HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-25, Page 21tI<O. '$I'CNAL-STAR, THUR,S AY, FEBRUARY 25, 1:971 From the -� Minister's study " REV: GAR,NOOD G. RUSSELL St,, George's e's jug/icy), ' ) Qui rch HOW: BiI,Ie? im ortont ' The How important is the Bible, important only so• far as it does' that tie life and «,ork of Jesus really? - , , contribute to our salvation Let a Christ is the tot Ithing in the The` Anglican Church puts•the us not under -estimate the , Bible that has to du With case for 'the 'Bible -1'n this •way: 'significance of this point. salvation. This puts the emphasis "Holy Scripture co.ntaiheth all ' • We ,often hear all kinds of, 'on -the books , of - the ,'NeW ' things necessary to'salvation: so discussions about this or that in 'Testament,, ' that 'Whatsoever is• not read , the.; Bible;'._and ornetimes 'the e ' in`" uestion" has_ ,. Parts of the Old' Te.st.anlEnt` therei�i, liar "may be proved,Bible passag q '' required of. little or n.otht J.•'to do . vvifh .are • vi luabie for 5alvatiun• blit r:thereby,,�,..;tio-t to bereq 1 �, .,, .. 6.4'4. VOS4" aS r «acv ' �.x aaca w e w4 y#s 2� + r b,4o %k1k�r�k «AKN ^ 1, e R S � 4Vi rare�,i� �3 rl P "t'� �? i%ryi " t rrruefi I r� t} y J 174 4:1f t:C`Z` ri. <o,,,A3r+•-•.ac• -- believed as an article of tile, 'We, meed`".to seep a ,sense of Faith, or be. thought requisite or ,;pei;;pective'•in using the $ible. �A� • necessary t4 salvation." ': - .' matt once tori 4me , quite It must be obvious,' however, vehemently that he. didn't that this , statement leaves the believe. in the Bible because it whole question wide open has too •may 'unsavoury stories because it does not say what, in it. My reply was that what precisely,is necessary fol' someone did .-three th,ousand , salvation. Not everything in the years ago has nothing whatever Bible is of equal value, Not - to do with our own day to day everything it, the Bible religious needs 'or our ultimate • ,4 contributes to -salvation. - • salvation. What the statement ,does It is no exaggeration to say imply is that the Biblis •• . The •Saltation Army Band of Rev. Warr; vocal numbers , by Goderich visited Huronview last Mrs: McKee, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Sunday afternoon and presented Sutcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Warr; a religious • concert w for the Instrumentals by • Mabel residents. .. Hawkins, Mrs. McKee Sr., Orville The weekly.dance was Powell, Norman Spey, John somewhat imprved- though heeming; Dance numbers. by. It't-Triniportant enough to be interesting to peruse. the Old Testament • and dig , out fascinating . tid bits. unte5,. °..it bears some reference to our personal 'religious needs it should be set aside and kept on the periphery. of our minds. One. should avoid' getting "hung-up" on trivialities'.• -As one's faith and understanding expands" it is likely that the Old 't"estament will take on a deeper meaning, but, 'in my view.' the New Testameiit is quite enough for the average Christian. I don't mean that the Old Testament should be discarded: but I do believe that it must be handled with care, and that it should not be allowed to lead us down any "garden paths" away from that ,which is "requisite or necessary to salvation." How important is the Bible'? Let ire answer the question in ,a few clear-cut statements: some of the residents have found Mrs. Sutcliffe, •.Barbara Miller, read. .�;;...e...r,r�_�o�rtv,...th� : w•eatl��rrrtaa:�-'=t�I�f4h�3� : ; .Fne��.c�n�=�11-€�g;::tJ�e: .�• • • and still sat tight, The usual singing of Happy Birt1 day . the routine was followed with wheel '20 residents having birthdays this month were -presented with gifts and lunch was served by the ladies. ,Mr. Jack Thyne of ' Brussels along with Clarke Johnson and Dave Hastings ' entertained on Thursday evening, Family Night, with • a • Scottish , iProgram' consisting of musical `arid vocal numbers, poems and'a sing song. This program had been - planned for Bobbi Barns day -and had been. rescheduled owing to the weather. The • weekly bingo was well attended on Friday •w'ith• ' 65 •residents playing -10 games; _ chair dances being a •big favourite, followed with dances for those who could dance as of old. The