HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-25, Page 15• • • • • 'Ana Landers AREN SCHEDULE MONDAY • To• HOCkOY TUESDAY 2-3:30 - Pre -School Skating 3:30-5 - Lions Club Free Skating, 8-10 -Figure Skating ,W ESINW 4-8 - Figure Skating 13:.30 C.H.H.L. Hockey . 50c THURSDAY, A simple story. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 3 recently he left his entire estate These days we hear ,so much to Allen. It was $2500. Re about how bad,the young people identified the boy as "Allen are. They get a great deal of 'Polak - Relationship: Stranger." publicity. I want to tell you this Allen• explained- it this wa: "I story from the Madison State did what I could for him. He was Journal and .horie you will print my friend." it. It gives another side of our Thai* you, Ann Landers. 7 young people - the ones we MADISON; VVISCQNSIN don't hear niuch about. DEA, MADISON: That's a Allen Polak is. 12 years old. beautifulr-story. .1- Wish: rthere When he, noticed an old man \i,p were more like it for •our his neighborhoog! was ill, feeble: newspapers to print. Thank you and quite -alone, he wanted to for Waling it with §4'nuthon help, Allen pumped water t for people. the old man', cut the grass DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 aroundL his Place, shoveled the have read' your colump--for snow and raft erratids. He, also several years and your advice, in GODERICH $1014A4•044) TIWRAPAYt Fg h1110101.111111111111111101111111111111,111110111111111111111111111111181111011111111111111101111,111111181.121liallallatallatallalallailaajjetemeememagwegemaam , There are two grbups of entertained them five or 'six People in every city: The Party times should.be crossed off yoUr Goers and The Party Givers. We list. I hate to call them belong to the second category. free -loaders but if you can find a. Over the past fewyeas we have .better name, I'll buy it entertained more than 100 couples who haxe never asked us DEAR ANN LANDERS: Two Wel. We have entertained some years ago our son who was then of these couples five and six . only 20 rnet a woman at the times. These same ,people are wedding of our eldest son. She - -frequently seem at other parties, was a friend of .mine"who had in fact they seem to be invited rnoved here from another city -7 everywhere. So far as I. know a total nut with all the they've never been. known to trimmings, about ,33, divorced GIV party.,All they do i,s GO.. andlisexpot. , Are they afraid to entertain? : . Four months ag.9., the" fiussY 'Are they free -loaders:, got this innocent kid to move' - . 3 a tei a 4, fi 0 ) .!6 mite fe tc&vg n s e totti ,;,71 h e s p4,1*-• fair Aseliobk .p43,30 c',(11 le 4,1 v d b r 3:305 - Lioni Club tree Skating SATURDAY 8-10 - Sqc rt Hockey 10-12 - Mite Hockey 12-1,- Power Skating : 30-5: 39 - Figure Skating SUNDAY 2-4 - Family Skating 4:30 - Midget Hockey 7 arld 9 -'C.H.H.L. Hockey Games Admission 50c' L IONIEL'S ' SUNOCO - stories of the pa. corifess I've kit my objectivity When the old team died "and need an outside opinion. FEBRUARY Clearance Sale CONTINUES 'N * WORK BOOTS * WINTER CLOTHING * THERMAL UNDERWEAR * WINTER, SHIRTS AND MORE — COME INANQ 'SEE . 'GOWER'S INDUSTRIAL AND GARDEN CENTRE 75 HAMILTON' ST. 524-8761 GODERICH can't understand their reasOning- Should we continue to inyith „them? ,Please advise. THE HOSTESS WITH THE MOSTESS ON THE BILL DEAR HOSTESS: Some people don't entertain because . they lack confidence. They are afraid their house isn't nice enough - or perhaps their chin* 'and silver isn't:the best, dr they don't know what to 'serve or HOW to serve. Thi'S is sad, Of course, because these„, things do not matter. After a while you get to know which frieUds suffer from feelings of insecurity and you forgive them. ' The folks who do 'entertain and do exclude you