HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 54)1 t tit ket mind and Abouf With Martha WEATHER... whether .or not! With all the piles of snow -I DO Wish I was at least two feet taller. Today. after a sifting of frost crystals, everything is clean and Lsparlding and makes .you forget (and • forgive) the trouble you have had gettinLthro' the stuff. There are MAIMS and hills and lumps such as rreVe not seen in _many a year -434 we „are , still 'getting around -That's what they told me when I first hit this from within the earth, IN sea and over the earth -such as • seeds, nuts and cones from trees and other plant life from many Parts' of the continent. It is no wonder that in the sunny South just F,VERYONE is a collector. •Perhaps it 'Is because it is nice and warm that you feel like doing these things -I don't know, but in the south you•just collect .all kinds of things. Mrs. $parling showed me some of the, • ,G -DCI BYTD The 'GDCI wrestling team second in the folks 4Who are doing- interesting H u r On -Per t h Conference things, willing to sharp their championship meet... held in pleasure with others. Exeter Friday, Some years ago- they were The host, team, South Huron trying to find people who had of Exeter,. won the over-all interesting crafts and hobbies at championship. Third place went their " findertips-'eraftS" handed " to St,: Marys.. . • . • don thro' the families for - 'Other teams comp,eting were many, marry years -which were in from Clinton, (4. Windham, danger of dying out with that Seaforth ''ind Stratford Central. family. They tried to get these ' Goderich wrestlers_ finishing crafts shared witIVothers:-•have in their weight class were them teach others sO that,,more Marl 4rouglItcm in the 1$0 part, of the county -and it is most beautiful ROS8S which are could' ' became ,teachers and pound class, Mark Ryan' in the . beeanse you WANT to get the ,se4dg or cones from the -revive - the , arts and : 'Crafts .4,94 '' palled class, nd - Al .,,,,,„,,,,,,,.4,30-Avv,01.00EbilargootIMW4nrt-4-114a.vatten'i&w,VisiltireTn-arbare;oettrter- •-••.4kA;A:lienni-D•41k4-64144',--t..-'''''ki&vivekr" ' - For those who are - 'really California. Other , tinytiny They were successful in many Mark Chisholm, in the 90. shut-in and are 'suffering or seeds, shells, coneetc., she is poued, class, and Paul Johnson in areas and there are now - more'poundclass, tolerating thiti‘,1 -white 'using • to rnake lovely and incolleges' And cho ilable for148 pound dais .both s t rri•fic winter and to, all you others on a rough material, but' • folks in the sun countries -do 't organizations -and groups could 0 convenience we can interesting wail hanging. Some s finished,second the eneodragement of leisure in their division. mpathize with them -as it IS a- are on a suede type . velvet, ,'*- nour crafts. Many of our local Terry' Corbett, 123.pounds, Larry Donnelly, 106 pounds, and Bill Stemp, 17.8- pounds all finished third in their class, while Philip Blaisdale at 115 pounds was fourth. A . The top- three wrestlers from each weight class -will advance-te the W.O.S.S.A, totniiiment at London Oakridde, February 20. - • Earlier last week, the Goderich matmen' defeated Seaforth 42-19 in a match held here. The results were as follows- • 90 ' ds - Mark • be too smug because you are missing :something nusual-and-your GLAD -I know, don't smirk! I 'do know that the folks from the north, when they are visiting in the south, are always interested in "whits going on back home”. They watch the weather reports and weather maps (and in the 'States' they seem to haye such good ones,) s, and so they can see where.,anit when.ive-a--- to our ears in snow or rain or a bit of sun and it makes them happier to be where they are-usually-altho I . have heard of some who knew we were having snowdrops, etc. with an early spring who hurried home only totind themselves in .the,31:11,ddle.:of thet.:woottlizzard: they can remember'. -stt.,•'"?.