HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-13, Page 5ybi i [t�{ e0h
i{I lVlirr".a.4 . VNare 8
1h,1rts Iat cos(a f
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Ni.rvews 1)ebSiity, 1,0£4) )(NOV and TtiCg` 1 aillog Mauhoutt; restores the
+»i tvuoi*ndss of body or mind unused
by o'er-wor$ or the error) or CA*
' 1 11 slued 11-
,W,l'4 f.1�9 l This r!.-• tL.sst.S oe i It
whitely tu'•ts rho 111014 ebstinnto cases when all other
tnG,trtiltrra have failerlOxento relIVYO. a0ldliYdrug,
g'„,ILtet at t i per p tulcage o •six fur 4t or sent by loan on
i 0 • 1`0ru,1Lin by
dtb}yills•''t,r v rl'ohlet,S,S ld' 1N ll
ox `sale iu ,Exetesrby J• W, Drowning
The New York Times is said to have
been purchased by a syndicate for 96g5o,000
Gentlemen. ---I was troubled with dyspep-
sia for about four years. "I i oticed an ad.
vertisement of Burdock Blood Bitters, so I
started to use it and soon found that there
was nothing to equal it. It tookjust three
bottles to effect a perfect` cure in my case,'
Bert J. Reid, Wingham, Ont,
Two distant shocksof earthquake were
felt at Lincolnton, Georgia, Friday.
To get relief from indigestion, biliousness,
constipation or torpid liver without disturb-
ing the stomach or purging the bowels,
take a few doses of Carter's Litttle. Liver
Pills, they will please you.
The Law and Order Soctety of Pittsburg
have taken after Sunday newspaper publish
sessed by Victoria Carbolic Salve, The
best remedy for Cuts, Burns, Sores and
Friday was the twenty-fifth anniversary
of the murder of Thomas D'Arcy McGee,
There is no remedy that makes as large a
persentage of perfect cures as Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup, In nearly every case
of coughs, colds, astnma, bronchitis, hoarse
ness, croup, etc., its curative effeuts are
prompt and lasting.
A bill incorporat.rn„e. another. coaly
cateis now before the Nova Scotia Legis-
SION with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphi-
tes cures all throat and lung troubles.
A report sent out that the Coinmercia
cable had broken proves untrue.
A friend in need is secured by everyone
who keeps a bottle of Hagyards Yellow Oil
at hand for use against accidental sprains,
bruises, cuts, burns, scalds or any inflam-
matory pain, such as rheumatism, quinsy
sore throat, etc.
Geo, T. Seney, the well known Brooklyn
philanthropist, died in New York city Friday
That tired languid feeling and dull head-
8)UR'S k til L E All
Cough syrup Tastes Good Use
Ie date Sold by druggists,,
tL y�
AnUwendespatchSound says about
o'clock this morning a, stron,,tri .north.west
wind struck the river and harbor, carrying
oat into the lake all the remaining ice, An
early opeuing of nava;ation is now looked
COLDS nsvn COUGHS lead to consump-
tion if neglected: Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup cures quickly and is pleasant to take.
The adopted daughter of Mrs. Evans
recently became an heir to consider-
able pioperty w Canada` Detectives
were sett to truce the heiress, and in
their investigation discovered the true
relation of Arr. and Mrs. Bari;to be that
of brother and sister. The terrible
knowledge; prostrated Mrs; Barr, and
her husband is grief-stricken. No is•
sue bas resulted from thc.0 marriage.
Legal proceeding's will be instituted to.
sever the marriage bond and the coup-
le will leave for London, Canada, to
claim the fortune,
Tweiltyfive vears ago, two waifs,
brother and sister, were abandoned by
german imigrairts at Castle Garden,
They were legally adopted, ono by a
man named Asa Barr, the other by a
Mrs. Evans, The latter moved soon
afterwards to Philadelphia, where site
brought up her adopted daughter, g
i V
ing her a good education. Twenty
years later thf� boy, grown. to manhood,
moved also to Phildelphia, where he
followed. the trade of a painter Chance
drew the brother and sister together he
girl waseaptivated with the b rl a n'd wooed,
won and married her. During the late
strike they moved to Homestead,where
Barr found employment
Fortify against Cholera.
