HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-03-25, Page 8.61 8 09DER1PH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MARC11 25,, 1971 ft .11 • wow 1. ARTICLES FOR SAIE 1. ARTICLE'S FOR SAI.E. /rliGMATIC Toilet Bowl RED clover seed, very good Cleaner, Removes rust, lime and' sample,. also Climax • timothy • . mineral deposits. Simply pldte-in seed. Fred Crawford, RR 3, ' the corner, of your toilet tank. Goderieh, ph?ne 5-29-7134, - Available 'at HoffrneYer 12.13,14 , , Pluxribing and Heating, KingSto.n Street-,,Iloderic.h. 14tf HONDA 450, 1970, bAight red. Excellent • condtion. CaIl • • , HY.01.ENIC,_ supplies ' (rubber' 524-720. 12x, , „„- aaltaraeam,,aaten:a a ittit"ECTitmper, sealed envelope& with price., list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples p.m.' -12 Cali 482-9207 a,fter 5.30, p.m 12 r'• $r.00 Mail Order Dept T-53, 130YS suit, size 14-16, JUL Hamilton, Ont ltf' worn -once, gold vest Phone Nov -Rubber o., ,Box 91, DEADLINE • FOR TAKING CLASOFIED ADS TU • . • ADS CANNOT', BE 'ACCEPTED AFTER 12'O'CLOCK FOR ,11-IAT-VVEEK;S PAPER 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • . W. HUG+F S 11010:ST BROKER ... 4 52 WEST St„ .. • REAL ESTATE. ---OENERAL INSURANCE "Rural Ontario Specialists" . . . , , ..t. .., ' GODER1CH HOMES G.ODERICH, • ', •0 • I I ' HDIVIEr7:'-',,,, ..1..,......, - --,...,,,-3-00.riSMIS SiC1ASIAATf., -;..a.•%r -044.M.V.TE.,...M3tial.AESL•c''STREET• " 1 G OD,ERICA..1-,talif S- . 3% Commission PI-1ONE 524•6991 ' 'Office 624-8160 . . , . , , . PERFECT FAMILY HOME - ' FAMILY HOME ' ' Keays ' St. This sparkling 2 -storey, 4 bedrooms, redbrick 3-bedro.om home has plenty of With fireplace, ,den. includes space, plus • 'a den; study roorn, fridg.e, ‘s-,tove , and • tan, sun room and extra bedroom in dishwasher, washer, dryer, basement.) Double garage and venetian blinds, curtains and many extfas. A good BUY to be drapes. Lot 104' x 104', ni HAD here. • NEAR SQUARE 240 CAMERON -w--' Something, 4 -bedroom, 2 -storey brick home special •can be yours in this with 11/2 baths, fireplace, utility _tastefully decorated 3 -bedroom room. Good terms. Immediate 1„ nearly new home with carport possession. ., and • finished, family room. ,. Owner has bought.duplex. Open. Wutild a Ile W 3 -bedroom, home . 10.iti,.(1 in a quiet district,,near 141,;b school and public sch0o,i- -.A. 524-8856. - 1'2 3. REAL ESTATE FOR' SALE , ---r..,..„---....--..-' gi \ t-, ( ll'n" - pride M ow.nership? EAVESTROUGHING 1. ARTICLES FOR SALEThi, home has good mortgage AND LIGHTNING RODS FIRST cut , hay, •. excellent . , ., o' this pluc.arport, enclosed ftrins. $.1,000 would give you all NEW INSTALLATIONS •"•-, quality, .1,000 , bales. _Phone . , ALEXANDER AND CHAPMA-N ' s sunh•ithing' area, washer', dryer, WEST END. 3 -BEDROOM .=- &.'REPAIRS„,,” . • •,, ' • UnfiniShed Chests of Drawers • . . . (j 14. stove only 112 years old. Brick home' in delightful 482-9857. - 12,13 REALTY LIMITED' ' Estimates Without Obligation --From $18.00 to $27.00 PHONE 524=9662 • ' Ali tor -$23,500. • ,• neighbourhoOd. 'Offers — kitchen table .artd4fdt*-46'hair?, Glass'Doors ' 3% Commission hate . A now split. level 3 -bedroom broadloomed living and dining Contact • . - \1O\ i\( -- Lime green aborite New Bookcases with • R. E. RtJTTAN - $36'..0,0 , . •, rooms, waj,koutr to pool sized , $25.00; ba.by's crib with plastic Bed Chesterfield with . MUST BE SOLD home, -liimily room,tareplace, patio 1andscaped garden. Wingham -Phone35771077 mattress, $25,00; Divan settee, Swivel Rocker - ---? $149.00 bc.iutiltil' kitchen, In ' fact the Mortgage at 7%. Call Rita Allen. 