HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-11, Page 164A GODRRICH SIGN-AifSTAR, THURSDAYti'iE3RUA, Y 1 1971'
A meeting Of Beta Sigma Phi
was held at the • Victoria . and.
Gly Trust Company, February -
2, with 15,members present.
In the, absence of Sue Gower,.
the President, the meeting wad
conducted by, Shirley Baeetiler.
A letter of thank• you was
ceived .from Mrsr, Alex Addison,
off Clint,on for 'the yell.+ w r+ se
used her, home lair" "la "'Ffiendly
Venture Chapter" •n'leeting.
The 1"iu€Pieai;dent announced
the postponement of the pledge
graining session until the 'next
regular meeting.
The Ways and- Means
Chairman,: Ellen Connelly, asked
that •all cookbooks not sold and
the monies from those that had
been sold be turned in at the -
next meeting. A committee
meeting ,will be held next week
regarding the' upcoming bake,
Sale and games night,.
Allison ' Dowds, the Social
C.ommit.l•ee Chairman.
announced that the snowmobile
part}' had been 'a success, She
also reported that the contract
had been signed Will Gordon
Cooper's orchestra to play at the
May Ball. Ma\ 29.
The Service Committee -
requested that anyone having
linens ty wished to donate to
the chosen family bring them'to
themext meeting.
It was announced that-, seven
girls from Clinton had attended
the last me'etinc in connection
1001. short story contest
on a ain
. Mrs. R. BtluFe Craik, President
of the Provincial -Chapter 'of
Ontario, IODE, • announced
todaj that the 24th Consecutive
Short Story Competition will be
• offered in 1971. The awards are
• $200.00 and $ 100.00.
The cianipe.tition is open td
Writet's, citizens of Canada,,
resident a,n Ontario.
Closaii! date of the ,contes,-t is
,APRIL 3_CL 9i.1..
competition is Airs. C. H.
Carruthers, Owen Sound.
The 1971 judge is Adelaide
Leitch'lin private life Mrs. J. A.
Mr. and MrS. Henry Kotkman
Married at Knox; •
honeymoon in Ohio
Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, was the scene
Saturday, January 167 for the double -ring ceremony at which
S}.izanne :-MacLeod and Henry KoIkman exchanged wedding
\o\VS. •
The church was decorated with white gladioli and "yellow
.and White mums for the event, Officiating at the marriage were
Re\ . G. L. •Royal, Knox Church, and Rev.. A. Beukema -of
. Wedding music was aupplied by W. M. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Viktor Pagon,.SS Newgate St., Gaderich, are
the parents of the bride_ afinlr. and Mts..Teu'nis Kol.kman, R.
R. 3. G de ri c h . are •the rooms parents, -
The 'bride was escorted to the altar by her father.. She
weare.A. white .\ elvet floor -length emprrereinw dre s with gold
trim. Her shouldbr.igngth veil_ was caught up with "a white
Lt'i1110 ► of Toronto and
Oraegevi.11e. Mrs. Lennox
obtained her B. A. from the
University of Toronto. She has •
been a � ne.wepaper a woman and;
the managing editor of they'
Atlantic Guardian of St. John's,
New founcloland, She has been ,
p u bl i;cti�ed ' MacMiitans,
Thomas tieLson, N.Y., C'anadian. ,
Geographic, , and the Christian
Science Monitor. Sinecoe County
��:4�•'a` t' .'rig,
write the tory of Simcoe
Count". which' was published.
by.. Ryerson ..Presa. She is ' a
member of the .Canadian
Women's Irs Club, Canadian
Authors Association and the
Outdoor Photography league. •
Cpnditions governing the.
ccirllpetition 'shotild be obtained
before submitting manuscripts.,
by contacting Provincial Chanter
of Ontario, 1ODF, 168 Jackson
Street, West, Hamilton 10,
Ontario. ' " '
For Octogenarians
• and those older
The Goderich Signal -Star is pleased to extend happiest
birthday greetings to 't1'ie"'"fo'llowing neW member of the
Octogenarian Club:
Mrs. Art Forster, 250 Picton St. W., who will be 819gyears
'young February 12.. ' -
It you know of someone who will be celebrating an 80th
birthday or better in the near future and would like to have his
or her name mentioned in this column, please telephone
524-8331 giving the name, address, age and birthday of the
celebrant. "
'.There is absolutely no charge,'for this service and we arf
pleased to hear from all of you. ' . ,
would like to call on ypu with,
"housewarming gifts" and,
information about your new
locations The Hostess will be
glad to arrange your
subscription to the
Call her at 524-9525
Members of "Alexandra Marine and General Hospital of
Goderich Corporation and other interested parties are urged
to attend' the annual meeting whicp will be held on
Monday, March 22, 1971, at 8;00 p.m, iri the Ladies`
Auxiliary Room of the hospital, at which time- we will
receive the financial statemeht, 'thee auditors' report, the
report of the Board and "elect members to the Board of
' c overnors and cond.ct other' business. .
