HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-03-11, Page 18F'4 GOO► RICi4 SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH ,11., 1971 . 1 The female cast. in HMS Pinafore being presented this week at Robertson Memorial School includes the following young ladies: back row; left to right, Karen Sheardown, Pat Tideswell, _Barb•,�Reynolds, Pat Craven,° Laura Ross, Patti Hilisr, Kathy. Adams Maureen- Matthews and Beth McEwari; front row, Linda Hoffineyer, Buttercup; ` Sharon Kenwell, Josephine; Helen MacDonald, Hebe; Joanne Cochrane, Buttercup; Marion Bell, Hebe; and Cindy Cornish; Josephine. (staff photo) The male cast in the Robertson Memorial School production of also plays the captain in one performance), second row, John HMS Pinafore is pictured_ here; the.=crew.-i.n_briHBant -w-hits-, the----=�Sha� (Sir Joseph -net Ernie McMillan(the Captain); front captain in smart navy blue and Sir Joseph in.full array. complete . row, sailors Tom McGill, Kevin Such, Robbie McEwan, Jay with frills and buckles They are (left to right, back rowrsailors Tofflemir"e (the other Sir Joseph), Kim• Godwin and Ian Ross. Doug Nicholls, Bruce Fee, Stephen Smith and John Hanly (who (staff photo) St.Peter's Parish Council. The regular monthly meeting of the Advisory Board of St. Peter's Parish Council was held Monday evening,, March 1, with the Chairmah John Buchanan presiding. The meeting opened with • prayer , by ' Father Moynahan. ^ Certain recommendations; were made to be brought up• in new slate of members take office. A notice"ijf board meeting is to be mailed to new members who might like to sit in on meetings before taking office in September. ' Mrs. Muriel Murphy. presented a suggestion 'that enquiries be made regarding -the possibility of 'forming a Cub ,pack.„,..,-,. for St. .. Peter:.s The, Secretary was requested to contact Ron Bushell_ and secure °•information aS to ,steps necessary," also qualifications of leaders,"e.t,c. In the meae the Chairman and mens -1 �f the '. Social Action Committee would look into the possibility- .of securing a leader and see if some‘ng can be arranged. Pete McCauley, Uhairman of the • TOmporal , 'Committee; presented samples of carpeting for the church aisles, together with prices submitted by' three local suppliers. A suggestion was W.). Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone: 524- 8132 DAY OR iNIGHT +� "made that the Committee .get recommendations as to the most • suitable carpet for this purpose before any decision is made as to The ` date for the' next'- color, and also before asking.for Advisory Board meeting was set approval to proceed. for Monday, May 3, at 8:00 p.m. 1 Cothmissionon Post -Secondary Education in Ontario. 02, PUBLIC HEARING The Commission is arranging the next set of'Public Hearings in selected centres throughout Ontario, to provide full opportunity , for all interested individuals and organizations to express opinions mid offer discussion related, to the development of post -secondary cd'ucati.on in the province•. ' r ... . Q A hearing is planned fur,yourarca on Thursday, April 22nd. Briefs to -be presented should be submitted to the Commission:by April lath. Time a,nd place of the hearing will he published at a later date. Details of the Commission's terms of reference and the procedure for the submission of briefs: may be obtained from: Commission on Post -Secondary ca r , ;,•g jj aK). 04. �fi�- •tr Guide and Brownie News Tweenies learn about reef knots PACK ONE badge things from some of our Our March 3 meeting began girls and it looks like we'll be with a game of "hawks' awarding more interest badges in overhead". 'Those little birds th , very near future. who didn't ``freeze" were soon uppets are giving us a lot of carried away. fun lately and we're even hoping '►'weenies were learning to put for a few little plays written by reef. knots in ' their ties in our own Brownies! Some preparation for enrolment we •pluppets show their owners have hope to have .quite soon. They , put a great deal of imagination also were sh9wing Brown Owl and_work into ,them and proves how well they have learned their there is a good supply of talent Promise, Law and'Motto which ready when we need it. of 'course, must be. memorized, . Speaking of talent 7 weall': After working at sewing on enjoyed hearing ' the songs . •,„ t «w..,A,,, . ` o 0.),w, 410ext k0.