HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-6, Page 8'fir ti"' 0 �6S & 11E111111M -- 4'1'uti ti handle— .. E; £H3OOT ziEPP/,T,1 ES, Snv M..Y+.4t ON ARV, `1MA PINGS, TWINES, BAGS, :MMALIIi‘1tI MS, kil;,>1;Iatli GOODS, t COMBS,. BRUSHES, SOAPS , 'S ALL:.LIUSSP1N MUSICAL GOODS, i =-n.s s: A1NT=7 RAS 3xz, E £&TER, ONTARIO. J ng -, ae B norrii .. Th Toanknit is spring Trade. mew Mr-ifits Goods! flew ,.Goods! .Weceannot describe all the ewt,ct+sihe Dress Goods for ;-;poitfigo oer. •We have a lovely sleek.; -604e you interested in 1:p3zie•00 rl:ook! iasnenrpptdae 'for a pure wool e•caShmt 1.1 'different shades. hseelthislilloo,-40 CENTS is what nmostlihauses•,ask for same count f:godds. Il1ave,sou seen the big seteeltoff 7 -made iibltaiuense assort inent,—we sselltytouia ;ood fitting, Well -made biBlocusefderilinst about the cost of t. She ,b anile.! aterial. T IMM ��p �� ,. e Are going fast. We show Y kirhaps the most varied -]lutdl l,l sex ek of Wail Papers in ,.$stern Ontario. which we 41,Q,ehpgiia'to!meme ndinspe_et. We can and -.44,1lctiave-attttlrmag;y on Wall Paper. see if rj kigitp@,ber we are the leaders in DANVAineryf,feltlkilg.giOffstson. Come and have a +:t3lt&Q.wi#h,nitrldlaobertson, she will tell -yrice ii,alagltt;hlte ew styles in head wear. Stewart. EglirML JrOTTINOS , C3( .1J,Aensen--Eankrupt Sale prices. alerL1 iiioilbt fi iuhionable Cutter and JFitter• 313,1J; SItatlttntaaa.--'•SVall Paper. ..1,I -PA:- he oa:rt--224ct. cashmere, Ladies' 1.1 ,leuass;tait3draleadymade clothing. T51reiv;si(N911a L13ia11—Henry H. Win- s $heal•: •t• frbtaeliloinntryman." amiftittegiOaiallbottes, �ipri lliaixs,,will be held in this dis iniet;;at,tlieffiNdthetwing places on dates altuarined. :-Stqlklateno& Usborne at Exeter, ',4pr lliatv1;bil ilUUt'i.Huron at Brucefield, is ptilill4th; eutd.i.Perth at St. Marys, ,..A31prlll1Stlt irtttll.Perth at htratford, .rk piili11l th i'ZxstcNissouri at Thorndale, pti1112tlit;llikkliiJph at Granton, April 1iStiliandiBdua#ASiiiard at Kirkton, April Dhltli;%Wttst4Wliliams, at Parkhill, April 21)503. t `fEbeicouniill fillet by order of the 3 teeve,n:ttthe•lkonwn Hall, Exeter, 29nh • 1•110,re 4,11SN. present, Minutes of vreltions) read and approved. +j,paelaman.•-401ti allum—orders for the 3co11ontitlg urns:,lJas. Creech, $2 charity ottobl s. dlorti4;;itlo,:4.l Mrs. Piper.—Car rbetl. 'lrihecxligektto enquire concerning tartesiatimf.)11. '11)'he council adjourned aatntil+Wednesday'the 5th April at 7.30 vim.-•-'M.lEVkfit r,• Clerk. Vtoatev t:their•eMr lilar.aunual vestry meet- amg, rifithe"f1biWitt,t Memorial church on ,llenilay.efftilt'neon the following named :; kentlemenrcRtoixe,elected to the Vestry •frtirl1$33: Iffir Itim. Case, London Road, Jtbernutpt',s\Wtxaxtien,,and: Dan Dyer for tlhe(Cottgrggetioit's Warden ; B. S. O'Neil atiudiA.if;x.11t yter,I.uditors Other bus- ' db w '" 1 nQss as bs;rzliaht up re church debt l:Altt %was !laid motor to the adjourned am eetiilgicintilinllay, 17th inst. renio,'eeteammo, t in:$climbs. `t•J1f av„1Tirrturnal:-After a weary 'k'ttenee rex"' hie -von months the St. t?e,rvs ILoadkitr(c+rases publication with iiteARADSisatipuulultretired from the jour= :,killeticltieidld'clrgrood. In his vale dict- oxyy„,,tEt,aniti,stlhe publisher, admits st1'atattthe oteouttetie ovos, an unprofitable �<aiuer.