HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-30, Page 7LalUeB 4.ND .A. oath boy may turn out a ;eel credit Warne time. Ivo, Sunebnine & 0ois the name a a johnetown, Iaa., /arra Taere are 263 booes in the haman body, and Omit 10,000,000 immoral. landrn Cornhill, London, near the 13enle rea Enalend, to valued at $10,000,000 an acre. Of courae the fear euelare pleyere ought to be punirshed. It ie bad enough for inert tO Play potter ell eight. 0a0 ot the tune s when a man begins to eery and Edith thee all men are not honest is 'Winn he gets the wrong bat- Giroamey—I hem) learned how to get out rof many a eerape. Glanders --How ? Gam- eney—By letting my beard grow. Mre. Tellus-4 hear you are going abroad moole---Mre. Upton—Yes, 1 iettid to try a asea voyage for poo'ido'e health. "Wall," said Mr. Cynious when the `baby bed etvellowed his collar button, "1 arisow where the pesky thing is now, any - 'Two Cincinnati manufacturers have crown vreelthy by making a perfumed tooth powder out of the ashes of eigar enflame. A arsientific man reekes the stetereent that the voice of a horeefly heard throagh anicrophene sounds louder than tlae neigh of ta home. I should ask you to marry me 'what would you ay?mShe—Gueaa. He— Vell—er—what would it rhyme with? Sbe—Guess. M, Waddington, French Ambassador to the court of St. James, draws a salary of S60,000 a year, with a liberal allowenee for Incidental expenses. The world over, there are born more boys than girls in the proportion of about 105 to 3.00, but the boye die much teeter than the eats in the early year of life. Poetaster—So you have read my poems? "Wel], what do you advise me to do? Critic) etrongly advise you to see your family doetor and get a good tonio hom him. Society Man—My baby had a very oar - 27/3W escape thie morning. Friend—Indeed! m co? S. M.—The nurse girl thought- iesaty left it alone in the care of ita mother. a great pity that Miss South Church ins such perfect eyesight," remarked Mie Emerson, of Boston. "Why ?" aeked Miss galeeker. " Spectacles would be so becom- Inc to her 1" Old Union Soldier (discussing the war)- -Well, we licked you, anyhow. Old Con- federate Soldier—Yes. Bat you all were garebby well treed up, judging from the pen - mono you're drawing. They are seriously distussing in England the project, of building a cantilever bridge 200 feet high and earryieg two railwey tracks acrose the Enalish channel. The meth/Wed coat is $163,750,000. The New York Sun having said that the Truffitioniane addressed Pretident Cleveland ss " Your Honor," the Buealo Times ex- plains that, Grover Clevelend is net only the :President of the Celled States bot he is alto Mayor of the City of Washington. In vita of present appearencen, says the Cleveland Leader, the openiog of naviga- tion on the lakes may not be so late us enemy pereone interested in vessel move- antnate predict. It all depends on the WindS ;and the temperature whether thc air -tient umprectilentedly thick ice of to -day shall prove unaeually formidable six -weeks hence. Aecordlog to an old legend the baby's dimples mark the spots where angels'fingere amebae the child in bearing it from heeven to earth, but unromantic (looters have a different explenetion. They say that dim - lakes probetey result from defective develop- :ment of a muscle. When the muscle is called into use the (lefective portion fails to reseond, and a hollow is left IWO whieh the alesth and skin, of the cheek for example, fall, and thus the dimple is formed. Ai. ;tan MASI MS Yitteee„ -ROW much a man is like his shoss 3For instance, both a soul may lose. 134th have been tanned ; both are made tight By (pAblers ; both get left and right. Moth need A mato to be complete Arid both aro made to g•ti on feet,' They bath need healing ; both are sold, ..And bo h in time .i,rc turned to mould. With t-hoos the last is first : with men 'The Bre', shall be 1a:4, na. when The ehoes wear out they're mended. new ; 'gnaw men wear out, they're men dead too ! They boob aro trod upon ; and both Will tread on oth, D., nothing lath, Tloth have their ties, and both incline: 'When polished, in a, world to -hints. And both nog out. Now would you choose To be a man or be his shoes. When you eat a spoonful of honey you 32ave very little notion as to the amount of nvork and tfavel necessary to produce it. ,To make oae pound of clover honey, bees meet deprive 62,000 clover blossoms of their nectar, and t 0 do this requires 3,750,- 000 virile to the bl, smms by the bees. In other woraa, one bre to collect enough zwetar to melte one