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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 8
GOI/ERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 197-1 a, 0 1. ARTiCLES FOR SALE 1. ,ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl 1971 Boa -Ski, 3400 Cleaner. Removes rust, Lime and• speedometer, with only mineral deposits. Simply place in miles.. Get one full •` "--'`;' 'tire corner ---of your toiltank.' depreciation. , Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and H•eating•;• Kingston1971. Ski -Doo Nordic, 399 Street, Goderich•. » , 14tf - ,, electric start, sp�ee�cior'neter, • ,' ',, only '50O miles: One full 0�ms, ,_.• .FIriI' 4•., zk6? . 4` I.tFL- 1"I4Awde 176.1;w440 - �,9tlrdCAY'X.-Xfi11 goods) rnailed postpaidin plain, sealed envelopes with price list. Six ' samples 25c; 24 samples ' $1.00 Mail Order Dept T-53, Nov -Rubber Co., Box ,,91, Hamilton, Ont. — ltf EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS NEW INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS Estimates Without'Obligation Contact R. E. RUTTAN Win ham —Phone 357-1077 BUSINESS' offices at 38 9 -1971 BOA-SK,I, 28 h.p.,,' high Immaculate 3 bedroom rug brick Hamilton Street, Goderich, for lOtf performance, Mk, II, with., home; nearly new, dose to rent Ideal as offices or for small speedometer and new cover, schools, large living room, 'dining business. Heated. $80.00 per only 300 miles, $750.00. Phone 52 WEST ST, room, kitchen with' lots ° of month. Apply McGee ONE Collie pup. Phone 524=7314 or 524=6172, — 7 ' ' cupboards, full basement -_ ,• •__, 524-7080: - n,c • . .GODERICH, -•-- electric heating, and. a 91/a% Pontiac-$uick. �_ 45tf . • iiiiiMinmosommimilimilaPHONE 524-6991 mortgage available. " FOR SALE or trade a new 30-06 O N E BEDROOM apartment, Seven piece living room set, bolt action repeater. Also a 410 drastic reduction by over single shotgun. Phone 526-7265, $2,500.00 down payment and i--• self-contained, heated, fully $125.00, all seven pieces to' sell 7 move right into this lovely wife Just listed. Modern orae -storey furnished; TV hook-up, hot at $539.00. approved 2 -year-old home, This three-bedroom home, living water supplied, private entrance. one floor plan has an room, dining area, large kitchen, Rent, $80.00 per month. 1969 5'K1 COO, 18 h with finished rec. room, large lot, ' Available March 1st, 59 North One almost new 9 x 12 rug, p'' clu.tstanding kitchen, dining cover and gas can, Priced .for n close to schools, West end Street, phone 524-9303- — 6tf room, a. bedrti7oms with, large Special two-piece chesterfield quick sale. Phone 524-8707.after clothes closets, one and,.one half location. ", 10-a.m.- — 7 -baths, located.:i ,,s, uiet,.,area of. µsuite, coffee+ axvd.,erzd tables,„axtd . •u." . ti .. 4 - A • new •-°-^f hree edr eckm , hornet ..,1- -A C '11,1'.1'1")R - ,r.w -a l\a r t.m e•n t ,• two lamps: Regular value about - ALUMINUM '� our town and as a bonus this furnishd and heated, COnt•ai•n•i•ng storm win'dow;• home has a full basement. large living room, dining area,. : $695,00- Sale Price $539,00. . bed sitting room, kitchen and 29,4” x 714/4",,adjustable to 73 '. r-p1e l�il .Available modern kitchen, lou ce --.-,,------•••,..,•.=,:_,-.---:--,:i.,,•_�t,l 135 .. .,.. .,.t•,. ,., ....:.--.., •.. _. i _ _-, • , . r ." J,' a�awwo_ ... ... »^C..:..la 'F•.:.-...a.'s.'�..a3^,..`•'. :-r.a.. _ a:.:•. �,+c •...... • _..