HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 19t
Ahmeek Chapter IODE
reports at year en
Secretary .<
A good way to tell anything is
to start at the beginritng, and
. now as- we enter hitt? our 71st
it year of continuOrAs service, it is
interesting to'xelate that'the date
of inception of Ahmeek qhapter
was March 7; 1901. '
.;Ahmeek, , taken from the
• Chippewa' • language Means
'Beaver” - or Worker, and the
correct Spelling would be Amik,
410 p/
0,..tot* P4-.,44‘,1-13,itiallg,t4.011gUS-342-kg
The motto is "Advance with
•,Cpurage." At the time of
organization, there were 14
• 'inemberS. This past year there
Were 36.,
' Two honoray members
passed away. Th membership
convener presented., new
members who took their
affirmation and were warmly
, ' Generous , donations were
made to National and Provincial
• departments in support of
'education and services, namely.
Lucy Morrison education,
Pr oy inc ial services,
Commonwealth relations,
Second War Memorial education,
Canadian and • Overseas Relief,
Shipping funds Korean Relief,
for milk, X4ays, ete. 1
We shated hi the provincial
50th anniversary project, of
building a'm
comuSity centre at
At tfiWapisk4 off lames Bay, to
and a library to the Cree
Such 1041 agencies as the
Children's Aid Society,
Homemaker service, St. John's •
Ambulance Assoc. and
Alexandra Hospital benefitted
by donations and gifts. A wreath
for the Cenotaph was purchased.
Educationr, secretary delivered '
60 I.O.D.E. calendars to local
elementary schools. National
Geogiaphic was subscribed to,
for use- of 'the senior grades in
thePublic and Separate schools
and a Grade 8 student from each
school was awarded a trophy to.
keep, for coming highest in
literature.- Again a bursary was
given for a nurses' training
course in Huron -Perth' Hospital.'
our 'Services at Home and,„
Abroad convener should be
commended for many hours of
labor ,we are unaware of. Many*
crib quilts made by her are
forwarded to War Memorial
Children's Hospital. Bales of
knitted articlesand children's
wear go to headquarters for use
of the underprivileged in Canada
and Overseas. • •
-It is not all serions,;.-businegg
with us. We do have good times
tod, After projects and problems
• •
;,.4. •
out, and all are most valuable to
tt 4
the society.
we1 cd med .
Our group comprises Women
-mostly in the -autumn years, not
too young, certainly not old,
ch one doing her share in her
n way, under the capable and
kindly guidance of our Regent.
Names are not mentioned in this
'resume, in fear of leaving one
I ,
-Highlight of the year was the -
presentation of 25 -year pins to
four ,members and a real' first
for the Chapter when another
was the recipient\ pf the 50 -year
gold Rini Ail richly\desetked the
recognition \•afforded them for
their inspiration and help
through the years. .
The flower convener brought -
- comfort ',and, cheer to ill and
bereaved by the gift of flowers;
cards and visits. She gets her
spending money 'for this,
through the silver- collection at
'tea time.
Echoes secretaiy, sees to itr.
that each has her sitbscription. to '
• the officialHorgan .of \ the
I.O.D.E., and a cornplimentary
one given to the Public Library.
• News items accOmpanied by
pictures are sent in from time -to
Whe• n? Wh6e? Wh ? as
reported by Pubtic ReIations
convener keeps us in the ublic -
eye by the Signal -Star an we
appreciate their pronipt ser->fice.
Projects are advertised in
'Coniing Eventil4columil. Hand
';• , made posters -are placed ih ,store
windows about town and we are
grateful to the proprietors for
this courtesy, and we thank the
public ror patronizing our
We -wear' „Our pins -at •all.
meetings and special -events. At
the beginning of the year, the
social convener . arranges for
homes wherein to meet and
committees to serve
refreshments, The telephone
group informs us promptly
• abont gar and place. -
Ten regular and four
• executive and finance meetings -
were held. • Directive bulletins
from headquarters were read by
• the Regent, the 50th -Provincial
:anniversary dinner address by
the ProvinCial president, and -the
meaning of Imperial. Order
Daughters of the EmPire:
• Interesting diversion ' was
prodded by the Program
convener„ , World Affairs and
Ed.:creation secretaries. Articles
on a Canadian crisis, the oil spill.