retied of honey tnuto so front hive to flower and back 3,750,00 ; theme. Then, when you think how far bees sometimes fiy in search of these clover frelas, tamer than not one and two mites /from the hive, you will beein to get a small adm of the number of miles oue of the ie. &zealous little oreatures must travel iu 'order that you may heve the pound of honey thst given them to much trouble. It ano.y alto help yea to understand why the bee15unamieble eaough to tiling you if you get in its way. When cue has to work so barn to accomplish so little, it is create irri- tating to be interfered with. —Harper's lareten Peovle. The auotioneer is n man wholiken to have you teak beck. Did woe enjoy the pink tea?" " Not o bin It wea quite insipid and colorless." "My wife," said Squills proudly, "ht /queen of the tea. table ; and he never reigas ante she pours." Proseie the price of medicine is regu- lated by the State, and a new pie° list is lamed annuelly. Beware ot inters -Terence! Many a pars - Ante jumper woual be living to -day if he bed never teken a drop. I saw several signs of spring to -day," atemeolted Butitiog. " What were they ?" astted Lerida. "To lea" "'What I want is a carpet good enough to pot tight down," Second-hand Dottier —Well, ma'am, these can't be beet, I IMO*. A Lem:rehire acre conprlsos 7,840 KUM'S yea& COhOflhirC acre, 10,240 ;quern yerds ; Titi&t eere, 7,840, and a Scotch acre, 6,140 ovate yard. Mn. Stromper—I wonder if it is ttue as D. JecobilitT4, that the baby of to -day hes better chance of life that the baby o 150 atetrrt ago? Snooper—Certainly it is. The batty of 50 years ago is hall a century old Yourig Wife ---Oh, dear this recipe for weltielren SilJad eve four eloves and / hevorat sum in the house, What shall I do? Cook—Dian't on go, to the theatre lasb 04100 more ? Yeting Wife—Why, nee, Gook—Weln the marker's (mitt is InstArtn " Man cannOt tinderetetild, air6 11t 14041taill. why yore permit your daughter to see Me for breach Qf promise; you, remember that you were bitterly oppeeed to our engage- ment bemire) I waen't good elmegh for her and would diegrace the family. 014 Man -- Young man that was sentiment; this is busineas. " be dinged !" raid the bell. "And. I'll be darned i" shouted the attacking. Whereat the Ore, burning for notice, filtQl " Pil he blowed 1" Here tlae clothelino remarked ; " Well, I'll knot, anyway." This lent remark so alarmed the dog thet he ouly palmed to say : "P11 be henged if I don't be doggone," and fled. That ended the disoussion. Mrs. Talkalot—Lockjaw is often fatal, is it opt ? Dr. Bored—Alwaye to women, "Now, that is what you cell high art," said the man who was frescoing the ceiling. " Life is, alter all, nothing but a dream," said the morelieer. "Then wake up," re- torted the demoralizer. A little boy was malted what the Sundey- school text was. Ile answered, " Many are cold, but few are frozen." Lettere three thousend years old have been found in the mouncla of Egypt. It is time they were answered. Teacher—Why were you late this morn- ing ? Willie Slimsort—Maname, overslept herself and the cook had to get the break- fast. Desperate—My love, I would die for you! Calmness—Would you 2 Well, it would tame us both Q 'Mgt deal of further annoy- ance. Teeeher—Who was the person who turned everything he touched to gold? Scholar—I Vplegil it was the inen that makes cheap' jewelry. Blimmer—The world is growing better every day. Pewurst—Perhaps. What troubles me is that it seems to be growing worse every night. New Yorker—I suppose you'll bleed all of us who go to the fair next summer ?a Chicagoan—Well, aren'b you prepared to bleed for your country? "Just think of them poor city folks that has to buy even tlaeiv 'fire." "how do you know they do?" " Well, didn't I just read of them having a big fire sale." She—You are always sneering at women who talk so much. Are you hitting at me ? ale—Not at all. There are lots ot women beside you who teak too much. Mrs. Inneoent--Doctor, my husband was talking in his sleep lest night about cold hands. la hat would you advise? Dr Old boy—Keep him at home from the club in future. Johnny—I tell you papa's going to catch it after the company's gone. Tommy—How do you know? Johnny—He's towl rex erne or twice she was mistaken about something and she said: "Why, darling 1" ' Peter—lea singular that whenever I want you to marry a man you object, and when- ever I do not want you to marry oiae you streightway insist on it. Filia—Yes ; and whenever we are agreed the Mall objecte, " You never sit and talk to me as you did