HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 6, ,For Your INSURANCE see or call ^--- MacEwan 44 Norttl,St. —524-9531,, Donald' G. MacEwan iaa•u.�]ea.r�. DE Ii SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1971 - PIE : OII8LE AY CORNELIUS • R, STAM FRES. RIRIAN MO „SOCIETY CNICAOO, ILLINOIS 60633. TRUE BLESSEDNESS ° It 'has been said that the word blessed,',' in our Enghhsh King James, Aible, simOly means happy. Thus the "blessed man" pf JPsalm 1 is a happy man and thea' "blessed God" of I Tim. 1:11 is a happy God. To say' the (east this rs a super- ficial understanding—or /)'sunder- , standing—pf'one of°the most won- can be happy, a drunkard can be happy, a wicked man can be happy, .'but•rfone of these are truly blessed, for one wh,o is blessed has -a deep and true reason to rejoice. Thus Psa.- 1:1,2• says that the man who Shuns :the counsel of the ungodly,' "the way of sinners"' and "the seat of the scornful" and meditates and d.elig L,,i.n the law of God, is wet/ off arils has good reason to rejoice. Few; of course, would dare to claim that they have ,fully livred up to this passage in the Psalms, but God's Word has 'good news even for such,' In rbans 4:6.8 St. Paul declares-: Nile • ''David also d e s c r i b e t h the blessedness of the man unto whom God''nntputeth rn•ghteQusness with- out works, saying, Blessed are they,•whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered, Blessed is .the man to WhOIiI the Lord .uni,IL r" iot imj3ute man,, Thi ,.blessedness "is not a mere fd&fiV Y't$' rii'e lu.''.1r rs....cart' ¢'r the state of being we// oft, •wrthu• deep and abiding reason to rejoice. Thus Osalm 40:•4 says: "ptessed i 'rhe man that maketh the Lord his trust."" and when the,- Galatians stopped trusting completely in the Lord and began lea°nrri on their own works, the apostle asked them: "Whe're is then the blessedness ye spake of?" (Gal, 4:15)., To, be truly blessed, then, is to be we(/ oft with the greatest possible reason to rejoice. Th'rs is why the believer in Christ, saved and eternally safe in Him, is, like God Himself, "blessed for ever- more"' (II Cor. 11:31). UCW meets lu R E J -"R L f ''' , AEf ,TC issiona:ry to speak at Wesley Memorial 1. OPEN .DOORS tlor the Gospel' in' the Philippines will be the major emphasis in the service at Wesley Memorial TChurch, on February 22 at •7:30 p.m. when Reverend Paut Fitch will be the `missionary speaker. 'Mr. Fitch and his wife; Peggy,,„ have returned from their first • term of missionary service in the Philippine Islands. "Way Over the Top" has been the desire of the Fitch's ias they have served as pastor and wife of the„ Butuan City Free Methodist Church He writes, "Our hearts ...are thrilled..as we ,have seen the church grow." :,•, : >The . P'itclies `and • ^theis'`'ttyee'- LL children, Faye, Stephen, and yance are_,,e;ti.di ng� iii .1N:alls Mississippi during their furlough period. Mr. Fitch will be speaking in churches throughout, North America. Both Mr. ,and Mrs. Fitch are. graduates of, Trevecca College. Mr, Fitch served. as pastor of churches in Texas and California before going to the Philippines. He will illustrate his presentation with colored slides and artifacts from his field. The regular, meeting of • Nile Mrs., Elwyn- Pollock presided U:C, W. was held. in the Church for the business part of the Monday at 2 p.m. 'with 14 meeting. - �~ present. , , The President Mrs. It was .decided- to subscribe to EIvvy PnllocT welcvrrted�°� ��4 te13 `a a_ cast df „$2.50; A everyone. e theme of the et'rt w e m 'Our Call to Discipleship and • Mission", Leaders of the Worship Service were Mrs. Allan - Dickson and Mrs. Len Brindley who read Scripture and Commentary... The Hymn `;O Lord and 'Master of us all" was sung with Rev. C. ,McClenaghan. at the piano. Mr. McClenaghan showed :the film "The Instrument" sho ing" the' work of ,Hd7ne Missions carried on by the United Church of Canada. WILLIAMS CE TEItI( MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford Ontario • Ronald :•C. McCallum Representative „ 215 Wellington St. S., Goderich' Phone 52462.72 or 524-7345 "Thank You" note was read from Mrs to Brindley and Mrs. Hugh McWhinney expressed appreciation for the' meal served after her daughters' wedding. Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge read the Treasurers' 'report which showed a, balance on hand of $159.32. ' .The Annual .Meeting" of Huron -Perth Presbyterial of the U.C.W. will be held in 'Mitchell United Church Wednesday, February 17 at 9:30 a.m. On motion of Mrs. Len Christilaw and Mrs., Doug Young the Buying Committee will be asked .,td_ purchase ' a large _stove for the, Church kitchen; also. salts' and peppers, handle .holders and cream amisggar sets. ' x1 t the Marclt meeting there "will 'lle a shower of tea towel answer to the Roll Call. Curtains for a backdrop in,the. Church .basement will be purchased. • yhe meeting closed and lunch was' served by Mrs. David McDairmid• and Mfrs. Harry (Arvin and a social hour enjoyed: ` Peter S: MacEwan - CLARIFICATION We have been asked by James Coulter, ., Sup,erintendent of Education for the Huron County Board of Education staff to make itclear-that a letter to the editor carried in tile---Goderich Signal -Star last week should in no way be attributed to Mr.. ,Coulter. ' ' The letter was written by - Robert Elliott,- chairman of .the Huron County Board of . Education and sent in on his behalf by Mr. ' Coulter.' As a matter of expediency the, letter was forwarded' without Mr. Elliott's signature' and.. was therefore -signed by 'Mr. Coulter so , that the fetter carried a responsible signature. The letter was carried in most ' Huron County newspapers. Heart disease deaths among -adults aged • below .65 have decreased steadily: since the first Heart Fund campaign in 1958, with ' your Heart Fund dollars • speeding virtually every advance. • YOUAREINVITED TO TAKE PART IN SHE 57th ANNUAL `w.,MlJUA9.hM nox Presbyterian Church GODEMICH' 7:30 P.M. Sunday, February 28 REV. G. L. ' ROYAL - Minister SPECIAL HA R MUSIC - THE . c I�BouRAiREs MR. GEORGE' BUCHANAN--Conductor ISPECIAt MARINE 'DECORATIONS World day of Prayer A New People for a New Age The World Day of Prayer — March 5 — is PRAYER IN ACTLON. ,Thousands of Christians from 150 countries • participating in prayer services also- donate offerings, to help "their brother". The theme this year is A New People for A New 'Age.. The. service was prepared by a group of women in the 'Caribbean countries, under the auspices 'of the International Committee fOr the, World Daamot,Ptayer, In Canada, ' the 'Women's Inter -church Council' of -Canada, 50th- anniversary of .the discovery of insulin Medical history was made in Canada with the discovery in 1921 of insulin, the hormone used • in the treatment of diabetes. • Its co -discoverers were two medical.scaentists, Dr. Frederick G. Banting and Dr. Charles H. Best, who carried, out their research in a laboratory of the University of Toronto Medical School. The 50th anniversary of their discovery will' be marked with the ' issue . of a 6c c• ommemorative stamp on March The isolation of), the insulin hormone is heralded as one of :the.grent-s �ierlical,break-thitottghs of the 20th Century. It increased. to near normal' the life expectancy of millions of diabetics who would otherwise have succumbed to a debilitating condition in which the body is unable to use energy -giving sugars and other food .materials. The design for the . stamp commemorating•the discovery.'o.f insulin is taken from a stili life photograph by Mr. Ray -Webber Isms) nto Ontario. Commenting on the unique characteristics of the stamp's design, the Department's Design Advisory Committee said; "In this photograph which we believe is a first in stamp design, Webber has taken the actual instruments. and materials used -by. Banting and Best' to create a still life of, charmand beauty.' It contains, moreover, a feeling.. about the human pact of discovery andit, puts the viewer in direct touch` with the minds and the hands of the scientists themselves;" ' The stamp measures 24 mm by .40' mm. An order of 24 million is being printed by the British' American Bank Note Company..of Ottawa In a process of four-colour lithography using yellow, rel, blueandlack. Collectors may order their stamps at face value through: Philatelic Service, Canada Post Office, Ottawa 8, Ontario. -Dungannon � News MRS. BILL PARK Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart visited with Rev. and Mrs. C. McClenaghan and Eldon. recently. Mrs. Ivan Rivett; Mrs. Howard Culbert, Cathy Culbert and Mrs: Thos. " Young took the 4-H ' Leader's Training Course at Winghatn, recently,.._luh.,,classes.:,•. • Kiri.