It is the intentid` f the Board of Governors to submit
for' approval, New hil meal Staff By -Laws- If any member is
interested inoread'ing the By`Laws to be'sullmitted at the
meeting,.they are,available at the hospittI:-` ' ' ' '
P. t !■t ori fro cu t
h �,;sa,1Ai►S$4
The following persons shall be members upon resolution
of the Board: ', r
(a) a person who 'has donated or who donates $100 in,
any one 'year to the Corporation shall be a life
member; • "
(b) the president or chief officer of a corporation or
organization which pays the Corporation $25 in any
year -shall be ex officio a member of the corporation
for that year; , .
(c) a person who pays the annual membership fee of
$1,00 to the -Corporation in,,any year "shall be a
member of the Corporation for that year; •
(d) a member who pays his fees an'nctally shall not be
entitled to vote at any meeting of the Corporation
unless his membership fee was paid yin full at least
, thirty .days prior to the date of the meeting.
James W. Britnell,
Chairman of the Board.
tilt thQ' ,, Fit e �ill� ` Vel ire'; .,,, ---v vet .t3o,\t'°eredr ,a teee. �r . oak teytl crith 14e.4hd .dare _ z -_
Chapter and that they would
'contact • Margaret Craig Friday
night if they \dere interested in `
.going ahead with a meeting next
Tuesday. February' 9, . • and
forming their own chapter._
• The next meeting will be' held"
at St. Peters School. '
A con,; eintion will be held in
Brantford on June 4. 5 and &tor
•all interested parties.. "
The'evening tonciuded with a
very interesting talk'
accompanied, by slides on the
topic Nature's .Landacapese '"`Pt is
topic was presented by Barb
Moss. • r ,•
Open House set
at ((AT'
carried a nosegay of yellow roses and' white mums.
"Matron of honor was Mrs._ Sharon Brindley, R.,- R. 4,
Goderich, the bride's sister. She_ chose a floor -length empire
dress „ot' emerald ;green velvet. She wore a white fur pillbox
headdress, and carried„a white fur miff with a corsage of
yellow roses -attached to .it.
Bridesmaids: .similarly attired.' were 'miss Barbara Ellen
.,MacLeod. meter of the bride. Toronto, , and :ML -s Marti
Kolkman, sister of the groom. R R.:3, Goderith. - •
-Miss Mari .Lv.nn Pagon, sister of the bride, Goderich,-was
flowergirl in a Moor -length :empire' line dress' of emeral green
vel\et. She Wore a white fur pompom headpiece and carried a
white, fur muff with a corsage of yellow roses attached to it.
Leonar''d Kolkrriart. brother of. the .groom. was ringbearer
• and—Ca-tried a white velvet pillow trimmed with gold.
Groomsnnati was Beit Kalknian; brother of the groom. R. R.
b 3,•"Lam rti:" Lshers were Will"tam'Kotkitian, Auburn. and John
Kolkman. R. R. 3, Goderich. .brothers of the groom:'Jack
Chairibers, brother-in-law of the groom. Saltford: and Robert
Straughan, cousin of the bride, Goderich.
. ' White-. gladioli. and yellow and ,shite inu.ti�s decorated
Saltford Vailey 'Hall 'for the Wedding reception. The bride's
mother wore a _navy crepe dress with Winter w iite'acesorie`
' and a corsage of red camations..The groom's mdther selected a'
Residents ofd CToderich and �p maus.e. two-piece ensemble with which she" iyore pink
area who are interested in Huron carnation_;. '
£verity's.. 'ne\vest--.•college, are During ,ihe Wedding' reception attended by outto.f-sawn..
invited to visit Centralia College guests from Detroit...Tororito. Kitchener, St. Thomas. Clinton.
'of ' , Agricultural Technology London. Lambeth' and Acton, the "newlyweds. --received a
when it has its open house ne 9t surprise telephone call, from the—bride's aunt and uncle in
week, February. 18 and 19.” Ho,noluiu.
'Guest speaker' for the` event is • . ".For travelling to Ohio and other states. the bride changed to
Dr. D. N. Huntley. Executive a lime green pant suit with brown accessories.
