HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-03-11, Page 1•;„
„ANIL a.,
Thiae were three very happy, very excited young women following the Saturday night decision in
GDCI auditorium by adjudicator Doug 11/1cElveny that Goderich's entry "The Madwoman of
Chaillot," was the best play presented in the seventh annual Huron-Pert4Collegiate Drama Festivtl.
Su Dunlop (left) who played the lead ,in the prochiction and Sherry Moore (right) each received
an avitard of merit for 'her performance. Linda- Reinhart (centre) was the winner of a special
adjudicator's award for costuming and design. (staff photo)
The cast weg _for joy
GDCI wins award
for best 'production,
There were shouts of joy,
cries of excitement and tears of
happiness _ when it was
*an pqu nced late -Saturday evening
• in
GDCI auditorium that
Goderich's entry in the
- drama
"The Madwoman of Chaillot",
was the winning play.
•As well; Godetich's Alastair
Pirie, who played the Ragpicker
• in the production, was chosen as
best actor -in .the event wl3ich.
drew six plays from. two
Stratford schools in Perth
County, as well as Wingham,
Clinton, 4.Exeter and Goderich
' high • schools from Huron.
The best-iactress award 'went_
to Ann Welwood of Winghatif
who portrayed grandtna ih "The
Sand Box".
A special adjudieator's award '
went to Linda Reinhart of GDCI
' who headed up thecostume'
4 department -for: the local_drama
group. - •
Awards Thf Merit were
presented as well to, Rick Fisher,
PDCI; fcir his perfOrrnance, as
the street singer; to Dan Burns,
GDCI, who was the man who
plunged so -skillfully. clown the
stairs; to Sue Dunlop, GDCI, for
her . performance as • the
Countess, Aurelia; to Sherry
Moore, aDCI, who played
Constance; and t� two Stratford
players., Miki Hammer and Dan
Schumacher, for their
performances in .Stratford
Central's Production, "Twelve.
-Angry Men".
The Goderich effort •was
directed by Warren' Robinson
who was ,converged _ upon
folizwing the adjudicator'S
e•- announcement by an entire cast
• •
ore GDCI winners
The * GDCI basketball
Vikings have won the
Huron -Perth championship.
The whole story is found
Page 2 of this section.
of terribly excited, happy
students. •
Thoselin the cast were Sue
Dunlp, Debbie, Penlop, Greg
Markson, Shery' Moore, Trudy
Kernihan,-. Jn ,Sutherland,
Alastair 'Pirie, Arin Hopkinson,
Gail 'Fritzley, Sue Moxley,
Brenda Thompson; Sherri
Atfield, Penny , Vidler, arol
Riiing. ap
Rick Fisher
'... award of merit
Dap Burns
•award of merit
4 q 4 I
When tha.awards were presented to the winners of the Huron -Perth Collegiate Drama Festival tate
S(..16rdti-yieve.ning at GDCI, most were collected by local artists. The best actress aVvard, however,
went to Aim Welwood (left) the Wingtam girl,who so brilliantly portrayed grandma in The Sand,
Box. Vvith Miss Welwood are(left to right) Al Pirie who was named best actor for his performance '
as the Ragpicker hi The Madwoman of Chaillot; and Greg Markson and,Sue_Dunlop who picked up
Goderich's award for the best play in the two -night drama feitival. (staff photo)
... .
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= THURSDAY, MARCH 11i. 19 71
Percy,„ Catherine Russell, Patsy
Shore, Joy , Harrison, Rick
Fisher, James Daer, Bill McGee,
Graham Royal, Randy Hills,
John KyPers,Dottg Ball, Tanyk,
Palmer, Nina Knight, Susan
Freeman and Dan Burn.
Make-up artists. -were Pat
Reinhart, Sue Simons,. Carol • •
Please turn to Page 12.
awe some concern
An 'apartment house to be
constructed in the Britannia
Road West area by local
contractor Peter grander was the
subject of a letter received by
Goderich Town Council from
propertyowner Ken McGee.
