HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 12Y U W 1 IEFUCCH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1911 ross ws via ms*Cmv;sgratzstussum tvaszoNz tti mi tzvgameszasammt s?t mot( masavszcs, - • • , 1 - ii 0 W W (I Library Books. w -•'°r t THE EDWARDIANS, by J. B. Priestley.. J. B. Priestley, with his usual charm .7 and perception has written of the period in England 'from the accession of Edward VII in 19Q1 to the outbreak• of the first World War. He covers the social, political and artistic viewpoints of , �;; . era - from politics:,to press, from. authors Jo,. painters, from gaiety of fancyd'ress malls to ,the With Shirley J. Keller 4.Ta0fiCe rY�`.G!X+.'^;7v12kGe'`�v.va4cxta��� '., +*' iTra�2.117 '+emra%S6•ry a%�r*�t�y.Y%.,�^.Pzs y .r•. ntt4vl!-jin X�`!'hi;+.i'.,;er ..;'$:G'1�,�V3+ 42f ;• ry•�4e''ti There area couple of things 1 .i bortion on demand because of would - like to talk about • this m U d exactly • °`4iti.trtes:w y deep religious conviction on Twenty-three hours and 20 „ . week, neither of them really the matter - but I could not • mi.ntites in Joshua, • plus. 40 locally orientated although both sign anything which would minutes in II: Kijrgs make the''';. • shoeld be of interest to ll prett . it because of my missing 24 hours the space people• a local y` tcompassion forwomen caught in travellers had to log in the I hesitate to bring up the first an unwanted pregnancy with no logbook as beingthe missing day . subject because • it is so ' real care about the' religious or in the universe. Isn't it amazing controversial - but . then I've Aral., aspects of having an Our .God is rubbing their noses never been one to shy away abortion. Would you? • , in His truth'!" . from controversy so why in the * * * world would I begin ably. The second message in this Already the calendar of •early ,• The ' topic is legalized rather serious column this week ' pre -spring and spring, events is ' abortion. 3 concerns the space program in beginning to fill in. We''ve hada some letters to the. the United . States, A reader This weekend, of c-ourse, is editor concerning this subject in brought _.an:_article to me and the Kinette Mardi. Gras, THE recent weeks. As I recall', they asked.if 1 would care• to use it. social event of the.•year as far as came from Roman •Catholic - . "It may restore some people's the local Kinettes are concerned. . wotnen who abhored the idea of faith in God," .she remarked The first Friday in March, legalized abortion, because in. simply. March 5, is the World Day of their sieves, it was nhihort Here• is , the article Written Prayer, this Fear to be held at St. • of murder. "-•._.....-ot•ng s°originally by Bruce \Vest for The . Peter's 'Roman Catholic Church " One of the ladies, Mrs. Walter Globe and Mail, •Toronto. I think- in Goderich at• 2:30 p.m,, Palmer, sent -to nae a picture and you will find in it plenty of food The theme this year is 'New an article concerning abortion. 3, for thought. It is called The . People for a New Age.' The 'The pictue showed the rather Missing Day. • In view . of the 'service of worship was developed • upsetting sight of an :aborted recent moon shot; I think it is by a group of women from the fetus�n p ra ; , 1 Carib bean area including an o e t,ng roam 'extremely tame . . .L4cari..;yau.<al� ut..the.• :.,_ ;ul3h°olie�l�.dual.�.ttte~:feta�s.:�,asu..,.kW�� _:t•. supposed to be from .18 to 20 r following is that it is said to have Islands. weeks old, it was very definitely been related by Harold Hill Special guest speaker will be shaped like •baby with the presidenteft the -Curtis 'Engine - "mita •- - Ottellette froom head, the limbs, the features of a. Co. in 3Baltimore and a ,Windsor. human baby clearly evident.. ^ con_sul-0tant in the . U.S. space Following the services, the It was •a hideous picture. A , program.' One must assume that, CVL will host a fellowship hour ' 3 fetus - dead -•- in the bottom of. Mr. Hill is a fairly hara-hewed in the parish hall. . a