HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-11, Page 4GOD fItjCH'Ica1GNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11`, 1971
1 I
EdItoTiai comi0nt4
Huron -County board replies
' • At a meeting of the Huron before it was over people would beyond, the ,cart of duty.. l ant -
'c County , )Hoard of Education held' know each other a lot better. afraid to, single, out any members
on February $, '1971- it was That old "one big happy family" 'fr'i-ndividutf dx•terition for fear
unanimously decided that the feelin of the one -room school of missing• ' someone 'but. I ,
..W,C4,. "•i'W .M, r "' ,,,,,,feelin
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• • tw it~ ' te^tvspapers n fani.ty- size"would be or her ow•ri way' performed more J
County *to convey our feelings of multiplied many times in the admirably than can ever be fully
the manner., in which our staff centralized schools of :the - -recognized with words. ,Dur
reacted to the crisis with which ' County. ' • board offit'e administration were
they ,were. suddenly confronted The reason for this , on,, duty night and. day.
on January 26,' 1971. introduction is to tryan show throughout the entire storm and
January 26 began much like the futility of returninpupils ' offered moral support and
any other winter Tuesday home under such, rapidly,, encouragement, to the principals
morning in Huron County. The "-changing weAtther conditions. and staffs in the' schools by'
e`ather. Was cooling off. and a As one who was driving maintaining regular coli\tact with
snoW flurriea • streaked the concession roads at the time I them. •
air. Nothing to. cause alarm or might point out that it closed.i'n- 7 certainly, the most critical
'startle people who are sed to so quickly that ,I could hardly outsiders could find small errors
living in the snow, bel arca of . believe, what was happening. in judgment ' to r 'try and
Southwestern Ontario. I oweker. Familiar roads became an condemn the actions ' of those
it was soon to change its average unknown world 'of snow, • forced to make decisions under
appearance to one that will. be te'ns'e circumstances of
remembered, in the years to
Out of these conditions came . responsibility, but as a parent 1
come as the storm of '71. With an increase in stature of,the staff air well satisfied with the way
scarcely,; „any warning, an members of the Huron County
increasing,. wind velocity mixed ... Board of Education. I would like the situation was handled.
with- fiiriotislV"falliIlU now made it made eery clear that these As chairman, .1,' feel all our
"visibility- nil'. Traffic either pupils and teachers were not staff members should know the
slowly 'or suddenly came to -a ---used as pawns in a game .to feeling of pride the board has in
• •, � grantsr the
halt, Mother Nature had taken collect r diem foevert' member who helped to
avert t"raged)"" '.ln"" "'a" ",serious
control and man seethed, pretty Board of Education. Per diem ,
feeble irt-the grip. , grants as such. have` not beep, that ai f . It is he boards feeling
uld ng,
Life was going on normally in paid for,three'yea.rs now. Grants ried,ach school citing the
most of the schools 9f Huron are based ' on• enrolment partly placed
Gount•y that morning. There had for, this yen names an actions of the staff c�.f -._ reason so schools in such scE'luol for a job well done.
been no problem getting pupils snow belt areas would not suffer e n : I sNy
_' a, .r. ••. ' - _ ..G.,.>xil.a is,c.an be don.. , .
wit n e ar'rc .,�
there• ori time h -`"the l�Ya �r e� to laci� of Ott rrd ...
buses used for' " transporting Everyone would certainly have yn ,berfa,lf ''of f the boar
students each •day. ',The roads sooner had these pupils safe in words y,-•hich, are on the Lips of
•were in, exceptionally good their homes. However,' the' Practically every parent whose.
condition 'corisidering the time decision to have them remain 'in' ehildren *ere cared for, s sincere
of year. It was "a good winter"to ' ,the schools or:billetted in homes `Thank You". ,
date" the old•timers,said. Maybe, • was made in` preference to An -ad' of appreciation . has
ogt 1 ,
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Remember When? ?:
60 YEARS AGO members and friends shared in M
In • a terrible wreck on . the the festivities; -dancing to the
Buffalo and Goderich branch of music of Lionel Thbrnton and
the. Grand Trunk . Railway on his orchestra. Mrs. Bud Worthy
Saturday night six lives were was crowned Queen of the Mardi
lost, and Goderich mourns the Gras following a draw for the
death of three .excellent cjtizens. honor by. Mr, Thornton, �..
