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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-04, Page 9
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'r?••'• . r{ r::;}..iii.: r{'�:•;::i�si• �/,.• r{;'{rY{:fair J•7-''• FFA �i4:Y� f ti�r'�f f !; lint{'i:•i �: � �{;.+,:til'; ti?j:'rk'}.•:;{ 'i; :Svi hr' ..-%lit."• 1. ''ARTICLES a FOR SALE` 1: ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTOMATIC Toilet ,Bowl Cleaner. Remov 's'rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place :` the corner of your toilet tank. , N.EW INSWALLATIONS Available at 'Hofftneyer", µ& REPAIRS , Pluxnbing-a,r.Yd I-Ieat:ing, • Kingston W, ,y tGima'tea ' ir? ao agxy�i:�r�x ►StFet:en-t'd4., 1i ...,-,..tihContact HYGIENIC supplies •(rubber R. E. RUTTAN goods), mailed postpaid in plain, Wingham - Phone 357.107.7 • sealed envelopes with price list. Otf Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00 Mail Order Dept. T-53, Nov -Rubber Cog, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. -- ltf 3. REAL ESTATE FOR -'SALE 3. REAL; ESTATE FOR SALE 3, REAL ESTATE FOR•^SALE 8; N t'p WANTED .t EAVESTROUpHIN.G AND LIGHTNING RODS FOR TAKING, • 1970 Boa Ski Caboose in new condition. $119.95. See'it at W. J. Mills Motor, •••Pales Ltd., 524-7311. -3tf 1970. Woods Snowmobile Trafiler - pew value.. $179.95.' ' Our Price $j19.95 ----See it at 'W. J. Mills Motor-. Sales Ltd., 524-7319.. -11.1 COINS CRYSTAL Lake Mbile Homes featuring 1970 Glen' ale Mobile Homes, Gold,Falcon Travel Trailers and -Truck Campers at Meneset Mobile Home Court, Goderi'ch's fully serviced j?obile'r home court planned 4pr the 'entire family ,oe tiOti' i - straight, through Dirt -Airport Road, RR -5; Goderich. Display -home's` open for inspection at your •--`convenience. Reduced , prices on dei r nstrators. Phone -•"-""' Goderich 524-6638. 27tf - ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER • 12, Q'CLOe-K- FOR THAT WEEK'S 'PAPER REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE " ONE Collie pup. Phone 524-7080. - nc • BOUGHT, sold, "exchanged, V. Pope, ,• 87 - Kingston St., SNOW ,BLOWERS, auger type. 524-7359. -3tf 'Phone•524-9242. 5'tf- Two only store damaged kitchen ANTIQUES - Walnut chest of sets, both pricedfor quick sale, drawers„ William and.Mary gate table 32 x 48-69.,, • , leg table, two double beds with matching dressers with large One only wood table, store used, Mirrors. After 5:30 'p.m. phone priced for quick sale, walnut, 36 '"4624-6833. - 5,6 , , x• closed; one ;=1caG.=.,� .•• :�: 52 WEST ST., GODERICH, PHONE 524-6091 • ATTENTION ALL - • • VETERANS HAVE YOU, USED ALL YOUR VLA ORE'DITS? • IF NOT, INSPECT THES-E PROPERTIES., 4. REAL, ESTATE WANTED WANTED --- Unimproved land, bush or wooded, accessible all year. T. Rodriguez, 45 • Pembroke No. 7, Toronto 227., 5. TO RENT GO} .-SN•OWMOBILING at The Little Inn, Bayfield, $0 Q4; per hour, $30.00 per day. Bring your family and friends. -, 51 tf - - -- , W. J. HUGHES ; ,.. DON STALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN Public°or High, Scl,10,ol ,.,REALTY L IM ITRD ' ° Real- Estate^' PHONE24-966 ` . TUTOR,,.„ ' 5 General Insurance . ' I • • , 3% Cc.mmiissron Rate. ' •,,s, V wanted to .,teach,.' Sp:ltio and ,.. ••�•.:;:•w �1.G: 4 u. x, •. ,w ^. „. NtLL.`d.„40,-,, s,,,,pt.'Ak'.t . r ,,..... A.nrk....,LVWa aa,..i., •,_ 11,4a y. ;y,,-� g Q�.,r.,v ,Y; .:I'0 .n rrr _ Tin..-.� 5 t1T' � ' ` `sk�u 4•'.rY4-'' i' p��r� ,�', i.,wr.avb..xuY.M � to �" ��' �> 5 � R'cfawmG•a ^ fi • �k�4%�+'�f�lA. , t i ,m '*rLJY+.,�t A _..new• • thiel •be^dnoom ; •;h8xr�tr . lr»,:,.• ark. tt ;,. "Rural Specialiste' -„-, _. w cott�l�ry". • phone 'S2!1'-i� 1 t'i'$ � or 3an-Houses in Goderich Rural Qntario Specialists large living room,' dining area, t�524-6175.- Office ,524-.810p ' . a , . 