The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 15Ann" Landtrs Left at altar ) Dear Ann Landers:. One hour unstable. It may 'be your sister's Since you are so clever with , before my 214.6yold sister was - good -fortune that -the guy folded words, Ann,. ,can y9.4 come up to be 'mulled, her fiance sent out at -the last minute. She now with just the right phrase to let word (she waSstill dressing) that has some solid evidence of his people kriow? -Far From Dead he had changed his mind and, inaability. This devastating in Des Moines: ..dicinl /eel he was ready fOr experience was a preview of Dear Far: People don't NEED marriage. - This was a terrific what she can expect if she to know. Ws none of their shock to all of us. We could marries 'a man who meets business. Keep quiet. , Any * , scarcely believe it Sis took it tension -producing situations by remarks you make would sound ,-- likea trooper -.. Kept a smile -on bugging out. Not all girls are so defensive. her face and tried to console -lucky, „ ' * * * mother as well as the members )4 * * 4 -*I . DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last . . , of the wedding, party. Sis later DearAn Landers: I was. night MY husband, did it again told „me, "Dale ' is probabl3t enchanted with the reader who for the second .time this week - ervous and,frightened. I'm sure pointed out that sex education brought home an unexpected '• . * , he needs professional help. Poor in -- Affierica is ,part -of a guest for dinner. I, had wieners fellow. -1-/K4. surly,. Toroilim:10,7',.,.Coriammistrrldet..4er43,9449;r4,.R4474041444.1049:11WO • • • • 1 4' i1 Inusilierto Daleget well."' demoralize • our youth and to change the tableefoth and get „ I am the brides,oldest undermine our country. It might out ,the good 'dishes at the last ' brother. If my sister goes back anise you to know that they minute. I told, Joe the next time to that rat after what he did I , are having' a 'similar problem in will never forgive. her. He .pulled ' Russia -- only in reverse. The • the lowest trick a fellow can pull ultra-cOnservatives behind the on a -girl. I am bitter, and angry, Iron Curtain are now saying sex and I feel my feelings are education is a CAPITALISTIC justified even if he is ,nuts. I'd plot designed to demoralize their • - like your advice on what I youth and undermine their should do about • this, country. Interesting? -A Globe „-Unforgiving. Trotter • Deaf Un: It's not up to you to Dear Trotter: Yes. Very. do anything. Obviously 'Dale is Thanks for sharing. IJ iriveNotv 1`"PilattriltRoyv THE 1/0ACYMOON OYER , WHEAITHEDOG BR/NOS YOU YOURStiPPERSOD nit WIFE STAMM 84RA'.4T JOE'S BP Service Station and Coffee.,Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderich • 524-6871,, tt • • „ • * * * Dear "Ann Landers: After 30 years of sleeping m a single bed, my husband and I decided it would'be best if we made other arrangements. In %cent years Fred became a snorer and I became a restless sleeper., Whenever Fred moved . it bothered me. Then there was the question of bed covers. I like to sleep toast -warm. Fred couldn't stand all that heat. he walks in the front door *It unexpected company I am • walking out the.back door. AM I justified? - ALICE'S RESTAURANT ' DEAR ALICE:'. No. Joe sounds like a good-natured slob ' who is untrainable. When he shows up again with unexpected coMpany (and he will),, hang loose. Don't change the tablecloth or the dishes_ Serve whatever you have on hand, and make no apologies. • * * * . , Dear Ann Landers: Our daughter who was recently divorced and has two children, announced last week that she is going:to...marry a widower. The wedding is planned for next spring. When I, was told the good news, I assunied they 'would Our bedroom' wasn't large want to bemarried in the enough for twin beds, and minister's study, with only the - besides Welt we should have a immediate families present. I savg,•-• th,,-q-,.-,suggested;.7,-that---fellowing. -,...the --- snoring problem. SO we decided ceremony we would all go to a to. turn. the sewing TOM into a , restaurant or hotel for a festive bedroom for Fred. dinner which my husband and I The , reason I'm writing is would host. because several of 'our friends The groom looked' -very , have made Snide remarks about disappOinted. He said he had the new sleeping arrangement; ,_ envisioneci ,.,,a__more elaborate The implication is that -our sex affair. He viewed the wedding as life is over the hill. What they an opportunity to .entertain his don't know is that we have- friensand d business' .associates. 