10tf green, $20.00, Phone .52,4-8064. 1 m m e di a t e 1) 0 ss osslon, .v,ti,10 Int( 0) of, this home 'is 'with g_hair '. ' - $169,00 2 -bedroom home, 1.n:4 -e' living .s11'11' 1') please -you. Situated on for offers.- .. .. . - 12x New 4 -Seat Chesterfields ,-- - • UNIVERSAL two .unit swing one, _ . basement, gas heating. Priced to • 1,,,• otil.,y 9 Inspect this propert V-• - Attractive new . 3 bedroom 2 -storey' red brick, • 3 -bedroom 28, 2-4 p.m. It is a pleasure to ..HINK,,S STREET • „ COINS 'Yes, ,you can trade in the old room, modern kitchen, .inif 1-. .1Cre:1 Of land near Goderich HURON ROAD - - OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, March , 4 . BOUGHT, -SOld, exchanged. Ni. MiLker; 2.0 milk cans; gp single , C & E NEVV. AND USED , , sell. ii,,,Rimake us an offer. Call Bruce,• ,bungalow brig,ht hollyvvood home, large living and dining show you this well , appointed Pope,. s7 Kingston St.,. -stall staunchions and water . . li•lit ' on -these otitstanding--kiichenZ luxunous broadloom, rooms, family kitchen, 11/2 baths. 2-bedroorn brick bungalow,with 524-7359. ---3tf . , bowls; 130 bushel single beater .-0,..„, FURNITURE . InUntictilatit 3•be'drooin >01. brick \ Jilies, . nome, ne,asly new, close to • carport. Can be finaeced to suit. Lot 82' x 132'. Owner• holds attached garage. Full basemeAt, Schools, large living room, dining 14 vou .ire a do-it:yourselfer, see . 'mortgage, . economical gas hot water heat, .__... ---,----L---- - manure spreader. Wes McBride, Dial 524-7231 • . . _ NINE York Sows and Three ;on Highway 21. room, kitchi.11 with lots of A t Ill, older 1 -bedroom brick home 'modern • kitchen, coloured Varna, Hensall 262-5413, - 12x ' ih mile South of Go'derich Wessex sows for sale, all bred; _ .1.2 • MODERN BUNGALOW RANCHER PLUS 45 ACRES fixtures, broadloomed living 0BOY'S all weather reversible top ,--0 cupboards, full baseniteth; ' ' in ' tlocierich at a price you 3-bedroOm home • in excellent 3-bedrow home approx. 12 room. 164 WELLS ST. • 524-708Q. --- 1.1 tic. . u jackets, size, 12-1,4„. 'Apply 92 ,.:_mortgage- a vi.tila hie: cannot,„afford to rent. Make hay condition throughout, finished . basement., well landscaped. West miles from Goderich with payment. You can when you one ' Landrzic,e hog. Phone electric• heating tru.1 .n 91/4% coat?' 'size 12-14; two sportNAME your own ' down today,;- see Ray. broadloom throughout. Double purchase this cozy 2 -bedroom ' end ,locaCion. ,. POODLE:S, silver (mini -toys), 524-8.144. - 12 , . • • ' garage. RiVer frontage. Contact ,, • , Cambria Road North, phone 2. • - .CARS, TRUCKS. . , . . . . . seven 'weeks, registered, Glenreid FOR SALE , JustliSted. Modern „one-storeY . ,NI•inv other homes to choose , QUALITY HOME. Ebb Ross on this one. . compact asbestos siding home. Located on a huge lot close to 4three-bedroorn home, living lo )0.1. in Goderich; Auburn, ' • Kennels, Kippen, phpne PURE Inaple syrup. Phone Joe hayfield, Glinto-n,-, Port -Albert. the schools. ,• Large kitchen, . , 262-5052. --- 1.1,12 . „ ' . room- dining area large kitchen, ''' opEN FOR OFFERS -„ Koene, 565,5374 Bayfield. - 1968 JAVELIN S.S.T , V-8, : finished ••rec room, large lot, 11‘4Sitt= 3-bectroorn. rancher broadloom Duplex, central location Spacious niodern executive -type • spacious living ' room, this gas 1.. '.;;..,„.' ,...V.