HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-03-25, Page 3• 0' • .0.4.4. • 4 L rlfwirr • • • • • From the Ministeli study • BY CAPTAIN BILL McCUNE THE SALVATION ARMY 1;11, ••• "*" • ,copERicrlsioNAt.,,sTAT4TnuRPAY, c 5,1971 3 Goderich and area obitgaries AFVVILLIAMS Alfred Frederick Williams, 153 Palmerston Street, died in Victoria Hospital, Loudon, mamomammimmin"...minumanuomenwommos March 19 following an illness of a few months. He was 77. 'Th&Tf B1JTthrn GlitStone- , From God to us "0 earth, earth, earth, hear and marrow, and is a discerner the word of the Lord. (Jeremiah of the thoughts -arid -intents of 22:29) , the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) '7 'In the beginning Was the 'Every word 'of God is pure: Word, and the WOrd ;was with He is a shield unto thena that put Gbd, a.nd....the,..Niox,d. was,..‘Gorl,..., „their trust . in _Him. (Proyerbs rts and Emma (Sanders) Williams, he was born 'July 3, 1893 in London,. England. He came to Canada at about 17 years ot age For we have not followed and settled in Hurou County. Hli e • kw . r gg ' Palmer (Abigail). • er res , M h G I neral service: t -Ca tt Graham Newton. MIlig .N He was also 4 50 year member Of are 16 at, Ustowel- - epera F11 wasat 6./1 mi * He was predeceased ;Iv Ws. months and 11 days. - Andrew Street Galt Tues4aY,. 1VIrs. Cecil (Mona) Oamtnel, Hospital. He was aged sever. *, and Son Funeral Home, 9 St-. . TVIrs. Lloyd (Verna) Brown and the St. John' S Lodgeln P. WO 23. Interment was in Upper Musquodoboit, N.S.; and first wife, Ida Billing, in 1957. He was the son, of', Gerald • M.rs. Lloyd (Edythe) 'Herman, Surviving are .his lfe, ,the Arthur and Fay Agnes (Pearson) e1970 -----,--14igadLEALMEILArlold 'and 'Vinton, Upper da.tighter, Mrs. Elliott (VVilla)• Mount View Cemetery, gait. Dartmouth, N.S.; three brothers, former Anna .Underhill; one .E gieston and was born August Word has • recehtly been Mu s S ury iy jug besides his pare9ts received of the susIden death at Garnet, Dartmouth, N.S. grandchild.ren; arid one - sister, are, °tie brother, Kenneth, at ,Essington, Wolverhampton, Funeral service was Thursday, Miss Myrtle James, Paris. , herne; his paternal' grandparen,ts.,. England; of a 'former well-known March 18 at Ettinger Funeral 'service is . today, Mr d Mrs A thur E leston God i h ident Mrs H Chapel in Shubenacadie, 'N.S. Thursday, March 25, at 11 pan. ‘' fl in F. E.- Rowell Funeral Home we made known unto you the 53 years. • , Ns- mat/anal 'grandparents, Mr. Until recently, Mrs. Palmer. .(MuSquodoboit Chapel), Interment was in St. James Woodstock. Cemetery at 3 p.m. this Jesus. -Christ, • but lye ,or a. i:ew years and also worked Dnugannon; !snit' his ...great years. She returned' to Engler IuschlodObOit, N.S. ounningly devised fables, When ' has lived in Goderich for the last Ottawi,„ forrnerly'of Dungannon; Interment will he in Maitland • • ,power arid coming of our Lord He was„employed as a sailor' and Mrs. Nelson Pearson, resided in Goderieh for. many CemeteryCern in Upper afternoon' With Rev: G. L Royal -• g,randmother, Mrs, , Gordon to take uP-Vern,kanent resid ce Stiles Funeral Home was in ...eyewitnesses Of his majesty. ,,at the Bedford Hotel a!!Fi a4.. the. officia(ing, (John -1A). And the Wortim-wasirm,...,;>,..,--- :,4,4ww‘ • there with her sister; Miss r diarge•uf arraligetnelate, • . made flesh, and dwelt among us,...(John 1:14) For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were -moved by: the f1-Ioly Ghost. (2 o Peter 1:21) God, who at; sundry times and in divers manners spake, in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,...