McGe's letter Andieated he
• was unhappy that the building
Perreil had been 'issued to
Brander with permission to erect
an apartment house in -that area,
of town. ,
,The letter also noted that
0 students
this time •
Another fierce snowstorm hit
HuronSounty Monday, March 8
but this time, there were no
students stranded in any one of
the board's schools, according to
D. J. Cochrane, director of
education for Huron County.
"The buses didn't even pick
up the students;" reported
He said 18 schools had found
it necessary to curtail classes for
the •or to keep the school
open only for students who had
walked there. ,
The regular boaisd meeting
scheduled for ClintonMonday
evening was also postponeddue'
to adverse weather conditions.
Brander's building permit had
approved the construction of the
dwelling on the east side of the
lot and that the building, aiiiady
underway, was going pp on the
west side of the iot.
McGee contended that his
home would be less affected by
the apartment buildings rise if it
was built according to the
building permit.
• "The building still falls well
within any building, bylaw we
have," stated Councillor Ed.
Gisbrecht He suggested
Brander could purchase another
building permit if that was
deemed necessary by couficfl.
Deputy-reeve,Dave'Gower asked
that the matter be turned over
to the fown's solicitor for a
McGee's letter tocouncil had
referred to a new Zoning bylaw
presently being prepared by
counil. It Was learned that the
proposed bylaw will not allow
apartment buildings and similar
multi -dwelling units to be
ere -skied jut anywhere in town,
but that the area inwhich the
Brander. apartment house is
being constructed is not one
which will be restricted.
Reeve Paul Carroll asked if
there will be an opportunity for
the public to question the
zoning bylaw before jt• is assed.
"Oh Yes," smiled Councillor
Giesbrecht. "It will be published
first and • then public hearings
will be held to give 'people an
opportunity to be heard."
service groups in town. Food
,, , . was purchased at a • local
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citecor difficult' to -7 he:j."'' ' — - ' ' i ' . noon when Lumbyturnd chef_
. anct cooked up hot dogs and
, ' - been in touch with 'his' or her
0 - . , • beverage for his guests.
Celebrates,- 'diamond woek unniversary
, . youngsters in the group had
DiannE- Case said each of the
-Many long hursof hard work have gone into the St. Mary's Separate School production to be
. staged next week oiv three consecutive nights, March 16: 17 Laid- 18. St. Mary'sSirib Out will ,
feature the wellknown musician Ed Stiles Seen here seated at the magnificent organ loaned to the ,
school by John McDonald for the event. With Mr. Stiles are ,(lft to right) student Maureen Evans,
. Mrs.. Eleanor Robinson who will direct the music and student Linda Eichholz. (Staff photo)
Earlv March storm h�lds
Domtar gets' water;
cost split in thirds
An eight -inch watermain
from., the town water system ,to
the edge 6TDomtar Chemicals
Mines . property will be
constructed just as soon as
possible, it was 'leartled at last.
Thurstay evening's meting_ of
Goderich Town Council. •
Town Council . approved a
33:1 split on the total costs ---
estirnated „at about $63,000. -
arnong the PUC. Dorntar
Cheinicals and the town of
An immediate dposit„ �f -5(1'
percent of theestimated costs
has been requested by the 'PUC
to purchase Piping and other
materials to get the job
-underway. Reeve Paul ',Carroll
explained that the cost of some
materials has chaned-i-n--t-he-last-
,three weeks by as much as0
percept, and said PUC .officials
are anxious- to get the material
orders filled promptly to av-oid
any additional c•ot due to„ rising
skiers for two days
• „
visit. Some eVCU took pictures ot
the mayor with the.Skiing club
officials for their scrap ooks.
The group set out from
Iliverviw Saturday ;It.'ernoon.
The 'trip • ,y,•as :longer than..
expected. Dianne Case
explaind. due , to the road
conditions. They - arrived ii
Owen Sound and enjoyed some
skiing before leaVing SUuday. at
1:30 for home. They arrived- in
Goderich , about 6:30 Sunday
everting midst ' a - heavy
The bus drivers went to the
police station . to get advice
Eighty Detroit-areaskiers,
were snowbound in Groderich
during the weekend snoWstorm
which hit eyeryOne by surpris.e.