`'..•.„,),:..". , thrOttg1161:11,7' .":• 1 1/2 ' -i:l'athS,;,•-•4t111—'. el'iltb011,..- prwate,•e-ntrancev-good-,......heat ed, borne-is-lista& to SELL. - , -, .-,.. breeding backs and does Ronald KENMORk washing machine, afteri p.m. - 12 , 4 ',,e' '. .,1,',0 -acre farm, 120 acres 0,basement. Lot 82' x 1,32 . , parking, ,lot 8.2' x 132', Owner . -----__ BUILDERS - We have for your .....1 oc-iilion .7,, ,-... , RABBITS tor sale, good steering, • radio. , Call ,,, 524-6285 Baird, Blyth, Ontari6,. phone ' two years Old; chrome table and ,•, A new ' three-bedroom hclime k . ... prOductive ,land, on, highway. - ,, . , ,..; will hold mortgage.„ • inspection this investment ., ,•.....,. , • t 'Tood buildings. .'4-bedroorn ' ,. CUSTOM BUILT , , . atcepted until ,April 1St,. „only). „ MAGNUS -e=re cord organ. FOR -a, good deal on a'new or down payment. ••'. .•,. II' f•ti.ming is in your blood, this this love,ly hope,' lo.cated on 1 acre of•land aria -barn. Ideal for apartments 523-4461. --lo.,11,12,13 six. chairs; china, cabinet; 28" INTERNATIONAL. pickup large living moat, dining. area, IDEAL RETIREMENT SETTING property located close to . . .. . stone home, 2and, 3 -pc. Ranch bungalow, on lot 74'. x , ' Hospital arid Goderich , ,, -.•-- boy 's •-• b icy cle; five piece . trucki, 28,000 ' orig. nal__miles,' f' modern . kitchen, four-pieco . . • table model TV, Asking $65. - 12' ' • 12x . electric heatilig, Jun basement, . nizirtgige,arrangernents availitble, room, separate dining' rOom, 1'/2 storey 3:Vedroom. ,house Man'tifacturing on a lot 208' x .. oNE17-ilich black and white bedroom suite. Phone 524,,7616. -selling as.is. Phone 524,6579. ---*--. bathrOom.4 Full' broadloomed, 15.ithrooms, . furnace... Best . or,, 198'. , Open fireplace In ,• living • .---„,_ underground wiring and low 2 fully' lnrnished cottages "104.',. Lege family home, garage Phone • F524-9279 (offerS'---,,, , . • , , 5 interest on present mortgag,e. 4 -pc. bath. Enjoy the privacy of plus Archie, Hamilton at WI -J. Mills 'Three \ exClusive ' homes, no l'U.01 i. IT ay. , . , •• Phone 52477616: - 12 . top ,,quality used . •ear contact , ... ., ,,..........,•:11001c1 stinutlate you. ,Call Ray. „ . . . fr6nting on aptrox. 200 ft. of or BUS1NESS SITE. . •, , •..... .. . , SMALL,HOLDINGS. $1500WEST D. 0 ENDV VN , • . - , , : ., the river at Port Albert. Clbse to. .: 1111 nc ..• _.,... . • • , 110 ' ' ittres rollihg land_ 3 -bedroom, two full baths, a sandy „peach on Lake 1-luron. . ' , ,ipproximately 80 rods or riyer dishwasher,-"gtove., fridge, Washer . EQUESTRIANST We have one GAS stove 'in good condition. - Motor 'Sales ' Ltd., _. GOderich. :telepliodeinformation. -, , . , Phone -524.-8914---_-: 12... ' ., ANTIQUE yanity; china -cabinet; , -Garage 524-7314; residence . „, • , • . ti.ontage,„ lots or bush. Near' and dryer family .rOorn. Ahnost • of ' the finest miniature ranches' modern .,dining room suite; 22 , 6.24-9397. -12-21X. - New red ,brick three-bedroom SIX RENTALS • cal. single shot rifle; gun. raelt- „.. in Huron 'County. Included on UNDER CONSTRUCTION Home ownership made, easy, low, low down' payment, one mortgage at 'cP/4"c, 3 -bedroom custom brick. Choice of colours and broadloom. WEEKEND SPECIALS — 7 -piece