HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-4-6, Page 4A FIE SANDZE.$ tteDYR Pop. THURSDAY. APRIL 6th, NM THE 13CDGET P41111)11LETS. We heve been favore,d with print pamphlets contaipipg a full text of tl Bon. U. E. Foster's Budget Speech ai his dosing reply to the Eon, Mr. Lai ' ler on the tariff. It will interest o readers to glean some of the mo salient points in that debate, which cupied the time of the House of Co mons for ten days; while a careful p rusal of those printed decumen would well repay the time spent in -d gesting the figures and statistics tab lated in one of the best Budget speec es ever delivered on the floors a Pa Bement. It is satisfactory to kno that the present government is stea ily pursuipg a policy of retrenchmen and thus materially reducing the ta ation of the people In proof of thi without going fully into the figure prest .ted by the Finance Minister, it shewn that whereas in 1889.90 th customs burden was $5.01 per head the population, in 1891 92 there was reduction per head in the burdeu o taxation of 76 cents. Another fac brought out in the Bedget speech wa the remission of duties upon sugar— by which, allowiug an average of 7 lbs. foi each manrwoman and child i the Dominion, and supposing the sam rate of taxation had been imposed las year as in 1889 pp, tbeGoyernment re moved from the taxatiun of this court try five and one third rnillion dollars As shewn by the'Fillanee Minister, th actual seeing jast,'year,to the people o ...,the four-articleSalone of tea, coffee rice and ste.gaiiiii,ilaY0d.with the taxes imposed by 0(3;i:,tueezie admin istration On'those.daeie' aeticles of con sumption—was $5,828,-42. Without going, ver the mass of statistics out lined in the Budget speech, it is setts factory to 'note that after .payment of heavy expenditures.for public works there will be a good balance to apply to capital account; seeing that for the last seven menthe of the financial year the revenues are about • $1,000,000 .greater than last year, while the ex- penditure for the same period was con- siderably less. Again: the.deposits of :the people in the GOi!ernment Sayings' Banks, and also in the chartered banks, show a ,steady. inerease. So of trade .and commerce --for although a loss of trade occurred with the United States owing to their high protective tariff: that loss was (in the words Of the Fi- nance Minister) "'compensated seven times over" by an increase of $15,000, -000 in our trade, with Great Britain. In the articles, for example, of butter, ba- con; cheese, wheat, barley, oats .and eggs, there has been an immense in - .crease in our exports'. to Britain for .1891 1892. Much of the Budget Speech was taken up with a discussion of the tariff policy on which there has been a good deal of "unrest" in the public mind. The Finance Minister took oc- casion to combat the policy of free trade, advocated by the Opposition Leader, on the ground that a,protective policy was needed not only to encour- age native industry and manufactures .-1-tut also to raise a revenue to carry on the public business, and to construct .public works such as railways and ea nets in ordeitt 04evelop the country's prosperity, A 'Inca of $28,000,000 needs to be raised aneually to meet the public service of the Dominion. Efow is that to be met, if a policy of free trade were to be inaugurated? As shewn by the Hon. Mr. Foster, we have invested in natinnal industries $353, 000,000, employing 368,000 hands, at a yearly wage of $100,000,000 aid a de velopment of wealth yieding $90,000, 000 a year. Is all that to be sacrificed for free trade? Are we going to de- stroy our extended home market ere ated by those very industries, not to speak of our vastly increased foreign trade? The policy declared by the Government is that of a reasonable protection, while they have pledged themselyes to revise the tariff at an .early opportunity so as to meet the exigeucies and demands of the differ- ent classes in the commnnity. In short, the policy announced h,y the Fi mince Mi Meter, as the mouthpiece of .the Cabinet, is to