=5,4A.ritt-tbs-i•trg-oes. - This is what keeps things, allare a study in themselves- encourage more of this type of and are well thought oat and -well made.entertainment and eithershare it wth. others or use it to raise I know this interesting, and funas for their club. fascinating hobby is very I have another date for, your educalibnal. and there are man -Y, many people • who find calendar -March 25,,, 26 and 27. themselves "without a thing to - Goderich Little Theatre Play "Spider Island", directed by do" who, could certainly take a _ few lessons from this energetic Ruth Leonard, a very lady. interesting,',,. intriguing Oh, she doesn'give "Who -done -it" „that will hold t . "lessgns"-as lesSons-but ybu , for a while. The cast have you been in rehearsal for some time "cOnld .surely• learn a lot froth-- now,, the hold up is the painting ,some of her wall hangingsalone. She is able to see the 'beauty of and up.4ating-a bit -of MacKay so many things that most of Hall. It is certainly been another us. b never take time to even glanceuilding that has been sorely at, and she is clever enough to neglected. over the years -and I'm sure • would be ,due for arrange ,them on colorful backgrounds to bring out the retirement -if we had anything . most value in her • precious to replaceit. ;11.lkii0W.AS --YoUt'shohhy We' could all take a few along? ' • leStOrIS'iiillis-ttIVITMtrtini. het Too bad -vve can't have more interesting, keeps you_ on your toes, gives you a dandy backache • . Martha. • * rosy cheeks and shiny eyes. Laketown band to play • • • and other aches and pains or • Whether we're getting or whether we've got -we're gonna , get WEATHER, --whether or at' Knox' this' Sunday Chisholm (G)won by forfeit; 98 pounds - Larry' Donnelly _(G) pinned Bill Reinik, 1:08; 115 pounds - Philip Blaisdale (G) won by forfeit; 123 pounds - Don Jewitt. (S) decisioned terry Corbett, ,4-2; 130 pounds - Don Broughton (G) pinned Jim Still, 1:48; 141 pounds ...- Paul_Blake Sgrker;• -1:48; • '148 Pounds. - 'Steve Shouldiee. I ft. 1.1 Sportsfront Hickman with 25 points and Smith with 22 were top men for Mitchell. Dave Carruthers led Goderich scorers with 23 points, followed by Brian Mackenzie with 14, Warren Watt, nine, Brock Stimson,liseven, and Greg Smith, Steve Stringer and Mike Tafeit, two points each. The Senior run -away victory over , Seaforth was . led by Carruthers'again, With 22 points, while Mdckenzie had 17: And StimSon 14. Other -scorers were Greg Smith, eight, Warren Watt, six; Gary LounsBury :and Mike Tafeit, four each, Pete•Teiehert, three,. and Gary. Yeoman, .S14,ve Stringer,..and-A14irie, a» with two points. Seaforth top scorer was Bill Kunz with 12 points. ,•,••=•••1,1777 • This _week, the GOO teams played. Tuesday in Listowel, and play here today (Thursday) against Stratford..cerriral. Mitchell's Juni& victory over GDCI was led ,by R. Brown -with 20 points. • Goderich scoring was led by Dan Demers with 14 and Doug :Fisher with, 12 points. John IVIoore had six„, with Casey Wildgen, R. Willis, and M. Wildgen getting two each,'• and Dave Pattersoradding one, • Demers was alsO top getter in the win over Seaforth with' '14' points, CaSey Wildgen got nine points,. „Eishet :tMo'earroeithtp4:4 and.Pattersonrite: • •, _Holland was tap man for Seaforth with 12, followed by Chalmers with 10„ , • ‘4 As threatened, the -January'6 meeting was held at the Victoria. Grey Trust building and as you can see if you scan the bottom r.h. corner of this page, this will be ..our regular' meeting place until _further notice. Those who ' were- on hand can testify - that .. the room is. -adequate,-..