Dianne Case, who -was
charge of the, skiingexpedition
from Riverview High School in
RivervieW,.. -Michigan, to Owen
Sound had nothing but praise
for the people of Goderich,and
the -way they helped out in an
, einergericy.
"If we had handpicked a
place. to be stranded," she said,
"w6 couldn't have chosen a
better place .thu Goderich.
Wee been- given the royal
treatment. Even the in
down to see us." .„
His Worship Mayor Harry
Worsell' called on the group
Monday morning. The 70.
students and 10 adults from the'
U.S.A. were impressed by -his
about a place to stay until the
storm had subsided. The whole
group was directed to Goderich
Memorial Arena -where ; the7
were Cared for, by Bill 1.,timby
and staff- • -
Blankets were provided' by
the local hospital as well as
Councillor Reg Jewell -Mde'
the motion that conncil go
., • , .
.ahead with the project as 1
il I ,
of the property committee and
his ciutik Wilkfall temporarily. to
Councillor Ed. Sliesbrecht,
chairman of works wh-O
was property Committee.
chairman for the immediate past'
two years.
asked Councillor Gieshrecht to
outline his feelings on the matter
of the "extraworkload" in view
• of the fact that another property
committee meinber., councillor
, Frank Walkom; is the
present time. •
Councillor Gieshrech,t noted
that -mot of the • property
budget commitments have been
• madefor the-, year and said h'e
feels -that he should not have
Much difficulty submitting a
-budget to finance chairman
• Deputy-reve , Dave Gower
before budget tinie. •
Mayor Harry Women pledged
his support to Councillor
Please turn to' Page.1:
p, tanned. • • .
parents in Ri\ erview. As 1N,e11',
I think council is pr( ',ty well • ,
the school had set up a relay -7- ----
agreed, on going through -with As noted in the town.
s'Y ()11 '''
-' •• -I' ' ''' this said Jeel. "We will never
acconiPanying ' the . stUdents
get it. done cheaper and it should
called in regularly With re -Ports
concerning weather, roads. etc. be dore.- •
Reeve Carroll reported he had
and the- shoOl, in -turn, poti fled ,- • checked' into a suggestion that
- ' aixious parents about. , the
an independent,purriping and •
welkbeingof their children.
Spokesman for the group
filtration' plant' at Domtar wotilds
• -
be_, leaible, He said he had
commended the local hospital..
learitetrthat the matter had been..
staff _for it kind concern for. by -
discuss ed ' at - • length
hem. A couple of the s'tudents
, representatives of the Ontario
Please turuto Page12. Water Resources CommiSsion. ,
council story this week,
Councillor Ron Price has
requested a leave of absence
for, a 'period of two or three
months because "of 6 health
probem. • ,
Goderich Signal -Star •
• ••
publiSher, Rotert G. Shrier,, --
announced . this week that .
___M,ti rina .he.ad. -_ _som"eTthhii..it"or.i.gliii.klael,.,e;timaotoec ,w_a:,, .13_o_si jojil
••...• „ • .
' , , the PUC 'and officials from
Domtar. •. , ' comPariy; -he has resigned his
duration of his absence would
because -Mr._ Price reaTjzed .the
impoSe hardships . on the -,
•, - -ampearn.aeintee i ,or
of this newspaper,
• • .,.
named, -------,-.7,-.1pelievey'-',--- sated-. CarrOil,„,,itt
His successor -at the
, , that cost did not include many .
items.. A more realistic figure will be Jack
editor's desk
-liy Council: •
,would be $10,000 more“ , Mills of the
' Reeve. Carroll clainied there Independent. Mr. Mills will
. New Hamburg
•' J. Alex Wilkins has been were . also intake problems to take up his new duties in
. ' re -appointed as . '‘.larina consider. - Goderich . at the end of
• Supervisor for 1971. according
GRANir l„._EAYE March.
