THE GOSPEL SERVICE" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m. -'Worship Service and Bible School. -' W -E -L -C -O -M -E - - - Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmiller• Pianist & Choir Director Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir Director North street United Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT r SUNDAY, APRIL 4th PALM SUNDAY, 9:45 a.m. -= Grades four „and up. 10:, a.m. - tG3. 11 :0055a.m. -- MORBabiesNINGo WORSHI,•Prade, Canteta: The Cup, The Cross,. and The Crown" SERVICES DURING HOLY WEEK Monday - Thursday: 7:30 8100 p.m. Good Friday: 11 a.m. W -E -L -C -O -M -E Supervised Nursery • a•NS�ii �'� ' -.. M •"`.moi `�i"y�l"i�?�"�.m � }VST?_I' •.di'r•ra st tistolttuttet tt Q"I'"'":910 '?9SFT+" 'nw'`�',�"rri•,"a•''".w+ u Phone Church "Office and Study -- 524.7631 • Church Building 524.6951 •