(Hebrews 1:1,2) , • All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof; for s, ebrrection, , for instruction hi righteousness: That the mad of God may be, perfect, thoroughly furnithed unto all good works. (2 Timothy • .3:16,17) • For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper .than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints • • a • • • Ye shall not add 'unto, the word which I Corrimand Yon, But though we, or an angel neither shall ye diminish ought from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which from, it,..,(Deuteronomy `Nye have preached unto you, let 4:2)...nor handling the word of him 461 accursed. (Galatians 1:8) God deceitfully:„,(2 Corinthians . As ye have therefore received 4:2)—thy word is truth. (Jotil al 17:17) Christ Jesus. the Lord, so walk ye in: him: Rooted and built up in If ye continue in My word, him, and ,qtablished in the faith, then are ye my disciples indeed; as ye have , been taught, And' ye shall know' the truth, abounding therein with and the truth shall make you free, (John 8: 31,32), thanksgiving. Beware leit—any man spoil you through , "...Man shall not live by, philosophy and vain deceit, after bread alone, bit by every word the tradition of men, after the that proceedeth out cif the rudiments of the world, and not mouth of God: (Matthew 4:4) after Christ. (Colossians 2:6,7,8) 23, 194'6 in • Goderich Niarch 18 at the Stiles Funeral Funeral' service was Thursday , Mills- While in a keen interest In all civic affairs P: tPerc) JAMES , He was married September . lowt,TA Thy word is a lamp unto For the time will come when my feet, and a light unto my path. they will -not endure sound (Psalm 1'19:105) - doctrine; but after their- own Verily, verily., I say unto you,,, lusts. shall they heap to He that heareth my word, and themselves teachers, having believeth on him that sent ine, -hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24) 40 DIRECT itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears fromthetruth, and shall be turned unto, fables. H. P. 4(Pere) James-; Home with Rev. R •: c and w•aS an ardent adherent -and . Margaret gthel James ,who E. C. surVives. • McClenaghan of Othigannon worker in St, George's Anglican Church, and the Legion Ladies He was a member of Knox United Church in charge. . Presbyterian Church, Auxiliary, Goderich. Branch. • Interment was in Dungannon She was predeceased by her Surviving besides his wife is Cemeter Pallbearers were Ron y., one daughter, Mrs. James P. husband, H. . Palmer, and also Eggleston, Scott Pearson, Ken (Victoria `Vicky' , Elizabeth) W'i 'son and Don Lair. one son, Herbert; Sweeney , Sioux Lookout; and Flowerbearers were . Ricky She is survived by one sister, two grandchildren: Maize; RundaY. Maize, Ronnie Miss Alice Mills, two brothers Funeral service was Monday, Maize, WO, ne Pearson and Brock and several nieces and. nephews. Burial took place . in Essington, England. CALVIN KINDERVAt ER • Calvin Kindervater, 117 Quebec Street, died March 14 in Alexandra Marine and General: Hospital. He had been in ill health for two years. He was 62. A son of,Thomas and Frances (Lawlor) Kindervater, he was -born 'January 25, 1909, in Caribou -Gold Mines, Nova Scotia: He' resided in Upper, Musquodoboit, N.S. until 1930 and worked as a Miner.. He was married August 22, 1931 in Halifax, N.S. to Eleanor 'Matheson who survives. The couple lived in Timnijns for 25 ' yeats” and in Goderich. for the last -tel. years.. . He was an adherent of North Street United Church. Surviving besides this wife are four daughters, Mrs. . Carman (Nola) Ross, Willowdale; Mrs. 