'almost worn out the carpeting Our datighter seemed fiS-go along between our bedrooms. Our ,,, with fom. ;night life has never been better. , What are the parental , FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See k Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT- ' 46'WEST ST. 524-9442-- • obligations. tO' a divorced girl with a family.? We already *paid - for one 'wedding.. We -also paid for the divorce. Please advise.- -Not so Merry -In Maryland. Dear Not So: Since the groom wants to entertain his- friends ..artd ,,huAuesv, associates, -he, •,, should pay for it. Your plan' makes. more senseand would be in better ; taste. Neither the' "bride" nor "groom" should 'expect- parents to pay for -a. deluxe bash the . second time 'around. eep a tankof hot water hancly You never know when you'll be needing it! Cascade. A family -size tank; that•ke'elps itself full of hot water. Wetly. Safely. Lots of hot water for all '• • those unexpected cleaning kobs--,-;, , an extra load of laundry, a visiting football team, a .p18yful pooch that likes to bring'the outdbors incloors. With ,a Cascade electric water 1eater i,n thd' house, you've got the biggest bargain in hot water. your hydro • CS1,3559WK • • 9A9 • , •) „ .. ' ,... . Q GODBRWH SNig4fAitllfIVR-OAY;. EBBIWAR.1(44;., 19, ,, ,, ' ' .., . 40.iiiionitohominniiminiiiiiiiipimilviiiiiiimapahminimoimmmionoimm,100**4,1111HIMPRIMIPPOPHHOWIMili41 ., What u., difference a -day ” off . ',sakes, 1 By Bill' Smiley Ileef n_nollitiehiii, uncertain _turns. Nothing doing. .on which you'd nOtinally b,'‘ • A. • - pity for those timid wretches Commandeered two high-school- • working: -Found 'the keys (my. who scurry to southern, warmer boys coming tiy. One had his only set) by a minor miracle, cjimes'at the first fall of a flake, nose frost-bitten right back .to And it'S.,been going well ever' They have one of the his cheeks. Pitt him in the car, at since. This morning it was greatest aspects of the Canadian the controls. We rocked Ad below, but one Of those perfect character - the stubborn, 'shovelled' and shoved, and made -winter days: brigkt, sun, •smOke tenacious stupidity that makes it: curling; up like musical notes . the' rest'of us endure through the Crept to school through the from. all be :chinnieyso snow winter. • white rage Of -the storirn. Felt , crunching,„ eyes watering,lungS- This last, week has been a-triuMphant. What ,ta peaceful haeldng. grand one, and let me hear no place. There were .140 -odd kids . * Don't tell me Canada' isn't. a. old‘t i,m er ' snorting (and they had to be odd, to walk, _great place to be, in ;winter. It is: ! contemptuously . that "The it on a day like that); .andr Unless. you, have enongh Phoney winters ain't What they ifse* to 50 -odd toacherS • (sante to get oat: ' • • 4., utt.to.mi,r4avioeuty.r.$749444e1314.00. xtcS4Illanal.;.^* nunlhf414,-4,0-44 - It started off ' ordinarily 1300 kids,80.teachert-,-'t ' seventieg.- Captain' • Etait,911. ' enough - colder than a tax We enjoyed the best ".6hOol Hudson, retired Great Lakes collector's heart, In mid -week spirit" in years.* ' felt -like a captain. a catty raconteur, a things. warmed up', figuratively'. doughty band of ' the chosen. frightening opponent at -bridge Out of the west came a howling The kids played garnes or. or poker, and deadly billiards blizzard, winds gusting from 40 -received tuition. 4 -he teachers player. But he is living refutation to 60 m.p.h.,- snow that• -cut like joined them in the games, or 'of my last statement. He could ' razor -blade, and a gave tuition, -,go to Florida. wind -chill -factor temperature of Unfortunately, the, weather And he does. In spfing he 60 below zero. cleared a bit next day, and pilots a yacht to Florida, comes Somehow; it was aillun, I got routine resumed, However, all home and fishes here in summer, up, looked but the window, and were cheered,by the principal's returns to fetch the yacht in fall, saw nothing but white. The and says, as he stomps off into a • house- was creaking and groaning • like an -arthritic climbing a rope ladder. ' Didn't even put on my long underwear. Took