HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-03-25, Page 11•
124th YEAR - 12 — THURStAY, 'MARCH 25, 1971 -- 'SECOND SECTION
The PUC office on West Street-is-rnodern. and attractive and office, IVirs. Ruth Keene, Miss Mary Campion and Mrs. Lorraine
staffed with friendly personnel. From the left are Miss Cheryl Betties, clerks. (OnWio Hydro photo)
Patterson, a dDCI student whp spent 'her work week atthe PUC
* '
, ..
This is just one of Goderich's many electricallyheated homes. The home is owned,,by Judge ,R.` S.
Hetherington and is rOcafed at 130 Essex Street. (Ontario Hydro photo) •
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_Once a farm settlement
then 0 fishing harbour-
now an
industrial centre
(From Ttie Ontario Hydro direction of the hewly formed age of ,40, and worked until the
1' "Marketing IVIessage. Electric and Water Committee .. 1948 by ElmerWeaver.and the
age of 90. He was,s,ucceoded,ja
klen 6t-th.aq,a,,,#, io 1966-
was imorporated; the town was
February,, 1971) . Cpunctl) and,cto the present.,
- day both ,w4er and' eleDp
-c4icity present manager, D. A. ayid)
111'dtinder e- tarectiou
single utility. . • 'ThnunisSion,--elected
• ' long -ago as 1.889, poles tor
electric wires were mounted in
the tads. at 'the rear of the
-houses u'd business premises to
improve the i.,ppearinice of the
At the turn of the centur
electricity was generated coal
and stearn.Ail 1913 the steam
boilers ‘N ere gradually replaced
13): electric motofs. •
The commission was
formed. in 1907, known as the,
' Light and Water Commission. In
1913 the first, cost contract was
signed -.With On"tario HN dro anct;
in 1930 the .name of the
commission NN as changed to
Goderich Public Utilities
Only •three men , have
occupied the position of
manager since 1,898. The first, J.
• B. Kelly, Was kippointed at the
literally divided in two.. One part -
',December for a two-year term, is
composedChairman Gerald
Whaley; 'a machinist with _
Dominion' Road MachinerY
Compaii; Vice Chairman Bruce
RN ail, a real estate agent;., George
Filsinger, a retired jewellery and
gift store proprietor; William
Mills, an automobile dealer; and „
Maydr Harry, Wor'sell, a partner
in a heating . contracting. and
The building now'owited and
occupied by the utility on West
Street -is a former factory for
men's and boys' clothing Land
was later a bowling alley. Dori
McMillan, Office Manager of the-
Goderich PUC, set pins in. the
alleys when "he ,was a boy The
building. was bought by the
commission in 1950.,
was a farm settlementtand *the
other a .port for 'freighters 'and
fishing boats.
An early history says 'farm
settlement on one side and • port
on the other," but it does not
sti• 'on the ,side of what. Possibly
it was the Maitland. River, as the
town is located at its mouth on
Lake Huron and the river has
figured prominently in its
development ever since.
The „site of the town, with a
population now of about 7,000,
.was selected by Sir John Galt,
founder of the Canada Company
which -developed ............. of the
, laid and many of the towns and
villages of the area. Goderich
formed 1, he terminus of a road
built by Galt from Guelph to
Lake Huron. It was named after
Viscount Goderich,. , British
Chancellor of the Exchequer,
who sold the land to the Canada
,ICompany on behalf of the
British government..
Miring that early period,
Goderic-h-„earned prominence as
„alishing,por14,?.! better
known as,,, a vacation centre,„
• • attracting many visitors frOrn-t•he'
•tinited States to its beaches, but
of late it has become more of a
mantifacturntg and processing
• tokn. It . still has the lar e
- .harbour on the _Canadi n side of.
Lake Huron. • •
•, Stretched along the shore can '
. be seen, elevatOrs andstorage• facilities --
,for grain, a'salt,' works
and many other industries. "4 --
The biggest.,, industry is the
Dilonitar Salt - corn plex—with--its...„?
evaporator' plant and -alt ,• mines.
that stretch for more than.a mile ,
from the shore .under the fake
bed. Other large industries are
the Dominion Road Machinery
''Comp n ye, . Goderich
Ma'nufaciring . Company-,
Limited .which ' -. manufactures-
woodworki . and,
bowling alley equipment, Upper
Likes Shipping, Goderich
ElevatOr and Transit -Co., the'
Schaeffer Peff Company, and the
Dearborn Steel • and Tubing
Company, ," manufacturers of
automobile exhaust and tail°
pipes. •
Before .1900, lights with . -
carbon filaments were used on
streets that already had assumed •
a• •pattern_like• the wokes, „of •
wheel stretching out from "the
Square" at the heart, of the
business and residential sections.
• The first by-law passed by the-
electricity as in 1887 for the
issuance of, ,debentures to raise
$7,000 for the construction and „.
equipping of the first' electric
lights in the town.
It' • . 1889 , the water
department came under the -
• •-
At the , end of last 04\
records, indi4ated that there were. ,
116 `homes with electric heating
in Goderich as well as 72 ,
apartment suites and '21,
commercial prreinise:Manx,
others have supplementary --
.electric heating. Nearly all of the
-only subdiyisionapeing developed
at the present time, comprising
58 lots; will be all -electric. Every
motel in and around Goderich is
all -electric,
Water heaters are marketed
mostly on a rental -basis, riot on
a flat rate.
• The utility does not sell
appliances directly but
co-operates extetisively with the
electrical appliance dfalers of
Goderich in the various
promotions and campaigns
organized by Ontario Hydro and
- the appliance manufacturers..
They do this with Supporting
advertising, billing inserts, and
displays Op�e available to the
Dave Ralston
, manager
I •
Bud McCreath
.... sales representative and
reader ,
Dead elm trees aare a problem in Goderich just as they are in
other parts .of -Ontario, especially when they rise among Hydro
distribution lines. The -local PUC crew here is cutting down the
meter largest elm tree in Goderich, one that has succumbed -to the
Dutch elm disease. (Ontario Hydro picture) '
Goderich is experiencing some street -lighting protlems at the present time even though the,lighting , , , , •
system has been updated since 1887 when this kind of lamp was usedto illuminate town streets. These are the Members of the Town of Goderich Public Utilities Commission. ,,, has served on „VieoMmission for 10 years; Vice -Chairman Bruce. 'Ryan, a
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.ExtOrinOir,.the 41R9tikie ar%lamparefillis„! Helen McCarthry, a lonollime employee_of the Commission. From the left are William Mills, ti former chairr,rtiaz,.and a member of the ,even -year Commission, veteran, another former chairman who has been a
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,„,,,,* , „'"' ..,':. 'risrli trTormer °Mee manager, an tion-ancivinian, 07 I' ICe manager: UlltattIO Hydro pnotoi ."---s'- =limns= \ for "i f ' year% mayor. rngvi vvorteli• un irman %ler= virnalevt-wilo • --:- memo& ofribtsfv,n0sSIIN•Tarjk-v.4ak$ 110-144) ,f_glihnthi—,
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