'Fred (Donna) Mohring, London; Marjorie, Kitchener., and Mrs. Stewart "(Kathleen) Curran, • Dungannon; 'one son, Douglas,'at ',home; four sisters, Mrs. 'Annie March 22 at Stiles Fuueral,Home with Rev. G: L. Royal fiCiating. Q MRS. EMILY--ANK interment was in Maitland KEYSE Cemetery. Pallbearers were Mrs. Emily Ann Keyse, 53 George Low, Walter Sheardpwn, Berrie St., Galt, died Saturday, Murray Sheardowit' George- • March 20 at the Alexandra Ross, Vic Powell and Glen Marine and General Hospital, Goodrick. Goderieh. She was 84. The Royal Canadian Legion She was born December 25, Branch 109 held a service at the 1887 at Street Somerset, ' funeral home Sunday evening. England, the daughter of the late iviRS. DONNA PERLE REED Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Collard. D 197 She came to Canada in 1912 and Bay field Rd., died suddenly ;lived in Galt for 57 years before For the preaching of the cross March 16 in Datias, Texas. She coming to Goderich in 1964. is t� them that perish was 44. She is a, member of Trinity foolishness; but unto us which (2 Timothy 4:3,4) Mrs. onna PerleqRed, A daughter of -William J. and Anglican ChurCh in Galt. ,,.. are saved it is the po.w.er of God. Perle (Moss) Drew, she was born" She was predeceased in 1955 —,*kor...i.t is wnti-en,1 will destroy "'May. '57.-11-2e-tr GpderiCh. She ' by her husbajajAlatry NeyeS., the wisdOrn of the wige, and will lived in Toronto for a time and. She is survii4ea- by - two bring to nothing , the returned ,to Goderich in March daughters, Mrs. . Fred (Edith) understanding of the prudent. - 197(,) • .' Bettke, Galt, and, 'Mrs. John Where is the wise'? where, is the She was married October 8, Oral -yr Wray, Goderiph; two scribe? vnigie is the disputer of 1949 in Saskatchewan to brothers, Arthur of Vancouver, this world? Hath not God made. Alexander Reed who surviv(,,s, 'B.C. and Samuel of Preston; two foolish the wisdom of the' Other, survivors are two children, sisters,' Miss Beatrice Collard, world? For after that in the ' Drew Alexander and Donna Preston and Mrs. Gordon , wisdom of Godthe world by Alexis; her mother, Mrs. Perle . (Lillian) 'Roth, Preston. Three; wisdom knew , not God,' it Drew, Goderich; and one ' 'grandchildren alSo survive: - pleased Gad by the foolishness ' brother, William, at nonine. Mrs. 'Keyes w.a.s prvieceased of preaching to save them that She was...a.,"meinber , of the .' by a son, Jack' •and three Alexander and Cheipirnan— GENERAL INSURANCE ' • RE L ESTATE 4-PRORg /WAG Canad'an' imperial Bank'of C merce Building ‘" • • • Goderich Dia1,524-9662 145 ESSEX.STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO 'Available. For •'Large or Small Parties - CONCERTS -BINGOS DANCES — Ai CONVENTIONS * We Cater Any Time or Place Banquet Rooms for 25 to 400 pacial Attention to Weddings PHONES -524-9371 .or 9264 , ••.rtaR . rpr rt• 0^ • • Now a good salary Opportunity -security - for you in a businesstarecr Goderich 5usiness',7, College a:rrCrtle...•rt. vartrt Clerical, -Medical-Secretarial Courses 524-852p1 Res. 524-8732 Ronald L. - McDonald .CHARTER ED, ACCOUNTANT 39'St. David St., .524-6253' God'erich, Ontario 1 '* FRIGIDAIRE .* J\IESTINGHOUSE .41 GIBSON * HOOVER , - Sales and Service - 'JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD.