HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-11, Page 94.; From. the • Ministerft study REVERND ARTHUR - • • MAYBURY First Baptist Church Hard rocks Pete was a hardrock. N,ot the outside, arid so soft, on the exactly hard to look at, the girls inside, That 'fat bothered Petev said, but HARD. He was a gem! The more Pete .talked about. Perhaps a diamond. After all, his exPlolts the bigger he flt; "Diamonds ARE a girls, best almost like„ a balloon. Pete was riend", aild HARD.. - • ' interestd, in baloon. „ hot-air However,,, Pete was haunted balloos: ,-The ,only trouble was by the story of those three that they were .so eask diamond prospeetors in 'South punctured. That bothered. Pete, ,ot • gliganti‘, 041674,1:0,r4014.1*1„04341Ath's;fit.tt.A „ .„ • Board to investigate new insurance policy BY SHIRLEY J. KLLER Members of theHuron County Ward of - Education agreed February 8 n Clinton to discontinue its participation, in the student accident insnrance plan effective September 1 and to investigate a policy for "It's just a joke, really," Said Ogn McDonald.. Director dutation John Cochrane said he was most concerned with 'the fact tht' parents do not have. an opportunity to review the terms and conditions of the master re. students btyhethpereemorniupmanhyasorbneoetn. which would cover insurance in the . event -liof Liaison committee formed dental costs and provide fe insurance premium and irrsome caes' do not know -exactly' to what extent studenfs are covered. •He added that -parents do' not receive a receipt for the premium paymentand therefore have no real knowledge of pOlicy before paying the accidental•death• The action dame folloWing The new Huron ; .County schools in Huron CoLinty until it sotri 0complaints froM parents' in • Council l'Aison ,COinmittee-frOm"-Was de'ided whether or nOt the,' the Cotinty concernink' the ' the •''Huron County Board of county school board arid county cOverage in the present accident Ed ucation ..,consists of council could co -operate oll. aN . ‘,. 1L7r.FHOW11S-HyieckARNKI.$,O, N . three brothers, Alex Winnipeg', insurance plan ,and a claim by vice-eliairman John BroadfOot, library ventie. : ,Dave - Victoria; ' B.C.',' ancl., One student who loStlpart of his Dr. A. 13.• .11athe- 'and Mrs'. Mrs, Zinn Was"alSo appointed . ' rii9Mas Harrison - Freeman Gorge, Whiteehurch., • . • - „ Africa. ' Those partnerS.• had , hand in. a,m.a.egident.at. SCI1001 - Irr,.. 7, -1 . to0, l',, ,, .4 ,, „ ,,,,,,,,i,„,, , ....._ . 4 - - “Warre.n.4tnit.„-..,,,,amr- ' .: •,-',- , , to attend the, Ontario institrite.,..,ROgun.,,,X• .. --•AfiCk- f -40,W,4.1'4' " • - • • . . - " • ' n • • • • •••`• -1 - - ' • , . , , Ifpnildn'sfilitige,^7.1.4tfara,••!qpar.larejW41•104.4,5m giviewpgytwo.w.), ,..;,....,. . , ttrevitteers,e..01..,, ,.lattgr.X,aiey-Sett-WilsDnt...-vAs:.--.,..,,,,,,-This-new-••m•rn;'aitee-41opos••ItYt"vtPoAsto.,'st rail overlooking the brightly Febrtreirr.,.8----tti---St . 'order' k As' e B-alanced on sdderaY ' Fettrurr t-'41$ Finall the decided that., since • POPER. .10N,i),,b•STA.11, (Klerk H. KEITH REVELL H. Keith Revell died Monday, February 1 at St, Michael's Hospital in Toronto. Surviving are his wife, the former Adelaide Nairn and Pne sister,ar, Roy (unice) Pearce, Michian. A private funeral service was held. t art are(' Hary B. M. Tiehborne- who survives' and has been a resident of Goderich since her marriage. She was a in"mber Of the Order -of the Eastern Star, of the IODE Ahtneek Chapter, of the Women's Institute and of the Mary Hastings' group. She was also -a -Member of St. Gerge's Anglican Church ,arid'of the Anglican Church Women. Surviving are one sister, Miss Aniie .Kennedy,, yingham; and Interment was in Maitland Cemetery- 'Pallbearers werePatcy Stanatorttccliff liac4ett, Leroy Taylor, Toynbee Albert' (Red) Richt and finiton Talm#. McCaLlum Funeral Home WAs. in charge Of arrangements: •, N • • E. EMORIALS,.H th ht ht be diamond oug m g a. made with the insurance , meet soon with the committee Workshop next month "fr je residence. He was 64. — He was bOrn October 18; Ressell officatin. f‘n astern Dr Joseph Freeman and the g tire funeral Home Saturday 215 Wellington St. 5.. Goderich Representative • 106 M Goderich, the 'son of Star Memorial, Service was