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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-25, Page 10
• r 2;A GGDEU Q8 SIGNAL-STAR,'THURSDAY, F8BRUARY 25,011 Fro.n► the Side �. Save$esome Street Acco,rd.ing to Hansard,- there is some, questidn as to whether or. not Sesame Street, will continue to be shown on the CBC next season. (The whole story on the matter can be found elsewhere in the women's pages.) The, crux of the problem seems to be that bSesame Street • is an hourwlong .program during which there gas no time for co.mrnercials and for that- reason, it is "hot very. lucrative to individual' "television Cher ,t rartxlPtt�rt-t; pr'ex?se;..ep+�xted abs®tr�I of �JA�.its:y rfr- the most important learning experience Canadian pre-schoolers .have ever expetienoed. Children across the nation sit glued° . to their television screens, completely entertained and hardly even noticing that they age committing to their minds forever, the skills: ft usually takes `school teachers many tedious hours t4 E former ,memberf the Auxiliary, , Wose death Surely such a program 'should be M A; H. Erskrne dor Mich„ d S rn�rt,t. `.`d,F;ri�endshi +..a�l.,..,:...Serviee Hear about radio a• Knox WS visit' 94 -persons The regular monthly meeting Miss • Maclirthur then of the afternoon Auxiliary of presented the devotional part of the Women's Society of Knox 'the program. By incidents taken . Presbyterian Church was held from the Bible, she pointed' out February 16 with 29 members how people have always been present. ' used by God to spread the. good The president, Mrs. A. news of his wisdom, power and Enright, was in charge of the .love. She closed the devotions Opening .exercises. These closed 'with rayers. with a moment' of silent prayer • Mr Enright announced that • in memory of Mrs. P. J. A the postponed i Presbyterial meeting would be held in Het}sall, February 24, and that , the World Day of Prayer will be observed in St. Peter's Catholic Church on Friday, March 5. Mrs. J. R. Leitch in a brief message urged the value of a second reading of articles in the "Glad Tidings". ac wan, a. or o flhIIInnflflt)fl UCW impart to their students. occurred recently, y U ere a, . wo rt a a.e i nve t wQ p, ' may be less .educational but more fi•n. nc,4alIyA.4successful for the television people•• ._ One cannot argue with ,such a viewpoint, especially in an ,age when financing has such a tremendous impact on our lay of life. Still Mone wonders how television can even consider to abandon Sesame Street, Surely 'there must be sor'ne way to save ' Mrs. J. Horton and Miss.' L. Sesame Street for all children, just as long Macarti�ar then took charge of as the calibre of the,ro ram remains at the pro ram. P 9 _„ 1VIrs—Horton introduced the its present stand4r.d of excellence. study book, "Man, , Media and the )Message". In an intere fling Again;' in this instance' as in many paper she discussed the others; individual letters to your MP may advantages and disadvantages of .:serve you well. Let's try to do somepincy • radio as a medium for "getting to save Sesame Street for our children, the word around". • Woman. to Woman From the looks of things right now,, Goderich will have a licenced Co -Operative Nursery School • . . . and just to prove they are•serious, the executive of, the founding group is .looking for the names of girls presently, attending a community college and, are enrolled in a pre-school education course. I ve'been asked to aid in the sear for a 'qualified'- nursery sch teacher . . and the , executive feels the best bet right now 'is to , look to, the • community colleges,where young women are pesently becoming qualified for the word as nursery: school teachers. ` Mrs. Mona )Mulhern, the gal, •. through whom' I have been » getting'my information, tells the her group • is .interested in ALL girls ,.from Goderich and area presently attending the course at some community college like Fanshawe . at London. She says she would like to hear from them whether they are in their first or second years •. acid she would be -pleased to .talk with them just assoon as it is convenient fol . • them. Mrs. Mulhern's telephone number is •z°524 8631. * * •- - o 'Actually, -,the ---Pt rserY school venture is being established .,, through co-operation with the Department -of Social and 'Fapily Services. It is to be set •up accor-ding to regulations and operated in `a fashion acceptable to ,the provincial department's' dictates. I . think that is the best news I have heard in a long, long while. -Miss Lucille Panabaker, Kitchener, Day Nursery director for -the Department of Social and Family Services was 'in Goderich Tuesday, to meet with Mrs. Mulhern and the others and -t look over the premises at St. ,�;AyGeorge's..,,�ingkcan �,Ghu�h.