HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-04, Page 1664, OOP,1RICH SIGNAL" -STAR, THURSU, .Y. 'F J3RUARY 4, 1971.
ubu,.rn and
s aaaoWICK
AuburnWI hears
Whitton from Sifto
The January- meeting of the
Auburn Weaken's hi$titute was
held ' in the 'Community
Memorial • -Half with the
president; " _., Leonard
Archambaultirk", charge. ' •
„Ineeting .>;uas c iu the.
fashion with Mrs, Robert J. ,
' Philli'ps at the • piano. , The
. minutes ' • and.,th'e - financial
statement • were given 'by Mrs.
Donald Haines and Mrs. 'Thomas
A letter from Mrs. Austin
Zoeller, F. W.I.O. president was
Mrs. Gordon Powell
Hospitat Auxiliary
holds ann 1 meeting
The Wornen's,,Auxiliary of the
Alexandra General' andMarine
Hospital held its Annual Meeting
with , a- .good representation of
members present. ,
'Miss B. Lauder presided when
annual reports ,were presented.
During the year a set of
introduced the guest speaker of
the afternoon, `Fred Whitton,
production managegof Sifto Salt
Company at Goderich.
stated that the 'GoLierich
crone' is-grtuatecl,;?rr -the Michigan•
Salt Basin and” ^s'howed a
gep,",.f{1GMW6N.w•+da§uv. .. . AYM.g" .r?,{�.'A11• }
cross-section diawmg ot l'he •
shaft. Mr. Whitton said that- they
are working 1700 feet below the
demand aeat deal of salt.
�' reference books was. provided
Mrs. Powell thanked 1Vlt for the use of /he nurses.' it' was
Whitton and on be half . ,of the " arranged to proVide a bursary _fpr
'WI • members presented him a deserving student of the
'with a gift. , Huron -Perth Sc , 1 trim
usters ` were piurchased�. for ;the
projects, namely the Annual.
Penny Sale and Tea and sale of
calendars; for the services of the
women who' give their ;tithe to
assist the . members of the
Auxiliary with the sewing; and
to all who , have helped in any
way to make the year 1970 ,a
successful ene for the Hospital•
Gold!. and Brownie News
Sunday afternoon,' Januar' 24
proved to be an .excellent day
fdr a, winter hike.. 'Twenty=Six of
' the girls left North Street
Church at one o'clock and hilted
Auxiliary. down to the new beach area. '`�''''
MrYs.. E. Howey presented the , ' ' We broke -.off into groups and '
School of r n of the t minatidns some laid trails .and then -the
• D g. committee. Mrs. ' G. C. White,
fiilie conuener•0ot A icultUrfa arrcl e• of •watnerr
,('p'�n� 1 t��Y,p {.� ��rtltetrt�
surface, employ 180 "nten' and
ship daily two to. six thousand
tons of salt by truck and rail.
• Besides using salt for ice
control on the highways, he said
that chemical companies and
vv ater ,.c, softener companies
Knox U.0 congregation
elects new officers
' The annual congregational
meeting of 'Knox United Church_.
was held last Wednesday in the
Sunday school room of the
church. Members of Unit -Two of
the I'.C�W_._ served dinner • at
�` 12:30 p.m. and the meeting
Y _ folaowed with Pastor Alfred Fry
in charge.
Roberi"Arthur, Stanley Ball; •
Walter Cunningham and W. J:
Tilltot were -eledt"ed -to='seT-ve .2_,.
elders. Miss Margaret,R. Jackson
was elected honorary -,-elder.
William L. Craig,' " Sidney
McClinchey, Mr`s. Brian:, Hallam
and Mrs. Lawrence' Plaetzer were
elected to serve on the toard of
Trustees ' Henry'.,$rindley,
Gordon Gross, Charles 'Scott„,
Percy Youngblut and Robert
Armstrong were re-elected.
Church treasurer is Mrs.