surgical bucket. Who could aeronautical engineer. , The eVent will be convened by really claim that life in that baby • •'`1 think one of the• most, Mrs. Walter Palmer. Mrs. Palmer ,. had not begun? Who,could really , amazing,,thingssehat. God has for • •reports that `church groups are feel it. ' wasn't :put and out . us today happened recently, to . asked .to study the action murder to destroy that fetus? ' our astronauts and • space symbol. It �is NEW, she says. After consultation with scientists• at Green, Belt. They "The hand __t, la cherishes :the Editor' Ron Price. the decision • were checking_the .pontLef- flante----af.' the spirit is one with Was 'made not to run the article. the sun moon and planets out in' the hand that releases•it " • We just did not deem it proper space - here they would ,be•• ,Then on St. Patrick's Dai,, the weekly newspaper `copy. True, it 100 years and 1,000 rears from Women's Institute Dessert Tea is would have made interesting and now. We have to know this soscheduled: • 'on . iii April provoking • reeding. for `some • • we don't send .n sa,telli•t-e-up and r -r Wednesday, _April "i, - the people. Still we.were concerned have it bump into something Rebekahs are holding their that some readers • rxiay' be later in„i.ts orbits. We have to lay ' dessert tea. ,offended by it in The Goderich out file orbits in terms of the'life .So ladies; mark these 'dates in - Signal-Star.where. if it 'app'eared of the satellite •and 'where the your appointment book. I'll see in some Other magazine.. it • . planets will be so the wholes you there. • SEXUAL POLITICS, by Kate Millett. . Radical feminist and Women's Lib. leader argues that the relationship between the sexes -is and alssays has been a, political one -- a continuing power struggle in which women are sometimes idolized, other times patronized, always exploited. , ESPECIALLY MAINE, by Henry Besti'on.-• Observations of earth, sea and. sky from Cape Cod to the St.. Lawrence, most of them written before ecology' .became a household word. `Henrj' Bestion's love of nature 'and of Maine are most delightfully presented in these selections edited by Elizabeth C`'oat.sworth, noted writer of children's books and- herself a resident of, and in love with, Maine. THE AMERICANS, by David Frost. Well-known, as a TV interviewer in the United States, • 'would not have the same impact. thing will not bog. down: They , ,subject„�measurement The of I alined .. ran the computer' easurem abortion is one which should back and forth over the `fnterestt all.womerr: The very fact that so much noise is being made by the., pro -legalized abortion, • group should really prompt the anti:legalized 'abortion supporters to rise up. to Nocaliy offset • the ' cries of the opposition. A•t, least; this. is what .. • •Mrs. Walter Palmer feels . and • ,1. am totally in agreement with her:: I don's think` we 'sho'uld sit 'idly 'by and let those who want • legalized • -abortion; steal the' entire spotlight ... if we oppose it. Our ,best:line of defence. says . Mr' Palmer, is to write to our' MPP and . MP concerning our feelings on the matter ... if we. have an opinion. that is. • , I am somewhat divided in my attitudes to legalized -abortion. On the One.hand I am 'opposed. Abortion., for me personally . would be unthinkable I -Could-- not, and would not ever consent to abortion for -me. because I . sincerely, believe that it is wrong - that it is against all Christian , teachings. On the. other hand. I am sympathetic to those women centuries and . it' came to a halt. The computer stopped and put up a red signal. which meant there was something . wrong either' with' the informption- fed - into it or with the results as compared to the standards. They called in 'the setv-ice department to check it 'arid .they said `It's perfect.' The head of operations said: '«-hat's wrong?' 'Well. they .have found there is a day anissing in space in elapsed time.''