before we were married," sighed the young wife. "No," replied the husband, who was a draper's assistant; "the guvaior told me to stop praising the goods as soon as the bargain was struck." Judge—Why did you try to commit suicide ? This kind lady slew she did all oho could for you, Tramp—Wait till you hear my story, your honor. I asked for whiskey and she gave me some wine -jelly that was left over from a church feir ? "Do divorces come high ?" inquired the timid little thing of the Chicago legal light. "Oh, no, ma'am," he replied. " What did Mrs, itightiyer pay for hers lab week 2" " Oae hundrea and fifty dollars." " Well, you may get me one for two hundred. ral no slouch." What flower lovers children are. Even the tiny babe in arms holda out tiny, dim- pled hancle for e bright blortorn, and chil- dren of larger growth love them juat as well. Abnost any day in the week children stop outeide the green houses scattered about the city and pick up bits of plants and green leavethat have been thrown min and if, as sometitnee happens, they find O helf opened or blighted bloseom they aro joyall indeed and carry off the treasure to a place of honor at home. Firmer prints have lone been the bane of neat krousekeepers, but ibis only of late that these have become a study for the seientitio. lu Fiance it is the cuetorta to make all criminels impress their finger tips upon an immessionable aurfaco, end in this way give to offieiels a sure mark for future identifica- tion. New men are endeavoring to show that the same means may be made valuable in determining race and family. The time will come when knowledge at the finger aide will mean more than a ready acqueaut- ance with .thirge. The Grand Duchess of Baden, aunt of the Emperor of Germerty, Is a ;skillet needle - worker. At an exhibition of woman' irturliwork, which is oeingiteldin Cerlerhue, the capitel of the couatty over which her havaltenne husband rules, her Royal High - n088 exhibited more than 100 pieoes of sewing. The articles are to be sold for the benefit of the iumates of a hospital in which the Grend Dechess taken great in - tercet, The Grand Duchess is the mother of the Crown Princess of Sweden and the only sister of the late Emperor Frederick. One day a man came into the office who was it neighbor of Lowoll'a in Carobrichre, says a contributor to the Critic. Lowell told us thab his, perorate( were Millerites,„ that is, believed 712 the second corniag of Christ and the approaching end or the world. The mother was a devout believer, the father holding the same faith, or, for the flake of domestic peace, pretending to hold it. Leto one night, when there was a very beavy fail of snow on the ground, the old yeoman Wall awakened by a noise from down ataire, which she at once supposed meant the end of the world, and she accordingly woke her huebend up, sayirtg, "John, the Locate amornina I hear his ohariot wheels." He replied : "You old fool, to think the Lord Spould come on wheels when ilexes suoh good alorldint" Ife told these ,stories with an exoellent imitation of the Yankee speech. A Secret of Love Exposed. The now broom sweeps the widest stroke ; The new knife cuts the deeper: New glances brighter Smiles evoke Than thoSe Time has made cheap The new fate has the greater cliarM The now voVe p1en,68 the strongest, And smarter levers take alarm— If theyVe been known the longest, The hew taco lies a mystery; The neat tilaMel laugh is Wein-est; (The newer he is the better he'll be), And the newest love le the WO lose ' Home is the one place in the world for person who 18giolt. Familiar fame of loved tures who give freely of Omit sympathy and are ever ready to do little acts of kindness, familiar stirtotindinge, and, more than all, the privilege of doing jest as one plea/nee, adds not a little to a tick person's cennfott. Homo ill the beat, or ehotild he the best plod under all eircurestanees, but Med Of all when one ie ill or out of eorts. At the athieneble reeorte Where people Congregate o tocuperate lost health end vibality there . , • ISN'T IN 2717 ORDINARY W415' that Dr, riorce's Favorite) Prescription eonnal to tho weak tuad suffering woman who need, it, It's guaranteed. Not with words merely; any medicine can make claims and aronetant What is clone with the " Favorite Wrescripe tion" is this; if it fails to benefit or care, In tiny case, your money is rammed. Caneereu ask any better proOf that a medicine will do What it promises/ It's an invigorating, restorative tome, a soothing and streng,thenixig nervine, and a certain remedy for the file and