lighten the burden of 'taxation by paring elowu alt unneces sar y eStranditalree—refusing ex pen di ture on works which an economical government should not, undertake ••:- . ad apti ng the scale of protection to leg "Ornate industries ,that aro a public, .benefit—usiug, the raw material of the ,country as far es possible-eand extend. ling the free list on theearlff consistent ly with qm revenue 1equLItncuts of theLioiun ion 8ch IS tue policy ,out..i• ed id re 0- 0. ts 11 h- d - t, s, is of a 0 • Rued by the Finance Minister, who has Premised to illveStigate rigidly in. to every industry with a view to pre Smiting at the next session of Parlia, went a tariff which will meet all the different thterests—rnanufacturing, agricultui.al and commereial—through out the Dominion, Already steps have been taken in this direction—in the loweringof the tariff on coal oil and binder twine, so as to meet the reasou. able demands of all classes while giv.. in all due eneouragement tt) Utile manufactures. We feel persuaded that the present administration have done and will continue to do all in their power to ease the burdens of the people—to accord equal justice to ev- ery class in the GOMMitillty —and to cultivate a general feeling of content ment among our people with their lot. News of the Week in Brief. Saxton's anti pool room bill has pass ed the New York State Senate. Yeas 24; nays, 2. Jas. Dick, of Kippen, has purchased the Carroll Hotel, Seaforth, for $3,050. Mr. Dick takes possession. May 1, Joseph Tayenor, a native of Stafford shire, England, who weighed 526 lbs. died at Radway, N.J., yesterday, aged 60. Mr. R. S. Murray,„ the well known dry goods merchant of London, has as signed. Mr. Murray has been in busi ness 45 years. Mr. John A Pebles, once a resident of Hamilton, and well known among commercial men all over the Dominion has been burned to death in Tokio, Japan. Charles Hilton Davidson, the Bur liugton forger, confessed when put on trial at Milton Thursday and was sent- enced to five years at Kingston with hard labor. At Durengo, MeK.,-feyontng woman apparently died. When placed in the coffin she opened her eyes, looked as- tonislaed and then got up and wanted to know whatit all meant. The rela- tives fled in terror, thinking the devil was at work. The foliowing mass has been taken from the stornach of a patient who died at the insane asylum at Kalamazoo, Mich.:—Seventy-five stones,. 38 nails,15 staples, 2 screws, 2 buttons' and piece of. glass. Total weight of foreign sub stances, 21 ounces. Sixty-three county constables of Middlesex met on Saturday to protest against the new tarriff of fees adopted by the Ontario Government. A reso- lution was passed asking the Govern- ment to restore the old schedule other wise they will resign. Irving Latimer, the druggist who was sent to Jackson state prison for life for murdering, his mother, who poisoned a guard and escaped, being subsequently recaptured, has now been confined in a dune.eon cell, and will re- main there till he dies. S. Miller was fitting a collar on the neck of a horse Thursday outside a saddlery store, Brantford when the ani- mal got started and Miller caught it by the vase. He was thrown head first against a telegraph pole and had Ins skull fractured, together with internal injuries. Burned to Death. Port Stanley, March 30.—A shock- ing fatality occurred in thk village last night, a demeuted woman being burned to death in her bed. About 2 o'clock Mrs. Hough, who resides on the west side of rhe harbor, ()Nerved She)). hard's planing mill, on tho oast side. to be on fire. She immediately gave the alarm, and soon a large crowd of vil lagers were at the scene of the fire, which they could do nothing to sub- due. They were able, however, to save the engine, the circular saws and other machinery in the lower story, as well as three or four thousand feet of lumber. The wind was at this time in the southeast, but shifting to the south sent the flames directly north, over the -dwelling house and store of Mr. E. J. L. Orme. about 100 feet away About 3 o'clock this building