HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-04, Page 13••• • 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111911111111111111111111111111111110111101110111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111M111111111111411111111111MMINIUM01111111111K EWi M A • .• A • • A. nters of memory colder TODAYPS,'CHILO a ity,Bilt Smiley • There's nohing like ri-rolid- 'stretch of really told weather to remind you. that Natilre still packs a mighty wallop, despite all man's ingenuity in • trying to keep his chin cow- ed , , • ve had a dandy around here ' .day- after day of be- • low-zero_temperattire. -Even though the Y have been bright, the sun hdabout as .much ef- fecton the atmosphere .as. fried egg, sunny -side's up. • , .Everyone - enjoys the first -,40,,AQ4,141‘10,1444Y,$###C4Sufa4p,g,l1„....,-, We all feel like hardy pioneers when we stomp in out of the • cold, eyes and noses 'running, and exchange such inanities as, ,"Thats a' real snapper", and "cold 'nuff fer ya?" But after a week or so, it begins to •get tb- you. You begin to remember those' stories about people who go mad in the rainy 'season, or when the sirocco is blowing. It doesn't affect the kids... They love it, bundled to the nose and full of warm, red • blood. Most of the elderly hate it, and visibly shrink: It• doesn't bother the outdoor enthusiasts, because they, keep warm doing somethipg. They can't lick it, so they jbiti it. It's the ordinary, simple; every -day tOuseholder like • me who begins to feel the pOnc, and develop, a deep gloom. When. you turn the - key in the. -car and it just groans like a wounded billfalo before expiring... When you look up at the ever- thickenng ice on the roof and remember you've just -• had yourlivin-roarn -redeco. Ann Lamkrs a , ' GODRICH SIGNAL -STA, TIVIRDAY FE3RP4U4V44:19.1.1; 4.17' • • 1, rated, and knOw it's going to. cost ”0 to have itetiopped off. And finally, when yOur' downstairs facilities don't work, and you realize with horror that even in this day of oil furnaces, inside pipes can freze. And the ,oilman trneth.• And corneth and cornett'. This is the time when you should, stop and realize ,how. ludkY you .are, instead of bending •ev,eybody's ear witti your petty woes. Iati.should 4441,-...,V#,WnShg,‘Avatuo Like most Canadins, .1 was brought up on cold win- ters. Earliest recollections are of midwinter Suna-morn- • ings. -My mother would take my kid brother and me into bed with her where we'd help ourselves to the breakfast -in - bed she always wit Sunday '•-• mornings, and listen with fear and fascination to her tales of winter on Calumet Island, in the Ottawa Rivet. The het was about the time Lady, the dainty little mare, went through the ice and the dreadful time they sunt try to rescue her. I think she died. guage that should have given. me curly hair, interspersed with the occasional clang, when he'd belt the furnace with his shovel out of sheer rage. • I spent a winter in noth- ern England, with archaic' and often non -existing heating, equipment, • except in the, pubs. Sheer, clammyrnsery, except_ in the pubs...I Spent another' in Germany on the Baltic Sea, with very little ,#,#t*Sserid,,A40040,R4.wat'slivio" much joy thre. ' , _ Then I got married. Our first place had two wood • stoves. I'd hop, out of bed, plunk my freezing baby in -with hi S warm mother, and rustle up two fires. Then I'd take a roll of newspaper into the cellar, set fire to it, and ' unfreeze the water pipes whiCh frozepsolid every night., Then off through the zero to the newspaper office, which boasted. bne of • the last w.00d-burning furnaces on the continnt: You could see your' breath in the place until° about 11 a.m. We graduated to a coal fur- nace, which did nothing but produce in me the same vio- • lence and frustration my father had felt twenty years • There there was .my • Dad. He hated winter and maden, bones about was Depres- sion times, and the 'coal bill was an albTitissarund--his• neck. He was a mild,gentle man, never known to say any- • thing ,tronger than "shoot". But inside him was some of •—the-wild-des:pair -.ofzhisIiish • forefathers: When he'd go down to fire up the furnace, I'd getmy ear up against the furnace -pipe adlisten. With, delight -to -lam .-• .y.„1 e • , , " y , , r••• • y • './.