-5 *.rush. ,,Se r e: sernap y„ in a p , p g circle ' to play a game A'duririg to hear one or two .more at our. which a story was read.' When next meeting too. pauses came Brownies' added Our camp- fund is growing their own' words which -V-6- g M-- steadily and some of the funny results and lots of Brownies have earned much more than the hoped-for two hors ever one sat on the iano and we're ho in laughter. During Pow -Wow, Tawny Owl told us how to earn the Toy maker's badge. Kelly. Schweitzer showed her scrap book of animal greeting cards which is part of her Toymakers badge work and we also saw a stuffed,,stocking rabbit. While •we passed the -"squeeze" we thought of our' Korean friends and then closed oiir"meeting with Taps. 2ND GODER•ICH.BROWNIES~ Pack Two.. relaxed a little bit . on Friday addspent-mor'e- time on games* than usual. The Brownie's..chose their favourites and their squeals and laughter showed how much they enjoyed .them. During Pow -Wow we saw some excellent Toymaker's and King. Girl ' y •o BY JUDY TIGERT The First Kingsbridge GiUrl Guides held their regul'ar_weekly nu eting in the church hall with 28 'members present. The meeting opened -with roll call. A horseshoe formation was niade and the Patrol Leaders • presented the tenderfoot Guides to be enrolled. They, were Bridget Dalton, Dianne Van Ruoy, Kelley Delier, Donna Moran, . Vera Van Diepen and Nora Van Dyke: The program for the evening was prepared by Marianne • Frayne, . assisted by " Shiela Sinnett, Kathy O'Keefe,. Joanne O'Neill and Brenda 1'Ioran7 -which 'coirsisted-•of songs, skits,-:, and -'games. - A reading done by Marianne • Frayne on Thinking -Day, which was Febrix'ary 22, the 'birthday of both ,Lo_r_sl and__,_•Lady Baden-Powell, explained the dollars! One or two' girls keep forgetting to bring their contributions but we're hoping everyone will- he ineluded in''this big project soon. We sang a few songs before our time rantout on us again•and then we san Taps and said "Good -night". PACK THREE The Third Pack opened with the Fairy ring and then divided into, two work groups. The younger girls were learning about our Canadian Flag and a few were successfully tested on their knowledge as well. ' The older Brownies are slowly but surely making progress through the semaphore alphabet. They are sure of themselves up to the- little "G" • now. In Pow -Wow the girls --were again asked to, contribute three recipies each toward a cook book to be put out lay our, Local Association to raise money for camp Klahani --- (mid March is thedeadline for handing these recipies in.) '- PACK FOUR , By Susan Horton • On Thursday, March 4•;, -the Fourth, Goderich Brownie Pack was taken 'for a sleigh ride by Mr. Hindmarsh. Mrs. :Davidson, 1.9 Mrs. Wilton and'our & wn Qswl, Mrs. Mason draw us from our meeting place at Victoria Street United Church out to where we had our ride. , Mr. Hindmarsh couldn't use the horses so a tractor pulled our sleigh. We, were looking for 'animal -tracks at the beach find quite a few Brownies found some. We all had a lot of fun and thanked Mr, Hindrrrarsh very much. .. ; Jt .14,44,.a}1/41.>4a•rvv ,:44�nFra1? :.,ww r r� fir'.••.;;%>,: 9. slsrid:ger, _.Guides meaning of Thinking -Day- -and-- the World Friendship' Fund to • which all Guides are asked to contribute. .. The mothers of the Guides who were enrolled were invited to. see their daughters enrolled ..and become sisters. of the Guide movement. The evening was an enjoyable occasion for . the mothers. . After the meeting closed, by the Guides singing Taps and the 'Patrol Leaders, , reciting their Promise,' the mothers -and the . Guides were -served coffee, 'cookies, tarts and beverage .by the Guides who prepared the program for the evening:_ The` girls also had a lovely trip to....see the Ice Capades, Sunday, February • 28. The' girls were all tired, as they `didn't get home until _ 11':30 p.m., Sunday night, taut -are .all, looking forward --to the next outing, whenever it is. Citizens Of The Town Of GODERIC -THE YOUNG CANADA WEEK HOCKEY COMMITTEE OF iT]HE LIONS CLUB ARE ASKTNG FOR T5 For Some 1600 0 ..,1 y - „, . ,__. ,, :PLAYERS wryr;a ��,uur.. These boys will visit us from across Canada. If yoil' wish to aid ,us contact ... CLARK CHISHOLM JACK MacKENZIE .. 'BOB HICKS 524-9082 5247114 '524-7083 Q J THEI;f3GEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE IN THE WORLD „ C 88 Games of Heads Up Hockey YOUNG CANADA WEEK BOOSTER TbbKETS ADMISSION .25 FOR CHILDREN PER DAY .50 FOR ADULTS PER DAY BOOSTER TICKETS FOR FULL TOURNAMENT -- 1.00 FOR CHILDREN 2.00 FOR. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS —100 -FQR 4 Dv1.-TS • BE A YOUNG CANADA ROOSTER Get Your Tickeils Now -- Good- For All Week On Sale Now40,At .... , First Year Report from Hundreds of Farmers: sso 4 Atrazine gives easonlong,:: control. anneal sses and broadleaf weeds i.. Last year Lasso 4 was a brand new herbicide and we made a lot of promises, Now,the promises, have been: provea._. , ux•.r..ti*` '.rx+we•n;r.1.:r4 _ _... ,. ..,,.:. , iwcfi=.p A' Lasso- 4/atrazirrre rrfue e ` P- no'inc rrporation, Lasso 4/atrazine will not damage your crops or, ruin your 'rotation plans because there r., is less carryover. Lasso 4/atrazine controls both broadleaf weeds and grasses (including crabgrass, fall panicum and barnyard- , 'grass) in corn. ,.Lasso 4 is available from your local farm supply dealer. For free descriptive literature on Lasso 4 and its uses, write Monsanto -Canada Limited, 1'705 Rexda.Ie Blvd;, Toronto, Ontario. Lasso. 4 Hfp81CIU1 n A9igt Aa ; • «a 0 d 6 n �. n 4