Kenneth 'McDougall' and Fred
Wagner; M. and M: Fund, Allan'
Webster and Mrs. Dorothy
Mr. arid Mr's. Elliott . La,pp
•were „ named the manse
committee. and -Bert Marsh and.
Mrs: William L. Craig were
appointed auditors. ' ,
The , Session is to be
and Mrs. Alfred Fry for their
excellent service and dedication
(;o the Auburn community.
Pastor Fry thanked the members
:and expressed the• hope that' he
and Mrs. Fry, could continue to
serve here. ,
. About 40 members attended,
several over 80, Miss Margaret
Jackson and. Mrs: Charles
Straughan of Blyth were present.
--��:VItss' J'aels�n :.:=L4raoke�; 'they
congregation fore the • special
service which they had held for
her and Mrs. Straughap for their
many years of service.
(GIT fashion
' The,' AuburnC.G.I.T.. group
--met at the Elliott home with .
,eleven girls' present. The meeting
'was opened with the C:G.I.T.
"”,;i ymn and purpose arid the
offering was received after' the
treasurer's report.
Arva Ball was in:charge of the
meeting and Sherry Plaetzer led
aper flowers
made to --the ' Homemaker's
Service. f .
'Two mobil 'suction 'cups ,a
Colson stret�:• r and pad and a
Davis R:`"'i•nt roller were
purchased for the use offthe
hospital. Christmas favours were
prepared for patients.
A group of dedicated women,
accomplish a great deal in the
the eeond term ex. d d gs 1 al f and
The Third
" the co-ope ation She had
received duri g the year.
The follow g is they list of
officers for 197 .
Archambault also "thanked the
speaker fpr his interesting way
,he presented the working on'the
An invitation to attend the
70th anniversary, February 4th
was accepted and tickets' were
ordered. Leaders for 4.H
program were' chosen: Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt, Miss Frances
" Houston, Mrs. Frank Raithby,
Mrs. William `Empey and Mrs.
• .Donald Haines.
Letters of thanks from the
War Memorial, Children's
Hospital, London • and.
Huronview were read and also
from the Children's Aid Society.'
It was decided to send a
delegate to Officers' Conference
in April at Guelph and Mrs.
Donald Ines, secretary -
treasurer was" named' to be the
Auburn delegate.
responsible for choosing a guest, . in .prayer. The minutes , of the •
Minister and 'setting the date., of
the Anniversary service. ,Mrs.
Torrance' Tabb • was re --elected
treasurer ;of and ,,Kenneth
'Flower Fund
Ntcbougall was
named to continue being captain
A letter from the trustees of,
Knox Presbyterian Church
offering the • pulpit in their
Sunday school as.a gift. to Knox
United Church ,Sunday School
was read. The gift was accepted
and the appreciation_ of the
congregation is extended to. the
After " a --'lengthy •discussion
regarding the purchase of 'd new
Organ; it was decided to call
anether meeting, to decide this'
A very sincere expression of
thanks was extended to Pastor
previous meeting were accepted
as read.
A . discussion followed' re
collecting for the March' -of
• Dimes as usual but -the decision
was left until the next meeting.
Plans were made for a toboggan
party on January 31 and going
to the Plaetzer home for lunch
after. . Mrs. Edwin . Cartwright"of
Mrs. Maurice Bean conducted Huronview spent Sunday with
a Bible quiz. While the girls ,her son, Donald Cartwright, Mrs.
made flowers from crepe paper, Cartwright, David; Derrick and -
Mrs. Bean made arrangements Lone. „
I '
r' "' t e aur-ttik teitir-a.campfrre
Past President, Mrs. H. Rivers;'
-President, Mrs. G. C. White; First
Vice -President, Mrs. F. Bowra;
Secretary', Mrs. R. W. Hughes;
'I`reasurer, Mrs. J. W. McLaren;.
way of new sewing and,tnending Gift Shop` Convener, Mrs. • C.