- The Square `V. Goderich For FASHION RIGHT SHOES, The Placer To Go Is ROSS • ,74*# *irlv • DIESEL • Pumps and Injectors Repaired For ,49l Popular Makes -I . • • 'HUron Fuel Injection Equipment • Bayfield Rd.,Clinten482-7971 • R. believe. (2 Corinthians 1.18-21) Jehovah' -S WitnesS faith. b roLI ers and one sister We have also •a more- sure Funeral ,service was Saturdas, word of prophecy; whereunto ye, March 20 at Stiles Funeral I fume do well that ye take heed, as ' with Mr. ' Peter ,' Popowich unto a , light • that shineth in a officiating. ' • ' ,' .dark place, until the day dawn, ' Interinent was in Maitland and the day star arise in your . Cemetery.. .Pallbearers were hearts: (2 Peter 1:19) ' .., Of which salvation the p- rophets have enquired and -searched diligentry, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: . Searching what, or what mariner of- time the, Spiritof Christ which wag"in-them diesignify, when. it testified' beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and • the glory that should follov.,UntO whom it was revealed, that not ,unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are, now reported unto you by them that have preached li. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST • The Square" 524-7661 The Square Goderich Cards For • All Occasiais ' * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies I." Records Ralph ;Brodie, Jack Brodie, Jepperson and, Karl Lolise. KEVIN GERALD EGGLESTON Kevin • Gerald -Eggleston, Dungainiolt„ died sucidenlY Contract Jet- • for Goderich A $35,300 contract has bjen • awarded to' • R. T. McBride Limited, Stratford, for the n istallation of air,conditioning in - the Goderich Federal- ' Public - Works Minister-Afthur. Laing anni3unced Saturday, • T. McBride Limited. - the gospel unto you with the , submitted the lowest of thr'e 'Holy • Ghost- sent down: from , lenders. The high bid was • heaven; which' things the angels $43,831. desire to look ,into. (1 Peter • Plans'd specifications were 1:10-12) , • • i• ''''''' -"prettared in the London office of • - the 'Federal Department of "Heaven and earth shall pass ', ,,Pulaiic Works. R. ,Seawright,, ' away, but my words shall . not acting ' district director,'•will pass pass away." (Mattpew 24...35) supervise the project. .1 ANDERSON'S xtt:--BOGY=Cf1111: , '•'''-. ' 33 East St , Goderich •,. •rt • • For Pleasant ,.Surroundir.k and Good Food • THE GODERICHL RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE _ • and TAVERN' GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE * 624-8g83 7:71G-'",k.,7,9gtevarx A.* • • Let. us • help you meet Springtime 4. .! . .,.,' ,, ,,,,,,. .111111. , %..,.....„.._,..,,,.„:,,„..„...........1.7..,..„.,„,„„.,,:....., new -home , • 41:-••'', '',1 4W Mortgage -rates are lower and our capacitY to krve yOu with an ideal, . custom -built -for -you loan was -never gretter... So don't let- that "Where-wi11.,1-- get-the-m-oney?" problem get yOu down. Hand it.dver to understanding experdts who have behind them over eiglity years of experience in tailoring mortgages to suit individual needs. Solve your problem today. at Victoria and Grey. VG The senior Trak( Compwi denoted entirely to serving, the people of Ontario. VICTORIA10 and GREY T -RUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Thursday f . g.,,...m=worrx 1,,I,4;476.4.11 gi.g4t.rrtgl:grrirt!,:;Mill4S241T31 ..aarera alarteg4444 *1 Managtht44' 44a(ttp.act\trth4, 4.. ‘1.... rt.' a ,,a ....1, ;44,4 • .‹,,,11., ..,, .1 1 19 in. iand Kngttori Streets, Godericir , ...., . ••• SUNDAY SERVICES Iitn 1111111 '••• '•,4,1401 4 2. 44..' CAI 1•11 el ;CI 51.,r.• • - The family thiri prays together stays together UNITED HOUNESS CHURCH • 62 Cambria Street North- SUNDAY, MARCH '28th 9:50 a.m. -- SLIND—AY-S-CHOOL. 1 1:00 a.m. —WORSHIP SERVICE • 7:400 p.m.— EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Prayer Service— Wednesday 7:30 p.m,. ,"A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. 