affinente that beset a women. In "female compannte eg every kind, periodical peens, internal inflam- mation or ulceration, bearing -down omen Cons, and all chronic wealmessee and tr- regularites, it is a positive and oompiets To every tired, overworked woman, arid to every weak, nervous, and ailing one, it le guaranteed to luring health and strength. is such a strain to keep up with the Marcum that there is apt bo be a toes instead of a gain of strength. Au acquaintance told Me a little tale about a friend of hors who Un- veiled seems,' hundred miles to reap the ben- efit of the balm -laden breezes of a fathioneble invelids' reaors and found the majoiity of the groats so fathionebly costumed in a style so distinctly differeat from the hand- some gowns the had had prepared for the sojourn that she became positively un- happy over it sad after a week of striving to keep up with the others, that was the reverse to beneacial to her aihnente, elm re- turned home with the sensible idea that home is the beat place, While o cbange of air and a change of scene have their advan- tages it is aloe necessary that a sick parson should have the freedom of action that home gives. To sit up or lie down, to dress or to go about in a wrapper and slipper's, are boons to a sufferer nob to be disre- garded. There is one mistake that people who go away to gain health and strength too often make, and that is the going.among strangers and those who give assistance without sympathy and the thousand and one little heart acts thab are so much to all of us whether we are sick or well. Minos Werth Knowing. That however lowly the every -day duties of life may seem to be they are dignified and upliited by a cheerful and careful dis- charge of them. That there is no part of the whole house in which braius and intelligence are so much needed ae in the kitchen. Then she who plans her worle intelligently and gives thought to the carryhm out of ber plans lift3 household labor out of the region nf mere drudgery and puts it on the plane of science. KSinall French Soldier. They take men as they come in France, for the army. There is one soldier who is only 2 feet 3 inches in height, and his name is Luis Bernadat of Luta. It ie related of him that when he presented himself to draw hie number out of the conscription urn it was discovered that his head did not reach to the top of the table on which the urn was placed, so a gendarme held him up by the collar to enable hint to put his hand in. Hope For Wide. Little Mabel—Mannna, don't you think I can teach Fide to talk ? Marnma—No, dear what made you think you could ? Little Mabel—Well, hen I gave him his cliuner he growled just like yon say papa aoes when his meal dotsn't please him, On the Wedding Tent Wife—I've made a fool of myeelf. Hustmed—How ? Wife—Here I've carried all the baggage so that people woulni not think we were newly merried and all the while my back hair was full of rice. Skiddle--Fobley don't know much about horses, does he Skaddle—No. I don't believe he could even drive a nail. A father, in reproving his on, said sternly to him : "P10 you ever see nm doieg, such a thing as that when I was a boy 2" Johnny—Don't they use bark to tan hides with, pal Father—Yes, my son ; but if you ask any more questions this evening you'll find that a slipper does ju3t am well. It is stated that Mr. Gladstone has de tatted to appoint a Poet Laureate as succes to to the late Lord Tennyson, but has no yet made up his rnind on whom he will wa- ter the honor. The moat costly of all furs is the skin of the black fox of KarnschatIta, which dresses a very pretty blue. These animals are very scarce and hard to kill. A single skin, as a rule, sells for ebout $1,000. renemeemeseaseateeretwesseete —::(ifqi12,7,"0.VaRi6 net out of weak surmises, but from' proof." to,M Of?, r 11 since COTTOLENE has come. to take its place. The satisfaction with which the people have hailed the adveat of the New Shortening Olt evidenced by the rapidly increaSt • In. enormous sales is PROOF POSITIVE not only of its great e value as a Otew article of diet but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to be rid of indi- gestible, unwholesome, unappes tieing lard, and of all the 1115 that lard promotes. Try Ott at once and waste no title in discove 'big late t iousands o others that you have now C) USE F L 14, Made only bn 11*K IFARFIBANK t 400,4 Wellingteni and Ann Sto. MONtiktAL. di& JOHN BULL'S TRAIN, Odd Look ng rah, ubibit AN:theater. in lisbe Engine X.eoittsst7to.Whough it was 0 (ROOM Herald.) Whem'a that English train I" WQO th question asked all day yesterday of tho vho answered the three teleplinnee inse vice at the Central etetiou. It seemed t tho employeee thet the qcsetions weal' never stop ; and they dida't very ofte The men took iG in good nature, howeve and replied that the train left Albany a 7.30 e'elook end Schenectady al) 10.