Worsell; Assistant Convener,
hospital., materials. .,The Gift - Mrs. C. C. Arnbery; Gift Shop
Shop 'and Gift Cart 'operate in an -Personnel;" Mrs. E. Howey;. Gift
efficient way. - Shop Treasurer, Mrs. E.
Teenage, Candystripers, under Pridharn; Sewing Convener, M
the sponsorship of the Auxiliary, C. Cutt; Publicity (, -
perform a wggthwhile service. M r s.. R . • M c C a ► ,. r ,,, ;
The Women's Auxiliary are Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. •C.
grateful to . thel citizens of Murray;` Historian, Mrs. M..
Goderich' who have supported Ainslie, and Telephone
and assisted them in their Convener, Mrs. F Walrkom. ..•
Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell,,.......
convener of the card committee,
reported�[f"cards sent (�anQd read the
t1 14 k=-5?--xlia'te.-97- �^II 1 ed -A
-. The motto, If you're • not
afraid to roll up your sleeves
you're not likely to lose your
shirt, prepared by. Miss Margaret
Jackson of Blyth, was read by
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock: The roll
call •'was answered by naming a
farm product you' never have
seen grown and 'the collectidn
was taken up by Marilyn
Archambau-lt and ,Lurie
Cartwright. ' •
reading was given) by Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt. A , musical
contest ' was giver, by Mrs.
Gordon Taylor andthe winner
was Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer., '
Prizes were, won by Mrs.
William 'Straughan for having the
nearest,wedding anniversary;
MarilyArchambault for the
nearest birthday.; and Mrs. Wa
Brooks had' the lucky cup.
Hostesses for the afternoon
were. Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mrs.
Gordon Powell . and Mrs. Arnold
Graig. .
Auburn Socials
for ter, Mr. Wi a policeman, to
speak at a meeting.
After lunch the meeting was.
closed with• -Taps. '
Mr. ,and'Mrs. Art• Laidlaw'and
Karen Ann of Wing>'iam visited
last Sunday with her Parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell.
`Frs. William Maines, ttonalcr
Marnes_and Miss Shirley Maines
elect -slate
of Goderich visited‘Sunday,with "'""
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. =Phillips.
William Trommer• of Hespeler
is' convalescing at the home of
•The Auburn United Church his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
• Trommerfollowing 'surgery.
. Explorer group held a successful , T,
One -candidate ort Mr. and, Mrs. J. A. McIntosh
year accordin
g to their re p and family, Jack and Margo,
'• The Miss Janet - Coleman .and' Miss'
• assistant -counsellor is Miss Marie
for war d �Mrs. Eldon McLennan. given by their Chief Counsellor•
Julie Schram, all of London,
• - spent the weekend'- with Miss
race in 72
Plunkett. Frances Houston.
There is alreadyone 'c The officers were as follows:
n .o KocirR:
andidateGiiisef a Ex; rte -
y ,. �.... '�i-•'lyrfnrr---�er
'.t tY E - ' ' a -•ati nt in 4101- Goderich 'mak
�1���e� ��'�`"�� n'�eeper--.-� the that he is a patient to Goderich
County in 1972. He is Elmer • Treasure, Judy. Robinson; Hospital suffering from a
Hayter, reeve of Stanley, Keeper of the Log, Debbiesit
Township who was defeated-'' Jefferson. The girls are working
Tuesday by 1971 Warden Jack on a knitting projectof making
Alexander, Wingham, in a tie lap warmers for the patients at
vote broken by the reeve of Huronview.
Goderich, Paul 'Carroll. • In November, two 'ne'w
While Hayter indicated, his ° members were initiated: Laurie
disappointment at losing the Elliott' and Jdyce Henderson.
race, he pledged his support to Stars were given out also.
the -new warden and said he • •Secb'nd, year stars were given
would e'ptitinue to work to the to Sherry Yerbeck, ` Connie
best of his ability "without fear Trommer,, Janet Cook, and Jane
"or favor." - Thompson. Third year stars were
The, Stanley reeve did say his given to Judy Robinson, Marilyn
"running shoes" were still in fine Wightman, Debbie Jefferson and
shape. Faye Hildebrand.