118110, 4, -gi nission Rate START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. BOY NOW, SAVE $500' • Custom built ; 3 -bedroom good buy'? Then here it is! Well bung a 1 o ,v w i th • large ge maintained 3 -bedroom home Three • exclusive homes, ultra -modern combination -and 40' x 60' barn on 100 acres; telephone information. kitchen dinette, 4=pc bath, good bush, creek and spring -fed pond• size living:. rAom. Buy node; have Just $15,000.00 with excellent choice of broadloom. Price ,• terms. $2,500.00 down. • New red brick three-bedroom • modern kitchen, fpur-piet:e »p bathroom, _gully broadloomed, electric heating, full -basement, underground wiring and 'low - ARE YOU LOOKING., for a down payment. CHEAP'FARMS no $19,509 Call Deb She'wfelt. w ` Spacious 3 -bedroom custom EXCELLENT COMMUTING - • Only minutes from town. Solid' built • home. -Living rpom plus brick 8 -room home. Full dining area, large clieerfur "basement and nearly new kitchen with lots r moi" cupboards, furnace. Barn et up for pigs. 7 ' broadloomed throuhout, 1'/z 's acres of choice level land. All baths; basement fully insulated. this for only $11,700.09 and ' terms can be arranged. ,4 Overlooking 1 Lake, excellent 3 -bedroom brick - home • in RETREAT PROPERTY-. delightful neighborhood. Of.fers ` broadloomed living and dining TERRIFIC BUY . •-- Only rooms, walkout to pool sized $3000.00. This exceptional 100 patio, landscaped garden. acres has the Teeswate.r river Mortgage at 7'/a%• Call •Rita• flowing through-it.,wL• nd ►s_..t PHRI�.h. BI+✓DRooM, two-storey.he" home. with living room, modern Allen' • wisest of all investments: kitchen,` dinette and "rec" ro-orn.• Lake view '"home, ` 'attractive SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE - 8 room brick -home-on-50acres Available immediately. Rent ' 2 -storey completely modernized• of land 10 miles from Goderich• $14© 00 monthly Apply H. W. Broadloom throughout. A real Shore,• dial 524;7272, ' 55 • family home in choice location. . v- w �n„ww-r•r . ac , r• s• :. . r l-.. ••- -.. -n �_ ', ,. :•- , e- da ("'• .f,, . : � •.,' ., _0000.. _", �,. ;-.,�•,.. .,�- .u.ar T - _ - ,.. .._ ..., ... 0000 ... ,u,-,�...� -_..-�. ... -. ,._ .. ..._•.... :.....:..__ _...__..:.. ._� _•- ---0.000_. -�- -. WW _�....� . • • large• FOR• Mrs -Matched single continental • for Spring!- Move - THREE-BEDROOM apartment right into this modern on the Square now available. 3-bedroon'f'"brick bungalow;,with Phone 524-8124'. -- 47tf spacious recreation room. Immediate possession. BUSINESS offices at 38 Hamilton Street, •Goderich, for West end, 2 -storey . red brick rent ,Ideal as offices orfor small home in irnrnaculate condition.. business. . Heated. .$80.00 per ,1 bedrooms, stone fireplace,, month. Apply McGee - sunroom,• attached .garage. •A -on tlac -Btut k. '45t1 •good solid home... • THIRD FLOOR' apartment Pride of ownership is yours in available immediately.. Frig," this compact home, bright stove and some,~ furniture cheerful kitchen. All in supplied.; Rent . `$80:0Q per. immaculate, condition. Close to month , includes heat and Square. Immediate possessign• utilities Apply to Town Clerk's, Olice;' . "'67 �es`T -•'Street`,,-Nett%' -•tig-ting, 5• -room- tom` modern Gode.rich,.Ontario. - 4tf bungalow in excellent condition • only. Clearance $59.00. • ' GOOD selection of used cars in • A-1 condition,,, , '1.4ii,y• •`?'hese- ,and many - more•similar Wooden kitchen chairs. Special reconditioned and 'guaranteed, properties should, be inspected in $9.9,5 each;:. ' trade-ins, accepted and terms ',. order to appreciate their value,. • available. Rouse •Auto -Electric. , '- 19tf ” COUNTRY 'HOME ••••3 bedroom home an 1 acre, of.' " • 1970 DOD•GE Challenger, RT land close to Goderich. Living 383, standard, 9,000 miles. Will room with large stone fireplace. u - accept trade: Phone 524-7264 Kitchen with many cupboards., cKEE•srtbw blow rs selling at -,ltf Electric heat. Wall . to wall QO., back epy:pe- Phone after 5 p.