Colonial room group, includes -2-piece davenport .be*d suite, 2 step end tables, 1 .coffee Cable,.2 Matching table lamps. Special $219,50. • . Vitas , 2-pieCe .chesterfield "s,uite, semi -attached hack,: wrapped cushions and .spring 'edge. Sug. List 1,614.50. „ Only $499.95. Lamps. Lamps. Lamps. Lamps. .Just arrived spring shipment of latest styles from ,January, Furniture Show. To make room we, are clearing our present stock at up to 50% discount. Come ,early Thile.,selection is Etest. Bedroom suite -- 3 -piece - nova • walnut (shaded). Iricludes - triple dresser, 5 -drawer chest, panel bed. Sug.' List $299.00. Slightly marked and priced to clear at only $199,5D. Kroehler 2 -piece chesterfield luite, traditional high back, reversible wrapped cushions.. Sug. • List $402.0.0. Special $349,50. Sealy Rest Guard mattress or ,b5oX spring. Sug. List $69.95. Only $49.q5. Marshall ' Sleepmaker 'box ,espring or ,mattresS. Rig. List ,$79.95. Special $59.95, BLACKSTONE FtJRNITUIE WEST STREET Cali 524-6003 between 5 and 7 --t- .” 1 w o -4; 6 d r oom the' 2.1- ,, acres is .a • charming (.... ,..-home efFi' landscaped large lot. t ioderich.• Asking rice $20,a00.. new. : One and • p.M. - nc 194 CREVY Van Camper, wall Modern kitchen, dining area, ' See Ruth Van .DePr Meer today: CLOSE TO TO SQUARE apartments fully rented, well 3 -bedroom home modern 45 x •• . • . - to •, wall. carpet ., push button large living noom, lull basement, . maintairic&: , plenty parking, , 25' horse barn with Beatty 1966 HONDA 100, very goOd., radio,,23(- 6-cDinder, 3 -speed. electric heating ,-and mortgage ,•-ii) Aviv, I., • ,. ' • '. •4 -bedroom '' red. britk home arm1 acres 01 hard conta' .''dining ' I extra lot. Could expand into ten Stabling, circulating fan, etc.; certified. Must be sold by March • ., ,,.. , „ inanle bush on county .rOad. •'' . apartments room', dell with .fireplace, tar-ge,.._. • ' . ' creek,' bush, and ample room for , condition. Best offer., Phone ,standard, like new . condition arranged. 524-9284. - 12 g7 $695.00 or best offer; Phone. 4-bedrOom instil brisk home. family kitchen. Lot 104' x 104'.0., --,,, your own . track. This .nicely , . 6"--4his tvvo-Storey red brick home . Bahl ..... 4•0•••x 60,•'.„ This is good •. . ' HOUSE...FOR RENT . ' landscaped ranch is located on ) BROWNING, automatic -270,. • , .. . contains'''. VoLing rciom with Nilling,, farm ' land overfOOking.----;'...,............„.„„„ 3- bedroom 6ri------„West. Street an excellent road within easy _Brawling, .automatic, magnum 7 '',POOD ,selection of'used cars in and large kitchen, two ,4 -piece .. ord home $21s5.00. . - ' -- • maintained. lay presegnatlow6wwneerll., ' aVallable-.....may,,..,1st. '1/4$125•°° a •._eoMniuting distance- oC ' rr:onth. • - . - • - , . Goderich, : and' comes corriplete high powered . rifle with scope;,, ' . • .:: 4 repl . (. e,, stparate dining. room. ,,_ Maitlarld River all for the price MODERN HOIVIE.A..2.•ACRES ,. Charming brick bun accessories. Phone 524-7207., ---L - reconditioned and guaranteed, mm with scope, like new, with A"1, condition, fully bathrooms, four bedrooms, full basement with recrea Li o n room • ,- , COTTAGES . , , . . • .. potential . garae. Interesting land , „, . with tractor and many extras. • ie;flakes • this worth ' . , i, ', Don't miss this one, ceirtoday. i , , . . , a ns. accepted. - s. and gas heating. Sepal'ate. garage, . investigating Immaculate. - BUSINESS.OPPORTUNITIES. availabte,,-.Rou ge Auto Electric, . ":Close to Shopping and schools: We have i good selection at the East Street, store plus 2 apts. DON'T READ THIS unless you -----,4--1„. 