, in Cheddabucto Bay,, a
hinnoroiis , reading of money
'making events women
participate in, information and
- pictures •of ..CanaL: Han currency
from -a $1 bill to a"$.1,000 bill,
Goderielt. our -home, town:in .the
early 1800's, ' taken from
Canadian Gazateer, and a display
Of linens and jewellry brought
• '11
• -
back from a European trip were
alrinjOyed. • .
Talks were given by an officer
' of the law on guarding the lives
and property of the citizenry; by
a school principal on the new
method of teaching elementary
school; and by the director' of
Huron 'County Children's Aid
Society, on foster homes and its
wards. One, film on Mexico was
Standard bearer , carried the
flag at all meetings, and special
events, such as the Cenotaph and
church memorial 'service in
November. Members attended in
a body at the memorial services,
funerals and the Maple' Leaf
Chapter luncheon to hear Mrs.
Pierre Berton.
Many hours of volubteer
service is put in at the local
hospitals, Huronview and others.
_ Good clothing is distributed to
institutions where • needed.
Cancer Society, Red Shield, e,tc.
were assisted at their 'drives for
Finances are in tidy shape.
Our treasurer keeR.; all
commitments paid to date with
a surplus to start the hew year.
Funds, • were derived from a
• jumble sAe in April, then a
rummage sale and the "Blossom
- --Tea" in.May.
„ •
r •
'": •
- C•'"
:1? AV,-FEBRU18,118'.
Mr. and Mrs.—K.
PhOto .by Spillane
D. Hislop
, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allin, R
'announce the marriage . of th
Kendal David Hislop, son of
GeorgeHislop; R. R. 2, Stratfo
The marriage took place
Stratford, January 22, 1971,
•Sickle and Donald Hislop. -------
The couple will reside at 54
. R. 5, Goderich, are happy to
eir daughter, Berva Madge, to
Mrs. -Edna Hislop and the late
iri Knox Presbyterian Church,
The attendants were Mrs. Alice
Rebecca Street, Stratford.
North Street. UCW
are dealt with each month when ;
we meet, we enjoy a' cup of tea
see -timely ski
-arid a . visit together. Iri • •t
• December we just rela_Xed, 'at -a
noon luncheon at the Bedford
Hotel, a• nice way to celebrate
the Christmas season, near the
close of4the year.
• May we now go forth, with,
renewed cow. - to uphold the
tradition• f
forebearsi,..and- let •usay •"Goci,..,.
.Biess our Queen and Canada" • •
• Officers of Ahmeek Chapter
Past Regent; Mrs. A. Habel; •
'Regent, Neville; first
vice, Mrs. E. Sifter; second vice,
Mrs. A. Holmes.,
„ Secretary, Mrs. C. J. Gibbons;,,,
correspondence secretary, 'Mrs.
H. M. Dodd; treasurer, Mrs. J. Q.
Henderson; assistant treasurer,
Mrs. f -f. M. Stewart. •
Education 'secretary, Mrs A.
Habel; Echoes secretary, Mrs. R.
W. Craigie; Services at Home and
Abroad, -Mrs. J. • . C. _Cutt,
The general meeting 'of North
Street United Church Women
feattiredk% Skit entitled "Who?
Me! !". •
Arrangements 'had` been made-
by the program convener,' Mrs.
C. Atkinson and-, those..taking-
'part' 'Were - :tettger, Mrs.
-E. ,Sparling, Mrs. S. Jefferson,
Mrs; C. Elliott, Mrs. M. McGill
andMrs. Dockstader.
Small . group discussions
follo'Weci and" " the- "filial:11gs"
were evaluated'.•
The president, Mrs. -Claude
Kalbfleisch .presided for the
business period. Routinereports
weie presented and accepted.
The annual visit, to all the
Women. in the churcli wil,l take
place early. in May. •
. The Finance Chairman, Mrs.
MacRae, explained the
ty, The annual meeting of the
‘6*':114.aple Leaf Chapter 1.0.D.F1 was
(-held February 2 at the home of „
Mrs. C. H, Edward with Mrs. J.