also caught fire, and Mr. Orme and family were hastily removed. and willing hands at once got out the stock of furniture in the store, as well as the piano and other household furniture in the dwelling portiou of the house. In the excitement of the hour the fact that Mrs. Orme's mother, Mrs. Sif ton, whose mind has been deranged for some years, was in bed upstairs was entirely overlooked. When the start- ling infermation was given, every of fort was made to reacri the unfortun- ate woman, but in vain. Tames New- man climbed a ladder and broke in a window, but could not enter owing to the fire and smoke, and was forced to abandon the attempt at refielle.. When the fire had consunitici the building to the ground the charred reina.ns of Mrs Sifton were found in the' flames, The structure was one of the fast disappeer Mg landmarks of the village, known for years as the Robert Thompson w,,trehouse. A short time ago it was bought b,y F. Shepherd, who turned it into a planing mill "There was rio in surance, and the loss on building aud contents will probably afnounteo over $1,000. Mr Orme 80tne time ago moved part of his stock to 'another store, ancl thus his loss will not be so - reek:. The, house belonged to, the Batt estate and vvas not insured:, ' Mm. 8if ton, the unfortunate woman .1,110 niet her death, was aged about 60; and formerly. lived in London. She had been slightly demented for Some con siderable time, and wee onfined to the hnnqn, /DS I3 v131 1C15 not even knowieg of her existence,. Around About Mr, Jos', OddYx St. Marys met with a patnful aeuident, on Friday last, While WOrking a rip saw ,in the earpenter: shops at the Maxwell works Two lingers on his' left hand were badly eut The same day Mr. Herb Page also met with an accident in machine shop and the loss of a number of teeth was the result. Harpley. Mr. W. a Hayter has disposed of his driver to Mr. J. Snell, of Execer, for the sum of 8125.—Mr. Richard Webb is busily engaged bpi ding a commod mus dwelhug on his new farm,—Mt Allen McInnes returned home from the Michigan lumber woods ou Thursday, after an absence of live months, looL'- lug well,—Mr. W. She,rritt has com- menced the work of framing Mr. Geo Love's barn and expects to be ready to raise in a few days. This will be the first of the season.—Mr. R. Webb has sold one of his horses to Mr. Dardis, of Montreal, for a good figure, 10 be delivered in Loudon. 1`B" Line. Mr, John Pollock was in Parkhill the other day on business,—Mr. R. Cooper, • of Taylor Groye,•was visiting' at Mr.G. Polloeks OD Sunday lest. --Mr. James Sutton has bid farewell to the 19th con and has gone to McGillivray to et iive. He will be greatly miseed ; this vicinity as he was a great favorite 41. with all Who knew him.—Mr. G. and • Miss S. Pollock were Visiting ma the t Sauble live last week. They went for 4 a boat -ride on the.creek and had the pleasure of wading ashore.—Mr. J. Ma- ee son, who has been in the Michigan ltun. ber woods all whiter, has returned • home with his pockets well filled. He intends to move to Michigan shortly. 4 He beipgan industrious and steady • man he will probably do well over there.—Mr. Robert Pollock, of Boston, was visiting his parents on Sunday last but he had to return early in the afternoon to the little rock.—Miss A. Adair, who Ives so grief - stricken by the sudden death of Mies Bertie Latta, is now under the doctor's care. We hope to see her around soon again. Aire, lefuoIcensae AIPea,e, Mrs. Mackenzie, widow of the late Hon, )-Alexander MaeleallZile, died at 10.80 Friday night at the residence 82 St. Allan's street, 'Toronto 1)eeoased's maiden name was Jaue Sym. She was the daughter of the late Robert Sym. of Pe,rthshire, Scotland. She married the Hou. Alex, Mackenzie on June 17, 1853, Mrs. Mflekepzie had been ailing for some time, and bad been under the care of Dr. James Thor burn. .F.lon. Alex. Maeleenzie died en April 16, 1892, or just about 0 year agQ . The funere 1 of Mrs. Maekenzie took place in Toronto on Moeday, and the 1(110 11118 were interred at sarnia on Tnesda •••••••..t.0.