HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-30, Page 8illffEBS
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47. aRgella,
The . s y
Display o
For .
The .
Ever exhibited
in EXETER is
iaow 011 at
Eig Bgaimiqt :toro.
Our opening day,
was Wednesday,
but we do not .
confine ourselves
to one day, and
we invite you,
yes,entreat of you .
—to examine our
brilliant display
of the latest de-
signs. They
will please you! ;<
J. A. Stewa2 t
A choice' in millinery never Aet*pxer
displayed in •ExBeter such
, yam,
see at the Bio.anrn tSto
MitchellAdvocate TI e a dal ti l anis
sionary meeting in cotvecttonwiththe
Diocese of Huron was htjtd• in Trinity
church on Wednesday evening ' last.
The attendance was much larger than
on former years. After a short service
of prayer and song, Rev. Mr. Hodgson
of Seaforth, deivered an excellent ad
dress on mission work, confining him
self to the needs of the Diocese of Hu-
ron. was
x followed by the. Re P.
E. Fatt, ofxerg
k.,xt, c i, who took a wider
field, going into Africa, India and oth-
er partly uneilvilized countries. The
addresses were listened to with close
attention throughout. and at the finish
a vote of thanks wastendered the
speakers A good collection was' taken
A Clever scheme.
A clever scheme worked by three
swindlers has just come to light. The
World's Fair Pictorial Souvenir Com-
pany have sent out several hundred
letters to Canadian merchants, who
were selected from Bradstreet's Com
m(reial Agency's Book. The letter
stated that, having found the rating of
the merchant all richt, the World's
Fair Pictorial Souvenir Company had
shipped a full line of rapidly selling
World's Fair souvenirs on consignment
The merchant was instructed to dis-
play the goods, and after they were
old to remit for them, less the commis
Sion. If the goods did not prove good
sellers, the
ant could ship them
back at the expense of the consignors.
After receiving these letters, a postal.
followed, either from Windsor or Sar
Ma, printed in the usual form of notifi•
cation used by the custom inspectors,
notifying the merchant that a valu-
able consignment from the World's
Fair'Pictorial Souvenir Company was
detained for customs duties acid fees,
which amounted to $5, and would be
forwarded on reeeipt of that amount
Many letters found their way to Wind
sor and Sarnia, containing the neces
sary $5, and that was the last the men.
chant ever heard of his money.The
customs officials at Windsor discovered
the seheme and the swindlers decamped
Tt appears that the man at the Chieago
end wotild send out 500 or 600 letters
to all parts of Ontario and the.Province
of Quebec, from a, list obtained in the
contimereial directory, Ile would for-
ward this list to his confederates at
Windsor and sarnia, and they would.
send otl.t their postal a day later.
T1to latest desig'us in millinery at
the Big' Bankrupt ;Store, Come and
see for yo1uselves.
A Mitchell roan advertised', $20,000
stud:, but When the al:,sasecr called he
said he was only worth C500.
Annual : Baster .Vestry Meeting,
Monday 'mat, in Chtirch Hall. Every
member of eongregaition shouk1•atttiond
Nov is the time for • the` Board:; of
Ileac th to bestir itself Filth should
be cloitred away before the. ice is one
The proper place to get ' the Incest
fashions iii he ul. gear is at the Big
Bauluupt Stole. Call atnd examine
The Salvation Army of Canada, in-
tend holding a grand anniversary
11 eetiser in Montreal, extending. from
April 6ti1 to 12th,
David Bennett, of Cambellton,.aver
aged $39.62 per cow for the milk of
nine cows sent last season to the Dut-
ton cheese factory.
A successful test was tnade in Cbiea
go Tuesday of the tetautoga,ph,,an in-
strument which trausiiiits by wire an.
exact copy of handwriting.
Messrs Perkins & Martin, who have
been doing business• in Fanson :s block,
move this week into• Thos. Hamlin's
premises two doors north, of the old
Messrs, Dyer & Howard, of the Exe
ter Planing Mills, ha.{=e had the mill
under repair the past week, in order
to get a good start on the summer;r
COD tracts.
An order has been issued by the Post
Office Department, that registered let
ters are not to be delivered to others
than the party addressed without writ-
ten authority. '
A number of the merchants of Learn'
ingtou have adopted a strictly cash
system of doing business, and aro re-
solved not to give long credits under
any circumstances.
The days are growing longer, and
they will lengthen somewhat more
than a minute' per day until the end
of the mou.tlh,.lealgtheuiug faster then
until the latter part of June.
North Oxford licenses vommissioners
some time ago passed a by law closing
hotel bars at 10 pm. The liquor men
appealed to the courts, and decision
was given sustaining the by law.