orchestra was right on the job. They enjoy it to the full • and practise , every day in. some part of the home for the pleasure of those who cannot go: A sing song closed the day off. The eFebruary birfhday party sponsored this month • by , the Goderich Women's lnWtute was . heldin the auditorium." , on Wednesday afternoon. The program with Mri. Sutcliffe acting. as "i istress of ceremoril'e`s consisted of a 'sing sone .led by EVANGELISTIC SERVICES - AT BAYFIELD BAPTIST. CHURCH FEBRUARY 28th -1.1:00 a.m. and 7:30 r).m: MARCH 1st to 5th at 8:00 p.m. Speaker: Evangelist, REV-. FRED HOWARD Pastor of Knollwood Baptist- Church Radio Broadcast CKSL Sundays, 9:30 p.m. SPECIAL MUSIC, EVERY SERVICE - EVERYONE WELCOME. .. • t. 'GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET a ,,T.LT�"/' . C1:AST�.15C1S�.. -lb nd•.�,: rs , . • m.• vv .i, * t *. • ,�.. ry 5 . ' r " s , ron,dun ..n-yy �l, uvrnx, m r x A .• . . 'ICHICKEN$ ..ib. 39 SHO U LD'E R VEAL CHOPS DEVON VAC PAK PACKAGE BACON Ib. St. Peter's Pa rkh Council elects slate A general Parish Council' suggestion was made that -next meeting' was held in the ehyrch year to have duplex envelopes, hall on Thursday evening, with one side td be for ..the ,,,February 18. Father R. Missions, to be allocated as seen Moynahan opened the meeting fit. Father Moynahan asked •the with a short prayer. Parish Council to accept his John Buchanan, Chairman of suggestions or at • least consider the Cotineil, addressed the 'them. • . members briefly, outlining the As there were eight members projects the Board had retiring - from the Board, completed since the last general elections were necessary. Those. Meeting. Ile then-, called •oii Pete retiring were Sian' Connoiley, L. McCauley, Chairman `"' of, • the A, Lassali"ncv, Pete McCauley, Temporal -Committee who spoke ('lens Steffler, Vic Walden, .Mrs. rurt•her on, , the.. ,v rk 1lbyra Evans, (who is leaaring w, accomplished.` . w • Goderich) and. Mrs. Eileen ' The church had, '> been Palmer, The following were God�rich ;:.�fld_.Itha obituaries MRS. FANNY DIJRNIN• Mrs. Fanny (Gray)' Purnin, 33A Hamilton St., Goderich, died February 19 at her residence.. She was 9p. A daughter of Jesse and Jane (Steels) Garay, she was -bora,,' March 5, .1880 in ,Ashfield Township. She attended Normal ` School in Ottawa and vent to Port Simpson on the West Coast where she was it 'charge of a girls' school. Then, for several • years, she was at the Ukranian Girls' Home in Edmonton as a teacher and a' missipnary. : :She was married t9 ltoward ed her in Durnin who predecea redecoxatedA,A' 4 ,. olvglinal"et to : .. fill ' - 'these•-- I93°,1:-*"*.'"" . the re -leading of -the windows hado°been completed, ,with • the exception of windows in vestibules and vestry, a new speaker system had been installed, new draperies placed behind the three altars and a choir leader had been appointed for very active senior and junior . As the , nominees filled the vacancies: Dominic Fan Bruce.- . ' 'After- . the,. deaf ¢'"'^t'lf'" `"Iter Heath., ' Pete McCauley tusband, she again served with ire -elected), Pat Osborne, Eileen ' the Won'ren's MisSiouary Society, O'13'rien," Henry Enzensberger 'this time. at a boys' school in and Margaret Evans. Mrs. Gerry Teulon, Manitoba. In 1955 she Stimson agreed to stay on and carne to Goderich to retire. . her name was removed, from the During her teaching career, retiring list.. . she ,worked a great deal with the Indians on the West Coast and choirs New. floodlights had been vacancies it was not necessary to 't 1 to I tl Uk a ' tin the wi r tians • installed and, new larger sign hold a vote, so nominations were Edmonton district. placed in front of the, church', closed. All of the above new She was' a member of North which is readable from :the members, will take office), in She U as' a Church, street. • New carved" wood September. The present Board Surviving are twoh daughters, • Stations of the Cross have been,' remains in force until then.`" Mrs. Howard (Bernice) Sager and donated and are presently being Dan urphy spoke ' with Mrs. Lewis (Lorraine) McHardy, completed and should be ready • regard•.tolp.arish collections and both of Hamilton; two' sons, soon. The convent has also been noted collections were smaller Homer and Lindsay, both of redecorated. ' than 'in • some neighboring Toronto;., one sister, Mrs. E. C.