HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-18, Page 1a 4. 4
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Snowmobiling has become one of Canada's most popular winter sports-, in recent years and
snowmobile racing is becoming big business for teams. Races were held at Agricultural Park
SaturdamT.lar414-e. ,Godeljek - Kinsmen. Clubywittka Jargesravvci-if AU -WI a119.e. -.
-`, winds.' The track was in goothcondition for the events which included almost everything from the
large. modified machines to small stock and powder puff events. Ray Allin of Goderich was injured
* when his machine went over the bank at the south west corner and struck The fence He taken
to hospital by St. John Ambulance with bruised kidneys and a. possible back injury. -Staff Photo.
Huron F of A concerne
over beef imports
-The Huron . Federation. of
'Agriculture, -after a reasonable
• amount of success tackling the
• provincial government over
school taxes, is now spearheading
a fight against- federal -
• -.
The Federation has' expressed
concetri over the, amount of beef,
being,imported from Atistralia,at
a time of rising costs for beef
Producers, here have cut profit
fOt farmers.
The Huron Ikederation has'
drafted a, letter to jean Luc
Pepin, Minister. Of Trade and.
Comrnetce agking- for a halt to
such „imports. •
The local federation is also ,
trying to win the suppOtt of the
Ontario Federation of
Agriculture in the drive. The
• 'OVA heard the plea for support
•„at its january meeting and, will
investigate fully before making a
decision - at the February
members meeting later, • this
month. •
The letterstates:
Lions receive
• century pins
HonorableJean Luc Pepin;
Mi mister of laTade -and •
Corrimerce, '
Trade .and "Commerce Building,
Wellington Sae -et,. ;\
.Ottawa, Ontario, _
• ,
I am concerned about the --
.importation of beef from
Oceania. It' is becoming .
increasingly difficult - to farm
profitably in Canada because of
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.a 4
124th ,YEAR - 7
Irlitil,tSDAY:-FEBRUAR'Y 18, 1971
ommittee reports
At the regular meeting' Council agreed a letter should
council , Thursday night,, be sent. to the' Hon: C. S.
February 11, reports,, from IVIacNaughton,,enquiring, into the
coUricillors included items of grants structure as' applied to
traffic, safety, water and erosion.
harbour recommendations with Coun. Ron Price, chairman of
some special recommendations the town's property committee
'concerning checking erosion of reported decoration work on the
the lake bank. town . hall apartment would be
i t hregard to safety, Reeve completed the following day and
Paul Carroll reported a child had that the work on MacKay Hall
been struck, by a car . while was progressing well. He said
crossing the intersection of that •due to an oversight on the
^South Street and Britannia original ,,planning some ,changes'
Road. f -le asked ' if the 'were necessary in the contracts
intersection could not be to allow for a light dimming
controlled by light's, suggesting .system that `had not been'
old traffic lights were available allowed for. Coun. Price said as
in the town. the lights would benefit most
Coun. Ron Price, i'nforrned people he had :changed the
couricil the Goderich contract work AO keep within
Community Safety Countil last the, budget set by council,.,while
'year recommended the :providing , the . most needed
intersection be made, a four way changes,:
stop.Coup. •Price also 'reported no
Coun. Stan 'Profit, chairman,• part of the cosLwOuld be .borne
of the fire', traffic and safety by the, Goderich' Little Theatre
,...c.ommittee,' *id it would); beas was first expeeted. He said the,
possible to put stop signs at the pan- of the work undertaken by
intersection the following day the local 'theatrical group was
and noted this already had been the installation of a 84,000 stage
Ile asked council for
In his own committee report, • permission for the Little Theatre
Coun. -Profit, referring „tp the group • to purchase the lights
traffic'. light at Victoria and through the town' in order to
Hamilton Street; said he had, gain the discountavailable to the
been in cOntact,' with Gerry 'town,' He noted the lights would
Denomme of Goderich -Electric be, used in a town building.
and:.Mr. Denomme had stated -CoUncil tgreed.
the lights had been approved by ' Ci)un. ' Ed Gieshrecht
all the necessary authorities and innovated a report system from
in his professional opinion were committees ex -council, with a
working as well as any lights verbal report of the activities of
• anywhere. Cour(. Profit ' ( Svc Pgge' Ten)
. suggested a warning, sign could'
he erected before the lights
advising ...1.motorists ....of ...their _._
• I cannot produce food Presence. -
rising input costs andhigh
interest rates. •• ,
profitably in competition with
Australian beef produdels.• - •
Please advise me whether you
and your department intend tO
stop or restrict these imports.”
Copies of the letter are being ,
circulated throughout the .
county for farmers to sign and
send to OttaWa.
'To hold public speaking
,contest' at St. Marys
On Friday, February 1, at
1:30 pm., there will.be a Vutlic
speaking- contest ',involving 10
Catholic schools , from Huron •
County, at St. Mar's Separate!.