H:' " Stringer, • the Regent,
presiding, '
The brief regular ,meeting was
• adjourned and the annual
meeting convened. Splendid"
reports: were presented by - all
,secretaries, or their deputies. Ali_
repots were adopted on- ,the
motion of Mrs. J,. Coates and
Mts.-Ronald McGee. '
' Mrs. C. Roddy read, the report
• U.C.W.• choices in the 1,i've- Love
project in the Mission and
Services. branch of the United .
Echoes, Mrs. S. Madden. '
- Standard Bearer, Mrs. E.
. Howie; Assistant, Standard
Bearer, Mrs. C.*Bodily.
Further committees "were
formed: •
Tea. ,Convener, Mrs, Paul
Telephone, Mrs. W. Gatow.
Ways And Means, Mrs. B.
Ainslie, Mrs., Harper, Mrs.
, Hughes; Mrs. Lomis, Mrs.
Rayner,' Mr. Murphy, Mrs.
McKellar and Mrs. Royal.
Hospitality, Mrs, Edward.
another community
oriented project, it was agreed to
assist in sending young musicians
from the G.D.C.I. Band, to the
Ontario Youth Music Summer
Camp at Beaverton, Ontario, foe
four weeks this Summer;
The three projects • woad
entail an expenditure of $650,00 :
'to $700.00.
Several - 'further pieces, .
businesS were transacted.
On •recommendation
of -
Mrs. J. , Leitch, - Chairman of
Education Committee, a, bowling
and Mrs. , G. McManus, Wallace,,,,,„
complimenting, the,1970 officers Opportiinity • Shop, Mrs.
and pointineout seyeral changes McKellar.
thqin new year's -9fficers, Opportunity Shop Treasurer,
e o cers are as follovvs: Nine 'markers were, also
installe the 1971 exe• cutive. Mrs. R. McGee.
Th officers
Regent, Mrs. J. H. Stringer; appointed. ,
First Vice -Regent, Mrs. Wm. New business saw • the
McKellar; Second Vice -Regent, appointment of the two
Mrs, Ronald McGee • • Vice -Regents as delegates to the
• Sec-re-U.6C' Mrs. D. J. Provincial Chapter • annual
Cochrane; Assistant Secretary, meeting in Hamilton, April, 14
Mrs. R. J. Smith. and 15. Several other members
Treasurer, Mrs. R. W. Hughes; also .indicated their intention to
Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. W. attend.
Three recommendations ly
Seryices, At t-lorae And „Mrs. J. W. Wallace,brivener of
Abroad, Mrs. S. Anderson. the Special Projects Committee,
Education, Mrs. J. Leitch; were.,heard and accepted. It was'
Assistant , Education, Mrs. Paul' agreed that the wrought -iron
Howe.. •flower„,„baskets on the Square
Public Relations, Mrs. M. should be replanted and hung in
McGill; • Assistant Public theSpring:
Relations, Mrs. C. H. Edward. The Chapter voted to
Membership, Mrs.' McEgener. purC"hase a fifteen cubic foot
Citizenship, ' Mrs. Rob. freezer for the newly established
meCallu m. ' Guide Camp?
Church. " • „,
. •
North .Streel
personal.....intereSt in, a leper
kalement in Senanga,• Zambia,
Africa yVherel Mr.'. and •-Mrs.' H.
Claves • are working with the
United- Church of Canada. Lqst
year a donation was sent to buy
clothing for the lepers.
The women were :pleased to.
see a set of slides showing the
new cfothes„being presented .at -
Christmas time. and of the
recipients proudly wearing the
new garments. ,' • •
'• ihe Pictures had been Laken
'specially for the U.C.W. so they .
could see first hand how much '
their help had been appreciated:,
. use :Of -the Queen Elizabeth
School. ,
- A further allowance will be -
Made to Mrs. Anderson and the
Services Committee.
- On MatiOn Mr4
McManus and lylmB Ainslie, at • -
letter pf thanks will berent to'
thi Signal Statin.appreolation Pr, `t•
generous egverage, • Oven ' to •
Chapter adiivlties in 1,970v
- That' the Maple • Leaf:.
chapter, ,again Undertake •the,,
campaignfor the Red Cross in
G°d!ilehhint Marell.
TaEdJes.,Sop, the
Auditor for 1970, be reimbursed
for his services. . • '
Mrs: Coates thariked the,-
hostess and • thee. Regent
Rrteestrnit*en4114ts Wierf:Ar;141;r119':
Mrs. Herb. Murphy and her
committee. 4
The March meeting will be ,
held at the home of Mrs. Harold
Bettger, West Street.