• m' carpets, •. , • LODGE.FURNITURE. 33 WEST STREET • •GODERICH' ,Lloyd Lounsbury, • RR • 5, /96'3` CHEVROLET Biscayne,'„ Goderich Inc • • six -cylinder, automatic, snow ` New Davenport , .- $90.00 New 4•Seat Chesterfield, & Chair - $169.00 et NeW Love Seats - - $88.00 New Glass Door Bookcases - $36.00 ;New-- 2 Step Tables & Coffee Table •w - $32.00 0 Neiy Chrome Suites " - $40.00 New Unfinished Chests ' From - $20,00 C & E•FURNITURE One mile South of Goderich. Phone 524-72'31 n LITTLE pigs for sale Phone 524-7080. -'nc ONE gas ,Coleman space heater with blower; slightly used electric Kenmore dryer; - Portacable belt sander, 21/2" x 21" belt size. Phone. 524-8717. - 4x,5 BATH toilet and basin, comple e ,-with taps. Priced for %nick sale. 'Phone 524:9698 . • by r _ . �►oX ngs.-.>or4,epings • e�„1„;�-;•-• �•. n . L. . + ��'�• 4,� P1 �ervic�. tires ,.good condition. `Phone Gary Lounsbury, 524-7080. - 48nc 1969 'CHEVROLET' pickup. truck, long box, six -cylinder, 250. engine, 09,000 original miles. Call 524-6871 or "can be seen attJoe's BP.,- 4 VOLKSWAGEN' SALES' SERVICE Imperial, Esso Products Don Taylor Motors' Ltd.' • Main St. South, Exeter 235-1100. For COMPETENT VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE SNOW STORM SPECIALS Sealy Firm Guard mattress tor - box °spring. Sug. List $73.95. Only $59.95. • Chesterfield suite •-two-piece, four -seater, 'reversible foam cushions. Sug. List $229.95. Only $159.95. Deilcraft coffee table and tvvo lamp. _- tables. Sug. List $149:50. Special $79.95.. One only Liberty Spanish style dinette, five -piece. Sug. List $299.95. ,Only $139.95: Used studio couch and two matching chairs. 'Priced for gyick sale. One only continental bed, 39", includes springfilled mattress, box spring, legs and slightly damaged headboard,.' Only $49.95. , •�• Bedroom group, seven=°piece, includes double, dresser, chest, panel bed, box spring and smooth top-fnattress and pair -of boudoir lamps. Only, 04 $199,95. BtA.CKS1ON 'tiff WEST STREET'. 1 Technicians come to McGEE'S Corner Hamilton St. And St. Andrews St. GODERICH General store and comfortable • home in a thriving farming community. handling .,,groceries, dry goods, gas, oil and hardware.- A ,clean stock and all equipment plus one acre of beautifully treed 'surroundings ' and' all conveniences make this a business ' worthy of • your inspection. Askingo pried. has been reduced to $19,900 plus stock, ' 'generous terms and immediate possession available, Owner' will consider accepting a Goderich home in trade ` Corner 100 -acre bush lot with creek, Lucknow district, . ideal for snowrrrpbiling, fishing, camping. $6,500 . $1,000 down. Vendor -will hold first mortgage. , • RUTH VAN•DER MEER Res. 524-7875 'BRUCE RYAN - - Res. 524-7762 WARREN ZINN, RR 2,'LUCKNOW - Res. 5.29=7350 Bt.''ROBINSON - ONE -BEDROOM, second floor apartment, just off Square,. completely redecorated, modern bath ' and kitchen, with new appliances. Not, 'sui'tab'le" 'for children.' 875.00.' Phone 524-8567• - 4,5,6 FORMAL WEAR' RENTAI.S Dress right for all occasion's_... , We are agents for: Freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT r& CAMPBELL Clinton' LTC'. Goderich 6. WANTED TO RENT • LADY with , two-bedroom e apartment has onvacant bedroom' for one -' or two roomers. Phone 524.66'87: -moi ,ix‘. A TREASURt ' TROVE ' . "" (o < 1. THE 01 WANT co -,„,-;,:lbsg,,,,i;-..t,,,, SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF 1971 Dafsu n s 1200's --•= 1600's P1 GK a and Starting As Low As $19xm-. DATSUN: THE MORE 'KW—YOUR MONEY CAR GERALD'S SUPERTEST 7 Main ' St. N., Seaforth 527=1010 a 3,• REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 USl . ” .;ter: "•-w�r••n �' ,�`y'��'V111I y t'iCal }lhd",•`' available: Phone Eric Walden Wingham, collect, 357,3221, - 44tf itEASTBAK - BUILDINGS LIMITED THE GEORGIAN