-•� wo-lic ups.lvilf-i'egrrr-'heft; re— long, hef ;re— long, ."Separates for Summer" being the, course. Congratulations to Mr. Bert McWhinney, ,Sr., who celebrated his 84th' birthday,, Friday, February 12. Mrs.. Cecil Gogo , and her • daughter, Mrs. -Wm. Blair, and her ,(friend, all from Ingleside, near' Cornwall, were guests at the Mu rch—McWhinney wedding Saturday at Nile_ Mrs.:.:Oogo..is a sister of Mrs. Hugh McWhinney. Mr. Dan McInnis is. a patient in Wingham Hospital following surgery. He was admitted ,.Thursday. ,...- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown of Montreal have flown to Switzerland for a two -v ek skiing holiday. Friends here will be interested in their travels. Mr. Tom Park Mr. Mason McAllister and Mrs.°Jean Wiggins are all still patients in Wingham Hospital. -Dungannoni"L.O.L. held their regular euchre party on Thursday, February 11, with - seven tables in play High scores for the evening `T rere,Mrs. Evelyn Errington and Aubrey Higgins with second, high going to Mrs: Elsie Maclntyre and Jack Errington. Goderich and area obituari�s sponsors the World Day of MRS. EUPHEMIA Prayer • and allocates the MAC' EWAN offeringl+. ,Its service is adapted with the family in mind. Men, women, and children participate • and conduct services which reach from Newf9undland to the NorthµWest Terr torics. Services are held in Churches, hospitals, sanatoriums, Homes for Aged schools, private homes, and youth .groups, Some cities'' will arrange prayer vigils,. - In Canada, translations'of the service. are . available; free of chtf,Ige, Wy.in,..„.Ec �1i sesIski,. Chinese, Japanese.,,. Braille and ' • Italian. Last year, $69,000 was allocated to provide educational.," ' tools and Christian literature in Canada 'and around the world. Varkaus institutions; organizations and societies as well ,as educational and ecumenical projects received an assist. - Included were the John Milton Society for the Blind in Canada, Transport for Christ (Highway Evangelism), India"ri/Eskimo Association of Canada, Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, CNIB, relief • work among the youth and children irt` Peru, literature and assistance for people, living on 'the roof tops and in subterxadwellings in Hong Kong, assistance for translations into the Aymara language • (South America), medical relief work in Vietnam and -the -Mission to Seamen — to ut -name .b a a.`few. OA MEMORIALS—MARKERS Mrs. Euphernia MacEwan died Thursday, February ,11 at Huronview She was 93. The former Euphemia Cox, she was the daughter of William and Elizabeth. (Sturdy) Cox and was born July 26, 1877 in Goderich Township. 'She was a lifelong resident of thy-Goderich area. • She was .a member of .Knox Preakyterian Church, Kriox Church Women's Missionary Society, .'Knox', Chur+h. Ladies' Aid a ►d,zthe..I derich,,,Worne .S Institute. • She was married to Peter J. MacEwan who predeceased her in 1957. Surviving is one daughter-in-law, Mrs. " W; - (Carrie) Beattie, Victoria, B.C.; two step -daughters, Mrs. A. T. (Edna') Forbes, Cannington and Mrs. W_ R. (Jean) Chowen, Willowdale. Funeral service was Saturday, February 13 at McCallum Funeral Home with Rev. Ronald C. McCallum officiating. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Peter MacEwan, Donald MacEwan, MacEwan Egener, Clayton Edward, John Sturdy and Burns Jerry, WILLIAM WESLEY WICKS ' William Wesley. , Wicks, 21 Waterloo Si. S., died Saturday; February 13 'in Goderich. He was68. �` .�Tlie son .df' Charles,, rand; Elizabeth Wicks, he was. born May 25, 1902 in Oshawa. He •'afOr• r --_ a.nn. ,r- .. ,��......-......,....ems+.. PRYDE AND. SON , -Clinton— Exeter—Seaforth �.4 • The risk of heart attack in men increases with ,•age•- - 10% from 30 to 50 years of age. • ;:s & CEMETERY LE`*'TERING - v Goderich District JRepresentative' Frank'MclIwain 524-7861 or 524-9465 200 Gibbons St. Reg. J. .Bell 45 Cambria Rd: S. 524-7464 SUNDAY SERVICES es.?/". 0) '44(.49 Am' v fl) 3 l 1 - tar Ther family that -prays together • .stags togehe�r UNITED HOLIN-ESS CHURCH 62 Cambria' Street -North S,UN DAY, 'FEBRUARY,,21st 9:50. a,m, — SUNDAY SCHOOL, X1:00 a.m.—WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m."— EVANGELIST,"IC SERVICE Special Services with -Rev. Charles Attaway, February 24th to March 7th at 7:30 p,m. "KWELCOME AV''tAITS YOU" \...\ Pastor: REV"O,. H. LEE' PHONE 524-6887 WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURC THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria, H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School. 10 a.in. Worship Hour 11 a.m. 'Evening Service 7 p.m. awu,ti.ar_, Hmw,an,N •:,,� W ELC,.�1 NI.E,.