- -4(S-r-Oirirreirt-Bri14-elid373: 25-; 156 pounds - Paul Johnson (G) drew with Neil Bauerman; .168 pounds - Jim Reaburn (G) decisioned Jim Thornpson, 12-4; 178 pounds - Bill Stemp (G) - pinned Philip Blake, 4:47; 194 pounds - Mark Ryan (G) pinned North Simm, 4:30; Unlimited - Al Drennan (,Q) pinhed •BASKETBALL Not!' , 0 tside,..6f an earthipakO-1. believe .we have had mor', • -happenings -happy and tragic -in the east month than you'd find in many corners of . the continent. It has been ,too bad that we had so much snow that it spoiled , our winter .Carnival -as planned -but if you can't travel you just 'can't carry out these plans. , The bandsmen, of the -G6d6rich Laketown Band are busily engaged in ,rehearsing Sacred music for presentation at the 11:00 a.rRarworship service, Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, Sunday, February 21. The band will also participate at a. Sunday morning service at Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, •on an undetermined • date . • Goderich and aiee residents are urged to reserve each Sunday evening this summer for a time of relaxatidn and good music. Plans • are now being formulated to send several of the "Laketown Bandsmen" to the OnTiii-O- Youth Music4.Camp at 'Beaverton this summer. There they will receive private and . group instruction from Hie very . in Mareh best instructors of various band, - • This weekend we hope' hope' ! 'As a result, of -the wonderful instruments as well--as---CnI4 nicer., weather so you folks can response to the Sunday evening get out for the fine show put on band concerts conducted taictviittli°esna. -summer "mP by the. Figure Skating Club -ICE sumni_er jr_i_Goderfchl-TH-aTiour By Spring the Laketown Band_ r new arena -We- -Pan's, plans' are underway to will' have, takerr on a "new look", • even have tiEAT for- you repeat again this summer for The girls and ladies have been -now-so , you don't need to sit nine consecutive Sunday ' outfitted with gray culottes and freeze while watching the evening's c,o,mm'encind June 27th while the Men and boys are great performance put on by, and concluding August 22nd. ' 'presentlYbeing fitted with , matey of our own ton skaters., Concert time this year is matching gray trousers arid a red The routines and costumes moved fOrWard ta-IntO-m. stripe to go along with the red promise' to be terrific again so Commitments tb date have been. • k t come out and enjoy them. 'received from Clinton's fine, Beta Sigma Phi Girls' Bake Legion • Pipe Band and the Sale is Saturday March 6 at the Norwich Musical Society Band. Denomme Flower Shop -(Bless Many . will recall he large. him!) , crowd that gathered last summer F e'br ua ry 2 3 -Shrove to hear, the Clinton' Pipe Band, Tuesday -supper at St. George's and see the Marytynn 'Telford's • '. Parish Hall from 5-7 and what a Highland Dancers, perform, Mrs. .4. wonderful menu planned for Telford's . dancer§ 7are ' ' also • • McLean,' The GDCI boys' basketball teams split, with two wins in four, -games played last 'week. Both 'Junior and Senior teams defeated' Seaforth, but lost to Mitchell. - The scores against Jeatorilr'' were, for tSeniors17Coderich 84,.Seafofth 33; for the Juniors, -rocierich• 44, Seaforth ,Against Mitchell, it was Mitchell winning the Senior game 77-59, aid the Junior contest22. The loss to Mitchell was the first of the season fOethe GDCI Se,niors. Goderich and Mitchell both went into the game With five win, no loss' records, and Mitchell took over sole possession '-of first place in the standings with their vietary... 'tbmfOrtable, :and bet of all, the ee is • IISL,Pb.4.414- "SeriouslY, we are indeed grateful to the Trust people for the ,use of their' facilities. Warren Miller of 'Crediton became our newest at this. meeting, Warren has bought Jae Nash's partially completed Cavalier and is busily working away at , it: This 'Makes three Cavalier projects in the chapter plus Bill King with a set of Cavalier plans. A recent visit to Sid Bullen's' emporium found Sid still bus y with wind clean-up wok. and partner Ed Hai:rider) has been busy with 1r,, • instrument panel. ,. And---a•-''Very -- - • ,- • , •imppsive-parreFit will be! s•-•1,rn . LeBlanc, a ' D.O.T. inspector type,' was 'on a tour in ux....are,a_recently" and as .a result ,e., Cavalier fuselages are O.K 'd for ,, he McGregor , Miniplane4, and cover, the Miniplane :wings will require another 'eyeballing before covering. We assume Ron Riley's E.A.A. 