� n . ,._ ... —,.�1 ,. _,�..-._..�:,..-. ,. �bsrihrtsQi'rr,� F�Hy�,�brc-�cll•crbmed•; _ , -pha X21~ 89x3_ ., only--„store-e d xaaged_kitci er $y appointment onl_ . Come and •”" March 1st. Apply Ti W. Sion"e, ----rte.:_,. _ electric heating, full basement, set's," both priced for quick' sale „-::.._.4rtspect, 'this-o►�e t ooi :•,.. older . , wiring and low Real Estate , Broker, dial USED wooden shelving, size 36 underground; g X21.7272.,—.7 table 32 x 4$-60. x' 24", fully adjustable. );~deal for porno located close to _the stores down payment. and consists of 2 bed rooms, full u One only wood table, store• sed, business or home, use. Apply basement new furnace installed ;Canadian 'tire' Corp. Phone Three exclusive homes, no g. HELP WANTED priced for quick sale, walnut"36 p just 3 years ago and sitting- on telt hone information. ' x 48 closed, one leaf. 524 2121. = one and one-half lots which is p. excellent" for someone who likes 3 rooms, 2 pe. chesterfield set, 2 Z. CARS, TRUCKS to have a garden, All this for just New red brick -three-bedroom lamps, 3 tables, 5 pc. bedroom $12,000.00 and terms are home --on- landscaped large lot. ®R FOR -SALE Miadern kitchen, dining ,•area, suite, complete with box spring w available. , and mattress, also 5 pc. kitchen large living room, full basement, set all for only $665,00 GOOD. se}ection of used cars in WHY PAY RENT when you cavi electric heating• and r mortgage Hampers, clear out $9.95 A-1 c,'o n d i t i o n , fully own your own ' home for arranged. Mis-rnatched singlecontinental--F-° tecondi.tioned ` and guaranteed. $1,600.00 •down payment and c trade-ins accepted , and terms pay $16,5,00 per Month and this beds', box -spring and • 'mattress ....available.' Rouse Auto ,Electric, takes care. of interest and only. Clearance $59 0O. — 19tf principle, Thirc-lovely home'has been recondi4.i,nn.ed:throughout and has 3, bedrooms; a Sewing room, large spacious living room, dining room, kitchen -and one and one-half, baths; also a good garage, Immediate possession on or before April 1st in 1971. c.c., 400 year c.C., w ith year Tag -A -Long trailer, will paint Like new. • CARS, TRUCKS, FOR SALE For COMPETENT VOLKSW'A'GEN. SERV1jE ,' by • Top -Rated "totk,GC!ilaw :pure, Technicians come to`' McGE E'S See them at Corner Hamilton $t. W. J. MILLS MOTOR SALES LTD. And St. Andrews St. Chrysler --Plymouth GODERICH 3. REAL "ES,TATE FOR SALE 5. TO RENT DEADLINE. FOR TAKING CLASSIPIED .,ADS"., SHARP r.Rl%r ,�5'h : iSad. F.. ino-w•ss�.wlpr.8s:..�,"C..r'i'�'+ �' ADS CANNOT • 11E.. ACCEPTED AFTER 12. O'CLOCK' FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER KIT.'HEN table and fide chairs, . grey and red in color, good .condition, Width 'of table 37", full . length 72". Phone 524-7170. -- 7 ' . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE" or`INTEE ?t„ ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN REAL.TY...LIMITED PHONE 524-9662 3% Commission Rate GO SNOWMOBILING, at The Little Inn, Bayfield, $6.00. per hour, $30.00 per day. Bring your family and friends. — 51tf Wooden kitchen chairs. Special $9.95 each LODGE FURNITURE 33 WEST STREET, GODERICH SNOW BLOWERS, auger type. VOLKSWAGEN . Phone 524-92.42. — 5tf • SALES 4969 CHEVROLET . pickup • truck, long box, `six -cylinder, "250 engine, 29,000 original miles. Call 524-6871 or can be seen at Joe's BP. — 7 McKEE snow "blowers selling at - __ $500:, _,back up ; type. phone• , Lloyd Lounsbury, RR 5, , •� F Goderich. Inc imperial Esso Product's • -SERVICE' • COINS ;;BOUGHT, sold, exchanged; -••V. Pope, 87 Kingston... St., 524-7359•'-3•tf WEDDING dress and, -veil, size -11, $40.00; Gendron . baby• carriage, $40.00; one . ,mesh *playpen, " $15,00. Phone 524-6585. - 6,7 TWELVE York sows and five Wessex sows' i'or, sale, bred York and Land -race; one York. -hog and one Landrace ling; 'nine good size chunks.