�,�.X „a,�•�•� " CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" .",CALL US IF YOU, 'NEED A RIDE! • 524-9565 or 524-6445 10:00 a.m. _ SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.— MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st , "NEW TESTAMENT LIVING!" Regular Evening Service _ 7:30 p.m. "Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT Knox Presbyterian Church THE--RE\f. c . LOCKHART ROYAL, B•.A., Minister WILLIAM CAME,RON,'birector of Praise SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st 10:00 a.m. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. --- MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon: "RETURN TO REA.LITY" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) • 7:30 p.m. -- YOUNG PEOPLES SOCIETY. Enter fid Worship . • Depart -to .Serve MUSIC BY THE TOWN BAND .a moved to Toronto in 1908 and lived ,• there until moving to Goderich in 1956. - ' . He worked' as a bookkeeper all of his life and, was ernployed by Miller Morris Wholesale. Plumbing, , Toronto; Breckenridge Hardwar.'e; Sky Harbour, Airport and. Mathieson Welding, all in Goderich. He was a member of Calvin United 'I litiketi, St. Hieien's. Survivors include one sister, Mars: (-Rev.) B. F.. (Evelyn) Green, .. St. . Heleills,,: .i;•ie- .,was-, predeceased„ by..qu ,„ Sist x,-:.T/hs Foster' (Laura) Brain, Funeral seryige was Tuesday, February 16 at the Mccallum Funeral Home with Rev. J. E. Hummel officiating. Interment was in Louville United Church Cemetery, Burlington. Pallbearers were Bud Mathieson, Ernie Breckenridge. George • Parsons, Murray Johnston, Allan Ball and Gordon Davidson. ROBERT PAUL FREEMAN Robert Paul Freeman, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freeman (the former • Linda Welbanks) R. R. -.6, Goderich, died in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, Wednesday, February 10. The infant' Is survived 4by 'his parents; two "sisters, Donna Marie.. and. Judy. L rxn,.and, o>'ie home; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Freeman, Goderich; and maternal grandparents; Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Watson, Chesley.. A private family service 'was held Saturday, February 13 at the Stiles Funeral Home. ,Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. FREEZER FILLER SPECIALS HEAVY Fronts -of Beef HEAVY z , fides Reef •,... lb. :044.9,-LLOR HALF . GRADE: "A" PORKIl . HOME MADE p, SAUSAGE ab. 994 RIPLEY MEAT MARKET .. PHONF.395-2961 fIRIT BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention, of Qptario and ;Quebec), 4'1MPONTRE 't S-i'tli*E1unearnThe Square,. School For Alt. 10:00 a.m. - Adult Bible Class an;d Church 11:00 a.m. --Morning Worship Supervised Nursery) • Minister: :Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., gt.b:. —°A WELCOME TO ALL — Bethel PetecostaI Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 'CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS: REV. R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY' 21 - 11:00 A.M. WOIAEN'S MISSIONARY COUNCIL WILL BE IN .CHARGE, OF SERVICE. Theme: "A BURNING TORCH" ALL WELCOME T. GEOIWE'S CHURCH QUINQUAG.ESIMASUNDAy = FEB.R.UARY 21st, 1971 Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Rector's Class at 9:45 a.m. Holy %Communion and Sermon at" 11 a.m. THE RECTOR A-114 BOTH SERVICES (Nursery) Church School fat 11:00 �„1 � v.,,41C• M 11 c. _ �. r._ +°s, . hrtS .. r tiR.�Cr;SYi n.. ,,,,x,..^^,.H�"-^ wx6gm.,. k�•. !�'1 ,'1 „ �t a ... Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., BD... • 1 s°1 µ49v '413 • 0 a • 411 Victoria ,Street;, -United Church' HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP • REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 'a.m. Bible School For An ,Grades. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. Sermon: "FROM RAGS TO RICHES" (Nursery and 'Junior Congregation) BENMILLER . UNC I�. CHURCH 1:30 p.m. -19 Worship, Service and Bible School. • Mrs, Leonard Warr Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. 'Organist & Choir Director Benmiller Pianist & „Choir Director North Street Uni-ted Church • REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st , 9:45 a.m. _' 'Grades four and up. 10:55 a.m. — Babies to Grade 3. MORNING. WORSHIP'. Sermen: "BUT WHERE'S THE PROOF" Scripture: ST; MARK 8:1 • 26 W-LJL-C-O-M-E Supervised Nursery , Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. -:Orgaglst:,.aitd„.Cflair..Director: • ehone Church Office and Study -- 5244631 Church.BuiIding -.52446951 4 ,r9 511 , •19