The Directors of the Kinloss ivied
tural Society have passed a •'resolution
making it obligatory upon every.
director to.secure at least three hmem
bers for the society or pay s$3: '.towards
its funds.
The High Court of Independent. Or
der of Foresters will meet in Sarnia
about the middle of August There.
will be aheiit'S00 'delegates "'from ' all
parrs present to take part>in the pro
Mr. Matt. Ellwood, barber, who has
been engaged in Detroit for some
months.and who served his apprentice
ship with Mr. A. Hastings. has coin
menced business in Hensall, occupying
the stand formerly run by Mrs. King,
as a barber shop and confectionary, &c.
Mr. John Matheson, who has Moen
conducting the general L. pre at the
north end of town fog A years has
decided to move his ; into the
north apartme.f t kill a ock. He
will reside on'iiinpt feel in the
premise tw, fl ea ed by Mr.
1\'ilha A
e:liaYe the nobby display
af-the Big Bankrupt' Store
ilsttivite you to examine it. It
ribt•iiecessary'tEat you shall buy i un-
ts's you Wi'sh. All we. ash is for ,you
to insl1
inspect it. D .is s.Rolertson, our new
milliner. will be more thau pleased to
greet you.
In an item of our last issue, refers
ing to the Order of Chosen Friends, an
American society, we stated that there
was a branch of the same - society in
town, but such is not the ease. We
have since learned that the "society
here is purely Canadian: and has .no
connection whatever..
Don'tforget to
attend the grand
concert which will be held in Drew's:
Opera House, under the auspices of the
Royal Templars of 'Temperance, on
Monday evening, April 3rd. Ev
erybody come and spend a pleasant:
evening. Single. tiekets, 15c.; two.
tickets for 25c. Doors open at 7.30;
A social and entertainment, under
the auspices of the '•Epworth League
of Christian Endeavor" of James St.
Church, will be given on Gnod Friday
evening. Doors open at 6.30 p, m,
Admission 15 ets. for all.
W. H. Parsons, May Gill.
President. Secretary.
A. J. McTavish & Co's general stock
was put up by auction in London on
Monday last and was purchased by a
Mr. Johnston, of Palmerston at sixty-
five and half cents on the dollar. Mr.
Johnston is an experienced t,erchant
and will continue the business. We
welcome him to our town and wish him
every e v success.
Its the price of raw material that is
killing the Easter bonnet industry in
this country. A ton of straw costs
about $S, and yet when a milliner
takes two straws, ties them together
with a piece of ribbon; conceals P teas the.
knot with a piece of lace, and calls the
product an Easter bonnet, it is seldom
that she can get more than $50 for it.
Ilaving purchased the stock of A. J
McTavish at 65: cents •on the dollar,
consistingg of dry goods,clothing, milli
nFry, hail .0 cap,, groceries and creek•
ery, we purpose giving the people of
Exeter and surrounding- country the
benefit of our great bargain. Will be
open Monday, April 3rd. Come early
and get first choice. G. G. Join>,tsxoN.
Sugar Making.
Those who have sugar trees ".on
tap" have been kept busy the pasI week
although thepast day or so have been.
somewhat frosty. The Syrup is report-
ed to be of extra quality to whatlit has
been in recent years.
Well-meaning but Sometimes n'
guided people who find tame to look
errors in the newspapers and tl
write to the editor, making' a y„ r
Ude Over the. May ty ,get aft idea
two from:the akimiilo Cominercial,wbi
lays i' is the .eastnst thtttg in t
weal, to kind errors in even the be
itiul.tteel'prper; but tie+ mistal.cs
5111'prisint.tly few when nun talk,, s it
cotfbtcleriition the time in it hull a' p
er`s pre-Tiered,'for public luspecti
"1'lie bxst'ii i to; yta ciV011 with sot
of'theso Who are Divert' to finch
fault with: newspail.r+r .t'n, lish` a
pointitl;] out evt iv little :chin, ,t.t'0 i
pineal or granrati, al, would be to pr
letters 'sent hits: the press to t
preeiSe sbapc, in Which they ere sent—
haling no enrroctious ]u'.the spelling
or.eonstructiee Were this done' we
fancy there would. be less said about
the''slip-Shod style of the newspaper
lira 11 ,
Seato;tin »ye Works.
All orders for the above Dye Works
can be left with E. H. Fisk.
Boy Ifantedi,
A good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. .Apply :1t this office.
Good. Friday.
Divine services at 11 a tn. and 7.80
pan,., in th ' Church Hall of the Tuvitt
'Memorial Church.` ,
samet1u sueetaar.
Divine ser vice at 11 a. n. and 7 p.
m. Choral Litany, 8 pan. Holy. Com-
munion, 8 a m„ 11 a,m, and 7 p m.