• Some of the ..plans -for' 'the parishes. He felt an appeal (Olive) Webb, Goderich; and one future are to°put. carpeting in the should be "made to the whole' brother, Willard • Gray, ° San 'aisles. Bids are• being received at parish from the pulpit by a Francisco. She was predeceased present and if satisfactory and layman or Father Moynahan by two sons, Graham and Alan members , can get permission should bring in a speaker to try Durnin, bout` killed overseas from the Diocese, itis hoped to and increase Sunday collections. while serving with the RCAF.. have this Work done. Also two_. It was suggested 'the. Parish . ' �. Funeral service was Monday; new wood carved statues similar Council should give some February 22. at the Stiles to the Stations of tile Cross have consideration to' some kind • of. Funeral Home with Rev. Robert been" ordered for the sanctuary, promotion and contact other Raymont officiating; . ' and the balance of the windows parishes- who had successfully - Interment was in Dungannon' b .leaded. w 11 .xe- ' e - -- �. � . , .. _.� .w.. - -lsexriete•�>ll;h�e . ..� .. �.c•I•-tt�.s� _-....�.>.. . .,.�.-__. ___ _ _..�.... areris��• ;`' �were-: It is important for religion, 1 for getting a grip on life, for money drive. There is still a whole oar .Y Shackleton, Walter',Westbrook - e and Howar •-S'a ager. •was born November 6, 1882 in Goderich Township. He has resided in Goderich for the past 54 years.. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian . -Church and of Menesetung Canoe Club. He was married to Elizabeth (Bessie) McEwan who predeceased )aim February 20, 1968. lie is' survived by one sister, Mrs. William (Edith) Sheppard, . Bellingham, Washington. • Funeral service was Monday, 'February 22 at McCallutn Funeral Horne with Rev, G. L. 7R441. officiating; • A soli, The Z'w ei�t~• :' �•tzl�'t* ' t�:�: �u;aS�r�,it� k•,y Mrs. Lee McCallum during the service. Interment tvas in Maitland Cemetery..' Pallbearers were Elwin Pickard;'''' Earl Cox; Clayton Cox', Stewart Middleton, Stuart MeEwan and Ian Paisley. Flowerbearers were Carrnon Tebbutt,, Irvine Tebbut1 and Ken Tebbutt. • there had been lEsu est err for eay mentioned Mtrs. Carl ,Schne, ker moved a• Lindsay Durnin, Homer 'Durnin, suggestion -hearty- y- vote of thanks to the Lindeen ' Shackleton, Gerald B d- for the work the deserve, but with the increased had accoin'pltshed during the g •, • salvation. It is not so important that you can't be a Christian .without reading, it be. But it is expenses of running the parish, past year. IN1 LLO.UGHRY E. TEBBUTT plus •the cost of Work still to be After adjournment, a pleasant W•lh 1 b E • .--• T b important that, if you donyt read completed, it, was felt members it wourse�lf, you will allow should try ,to; build this reserve our fund up. If and when the church • yoursglf to be guided to beliefs.. by those who have authority in the•Church and who (16 interpret it wisely. • So we. come back to the qhest ion• of (interpreting, "'selecting, deciding, discarding. Ever,' Christian denomination has its own methods and traditions in this matter. but at the risk Of being tedious, I can say only. that what'`is -authentic and important in any of otir varied. church traditions depe��ds ,•entirely on whether -or not' it contributes to our real needs - to'"mankind's, 'perennial search for the way of salvation. • has some major expense, :It would be desirable tow keep up. this'reserve fund. Mr. Buchananu mentioned that last summer under the leadership of ' Clem . Steffler . the other churt;hes in town. had been, approached and joint 'cards had . been printed covering hours„of service for' all the churches. These cards were distributed.for the benefit of visitors to our town, Father ..Moynahan spoke briefly 'on - the • 'Missions,, and . stated he - would have no • hesitation in asking the people, for money for this purpose. A • Huron Lodge No. 62 . and a • holder of a 50 year jewel. He is" surVti ved by one • • daughter, Mrs. George (Madeleine) . Brearley, Bothwell; two grandchildren; and one brother,.TlTomas, Goderich. • Funeral service was Friday, • February 19 at the McCallum Funeral Horne with Rev. W, Craven officiating. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery.' An 100F memorial service was Meld At, the funeral home' Thursday evening. WILLIAM RiCHARD GLAZIER William Richard Glazier died suddenly in Godericlrniesday, February 16.'He was 79. • ' 'He ' was the son of William Richard and Amelia (Coates) Glazier, , born, ,December 12, 1891 in Dungannon. ,Mr. Glazier spent his early life in - the Goderich area; and lived in London, Windsor and Guelph_ before. returning to Goderich seven years ago. He was, engineer with the 'CPR until retirement in 1956. He was a member of p 1" 100 M 1.,a►;TAA.EI,_K.E,R.S T„I• social' evening , followed with t oug y i e butt, r~� refreshments. Entertainment.was 59 Montreal Street, Goderici'i, provided by Grant Ellison with died suddenly at his hone ' ,St d• •1"b 20 I-� • his guitar with folk .singing and aur ay e ruary e was there •were several sing -songs; in , ,88' - which everyone joined in. The son .of ' George ` E. and Caroline (Shepherd) Tebbutt, lie Two delegates going to Legion convention 'They regular monthly meeting of the Royal ,Canadian Legion;' Branch '109- was held in 'the '4green room • on Tuesday, February 16 -with 40 members' was approved. Comra e es Riley, chairman • of Public Speaking reported that plans were complete 'for the local Legion' Public' Speaking. Contest present. to be held at Victoria Public First Vice President Cxenrge- School on Friday, February 26 Low - presided at this meeting at 2 -p: -m=- • • Comrade • Low told the and his committee was , congratulated. on ieir, selection meeting the 'Branch 109 was of furniture install?4 recently in sponsoring a Track. ;and Field the new rnain floor lounge. Clinic at the Collegiate ' on The membersik p Learned. that. Saturday, February 20 for ”-" " officials, coaches and youth ,the • heating system donatt ed by Branch 109 as -part b..f-_•t-he,- •'interested in promoting track renovation program at the arena' and field in the community. is now in operation. Outstanding poaches • and The cost of sending two athletes from all parts of Ontario .L. ---delegates, the President and Will be present t� talk oh and First Vice, to the Provincial demonstrate up to ' date Convention at Kitchener in May techniques in track and field. a .P resident H.' Chambers Ik a ? �`3edtciAhe.... ee, tingotba .e a • T�eeaoe. .le done C=1meeting will be held irr Brussels on S,unday, March 7, and that the annual Vimy Banquet of Branch 109 is to be held on Thursday, April 3, when Brigadier ' Morgan Smith . of -, Bayfield will be the speaker. • write ... Were you asked? The Ontario Municipal Board 89 4 �, today, on a split decision, decid,d to app,rove the Spadina Expressway for Metro Toronto at 'an estimated cost of $237,000,000.00. You, as a citizen of Ontario, will pay 50 percent of this amount -- i.e. $118,500,000.00. Will it,benefit you? You have .every right to ask. ' Meanwhile; thank you for your gift (even though some of us are looking the gift -horse in the mouth), " Who' do you ask? Your Member,in the Provincial house.. E. M. Gruetzner Ib. 5.9! McCAI•N KRINKLE OR STRAIGHT *CUT - , FRENCH FRKS 2 — 2 le: oKG: - 99` P'UR'ITAN BEEF OR IRISH - 24 oz. STEWS 49' VVAGSTAFFE -- 9 oz. - Jams 8t Jellies 4s99' HEINZ ASSORTED VARIETIES - 4% oz. StrahrecIFacds&84 P .V •t WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS' And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Ronald C. McCallum • Representative 215 Wellington St. S., Goderich Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 mar. acen.A,no For Your INSURANCE see or call Ma<Ewan & • MeicEw.n 44 North St. - 524-9531' .13ooald.G;.MacEwari Peter,S: Mac'Ewan • o- SUNDA Y ' SER VICES •�,:k 111 :tie a r : t» T e •, family that' prays togetheir . stays together' UNITEDHOLINESS..CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY `28th . 9:50 atm. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 atm. -WORSHIP SERVICE 7:017 p,m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Special ServiLiCes with Rev. Charles Attaway, February 24th to March .7th at 7:30 p.rp. ,. "A• WELCOME AWAITS YOU' P'a'stor: REV. 0. H.