`• They •are William D. Tye, mail Steps to .take to join the
clerk,' Goderich; Peter ^ 'Canadian chamber of Commerce
Mc F;arlane, bagggagemari, and how Goderieh could benefit
Goderich-,' and, John W. from ,it were- outlined • at a
Whitelaw, ,express -messenger, Meeting of the Goderich Jaycees
Goderich. Another Goderich at ' 'Harbourlite " Inn •'Tuesday
rnan Justin May, Mail clerk, was evening, The guest speaker, was
�T f . 'Tta'tlS,n ., . SIJ •.,
$evereI ,1"nI°u'i•'ed':.���:.
�44, � . ..,
The "�i ain ,_ •which was wrecked ,representative of -the Cariadian_rr. ".a.
was the passenger ,train which is 'Chamber of Comlrieroe. Nearly
due to, arrive in Goderich at ,' 30 were in .attendance at the
midnight, ' Betwee Paris'• and • dinner meeting. Goderich is the
Drunibo, and about four miles largest .town- •in Ontario not .a•
from Paris, ahead -on collision member of the Canadian x•'.
occurred with a mogul engine Chamber of Commerce, Mr, ,
,running light from .Stratford to, Nokes said.
Fort Erie. The light engine, one An official zoning plan fpr the
of the --biggest and heaviest used town of Goderich is, needed, J.
on the road, was a new one K. Hunter town solicitor ,and an
turned out of the. shops at • advisory member of the planning ,
Stratford on Saturday and was board, told " Town Council
:Making a trial trip to Fort Erie Friday night. He said it was
in 'charge of Conductor W. necessary as a means of a
Meacham. She was running extra proposed plan of growth for
and, had no rights over. any Goderioh, particularly in respect
regular train. • It is` understood to a road plan. - °
that she. should have stopped ,at A request for the re -opening
Drumbo for orders, but that the of the ' tunnel leading froth" the
crew, hearing that the express ,,lower part of Goderich harbour
^ , .", ... , ` f, x Y; ,•. °; w . K .. - e, Into the Maitland River was
.,., - y .'— •: -:, . ;, . ccT ;i�rc a `+.4<"»f.',��t} �•t(i:� in, V.:..w:• ,- , -- ..A..�> was tat took a chance on
?;;,.�,,. :� �- - ?�t� ,� . ,,,..r. �. _: �;��: �--�. d made to Town Council Friday
L. •� � . � ;�• b,� ..•.1• *' ..;`��� % ��� � � etting to Paris before meeting
1',�`� ti 'i:i, . 1��:.vh 1 •3;, �. t'ti, ` ti;Y4. Yy r,-�♦ , � .ul�il-: �' r '` =;1'' � '„="_-!�+�•::. g
•• it night by J. E. Huckins. He said
laitaialitettialai ntatatillatiatm ilita1ttiatattiatiiim titimataiitimiiiimalitialaiiiiiiiiimelalllilltl tliltltU1111Nt11111111111111llt111t111t11t11111Ut11t1t1111t1111111. Sifyerian eggs are said to be night
had a p. t. H ki some 230
)lin in Toronto. The Canadian names signed by local and
• vin her ' inator of the
public is behind what they do, it 'hen is not living g up toh . visiting anglers. Ori
symbolized in the' HEARTresporisibility of each Canadian
associated with the Feast of St. to make his views known to. his
Valentine's Day. 'For this,reason .. ,Member of Parliament.
it is the month set aside by ,the . After all, who amongst us'
of ,ze:..t�ie'
� .r-•t<ha;,,ne:xL•-.Bills.,-b c1
tioi�..'f �its.-fi ,
H11A•R`��-'•F�aurlda o ght- ..l:yao ... _, �
against HEA,RT0.diseases in alt. House h'iay be one perrnittlflr
forms.. euthanasia!
For some ' unknown reason, a JJ.appy St. Valentine's Day.'
the weekend of February 13th • (Mrs. W. J.) Eileen Palmer
and 14th ' this year has been
'chdsen as the days for the_ '•- .
