HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 14Ls • 446. ODERAgli,SIONA.L-STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1971 • From the Distaff, Side You, your c�mmuni Someone once said, "Educate a man ' and you,, educate an individual. Educate a woman, and you educate a whole family". Probably, likemost women, yqu make coronary arteries produce a narrower channel for -the blood to pass .through. Then, when a clot forms in a narrowed artery, it chokes off the blood supply to the'oI I boy feel 'that he's the boss around one part of the heart. When this occurs in the house, and that's good. 'It's good for the main artery, death is instarltaneous, --� •our male egos. We like it. •But this isn't what usually happens. Far • •But 'we all know, who runs the house • more frequently, it will not be a main" and wham ,the kids go crying to when • artery that is affe, ted; it�will be one of they,stub their toes. It's ten to one, too, the artery branches, and the heart is able that ;:when Hubby stubs' hid" toe, 4he does to recover. I ' ' You ' hear about the , very, dramatic . rheumatic fever may be vague and elusive. • ,�,uat what the kills dp _ �,�.. ,N � •� ,. �+�p, n (+ Q Y. /� i �r /� ! r err ('� un „-ta -, t 1:',.; ,�'/G b:.. t 9174,bo r�(s„„,;,Y r •. ,�,,` �•y1y�y`yy,g .;41. ('� /', �`{� .V.! Cao. .,,, •h. r1 ty� i ?M.W .dF,x�ca130''"r" ,Y� i+i'w yN� Y"r u ,1 �.A �'TI�•17.•anrP�•q�Sii9;?' A'� 4��tC • /�(' •?f P M . !N SYR'#' m� . �'?`+•G�U."!'1`+i(!r .wt/wY� ,�X.,a+ .gp"ri%r1,/fiyQC�'^i'iJVJ� lJlf,1�.(f�. ,.1+t.4�'4�. Y,Qt.�;. �'4F•R:$tltJ�y;tl��'��vVjli,^-M�+�r�� ++".oC+ci.ti,97Ar..,+,._ feel that they are responsible for the good many. people who have coronary. heart to watch._,your child carefully du.r.i,ng..the "For information-abo ' 'tl�re-heart and -- 4 � f 11 "' If t 1 A -and heart prevented., It begins In rheumatic .fever, rheumatic fever begins with, a streptococcal infection •-+:- for example, "strep" sore throat, tonsillitis, or scarlet fever, No Layman should try to diagnose rheumatic fever. Consult a doctor. It's a ' sIy disease. A child. may seem to recover, completely from a "strep ,infection, but two oor three,weeks later may be tired all the time or restless or' he may cornp-lain of ' pains in his joints. The symptoms of. 'physicians so that they may have the latest information' - so that they may know the newest techniques in dealing with heart di=sease. Contact your -Ontario •% Heart Foundation concerning the pamphlets, films and" exhibits that give you authentic' • information about the heart, the circulation and the cardiovascular diseases in general. These materials are available as part of the year -•found education program conducted by your, ` 'Ontario Heart .11 is�qse 2 Ontario Heart h alth��of their families. disease and who nevertheless lave long and weeks that o ow a strep injection.its'' diseases, a our n ario ear productive lives. Theyo on working as' he' seems at all .under par, take hit , Foundation. For* "''.•rmation about your • Because diseases of the heart present tp�9 • g • all of us the biggest health problem in this usual, or perhaps only a little less than . immediatelyt.o,..your doctor. • heart, see your doctor". And remember country today. And, as you will see, there usual, for many years after the, first Remember— not every such infection heart disease is everyone's problem -- it is much that you can do to protect your diagnosis. In this case, as, in the other results• in rheumatic fever. 'Out of every should, be everyone's responsibility. own family types of heart disease, early diagnosis` is 100 untreated cases of "strep" infection Cardiovascular • diseases - that is the important. 1 only 3 may lead to rheumatic -fever. And, diseases of the heart and blood vessels - is' •Another kind of heart disease is 'not every case of .rheumatic fever, results the Number One health enemy in the hypertensive heart disease, due to high in heart disease. For every '10 children country today. The deaths• from heart- • blood pressure that has continued over a who have „ rheutie „fever, only • disease alone total more than the deaths long period of time and caused the heart approximately 4 may suffer disabling from all the other causes -put together'• to become enlarged., injury to the heart. Qut of every two deaths in this country,- This condition is not always serious. It If your child has already .had en attack one is caused by cardiovascular disuse. #, does not. always, grow worse. 