HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-03-11, Page 134 o �beritij 124th YEAR. - 10 THURSDAY, MARCH 11;y 1971 There was good feeling Prayer.: service attracts. good -" geolf44ItViii amongst the croWd because it. was here." That was the • expressed opinion of just one woman who ,attended the World Day of Prayer service Friday, March 5 at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church in Goderich, but it seemed to be.in the thoughts of many women who took -time for ani hour of ' fellowship in' the Parish • Hall following the worship. The members of the new Sorority Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi at Clinton sponsored by members of the Gpderich §orority were • entertainediast•week at the home of Mrs. Paul Moss, Goderich. The group pictured here includes all the members of the Clinton Sorority as well ,as members of the Goderich Sorority who played an important role in 'founding the new branch. They are (back row,- left .to right) Mary Harper, Jill Roulston, vice-president and Marjorie Dobson, all of Clinton; mkddle row, Margaret Craig, Goderich; Sue Gow.er, . Goderich president; Betty Jo Cudmore and Ann Adams, both of Clinton; front row, Linda_Meade and Betty Lockart, president, both of Clinton and Laraine Baechler, Goderich extension officer. (staff photo) Beta Siena Phi entertains new sisters. from Clinton at dinner meeting here " A regular meeting . of Beta Sigma Phi was held at the home ' ' of Barb -Moss -Tuesday, March 2 with 18 members present. This meeting -took the form of a buffet supper to which each . "member contributed and was to • honour the girls of the'Clinton chapter who were receiving their membership pins. • The Minutes of the previous Meeting were approved as read. The President announced that the convention which' will be held in Brantford in June now '. has full registration. rP h e pr. _es id e m This was wonb__y Sharon Carter members in over 9,000 chapters' of, Clinton ..; • in Canada and the United States. The Publicity Chairman, Though Beta Sigma, Phi, is not a Karen. Sturdy). announced that a service organization, - its carnerd had -been -Purchased for. achievements and generosity in the chapter. 'this .regar`d are vast. Beta Sigma The , Extension Officer, `Phi is sponsored by Walter W. Larraine '' Baechler, introduced Ross & Co. Inc. '` the Clinton girls present and The founder, Mr. Ross passed announced their respective away recently and many new offices, • ; chapters are being ftzunded in his The president announced that memory. Such is the case of the nominations and elections will chapter being started in Clinton. be held at the next regular meeting on March 16, 1971. The Ritual of Jewels was then' • _'held.'and; at ,the •conclusion ofP announced thelast 'training this, a vase of gold and black was session for -the new pledges will presented to the new • Clinton chapter by the Goderich chapter with their best wishes. be 'held March 16 fast prior to the regular meeting. It was„moved by'.Verna; Kane acid seconded by .Ellen Connelly that $5,0. be transferred to the General . account. Mrs. Karie's treasurer's report was adopted as read. , ' . Ellen Cofnelly,_ the, Ways and Means Chairman ,outlined final plans for . the bake sale at Denomme's..•Fiower Shop. A' 25 cent' draw was conducted by her committee for a Sarah,,, Coventry Dinner Ring. • Each -Clinton girl was presented witl , a pin and a rose.. at their Ritual of Jewels which makes them members of Beta Sigma"Phi. _ Although these 'girls will operate with their own executive 'and committees this next year, the Goderich chapter will .guide • "puC there .is still' an atmosphere of fear and anxiety'even with all the technological advances of the day.." She urged women to)improve the quality of life around them. "We must be women of faith, women of hope, Women of ..lone,'" A iss Ouellette explained. "The only time that you and I have -Mlle present, the now." This was the first time in the history` of Day of Prayer services in Goderich that the event was held in the Catholic Church. About 250 women of all •faiths •in the community attended and • were warmly greeted by the president of the. Catholic Women's League, Mrs. Eileen Palmer. During the service, the choir •and audience ,joined voices to sing The Lord's Prayer to the tune of a West lndian'Chant. It was an effective addition to the event" and left the women humming its strains long after the service had ended. Scanlan, St. George's Anglican Church; Mrs. ' L. H. Diggon, Knox Presbyterian Church; Mrs, Mary Morris, Victoria Street United Church; Mrs.' Clifford Crozier, North Street United Church; Miss Bea • Campbell, E.ixst Baptist Church; and Mrs. ' Capt. William McCtine, Salvation Arany. • Mrs. Jack McKenzie introduced the guest speaker. The offering was collected by Mrs. Clayton Edward, Mrs. Jim; ,, Sherratt, Mrs. M. A. McKee and Mrs. George Currell. During the social hour in the parish Hall, the CWL served ookies, .tea and coffee to their guests. Miss Rita Ouellette ... special guest speaker The speaker for the day, Miss_ Rita Ouellette of Windsor immediately 'caught the feeling of the assembled ' group. Miss Ouellette noted, "There are women .of various and different faiths gathered in the Catholic .'Churetr, -hem.