It had just. been the calm before having them stranded. in buses already been placed in the local . continuation of the ABORT/11N— ..GHOST SIGHTINGS?
the storm. -Before buses could be on clogged concession roads, papers thanking all 'others who . on demand campaign to take ' I am, collecting and comparing
remobilized and students That decision has never been assisted in this time of need. place in Ottawa. report ,true and false of people
_ prepared for home everyone regretted • May I 'l•eiterate to those 'also, a Tlie Royal Commission' on the who have supposedly seen ghosts
kr}ew it was futile to try to send The' Huron County Board of heartfelt "Thank Yoti". Status of .Women has or 'similar apparitions in Canada ,
btfsloads of students out in theEducation wishes to commend recommended that "the `during the 1960's. li'or, Some
blinding snow ?Maybe it would ev.exv• member of .our o Yours sincerely, few records " Criminal Code be amended for reason there are very - f
slacken a .little in the afternoon. r Robert M. Elliott permit abortion Eby. a qualified ' of such sightings_m your part bf
"teaching and per J. I. Coulter " medical practitioner on the sole . the - country. Compared �tiith
Classes continued as usual. As non -teaching staff. who ..were
u noon conte and .went everyone Chairman, request of any woman who has .- other areas of • your' province,
Involved for the excellent, Huron"County "Board° • been pregnant for twef�"e ��eeks-"""and""'"Ca'tta:da itself, this would
realized it was no average storm. unselfish manner"in which, they '
The storm of '71 was on and organized arid performed bf Education. or less"`but. Fetal •HEART, „appear to be unusual!
function can be detected at Could you please ' have:.
twelve weeks!!, -How ir`onfc •-that- sofieone check • through' your
... - • the.. °=eatnapaigrs ' " ~1ibetaiiz newspaper files for 'anything you' -
ABORTI.ON laws- should take ''might have to contradict this"
- place.. on '- this ' particulari spirited . shortcoming.. 1
weekend.! Or maybe it' 'is an would very- much appreciate any .
,-...a indication that our society ha's help you or your" readers; could
reached its peak of perfection i, give me. " -"_W ,
Hope yet
People .from Western Ontario are still
digging' out from the recent -bad 'storms. •
Snow aid ice are still with us 'and high
winds 'with' record' low temperatures for
.this area continue to plagueus.
in Ca]lifornia the people are still digging
out from a ,d'rsasterous earthquake that
has left many dead, ,.buried or injured;
millions of ' dollars in estimated damage
and a - . sense of shock at the utter
adequacy of man .to do much about it
Through .all this one thing has come
through loud and clear that should 'put
some heart into those. who have been
hearing that the world•is doomed and that'
mankind will annihilate . itse,lf. lt has
pointed out that somewhere in all men
'On behalf of the pupils and
• ,. staff of Holmesville School, and
the Huron County Board of
Education, I wish to express a
. hearty thank you to those who
helped in anyNway to make Our
- being "storm stayed" at
Holmesville ,School during the
recent snow storm • the
memorable event that we can
look back on as one where
pupils, 'teachers and parents were
brought just ,a . little closer
A-special''thank you goes .out
to those parents'who supplied us
with .."home -cooked" food to
add variety to -our menu of
sandwiches, hot dogs, Fork and
beans, apples and oranges, and
milk. Those who. helped in
transporting otir food supplies to
the school froth . the"local village
store, from Clinton and from
.•_ Giderich also deser e a pat on
there is 'a.basic' good; an ab.ility,' perhaps
even -a desire; to help out when help is
really needed, "
There always have been and always will
'be those who think nothing of others and
would refuse to help even if approached
directly; the• 'Good• Samaritan was'
immortalized'ibecause he stopped to help
out while- others passed by — most people
know the story.
rWhil`e there are people,...vvh04 fefuse to
help- there- will be scepticisrr ' as to the
future of man. But while people in such
numbers as 'there were in fhe recent
natural occurances help out as they have
and are doing, there is hope for the old
. and now will gradually become' A . stamped self-addressed
decadent. ,a- envelope is enclosed; I would:be-
Tlie pro abortion group has ' willing to..pay additional postage
to coves any documentation yott
many- ' a spokesman ( every might unearth. -+ ° •
rinkv-dink ; is noted by the
It just does not seem possible '
press) so the views of the . that , people no longer claim to
' anti -abortion spokesmen from : have seen ghosts. After, centuries
the ranks of lawyers, doctors .:of confusion; not one ghost in
• and clergymen should be coming your area?P .--
encourages,them to strive, opportunities. petition, said Mr. Huckins, was
harder. opportunities.