. Until . Mr Milt—SerNat: 1P
toReee Paul' Carroll, also
•• at , Iv -,,'49 . via v---?. r or....,,,,4,,,,, , • n .il kargtarrteettexacc • .; •,.....1A-garredithnotorkfrimss}i-iffev...ze-,..:,,,,,i
Henry T. (Harry) Barker marked an unusual milestone
Monday. On •that day, Mr. Barker began his 60th year with the
Dominion Road Maehinery Company Ltd. — and his
achievment was remembered 13) Huron's MPP Hon. Charles
MacNaughton; Huron's MP, rtobert McKinley and Ontario's,
• new Premier, Hon. William Davis; all of whomsent telegrams
bearing congratulations.
Mr. Barker told the Signal -Star Monday afternoon that he
started at ORMCO March 8, 1912. Thecornpany was then
known as American Road -Machinery arid was laated on the
corner of Cambria Road and East Street.
Formerly a fireman on the Old Grand Trunk Railway, Mr:
411 Barker had been uptown to have his watch inspected at Charhe
Humber's jewellery store. Returning to the ,station via the
south side of East areet, Mr. Barker passed by the factory.
The windows were open (it was a warm day in contrast ‘to
March weather 60 years later) and Mr. Barker could hear the
engines running inside: He saw the men operating the lathes
and decided he 'woad like a change of pace -from railroad
Mr. Barker walked" into the office and asked if the company
was taking on any mem, He was told a machinist was needed.
"So I -told their' twas one, trained in Woolwich Arsenal,
London, England," ,recalls Mr. Barker, "The superintendent
said good enough and I started the next day, March 8, 1912.
Mr. Barker worked 21 years in the machine shop where he .
was foreman and later superintendent, part-time dUring the
• Second World War. •
Harry Barker
... begins 60
CKNX whips
fire sqbad
(we think)
for a leave Or absence for two Keller will. be in charge Of the
There were four other months from- Councillor Ron
applications for the position. Price •who, according to a letter editorial content for The
The decision was reached at an read to cOuneik is .experiencihg Gdderich Signl:Star.
• in -committee session of tOwn health problems.
council last Thursday evening. Ottuneillor Price is chairman
Although no-one, least of all
the playrs, seeins quite sure of
the final score In the game, the
report is that CKNX No -Stars
whipped the Goderich fighting,
flaming firemen in a slap -happy
hockey game Friday, night in..
Goderich Memorfal_Arena.
AbOut 600 persons attended
the event and laughed their sides
sore at some of the „antics,
provided by the hockey players.
. through it all, close to $400
was raised for the muscular,
dyStrophy campaign supported
by the firemen,
years with Th'e CK NX crew includa..
such notables as Don Courtney,
(Audrey) Barlow a teacher at the Queen ElizbehSchool for * ,Les Armstrong, Crawford
Retarded Children; and eight grandchildren four boys and Do t g as Roy Stevens and the
Ale reset ime, Mr. Barker, novv an octonnarian, is a four girls. kids' favorite, Ranger Dave.
air engineer at Goderith Salt Co. Ltd.; one daughter, Mrs. Wm. continued enjoyment, from his work-atDRMett-. other -young women, one of
first aunt ottatiOn'titaita Jo -colt gt,...1.4)11s,V6444tyiRpolv-itons4 'comnititityrslitOgrattatfittA„Nawtvewm,(N atS °Pc
,13WayeigP 'as- VI 'WIT&
Mr. Barker has two Sons, Ronald, a postman and Rymond, "Barker on thjs tremendous achievement —and we wish hinr
MOM a nurse, to tend even the
most Minor abrasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brander, Goderich, learn that mathematics isn't plWays the bore nowadays that
it used to be when some people went t� school. Here the couple try on the earphones under the
itovs(perAtialottk,atv.ittutler*,,,Atattla-NoVtringoatt-it4VM3thhnset*Ileisk*OZ .4)7044Pq'kklgtO4VAA'650410,1c.t.tijqt
recorded voice. The listener metely viirit&down the answers to the questions and the tyumber
correct determines the student's' rtithematie- . „arid entertaining, too! (staff