•{•,•: Big sto , ' • Dear Ann Landers: my , chops, meatloaf, corned beef hash and chop suey. brother-in-law thinks he is Jan Murray. He •imagines himself a . Lo,ok in your book of famous great soryteller. Nothing could qotations, Ann,, and see if e furtherr m theru.'ve anyone ever said "There may be imself, so many times it is some exquisite affairs" but there: seen him make a jackass out of are116v pitiful. His lol vely wife just sits .• 1:e7notdons. hee:ePfthecy.elone ere with a phony smile on her - socially speaking. To be "Jace. Somebody should give her specifle, Sarsdale, N.Y., -one • ' - �f.. the highest per-capita-indome a mHeidsal.dialect stories are the suburbs in the. U.S. Every ,. Lort'1471s;4Pintri, Lputoorukly zuslita;wwingsZr40,arp.i.71144w4:, before. ,- • When I think of those - days, and step out of bed into a pleasantly oil -heated house, I realize what a -piddling little - -cold spell we're having -now, --- and alniost feel like going out in the now in my pyjarhas and doing some push-ups. Al - This the entire ethnic group. And the sorry. Two of my close -friends- idiot has no taste and judgment. are minus a cfJuple of good Last night • he told one of those husbands becausethey• fooled raiti-pinister-priest jokes in around. I know a lovely widow front ;:•;1'zi• Catholic bishop. It who lost out, tob. She learned bOmbed. Last week he got up at that an "exquisite affair" has the a football banquet and told two life expectancy of abut' eight POlish ibises. Half the team was weeks. The man she was crazy Polish. He's lucky some guy about viewed her as a didn't get him Wlth a piece of - prospective wife until she fell pipe after the banquet. into bed on the third date. He My husband .is this nut's told her this in plain English. brother. Do You think it would be # out of order if I said something? Or would an anonymous letter be bette? This has been going on for 15 years and it is getting worse instead of -better: Please advise me. -Red In The Face. Dear Red: I know the type. They are incurable. Save your breath. Your best protection against embarrassment is to is excuse yourself and go to the powder. roome Be a pal and invite We clown's wife , to go with ybiri. . • handsome bOy he friendly Millie Brian, 1.] years old. AngloISaxori backgrOund he is atall, slitn 'boy with' brown" eye, dark hair, and a healthy -outdoor look. 4 •r" ' Brian is an agreeable, co-operative boy who is .not ss academically minded. He likes to do' things with his hands... H attends 0 ortunit ClasS and says hiS favorite school . 4 • '•• e PP y y most:, • .40,„Iti§. 41,e.„crALt&M._0!-„.:,.. •• Tho Argy Syndicate •-•• ,; . • - Iiiintgh lieis not " in e' e l'aliclarir aiiii.itier lie'has P c ..., broad general knowledge, especially on sitth subjects as space and electronics. sBrian likes boating, swiimming and fishing, and loves long 'rides ,en his bike. He gets on well • with both children and adults. . , • ' This lad. undersCands all about adoption and hopes it will happen for him. He longs for a homethat will be forkeeps. •To -inquire about adopting Brian please write to Today's - Child, Department 'of Social- and .Family Services; .PaTlia-. ment BuilOgsr Toronto -1821' Fer general adoption informa- otion, ask your Children's Aid S ciety. • realized in Goderich • by. ' the and Rehabilitation Officers of C. party are held. Support is given • annual -eampaign for funds to N. I. B. and citizens registered to Tweedsmuir Hall, London. support .the Canadian National with the Intitute. These latter • Institute for the Blind. The 1969 ° • are persons unfortunate enough returns amounted to $884. to possess only 10 percent or Individual blind persons are • The C. N. I. 13. and -local ---less....of their_ vision..Th_ere_. axe.. assisted- in-- learning -skills whch . committee is most grateful to all about $0 people ' in Huron will make them self-sufficient. o who made this 50% increase County alone served by C. N. I. Elderly shut-ins ale rehleinered Annual- area CNIII report shows 50 percent increase ,• • In 1970, $1,291'75'0' was between Field Representatives summer picnic and.a-Cliristrilas • • poSSible: . B. . by cards and visits from time to Bob Brew#er, Outdoor Editor Agefeury Snow Vehicles The Goderich-Huron 'Board Outings such as an annual time. ., . : ' , Safety Is A Faluily Joh . •• "• .4,• , ' ecause of their unique funk. recently amalgamated with 'the , .