`LBE ' . PHONE 524-6887 WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria. • H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. V'Vorship Hour 11 a.m. , Evening Service 7"p.m. Film:, "NO TIME TO WAIT", WELCOME CALVARY H J R"C H BAPTIST T � T � BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" CALL US IF YOU NEED A RiDE! 524-9555 or 524-6445 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL ° 11.:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP, SUNDAY,, FEBRUARY 28th "UNSEARCHABLE RI•CHES!" Regular Evening Service - 7:30, p.m. Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.' PASTOR: REV. KENNETH. J. KNIGHT . Knox Pr�sbyterian Chur-ch- THE RE". G. LOCKHART'ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAiMERON, Director of Praise'' SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28th 10:00 'atm. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORS"RIP.- Sermon: "BAPTISM BY FIRE" (Nursery and Juhior Congregation) 'SACRAMENT OF BAPTJSM 7:30 p.m. -- ANNUAL MARINER'S SERVICE. Enter to Worship Depart to Serve •logrOF r•04MUSi•C . BY THB,. TOWN BAND • tairromr. 4101411: '.AYA.rrrorwe ..'..1a •r. PRYDE SON Clinton-Exeter-Seaforth .• s CYNTHIA 'LYNN, BR.ECt es n :..rxLyi�t'•RA'.°r1-.,naljyi• r�:':uMk.�?Y.AL.?+ff��d..�}� hi.#� •'.:v... 77b'i daughter of Philip W. and Cheryl Ann (Pollock) Breckles, 138 Elizabeth Street, Goderich, died` • - February 18 at War Memorial Children's Hospital, London, M 'after an illness of :two months. She was three. She was born March 4, 1967 in Kincardine. Also , surviving are two brothers, Christopher • ancj Jeffrey; .grandparents, Mr. --and Mrs..Walter Breckles, Kinlough; and Mr.: -`and ..Mrs. Murray Pollock, ' Ripley; great ' grandparents, Mrs. Charles Pollock, Ripley; Matthew Gilchrist, Toronto.; Mrs, Gertrude ` Bushell, RR 2 Holyrood; and Mr. and Mrs. Art Breckles, Lucknow. A private funeral service was held Saturday, February 20 'at the Stiles Funeral Home with - - Pastor Leslie I(oy officiating.. interment was in - Maitltnd emeterv. w &, C EM ELER Y L E' f E 81 Goderich Disirict•nepresentative Frank McIlw,,ain 524-7861 or 524-9495 200 Gibbons St. Reg. J- ,Bell .o, 45 Cambria Rd. S. 524-1464 - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH •Baptist Convention. of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square A WELCOME TO ALL -, School For, 10:00 a.m. - Adult Bible Class and Church • 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Supervised Nurse`y)' LI,FE Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., B.D: Bethel Pentecostal Tabernci Affiliated 'with the PentecostalAssemblies of Canada , CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLO.Ci STS. REV. R. CLARK, Pastor . SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 -7_11:90 A.K. and 7:00 P.M. ,.. FR'It AY, FEBRUARY '26 - 8:00''P.M. See Special Film "'NO TIME TO WAIT". n ALL WELCOME. T. GEORGE'S CHURCH FIRST SUNDAY IN .LENT,- FEBRUARY 28, 1971 .Ho Communion at 8:30 R tor's Class at 9:45 ,a.m. Mo ung Prayer and Sermon at 11 a.m. (Nursery3 Church School at 11: Oa WEDNESDAY - 'LENTON' SERVICES: 7;30 and "9:30 A.iVI. Organist -Choirmaster: Mr.' Paul C. Baker,- F.F.C.O.,"L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. 'Rector: 11.EV:, G..3. RUSSELL,'B.A.,"B':a':''" - J stit -tin te ci ym Chufc HOUSE,, OF FRIENbSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m. - Bible School For A -Il Grades: 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service. - Sermon: "REALITIES OR TRIVIALITIES;'. (Nursery Care and Junior Congregation) BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m. - Worship, Service and Bible School. - W-E-L-C-O•M-E -- ' 'Mrs -'J, Snider Victoria St. Organist Choir.Director North Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Director Street United C1iu-rch REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY•"2S'th LENT 1 , 9:45 a.m..- Grades lour and up. -`» 10:55 a:m. -•- Babies to rade 3. 11:00 a.m. MORNING ORSHIP, Sermon:,, , "THE _PARABLE OF TRUST" 4) Scripture: ST; MARK '8:27 - 9:29 ,moi' tr Iflf-E-L'-C•O-M•E • Supervised Nurstery Mrs. Eleanor,wHetherington, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir Director Phone Church Office and Study -524,7631 -r- 0 • 4 • •1'7: ;, il