$0 an wall expected to reach Syracuee as early a 2 o'clock in the efterneon. ,Ana as the da wore on the minuet questioners were i formed that the train would stay in Syr Male over night. But orders were changed and a uniqu looking train rolled into the train house i this oity at 9 o'clock last evening. It wit comported of six ordinary freight cern on American passenger car, and an addition engine and two ears entirely unlike any thing ever before nen on an American roe road. As the train came to etaudetill the queer -looking engbae was immediately sur rounded by an miserably of curious passsn gers, railroad employees and officials. The stew a tarpaulin centered thing on wheel With spokes in them. There were eigh wheels, four of them driving wheels seve feet one and one-half inches in diameter The truck wheels were about four feet i diameter, and the eugine seemed big enough to pass over a drove of cattlewith out making them stoop. " What email cylinder1" exclaimed railroad man. But he did not know mu° about the construetion of an Englie locomotive. The engine' which is name "Queen Empress," is ofthe celebrate Webb compound type, weighing full equipped with tender and fuel, 75 toils, an is capable of making ninety odd miles a hour with an ordinary passenger train or its own railway. It is the latest an highest product of the works of the Londe & Northwestern Company at Crewe. Th small oylinders, which are visible to th ordinary observer, axe much smaller tha of a Central locomotive. They prope only the rear drivers and sustaiu a pressur of 175 pounds to the square inch. Bu under the engine is a single eylinder thirt inches in diameter, which drives the for ward pair of drivers by a crank on the axle This cylinder is of the low premise typ and works at a presture of sixty pounds The engine looks speedy certainly, and the say she can draw a load. The two -carriages are boxed up and bu little could be seen of them. They ar representatives of the more modern English railway coach and are known as Wool vestibule cars, one a day car, the other a night car. The entrance to the car is from the sides instead of the ends. These cars are, of course, not so long or commodious as the American parlor and sleeping cars, being only 42 feet long. Both cars are painted in the uniform manner adopted for its carriages by the London at Northwestern —e, chocolate color up to the bills of the windows, and above that white. The let- tering is of gold on the polished white paint, presentinka rich and elegant appearance. The interior arrangement of the night car, in particular, is different from the Ameri- can sleeping ear. The English sleeper is equipped with staterooms in lieu of cur- tained berths, Within the staterooms, which are of sizes to euit-two or more per sons, are lavatories. All the stateroorna accommodate fourteen passengers. The Euglish day car also differs some- what from the American puler car in hav- ing more private apartments for those who -meth to repose upon soles during a journey. The day carriage of the train is known as a composite coach, divided into compartments for limn second and third-class pesseugers, andis capable of carrying thirty-two persone. Within the American freight cars are several other exhibits, illustrating various railway equipments of the company. There are also full sized models of historic inter - termite The most important of these is au exact reproduction of the little old locomo- tive "Rocket," the tint successful railway engine built by George Stephenson, and first operated on the Liverpool & Man- chester Railway in 1829. There lea model of the Trevothicar locomotive, bearing the date of 1893. Another is a model of one of the engines in operation on the North- western named "Dreadnaught." The whole compriees the exhibit to be made at Chicago by the London & North- western Railway. The exhibit is in charge of George K. Chesworth, who began his journey from the company's works at Crewe on -February 22nd, landing at New York a week ago yesterday on -the White Star freighter Runic. He len New York on Tuesday morning. When seen by a Herald representative last evening, Mr. Claesworth expreseed him- self as extremely gratified at the courtesiet