„ '''• - # '#,-,*#,#### ‘,,,,- . Perth • Advisor) Board. '''" This •• ... • , ` . #0, • - - appeal, snowmobiles seem to be__ F ure skaters---. er ornt ,. caT;aucTiP,ivren,i, "rienefr,i'clen,i' rfltri7iin- move was in line with the general trend to regional control • , • perhaps any recreational prod- ' • uc_ t in historY. • . •in many fields. The new • group will henceforth be known as the • HuronPerth`‘,dvisory Board C. N. I. B. • Officers for the present year are as foilovv: chairman, -Mr. • • HarrLear, Myth; first • •vice-hairman, • Mr. E. M. . Creiffiton, Listowel; second vice-chairman, Mrs. R. E. Young, R. R. 5, Stratford; treasurer, - -Norrilan McIntyre, . Goderich; „ secetary, Eric Luther, Hensall: • Goderich representatives are Mir. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. .- Leonard Boyce and Mrs. Clayton' Edward. • The Board acts as a liaison • 101 , ex • at high test day Is''or this reason the recreation • experts at Merettry snowmobiles ,sugosr illat in a ose • rules of a more aiinli-inale-ini- Results of high test day held and Hazel Stephens; swing,_ •ure which are. frequently re - January' . 24 ;1971 at the Debbie Chessell and Debbie . peated, fathilies jean' and al- , GOderich, , Memorial Arena; Jeffrey,. ' :1e.rve some sp.eeial sa f et,: wr Yst#,:.1". hostd 13y. • the Goderich Figure Junior ' b r on ze dance, • --Mastimporfant, 'never,' neve r . . . SkatingClub are as follows: •. foirteenstepc s ' Joh fir Williams; leave your keys in the switch, F'relirninary figures, Debbie sen • ior bronze Alance, Europeon -' especially on an electric start machine. This is an all-too-at- Chessell and -Linda EicholZ; first waltz and fox trot, Carol tractive invitation to children -in figures, Becky Crawford; second Chapman. ' , "se what'll happen" if they • Krpliminary dances, 'Dutch .• Wingham And . Clinton also. . could, be Serious injury. result figures,'Shirty Mae -a -Men. , , Participants were here . from ' : turn the., icem.-- and the Be •certakt•all family mem-• waltz', Heather Fielder,. Theresa' - Judges .'were from Stratford berg learn the 'leer of snow: Cummins, Laura Ross and. Kitchener, ' London arid ' mobile braking action, and au - Michelle Campbell; Canasto Goderich:• , tomatically allow adequate dis- . Tango„ Karin . Pederson; Ann Test • chairman, was Joan ,.• thrice for the inherent sliding ' stop of the machine. Marie Murphy, SandraHamilton, Dieroff; ice captain was Grant All family members' should • Ellison and music.,chairman wsL.-Ale coached 'n how to • stop a , . Bob -Chapman' ' • . ; s n o w m o b i I e ' if the throttle should stick - by siml• and The Goderich Eigrure Skating • quickly turning off the iiv ition Club appreciate theuse Of the :ky, arena. Thejude'scommented on If •ehildren are allowed to op - • • option '- Ill ilw • - , . . • the fine arena arid the' perfect ice• crate the mathine. they never condition. • should be, beyond your sight range - in a large•open field. Never over -exert yourself physically in tering of distance • travelled or in emergencies such as trying to pull out a stuckma- - chine. The safe rule, especially for youths and women, is to never travel further than . an • And the best rtilels to travel ' together as a taiilY" - never alone - for more fun and safety todr. • You have n9 "locked in"feeliiig when yolu put your retirement money -in a Victoria and Grey retirement fund. • You can switch your pension from • Thigh interest" holdings to '-`,-growtb" investment and back again whe,never you choose. There are other options, too. Put your future today with Victoria and Grey. VG The ,setior Trust Compahy, devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario... ?i4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY. SINCE- 1889 .,=grgaVtzf)ii#f. ce 2 0 to , i I a .# Lealand Hill, Manager • 524-7381 Elgin and Kingston §treets, Goderich si rid la„,..„Thursda V4-1MCailitiff tie "if PR AIDIV tarONIRSAYS invets Ora WEE • 7WOUSAND SOX TO NOLO A ea rostrileuturosr onwerrosapvir vt,ireMO• ierezar 404414eitahaROValt 411 Huron Rd., Goderich. 