after you've AntOririeIvaPaittlfertr(SITittai tw— chlldren.) He has tried to come home four times, but she won't let him. They fight like cats and dogs throw things„ clobber one another, like in a pheap novel': They both' work at the same place, ride to and from work together, and 'the boy is a Prisoner. Is there anything I can do to liberate him? I. know he'd come home if he could. Tell me what to HIS MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: It's awfully hard to liberate someone who enjoys enslavement. The woman sounds like alma but that kid of yours is a bit of a filbert, too. If my' arithmetic is right he'S'OVer 21 and -there's nothing you can with Discount Prices and Guaranteed Qua QUICK COOKING - 3 lbs. &P OATS 49 .4 a • With Cheese in,. Tomato Sauce HEIPIZ-SPAGHETTI 281FILN-40Z 5,„ CHOICE QUALITY Bonnie , -DOG FOOD A&P PEAS Beef,' Chicken, Fried., Spailish, RKE-A-RONI 8-0z pkgs $1!00 19 Varieties DARE'S COOKIES Pancake" Mix, 'Assorted flavours -AUNT jEMIMA Goldendale Brand MARGARINE •WILDM.ERE NO. 1 -BUTTER Maple Leaf WIEIVERS Super -Right Quality,' Sliced BEEF LIVER ............rdrarrato•naktawca Super -Right Quality tin tie bag 5 3C 2-11; pkg 3 9( 41 -lb pkgs VD( lb. 15 -oz tin 10( Jane Parker, Daily Dated, Coconut -Orange or PEACH -PIE -1-- 2fuU8nch24oes89c Jane Parker,.�aIy Dated,, Sliced BREAD 6C0r4ac, k ewd Zeheawt hoc:, 2 24 -oz loaveA 9C Jane - Parker ' „(Pkg of, 6 39t) HOT --(ROSS BUNS pkg of 12 69c Fancy QtrialitY A&P TOMATO JUICE '48 -0 -oz fin 27c AN A&P QUALITY PRODUCT 1;1141 KETCHUP hat is 1 Better ct A&p ? It means not, only° lower prices:, but we've retciined our famous 'quality: standards. Take our Su -or -Right trim on meats for example. All excess fat and ,bone is trimmed, off before the meat is weiglied and ',priced, and, We never add fat to beef roasts. Remember too, A&P sells only choice ,Red Brand- Steer Beef,. . . no ipferior grades. Want further proof that A&P goes one better? Check our' Quarter Pork Loins. You getthe complete loin at A&P, none of the centre, cut chops are, re- moved. We guarantee a mini- mum of five of these,. more ex- fl sive chops in each package. At A&P Ccfrel, ' I." 1 -lb vacuum pkg 5451 . lb 5 6SE BEEF ...KIDNEYS -1411st, SX Brand, Store Pack, Btilk POLISH SAUSAGE Ib 72, Origena, Back to ,Back Deal, 11. 11 -oz Pepperoni, i,10 -oz Cheese both !or 78? SX Brand, By the piece, any weight cut BOLOGNA VISKING • • , 16 34# MAPLE LEAF'SWEET PICKLED: BACK BACON 1, . -CENTRE CUTS PIZZA PIES 'END CUTS • Ib No finer Meat sold airlywhere ... at any price STEAKS ..and -ROAST WING -STEAK* ROAST Bbneless; Bottom Cut ROUND STEAK ROAST BoneIess SIRLOIN PONT ROAST Boneless RUMP ,ROAST Full Slice • ROUND STEAK -- FLANK. STEAK Here's how fat cats, geirthat way Well, I've got the snow- mobilers of Canada on . my back, almost unanimously, after a recept column which suggested .niildly that the machines are instruments of Satan at best„ the finest tool for noise -stink pollution since the automohife took to the roads, ' • , . That makes up• about one -- quartet of my. f.eaders. This .week 1 shall Alienate another two-qii.artees of ,thern„ by giving my. 1:frivainished .4, op imian. have their uses. • They're handy tb. have around aarm, where they help keep the ver- ,rhin under control. ' They have, in the past, been just , the thing for the proprietors of some chicken ,palaces, when the price of chicken was high, , 'there were some in prison camp, presumably to -keep down the rats. Their numbers were diminishing with in: creasing speed, until the Ger- man camp commandant is- sued ' the dictum: "Prisoners will cease and desist killing and eating df long-tailed rab- bits." He had a sense of hu- mour. Which is More than 'you can say,for a cat. Then; they are '1/4 useful, when kittens; for 'putting on calendars. And