••••••••••••0 YOUR HEALTH! HOFFMAN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE poWD EFIS Cler0 ALL.E,AOACH E. fiv4ey are 'Stet aavere g'16ed to curs sverp, thing,,butsimprv bead. aches. airy Puss, wut cost but 05 cent* fosw boa, and them a.,u1 aarnt?eas. Tho are not a Cathartlo. IF YOU ARE RUN DOWN Brewster Messrs. Ross & Pollock have securect the services of Mr. Robert peeper as cook; at the Commercial, House.—The Taylor Brothers, accompanied by their wives, attended the ,funeral of their aunt in Forest this week.—Mr. ,Ernest Curts, of Sault Lake City, Utah, was the guest of his baother, Mr. John Curts. last week. He reports things booming amoog the Mormans. A young man living not a hundred miles from here became "mashed" on a young lady of these parts and a short -time ago presented ht'.—with a gold ring as a token of his esteem for her; hut the fair one (fickle as are all of her sex) had not smiles for him, but when a more handsome suitor came along she was all smiles. Now Mo. 1 de mends his ring, which she refuses to give up, as she claims it was a present, pure and simple, (simple more than pure) so now sonnie has got neither ring nor girl and he cannot sleep at night from thinking of his loss. Well, poor boy, vou had better take the ad vice of an older bead and keep your rings till you are more sure of the' young lady's affections next time, , Mr. .rceitsGilson, A stalwart teamster %Mlle employ of the Glens Falls, N. 'E., Lumber Company, says that both he and his wife highly recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla. She a#2 t failed to gain strength atter ,eial a severe illness, felt anis. erable, could not Sleen, and had no appe- tite. When she took Iffooda. Sarsaparillft she began to pick up and was soon allright. Ms own experience was that in the spring he was all run down, had weakness and dis. tress in the etotnach. Hood's Sarsaparilla, brought lain a round all d right, and he ErrAr IS now better and heavier ‘e'''' ' than 10 r years past. Thousands, yes almost Millions of People, testify to the wonderful value of Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tiered teenier; or weakness of mind, nerves or body. /1 is the helping hand which restores full health and strength. Mr. John J. Seully, President o f the Seamen's r 1 a ine Street, Detrbit, . , , se.' Union, 256 collier- -241 ee, ing Michigan, Voluntarily Writes as follows: "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: I feel hi duty bound to tell r . of the benefit 1 Ioode- ia,,,,,rived Vein ld'S ake. Sarsaparilla. I havo been troubled with nervous dyspepsia, Wa8 tired mad laregatid, with PO anthiLiOn to work; my Sleep was irregular. Se I began a ' taking Hood's Sarsapa- an ide Villa. 17rena the very first mag te,kra 11.4k it seemed to be just the thing for Inc. The 2111CIAVOUS dyeperseist haa now entirely gone, spy appetite is eXeelleat, I tan eat heartily Without diStreSS atter. Wards; Il‘eloop wells "ron and eau now go aliout e My Work Withent that tired feeling So frequent before 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla /bays taken Six bottles and recommend it LW • tholciieg of ritiodinialen.0 T. 3SOUraiEe HOOD'S( Pit.t.0 cure liver ins, constipation, biliousnees, jautdied, sick headache, indigestion. iThe foliowing is a list of prize- • winners in our last competition : • , Mr, S. B. Murray. 101 Simeoe St., Toronto, * 0 Watch ; Aliss Florence Relies, 296 Dundas I Check for 5350.00; D. H. Bissell, Oxford St., • Diamond Ear Rings ; IS. M. Samson, Bank • • .j.if .,Crioli on:: srecnei: Smpear.edlil:antAlv,nei.iaorn,dsCo arnllieag, eGSoitd. , .