Now that we are threatened with
cholera in Canada, every person should
for the sake of their city or country, as
well as themselves, take every premix -
tion against this disease. It is a well-
known,fact that when the blood is it a
healthy state, and the impurities filter-
ed ,therefrom by the kidneys, the or-
gans nature has provided for the pur-
pose, that there is little fear of this or
any other scourge that may come. The
spring is the time when all should at
tend to this important duty, and all
ache is very disagreeable. Take two o£ , are i °minded that there is nothing
Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring,and
you will fiud relief. They never fail to do
Over r,000 clothing cutters struck at
Brownsville, L. I., Friday in sympathy with
the locked -out garment cutters of New
the best $r.
Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's the best $x
The best Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's $t
� The revenue returns of the Dominion for
1 �t1 the nine months ending March 31 show a
surplus of 15,141,724•
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave thereCastoria.
The Newfoundland seal fishery is a total
failure this season. The total catch is not
expected to yield go,000 seals, which Is one
fourth of last 'year 's catch.
Can you think of a worse disease than
dyspepsia, it plunges its victim in gloom and
despondency, makes him a burden to him-
self and others, and causes constipation and
bad bad blood, Yet Burdock Blood Bitters
cures dyspepsia or indie„ estion,and has done
so in thousands of cases.
The New Brunswick Legislature has pass
ed a resolution approving of proh+bition,and
urging the Dominion Government to pass a
prohibitory law.
They make one feel as though life was
worth living. Take one of Carter's Little
Liver Pills after eating; it will relieve dys
pepsia. aid digestion, give tone and vigor to
the system.
J. W. Flood cashier for Donohue & Kel-
ly, bankers, San Francisco, is short '$23,000
in his accounts. He has resigned, and
transferred all his property to ' secure the
Coughs and cods are the cause, if neglect
ed, of consumption. It is therefore much
better to cure them at once by the use of
Hagyard's Tectorial Balsam, the safe sure
and reliable remedy for all diseases of the
()throat and lungs.
It is stated the United States has taker
vigorous action in regard to the outrages on
the American citizens at Marzovan in the
Turkish dominions, and the violation of the
mails of the United States legation.
The red river of life is the blood, like oth-
er rivers it sometimes becomes impure, but
unlike other rivers it only needs Burdock
Btood Bitter to perfectly purify it and re-
n.ove all its disorders from a common pim-
ple to the worst scrofulous sore;
Right Rev. William Ingraham Kip,bishop
of California, is dead, Bishop Kip, has been
identifek with the church since 1833, when
he was appointed missionary bishop of Cali-
known to medical science that will do
the work so effectually as Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills. Every person, sick or well,
should take some of these pills in the
spring, and thus fortify themselves
against disease.
Tailors, atrilvein Lonaon Ended.
The tailors' strike is practically en-
ded, and this morning, at present in-
dications, the men will all be back to
work. "We have gained all our points,
with very slight concessions; and the
men are satisfied if the bosses are,"'
said a prominent committeemau of the
strikers. •
A. Brother and Sister Marry Each
A romance of unusually unfortun-
ate and pathetic detail was discovered
last week when two detectives from
Toronto, Canada, discovered in Mr. and
Mrs, Ash Barr the relationship of broth-
er and sister and the heirs to a fortune
left by a. relative of Mrs. Barr's de-
ceased mother by adoption. •
IIood's Cures.
In saying that Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures, its proprietors make no idle or
extravagant claim. Statement from
thousands of reliable people of what
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for them,
conclusively prove the fact—Hood's
Sarsaparilla Cures
Fleur Mill Burned at Forest.
Forest Ont., April 6th, -The large
brick flour mill and contents,and store,
house and.contents, belonging to Mc
Cahill & Co, merchants,were consumed
by fire to night. Among the contents
of the storehouse were 100 barrels of
flour. The origio of the fire is un
known. The amount of the loss has
not been ascertained, but it will be
large.' It is understood there is a par-
tial insurance.