finally, I'll ad; mit they provide company of sorts for lonely people, who pamper them, stuff them With tidbits; and .turn them from sleek felines into bloat- ed,. contemptuous , parasites who take .overthe best chair in the house, shed hair over everything, _claw the rug and By 11111 SmiIey uphogtery at and *ant out at five in tile morning. If I should grow old and lonely, I would prefer a snake .as a pet. Like cats, they just sleep„and .eat.....They also eat mice. But they , don't come fawning and whining arid rub- whingnf ierycoenr lyieagienstttingh yourt leereis: he food out. They don't want night t Atiihtte.;nbeidydlofh de9•11,.i the .7 Pre gn a nt every six' weeks. . It'sa-well-knokyri fact that , ,' h ' y viit4tAttipAy0*-4.;.;,;itOiatt%lafrAmoiher cats. A beautiful female will marry ,any 'flearbitten, one - eyed, toin-ea'red philanderer who come$ along; And tdm. cats are just plain sex fiends, In Sbnie ways, cats are like children. When they're kit- tens, they're sweet and, love -- able and/ yuddly. And always making la mess.' When they grow up, ttey mooch um ashamedly', stay out half -the night, sleep half the day"nd are always making a mess: My Wre isn't fond of cats, and I loathe them. But we al- ways seem to be..stuck with one. Daughter' Kim picks up a stray kitten *and brings it home. With the deepest mis- givings, we adopt the scrawny-' little wretch. They're always female, which we don't find out until too late. , Then Kim , breeze S off somewhere, and 'we're guard- ians and grandparents. There's no parleying,„ about ,birth ,control. Kim itisitts that • herprotegee must' fulfil her function as a,k!*, amale. After .the .d ra rn,a, kite ry and the period of nursing, we have a hystere4ny perfOrrn- . ed.. And in about fOtir months, the slim, sleek, pret- • ty young thing is 4 great fat cat, knocking off tins an44ins: of cat food, and producing nothing ekcepLextrome irrita- tion,„.. Try to get; -her to put her , out when you think it's :lime" and she darts upsiainr, ,:and under abed.. Have you . • .evar tried crawling _under a bed to catch a eat who does• n't want to g/3 out into, the It's4-8:c3Pd-w04.14(zo#Wr.--; yourseif.a-strake f rpm. 'rage. Leaye .her outside and she darts between out IsigS When _,ypikire, bringing in armsful of groceries, and high -tails it t� - safety under another bed-, or , down cellar, the door. of which your stupid wife, or-- . husband, has left open. The solution,.of course; is to have'her,tputi ;way.. But , somehow I've ".ile,,)(1 er'botri able to accept elitlianasia. After all, you don't kW.. your kids, or even- your parents, just be-. cause they drive you, wild. Many will not agree "with • me. But I got of to bad start this Week. -A1P'Set tergo to work Monday moan& Cat in back kitchen, with. art - -odd look 'Oa her face. Threw - her out. Went into the down- stairs powder room, and there was the evidence. Not one, but two distinct .eyidenses of snassivi 'diarrhea. WS the only good thing.l can .say for therif. At least _ they know enough tp go to the bathroom. The Argyle Syndicate •• .4.. • " Hiropri- ert resy-teria hetirs, Woodstock :' speaker The fourth HurOn-Perth Pre§by.terial annual meeting of the .U.C.W. was held in Mitchell on Wecinesda, February 17., The Meeting :opened, with a hyrrin sing. Mrs. Stewart Miner presided and ektended a welcome to everyone-. tistower, Calvary U.C.W. led the 'morning worship which was well-presented.and an inspiration to all. Mrs. Harold Currie and Mrs. John Gilbank informed 'us of the litorature-avallable. The Perth District Hearth Unit Pfe-gented a panel of three on -the t ox hears "Effect of change on our Mental Health", The London Conference Annual is to, be held at Dundas St, Centre Church, Lorn on March 16-17, 1971. „Theme "Listen the World Calls". -Greetings Were