extended hem by the officials of the Central road. He did hope, however, that the curious American public would leave enough of his engine to exhibit at the Fair. The poor " Queen Ernprees " looke pitiable enough, dismantled and covered with tarpaulin. But a close inspection reveals the feet that she has been mule the autograph album of vandals and hood- lums, who may not know thab the London & Northwestern is paying over $60,000 for their exhibit at Chicago. One of Mr. Chesworth'e assistants requested Depot • Master Bolger "to remove that locomotive to some remote point where the blawsted Harneries.n populace cawnt write their blawsted names on her sides." Ott the return from Chicago at the close of the exposition it is the intention of the officiate of the Euglish road eight in number, to make up their own train, and, drawn by the "Queen Empress" under her own steam, to ehow the Yankees how feat she can ly to Neve York. The engineer in charge of the "Queen Empress" can do it at the rate of 100 nailer3 an hour. • • Silk Meets. Silk sheets are an elegant ettprioe of women who find it difficult to spend their inernee. They are usually of plain white and hem -batched, with the Monogram cipher along the hem. But sheets of pale reek and blue are also made with a delicate lino of embroidery along the edge, The fancy in one which vll1 probebly be indulged Maly by the favored few'cowl He leant, like that of Silk lingerie, will be brief. Still, on jut, nights, it must seem like Sleeping on cool oicoa billows to dream between the cool aillteh web. If anything could make a July night 'worth living, endi. ilDalty irl calettlated to aceeMplith it. Scotell Whiekey 04 123 (e many is being largely imported into India. The Whiole. bale price, delivered, is eix.ponce Per quart hobble, " The only tithe I eider experieneed stage, fright," IlAia singer,. tfio oomotlittio, when riding in aPiEtli avenue stage and the horses commenced te trot.b N.D,P,C444;14fitzle,:- %ghat is CaStOrif.1 is Dr. gbanauel Pitcher's prescrintion for Infants and. Children, It COEttains a:wither Opium, lifornhine nor other Narcotic substance* 74 is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Pros, Soothing Syrups, and. CaStOw Oil. At is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by :Uillions of Mothers* Castor la destroys Worms and allays feverishness* Castoria prevents vomiting Solar Curd, 401.170S Diarrtnna and Wind Celle. CaStQlria relLiCTireS teethi.ng troubles, cures COnstipatior& and. flatulency. eastoseigassimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and. natural genera. Casa= tOwia, is the Children:es Panacea—the Mother's Friend. C astoria. “Cestoria, Is ars cirecllent medicine for chit - circa. lathers have repeatedly told. me of its good c.ffect upon their children." Da. G. C. 0:moon, Lovrell, Hass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I ara acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of the VariOUS quack nostrums which are d'estroying their loved ones, by forcingopiurn, morphine, soothEng syrtip and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby seeding, them to prernattu•e graves.,, Dn. J. r. Eno Lee, Conway, ex' Castoria. " Castorm is so well adaptedto children that I recommend ib as superior to any preseription lmown to rae." IT. A...Auer:nu, D., ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, IT. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart, - =tent have spoken highly of their experi- ence in their outside practice with Co.storia, and although wo only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet tie eiro free to confess that the merits of nast,oria has won us to look. with favor upon it." CI;rran Uosprrar.i erin DISPENSARY, Boston, Maas" A T TAr'r 0. SellTin, Centant° COMMany, 71 11.,..Lru...rzay Eift.eat, 21wer 'York City. wane emean enetteRrette newt t • We me mewitinereeittrateateneweermeweenstat APPLICATIONS. THOROUGHLY:RE DANDRUFF D. L. CAVEN. / Tomtit?, Travelling Priesenme Ago& O. It 11..