• Phone. 524-708.0.._— nc tr- FRESH graded eggs, 30c medium, 40c large. W. Vanderlinde, RR 3, Goderich, phone 524-6328. — 7x WEtKEND SPECIAL • S • Sealy Health Guard Units, mattress and box_spring'4/6. Limited quantity. Sug. List '$159.90. Only $109,90. • SAVE $40 , Sealy Posterpedic box spring, acrd lna'ttress 3/3 size only. Sug,` List $199,90, Only $159.90. Other springfilled mattresses and box springs from;$32.50. Desk, walnut- with ,arborite tots, ,five drawers with one deep file drawer. Sug. List $69.95. Only'$54.95, Cigna' "" Cabinei,,- '- walnut arborite, ..slidin glass doors on top, (till wid h drawer and roorny cupboa d space in bottom. Sug.Dist $128:90. Only $109.50. ' French Provincial -- bedroom suite �by Knechtel, includes double dresser, five -drawer chest, panel bed and night table. Sug. List $625.00, Only $449.50. Chesterfi'ld suite, two-piece, -Conteinpora'ry styling, reversible foam rubber cus'hion's. Sug. List $330.00. Only $229.95, Other chesterfield , suites from , 15159f6E0- '2 549 •Dfx. >i> BLACKSTONE -• F.URNITURE L'; ,$T '$TREE . Don Taylor Motors Ltd. Main St. South, Exeter 235-1100 SEE THE COVPLETE LAE OF 1971 Da±su ns 1200's --' 1600's -)1n0DK U PS and Starting As Low As $1975 DATSUN:, THE MORE-- --8R• -YOUR MONEY CAE More of o• ur properties just listed this week consist of: One large lot -„overlooking Lake Huron right in our town, limits. Two and one-half building lots in a good location-. " ' Two older homes in good condition to sell' for less than $15,000.•00. One small farm with good buildings located"very close to Goderich on the highwayand priced for quick sale. If property is the, name let our confident staff play the game as we try to he sincere and honest with the people of pur town. RUTH VAN DER MEER — Res. 5247875 BRUCE RYAN — Res. 524-7762 WARREN ZINN, .RR 2, LUCKNOW -- Res, 529=^7350 B. R.'ROBINSON,— Res. 524-6905 This two-storey, red. brick home contains , living room - with fireplace, 'separate, dining room • and large • ki't'chen, two 4 -piece b'athroorns;, four bedty000ms, full - basement with recreation room and gas heating. Separate garage. Close' to shopping and. school. Onerstorey two-bedroom brick home„, large kitchen, attractive - livTng room, attached garage and priced to sell. • Hill Terrace - thin property, is in `" Bayfieldoverloo'ki:ng the river, - on a large treed lot. Large living room, • good kitchen, two b,edtooms, double• garage: Equipped for summer and ATPLICATIONS will be received • • winter living. Immediate in writing for female help to possession - learn film processing. State .qualifications and salary, expected. CLINTON PI•IOTO SERVICE, CLINTON. — 7,8-b 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE g HELP WANTED W. J. HUGHES - • Real Estate..•, General Insurance Office 524-8100 38, . EAST -ST R E,ET commission Rate 3°4 on Houses in Goderich„ . ' •Rural Ontario Specialists" ' YOUR FUTURE IN OVERLOOKING LAKE tiGODERICH HOMES' REAL ESTATE '3 -bedroom, birick home in C";51;$51.