a loot at the, cat; whose green eyes balefully .., threw back, "Jus t try and throw "me out in that, buddy." Didn't. Eddie at the' stage where everything goes in his' Plunged out the back door in mouth. — including. his own .hands. He's 13 months old, a great spirits and - sank to the good-looking boy of Anglo-Saxon, .ancestry, with lovely gray eyes, fair skin and blonde hair gradually turning brown. -, This baby was born prematurely, though he hasn't had the health problems sometimes associated with prematuri- ty. He has been walking for over two months, but in some areas is a little behind the. normal. in reaching Dhis mile- stones. It -is expected he will soon be average for his age. Eddte is -busy ) active-.:13ey whodoves-topla*.withthe,r,. children. He is shy with strangers, but, happy and vocal with people he know. This lovable laddie, needs parents who are not demanding -about information on his family tree and who will not be concerned over an instance of epilepsy in his., background. - To inquire about adopting Eddie please write to Today's Child, Department of- Social and Fanilly Services, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 182. For general' adoption informa- tion, ask. your Children's- Aid Society. GIVE so 'mon Will live " ' 'HEART FUND • navel in snow. Made it to the garage because I knew there'd be no cabs on the road. The darn car started. Then the big decision. With the eye 6i a computer I judged the snowbank. Debided to use the bona bing attaekt_Closed;_rey.,..-4 and sent her backwards at full, bore. Mound up- -like a stranded - --- whale: four Wheels in the air, body -sitting high and dry Tillie snowbank. • Did I quit? Not on your life. A savage, gleeful mood took hold of me.. Shovelled. wept, called upon 'the Lord in no announcement that the lieutenant -governor -had been blizzard, „pipe clenched, "Holy visiting •the county and had old Hughie, who'd want to live declared a school holiday for the in Florida in the winter, when following day, Friday. you can live -here?" A real Won a curling game Thursday Canadian. . night on the last shot. This And to top off the week, a somewhat made up for losing- pleasant and warming *letter my car keys in the -swirling snow, from, Mrs; Mary Bellaianceb of just before I left for curling. Lake Lenore, Sask., ,who claims, Things remained ' on the "I still think you ran into a door up -swing. Long, luxurious sleep to get your black eye . . . keep Friday morning. There's nothing up the good work." sweeter iharisleeping in on a day_ I ,didn't„ Mrs. B., but I'll try. )(tnes 'Riehardson4 Sons Ltd 'Serving The Feed Dealers of Western' Ontario PHONE '524-8388, GODERICH r‘, 4 • • • -4,1q1,1 • • . Still Many Borgalds To Be Found In Coats,' Sults, Dresses , Pants, Skirts, • Sweaters And Other Items SHOPPE Gap ' = :10 91 ' 9Y; re el , Irr 1 •ECT • r, .."1•1111111,m011111._ Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Can• adian Imperial. Bank of Commerce Building *Goderich 'Dial 524-9662 -imam& 1-4$ ESSEX STREET 00IDERICA-1, ONTAiRICI • --Available For . L,arge 'or. SmaII Parties CONC.ERTS BINGOS DANCES •—• ' CONVENTIONS,, We Cater Any Time or Place• , „Banquet Rooms for 25 'to. 4oly Special Attention to Weddings ',PHONES 524-9371 or 9264 - Now a good salary Opportunity -security • for you in a business career - Goderich Business College - Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial fi•••,/k .99:),;99,-,901sit.p11,471‘? zo,„?.949.4,944,44-IyaisowbAt 524-8521- Rec. 524.873,2 * FRIGIDAIRE *. INESTI NGHO,USE * GIBSON * HOOVER • Sales and'Service • JEWELL BRIOTHERS 4 • APPLIANCES & TV -LTD: • The Square - Goderich Far FASHION RIGHT . SHOES • ‘, • The Place To Go Is ' ," ROSS SHOES GOderich ROnald cDonald CHARTEREO ACCOUNTANT 39 St. -David St. -5244.62534, Goderich, Onttnio DIESEL Pumps and infeCtors Repaired. For All Popular'Malces Huron Fuel Injection Equipment . Bayfield Rd., Clinton -482-7971 11-) .7i: W. Iii.ELi. OPTOMETRIST ' . The Squate 524-7661 • ;VAN, , ( Cards Fo'r • All Occasions * Gifts * Books "* Stationer' Supplies • *" Records ANDERSON'S • BOOK CENTRE 33 East St: Goderich 93.i994 ,r11 ... r,,s4 ilno. 09, 49i. , ,1. g -,' ,t , 1„ For 4 ,Pleasant Surrotindin and 'Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE • and rAVERN GODERICR, BUILDING CENTRE 1.1 * 524P8383 Camix fa at Angleital