Handsome Surplus,
Ottawa. April 8.—The revenue re-
turns for the nine months of the fis-
cal year ending March 31 are of a very
gratifying character. The total reve-
nue is $28,834,530, and the expenditure
$22,692,906, showing a surplus of $5,-
141,724, For the corresponding period
last year the revenue was $26,732,946
and the expenditure $23,383,469, show
ing a surplus at that time of $3,349,477
The increase in the surplus, therefore
this year over lust is $1,729,247. The
expenditure on capital account for the
pine months is $2.592,736, as against
$2,566,532 for the corresponding period
of last year. The total net debt on
March 31st was $237,613,602, or a de-
crease of $1,786,667 in the month,
b7embray's Kidney and Liver . Cure
has been dispensed by a prominent
chemist and druggist for years and
hundreds of his customers have freely
testified to the beneficial effects and
wonderfulcure of Kidney and : L ver
complaints, Ask your druggist for it.
Eby ;
o :. , . hood.
A Medical Work that Tellg the catises, Detics $eit he laffect9,'
Pointd the itemedy.
Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ever nub,
fished; 96 pages, every page bearing a half -tone illustration in tints; Subjects treated';—
Ifervott5 Debility) Impotesicy, Sterility,Development, Vaticoeelei
The 13 isband, Those Intending l'1artlage, etc.
Every man who would know the Grand Truths the Plain T'nott, the otdscorees and
Trow .Discoveries of Medical beienee as applied to i4lan fed Lire, who would atenc for past
follies and avoid rnnhre pitfalls, should write for this WCINDILRieUL LITTLE 1.00K.
It will be 1:1111'150, under seal, while the edition lasts. Address the publishers$
i,I� d YN'4 H,.,Lw iWrbW hIN YWYN,.p..1.V.u-w•i•.N.`+•,wMui"e.,... frtMmRY,iUn t aM.,....ews.Y .IoM
OllR .
'Saving niareehasoifthe$t±tciciezid
good will of life '.+Palace t rot oxy"
bbuSlnes$ from M• 'yiucoat, wish
to rewind all the old customers
v1d people
of Exeter an
Itil l
t ngher trade and win keep
hand uothuig but the purest
Sugar, Teas, Coffee,
Syrup, Vinegar and
Canned Goods.
"Butter and eggs taken for goods
Pact. Ms Rent in Cents.
Edward McDonald is the owner of
the house in which he lives at 990 Cedar
street, Williamsburgh. Ernest nest Graub=
nee and his family bave been tenants
of part of the premises a long time,and
hold a lease. They pay $30 a month
rent. About three mouths ago McDon-
ald had some trouble -with Gra lbuer,
and afterward Grtiubncr paid his rent
in cents, giving McDonald 3,000 of
them every month. McDonald went
to Justice Petterson's court, in ' Broad•
way, near Park avenue, Williamsburg.
Thursday and complained. Justice
Petterson sent a letter to Gr'aubner
requesting him to cease annoying his
rent in cents,
In the
landlord by paying
and warning him that he might get
himselfinto trouble le if he kept on.
Dutton Narrowly Escapes Complete
St. Thomas, April 8. -Fire broke out
h trop Indus
int ePa s of I
this morning
try store at the village of Dutton, on
the Michigan -Central Railroad, and in
a few hours destroyed $50,000 worth
of property including the Windsor Ho-
tel, J. Price's general store, Patrons of
Industry, McPherson & Drake's gener-
al store, Dutton postoffice. Opera house,
Mechanics' Institute, Davis' tailor shop,
and F. IVIilier's tailor shop, A. J. Leith
who owned most of the buildings, suf-
fers a heavy loss. Nothing was saved,
as au explosion of gunpowder shortly
after the fire, completely demolished
the greater portion of a block. Tne
buildings were all two story and brick,
and were erected about a year ago.
But for a heavy storm which brought
rain down in torrents the whole town
would have been wiped out.
The village is absolutely without fire
protection, and the flames spread so rap-
idly that not even a pail of wat
er was wasted in an attempt to stay
their progress,except when they threat
ened the Queen's Hotel on the South,
and the Salvation army barracks on
the north both,of which structures were
saved. The buildings were insured for
Around About Us.