Geiger, warden • of Archie Johnston,' ,
We hope to keep "Trigon" an Huron County for 11911, was Kr George,- _, Salkeld, RR 2
• school and given a pleasant surprise on his Goderich, said it was cold in
a ti�ent.at„the,
a nu e'these':
n l ...
" With your support, 1 am safe we- return ' to''' HensaTt ";from" �'th'e" parts ., last" week. "' • And
can do it. session of the county council at George should know because -he
., Yours Truly Goderich. ,,.-•-'A ' large crowd • keeps official temperatures' in
Margo Bettger, assembled at the ,station and --this-area for the Meterological
. arresponding Secretary. 4 heartily . cheered him on his Brandt at Toronto, The . early
arrival. He was escorted to . a. hours of last Thursday' morning
• " pleasure sleigh and a pr'oCessfohi saw the thermometer' drop' to an
Memo to Mrs. Keller-
This may put, you on the spot accompanied him„ to his,hoine. Not in 27. years has it bee
but we beteha this will not get Here he addressed tnhe gathering, 'colder. Oai.,.,.;,February� 9, 1934,
printed in. your esteemed thanking. them for the honor the temperature in the Goderich
newspaper because. it deals with shown. him. Three cheers were ,,area hit 27 degrees below zero.
Editor Price's weaknesses. _
Firstly 'it's something, of an
insult .to the ' an
Ron Price, on his. very' .first -
election, the first thing he tries .
to promote is a.higher salary or•
for himself and the rest of
Council. So, let's ditch him as
soon as possible. Any -councillor
with s'tich bad judgment we need
like another hole in the head. He
can't have much on the.ball that
will help taxpayers and it has,
shown up.early in the++g�ame.
The • 'only Councillor, •
see.m.ingly,,:with--his--brains in.the---
right place Is Deputy , .Reevee er,- „,
headed • by . , the •�'' band, official 20. degrees below zero.
through loud and,.clear. •A , Sincerely;
I f we, through 'our Sheila llervey (Mrs: G.T.)
mplaceney, allow our ,M' .
Members ' of Parliament (whom • Dear Sir:
we voted" 'in ' '1 as our' 'The Executive and niem'bers.
representatives) io liberalize the of the Maple . Leaf Chapter
Abortion laws, we are .in ,fact I.O.D.E. wish 'to. express their
- selecting our ownexecutioners. sincere thanks for the, excellent '
Are We about to sit back and le coverage itt your new'spaper
world yet.,our fate be signed and sealed , during the past year.
with a pen dipped in they blood Your assistance was very
ofanunborn child?,
recders .write ..:
the back for at no time' did we
suffer any shortage of food.
Included in this 'group was' a
club .'of seven ski-dooists from '
Goderich ;who not only brought
out food but also other supplies..
among -, which were blankets
from the Bedford Hotel and the
Alexandra Marine and .General
Hospital as Well as medical aid
for-thoso .few who showed signs
of being a little under the •
weather. I would like to thank ,
the ' 'Carnation Plant at
Holmesville for supplying us free
of charge all the rgilk that we
could drink during our ordeal:
The three gentlemen ' who
spelled off the teachers the
second night of our stay also
deserve thanks and a ' top
recommendation as baby-sitters.
The blankets received from the
people in the village were' very
much appreciated and our
thanks goes out ' to you for
sharing them.
I could go 'on' endlessly in
expressing thanks to. individuals
and' groups ,but wish to sum up
by_ moving one ,blg. " t~e^`'. o?
thanks to all who "helped in any
way, to make us fel, that We at...
Holmesville School were among
the more fortunate ones in this
rather unexpected experience.
The -understanding expressed by
the parents and the trust placed
in us -throughout this adventure'
have been, greatly appreciated in
all ways:
John Siertsema,
Holmesville School.
February is the month
dedicated }to Love and Romance'
Continued in column 4
E3tAEit,ISwE9 123rdYEARTow tnb'rtc1!- •of
{] p
Tho County Town Nawspap.r of Huron —0— PUBLICATION
Put isfiei at ,Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
TELEPHONE .124433! ere! ' cede -Six .
ROBERT G. SHRIER, , president and publisher
RONALD- P, V. PRICE, managing editor
SHIRLEY J. KELLER, women's editor
EDWARD J. BYFSKI, advertising manager
µ: 4
Second class mail registration Ink fiber --
We consider • ourselves
civilized, look avith horror on
. death camps' in Germany, on the
atrocities in Vietnam and
'Yours sincerely.