• Toronto, Business Education ; Hon. C. A. P. Pelletier. Senator, Ottawa, Gold Watch; J. .1> St., London, Ont., Gold Brooch; D. W. • Gold Brooch; Mrs. Thos. McCamon, Tweed ld B • Ont., Gorooch ; Rose Leclaire, 27 Johnson, 532 Carey St, Winnipeg, Man.,Z • Demesne St, Montreal, Quebec, Gold • Ave., Chicago, Ill., Gold Brooch • Mrs. W. *Brooch ; Mrs. Aylsworth, 3642 Sheridan I * Robertson, 78 John St. S.. Hamilton, Ont., • • Silver Wateh ; Mrs. J. A Grifis, 7 St Paul . • St., St, Catharines, Ont., Silver Watch; ta • Mrs. H. J. Folger, box 83, Franklin, Mass. • • Gold Brooch ; Frankie Hampton, Mt. Forest; • • Geld Brooch.; Mrs, John Rowe, box 582, • *Brantford, Ont., Gold Brooch; Mrs. Wm.. 41* BEirooeise„h879 Genesee St,, Buffalo, N. Y., Gold • • • All answers must be sent by mail. None • will be received if delivered at our office. • Be sure and answer to -gay and enclose 30 • cents, and you may rece.ve a reward that • will pay you many times for your trouble. ta Address, 4 (33) LADIES' FIDME MONTHLY. • 6 192 King St. W., Toronto, Can. 2 ........44004,000.******•.i • • • • • • • • $1000.00 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. • Mrs McGinty has lost her husband, and he is to be found combined in the above picture. • The Proprietors of the LADIES' HOME • MONTHLY will give a first-class Upright 4 Piano of the very best make, valued at 4 $3 50, to the person who can first rind 4 McGinty in the above picture. A reward of 4_ a Safety Bicycle, valued at $ 135, •_ for the seeond correct answer. A complete •_ 13usin ess Education. at a Com- • mercial College to the third correct answer. 4_ A. Gold Watch. to the fourth correct • answer. A Coin Silver Watch to : the fifth correct answer. A $5 Gold _ Piece to the sixth. A line Nickle 11_ Watch to the next three. We will give • to the last correct answer a Gold • W _ "atch. To the second correct answer • to the last a Coin Silarer -Watch, 4, and to the third, fourth and fifth from the w_ last, each a Life Size Mezzo Tint, a et new process made by Hall Dross 395 to • 899 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Inc fine combina. 4 1 don frame. 24x30. And to the sixth, seventh 0 and eighth correct answer from the last • each a 'Solid. Gold. Glove Bust- 4 toner with chain and charm attached. CONDITIONS :—Each Contestant I Is to cut out tbe above Rebus and make a cross with a lead pencil or ink on McGinty's : face, and send same to us with ten & three -cent stamps, (or 30 cents in silver) for Z three month's subscription to the LitnIES' Z Home MONTHLY', Canada's high-class and popular journal. If there should be a large number entering this competition we shall add other valuable premiums to those above Z mentioned. Persons living at a distance may have an equal chance in this comped. Z tion with our home patrons, as the date of postmark on letters will be given prece- dence, so answer 10 day. Perfect imparti. Z ality is guaranteed in giving rewards. We have given away thousands of dollars in prizes in our past competitions, and have : thousands of testimonials for our prompt- ness and fair dealing. Don't class us with as"' other firms you may have been taken in with Write any of the successful names in our last competition, given below. The I bona fide offers of the LADIES' Home Mown - LY are made by reliable publishers. who. Advertise what they do and do what they • advertise. ENTRAL-- SHAVING —PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A 1-11.Eastings, Prop. Every attention paid t,0 Lathes' and Children's Hair Cutting. A. "Izt:IdE,Itinc.P,s. immimassogesago•ro. asonamseareleveme It Will Make You Eat. Will Tolle Your Nerves, Will Make You Strong. Will Make You Feel Like Yourself Again. FOR CHRONIC COUGH IT IS ALI/lowly SPECIFIC. In all Pulmonary Diseases with emacia- tion, as well as with spitting of blood, the effects of this remedy are very marked. 50c, AND $1.00 .PER BoTTLE. et SUMO You GET TUC " D. CHRISTIE'S COUIERoiAl) LIVERY ) First Wass RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Tax=o.st Reanozaodole Telephone Connection W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. Grl. BESSETT 164.12•Eiremar.41,..V.Wo....a. READ AND LEARN. That our Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted tip with the latest improve ments. We are prepared to do planing and matching, band and scrollsawing turning inonlding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. • In our LUMBER YARD you will find a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of banding m a.terials. Pine and hem