-"A: ig � . ,uz�L:�sr.,'i ' �•u�'��r.�r�;..�.F.+4w•.�t - •, • . riniTg'R!'*'°"'"°''''''''37A . e .'•�ir" el'ightful:ne?glI terpreferably' ,experienced,tobroadloomedliving• and , rooms, .walkout, to pool sized EIGHT HUNDRED — That's all represent well known Toronto p a landscaped " garden: yott need down to move into 1 Realtor: Interested? Write James, Mor�age at. 7%: Call Rita Allen. this cozy 2 -bedroom asbestos Foy, A. E. LePage Limited, siding home. Located close to Realtor, 2781 Yonge ,,, St., schools — owner open for offers. Toronto 12. —7 Don't wait.— call us today. •A� CARETAKER for St. Georg's, •Anglican Church. Apply to Church Office. Phone 524-9961 • or 524-91;12: - 7 NEW! BUY NOW, SAVE $500 Custom ,built 3 -bedroom bungalow. Buy now; have choice of broadloom. Price $19,500. Call Deb Shewfelt. Attractive • new, 3=14dmom bungalow, bright Hollywood kitchen, luxurious broadl(?orn: • • Can be financed to suit. New listing, . 5 -room modern .bungalow in excellent condition throughout, finished basement, well landscaped. West end. Spacious morn executive -type rancher, 3 bedrooms, broadloom throughout, 1'/2 • baths, full insulated basement. SPECIAL REPORT OWNER TRANSFERRED — FROM AVON This attractive 3 -bedroom, There's Territories-, open in 'bungalow •• must be sold. Goderich and Saltfor 1-Benmiller combination living room and area.' We're looking' for someone dining room, large kitchen, oil to call on the customers there. It furnace and fenced yard. Call to could be - you. Call collect inspect this comfortable; tonight, ' Mrs, Millsori, London economical living home. 451-0541. — 7,8 - DO YOU NEED — a mortgage? SPRING 15 JUST We have first, second and third AROUND THE°CORNER mortgage money now available Meet those additional expenses — 24 hour -service. selling 'AVON Products. A wonderful ,time to start/ your own business. Territories- available erritories-available in 'Ashfield and Goderich Townships. Write or call collect eveningi; Mrs. Millson, London 451-05)11. - FAMILY HOME — Large kitchen, 4 pc. bath and spacious 'living. room with 2 bedroom's on 1st floor. Upstairs are 2 -large bedrooms.._ Basement with. gas •furnac•e:!Mary St. 7,8 • Custom. •built ranch bungalow on. • • lot 74' x-198'. Open fireplace in QUALITY �.UTLT — see this 'WHER'E 15 YOUR , living room, separate dining 3 -bedroom Ranch Style AVON REPRESENTATIVE?, -, roarer_ 61/4%,4rl.ort a e..Err the y. ou. �d'ap,..'. have._,. one•..,. „ ,,.. ., g g• 3oy'.� y.,..,�,•btsngya.Iov!r °,', w•lh,:., ; .features: -w. kaq..,�," �•.._. privacy of this lovely home, anglestone fireplace in living-- TVlayibe you should•"be=thevire•ir1 room, •ultr,a-modern kitchen. your neighborhood to -sell to all reidT:arG - As.e s,siQ.n..;,Br- dloom�_..t rou o�t.� Eectricr"hese;,.,cust,cm�-<�„I _t�o ste,.-d? _.�...., 3 -bedroom brick,. oneora kind, heat, full basement,..extra large Wrte or call"coTlceenTrigs,t spacious recreation room. Owner - lot, V.L.A. , Qualifications. Now Mrs. Millson, London 451-0541.' • transferred. Closetto Squar.,e, -priced "to sell., — ' ” - 0 0 V.L.A. well built brick home on SPREAD OUT -- ins. this. 1 acre, close to town_ 4 -bedroom, 2 -storey solic red brick,home. Double living room,' 'AITRESS -Parrtime-waitress ....•V L,A. Spacious 4 -bedroom spacious kitchen and dinin'2irea. cquired, 25 to 30 hours ;per home on approx. 