brought at this time .from the Mitchell The Deanery and Presbytery'. Mrs' . Stuart Shier presided for ,the afternoon meeting. - A medley of 'gospel hymns on the violins was enjoyed by all. Mrs; Harold Bahensee introduced our gUest speaker 'Mrs. E. Egilsson,. Woodstock: President of London Conference U.C.W Mr- Egilssdn's text was 1 Peter Chapter 2 verse 9. - The roll call revealed a good attendance at this meeting. The offering was taken and dedicated lir the Monkton U.C.W. Mrst. Egilsson presided ,for ,the election and installation of officers. The rC.losing worship was conducted by the Ontario Street plinton U.C.W. • hide world traveller The February meeting . of the Arthur Circle of Knox Church was held Monday eVining, February 15, in the church .parlour. After the opening exercises presided over by, Edna PollociLa shOrt.. business, period was conducted. ' The March meeting is to• take tbe form ora Pot Luck Supper with each "member to be accompanied by her husband or a friend, and a real, evening .of fellowship is anticipated. The group leader, 'Mary Henderson, then took the chair and led a lively sing -song --aecompanied by Betty Coulter. The SCripture lesSon wai read' by Ruth Sjceoch with Grace Cameron offering the prayer. _Mary.„Henderson presented an ' interesting ;insight into ..the meaning of the first 'question of the ShorterCatechism Which is' really the Symbol of faith. The offering Was ,received by Betty Fisher- and Helen Sager and dedicated by Gkenda Salter. • "What Can I -Do About Pollution?" was the timely topic -ofa- discussion led by Winnie Walters. . The ladies then enjoyeda rare treat , when Miss BegiTab, Campbell, a former teacher at • LB46? SAUSAGE SX B RBA .ENED aSTARREK SIDE BACON PACK, 1 pl ba Gv ka ac gu eu m bon t:Miss These Fresh Produce Buys Florida Grown, Canada No. 1 Grade, • Texas 'Grown, Washed, Trimmed, Packed • Fresh Daily, Fresh, crisp, Large Size • , CELERY STALKS eansi SPINACH 210 -oz cello bao eft, • ,California Grown, Canada 'No. 1 Grade, Bradford Marsh, Canada No. 1 Grade, Fresh, Sweet, Largo Bunches Yellow Conking Packed by A&P ,clutito.Tsr -,0,--eNIONsr HI8 To Women THE CODERICH Women' Institute Meeting will be held Thursday, March 4, at 2 p.m. St. George's Parish Hall. - 8 ' UARANTEED EFFECTIVE 4VADAWV-ttOr104,°*r}AP7 Woodstock, showed slides of her 545 4 Amendment , trip . around the world, highlighting mainly such interestirk countries and. cities as Hawaii, Japan, Tokyo, Hong Kong; Thailand, India, Greece, Switzerlaud, and ending with the pageantry of the Passion Play at Oberammergau. . • Miss Campbell ,was. privileged , to attend the 'World Congress -of Baptist Churches while irrJapan, also spending an exciting time at Expo '70. Her excellent pictures and descriptive commentary provided a delightful travelogue for the ladies,,,and a heartfelt expression, .of gratitude was expressed to Miss Campbell: The closing prayer was taken by Marj. Sutherland, followed by a social hour. passed for • crop insurance Amendments to the Crop , Insuranee. Act were approved by „the House Staridifig Corrimittee on Agriculture yesterday. - The amendmenth extend insurance, coverage to all land which cannot be seeded or planted because of eNcess , ground moisture, weather, oV , other agriculturalhamils. At present this ,,type of insurance only applies to . summerfallowed land. The insuranee *ould cover up_ to 80 per cent of the average , costs, of preparing the land I'd!: ieeahig or planting. Any farmer who 'already has all-risk crop insurance will be able td add thii cOverage. Two proviriati, Ontario, and Manitoba, have expressed an 'Interest in this type of insurante, Crop insuiOnce joint' IalftdtIritPAti r :federalltrotIvintial progryaini The ht# OrnMeil eent ofthe prothitiiiii arid 50 vet ' cent of theoperating ' ..... • • • 5