.They' scratched their heads and -tore their hair. There was no answer: • "One religious fellow On the team said: 'You know. one time I was in Sunday school and they talked about the son standing still,' They didn't' believe him, but they didn't have any other . answer; ,so they said .'Show tis.' He got a Bible and went back to the book of Joshua. where they •s.fS u,nd a pretty yridiculous statement for who has 'common sense.' ° There' they found the Lord saying to. Joshua, 'Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand: there shall not a man of them stand before thee:' Joshua dict . y'^ria . •, iiaWin. religt-eitisT convictions to bind Mem.- I know they wilLseek abortions somewhere and that unless 'abortion 'laws are broadened. more women' and girls "will end up on some butcher's backroom ' , bench bleeding to death or severely infected. Anti 'that too. Is unthinkable. Why' should I, a member of . a democraticsocietyq, impose ins- religious' yreligious' beliefs Tin' someone .else? What.. right have I to demand that legalized abortions be denied? Certainly, legislation pern'iitting tegaliied abortion does not carry, with it a lav which orders abortion in every case of pregnancy. It is still my choice tomake and I need. not have an abortion if I don't want it. And maybe e•• just maybe --- the •the legislation for .Legalized abortion should be _.there for women wiio weiuid halve no qualms about it. As I said at the outset., it is a very controversial question. I would urge all women with feelings in •the matter to write to the members of parliament -i'n Huron conger nig them. Silence Will mean satisfaction at any decision reached. • 1 will add one More thought for your perusal. I would not want to be the „one titY decide Whether or not abortions should be 'lead. I wouldn't want to have to sign my •nateto toy ttr t.. "wtiitb' -ra cipld 'permit ' .,was.:,:ctu a sheases rhes , surrounded by the enernyd iY darkne s fell they would ,overpower them. So Joshua asked"th-e Lord to make the. sun stand still! That's right. `The sup stood still, and the moon stayed and hastened not to go down about a whole day.' Joshua 10:8,12.13. The space men said 'There is the missing dayl'!' They checked the computers going back- into the time it was written and found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time that was missing back in Joshua's day Was 23 hours and 20 minutes = not a whole. day. They read the Bible and there it was - `about (approximately) a day.' • ' "But they vere still in trouble because if you cannot 'account for 40 minutes you'll still be in trouble 1,000 years from now. Forty minutes had to be found 'because ' it can be multiplied many .times over in orbits. This religious fellow' also remembered somewhere in the Bible where it said the sun went backwards. . The space meri told him he was out of his mind. But they got out the Book and read 'Mese words in ,II Kirt : Hezekiah; on his death Iced, was meted by the prophet Isaiah,.who told him he was not going to die. Hezekiah asked for a sign as proof . . . Isaiah spoke to the Lord and the bra btt tig at the shadow 10 degrees baptward:44n°degrees i5 * * * w I have a couple of late flashes to report... First, I've been in.touch with Mrs. Mona 'Mulhern who tells me her group is still working on the nursery - school_ • project for. Goderich.° She says than _this winter wether has '.prevented the -Kitchener officials from getting to Goderich to• inspect premises and engage in talk with the folks here who are' int.e reste d. • , ?1lrs. Mulhern asked me to page the community again -for any o ri.e ' with • the necessary qualifications td 'b crate' a nursery,school. She saysthat the name of 'anyone presently enroIleda in a nursery school instructor at one.of'the co.mmunity:; colleges would also be of tremendous interest to the group. * * * J � Dai id Frost, an Englishman - whose first claim to fame was as the star of "That Was the Week that Was" presents interviews and impressions of .American "greats and near -greats." • WARTIME, JOURNALS