�NE�s,;•:,� Mulliern tells- me Miss Panabaker • is quite satisfied with.» .the accommodation to be had at St. George's commenting as well it Was very close to ideal. Miss Panabaker also was impressed with the zeal of the, Goderich group to begin a - nursery school here, because she has consented that just as soon as the licence comes through, the school can begin operating even though it will not have a qualified nursery school teacher fora while. Mrs. Mulhern tells me the ./ school could be running in about a month or sic• and .that while its. staff ..will; .be...basicalily...tho-.same as' before, its drgariization will be much more 'solid and secure. Of .course, a ,qualified : • nursery school' teacher is a must ... and the group is hopeful to have engaged someone in time for the fall term. * * * - MY • youngest • son, aged four -almost -five, was one of the lucky children to have gotten,in ..on, tbr e640d , 6.9x, ,qff the 'Co -Operative- Nursery School ' here. 1 fotnd it quite a coincidence that just- this morning, he asked. me about "my school•»in the chµ ch," ('t'he first classes Were held in Knox P'tesbyterian ;Church.) • Having , talked to MrS. Mulhern, I knew some of the answers and 1 could give him an. •With Shirley J. Keller • acceptable answer. And believe me;"'•'hi's''"'eyes shone with- the prospect of school beginning again, in the foreseeable future. Mrs. Mulhern tells me that a' Co -Operative Nursery school is one which depends on, the co• -operation 'of mothers. That means that mothers, 'whenever possible, will take their turns helping out at the. school in_:any way '• trx'y- can: .There are indications that children may be accepted whose mothers have no' time to volunteer, but that costs to these children will be higher than normal. Speaking about costs,, Mrs. Mulhern feels'that the•= -charges - will have - to - be adjusted, especially when a qualified nursery school' teacher is found.' Mrs: Mulhern also told .me her group will -be approaching town council 'once the, school becomes licenced to discuss -with them the., •- possibility ' of 'their' eo-operation. In the nursery school program "insofar. as .youngsters whose.,... . families cannot finance the whole cost Mrs. Mulhern says that when the schoolbecomes licenced, . a student ,who cannot pay his or her own way will be -subsidized 80• percent by the province and 20 percent by the local municipality. "I hopeI never hear of a child who would like to attend the co-operative nursery school but cannot because.... -his ' family eannot afford to send him," said .Mrs. Mulhern. She said the school will be open to ALL children in Goderich when it is licenced . . . with 'a limit on enrollment numbers, however. When the' school does re -open `this spring, the same children •who were originally, enrolled will be recalled, providing they are stil " nter'este& If there.- are any ',vacancies.,' to be filled, :poisons: 'already on a waiting dist 'will be contacted to determine their interest. It is thought. there could be 'quite a turnover of youngsters in the fall sinceN some of ,the children presently enrolled will be of» kindergarten school in the fall • and will be out of the nursery school scene from then on. ,,That's why the fall .term will be such airrereiting time for the organizers of the nursery school here — f new students and hopefully, a qualified teacher: Mothers or parents with questions to ask concerning the plans are invited to telephone Mrs. Mulhern at her home for information. I think you will find her most interested in ,the welfare of all children, and particularly keen to talk to you concerning nursery schbol in Goderich. To take a phrase from the younger generation, just 'hang loose.' Give the executive time to sort through the red tape And l?e! PTQble s. nd,. 'r, *are ypu, will be satisfied with the results. ' By the way, there is one more thing to keep in •mind, ' The nursery school is going to need toys -� good, Solid, useful' toys. N•ss rbefore you. start 'sending these toys In' bulk to Mrs. Mulhern, please "give the executive time to decide what VCI'Se • ' The Dungannon V.C.W. meeting took place Tuesday, February 16 at 2 o'clock, in the church basement. Devotions were taken by Mrs. W. Pentland, Mrs. H. Alton and Mrs. C. Blake. ' • Mrs. Wm. Wiggins' took the business part of the meeting,, in e • Senior Citizens' meetings to resume March 17 The , Senior Citizens of Goderich will resume meetings on March 17 and under an agreement with the Goderich Recreation and Community Centre Board transportation will be supplied for those who need it. Members d.esiring -•transportation to `or` from the meeting who live West of North toys they need most. A list of. needed playthings will -be provided for your perusal in this column soon and you may then ' send those items on the-- list .which you are able to suppl.y. In the meantime, you are asked to hold onto'those things; which you think the nursery school may be able to use. Please don't. throw any toys away until the group. has••published its' 'list of needed toys. `"" f -• As well, the staff at the 'nursery 'school will be needing - tj-►ings ' for -the craft' corner such as colored paper, bits of cloth, string, buttons, old- jewellly, pretty stones, 'hunks of wood etc. etc. etc. If" you find' anything 'along these lines while you are spring 'cleaning, toss % them: ill igto a bag and keep Y them in a corner until the . nursery school is 'operating. Then _ 1 telephone... Mrs..,.