'biplane...., --wine received an O.K. for cover also. Don Giffon's Turbi, LMG, was to receive its final inspection on this visit, Don must have ,been exposed to.,, some 'Luftwaffe, influence as • his bird bas 'a definite , Germanic look with ,a Side folding canopy plus a large shield design with a Gothic "G." The prop tip ,s_ on this one got a. shortening treat Ment when taxiing tests. in deep snow remsyed,sorne excess length. We hear that Guy'- aRocque suffered a .slight he- rt attack recently but is now out of hospital and back ho ie. It is hoped that Guy will b able to complete his "LiCtleToot'''as he haS put a lot ,of effort into this • you. i ,, . returning., 'Mr. and Mrs; Bert, Finlay of , Rdtarians ' Travelogue -same '' 'Unfortunately the Sunday to' CieriO along with the • nite-Scotland Forever! ' that Norwich ---was scheduled Huronview Orchestra provided Last week ' I. mentioned termed out to .be one of the few,' ,the_inusic for last Nionday's•sing 'llobbies" and wonderedo how wet evenings and the concert song and dance. many are still being carried,On was held in the G.D.C.I. kprogressiys_ euchre was held from• the' spark ' 'of ' auditorium, Those in'attendance in the auditorium last ' encouragement given in 1966-7: were treated to to hours of - ..Wednesday with eight tables, t had a short visit with a o ti t s:t a n d 1 nd m us i cal ' playing. Sarah Carter won the , sprightly _yobng lady -she'll en-tortainment, This ' well ladies' high prize; Ivan Fljrtzel never„grow old -who has s� rehe"arsed fifty piece band went .. had- the high score for men; ,' many wonderful things keeping on to win high honours at the 'consolatibn prize winners were • her buy, she hasn't time to do a Canadian National Exhibiton. Mrs. Dungey and Jim Barrie. 9 quarter Of . the things_ she .., At the present time the Mr. Jim Lawrie of Blyth and • , WANTS to do, There just 'aren't bandstand in -harbour 'park looks his group • provided ,a Scottish enotigh..,...hOm-sr....in-'zthezday-,,mr:...,,mathee-Ioriarai. and', the4p.atic.,;.,v.gry..Trggrain. ilatst 2iiursday,...(„i'arnity • enough energy -to go 'round': uninviting; but time passes Night) -for the residents. The She has one of the nicest quickly and June will ,,soon be . program 4consisted of Vocal collections --o-f unusual with us. - , numbers by Jim Lawrie, Adeline .,.. stones -polished and sliced and 0 some still in the rough. I have ,seen bigger collections but this - brie is of pieces which, gave HER pleasure 'and she can still take . • enjoymentrrom them by sharing their beauty with others. They are. not just beautiful -you have• to learn so much about them, s4 that they become part of your life. You 'begin to realize how ' old some of these stones must be and wonder if we will ever learn the secrets of our earth and its contents:I don't know why they • bother with moon dilst when we 4' have • such fantastic and interesting -UMW On our own , planet. • She also has a beautiful collection of things from the sea. I was fascinated by it. Things • * DISCOUNT 'RECORD BAR LATiST. HITS Also Tape Cartridges And Cassettes JEWELL BROS. The Square • • , Es Colonel Sanders Recipe k tame 9, DAY ried Campbell, Mark, ' and 'Francis Rattge,' a dance number by Ayon Toll, , instrumentals by three siSfers Greta, Barbara and Sheila , France, Jim Lawrie and some of _the ,members of the Huronview orchestra, Mrs. Taylor, Miller Adams, John Leeming 'and. Norman Spelt. The program , , was well attended and enjoyed by : the residents and several relatives. The residents' appreciate their la -mines and friends. attending the‘progsam...wit:h..them,„AncLit hoped- that, when -the -weather - improves, more people will be Able to corne. machine and had planned to have it flying this season. Allan Ball is putting in lots of time on rebuilding his -second 180 and is well