12. ‘ • , M 0 T 0 R C Y C L E "‘: r t'si, -;1..latf k . , * .- present tirne. Do call. us now Property in good condition: are interested in a bargain. 65 • , ,acres all workable, barn 72' x' • ' aecessories.. Qu ity ,,,,,i ems \ - . One -storey two-bedroom brick while ... you, haye the,* choice of .. V.L.A. QUALIFIED. • , Ideal for any new business. lowest prices Yamaha ' sales\:\ -.:. r966,'METEOR:;'''•,idt,'qd motor living roonvattached garage and • ' ' ' home large.,ki.tchen attractive .,- locations and priCe. As spring Fainily . home on apprbximately , 36' ,- ideal for, beef or pigs,' in '.. . ... , \.,,, se mg '''..is. Phone %24 7080 ' priced to,sell. ' 11/2 acres -of land on quiet street. . - POINT CLARK- .good condition. 1½ storey brick Repair ,' most makes, models, s,,\ a..-1--, has :larrived :' so will. the Steve Argyle, Bayfield, . -,.. ., , ' , ' , ':, prospect iv, e„buyet•s, . home overlooking Lake Huron. 565-2800. - 12tf '',, ...„_,..„.,..., RESORT PROPERTY, .. ...____ .N., , COMMERCIAL - This reasonably priced property Hill .Terrace - this property is'in ' $.735 00'0.00. lncludeS two new cottage units with•approval for Town. Excellent tertris can be IS located only a few miles from . `.. s...--,„, EXCELLENT LOCATION' ' house-broken. Phone 624-92.56. Setter, ,nine. .months' "ird, -,,,. ' - • , " 'NJ CRT a large treedelot. Large living community? We have 'a•- number •Ca-Kibria Road, '...„3-bedrobin ,, 4 "SALES ', ., .NBAyfield, oVerlooking the river, Why not . invest , in • xour - . ., . .. ' ' — • space, 'five -bedroom home with five ' more, plenty of parking 'arranged. . . ACREAGE REGISTERED, male Irish VOLKSVVAG .... . . - 12,1.3 . ., %"Nroorn;., 'g06d • kitchen, - two of commercial properties tor modernized, Lot 75 ,x 104 . • • living room, kitchen, new forced •. , ".'SERVI:CE' b'edi''.6*;' . , , . air, .furrrace; storage area, garage. A.R.,D.A.. will assist'you to FORD tractor, 8N, new paint • • EquippZI.dN for' suMmer and opportunities• for the:man '-cVho double garage. Sale, good locations, good , .... ,.........,„, , ' Close tobeach Rea.. Lot is 122' ' purctiaSe more land ' for farm • L__, winter '-li ing. " Immediate" thinks, looks ,and plans for , 'LOW DOWN PAYMENT x 175'. Good terms availabte:- efonrlarsgaelemetondt.ayS.eeLitshteinseg a2c5r5e6age_s and . reconditioned. Phone I mrieriV•Esso ProdUcts 'tomorrow, Seen only by 5,-roOrn home, family Size ,' ' 526-7754. -12' '' * '',Nt., . • pOssession ,, kit en, utility room, attached • .1, 100 acres, $6,90.0.00 (HOWICK • G.E. VACUUM oleaner. New . me property situated' 'on a North Street, office space. TwP.); Listing 2101' - 50 acres rit9iOng0.002 C260 LI3_0 R1N0E -0 ... Don Taylckt otors Ltd. Inc ,x. = • , appointment. I rage., Good location. Taxes, , condition. Phone 524-8189 after • -'•• 04 with three Res 5247875 , . $80.00 a month heated. ' - , • TWP) .;' Main St. SOuth,'N'Exeteri.-tor, 104 x 1 RUT,H VAN DER'KEER - $89.00. • , . $13 900 TWacPr.e)s; 5 p.m. - 12 235-4) 00 ' :Ix, -1-bedroom • :apartments, one •BRUCE RYAN- ,. 