While?playing base ball the other
day, Master Fred Gilroy, eldest son of
Mr, J. C. Gilroy, of Clinton, had the mis
fortune -to get his nose broken by a
blow from a bat.
Another large party of farmers from
Michigan, with two carloads of effects,
passed through London Thursday to
settle in Manitoba and the North west.
Mr. M. V, McInnes, Dominion Emigra
tion Agent, Michigan, arranged for
their transportation, and is doing of
fective work in that locality.
Mr. D. D. Wilson has sold the old
Mundell farm on the 8th con. Tucker -
smith, to Mr, John McLellan, for $5,800
It is a good farm and in first-class con
dition. It contains 100 acres; has a
fine brick house, good bank barns, and
other good outbuildings. Mr. McLellan
is to be congratulated on his purchase
as he has secured a cheap farm and a
nice, comfortable home.
'•. A DISTARDLY CRI11thl.—On Tuesday
of last week Constable Gundy, of God-
erich arrested a young man named
Thomas (better known as "Tab") Craig
on an information charging him with
rape on a young woman named Sarah
Kirkpatrick, daughter of John Kirk-
patiick,Bayfield road. The crime, it
is alleged, was committed nine months
ago, and as the result thereof the vic-
tim was delivered of a child on Tues
day morning. She is unfortunately
very feeble-minded, quite incapable of
caring for herself, and from ail that
can be learned was in the house alone,
her father being at work in 'a field,
when a man, whom she describes as
the prisoner, came into the house and
by violent force, h,;lding bis hand on
her mouth. accomplished the act. Not
having intelligence enough to compre
hand what had been done, she said
nothing to her friends', and when - her
condition became too apparent for doubt
it was only, with difficulty that a suffi
ciently clear statement could be got
from her, and then through a lack of
judgement on the part of her parent no
legal action was taken until the child
was born. Craig was brought before.
Reeve Proudfoot, Mayor Butler being
out of town, R C. Hays appearing for
the prosecution, and L. E. ' Dancoy for
defence. An adjournment was neces
sarily asked for and granted for etre
week, bail being refused. The prison•
er is but a youth, but he has ,by iso
means borne a good character ; about
town, ide had, it seems, been on the
premises once before trying to trade a
horse with the girl's father, but the,lat-
ter now claims, ,under an assumed
name, The girl's description of him,
sand the fact that he was seen again on
the premises the day the out rage was
conlmit'cd, seemed to establish his
identity, and acting on legal advice
the information was laid and the ar
rest followed as stated,
Diarrhoea and Dysentery aro per.
haps the most ccmnioti of our every
day ills ititd every person nearly' has
Some special eure of their own. Ours
is Perry Davis'Pain Diller, and having
used it many •yyearS we can etltifidently
rceomment'it. Get T31M Bottle lbs.
ht4eY lok .
a� s ,
zhd e:T.AY.qt ud
Bargains i
Bargains 11i
The Spring Season
is about here and our
good wives are begin-
ning to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the "dirty work" is fin-
ished, a few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
for a spring-like ap-
pearance. Bear this in
mind, the best stock of
Bamboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
Curtain poles,
Is at
Odd Fellows Block, Opposite J Grigg
P Ln
Itogs Wanted. Dressed
Dressed Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions; --2 lbs per cwt off;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung gut or eullett, it left in.
All Dogs to btu cut through
from Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weig ping from' 100 to 200
pounds, dressed.
The undersigned having handsome -
,y fitted up his parlor and restaurant
—will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
onfec on •
�i tsl el Bread d
Cakes &c..
Visits Exeter every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon, Alt orders left
with George
Sanders promptly
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
heir season.
Exeter !1IllsiI histrllcilI
We cary the most complete stock of
Musical instruments iu the county.
The above instruments always on
Terms to suit Purchasers.
Proprietor of (The Old Established)
(One Door north 14foison's, Bank.)
i have also a complete stockof
curtain poles and picture mould
A Specialty
A Representative Farmer
a$peai $4
i.719. C 0, 14PUPI.