>utriltfhatt ,S'3It. Marys presents no :flticlld1 ;1t Mita : paper: It is stated :dined CE,P.titiaA irs,on the lookout for a iits�ty iineattiibnm f i vihich to start a paper, pas 4.14111 t'ivrnidiJ arobAtil go west if an opr:n.: po tisailttatiruw:liIke, In the meantime he. br At 111 c¢ 0intlingite di publication of" G �,.:, . �a ��k � Glad wil 3 i i'i,ug„ , , Organ of the Church of ;Latter dayoalido, yi Thb Exeter eaiw-mill will commence operations in a few days: A lovely lot of new De Lanes just opened at the Big Bankrupt ,Store. Mr. John Hawltshaw is under the weather with a lana: back, but is able to be around. See the big stock of ladies ready made blouses at the Big Bankrupt Store. Rare values. The assessor its on his rounds. Every young man entitled to vote should see that ills name is on the roll. The excavating for the foundation of the refrigerator has begun and the masons will soon be at work. Ladies' and children's new spring shoes all opened up at the Big Bank rupt Store; Special values in Oxfords. Mr, D. Spicer has rented the premia es recently vacated by Messrs. Wood Bros.which he will occupy as a paint shop, Millinery. Millinery. Millinery. Wonderful stock at the Big Bankrupt Store. The plain truth is good enough for Hood's Sarsaparilla. No need of embel- lishment or sensationalism. Hood's Cures. Just received at Brodericlt's Store another -lot of those choice teas, which will be offered at half price. These teas are tirst class, Mr N, Dyer Hurdou, our worthy and 'dead hue sport” made the first fish catch of the season on Monday, tie captured 1U fine chub. Try Broderick's Store for boots and shoes, You Dan get a bargain. The stock purchased tit chattel mortgage sale in Toronto is a good one. We sell cheap all the time. James Leonard, of Blandford, last Monday killed a rooster and found pro- trudiutr from its crop a hair pin about three inches long. The hair pin had a head the size of a pea. Work has begun on the foundation of the new house to be erected by Mr. A. Cottle on William St,, (Christie's old property), Mr. John Evans has the contract for the mason work. About fifteen good able-bodied work- ers as,.embled at the residence of Mr. Thos. Oke, Huron st., on Tuesday af- ternoon and pulled the "lance" to the tune of several cords of woods. For the richest display of millinery the Big Bankrupt Store takes the cake, A newspaper has just been started lu Londou, which is printed on a postal card. The first number has four illus trations, a comic tragedy, a few jokes and puzzles, and some advertisements Are we to have sports here on the 24th May '1 If so, we would suggest that a meeting be called in the near future and a good active committee appointed to make necessary arrange- ments. Yesterday (Wed.) the two year old child of Richard Hunter, Usborne t'p., accidently fell from a high chair and broke its arm at the elbow. Dr,Rollins set the fractured limb and the little sufferer is doing nicely. Our young men should be arranging for the organization of lacrosse, base ball and cricket clubs. The season for out door sports will soon be on us, therefore be up and doing. • Our col- umns are open to those who wish to call meetings. The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany has, on its overland route sup- plied the porters of the sleeping cars with writting pads appropriately head- ed, so that passengers desiring to do any writing on the train can do so without ally inconvenience or expense. Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw, who has been conducting the Royal Motel, Parkhill, for some months, has sold out to Mr. Dutton of the firm of Dutton & Ross of the same place. Mr. Hawkshaw's rea- son for selling was on account of his wife's ill health. They will remove to 3eaforth whence they came. The High School Entrance examin- ation in Ontario, will this year, com menee on June 28th. Examinations for Primary and Junior Leaving teach- ers' certificates and for UniversityPass Matriculation, will begin on July 4th; while the Senior Leaving and Honor Matriculation examinations will com• menee on July 13th. Having purchased the stock of. A. J McTavish at 65?. cents on the dollar, consisting of dry goods, clothing, milli nery, hats & caps, groceries and crock- ery, we purpose giving the people of Exeter and surrounding country the benefit of our great bargain- Will be open Mouda,v, April 3rd. Come early and get first