"I will be a candidate when The study for' this' coming`
that chair 'bedbates vacant next season is "How the Word Gets
year," said Hayter. Around" and is a very
He received a ' round of interesting 'study about how, the
applause from all his associates Word of God is spread_
iri the council chamber. throughout the world.
fract,ured'. hip. He• is well known •
• in this community, • having
relieved the manager at the bank
here many times.
Mrs. W. ,,, , Braenock,' -o`Miss
Shirley Watkins of Londesboro,
• Miss Sheron Collins and George
Collins visited last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. William Holzworth
at Palmerston.
• turnout the day before • last ' After' their PoW Wow Pack
made, by Diana and Dawn Oke,' week's storm began. After a " Three .. passed The ' queeze"
Brenda Lougheed and Linda
Vance. A few, frozen: feet but -We game to loosen up a bit,• the . • around before going home. .
had a good time!
The next night :.we enrolled all
our Tenderfoot Guides with a
candlelight' ceremony,,, • Mrs.
McCreath, our Commssioner,
enrolled Sherri Mai Laren, Dawn
Oke, Ann Marie Murphy, Laurie-
aurie""Streeter; Donna Jackson, Robin
Ormandy, Wendy' MacLean,,
Susan More, 'Leslie MacEwan,
"Julie. Armstrong, Cathy Wiser
'and Diana Freeman and we
welcome them to the. sisterhood
of •Guides:
Thrift, Athletic and Keeping.
Fit badges were presented
Diana Perry- and Diana
received.her Second Class,
1 e.
PHONE" 524=833
(Intended for last week)
Miss Arpi Altberk and John
Coran, Toronto, visited Mrs.
Thomas C. Anderson, Regent
St., for -the •weekend. They also
visited with Mr.'Anderson who is
confined' to Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital.
2nd and 3rd Mortgages
Arranged in the Convenience
Of Yaw' Home. '
LOW cost.. You can call to 11
p'm, A,day fc►r helpful
courteous service. Prompt
Investment Corp. , Ltd., 330
Bay' Street, Toronto. Call
366-9586, EVGS., 231.-8146
9 to 11 Chops in a pkg.
No Centte Slice:�
Shankless Lean
Freshly Ground
"Y"Y"Y"Y"Y"Y "Y "11,4"4"11 W,Th'4
Sweet Pickled, Vacuum Packed,' 21 to 3" z -Ib . average
Frozen. Pork Side
Super -Right, Sliced, Rindiess
Hot Dogs?
— ....,'RED HOTS"
, 1 ib- vacuum pack•
AH prices in this ad guaranteed effective.,
through 4aturday, February 6, 1971.
Jane Parker, Daily Dated
Jane Parker, Daily Dated, Sliced
Jane• Parker
'24 -oz
cak19-es- - :4)
Robin "Hood, 5 Varieties
19 -oz'
• yr1Y•.,11
1 -lb
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Write this'one down!
28 -fl -oz tin
Texas Grown,' fresh Daily,'
Washed and Trimmed
No Obligation
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY }'1'1. -- 1 -3 P.M.
Batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes
Hearing Ald Service. Ltd.,
88 Queen St. Kitchener
would Eike to Mall on you with -
"housewarming gifts" ' and,
information ablaut your new
location. The Hostess will be
S s.cription to the
Call her at 524-9525
Ontario Grown, Mo. .1 Grade, Hothouse
Pantry Shelf
19oz. Tins �.
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A&P 28oz. Tiynr
Beans with Pork
Heinz Spaglietti
Beans with Pork
Luncheon Meat
1 -LB
:Maxwell use jAR $1
12 -OZ . $ e0