held Anglican Church vvith Rev. 0.0. Ronald C McCallum Y , Coloured Falls, his day-• flashed company afterlog debate when of county council • appointed to Windsor providing s ar est s u they knew, a good-wack with their prosPctor's pick would tell the tale. .,The stone fragmented. One of the partners took a tiny sliver of the stone to have it analyzed. IT WAS DIAMOND!! Sbamehow that story bothered Pete, • This hardrock was a busy boy. Every night was somewhere else. Every day was alk, wa,sbard„ had to be hard to take the p Asures that Caih'e his' -ay best wrestler around, captain of the football team, a...generally sOught athlete, girl -chased, low grades, •numerouS detentions, parent nagged . . . Every turn brought more Kessures. Sometimes Pete remembered the hard -shelled crabs be used to squash. They were so hard on before .hir: he had dropped his mothers diamond a short two feet . . . it shattered. He had just touched a snail . it oozed fatally. His hot-air "balloon had burst . . . on stubble! He leaned forward, heart and thoughts • racing. "What's the point of being a precious stone?! You're only Valued for whas on the surface the insurers •elaimed the student had not lost enough of • his hand to collect the insurance.. 13"6 Some. board mern rssaid the present student accident insurance policy covers only those things not ' COvered by OHSIP. -.and that even then, coverage is not too good. and 'nobody Cares about what's Gavel ends deep insie." • "A polished diarnond always shows its very heart, Pete" "He fell . . grabbed an old pipe fence. It broke . . . but held. He &was holding on to a long piece with a short' piece across it. He 'was scared. The fence, •so soft and so symbolic, helped him to understand and be saved. Donald G: Macwan • .„, SWEATERS PULLOVERS &CARDIGANS--,-S:WL-XL SPECIAL GROUP 1 /2. PRICE CASUAL JACK CAR COATS , SPECIAL GROUP /3 OFT Pickett & iampbell Limited Campbell CLINTON - GODERICH )--- KINCARDINE debate Chairman Robert Elliott had to. use the gavel to bring membes,,, Of Ffiir'BriCUnty Board of 'Education to order following a heated discussion concerning future academic county : - la fo e u t. in this ' erMISSION "requrre or 7fhe.administration had listed deal with the school board ,accommodation is still available. concerning matters of mutual Mit. Zinn told the board she was concen. particularly interested in the - One of the most pressing aspect of moral and religious discussions will centre, around education ie the sehools and said the library facilities in the she would enlarge 'on her feelings county. During February , 8's during comrnitte of the whole meeting in Clinton, Dr. Deathe ;"in camera" whenthe press is expressed a desire to work with not in attncLaqee: the , pounty COuneil on the In other business, the bdard question of libraries. Dr. 'Deathe learned that the two solicitors said he could not domprehend appointed by the members will twOseparate library systems in have separate duties Elmer D. the county - one for the schools Be!! QC Exeter, will do the and one 'for the public. He said Solicitor's work 'and Dan Murphy he felt library service could be QC goderich will be *e board's coordinated for the betterment legal consultant, In Tay terms, of all,explained Director of Education Dr. Deathe also recommended John Cochrane, Mr. Bell will do that no' libraty"building projects the paper vvvril and Mr. Murphy be undertakenat any of the will give advice. several ' items fr discussion ., including libraries for all elementary schools, conversation Neicch iti alt ti iiti" speech' therapy available where needed, psychological servicei and provision, of .an audio-visual county..centre for the Board members were . not agreed on which items had the highest priority and their varied . , opinions formed the basis for the discussion. Director o e uesi on, John :Cochrane stressed that he and his staff did not expect the board tornakee detisitiii on all or of the ;--proposals.7, Cochrane said the subject matter was pregented to the board only as a, matter of information, a • guide to determine those 'thins in which the board was ihterested ,and thoe things for which it had small ciancern at • present. ' No priorities set before Elliott's gavg-Signalled' the end of discession,.