choice, G. G. Jose/wore " A requsition has been sent to the Ottawa Government, through Mr. Hutchins, M.P., asking the Govern ment to make Parkhill a Port of En- try. The granting of this request would be a boon to our business men, as at present the nearest Ports of En- try are Sarnia to the West and St. Marys to the East." -Parkhill Gazet#e- Review. The business man who never adver- tises saves a :great many expences. He saves clerk's eek s salaries and needs but a smalls i tat t to supply his customers° This makes taxes light and insurance a small item of expense. Only a small capital is required, and a email build - is sufficient for proprietor and spiders. The money saved by not advertising will come in handy in bearing the funeral expenses of a dead business. The "Club" property, which was purchased last fall by Mr. S. Powell, would not be recognized as the same place. Last year the premises pre- sented the appearance of a veritable wilderness, Since Mr. Powell took session he has cut down all the old star trees, cleahed out the under ush and by the time he is finished I have one of the tidiest places m a. Mr. S. is "cleaning up." Are 1? Budr your wall paper, blinds and carpets at the I31g Bankrupt Store. Gents new buts, new furnishings, new suits, new boots. Big value at the Big Bankrupt Store. We are sorry co learn that Mr, :Fred W. Farnoomb is lying seriously ill at London and little hopes of his recovery are entertained. Do not forget that, the Spring Show under the auspices of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural, Society will be held on their grounds, Exeter, next Tuesday, April 11. Admission free; Already entries have been made and the interest being shown indicates that the show this year will surpass all previous years. All entries will be taken at the Mansion House on day of show and prize money paid at the. same place. The social given under the ,auspices or the Epworth League in the James street Methodist church on Friday evening last was a success in every, respect. The basement, beneath the church was filled to its uttermost. After tea, which was provided by the young people in the inner class room, the programme was commenced and consisted of readings, recitations, solos, instrumentals, and speeches, all of which were well rendered. The pro- ceeds amounted to about $36. For some time A. G. Dyer has been trying hard to get a good mileh cow. His second last was bought on trial— she was a "high flyer," to leap over the highest fence an the' premises was to her as easy as walking to common cows, and to leap over the baru for- ward or backward was really a past time; but his last cow is a "daisy." He has only had her a few days, and the cow in wandering around surveying her new home walked up the stairs in to the hayloft Tuesday night. It took 16 men to get her down. Bert Fuke says the good prospects for a creamery is bound to make cows go up. The concert held in Drew's Hall ,.on Monday evening last under the aus pices of the Royal Tempters of Temper- ance of this place, was a grand success, A large number of brethren and sisters from lodges in Centralia, Crediton and Hensel! were present. The prcgram, consisting of solos, quartettes, instru mentals, recitations, and also speeches by Revs. McDonagh, Martin and Rus sell, was well carried out. The speech es were in the interest of temperance, and were very enthusastie. The ret itations, given by Miss Pearl Baker, of Usborne, were beautifully rendered and secured the hearty applause of the whole audience. After the programme was ended all members and those who had aided in carrying out the program repaired to their hall and partook of a tea, which had been prepared for them, after which they all dispersed to their homes well pleased. Horse Bilts. Parties requiring route bills should bear in mind that the ADVOCATE office is the right place