Those taking. part are Our
Lady of Mdunt Carmel School,
, Mt. Carmel; Precious Biota
School, Exeter; St. Boniface
School,,"Zurich; Ecole Ste. Marie
School (St. Joseph); St. Mary's
• chairman, Zone 3, district A-9
Lions 'international, presented
Quarter Century pins' and
• .certificates --to. -11 -.members
the Goderich, Lions Club who
have • completed twenty-five
, years or more of faithful 'service
towards Lionism. The
presentations were made
Thursday night.
Those receiving the awards,
included - Harold Bettger, Clayt
•Edward, Guy 'Eminerson, Ray
Hughes, Eddie Jessop," Arnold
• McConnell, Bill Mills,'Ebb Ross,
_Bob "Sinith and "-Nip.
' Lion Gordon Muir, manager '
of the Sifto Salt Mine presented
to the club one 'of the" "...most
interesting 'and inforrnative
addresses „ Which 'the club has
heard," a spokesman said. Mr;
• -Muir outlined the history of salt
in 'Canada leading Up to the
preknt development of the salt
industry. •
•the president ofthe God,erich
Club, Lion7 Ken Dunn.
announced thatlhe neXt-regylat
meeting ---of the club is to be
• Farmers night and that Les
Armstrong, Firm Editor of
X would bf the .uest
•spZ§a 4P41./FM . *IA
meeting are under the
chairmanship oLion Mel BOgie.
Co u.
, fr:Goderich; St. Joseph's
, Clinton, St. Joseph's
,•Kingsbridge; Sacred
SchOol; Wingham; • St.
School, •Seaforth; St.
mb'itti' School, • St,
The winner of the county
competition will proceed to the
zone finals at Glencoe High
School, Glencoe on Saturday,
February 20, at 2 p.m.
Coun. Ron Price -who asked
for the chetk of the lights, later'
moved that the . town -erect a '
Warning sign before the lights'
and also place "stop here on
signals" signs 1.5'feet befofetraeh-
light-controlled intersectiori.
Coun. Profit said he' was no
lesS, concerned with the safety of
the town's children than Coun.
Price was but added he didn't
• ,
feel he was an expert and had to
rely 'on the, professional opinion,
Of others. Re
been checked .through all
departments and he would
reiterate his stand, of "the
previous week that there was
nothing wrong the lights.:
He said the sign before the light'
would possibly slow traffic- ,
down,a bit. •
Reeve • Paul Carroll itT his
• report of harbour'activities
asked council to ; consider
petitioning the provincial
government to find out if funds
were' available for bank erosion
control. He noted there was a
serious„,problern on some, parts •
of the bank and Jett action
should be taken now.
e ,
Carol Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chapman, Warren
Street -.will give:a solo performance at Ice Nicks '71 to be
presented this weekend here. Carol haswon' a number •of
awards in area slating competitions and appears tor4be heading
for a bright future in skating competition..More photos inside.,'
-Staff Photo. -
In one
Five gars, two trucks and ,a
school • bus Were -involved ,
Wednesday, tebruary 10 in a
chain reaction accident •near
Goderich *during .4'a fierce
The mishap occurred about
9:30 in the 'morning on Highway
8 at the Benrniller corner. OPP
from the Goderich •detachment
investigated "the , accident and
- estimated the damage at $9,000.
The school bus from Huron
Automotive Supply Limited and
driven by Elwood Atkinson,
Goderich was bound for
Goderich Collegiate Institute.
The two trucks involved we're
a Bell Telephone van driven by
Paul Patrick Rau, Seaforth, and
a Smith Transport Co. vehicle
operated by Jack Gray, Galt.
The five cars were driven by
Eugene Harvey, Goderich;
Blanca Kornfein, ' Toronto;
:Shirley Dupee, Clinton; ,Barbara
Prillock, Fu• t axid-W
1-I. Knisley, a surierintendent
from the Huron county Board
of Education, Goderich.
Only minor' injuries were
• reported 'as a result • of the
accident 'to Rau, • Blanca
Kornfein, Knisley and Robert
Pollock, `a passenger in the car'
driven by Barbara Pollock.
.There were • four accidents • •
Saturday, February 13,
, The mothers of the Goderich Minor -Hockey Supporters Club
and __players_of many budding stars, donned the hockey
uniforms themselves last Friday evening and took on the small
fry -of the Squirts All-Star, team, The All -Stars won 6-0., despite
help for the Mums from the referree, linesmen, spectators and
the Use of two pucks at times. The addition of a second
'goaltender for the mothers didn't 'help the Squirts either. The
game was. part of a fun -filled, Goderich Minor ,1:-lockey
'Requests, invitations handled
Council briers
Goderich .is ' reeeiving a
number of requests ' from
students out of town with regard,
to the histofy of the town and
„ the area, according to a report
from Mayor Harry Worsen last
Speaking to • Goderich
Council, 'Mayor Worsell said he
had received a number of such
-requests and had been pleased to
send' local information back to
,the students.