- Mulhern -. and offer her your magical ' bag of tricks. I' think she will be pleased. * *' * -.'From the looks of things, .this. "column is going to turn int'o talk , about youth, for. the next topic on my i'nin,d is •the', young candystripers at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. About one year ago now, our youngest son was in , hospital with a • bout, of something or other. His favorite time of the day was ' when the candystriper arrived to play with him, read him a story, hear his jibberish and hold him' on her'knee a little - bit. •x I iarrived one day just as the candystriper was visiting him ... • and I can tell you that as 'a mother, I was deeply grateful to the • young gal who gave »of her time to entertain my son. I thought it -was wonderful and I know » most of� you 'will agree With nie on that score. : - , - »Editor: Price :attended ,, ,the., caridystripeiV,- capping ceretnOny at the hospital ,d'r »'Valentine's -Day. Incidentally, that was a great day ' for ' the ceremony especially since it'•takes plenty of `heart' for a young girl to donate her socializing tiine to helping out at the hospital. He told me the ceremony was most 'impressive. 'Real nice," were the words he used. Congratulati'6ns girls. It » is your kind of community spirit which makes living -1n Goderich • such' a pleasant experience., * * ' For the last two Wednesday evenings, I have visited the baby sitters'- - course which 11 being taught by. the Kiriettes at Knox Presbyterian Church. There are abbut 40 girls enrolled in the Bourse -- the second one this .year — and it was fun ti meet 'with them and get to know them. I had • the ,pleasure to act on the parents' panel with ' two ,other mothers. We were faced by three 'members of the baby sitting course class 'who litterly', bombarded us with questions. about what we expected ffom the baby sitters We hire. Then, thee, question period was thrown open to the whole group and everyone had an opportunity to ask questions of the panel. Some of the queries were just Please turn to Page 44, n�lu..\vwww+ Street or South Street should contact. Blue Water Taxi at 524-7305. Members living East of North Street or South Street should contact Goderich Taxi at 524-6594, • Calls must be placed before 6 p.m:' on „the night of the meeting . giving name, • address and destination. 9 T ' i gives w.•:.117% the absence of the presidenj Mrs. G. ' McNee. Roll call was answered with a verse with the word "Love" in it. , I Minutes were . read and� approved. Correspondence was giv.dn by "Mrs. L'. Hasty., Mrs. H. Alton gave the treasurer's report. The finance committee presented its budget. for 1971 and outlined some money making projects: The "Feature", a reading entitled, "Efficiency Award'? was.. read by Mrs. G. Errington, Rev. McClenaghan closed with prayed A social time concluded the' meeting. Remember ladies! Send in your meeting reports rt' etus help you meet Springtime with a 4 new .home , ,Mortgage rates are lower and our , dapaCity to serve you. with an ideal, , •?l,;tih9t1' . !. .,,, . ' +'a.tpx.txk . ''yY' Er*Mha -R 4;. greater. So don't let that "Where -will -I get -the -money?" problem get'you'»down, :Rand it over to understanding experts whoh,av-e behind them over eighty years of experience in tailoring mortgages to suit individual needs. Solve your . problem today at Victoria and Grey. • VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely 10 sserving • the people ,nf Ontario. RIAandGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 •9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 6:00, Friday, Lealand Hill, Manager -7•-5.24-7381 Elgin and K ingston Streets, Goderich • i.. 1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • ©1 111 i; , VALUA�3L� I;UUYUIV , '6666660 • With This Coupon (one coupon per, family) oc • a • • i-'SL!CES»-. Tine ` 7 • • .. (LIMIT 3 'TINS' PER CUSTOMER) 1.3 • It 11 1'( t( 1111.1111111 1littt1111it111.11111 VALUABLE ('iiUPON© ,60�}666 U Xx 111111 1 ,o With This' Coupon (one coupon per family) ,':,=:?, TOMAHAWK STANDARD • CREAM STYLE 10 oz. CORN,'�• • Tin >o , (LIMIT 6 TINS PER CUSTOMER) With This Coupon. 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