along with it. A Jet • slubslropping through the surface twisted .the gear.,, to' fuselage attach area and did a small amount of damage to a wing also. The big storm that started on Teesday, January 26 has practically immobilized Ontario and isn't over yet. Your editorial, staff viras- caught, by this one while returning 'to Goderich from Shelburne and had to hole up in Harriston for two days, as a result we can testify that if you are looking for a place to rest, Harriston is the place for it, like, there's absolutely nothing -to• Goderich took haus_ with_ .rnuch7at that- ti spent just sitting on the road waiting for visibility to return. This storm took a good swipe at Sky flarbour also', the new trailer based weather office burned out Tuesday night, due to snow plugged roads firemen couldn't even get to it. Cause'of the fire hasn't .been determined yet. George Vallick's Cub was flipped hy ,winds reported to , reach 70 inland and up to 100 on the Great Lakes. Patr_7. .:"Pattison's•180 is SaidtosbelliddrY damaded-,-----ther- Same for' Ken Knight's Luscombe plus a. 172 with considerable damage. The wind also ripped off much of the Airport paint shop roof covering. _To date it hasn't been possible to get out to the field for a first. • • GODERicli ilON?k,1,,,Spift, THURSDAY) FBP,.143411Y, iff,,91 BAYF51:4.1,797:40' 091:KRICK DINING DANCING • mitornemonpleW • • ,,•.. • To ,all those who participated in th' Goderich Minor Hockey Supporter's Club Fun Night. To 'those who supported our efforts; We are grateful for the support of the following merchants and firms who donated prizes: • Blackstone Furniturd Fincher's Limited • • • Earl Rawson Style Sh9p F. W. Woolworth's Ltd. Sheaffer Pen Co. Goderich Building Centre Dearborn Steel Tubing Ltd. Pickett and Campbell Shore Gifts Little Bowling Lanes DRMCO Upper LakesShipping Limited • Domtar Chemicals Sifto Salt Div. *14,7 • • - Silverwood's 7 Goderich Special thanks to Denomme Flower Shop for the usef their store for the Bake Sale on Januaiii .30th. ••• ' GODERICH MINOR HOCKEY SUPPORTER'S CLUB. • • • • ; 4r•tt' hand view of die results.of storm, but we can report that • John Edward, whose wife is expecting number three •addition, had to walk home from the airporigwlien caught by the storm, •and, the trip took three hours. Fortunately, the plow Managed to get through on their road and Mrs. Edward is at the local hospital. • • , Dale Lan.ipart, who resides at Crediton •and is employed at Hughes Boat Works of Centralia, was a guest at the last meeting. Dale's work is with fibreglas arcd he has consented to, retbin for the next rneeting"arittgive us,all the do's and don'ts in regard to working with this versatile .material. All those whose projects will require 'some fibreglas --Work are urged to attend. • . • The CO IS TRAVELLING We are taking with us:.— YOUR W9RI_DI "lTS AIRLINES ITS SHIPPING COMPANIES ' ITS RAILROADS: ITS TOURS ITS HOTELS. into ;Aright — colorful — inviting carpeted ----- Convenient — premises. OPENING MARCHl The COACH HOUSE 59A, HAMILTON ST. GODER ICH 524-8366 FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL. NEEDS THE,:.GODERICH- FIGURE SKATING CLUB 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONEn FEBRUARY 18, 192O CE PR ESE N tS" NI • , THF, /MISCH PRODOCTIN COMPANY presents SIDNEY PIER MANN LAMA . AWAITER MIRISCH PFI0OUCT.ION AT 'THE .„ - '_-• 'GODERICH SATUFDAY ATINEE, FEBRUARY 2'0 2 00 P 11v1 The els.ot 8' !he ages hecomes a mot 044 o enthrall all iW*. ATt DINNER FOR ONE hicket lus 'Bugs unity' stval Ail Seats.1,501 qBRUARY 21 • 21A114"; DOUBLE FEATURE ,EMPRIAL •ARENA FRIDAY, FEB. 19 AND SATURDAY FEB. 20 • Our Regular 3 Piece Dinner, TUESDAY, ONLY t.17,(1icki7 ••• 8:00 P.M. 'Adults $1— Children 50c Tickets Available At- ieJ hickt. Cal. Sanders makes it "finger lickingood" TAKE.111.15ME. SHOP 524-7359. AT THE FIVE POINTS 81 KINOTON ST, 41' ORMANDY'S CRAIGIES:! SCHAEFERS INTERIOR and Members Of The Skating Club 3 to,••••1y "51 . Or'