5246871 JOE'S IP Service Station and . Your Heart Fund contributton fights them all - heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart dise.se, congenital heart disease Ad many other heart and blood vessel diseases. * * * RHOPU7.11fabAitclul nnld may be some -good marriages but there are no exqUisite ones," did he'? He might have been right. P wouldn,'S know about • good marriage"ecause my marriage was rotten. After giving my husband fifteen years of what I THOUGHTwas chateaubriand, discovered he was getting cold .lobster on the side. Also pork ' rm in no position to throw rocks because I'm kicking myself at this very moment , for having made the same mistake -, for the_ second time. Yes, both affairs were exquisite, but they were NOT 000d. Jus t call me - Brainless Marie. Dear IVIare: It's not every day that 1' get a lettet from the eye of the cyclone. Thanks fOr letting me know how the wind blows in Scarsdale. • -* * *"• • ' Dear Ann 4aeders:,PleaSe filt4 space in your column for this important message to.thOnsands (mybe 'millions) of daUghte.t • 4no• • -clieniavintr6irmbusrl'ivigx invite a , mother and father to dnner. • We don't care if theyliVe in a rented rbom with a hotplate. If , they don't have a table we'll eat off the TV or holdthe dishes on our laps. Hot dogs and beans would taste like sirloin steak if that's all they can afford. We just want to be asked over once beldre it's too late. . Time Marches On. Dear T.M.O.: Here's - your tete& and let me know how inuch time elapses between the appearance of this letter arid the inviation. • • James Richardson 81 Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers df Western Ontario PHONE' 524-8388TdOWER ICH • FOR YOUR viRRE 'INSURANCE' • See or F'horit MALCOLM'.MATHERS, 6,1pIRAL INSURANCE AGENT .46 WEST ST:-, 524-9442 OPEN SATURDAYS TAKE THE4? BITE OUT OF YOUR Let BLOCK -take you off • - the hook. We'll field your deducions and make sure they're -the maxinfum al- lowable. You'll save time, trouble—and maybe more than enough money to pay for our low cost service. You'll be glad we got COMPLETE RETORNS INDli/IDUALS, FA,Rly15 Bt.& NESSES together, • . , 0...........................• GUARANTEE We guarantee accurate preparation of every tax return. If we make any errors that cost you any penalty or ths:tertsviti,'we,#•41,olloet-;ptittsit#3•Acantitoist;###,;•.,s ..... r'''''''''' Up CI H • 14 •41,C14 1971 Canada's Largest Tax Service Willi Over 5000 Offices, in North America .1HORTON. ST., GODERICH (Opposite CNR Station) Weekdays 9 'a.m. to 8 P.m. Saturdays 9 ,a.m. to 5 , PHONE 54-8658 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Dr. M. M. CAUCHIll wishes to agnounce to, • his patients the establishment of his own private practice in oderich, on Napier Street (opposite the Assessment Office). The date of Opening of the neW,location will be announced in the Signal -Star. Until .then h� will continue to see his. patients at the Clfurch Street Medical centre. ,tiOrSairSti: • x=f0,117,iiTs,„Wilearolt% • et' Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE 914. REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich • , Dial 5249662„ 4401.91010ootti '(45 ESSEX STREET GODERIOH,ONTARIO Available For Large or Small Parties CONCERTS — BINGOS DANCES — CONVENTIONS' We Cater Any Time or Place. Banquet Rooms for 25 t� 400 Special Attention to Wedding's PHONES 524-9371 or 9264 Now a gocid salary Opportunitysecurity totyou in a business carer Goderich Bcuosielneegses Clerical, Secretarial, 9edicaSetfetlta1 Courses Res. 524-8732 • • * t'ESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON • * HOOVER Sales and Serviee JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIAat§&fir Et5',:" thequsare Goderjch For FASHION RIGHT , SHOES Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St:, 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario • - • Pumps and Injectors RePaired For All Popular M,akes Huron Fuelinjection :• Equipmnt' Bayfield RO.,Clinton-46-79:71 R. W. 'BELL OPTOMETRIST The Squire., 524-7661 • Cards For . All OccasiOns * Gifts *Books * StationeN Supplies viRecords AN DVISON'S BOOK CENTRE 33-,Epst. St 3oderict-t4, For Pleasant Surroundin, and Good -Pood .THE GODERICH' RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE The Square Goderich * 524-8383 ‘4\, yeaagfrZiles 0 '