44 s two-bedroom apartment. •Ideal business locations. Contact HAY for sale, approximately WARREN ZINN, 3 -bedroom home, 2 baths, one 524-8100 for particulars. Res. 524,7762 • , , • ' $21,000.00 (STA.NLEY TWP.); , • '„''').' Heating electric. This property ESTATE SALE, $8900 Q00 bales. -Carlow district, , ' For invested. , shows a good return on money RR,2, LUCKNOW- block from Square. Well ' $10,900.00 (GODERICH TWP.). Listing 2309 - LOO acres 3 ' phonie 524,6360. - 12,13x . Res. 529-7350 maintained. . FARMS '''''''''' COMPETENT '''. . • B. R. ROBINSON- • 25 acres, Highway ',frontage , • ONE used 56 four row Corn VOLKSW GEN •"*.-,,,,,,„, Three bedroom home on 1/2 acre lot, riced rea'sonable, low taxes. ...., :Res'. 524-6905 , ' withinthe town limits. , , ' , 'DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY • r Planter in excellent condition. SERVI E -' WELLIN.GTONSTREETBRICK • ' 145 acres in Colborne Township,-;-• ' ' ' TRAILER PARK - locat on • , Two years old Phone 524-9864. • .• by Twg-bedroom new home in „ ,,, 300 feet private sand beach. busy BItieW-iter 'finighway. 'Over -12 ,„ Dunglt non suitable for V L A FOR SALE. l'/2 storey home,well maintained Maitland River, $17,§09. by present owner, 2 upstairs, Drilled well . and health dept.' ' • Top -Rated .1 . ----- - In near village large lot, ; • bedrooms, 1 down, living room, approved septic system. Two CASE D tractor and an 8N Ford - . fechnicians Service , budding , '••.. ' 60, furnace', • New Homes , . *,dining rbom, gunporch. Choice ' traetor. Herb MacAdam, AR -2, come. to lighting. Cou be converted ,,,, ,, , On Christina Court ' • location:- - 40 ACRS ON HWY. .furnished cottages, shop and • PIGS for - .sale. Phone 529-7362 IfAcGEE'S comer ,Hamilfon St. , _ 50 -acre farm - ip C61 9rne township, 5. acres latish the, st . ••., ,*!\„,,,,, Considerthese features; .-OPBennett St.) School,, •• . , GOOD LOCATION 1 Close to town thisproperty is in large building suitable for choice location, contains barn laundromat is included with this and creek. Properties like this offering.:xcelleonirt terms. PIGS LOT. S 0 ClintOn HighWay-.8. -'- 12x . Cheap for cash. ,-,.....,, . . (Opposite gt. Mary's • . after 6 p.m. —7 12x And St: Andrews St. are scarce. Act fast. Owner will - Nowhere will you find drained and productive. ' - ' -•-• * Exterior of -Cl Brick ,and • ' , , GODERICH . . anything lie this at such a low, • , with- Well equipped 2 storey brick -house. 140 acres on Highway 21 North , - vvate-.100 Sq. Feet 'of living- *. Large;.tright living ooms and Aluminum. . -stucoom, attached garage. 43 bedrooms, stone fireplace, , West end 2 -storey red brick. horne in immaculateiconclition, ,...,r .......... .... s ........................ Cambria Rd. view all offers. , , , just wating for you to pick up. Price. ApprOved subdivision plan Registration of this type- is not is dining' Fooms, r• irpeted with ... $L30,0T0So. 50 acres ---;n West Wawanosh Twp., tile dra ne'dzclay loam soil, level land, 3 acres :bush, good buildings. Spring nolsesion. room, garage. Close to all furniture finished cupboards B. LAPAINE 5248957 -,..... ..... A. J. ALEXANDER -524-7836 L. PENTLAND-524-9007 G: GLENN -529-7924 SPRING SPECIALS AT MOTORS 1969 GALAXIE 500 four -door, V-8, automatic, radio, full power. 1968 IMPALA Custom two -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. 1968 GALAXIE 500 firm -door hardtOp, V-8, automatic, radio, powef steering, power brakes. 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury II four -door automatic, radio,like new. sedan, WAGON SPECIALS, V-8, 1968 FALCON; 6, automatic. 