The town of Hawkesbury
sought the support of, the
Goderich Council" for a
resolution asking the provincial
government OS prescribe special
licenee ,fees for fuel oil dealers.
The 'resolution noted other.
provinces have such a licencing
system - Goderich, council
• '•
Candy Stripers at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital
• received their caps Sunday for having contributed more than
100 hours of voluntary time to hospital work: The group is
their" Work '
is coiiiiiinated by staff member JVIrs. Trevor Ormandyf.
Recipients knelt on, a mien stool to help make -the work of
pinning the' caps on a little easier. Mrs. Charity McDonald,
•. "
one of 12 who received them Sunday. More photographs page
1A, - Staff Photo
decided 'it comld ze no reason
why this one shoal
The ;town receivbd an
invitation to attend a meeting of
the Goderich PUC who would be
discussing the Problem of getting
water to the Sifto Salt Mine. The
meeting was seheduled for
Tuesday eyefkngitis.week.
The town finance committee
will look into the costs of half
the payment Of a fence between
„ .
the r„.44,00,4 attrikon
ettritti* .1414tithi.*
adjacent to it: The owner asked
the town last year to pay half
Supporters Club Fun Night held at.thearena. From the left are,
front row: Jean McGee, Alberta Moore, Steve, Gallow,' the
phantom goaftender Dorothy Bedard, Lois Meriam, Steve's
mother Tina Gallow and Maureen Elliott. Back row:' Eleanore .
Hotchkiss, Pat Chisholm, Donna Duncan, Lorna Mathers,. Lois
Stiaughan, Laura Schultz, Connie Osborn and Shirley Kennedy.
--Staff Photo. ' •
Hometown boy returns
an rm s. own team
1,4;VisAlfitie.40,rtcX1,14673.titA4'; . rin41.44SrAkt,A,Aar brjajoae. ,ateip.-trt.! ,e;;;:46..„
Last weekend's double header
action was taken then. Street oppOsite the arena is up 'Cambria Road. Born and raised,
the cost of the fence and no Property on MacDonald r. ;rid rs.- rge Griffiths,
Robert S. Cherry of for sale and council _has been tot* Oakville All Stars vs.
Palmerston sent a letter to asked if it is interested. Council. Goderich Legion , Squirts All
council asking for supra of his
, efforts to maintain train services
for passengers in this area. The
letter was referred to the special
committee . with a suggestion
• that Briari Markson of the Coach
HOuse Travel Service be alked
for adice as to the effect orthe
lack of, train service on travel to
and from this area.
will look into . the costs and
chock the ' possibility of an
arrangement with the trotting •
• association for parking'.
Questionnaires will be made
available to all persons interested
in senior citizens apartments.
The forms will help the province
discover if more apartments for
older people are needed here.
New superintendent
liamed for county jail
The Department of Jail, This
Correctional Services announces facilitate
that Mr. John D. Robertson will program
become Security Supervisor at of the
the new Quinte Regional Napanee
Detention Centre in Napanee. outdated
Mr. Robertson, who has been Kingston
Superintendent 'of the Goderich
Jail since January 1, 1968,
served in the Canadian Armed
Pwees-prior to joining the staff
of the Jail in 1947.
Until the in of the
will serye temporarily as
Superintendent or IrceBelleville
temporary posting Will
planning • of the
and over-all operation
Modern facility at
which will' replace
jails in Belleville,
Napanee and Picton.
here, finished his schooling here,
married a Godertch girl, Carolyn'
Duquette, John was happy to
bring his team to his hometown.
John and -Carolyn have .two
children and Owen, aged 10,
played on the visiting team.
John had 'arranged for the team
to visit DRMCO to see the
famous Goderich Graders in the
making, also the Huron, County
. Museum, also famous in Western
When the teams met at the
Arena it didn't take long for a
local player to ask to take a
'frind' home for the 'Weekend.
Froth then on' the boys were
introduced to Goderich with
snowmobiling, sledding, skating
d other entertainment boys of
that age want and they all had a
• .T4
WC10444**44Viiiiih, wonderful time.
JOHNNY GRIE'rlITIS'' Howard Carroll, says they
hope to return the visit in a
Stars, ,was a terrific bit of couple Of weeks and Oakville is
hockey. The score, Saturday really looking forward to this.
Mr. Stuart W. Gilbert has been night, 4-3 for. Goderich. and This type of "Get
appointed as Superintendent of
the Goderich Jail. Mr. Gilbertl
served in the Canadian Armed
Forces for six years prior to his
3-2 Sunday iniSrning for Acquainted" weekends should
,Oakvill, shows the kind of. be encouraged '—' and it Will
hockey these youngsters were surely make for ' better
playing. relationships as these youngsters
of the Napanee Jail, a position
he has !rid since 1947.
tor his extensive' work with the
Our thanks, John, for etting
Jr. ,B 'tams, here is the son of • these two teamstogether.
, '; • 4;1., ,1,0,,P.;4,