Farm fol•'gra.•
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J, Sine xmAN, Exeter.
The Foundry soon to be in Operation -
We unclerscaud that 1lessrs Murray
Bros., of W ngham aremaking prepar
atioii to open our the foundry liei•e at
and nd tiro now engaged in putting
in the engine, boiler• awl several pieces
of maehnIerv.
Rriht. N. Rowe, Curtain Poles, Pict-
ureMouldings. &c.
J. A, Stewart, • Millinery. '
L I). Vincent,"A 'Marvellous Re-
cord." •,
John i17'iInnes, Estrayed Dog.
Atter the 1St of July next any per
son found. with fire arms or weapons on
his person and not having a certificate
from a justice of the peace permitting
to carry them, will be liable to im-
prisonment without the option of a fine.
property Chaut:es.
\\Tm; Collingtvood, of Stephen, has
:purchased, Ed. Bissett's' residence on
Simeoe'st. paying therefore $650. He
will move therein shortly. -L. Davey
has purchased the cottage over the
river in connection with the insolvent
Braund Estate, The price paid was
$80 Hugh Brown, purchased the lot
(M'Elizabeth st. for which he paid $19.
Spring Fair Dates.
Spring Fairs will be held in this dis
trict at the. following places en dates
named Stephen & Usborne at Exeter,
April 11th;.Sear th, Rulon at Bruce field,
A-pr".il•14th;`Soitth Perth at St. Marys,.
April 1Sth:•North Perth at i,tratford,
April •1Itl'r; West Nissouri at Thorndale,
April 121h;:Biddulph at Grantor), April
leth'aud Blansliard at Kirkton, April
14th; West Williams, at Parkhill, April
26th. ,
Lise Them •-
Wood ashes are being shipped from
this section to parties in the States. If
farmers were as.wide awake as they
might be, they wouldn't allow another
bushel of ashesto leave the country.
They are one of the best things that
can 1)e used for orchards, and if it pays
American'fa:rniers to buy them for fest
ilizing purposes at 20 cents a ,bushel,
surely it would pry Canadians to use
them, when they can be secured so
much cheaper.
A meeting will be in the Town
Hall, to day (Thursday) to discuss the
advisability rf establishing a creamery
in town: • An ' establishment of this
kind' is something we have long been
in the want of and our citizens should.
do all iq their power to have such an
institution in our midst. It would no;
be only beneficial to our townspeople
but to the -farmers of the surrounding
country. Give it a boom everybody
and 'make it a success.
:1F iueationists Convection.
The 32nd annual convention of the
Ontario Educational Association' will
be held in the; Department Buildings,
Toronto, on April 4th to 6th The As-
sociation, of Public and T-Tigh School
Trustees.has•wisely concluded to meet
at the same time and place, and
the combined program published
gives promise of a gathering which
should be intensely: interesting and real-
ly profitable;to both teachers and trus-
tees. All teachers who can should' at-
tend and every trustee board should
have at representative present.
Council Proceedings
The ouncil.met by order
of the
Reeve at the Town Hall 22nd of March,
1893, All present except the Deputy
Reeve, Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved, ` Carling—Christie
orders for the following sums.—Welter
Westcott, 81c., labor at snow Geo. Cud
more, 81c. do; John Parsans, $4.85, do;
Wm, .'arsons, $6.30 do; Jas. Creech,
$20.62 wood for Town Hall Do $6
charity to Jas Gould; Do. $5 Mrs. Piper
Do $1.50 Mrs. Wilcox; Do, N. Mrs, Mc.
Intosh; M. Ea: rett, $18 painting fire
engine No, 2; Mrs, Geo; Eacrett $15
services of the late Treasurer; Thos.
Gregory $10, services as Auditor: 11,H
Collins $10 do. James Snell,, Georgie
Bawden and Mrs. Gardner wern grant-
ed permission to remove trees in front
of their premises on condtfion of re-
placing them with hard maple. On
motion of T. 13 Carling seconded by
T. II. McCallum. The clerk to enquire
concerning windmill. Carling—Chits-
tie coutieil ad;journ until Friday 31st
inst., at 7.30 p. m,—Carried.
M. Enort,nmx, Clerk,
through life by the rough stages
of coughs, colds and consump `
tion, ; be careless of yourself
during the damp, cold weather
and DOWT use
Allen's Lung Balsam
for that nasty cough of yours.
But if you'd like to live to a
green old age in health, and
consequently in happiness, use
Allen's Lung Balsam
as a preventive and cure of all
Throat and Lung diseases.
25c, 50c & $3.00 Per Bottle.
Personal Mention.