'But of rheumatic fever, \then 'you must be .Cardiovascular disease is an individual hypertensive-�beart disease is the kind that :extremely careful that he does not hav� matter.,. It's your heart. It's ,,your. requires ' the greatest amount of another. Each new attack involves husband's heart. It's your child's heart. ° co-operation from.. the patient. Often he possible further damage to the heart. ' The Way to combat the cardiovascular must learn to "take it easy" when Therefore, prophylaxis .- should be _ diseases is through research and,through th'rough probably the has never taken it easy . prescribed. . .. • 9 , . One function of the Heart Foundation ...•.,_m.a•�,' theg medical the dr profession, tote general ngs of :research aVailable ' th One of ,the m stt oughOut lhelpful things p,. 9 p to you can 'is to lel the general ractttionerkeep up • public, and to the patient. You must do 'for a 'person with 'hypertensive heart -_.. 'to date. Heart Foundations • sponsor f F.a et. ' e to e :f co qtr-ses,,,- ,apct•L.tr,es..4., ,,arida..»�: , semi..ars , ,,for.,_. r.t.,dtse se..�ac�,Ybeh.��,,�ii:5ease.;•�-�- .aside.. t�.,,s t,���; ,.s, 3., ..���. • � _ � ro ..� � . .. k«�,,k�oa�u ,,?t�►, whai`.•:;�xt��t~;�hea1 a , prevented -T so that you .1 can protect helping him to approach everyday living • - - . ,.-' - ... :4 ..--.. .. 1-:- .-..a.«i,., _...r_. .. ry.M•..:..w .,��+,:s• .'X.. a.-.--r'i - _ ir•-.•-,.... �wac Et+;T'. .. st i n ar m o re rei�x'ed fas'�-rt ar°r "�� urs} see -to yourself and your own. i°amity. u mu , know what are-- the earliest symptoms of• that he doesn't become overweight. Every. Iiea•rt :trouble - because early diagnosis extra pound requires that the blood must ' may ,lead to cure, in some cases. In many Crave) through extra miles ' of blood .,,cases, it means adding years to life. vessels. Every extra pound makes the You must be able -to separate,the truth heart work' harder, In fact, one of the frorn the old wives' tales, if it should be . positive `measures' you can take in the your heart that is dar!n'age`d. You -r s't,be : direction of preventing heart disease is to able to co-operate i"btelligently with your keep your family's weight . normal. physician. Many people, , informed that Enough evidence has been built up so that. they have heart trouble, endure untold we cane say flatly. that overweight puts a, anguish,imply because• they do not know strain on the normal circulatory system the facts of heart disease: This is needless. and is therefore quite: likely ,to aggravate Great strides have been made in any existing heart disease. treating heart diseases. Greater- strides will Now you know very -well' that no .be possible "when We „know what causes :husband and no child of yours Iszgoing to them. That is the major job the research watch you put homemade rolls os scientists are working on now. biscuits;-.,f1-uffy whipped potatoes drooling We know that there are many different with melting butter, or strawberry kinds of heart and blood vessel diseases, shortcake heaped with whipped cream on ` There are three, .however, that might the' table _ 'and then turn away and say, concern' you Nine out of ten cases of,. "Sorry, honey" or "Sorry Mom, I'm heart disease fall into these three afraid I've had' 'all my calories today". categories-- and we -do rt'ot know their ITafr son ethingyou'i1.never see! Causes, But you, can serve appetizing and One.,is coronary heart disease resulting nourishing meals, that go light • on 'the from hardening of, 'the arteries. 'The sugars, starches, and fats. You --as the "second is hypertensive' heart disease one who, plans and cooks and serves the -resulting from high blood pressure.' The food at your house '- -you are the one third is rheumatic heart disease which is who cbntr•ols your fanily's weight. most dangerous to children. Some ba'lgsies: are born with structural The hardest working organ in the body defects of the heart. However, some types is the heart. It takes in, 'fro'm the blood, of such congenital heart `defects can now the nutrients it needs in the split seconds be corrected by surgery. ' between . pumps. It repairs itself. it can. Do not think• because you have a pain stand hard work and vigorous 'sports. It in your chest; or palpitations, or shortness adjusts to the demands put upon. it, .,•It's ' of breath; that you must have heart not a delicate organ. The truth is that' the disease. You,may' Bove; but it is more heart is tough, and durable. 