The €olio\ ing.oi arir;tlile foots ere full,'
• certified to as. being undeniably correct izt
every par tioutar lir H'auit is well knowP-'
in the ViciLi y, h" lin, e,I Od'i' ro ovr
fifty years, o.nd is highly respected an u.
strictest 11Ci:Or 9iY106e'«Ortli.,
man of life > •
-as good s his bend
t letter; f S
tis , 1 be sL-t,n lel ,1 Fa _Ct @t,
physicians n had. attended m and it wtzes
only after h a ilsu g' vr'a 141 • hope Oi care •
that he deeded O. t a dt ck Blood?.
I3ittero on the recommendation
of dia t.1; c
neighbor ` v 11
disease by iia use. :. ti a:i'`v3. I s ex.
Din urns —•T
think. s have
of tlto worst rf.e e e 0t-1 ave yet lecara
of, hav,ng. been six years in -the hands ch •
feat' cf• our beet doctors widioUtobtaininn
permanc yt l.t.lief, nut oo> t ily g
wortie, until °,line it h: y ' td hone Cif re-
covary, 1 tr 14d lBittere and got relief
in a, f.sw days. y organ of my body •
was t er i ti, '-rte l ti 1 . ' l ncil h tidnn i, •
and iG: n d the ru..1 -dLeet170 cop, •,c.'t
seriously deranged, a larre ' i,...t s _n m;i
back, fu c i eii. a par al •,• of the right
leg; in fact the lower hall of ,.i v body was
entirely tev.I;as Liter using Lludocir
Blood Bitters for a low days tine abace,is.
buret, diusharging ` ly-! e seal's• of put
in two hours. .I telt 53 if t ix' 7 receival r
shock front a now,rind battery. • ,.,,y re
covery after the was stwedy and the cure
permanent, seeing that for the Sour year:;
since 1. have had as good 'health ass ever 1
• had. I still talc° an occasional bottle, .not
that t need it but becau c I wish to 'keep •
my system in perfect ,ter Sting order. s
can think of no more rorsarkable• case
than what 1 have myself passed. through,
and no words oan erprese ley thauldulaese
for such perfect recovery.
C. C. R ux,
Welland P.O.
-In this connection the following .letter
from T. Onmines, Esq., a leading druggist
of Welland, Ont., speaks for.itself:
Me+are. T. 1MZilburn & Co.,..Toronto.
Gurrrtr attr,—I have been personally .
acquainted with Mr. 0. C. Hazen for the
last 29, years, and have always found hire.
a very reliable: roan. You ni i,y place the
utmost confidence in any thin ( he says
-with regard. to your medicine. rIe has on
many occasions within the last four years
told me that it was marvellous the way
the Burdock Blood Bitters had oared him,
and that he now felt as able to do a day's
work as he ever felt in his life. Although
quite: well ho still tales sone B. B. B.
occasionally, as he says, to keep him in
perfect health.
Yours truly,
Traoaas Ounnrres,
Welland, Ont.
The steadily increasing sale of B. B. t3.,•
the length of time it has been before tit.'
people, and the fact that it cares. to Ste,-,'
cured, attest the sterling merit of -Oil;
monarch of medicines, the poop ie' sfavorite
blood purifier, tonic and regulator.
EN.A. RAL.--
A. Hastings, Prop.
Every attention paid to
Ladies' and Children's
Hair Cutting.
.�. aStii'igs.
was there known such low price in Furniture
before, as you will find at
Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory, lately occupied by W. Andrews, I wish to
o Countrythat, I am offering all kinds
inform the people ofExeter- and slYrrotlndn��,
of furniture at greatly reduced rates. All Goods guaranteed to be my
own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the
strongest possible manner and of the latest design and finish. All kinds of Ordered
receives m prompt attention; LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex -
work and repairing cl ncee for FURNITURE.
' lie only
Yale:9 s
lace in town where you r can buy the
Patent Do:minion Nickle-Plated Wire
Mattress ---est in the Market.
W Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors North
Town :Call, Exeter.