1967 FAIRLANE, '6, automatic, radio. 1965 FORD 10 passenger, V-8, automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes. As • L 35' South. Stteet p Goderieh SEE THE COMPLET -LINE OF 1971 Da -I -suns 1200'S' — 1600's PICKUPS and Starting As Lqw As $1975 DATSUN: THE MORE. FOR YOUR MONEY CAR GERALD'S SUPERTEST . 3, Main St. N., Seaforth ' 527-1010 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE -7- Lctfelly modern country home, small barn, strawberry plants, cherry trees,4etc. Few miles from Goderich. Has complete new.. -kitchen built on a two-storey =4'.:111,1-fsItte.V.,z1f4I,T2.%fittlkx; brick use. Full basement and A very low. Can be seen anytime. • Phone 524-9084 after 4 p.m. -- 12,13 wall to 111 brbadloom. IDEAL FAMILY HOME ................................ . .... ... ..... . . .... , easy to get. 17 lots, with PARK , Cambridge, pt. igu 327 Drop in and see this once in a .............. SAFE SAND BEACH. * Thret, suite-,4'zed hedrooms, ' • Located , north of Goderich.. each with hUte clothes consisting of targe rh000mme, $2,500- 4 * eel uossteot stn. eat -in kitchen with dining rodlm, 2 baths, recreation Jones Street, $3,000, 74' x 198'. lifetime opportunity; • . • • 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Moving, local and long distance.. Excellent storage available. Phone Eric Walden, 'Wingharn, collect, 357-3221 - 44tf '15hone 524-7308 sisaamormit and post form counter tops. eonveniences. • ' South East end, 6 lots, $12,500. INCOME PROPERTY * New privacy -type, four -piece ''•- , , 4' ,. BANK MANAGER says sell this bathroom, with 4-colcered . . recently remodelled duplex •,,, ..,, .,..• ._. figtures, c,eramig tile and, ' -JUST LISTED ' Albert Street, Clinton, $2,000. Which will bring you a 'good ' • vaniey. r . 2 -storey. red brick„ desirable 1 return on your investment. West * Floors of gleaming, location, 'doable living_ room • , . „ end location-. Both units ' quiet -core, inlaid foam vinyl. with natural fireplace, :4 ,, saitford, house and lot, $ 3,500 completely self contained. Yours * Huge basements with laundry bedrooms, 4 -pc. bath up, 2 -pc. 'for only $13,900.00. Excellent facilities. ' ' dOWn, recreation room, Auburn, 11/2 acres. . terms with $2,100.00 down. * Gas-fired, forced -air heating. beatItiful 04 panelled "'tall and * Built by Eastbank Buildings stairway, sirigre ear garave.... • V.L.A.lot, 120' x 175', $3,500. ,,, ''• JUST REDUCED -; Luxury . RITA' ALLEN . Ltd. * Centrally -located, only one block from Separate, Public and High Schools, two blocks from Arena and only three blocks from Supermarket. .* Well financed, a low as $2,500.00 down. Complete information available "irom HAROLD W. '154 ESSEX. ST. - 524-8480 ,DEB SHEWFELT 199' CAMERON STREET - 524-9581 , 'EBB M. ROSS 92 NEWGATE ST. - 524-8786 triplex, 'low maintenance brick construction, well cared for with broadloom throughout. Owner relocated and is open for offers. Excellent return on your money • on t is Wellington St. property. DO YOU OWN A COTTAGE - We have cash 'buyers waiting to • buy Lakefront cottages. If you \ • 'are tiintking of now is the #• RME,M lifirrotritret,g- 'TO'HELP AL' EETATE BROKER F.Alv *A4.1 7123. 55NEWGATE.St, GODERICH . • ., • JACK CUMMINGS° 524-9624 BILL CLIFFOF111) 524-9097 WWWESTiiIMEElfWir:%=, • AODER1CH ---6244961 samimmaioNmaggamou