- Years- ago: it jtlst • was not done. We think today's service is a step in the right direction." Her topic was A New People For A New Age. She. said man doesn't seem to depend on God today. the way he used to in the past. . "years ago when a child took sick, your first thought• might have ' been to kneel down by the bed and pray," said.the speaker. "Today you would probably pick ,up the, telephone and call the doctor." and assist them until such time ''Man is much too as they are ready to carry on selftisufficient and sophi'stic,ated themselves. oderich WI �t. pictur • • sees slides que county town The World Day of Prayer Service this year was held at St, Peter's Roman Catholic Church in Goderich. Pictured above are (left to right) Mrs. Walter Palmer, CWL_president who convened the event; Mrs. Richard Buchanan; immediate past president off..-the•CWL who greeted guests; Miss Rita Ouellette, Windsor, guest speaker; Mrs. Jim Sherratt, CWL treasurer; and Mrs: Grace, Sale, St.. George's Anglican C ,iprph whoconJened last ear's Dray of Prayer service and who. assisted Mrs. Palmer withthe planning' (staff photo) ' the Closing Ritual. The March meeting 'of the -won by rs Albert Oke Manager of the P.U.C. and Mr. Sigma Phi has grown to be Women's Institute was held in Secretar s report, which showed slides - "A Pictorial The meeting concluded with who Sin "ltVlfounding in 1931, 'Goderich ' Branch of the Mrs.. lizabeth Sitter read the and Mrs. Don 11cl�iillan, �- St eor G ge s Parish Hall included the minutes of the Tour of Goderich”. an • international organization, It , Then Mrs. Jos. Snyder was created for'young womp en in Thursday, March 4, with the January meeting and a short accompanied Mr. .and Mrs. search of culture and social President.- Mrs, Wm. Porter' account •of the 70th.. residin and Mrs. Robt. Bogie Anniversary„ February 4: McMillan who sang duets, "The activi.ty,, and it • gives its presiding - mernbersan intimate touch with at the piano. Correspondence included . a Rose of Tralee" and "An Irish Mrs; J. H. Johnstone donated letter from Mrs. Austin Zoeller, Lullaby" .and also' played the many lives and many minds. � � clarinet, and trombone. Mrs. From seven members in Abilene, a loaf of .bread, clover leaf shape; F.W.I.O. .• President', urging Inglis expressed appreciation bne. for Kansas, Beta, Sigma, Phi has to the 'person • whose - birthday assistance .With the :MacDonald p grown to, 200,000 active was nearest March. •1 fi arid was n P Institute Expansion Fund, .� as such an enjoyable program'. ; well as a'thank you note for the The April meeting will be,.the gift of $5 from . Gerrards which she had sent on to the Expansion Fund in the name of the Branch. There was an appeal from the Canadian Mental Health Maple leaf Chapter IODE annual meeting and elect o 0 officers. Members are requested to ',study the hand book regarding this. It was decided to .have nominations from the floor and vote by ballet. • gries-in rninrl� ' Association; a request from the Roll call was..answered by �~�� �� � � were 24 present as well as three visitors. • Mrs. N. Clairmont, assisted by • yV ir , ited-S,irielii ... • Appeal -for canvassers; and greetings on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary from Winghain, Blyth, Londesboro, Dungannon Bra,nehes ' of,. the ,Women's institute, Mrs: 'Chas. Young. and Mrs. Mae LeMaire. Thank • you notes were received from'the family.pf Mrs.. . 