to get them. The ex- cellent horse cuts, together with good workmanship and fair prices, obtained for us a large portion of this Blass of work last year. We shall be glad if those who expressed their satisfaction with our work will again 'favor us with their orders. A Narrow Escape. During the windstorm last Monday nicht a light of glass was blown out of a bedroom window on the west side of S. Powell's house and was shattered Miss Rhoda Willis was in the room and had retired for the evening. A large piece of the broken glass fell on her shoulder and breast, and had it not been for the bedclothes she would no dougt have received a very severe wound. Personal Ben, on. Gus. Handford, photographer, has ac- cepted a situation in Ottawa and left for that place on Monday morning.— Miss orningMiss Annie Sanders spent Easter in Clinton, the guest, of her brother, Ed. Sanders—Mrs. J. L. Davidson left for London on Monday, where she will make her future home. -Mr. T. B. Carl- ing, who spent Easter with friends in Brantford, returned home on. Tuesday. -Miss A. Heaman, who has been spend. ing the past few days with friends in town, left for her home in London on Tuesday.—Mr. Ferguson, of London, spent Good Friclay in town,—Miss Tot tie Crocker, of St. Marys, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Crocker. -Mrs. Smith, nee Sarah Herd, who has been visiting'. her mother, left for her home in Strath- roy on Tuesday.—Mr. Wm. J. Clarke spent a few days in town last week. Miss Cook, of Hensall, is the guest of Miss May Gill.—Miss N. Pringleteach- er is spending her holidays under the parental roof at Staffa.-Miss Clara Vosper, teacher, and Miss Mame Sand ers, who have been visiting in London and St. Marys, rs turned on Tuesday— Miss Mable Hearsy spent Easter in London. -Miss Hannah Kinsman, teacher, of Tilbury Centre, is spending her holidays with her parents. -Miss Lillie May, of Parkhill, is the guest of her cousins the Misses. May,—H. Trace of London, spent Sunday and Monday in town.—Mrs. Johnc v M A oy, nee Eva Snell of Kincardine is visiting tin; friends in town —Mr. Fred'Elliott has been gazetted as a Notary Pubic in Ontar- io.—Mr Wallace Hicks, of Brantford, is here making preparations for the re . moval of his mother, Mrs. C. Hicks, to Brantford'.. -Mr. Garnet Hyndman has returned after spending a week in London -irlr. M. Vincent is home again.—Messrs. John i3raund and Walt Carley have returned to Brantford af- ter a visit here.—Mr. John Mugg left Monday morning for Sault Ste. Merle, where he will visit his daughter.— Messrs. Wm. Bawdcn, ex reeve, and Thomas :Russell, of Usborne, as dale gates left here last night for Chicago to secure knowledge and information regarding the creamery.—Mr. Hugh Oke,spent Easter in Sarnia.—Mrs.(Rev) Russel[ was in London during Easter. 9�j�p�n} Sa1ejw floods U LL U� McTavi & Go's Old Stand. Away Below Cost! Look at a few of Our Prices. Dry Goods. Former Price. Now. Men's Suits $ 5 00 3 50 do 10 90 G 00 Men's Pants 2 00 90 All Wool Tweeds 50 30 Yard Wide Gingham 12i 8 Prints Inc to 15c 9 Tickings 20c to 25c 12 do 15c 8 Dress Goods 11 5 do 25 17 do 50 34 But we have not space to enumerate. Suffice it to say you can get everything at 10 to 25 per cent. less than the original cost. Groceries At Cost Price` Boots & Shoes. A large line away below the Cofit, Don't fail to call. Come often, it will save you money, G. G. JOHNSTON, moTavish's OIG Stand. Seafortli Bye'Worfcs. All orders for the above Dye Works can be left with E. H, Fish, Boy Wanted. A good smart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Farm for Sale. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPACEMAN, Exeter We are to have a Creamery. During the past week matters have been satisfactorily developing in con- nection with a creamery for Exeter and we are now sure of it being es- tablished in our midst. The amenut nezessary to insure this iustitution was $4800 which has nearly all been sub scribed. • A Bale of Jonrnaltam. We accept complimentary tickets simply as a request for our reporter's presence; when tickets are not sent we come to the conclusion that the man agement do not wish a report of their meeting. While we cheerfully give these notices we find it necessary to plainly state that we do net intend it to be license for imposition. When a society gets three or four dollars worth of pesters printed at a one-horse job office, and sends us an item for gratis insertion, a notice worth more in every respect, and repeal the dose„ it its time to have an understanding. MIMES. GLAvIR.—In Stephen, 2nd con. on 3rd inst., the wife of Patrick Glavin, of a son. KERSLAKE.—At Eden, in Usuiorne, on 4th inst., the wife of Mr- Kerslake of a son. MAWHINNEY.—In Stephen, con. I0, an 4th inst., the wife of Geo Mawhinney of a daughter. HEYwooD —In Usborne on 30th ult., the wife of Wesley Heywood, of twins (both girls) SpackMall & Co Have t h. i s week opened out the best a n d largest stock of Amer ican and Ca- nadian e®� Wall Paper . Ever shown in Town. How is the time to buy . our pap- er for Spring. Spaekan & Co Spri for Wants, Plenty of them, The latest and best assortment, full up in all grades and styles. o -a o-o-o-o_a Grand Stock for find ing just hat you I want® ..�. 0 Few can meet and none can d beat our prices. Quality and Grade, 6 high in 1:1 that we offer this sea- 6 son, right and righteous prices on all things. :: Never were sounder or 4 surer bargains offered in Groceries, A Dry -Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Gaps, Clothing and Gents' Fur - 9 nishings. Exa +i n ation will show 0 That our Stock is especially strong in variety and thoroughly reliable y in style,, to this we add the strong in- ducement Of l®W prices. Flighest prises pal, far Farm Produoe, SEEDS! SEEDS!! SEEiia S!!! The 'Slprung time ?as frlhatt meson of the year tsvlrt t srenalbedy Aetna talker TIMI?, by the fhreJkseik.. This its ,j ft what we have done awwi now we are alit& FM alt orders for seeds of any kinds and in ant& etnacnty. This is the (oak nese tet settatte good,, reliable seed. ��i fhiil¢; v mtia anter, in dc meet fag to see our new Large Stock of Spades, Hoes, ., Rakes, Forks, Shover &C 11ru faieit eillg• i0ai vu uyc o (C, out er Malts. Cobble k { k Folland. B1111 ,1 Presh IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Fan TV' WWII WANT TO Bay or Sell Town Propel IF YOU VirANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Gall at lr, dna. Spaclail°ern Iiea.l &lata Agency. Business Transaet'Ions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers wilth receive the best aadyiee; fanselecting land or town; sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State, Line Steamship. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: --JOHN SPA€,"1s�MANf„ Box 44 MP= T k e unndersi.gned have opened out anew t k } x cif irn r s tu-c lase Spring and Summer suitingr, in Canadian and Imported Tweeds Worsted et e., a :e., which we sell et right prices. Tweed Pants $3. and upwards, Worsted` do 4, do Tweed/Suits 10. clo Worsted do 16. do, iii4pling Over Coats 1&0O i, Upwards. - can! stat a:tarpmnne! bedona; tartmnbansmnmg eisewheire, We guarantee a gonad S,tt. Creck le Bissett •ie Syrup at HE PEOPLE s GRORRY and Liquor Store We order our goods often and keep our stock always fresh and clean. Parcels de- livered free in any part of Town. r Kiiilit. Qat 11¢u bud, Opera Hall. ROLUNS c, WILLIAMS WWng Co, of Exeter. Have opened anoffice opposite the Town Hall, and while build- ing the... • . NEW MILL Will keep cOnsttantty on hand a full stock of the VERB BEST BRAMDS OF` FLOUR; also all kinds of mill stuff and Feed. Farmers and townspeople will fled it to their advantage to call and see es. &SWM& & WILLIAMS*