-It-is understOod the board continued the subject at a later. Com-mitteeof-the whole meeting "in camera", without pres8 coverage. - • 11 1ODER1CH FRaSTED FOODS- , • 65 • HAMILTON STILIEET o' •"4 Ceb Cooked. HAM SIDE PORK sHouLbER. PORK CHOPS • • 974 94 Ib. lb. 4 49 McCAIN VALLEY FARM - 2 lb. Pkg. FRENCH:. 41.4 FRIES vh, HYATT.BRAND - 14 O. BEANS with pork UTOPIA onRAND cmgiauALITy 19 OMATOES YORK FANCY, OUALiTY - 14 o. ettitva" Rtilirrsmstmproosoomi -STYLE 3494 oz 249 ts, tte! MO., Teachers' salaries major item former Susan' Penqington. He • evening: , Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 moved to the USA about 1932 and returned to Canada to serve Ate•-grr-4C-4reirifFiLroer•49er;vesr---; the Canadian Forces during World War II withthe., First Canadian Divii ion, Sgnal Corps. 'He vvas ar adherent of St. George's Anglican Church. . Surviving are two sisters, Ms. 0 ord o n ( Bessie) -----Watson, ANE Goderich, and Mrs. .Shirley,-. Davis, Kingston; .four brothers, Jack, Stan, Benson 'and Arthur, all of Godeich. , ' Funeral service is • today, Thursday-, February 11 at 2 p.m. at Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. 0. G. Russell' officiating. Interment will be in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers are Ronald Pennington, Joseph' Graham; - James Ross, Donald MacKay, William Barwick and 49.114.craig- • MEMORIALS -MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING ss. • Goderich District Representative T. ''PRYDE", Frank McIlwain. • 4 524-7861 or 524-9465 200 Gibbons St. • delegates to board meeting In future, delegations wishtng to appear before the Huron County Board of EdUcation will be reqyired to present a written request to be received by the board seven days, in advance of the date of the meeting. The letter should' ,provide some indication of the, reason for the deleation's attedance. The secretary of the board vOuld have the authority t' program the appearance of . .deleptiRns so that whenever possible, the . board would receive some back-up material" prior to the rqeetind to acquaint members with the nature of the In' some cases, business qt. delegations 'which • is , not considered of extreme urgency will be delayed .for one 'meeting until time permits an assimilation or , materials pertaining to the,rnatter so that - board members can_ be 'as inforined as -,pssible on' all aspects of the problem. The board decided February 8 that in the case of the former SOuth Huron District 'High School student who claimedshe was misinformed, concerning her rights to obtain an, art course outside of Huron County, the - young Woman should be given fees to enroll immediately in the Special 'Art Course at H. B. Beale Secondary School,. London; and that her request -for coMpeitation for tuition fees, student loan and 'other expenses to aitend Fanshawe 'College la Applied Arts and Technology be denied., An the "in camera" session of, the meeting When the!press was thcluded, representatives, of the Unaudited figures' • of expenditures versus . budget estimates for 1970 show that the • Huron County , Board of Education 'came surprisingly close tO being 100 percent correct. Budget estinuites for the year called 'for spending Of $1.0 , 212,625. Actual expenditures were $10,260,064 or 10,0:6 percent. • Major item, of course, was teachers' salaries budgeted at $6,087,174 and costing -- $6,Q58,701: .„ Asked to what, he attributed "r :Such close calculations, Roy- B. Dttlop,- superintendentof gffidis ciphped; :Very The WIC& board 'smiled and -nodded its approval. -..dePartineritr-in-hbrori County schools appeared before the board to answer questions and give their impregions ofthe aims and obj ives of the guidance courSe. No report from his Meeting was availale excep in later open meeting, it was suggested bS7 Mrs. J. W. Wallace, Goderich, that the guidance programinthe —cony-- could 0obe* be improved. amagrap"W GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU HELP -REDFIGS • $S $ SAVE $ $AND$ $$ $$BORROVV$$$ # Pl.* 'u 4D ' 'JO ••••,, t'L 524-7911 at your GODERICH COMMUNITY Itkc .