Richard Welsh, son of Mr. John
Welsh, Usborue, who has been in
Dakota for some time, returned.
home on Monday. IIe speaks highly
of the country.—Dr. Cowan, of St.
Thomas, former ly of Exeter, was a cal
ler at this office ou Wednesday evening
last. His stay in. Exeter was short ow-
ing to his pressing avocations at St.
'Phomas. He returned Thursday morn-
ing.—The Rey. vEr. Russell has been
appointed a member of the Advisory
Council on Religious Congresses, in
connection with the World's Fair at
Chicago.—Atthe recent bi monthly
examination of the collegiate Institute
Clinton, W. Bagshaw,of Stephen passed
very creditable.—Miss Annie Vincent
has returned from Otterville,where she
has been visiting: --Mrs. Geo. Knight,
of Itderton, is visiting' friends in town
—Mr Geo. Mattson and wife are in
Port Hope. Mr.,Maoson received the
sad news on Thursday that his mother
was very ilt and not likely to recover.
We have since learned that she died
on Saturday.—Mr. Thomas Caves, of
Bay City, formerly of Exeter, attended
the funeral of his father which took
place on Monday—Mr. Johnston, who
purchased A. J. McTavish & Co's stock,
arrived on Tuesday.—Mr. D. W. Ril-
ey, Free Press representative, was in
town yesterday in -.the interest of that
interesting and live journal.—Fred
Rollins, son of 1•ir. A. J. Rollius, left on
Friday last for Detroit, where he has
accepted a situation in a dry goods
store.—Miss Sarah Blaekwell, of Hay,
who has been visiting relatives and
friends in Exeter for some time, has
returned home. --Mr. Ed. Bissett has
accepted a situation as traveller for a
building supply , ppIy firm in Loudon, and
c mmeuced his duties.—A. Robin
son and. wife, of Weston. are spending'
their honeymoon in ',town, the guests
of Mr. John Darling:.—Geo Bawden, of
Parkhill, formerly of Exeter, was in
town yesterday, -Miss Maud Parkin-
son leaves this morning for Sarnia, to
visit friends.
A Freak of Nature. A sheep belonging, to Mr. John Hun-
ter, Jr•,, Usborne tp., gave birth to a
very peculiar specimen of a Iamb last
week. e It had one head 2 bodies each
haying four well shaped legs. It is
now in the possession of Mr. A. McPher
son. who is stuffing it."
RCKIIIafl & Cos
Wednesday, sd
Every. Lady in-
vited ' to inspect
our 5' ring
ew Goods
Plenty of diem. rl`lle latest
and best assortment, full up
in all grades and styles.
Grand Stock' o
i.ng just what you
o Few can meet and none can
O beat our prices. Quality and
high in all that e offer this sea-
6 son, right and righteous prices on
6 all things. Never were sounder or
surer bargains offered in Groceries,
Dry -Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, Clothing and Gents' Fur-
nishings. Examination will show
0 That our Stock is especially strong
in variety and thoroughly reliable
y in stylet to this we add the strong in-
ducement of low pl'ices. F tit n rPro tete
The Spring tune is that season of the year
when everybody should take TIMIE by the
forelock. This is just what we have done
and now we are -able fill all orders for seeds:
of any kinds and in any quauty. This is
the only way to secure good, reliable seed.
While you are in do not fail to see our new
Large Stock of
Spades, Hoes,
Shovels, &c,
Ir) fact eyerything in
way of Garden Tools.
eter 3 a1
Er,taiA Agy
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lend Money
Collections Make
Call at Mr. he. Spackman's
Real Estate Agency.
Business Transactions strictly con-
fidential. Intending purchasers will
receive the best advice in selecting
land or town sites.
Also agent for Allan Line
and State Line Steamships.
Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont.
'Box 44
T h e undersigned
have opened out a new
Stock of 'first-class
Spring and Summer
suitings, in Canadian
and. Imported Tweeds
Worsteds, etc., which
we sell at right prices.
Tweed Pants $3. and upwards,
Worsted do 4.
Tweed Suits 10. do
Worsted do 16. clo
Spring Over Coats
C01l and examine before idirobasing
elsewhere, We b+tiaranbee it good fit.
Creech BIssett.
We order our goods often
and keep our stock always
fresh arid' clean. Parcels de-
livered free in any part of
Frank I(uigVl.
Ono Door South Opora Hall.
Milling Co,, of Exeter.
Have opened an office opposite the
'Iowa Hall, and while build -
the. ..,,
NEW l Its
Will keep constantly on hand a full
stock of the VERY BEST BRAMDS OI!'
'LOUR; also all kinds of mill stuff and
Partners and townspeople wild find it
to their advantage to call and see us.