OF CHARLES A. LINDBERGH. The years, between 1938 And 1945 were cataclysmic for one, of the famous men of ' our • century. • In that period; he studied European, aviation, , 1• n, - 4 4eXUA M,A1Pt r•»; 41,9,e military imbalance •anal theack of ' 'preparation among the Western nations 'and made a dedicated, 'effort to keep the United States Out of a war that he believed seriously threatened to destroy Western civilization. tl'1LDLIFE CRISIS, by HRH Prince Philip acid James Fisher. Prince Philip's concern for wildlife 'conservation grew from his 'interest in,bird watching. He illustrates his account with his own photographs, superb' in quality. James Fisher contributes a history of the conservation movement around the world, aided bytheapproval and assistance of the World Wildlife Fund and the International Union . for the Conservation of Nature , and Natural Resources. The book is a plea for preservation of some of the world's most beautiful creatures:. many almost extinct, many doomed unless man acts and quickly LAUGH BABY -LAUGH, by Ann Henry. s. Canadian # Ann Henry tomorrqW by being at various times a circus performer, an actress, a waitress and the owner of a chicken' ' farm. The bleat; atmosphere of Winnipeg in the 1930's and 40's. is lightened by the author's gaiety and enthusiasm. • THE UNDERWATER BOOK, ou'll 'live happy r ,1 ---„enjoy your retire - 0 ed, by Kendall 11'icDonaid. , , abcut 0 raw:.r sThe s ' :•divez srsolisBY iY s' merrrbers--a-°; .`_the British Sub -Aqua.' Club, . write. of their explorations in underwater . fields. The thrills of their work are coupled with a warning of what pollution can do to the sea.. HRH Prince Philip contributes a forwards ' AT HOME IN UPPER by Jeanne MFinhinniek. FFrom her research at Upper Canada Village, Dundurn 'Castle and other sites, she gives a warm and vivid account of domestic life in Canada -before •Confederation. Room by room explorations, family living, food and cooking, flower gardening, heating and lighting, wallpapers and curtains. - GIVE... so more will live HEART FUND a • �e any, w n r.91..s� �iit�+`+1Y-'.. h4.atlY'l`I'L4^'��" �GAl,lr��:a'�: ', 3'h� �7".� Victoria and. grey Registered Retirement,. _w Y. Sayings Plan th6it grows in value year, after, year'. Our C;ua.ra,nteed--lnvestrYlent Certificate Plan, for instance, adds to your retirerne�it money' at the rate (currently) of 8% compougded `semi=annually --for ,•every hundred doliars invested. Talk it over today with Victoria and grey., VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people ofDntario, VICTORII4andGREY • - RUST COMPANY- SINCE 1889 9:00 to 5:00 Monday ta' Thursday 9:to 6:00 Friday Lealand Hilli00 Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets,, 0 524-7381 Goderich 14. I have also had additional_,.._ communi•cat-ion from , 'Dong •McMillan regarding the appearances in Goderich of The Laketown Band. • • Mr. :McMillan says the band will be appeanng Sunday, March 21 at Victoria Street United 94c,c,.l :.sAt�:,tk s1,1 and .Srraida LApril..45;at, Norttr- Street, United Church. also. at the •11 a.m. service..... fa MIN NIB MS 011111.11111 .1 REMEMB.ERi HELP YOUR RED CROSS i TOHELP ;1 Una maim me wmacomm SERVICE (would Oise Qo eill' Ott you "AWit h^ "housewarming' gifts". 'and,. informatiorf about your new location. The Hostess will be glad' •to arrange your," ' subs.criptitn tb the SIGNAL -STAR. • Cali her at 152d-952$ na COLEMAN'S SWEET PICKLED (112's) �.. a+r N`{,.,�,r,:,••:re '-a�'11N'•iaYr a�r.w+ix.iluL7tee$iXr„ ; ),''MaV•ter! rlirT I>� :VALUABLE COUPONjii With this Coupon (one coupon per family) , HOSTESS GROUND COFFEE 1�9b.,_ • 44014ff ” LVIBLI COUPON 16gall.t 'With This Coupon lone coupon per family) 'HEINZ or GERBER'S STRAINED tic BABY FOOD IMeatless , Varietitsl• 434 oz. Jaf ' (Limit 2 Bags Per Customer) frr, rt,�r r 4.400,ifi VALUABLE COUPON 446666'649 With This Coupon (one coupon per family) SHIRLEY GAY WHITE SLICED s., -,c,... 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