lock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock ot'x x and x x x Pine Shill gles m an ufuctured by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles welch are excellent value. No.1 Pine -Lath con- stantly in Stock We have a laage stock of bean sash which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up with mach- inery specially adapted for rn along all kinds of" Tanks and Cisterns, which we ean furnish to our customers on short notice. We show something new in this line for watering cat- tle in the ffeld or barnyard. Our celebratea Bilking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used. Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St.. Exeter .......1111621911.21,36..4.1=== The Cheapest and. Best Place in, Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GE0.111ANSON'S! Just a few more pairs of those .Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongol a Kids left, GEO. riiNsog, Next: Nor Solidi of Pestolliee —All persons who want_ CHEAP ONEY at 5, 6 and 6i PER CENT should call —at the -- Office of R. LT, COLLINS ....,,saanaawawata.arnmanwslowum......,ounroaro4 A. OT NG J. SNELL, st. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock litIttmn uti .1gintlr C4-00=8., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser lugs. French and English Worsted Cloth 411 made up' in the Latest Style, at best Rates. J. SNEL EXTIIAIA DRUG :TED" A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drug ALWAYS REPT. Patotplegicigs,SpoRgo must's Supplics At right and reasonable price Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. TROIS 000111011 POWagi the best in the marke C. LUTZ./PROP. night The Fashionbie Cutter and Fitter. . As I am the olCUTTER and FITTER in to sato has visited the large c s in the United States this int, I am therefore the best 11. to fit yOU in The Prop t Ie. Ladies, When you haveu t the material folydn Spring and Sumnir c t come to me and ge fitt Gentlemen, .BefOre you bu yo Spring Suit, com my shop and ge post on THE STEWS, BERT.KNIGHT, The Fashionable Gutter al Fitter) li, AS A v4v; SPRING 1• i . 1 MEDICINE. , - ' 0 No other retnedy ex- sift et On the en tear-ecisscy6stegixt° PLINvgtitiQns Blood titters. Itipurilles, cleanses, tones end strengthen. , IN SPRINGTIME Verieue clieerdere IEFLY attack the liver' lhe strong food talc li during winter over - ?Pads the system, c°1ogs the bowels and produces biliousness, constipation sick , ileadaclie, boils, pinaplesj had blood', skin , d48SosePttelilood Elittete unlookfl all the he ologgod avorruos of tins system, curios off 6; il foul huMerS and impurities,M and cares t .0 alsigsaile hagliegclilgtilt enciSVALIthtlig thonntiro system, ' . . , ,. , B e B BeclapringTouic Ille= ePee-;l09',",1 ,AP. 44+4. MC, omrriv..,4tr: lc: P 0 ..--..',-- cungs AD DLO ' ' B 17,1, Dyspepsia, CM:stip l,,I 'ME , Biliousness are aausof t'r ' '4%.'''' cirnanBotiqboolnaGeleodb '-^' 'one sufferin f th 1 int rssults o P B ad Br To o d sere) c bniP a" s Ft -fie— '" co ' mnpLES eLorc Eruptione, Soros, Skin Dieemase, SO: eto, Burdock Blood Bitters really bad blood,driving away eve* Vast! ' 117°n1 I commonllo pitnPlo to the Scrofulous sore. it is the Una that , e Mr, II, . Lockwood, of Lindsay had 53 belts in one year but was c. cured by n.13..13. . B.S.'S, Cures Bed Bhod. vottxa:r.Ar., a, m • • 1...ct .:14. ,.:i., 0, '1,' , . . ion, rt°17i: Tit e a. -HL.S ula, ures of It orst res. Ont., itely r ri CURESD ' r• YSPEPSIA., Wrong action of the etornach and digestive 9 ' organs 091, 01 Dyspepsia and kindred cliseasaa such no Sour StomachWaterbrash,lleart- bera,Diezineas, Constipatioa, ' ' sicK I4EADAGNE, Lost Appetite, all -gone fooling at pit of stomitobanil digress allor oatInff, ' To be dyspeptic is to be miserable,' hopeless, languid and depreesed in body and mind. case, however, is so obstina,,4 o or macro that 33,B. n. cannot mire or relieve it I was in =leery from Dyspepsia bat, two bottles of B.B.B. entirely freed me from it. Med L. ii.Erus, Hamilton, Ont. 53.. riCures Dyspepsia ,:l`• e'vellelt 'TelefaliZelvetegtelteeeeetsIZ=