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual meeting •of the producer
. members of the Huron County Pork Producers' Association
will be convened .at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m., E.S.T. -on'
Februarf.22,1971, at the Legion Hall in the town of Clinton.;
for the purpose of the, proper business of the *annual
meeting, the considering of amendments to the
constitution, the election pf the county board of directors.
Beiween the hours of 2; 00 o'clock and 3:00'o'Clock in the
afternoon, of the above mentioned date, NOMINATIONS
AND ELECTIONS for councilmen under the Ontario Hog
Producers' Marketing Plan will be held.
James McGregor
President. •
Lloyd Stewart
',„„ Secretary.
• RV,
standard bearer, Mrs. C. tiffl
.• R16ri.Orei-,''s7.,'
Membership convener, Njrs.
W. -Stokes; public relations, Mrs. P e
Polley re wedding- -storiesi: t,
O. Straughan; World Affairs , ' • .
convener, Miss L'. -Nr MacVicar;
•social convener, Mrs. F. W.
• Flower convener,- Mrs. M._
Everett., telephone cornmittee,
Mrs. D. ' D. McMillan, Miss
Elder, Mrs. M. Vickers, Mrs. V.
• Crooke, Mrs. W. H. Doak, Mrs,„,,„
„C. Ruffel, Mrs. M. Everett, Mrs.
• W. .G. MacEwan, Mrs, C. E.
Shaver; • scrap book, Mrs. M.
Finarice, Ways and Means,
Mrs. J. G. Henderson, chairmani---,
committee, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs.
Emerson, ,Mrs. Murray, Mrs.
Clairrnont,• Mrs. Snell, Mrs.
Gibbons, Mrs.
',Redmond: •
• Councillors, „Miss MacVicar,
Mrs. Dustow, `Mrs. Crooke, Mrs,
"-iVideEwarr,:- Cole,
Johnston, Mrs. Glazier, Mrs.
Allen, Mrs. Tweedie, Mrs.
. 3 tbsp.-potOa
1/2 cup sugar
11/2 tsp „ flour
1/8 tsp. salt
1 cup milk'
• 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
1 cup light,cream
• 1/2 tsp. vanilla
' Mix together cpcoa, sugar,
flour -and gait in saucepan until,
well blended.. -Stir in milk; mix
well. Cook over low heat; stir
constantly for about 5 minutes.
Add a little I'kot mixture to egg
• yolks; mix well. Polar back
immediately into cocoa mixture.
Cook over low heat 2 minutes or
, until thickened; stir constantly.
Remove from heat and, cool.
, Add cream and.vanilla; mix well.
Pour into freezer tray and freeze
until mushy; - stir once then
freeze - until firm. Serve with A
honey ,or maple sauce, if desired.
, • 4
The. 6Loderic'h Signal-Star-takeS" great' pleasure in publishing
free If charge we'dding' pictures and stpries af ;interest to
readers. • — •
Fhcrtos and copy Pr the wedding page•nnw' be in the -hand -3-e,
of the women's"editor no Mier lhan.Monday at 5 pm On the
week of publication:
Wedding stories4hich are subrnitted forubliCation• more
'than one month following !be' marriage will be reduced to an
absolute minimum acid no pictiirewill accoMpanythe item. .
The above regulations are an ,effort to keep allhGoderich
Siinal-Star news features as current as pc?Aible.
sees ...
Of Interest -To Women
g,LAN. to attend the 12th annual
' Mardi Gras Ball, at the Saltford
, Valley Hall, on Saturday,
4 February 20, sponsored by the
Gtiderich Kinettes. For
reservations, phone Mrs. Grace
Patterson, 524-761,6: 4,7
Service OF THE
L6abertril tiottal-#tar
; •
41 I
,• • ,
The Ontario Housing Corporation, at the 'request 'of your municipal council, is
considering the development of senior citizen housing in the town. To determine the
local interest in this type of accommodation, survey 'questionnaires are now
. .avaitobig. )e..,••••••• • • •••••• ‘•••• ',O.., •
Information and questionnaire forms are available to all ihterested persons 60
yeas.of age and over at the:
99 9