11/2 acres of 11—'baths, full basement. land divided into 6 lots. ',, - Reduced to sell - possession March 1st. • :, Lighthouse Street,, close to Square, compact home, cheerful BRAND NEW --..3-bedroom kitchen,,pimmaeulate condit\fonr m ._ froe- is waiting for your Public or High School 'inspection, We offer you the Good starter 5 {o• om home for very ultimate in modern living. voting couple, family size' Completely finished recreation kitchen, attached garage. Taxes room, laundry room, den and an wanted to, teach Spelling and $89:Q0. Good location. . extra' bedroom in the basement. Math fir student from foreign •P Y W , may have -your choicey%of' • Phone 524-8168 or West end,' 2 -storey • red ;brick kitchen cupboards„ and 524-6175. home in immaculate condition,- ' will be distinctively decorated to 3 bedrooms, stone, fireplace, sunrbom, attached garage, ` • Waterloo • Street, 4 -bedroom 2 -storey '/z 'brick home with 1 baths, fireplace, utility room. Good terms. Immed. possession. Huron Road, 2 -storey red brick, p.3 -bedroom. home, large liking and dining •rooms, family% kitchen, 1'baths. Lot size 82' x 132'. Owner will consider mortgage: week during the day. Good working conditions and wages. Apply in person Co The Club Grill', Kingston Streel.; — 47tf • TUTOR APPLICATIONS for • licensed mechanic for the Public Works Department, Town of Goderich, will be received, -the Town Hall until March 6, .197.1. Applications to be in writing stating qualifications, age, and salary ' 'expected. ` "Chauffeur's license required. — 6,7 Income property. situated on a lot 104 104 with three 1 -bedroom apartments,onv two-bedroom ;,• -apartment. Heating.. electric/ This property shows a good return on money invested. .Three-bedroom home on '/2 acre -' lot, priced reasonable, low taxes.. Two-bedroorn ' new 'home in Dungannon suitable for 'V.L.A. In nearby village, large lot, buildinv 30 x 60,' furnace, ••lighting. Could be converted. /Cheap for cash. 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 50 -acre farm in 'Colborne._ 'GERALD'S - township, 5 acres bush, ,the rest HOUSEHOLD Moving, local and drained and productive. SUPERTESTlong distance. Excellent storage • 7 Main St. N., Seaforth available . Phone Eric Walden, i io acres on Highway 21 North Win hang c�ctllec 35.7.:;3221..,•0— ...''`' .-uR � ..,,r:w,,,, .:< . : .,• .,,. „. • , µiiia..., well., , equip;ped,,,, 2 , .. or,e„y f ., �2! y `t"Ytf °• '.•�' ;tw.f rA,;.lm+auj!.r, ,Ml•t+�:.a, ..vim; r�ei, +au,fJ4;*.,..: • ,^*.w• ;Y a• �:l�tw▪ `.<.,.oF, r - .. .. ._ Iric)t Ytouse�._ 3: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A':-4•;" AL' EXANDER-524-7836 B. LAPAINE-524-8957 L. PENTLAND-524-9007, G. GLENN -529-7924 .1 VESTIGE HOMES •r BY EASTBANK BUILDINGS LIMITED THE GEORGIAN II. This distinctively designed home features ' a spacious living room and dining room with wall-to-wall broadloom, front vestibule, eat -in sized kitchen with jurniture Finished cabinets, a four -piece, ceramic'tiled bathroom with 'vanity,' three, suite -sized bedrooms: an abundance of closets, full basement • and gas fired, air conditioned heating., These features, plus a mammoth carport and low maintenance exterior of clay brick and aluminum makes this home an•`exceptional buy at $25,500 with down payment of only$5,500.00. • BUY IT IN FEBRUARY FOR ONLY $24,950 $4,950.00 Down Payment Complete Information • HAROLD W. SHORE ' Real Estate Broker 524-7272 