'Yt h` ' iliboth'e, .,Mrs: . Wrrr:' , Doak, Mrs: Lee McCalltirn, 'Mrs. • Clarence/ Diamond and Mrs. Mary kers_, ril 5, a Program Planning ting to arrange for the •n4miry climmpr nr ieCt There 4.44 4 „ri, An informative program was planned for' the March meeting of the Maple Leaf,Chapter IODE held at -the• home of- Mrs. It 'Bettger, West St. The business meeting .was John Stringer. The members were encouraged tO assist and .support the. Red CrosS Campaign, which the chapter is -iifganizing for the t.own of Goderich. • Mrs. L. O. Graham, principal ()AM -Queen Elipbeth school fOr retrded children, accepts the bowling trophy donated to the school by the members of the Maple Leaf Chapter IODE. The Oh behalf of the group. Hostess for -the meeting at which the presentition was made was Mrs. H. W. Bettger, West Street., (staff photo)* 0,4 Convener, requested volunteers for sewing, knitting and donations 'for the property bags: Mrs. J. Leitch, Education Convener, read the invitation from the adopted school on „thriscian Island asking .rthe The bpwling trophy donated to ,Queen Elizabeth School by the chapter was presented- by Mrs. J. Wallace to Mrs. L. B. Graham, principal of the school. Mrs. ',P. , Howe, assistant education cOnvener, introduce the first -guest spsaker, Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Graham ve a clear and interesting p/i ture of her work in the sch9ol. She told us there are 59;000 retarded children- in Oinada. Boys and girls with' this problem learn best by repetition and ,rontine, she said. Mrs. J. Leitch introdueed the second speaker, Mrs. H. Carroll, supervisor of the Adult Training Centre. She very_ capably, outlined the activities -for the trainees at the shop. They have three divisions ,of work for them: _ contract, craft and recreation. Mrs. Carroll showed many articles made at the centre. These are for sale, she said. the members with an enjoyable interlude of piano music. . Mrs. Stringer thanked tlie Education Conveners for planning such a splendid educational meeting. Mrs, Leitch sngge§ted that for read some of Pauline Johnson's excellent poems es well as some of the poems on Goderich. Mrs. Archie -Wilkin, sold articles, donated for the, anniversary, realizing $2.40. Tea was served by Mrs'.•Wrti.•. Snazel and her committde. The CINL served tea, coffee and cookies in the Parish Mil following the World Day of Prayer service. Here some of the ladies enjoy the refreshmeopts while they discuss the event just ended. There are reports that it was one of the, Most successful World Day of Prayer services ever held, in Goderich: (Staff photo). Peterts CWL ;Army_ canvass. in May istria Annual of West. 'Huron • Wornen's Institute will be held in MacKay Hall.' It was decided to distribute "penny bags" for the Canadian Mental Health Association at•the April meeting. " Mrs. Porter thanked 'all Ahoy had 'helped to make the 70th also thanked the group who had given her. the Women's:Institute cup and sauter and those who had helped Willi' Me Birthday Party at "Huronview". plans were made for the Dessert Card .Party, ,March 17. Mrs. Wm. Snazel offere,(1 to donate place mats and seAettes. Conveners of eommittees are. asked to telephone their groups requesting desserts and donations to the Bake Sale% also that each member arrange for at least one table of 'caYds. A donation of $5 wag -voted to St. George's Church in appreciation for the use of the Parish Hall for the anniversary Mrs, Robt. Wilson; Program 4C)03tare06r4Arrang94.- 11404-216 program, but -Could .not be present so Mrg, Hilda Inglis introduced Mr. Dave RalstoU, oyr The monthly meeting of, St, Peter's CWL was held March 3 with Mrg. Walter Palrper opening with the League Prayer followed by the reading of a meditation by Mrs. A. Poulin. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, correspondence was read and dealt with and Mrs. Jim Sherratt gave her financial report. Various monthly donations were approved. Four 'members have volunteered to canvass for the Salvation Army during the first week of May.' concerning ..plans for the ,CWL 50th anniiigrsary April 26. I3ishop McCarthey, Father Hennessey and Msgr. Mahoney haVe accepted invitations to be present on that date: Invitations are being gent to past presidents. of CWL and Mrs. Carl Schtieiker has completed a, beautiful afghan for raffle by , Bruce, ileath, local children's aid director presented a film "Wherever There Are Children" depicting the varied work of the CAS. Local girl top speaker at contest Eleanor McMillan, 11 -year old daughter of Mr. and. Mit, Don McMillan was the Zone winner in the, Royal Canadian Legion Public 'Speaking. contest held Saturaday in 'Kincardine. Memorial Schaal student„ was among. 12/contestants who .took part in the event. Her topic was She will go on to Hanover March 14-- to c.ompeto in the Zone finals. ,-..Two other Goderich girls, Sue Palmer's home March 8 for Kincardine- tor the contestr, in—..— .completion of antiiial repOrts. their oWn age -groups. Mist Aft the business meeting Wilkin placed third in her class. er Swabbing the decks aboard the HMS Pinafore on .stagi) at „Filo on men -prim. School has been a job recently for, opgrettas this week, Here just another one of the sailors (Doug Nicholls) swirls a mop on the *deck,. (Staff PhOto). "