'In fact, it's likely that you have not. There are quite a almost indestructible. , few body disturbances, that have Of. the three maior diseases of the heart symptoms remarkably like those of heart (coronary heart -disease, hypertensive and disease. The only .person who can tell you rheumatic heart , disease) the first, what those symptoms mean is your coronary heart disease,. ' is.. usually doctor. If 'it isheart trouble the sooner considered a diseaseof older people, but it is diagnosed and treated, the better a're it often affects people in' Middle age also. your chances of a long and -comfortable. As we grow older, changes -may take life: place in those arteries that carry the blood Now, let us go back to rheumatic heart cart us l --itself = th:e cororra�- ti 2 -disease to ---the , � . �.m c e u arteries. In some. 'people'—deposits—of a : chi itdhood •et iseases. This is one k i nd' ref -'. fatty substance in the walls of the heart disease that we surely know can be Notice to Boaters: Written application for -seasonal dockage at e. SNVGHARBQUR will be received by 'the Harbour, Comh•tittee of Goderich Town Council ._ ;.at p7 .West Strew,, Goderich,. Ontario. " Because of current congestion and limited space, preferenbe will be give former customers and residents 'of'Huron County.. Applications must include type of boat and length overall. Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt. II H&IAB Q (JR COMMITTE,E,. TOWN OP GODER ICH. ' W.DenommeJ. FLQWER SHOP Phots 524- 1132 DAY OR NIGHT Ag nt for ' 24.hr. FILM DEVELOPING A.rh�i�.0 NOTICE ` . •Members of Alexandra Marine. and General Hospital of Goderich Corporation and other interested 'paries are urged to fttend the annual meeting vyhich will be held Monday, Marche 22, 1971•, at 8.:0q p'm. in the Ladies' Auxiliary Room of the, hospital, at which time we will 'receive the financial statement,' the auditors' report, the report of the Board anis elect ,members to the Po.ard of [�[� �{l (fie �LL a •.:.s...- a totnask. 1441,x.-, . f�` �r-'3,sM M1�1: n�1.�.;•.,—A,,,,H4I w-1 •.. • e d 4 It is the intention 'of the Board of Governorsto"a4wrt.►,it' for approval, New Medical Staff By -Laws. If any member is. interested in reading.the By -Laws to be submitted at the meeting, they are available at the hospital, MEMBERS QF THE CORPORATION • The following persons shall be members upon resolution of the Board: (a) a' person who has donated or who donates $190 in any one year to- the Corporation shall be a life member; . • - (b) the president or chief .,officer of a corporation or organization which pays the Corporation $25 in any year shall be ex officio a member of the Corporation for that year; (c) a person who pays. the annual membership fee of • $1.00 to the Corporation in any year shall be a member of- the. Corppration for that year; (d) a member who pays ht's fees annually shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Corporation unless his membership fee was paid in full at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting. James W. Britnell, • Chairman of the Board,. - 0• •4..-. '�•....• •,,” � «. �•;••.,�+.tA•:•�.,.�;veu>e+i.�e:?^Je-jVU. .B; w:•+w..•...:.., 5tr d�a;!.:s v,�7vrro-i ..x�r'.r A mug•=,•.; �4..L When you cQrrtrett!'yorrw^trot-wetertapr to :a -%datura , .Gas water heater,,,you're equipping it to'handle all -- ` the requirements of an active thbd'ern family. A sink full of dishes, hot showers, laundry, it's all in a morning's work for a Natural Gas Water heater. 'That's because Natural Gas heals' water quickly and bounces back to heat more. And a Natural Gas water heater will continue"to do this long after others have given up. el -tons\ t'he-factthat.-Na tura is— „ always there, "on tap", just like your water supply, and you can see why' more people switch to Natural Gas for h•ot water tha'.n to any other system. • If t'ou'r" hot water, tap °isn't measuring up to --time demands of your family', connect it to a Natural Gas water heater. I't's cleari.'lt's depe•rtdable. It's economical. In fact, its got all the right connections. Exciting news for all residential customers of Union Gas that do not -use natural gas for water heating, homes withf'att' irfe Live gas service .and homes adjacent to'an existing gas main whtch,has been installed oti that street for a period over one year as of . "" April 1, 19.7.,....:.... _ .,-.• as assure • and as pure ' as the sun. You could qualify For a 00 �ic'fY25 ori the purchase or rermtel of a gas water heater This offer good only from January 1, 1971 to and including March ;•31,, 1971w Call your gas appliance dealer, • er Union Gas, • raw iv 1 110 4) A A