55 Newgate St. 5. TO RENT aa� FORMAL WEAR RENTALS Dress right for MI occasions We are agent's for: Freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD. Goderich Clinton - DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive sem/truck, local and 'over the road. Diesel or gas;, experience helpful but not 'necessary You can- earn over, $4.00 per ,' hour after short training. Forapplication and interview, call 416-362-4002, or write Safety Dept., Transport Training - Systems of Canada Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, 'Ontario, Canada. — 7,,8 • .. • CAREER .'. OPPORTUNITY IAC ° Has Openings 'For Aggressive 'YOUNG MEN Excellent advancement based on ability. Positions offer stability and security as well as all employee benefits.' REQUIREMENTS High School- matriculation; .bankina or b'Usiness experience desirable; must enjoy contact work. Visit or Write to: IAC LIMITED 29 Kingston Street, Goderich, Ontario.' ATTENTION -ATTENTION 1970 PONTIAC TEMPEST Two -door hardtop, 350 V-8, automatic, radio. Less than 6,00001iles.'Regular list over $4,000. Our price $2,995. ' See at MOTOR SALES LTp. CHRYSLER DODGE" please you and your family. xlusjve listing call for an i'nspeetion today! • OUT-OF-TOWN • FEBRUARY SPECIAL - full price $4,400•.00 with only $1,400.00 down when _you bug this retirement or' starter home. You just can't get a better deal,. on this cozy one -bedroom, well-planned ,kitchen and living room home .,which has • an .attached,garage and toot -shed. Duplex . West end: Solid brick -.-- Construction, spacious 4 plus „JUST LISTED — - Delightful 5 -bedroom apts., with fireplaces, 11/2 -storey family home in 2 and 3 baths, desirable' rental' Auburn. Where elsk cap you get area. Excellent mortgage ,at -8%. everything,:y4-u''re. looking for? r ° -. Large lot, low taxes,: new Clinton Duplex, must:, sell,. furnace'' arid roof. Name your central location, spacious ,own down payment; as we will" grounds, ample parking, private assist you to purchase this home. entrance. Open•for offers. • One • and - " two-bedrpom- apartments fully . rented, well maintained, ,, plenty parking,. extra lot. Could 10 apts. ' • • East Street, ,store •plus 2 apts. Property. in _ good condition. Ideal for any new business. CONTRACTORS — /are: you looking • for. a 21/2 -storey solid brick home which can be easily duplexed J — bring you extra income. I-lome is vacant and you can start remodelling today. 8 -room house, 2 baths, double garage, extra lot make this a tremendous buy r Rancher 45' acres, river frontage, 3 -bedroom, '12 miles from INVESTMENT PROPERTIES* Goderich. Broadloom • • throughout. Double garage. Contact Ebb Ross on this one.. LUXURY TRI-PLEX — low Ross �" maintenance briek construction, ' 19"ted,.n, -Wet1 4tQA-St'': Clmuter.,„', ...- edr©i�rrr- .^hdu:se � )n -ni bed cottages re -located and is open for offers: WA NTEI:r • - •' fZeliabl�e,` frontage at Pt. Excellent return on your money. conscientious woman for Huron. " ,,-‘7la/i-storey- 3 T� plus 2 fully' fu on 1 acre river Albert near Lakl • HIGH SCHOOL • student for part-time work after school. Apply John' Buchanan, Signal -Star, Thursday or Friday between 4 and 5,p.m. — nc Marina Supervisor required for • Goderich Municipal Marina SNUG HARBOUR • ' * Duties to include supervision of docks and marina sales... * f* •., ies .to commence in -May _ ,an • terminate ',In. ' September' 197•_ . Please apply in writing stating: ,a)- Previous experience •' and" qualifications. �) Employment" summarY'ind present status. -•.