0, H. LEE PHONE 524-6887 WESLEY MEMORIAt CHURCH a 'THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street qyjctoria H. Ross NiCholls, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Hour 11 a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. WELCOME ' 4, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD. AT BLAKE STREET "A FEL4OWSHIP CHURCH" CALL US IF YOU NEED A RIDE! 5249565 or 524-6445 0 10:00 a.m,. S,UNOAY SCHOOL 11:0Q a.m. —yORNINGWORSHIP„ SUNDAY, MARCH 28th • "-- BUT...GOV' Regular Evening, Service — 7:30' p.m, Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT 4 Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. I...00KHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister j.,WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of•Praise SUNDAY, MARCH 28th 10:0b a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. — DIVINE WORSHIP. Sermon: ",YOU, TOO; ARE FORGIVEN" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m, — YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETy 7 114114‘Wiinit9'4' ,• . Woodstock, died- suddenly Tuesday, March 23, He was SO. He lived in Goderich from 1928 until 1960 and was. a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. , ..t-• • He was a Vimy Vet and seryed from 1915 to 1918 with the 19th - Battalion. He was a member of Branch 57 of the Canadian Itegioni in Woodstock. Arcr--45eroStc*Pgr4rAti*gr-- MEMORIALS—MARKERtS T. PRYDE AND SON Clinton—Exter—Seaforth F MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford — Ontario, Renard C. McCallum Representaiiva 215 Wellington St. S., Goderich Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 & CEMETERY LETTERING GoderichDistrict Representative Frank McIlwqin 524-7861 or 524-9465 200 Gibbons St. Reg. J. Bell 45 Cambria Rd. S. V,f3 • n 524-7464 :FIRST, BAPTIST CHURCH, • (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square —.A WELCOME TO ALL --:•• • stnool For All. • , 10:06 a:1'n. -Ak-durt Bible Class andhurcty 11:00 a.m., Morning, Worship • Supervisecl Nursery) . . „ THE CROSS Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., BD. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernac-le Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. • • REV. R. CLARK,Paitor SUNDAY, MARCH 28th . 10:00 a.m. -SUNDAY SCHOOL. .11:00 am. —MORNING WORSHIP. , 7:00 pm. — Guest Speaker: REV. LORNE GORMAN •,.. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES • GEORGES CHURCH FIFTH SUNDAYIN LENT — MARCH 28', 1-971 Holy Communion at 8:30 am. Rector's Class at 9:45 a.m. . Morning Prayer uarnsedryler77! 11 Church School at -1,1:00 a.m. • W DNESDAY — LENTEN SERVICES: 7:30 atid 9:30 A.M. • Organist-ChoirmasterW. Paul- C. Baker, AR.uMs.,sAEL.RL, .A .0.BM. B.D. Victoria Street United- (hutch HOUSE OF RIENDSHIP " REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m.---7 Bible Schoo1;For All Grades. 11:00 a•.m. — Worship Service. ' Sermon: ."CHRIST'S FINAL TESTIMONY" (Nursery and Junk,- Congregation) . BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH , 1:30 pm. 7 Worship Service and. Bible School. ' ' — W -E -L -C -O -M -E — . 4 • Mrs. J. Snider Mrs. Leonard Warr, ,Victoria St. Organist , Benrniner Pianist & & Choir Director 'Choir Director . 1 . • , 1 n North Sreet. United Church , • REV. ROBERTL. RAYMONT SUNDAY,MARCH 28th "LENT V" • 9:45 au* —"Grades four and up. 10:55 a.m. — Babies fo Grade 3. 11:00 a.m. — MORNING WORSHIP. SerMon: "ALONE" - Scripture: ST. MARK 13:1 • 37 W -E -L -C -O -M -E • Supervised Nurser/ Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, T.C.M. Organist and Choir Director . „ . • .. , Phone thurevaffice nt Study 524-73I— -WijytW100,11 .44 Owl..., 4, ,ra,,,aatd,arrat,"*,:r4. n: • ' — el „.•