&WS{ Alualandeuffis apectectrecoovecatnani draff-its action is marvellous—In n37ova ease a few applications llas, e maxivougblyxoutared excessive ilia:ideate accumulation bus stopped GUARANTEED rragtexl of itulaVidutt, marl! soft and pliable Mal Restores Fading hair tot original color. Stops fatting of hales Keeps the Scalp clean. , Makes hair soft and Pilate Promotes Growth. ' nostow.s Mb Ozt suoT. The Assassin Evidently the Instrument eer Organized Vengeance, A Moscow cable says : Mayor Alexejeff WAS iShOt this afternoon in the city hall by a man named Adrianoff. The City Council had net to elect a new Mayor. M. Atexejeff had just called the meeting to order when Adrianoff pushed his way past the doorkeeper and entered the reception rconn which Opene into the council cham- ber. He demanded loudly to see the Mayor San Mi. left the chair to ascertain bartattaninaett. As Adrianoff began to repronaha4uoi.rwitk ,,diehonesty and oppressient, caeaaeopleatif Who city M. Alexejeff orderedhiai;lktpayittr.,building. Adrianoff thereAliisysl* Wii0(ti*ricl shot the Mayor in the steninCILL.not-iift ngain of the Mayor fellta!';i/inaht:ea the' II lodged in the door. Threeariet0 - Ion ran to the recaptitorittetake seized and disarmed Adrienoff Intone, could fire again. They carried Ifydr Alexejeff to his prieate office, where' physician dressed the wound and restored' him to consciousnets. The family of the wounded mau were summoned. The sur- geons have been unable to find the bullet, which lodged in the upper part of the stomach. Al! the city officials hastened to the City Hall as soon as the news of the shooting got abroad and an enormous crowd eurrounded the building. The depositions of the councilmen who were present at the time of the shooting were taken immediately. Mayor Alexejeff has been in 011ie eight years. He is in high fever at St. Peters- burg and has been distinguished repeatedly by the Czar. Another reaeon for believing that Adrisnoff nray have had a political motive is that the pollee in searching him found in his shoe a slip of paper on WiliCh MB written : "The lot has fallen upon you." The mayor cannot live through the night. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Ind - dent to a bilious state of the system, such Dizziness, ?Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress aftie • eatingrsinaPain ia the Side, rlable success has been shown Inc', I," .1.. Sze. While their most ,7.,:itatii.triiat:ezic;.tinrtgcthoillaedu 8 co ti, will Headache Inft,e177c,lirgnsstPiP•fnitithi:or::!: 447'--,...., tfiet pquallyYtals,AlbtTEit'srLe.::::lerstom. ..f,rnhey,...0, is, cured ' ET61,i, „,..;... he,iliver and — Aehe they would be almost pricelese to tho Who suffer from this distresSing complal but fortunately their goodness does not etfd. here, and those who once try them 1,0 find these little pills vabable in so many wriyq thttt they will not be willing to do without meta. But after all sick head Is the bane of ao many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it hil CAntnit's 'DITTLn int= noes are verg small and very easy to take. One or two ilia make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cede; ilve for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall. OAST EB LIED10111E CO. thy Tint • • Stan Pie& • OM TRIAL FON 96 DAYS. The finest, complotest and latest lino of Else: trieal appliances in tho world. Thcv have never failed to CUM!. We aro so positivo of it that .we , g ,..111 back our belief and send you any Electrical- _-- Appliance now b the market audyert cin try it4 rili,,,! for Three Months. Largest list of testi:roc:Mats, on %arth. Send for book and ;journal Free. t`taftht, VT.' 'A'. Eimer ez Co., went:Mom tent. ' • vi27 all 41- A Child's Amusing Reply. When a prominent Brooklyn 'clergyman visited the Sunday school of the Rev. Dr, MacArthurta church a Sunday or two ago he was invited to speak to the refent class. He was as much amused as surprised when, itt response to his question, "Are any of you children real Chrietieass ? a Untie girl in a rear seat answered promptly, "No, air ; Ian not a Christian, I'm an American." --At. Y. Herald. simenammtesignemmenaismingisalaleteamensaggreaftengegilegslia it the latest triumph in pharmacy for the cure of all the symptoms inctioati Xnunn, 331 113) Complaint. 11 you are trotibled w1ttP1 bizziaesso Seer Stomach, tatd aoh 0. Ind igestion. Pose, Arrstrrsi TIMID Palliate) Pitialtailio Yalta 7 Matelot) . liiglits, Melancholy 4, }feeling, 13 ma Anna; Dienibre,ys itzdney and Liver COX' 0 , . k eret fate will give immediate relief tad DliTlitit A tat e. 8old at all Drug Storos. I13et.trboro63Stedielne Co., timiten. 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OUEr:..04 NIEtilleme t O.," 165 A Otelet Peep, "This is a onto libbie window here," said the oaller, "But of What use Is it t" "Tb enables toy butter to see who is at; the itoilt door before Opening it, and thqi he °omen eV to Sea whothor or glob X Mb ' said Mrs, turnjenes: Shirts at a &glade Viald Ahab lire exhibited /Or )610ili fled the dear tiiintot4 coo hoe handttotottiote tutd sada to Match,