` c) Expected remuneration.-' Applications . will - b• ,received_. .until noon, Thursday, March .4, 1971, and should be,••addressed to: ...Chairman, Harbour:Committee, • - Town of Goderich, 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. 10: WANTED (General) ROOM ' AND 'BOARD, best meals, free TV in room. Phone 524-9485.— 50ttf COMPLETE household . effects or small lots wanted. •Call C. & E. Furniture, '524-7231. — 23tf -coio 4td^ WANTED, — Limousine •,"anc"1"'9� '' simmental heifer calves' or beef cows with simmertal or limousine .heifer calves at side. Bred back to same or open. State price, Name„ address and telephone number. Write to P.O. , Box' 1551, Delhi, Ontario.- - 5,6,7 ' •. housework, one or two, mornings DUPLEX — West End location , '.weeklry--•for limited period. Apply $35,000.00. Excellent Point f recently remodelled , both Box 48, Signal -Star. — 6,7 Clark Resort- Property. Many self-con•taing '— " live rent free; extras: - when you. buy this property WANTED ,TO BUY Old •, — with only $3,900.00 down. books, library's or those usually• 11/2 -storey, 3 -bedroom house, stored in , attics. ' Phone - 'plus 2 fully furnished cottages"' -SIVE-FLEX Four 2 -bedroom on '1 acre river frontage at Pt, apts., and oiie 3,bedropm un}t, Albert near Cake Huron. all: self contained; Owner will carry mortgage '8%. Inspect this money maker today. . »•r - $35,00Q.00. Excellent Clark Resort Property. extras.` FARMS ' 25 acres, Highway frontage; , within the town limits. —1'45 -acres in.•Colborne••Township,., Maitland River, $20,000. SNOWMOBILING ANYONE? 40 acres on Hwy. 21 close to town, creek runs through property. Make an offer now. Point Many LOTS Cambria Rd., $3,000. - Cafnbridge Street, 80' x 132'. Jones Sfreet,`74' x 198'. Auburn, 11/2 acres. East end, l6.lots, $12,500. ' V.L.A. •lot 120' x 175',,$3,500. 'value; Hwy. 21. 100 acres. ONLY NINE HUNDRED DOWN — for this 2 apt. unit building, plus store. If you're. a handyman and want an extra iricot'rie, see this investm ent property today.'Would you believe only $8,907b.00? SMALL l•fOLDINGS HOBBY FARM — only minutes from town. 8 -room brick home -, Barn set. up, for pigs. Seven acres — all this for $11,700.00. , RETREAT PROPERTY — 25 acres of hardwood bush, balance in pasture. Drilled well and creek on acreage makes this a true Rita Alien 154 'Esse Street 5'24.8486 "-t. z 4 Aµ@'t 199 Cameron 5tieeM 524-9581' 'Ebb M. Ross 92 Newgate St. - - 524-'8786 W,ANTEIi — A. small apartment for one person. Apply Box 49, Signal -Star. ,, 6,71 WANTED.— Ride Goderich to. LondonFriday night after 5°:30, share gas. ;Richard Jacobs, 126 Park Street, 524-7739. — 6,7x r1 0,1 "WANTED — 1/2 h.p. heavy duty .. rfa `• electric ' -motor.' Phone John Buchanan at 5.24-8331 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. — nc WANTED Reliable woman wants baby sitting by , hour or day. Phone 524-9494, — 7x WILL trade Maxwell House Coffee Chips. Phone' 524-6936. -- 7x ".. . 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE ammomaromowsmornomtm For free estimates call: RAY LAMF3ER,S Clinton 482-330g-4'.-- ',� Thinking about _ _ .HACK CUMMINGS i building a a 524-9,624 • MILX HOUSE BILL CLIFFORD - . rzr,+ scr;=5,g419Q97 .,,:, .t is + ora+ 'ff I ffiQ ` ' w' '7 43 WEST STREET GODERICH — '52441951 °