HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-25, Page 19livid. end irownI• News f • Uniforms- at' party of ' a ATTENTION' to anyone who so I looked, it up ih'the Guide called it the Rose Patrol, Lynda Owl told about our founder, meeting which will be March. 2. s haoa Brownieo Guide uniform Handbook. �IVance was selected the Patrol Lord Baden-Powell and how BROWNIES --PACK TWO riy part of one that they It says Stalking is the art t Leader and Diane Perry was the „Guiding began so many years On Friday, February 19, the wish to sell. of creeping up on man, bird or Seconder. agb and grew to cover one Browniese Please phone 1Vfrs. Don Elliott animal without being seen, heard , Everybody is workinghard on hundred 'parts of the world. rp Packn2 had a very ry Y different meeting to celebrate at 524:6503 and tell her about or smelled."'It requires constant badges. Susan Turland received After this story everyone was the birthday of our founder, the uniform, (size -and price'etc.) alertness and gives training' in her Collector badge for her given a mystery picture to cut Lord Baden-Powell and of our and also give her your phone„ patience and perseverance . . . stamps and some of the„ other out and paste. It was a surprize World Chief Guide, Lady number. She, will keep a record , and convinces me I'd better start Guides are eagerly waiting for when • it turned out •to be a Baden,Powell. Instead of of all available -items so that learning how to stalk' badges, to arrive for them. windmill from Holland. beginning with a .garhe or people needing equipment will . Sally Stringer and Brenda We are Jalso . going to the Ice When we gathered for Pow opening ceremonies the girl's onl�t have to call her in order to Thompson joined Janet Williams: *Capades February 27. We'll meet Wow Brown Owl had some separated ' into nwork groups be put in touch with right and Captain Graves and, lea the ' at, Knox Church on Saturday announcements about the in ° g p which continued .,togrow until person: °" girls through some. new songs" morning shortly` after 11:00 a.m. , Church Parade. ion February 21st everyone had.arrived: ,•.-, 41+ " �, There ' will ..be S very :mak' and skits.i, ready for our bus, ,trip to ' and about our coming trip to the- n s - Once again aux, young one ,,,..,,,,',,4,, , .:r kbargeµfgr this service arn4 it wi ly..,,� .w..r . .,..... r 1 Lr ndon., ... London Ice. CapaSte;,.. xtt ',..1: t , . ' • gb toward' oilrettin 4urt;d ,°� �-,;:�.., .' .SECt�tl{ rGODEHftk., ;' "' 'BRbIAI i"i''E "= `W` 'E' '''" '""Teel uary ..27: Ail'"„ permission i`tttem rny� their _ e'f�' �r�rr'~ GUIDE COMPANY' ' ' February16 .was our special forms must be to Brown who .Vitas testing them on their p knowledge of our Canadian flag, FIRST GODERICH „, (By Diana Oke) • Thinking Day meeting. •A short Owl before the day' of the trip. and later on their ability to GUIDE COMPANY , " This week we were thinking sing song took place while the We were also thrilled, with the throw a ball (or as in this case, a At their meeting February 17 of having a talent night, Well, we Browrnies were arriving. Pennies sleigh ride that Mr. Hindmarsh bean bag) as they enjoyed the -Guides were happy to have decided we would! We voted for were brought for our special gave us last week and our thanks playing . a game called "Fish". Janet Williams as their guest. Sandy Freeman to be our Master Thinking, Dag' Fund and were go out to him. The 'senior Brbwnies scurried Janet was a member of the of Ceremonies, Cindy Fisher to taped to cardboard to form the A special ceremony for about busily arranging the magic original First Goderich Guide be in charge of drama, and me, shape of, a large tulip to remind Thinking Days next on our. Company. Diana. Oke ?to be. the Organizer.. us ofy our friends in Holland, program during which each Som ol and all the -trimmings. Captain Graves worked with We also voted on some namesSome of athe Birls pretendingsnt ry p After our opening ceremonies ' Brownie' phone a •flashlight on trimming birthday some of the girls , on their to call our show. They were we -were pleased to have Sherry our Toadstool while -telling cake with flowers and then "Tenderfoot" requirements so "Tiny Talent . Night", "Guide Schweitzer receive her one. year something about our Brownie arranging real cupcakes on the they'll be l ready for enrolment ° Night '71", and "Guide Show service star: The Fairies ,Sixer friends in . some other country. tray all around it." When the soon, and Miss Williams taught 'Biz' ~,The one we. picked was Celia Drennon presented Sherry This was followed 'by the ceremony time arrived and all others how to stalk. That last "Guide Show Biz" which •wa ., and her sister Kelly with their repeating of the , Brownie the Brownies were standing in a little bit sounds relatively simple suggested by Lynda Vance. Fairy -Six emblems. Promise. We then sang Taps and circle, five candles atop the but it 'doesn't explain much and We added a new patrol and As we sat in a circle Brown said Good -night until our next "cake" were lit while the girls St. Joseph's CWL • 41 discusses abortion versus gift of life Father Cassano opened the St. or "been speciallq-selected;'a..�-, •w Joseph's CWL with the League ---"8. Read labels carefully -to be prayer. Mrs. Antone Van Osch sure you• know what -you are .-presidecd~ witl-- 4. rnennbe -�- really ett g,- wkrat Bests-ander.