$39 ST. DAVID ST. Mrs. Agnes Tichborne, 125 Trafalger Street, died Thursday, FebrUary '4, in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. ,She was 70. The former Agnes Kennedy, she was born January 6, 1961 in West Wawanosh 'Township to, David and Jane , (Fisher)., Kennedy. She . was _maried December 24, 1924 in Whitechurch 'to SUNDA Y, SERVICES 4 , 4t. 14-0 e family lhat, prays together . • stays togothr UNITED HOLINESS 'CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, FEBRUARA 1 -4th 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SnOOL. -,„ MOO a.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE, . 7:00 p.m.- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE ' 730 - Wedneiday eVersing - Prayer Service. ' „4.4A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Fritor:. REV. 0: H. LEE PHONE' 524-6887 WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH' Park Street at V4ictoria H. Ross Nicholls, PaStor _unday School 10 a.m. Wiirship Hour 11 a.m.' Exgaing Service 7 p.m. • WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET - "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" CALL US ir YOU NEED A RipE! 524-9565 or 524-6445 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY scipoi. 11:00a.m.- MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th DR. ROBT. D!'yburgh • with soloist: DOROTHY SCOTLAND Regular Evening Service - 7:30 p.m._ Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. • PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G.COCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th 10:00^ a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m,.-MORNING WORSHIP. • Srh;n:' "THt FAITHFUL GOD" (Nuisery asisl44Junior Congregation) ' Guest Minitter - The Rev. Ronald C. McCallum 7:30 p.m. - YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. tumna:.-7-_,-.=mr,,T,z,,:suottizittEr4Noctzta..-',rn.11414-e. ' Enter to Worship -' Depart to Serve SON Clinion-Exeter--Seaforth , Reg. J. Belt tt• 45 Cambria Rd. S. 524-7464 ,J•diesoixta,41.-3.303;0>fq. ft • HURONPERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD . the Huron -Perth COunty Roman ---Catholic. School Board wishes to p.press its sincere thanks to all people who assisted during the recent snow storm. The -spirit of concern and co-operation enabled our students to survive the „bizzard without serious inCident. , A H. Shantz • • ' I Vintar _ . . Chairman Superintendent ...„ 4 FIRST BAPTIST 11. URCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square 7 A WELCOME TWALL '44 44 School For All.' 10: 00 a:m. - Aqua" Bible Class and Church 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship. _.. . _ - - k`Supervised NNrsery) . ppvvEtt Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A.,I3.D. BthetPenfecostal Tabeinac e Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF -ELGIN AND WAtERLOO STS. REV. Ft. CLARK, Past& SUNDAY' FEBRUARY 14th STUDENTS FROM THE, ASTERN PENTECOSTAL BIBLE--- COLLEGE INSPIRATIONALSINGING - GOSPEL PREACHING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY '12th -8 P.M. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ',14th - 11 AM. &L..] P.M. ST. GEORGE'S -CHURCH Sexagesima Sunday - February 14, 1971. Holy Communion at 8:30 est: Morni,nij Prayer and Sermon - at 11:00 am). The ce Wm. Craven at 060 services. (Nursery) Church School :at 11:002 a.m. Ognis-Choirmater: Mr. Paul C. Baker, -,-,,AF,R4C--0,-*-LatA4-75474453r,est4s.liz:".4"0„tatf-0441"-3, Recto ti R'ElP.-G737-R U SSE Victoria 'Street Unied, Church J' I HOUSE OF'FRIE'NDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00ern. -« Bible School For Ail Grades. 11:00 a.m.- WOrship Service. Sermon: "MUSIC IS A MYSTERY", (Nursery durrog the Service) BENMILLER UNITED -CHURCH. 1:30 p.m. 7 Worship, Service and' Bible School. -,W-E-L-C-0-M-E - Mrs. J. Snider 'Victoria St. Organist & Choir Direttor • - . •••• .•1 Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Director North Street United Church 44 REV. ROBERTL. RAYMONT TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th 9:45 a.m. - Grades four and up. 1055 a.m. - Babies to Grade 3. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP. Scripture: ST. MARK 7:4 - 7:37 Sdpervisedallursey. Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C..M. Organist' and choir Director 7r4laitttre'XIVALV:4414,4=TZt.',4',..=-1,*',..23/4 Phone Church office and Study - 524-763 Church Building - 524-6951