_Director, AgriculturalEducation They are residing at R. R., 6. ,Goderich.
and Research Division. Ontario • ' prior to her marriage, the bride ' was feted at. several
Department of A'griruiture and occasions'., .
A coffeemaker was presented to• her by the •Brucefieid.
Ladies Bait Team at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. M. N'.
MacDonald. Br'ucerStreet: a kitchen shower. w -as given by the
Februar\ 1S, • at 2 p.m. \,isitors , sisters and' aisters-in law of the groom at the home of Miss
are welcomed ,from then until 10 ' Mary Kolbrrian and a Miscellaneous sho\wer'was.gi\en b\• Mrs -
p.m. Thursday and from 10 a.m. • - Shirley Straughan and Mrs, -Lois, Straughan, cousins, of the.
bride, at the former's home.
- The bricie's mother was hostess at a trousseau tea for ,her
daughter or the Thursday afternoon and 'evening before the
wedding.' „ 4, '
Opening ceremonies 1 are
scheduled, for. Thursday,
These are Outstanding
Prices- fbr the week,
Week y Specials:
until a• p.m. Friday.
Theme of the open house will
be, "-College ... A Pattern 'For
The Future."
Displays and presentations
;will be underway during this
two-day event. As well, a
number of the ,sports facilities
.will be open for inspection and
Use, ,
Courses offered at the college
include agricultural business
Management. home economics_
and animal health technology. .
2-3: 30 — Pre-Schoot Skating -
3:34-5 — Lions Club
— Figure Skating
4:8 -L Figure Skating
8:30 - CJ-t.H.L. Hockey
2-3:30 - Pre -School Skating
3:30-5 - Lions Club
Free Skating. ao
8-10 -. Sue -t Hockey
10-12"- -Mite Hockey
12-1 -- Power Skating
.t30-6: 30 Figure Skating
2-4 Family Skating
4:30 Mi Eget Hockey
7and 9-C. .4.L.
Hockey Games
,Adm Vision &Oq
ow ,
" out:11 1i\e happier enjoy retire-
ment dears more ---' v len c u, enrol in a
ictoria and Gre Registe'red Retirement
Plan that g.rov, s ill ,\ Mills
�i ter �.ar. Our .Guaranteed 1:n\e tment
Certificate Pl-an. for in.stance,"addlo \'our
retirement monoat the rate (currentl` ) of
8 , —compounded semi-annually- for
' every" hundred dollars invested. Talk it
over, today with Victofia and Grey.
The senior Trost Cvmponr
dewed entre!) to seri me
the people of Ontario •
- '"+'• ^�"' taquW, }fY ;G.2'`".:'u^,'�%.' off P,aYY"�IA1�r!��F
9:00' to 5:0.0 Monday to Thursday
9:.00 to 6:00 Friday,
Lealand Hill, Manager
Elgin and .Ringston Streets, Goderich
P.E 1.,. Canada' No. 1 Grade
Sebag-Oe, pac.k.ed.-...b-y_AILP
Burn's. By the..Ai,eGe.F a' yweight cut
These lw . prices are r:
rndde available by
manlufacturers' special
allowances or.othe r
market conditions.
, savings . are
passed on to you. .
AT A&P a
Al) prices:in this ad guaranteed' effect'"e
through Saturday,. February 13., 1971,
Sweet Pickled, Pea•mealed • • (Centre Cuts lb 88c)
Town Club or-Super-Right'B and; $4'ced,.Rinkesa -
SIDE :BACON 1-16 vacuum pkg ,565
Check! Compare
Just on example of the hundreds
37-cz ckg 49,1
Cake Mixes. Assorted
BETTY CROCK ER " ..19 o'z okg 39,
Pancake. Mi,. Assorted
14 -fl -oz
Carlton Club
Alpha-Getti or
..With Pork ' .
10 -ft -oz tins 1, 59 .
414 fl -oz l �s 89�
., 419.0.0z +ns 1."a0
Action Priced!
Heinz (In Tomato' Saiicel
6� r' 7b►' 86,
14-f1 oz Ifr.51.00
Henley,, Choice Quality
FRUIT -COCKTAIL 2 28 -fl -oz tins 89'c
MARGARINE SOFT siE eve of 2, 8 o:.,tubs 49c
LUNCHEON MEAT 12 or tin 48(
Baby Cereal, •As'$orted,,Varieties
PABLUM 16 oz box.49c'
Cereal ,.
KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes
,16.0: pkq 3 Sr
bi .; lStt:iT waif'