Cambodia, and we send torts of
' food and . medicine to
underprivileged or war-torn
{Mrs. R. J.) Isabelle Smith,
''•co,untrie ,,yet, here at home our THANKS
Canadian .:women are.'seeking, to ar ]M }�y,
young adults are confused??) -
Let us put our HEART into,
HEART Sunday so that the
HEART of no twelve week (or
less) --foetus Will ease to beat
because of abortion:' It is the
company, ),would like to thank
you for the wonderful coverage
given us in the Signal -Star,
before and after the production
of Trigon '71. When the students
of our school see how much the
' 4npua Short(
Ducks t'ntimited
David Gower. -
When Counc. Price found one
noble man objected;• trying to,
save"' face he , appears all the•
worse : trying t<b _ lie his way. •
around the point •saying It was.
-intended ortl,y as a discussion for
an increase in -pay. Even,when
budget comes up for 'dismission
it is not a • newcomer's place to
urge for San increase on ' the
'taxpayers,' already - overtaxed.
Heaven help us, we d& not need
• characters who do .not know
their, proper place.: , . ' -
While we're at it, some of tz
do not like Editor •Price's
belligerent attitudes .and we're
getting mighty tired of ' his
"phisog" popping. out ; in every
edition. "H'e""isn''' 'handsome and
that we: can also live without:
T. Kennedy.
(Toronto' postmark)
given .for. Warden . Geiger, after
which the crowd dispersed.
'• The fire brigade was` called -to
the . home • of Cecil „McBride,
Elgin Ave., on Sunday morning
when over heated stovepipes
caused a chirrinei'T to smoke
badly. The otable;as4 quickly
remedied bythe firemen,'
About thirty dollars . in cash
and a small - quantity• ' of
,cigarettes were stolen from the
Venus restaurant some time
Saturda& morning, When entry
was gained . by 'forcing a side
door. The` theft was discovered anniversary of the founding,: of
by one of the 'employees when the Goderich Kinsmen Club.
he opened .the restaurant abodt , Ernest McMillan, 12:., son of
$ )o'cloc,k in the morning. Chief Mr. rand -Mrs. Don McMillan, 200 .
of Police RosS was called " to' Widder Street, was the winner of
investigate. To date no arrests the Huron County Public
'have been made. speaking,contest held in Clinton
After nearly eighteen years of last Friday. "Mrs, J. W. Wallace of
faithful service as superintendent G o d"e r i c h w a s th .e
of the Huron County Children's, chairman=co`iivener of the event;
A unique • and ttioroughl}:
'informative meeting w.as'held in
Robertson Memorial School
Monday evening when about
100. Goderich ;parents and •
teacher,, sat down 'together to ,
discuss the trends. in modern
educaf"idp' in 11et on
well, as; Thee parAtee1F 47()tilt
about 'the ideal seeioo ss tem
for students here.
Thea Goderich Kinsmen 'Club
will :celebrate the • 50th
anniversary of Kinsmen Clubs in.,. - M
Canada from February ,14 ta-'-20'
and will also recogr ize,,,the 23rd
Aid Society, H,• T. Edwards : judges were Major George
tendered his resignation' at the Jarmatoff. and John Brownridge
annual meeting of the; Society. of Clinton and John McCarroll
Another feature of importance _..of Stratford.
'at Tuesday's meeting ' was the Work on ;the final stage of the,
appointment of • an. 'advisory Elgin Avenue - Storm Sewer
committee to which members of
the staff may refer any question
should they prefer to do -so
rather than decide pit themselves.
Goderich Kinettes held their
second , annual Mardi Gras Ball
Saturday night at the
Harbourlite Inn. Upwards of 400
Project started this week after
the confusion between town
council and the Robarts family
was .cleared up and the town
bought an easement across the
Robarts' property for $2;250.
Work is progressing well and is
being ,carried out by Elmford
Construction of Toronto.
The blue=winged teal,
a warm Weather duck,
heads for the deep south
well ahead of freeze-up,
usually in early 'September.
They travel far from Canada's prairies, to Mexico,
Central America, the West Indies and across
r . ,a. i;aa, +w 24.4 ^ •b. , f' f'', •�a`:
Principal nesting •groun•s; a e inre-
Ducks Unlimited , proje;ts play a vital role.
i1 -70
- •
T • 6