= two visitors present February 17 how to use it. thetchureh-hall. "9. Keep hazardous. products An invitation was received to out of reach of children. Teach attend the Wrids4 Day of Prayer them to • know and respect March 5 at 2:30 in 'St. Peter's hazardous product symbols: Church, Goderich. A :donation is ' "1QVlake a list before you go being .. sent to the Sacred Heart grocery shopping, and stick to Program. it." Cultural Life Convener, Mrs. Joe O'Keefe, explained r the National Scholarship Fund' t� which all Leagues are to contribute. This ' fund aids students., from underdeveloped - ,countries to come to Canada for further studies. A donation is being sent. Sympathy cardsare being,sent to Mrs.r.3 elu}is Dalton and Mrs. Warner ` n their recent., bereave,. d . Mrs. John Austin, Consumer, Affairs Convener, gave out literature and.. 10 hints when buying. She said " 1. Refuse to buy shoddy merchandise. If '-your P urchase • T Wins out to , be• unsatisfactory, complainto the manufacturer or retailer. "•, )2. Don't., buy on impulse. 'Shop around, compare prices, styles and models of'ai y,Major purchase. W.... "3.. Entertairirnent is no' substitute for information: Read For listen to advertisements carefully to find' Out ,what they \� reallysa ' y: N "4. Get •pit in writing. Don't rely on verbal promises. "5„. Read all contracts before you,sign. Once signed"; a contract ..can rarely be broken. , "6.. Credit buying 'doesn't create ' money,. it costs money. • Do not buy on the instalment. plan or with a credit card 'unless you can afford it. "7.- ",Don't be. fooled into parting , with your money because you've ,"won a content" Daily at 2:30--3:00 on Sarnia Radio --Station' is an excellent Consumer's Programme , she concluded. Vocation .Week -is in May with school children doing posters and essays for which prizes will be given. There are 36 Religious Orders in the London Area. On May 2 there will be a World Wide Day of : Prayer, for. vocations.. This .__,year . is, the 50th ' anniversary of.St. Joseph's CWL'. Suggestions were given as "how to ` _ celebrate it but no -decision was reached. Members are asked to bring a suggestion to the March m retro - Oir` March'" 6 the CWL is catering to a wedding, dinner at Saltford Hall. Workers are- needed. _The church Aust. tie _� , cleaned before the wedding. Mrs.., : Gene Frayne arid Mrs. Leo Courtney moved that the League buy taro carts to' be used, in catering. Mrs. John Howard is in charge of getting them. °" When the exchange of Cree GODI MOO SL.GN -ST i wante heard a little, about how Guiding all began. .Captain Graves and some of her Guides, visited our meeting and joined in onr . Norwegian knot and skipping game, a.song in Hindu: ,from India, and a Swedlsp Prayer, The Guide§ also led us in some of their songs and then did some skits for us. There was no doubt that . everyone enjoyed havifg them visit: for the Brownies were either squealing with „delight or holding.,. their sides with daughter ."'as ' ,,they ' happily jornettiri lrrg.w:. '","' •- The meeting ended all too soon ,with reminders about the Church' Parade and the visit to the Signal 'Star as well as the exciting plans for our trip to the London Ice Capades. BROWNIES --PACK FOUR The Brownies all enjoyed their Thinking Day Meeting very much. Brown Owl explained that it was the birthday of both Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and told them stories about their lives. The girls • talked about Brownies all . around the world and also played games that Brownies in other lands enjoy. One was a -German game called "Barnyard Frolics" whero. the girls are divided into teams made up of different ,animals each team having the �. same number and variety of animals as the other. The object was to find the partner froth' the other team. from their animal, noises only and of course, the first conipleted group , was the winner. , There ceremony centered, SCS (by Janice Tigert) We held our regular weekly meeting Thursday, February 18, in St. Joseph's Church hall with 26 members present. • We finalized plans for a trip to the Ice Capades. We are going on, Sunday, February 28, to, the 6 p.m. show. The Guides earned this money for this trip by selling Hallowe'en candy - last October. -While oursix new members, Nora Van Dyke, Bridget Dalton, Dianne Van. Rooy, Vera • Van -Diepen, Kelly Deller and Donna Moran, - who will be enrolled around a tray of cuper► arranged to : repre ent a b xt'ht10, to ,, Thr wer v : candles in . the, centre 7 one** each of the four corners of the, world add one for our World' Chief Guide — and they were,li by each Sixer. The Browniei. enjoyed their cupcakes and then'. played a Dutch circle game and said a Thinking Dar prayer to close their special meetine. - . next Thursday, were being tested by Lt. Sipnett, Lt.,Ceasar and Lt. MacLennan, the Guides learned some new stitches in embroidery and knitting: - The Bluebirds, held campfire which consisted of opening song, fires burning, some jokes told' by Lea Van -Diepenitand- riddles by Janice Tigertym, Memory test was by .,Kathy O'Keefe and Donna Frayne. The closing prayer was said by Kathy O'Keefe, Patrol Leader. We sang taps and". were• dismissed by Captain Tigert. A 6SOL U'I'CL Y students from Moose Factory is ,at Kingsbridge, the CWL---is - putti#g on .a ltiiicheon or dinner. Father Cassano ,gave,,&detailed report on the Church's view on abortion. T4 church still abides by the old law. Life was given by God and we have no power to end life. Life should .be guarded. ' Father closed with prayer and. ,Mrs. Jim Martin -adjourned _the meeting. During lunch the -mystery, gift was won by Mrs. _Reis Miltenbuirg . ..:._.. 444,0,10,4 W440111f.reMItr,'" WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE Miss Valerie St�thers HAS JOINED OUR STAFF rot An Call Her F R • Appointment Now 524-7461 HEATHEN • i08 LIGHTHOUSE ST. RSDA,Y: TURDA ALL STOCK STORECLOSING T For Restocking And -OPENING MON Reuwdeiiiii g Uitder The New HITS RCH 111(111 age inei, t UGSTON STNext To The Club GrU �fn rl