II. This distinctively, designed home features a spacious' Iiv._ing :room and dining room with wall-to-wall broadloom, front vestibule, eat -in sized kitchen With furniture finished cabinets, a four -piece: ceramic tiled bathroom, with varlit,, 'three, suite -sized bedrooms, , an abunc1abce •of closets, full basement and gas fired,. air conditioned heating. These features, plus a mammoth carport and low maintenance exterior of clay brick and aluminum makes this home an exceptional buy at $25,500 with down payment of only $5,500.00. BOY ITJN FEBRUARY FOR ONLY $24,950 $4,950.00 Down Payment Complete Information Available From Real Estate Broker 524-7272 55 Newgate St. thh 25 acres of hardwood bush, Excellent hunting and snowmobilihg, Listed. to sell at $ FO O'0`'ancl wvi°th 714:1713 or ROLLING HILLS, hardwood' bush, lush green grass, good spring water, creeks and' ponds make this a picturesque 100 acres, • for your leisure hours. Open for offers._ A ffers._ BUILDING LOTS. MARY ST: --- 80 foot frontage. 'You need only -a deposit to hold this chore . Ibt for' Spring, • building, First time offered SUBDIVISION ,- Your opportunity to buy two •adjoining lets .on Nairn Drive. This month's special, both t'or throughout, finished basement,'• only $5,000.00• • 'well landscaped. West end. ' . , NEWGATE T. - Fully serviced Duplex West. end.. Solid brick residential lot 66' x 104''.. Act ,construction, spacious •1- plus fast. as lots of, this :.type ar-e .5 -bedroom apts. with fireplace, sc'aree. 2 and • 3 baths, desirable . rental ' area. Excellent mortgage at 8%•, RETIREMENTPR• OPER TY Rancher.45..acres, river frontage,_ 3 -bedroom, 12 miles ' from* HIGHWAY 21 . 40 rod Go derich. Broadloom throughbut. Double garage, Contact Ebb Ross on this one. Good starter5•-ro om• home for young .couple,family hd size kitchen, attac garage. Taxes oca ,$89 00. Good location. Owner transferee d. See- , _this 3 -bedroom home, ultra -modern kitchen, close to schools and shopping. -Ideal location,. Waterloo - Street. ;4 -bedroom, 2 -storey brick home with 11/2 'baths, fireplace, utility room, Good•terms available.. •• Huron Road 2 -storey red brick, 3 -bedroom home, large- .living and dining room, family kitchen, 11/2 baths. Lot size 82' x 132'. . Owner will consider mortgage.. . • Clinton, • • must .• sell, 'central location, spacious grounds, ample parking, private• entrance. Open for offers. property w has .NOT YET One and r2'nbedrooni' apartments • BEEN OLD, . pive 'Jack fully rented,, well maintained, Cummings .or 'Bill Clifford frontage. Ideal building site with 30 'acres, creek, busty and pond location. Inspect this choice , property today. , COUNTRY LIVI G - . feet ed 4 ad onta n 21 d inu s from for. the.'.price^.o'' a to lot at only$4,800.00. 100 ACRES - 80 rod frontage_ 25 acres . of bush, 75 acres workable and* presently 'rented. , Drilled , well, and , creek on property makes this a true value. Listed at only°$12,500.00, HOW'S 'BUSINESS? NEVER BEEN BETTER!._.,,.-. We . NEED homes in GODERfCH. ,Don't put. off 'LISTING your 'property. We have waiting ' buyers. 'If you're.thinking of SELLING or your home an, landscaped large lot. Modern kitchen, dining area, large living' room, 'full basement, electric heating and mortgage - arrange ........_. � M , REPRESENTATIVE ; for short;, trips surrounding Goderich. Contact customers. We train. Air . mail C. B. Dickerson, Pres.,' Southwestern 'Petroleum = Corp.; Ft, Worth, Tex. A well maintained' three-bedroom briely, home, west end location. All broadloomed' and redecorated. Recreation room with bar, landscaped lot and qualifies for full mor,lgage. • a - This two-storey reed brick home contains'. - tivi g - room ---°~-with w•..^ Town of Goderich fireplace, separate dining room Any person interested in ,and large kitchen, two 4 -piece bathrooms, alcor bedrooms, full' , applying 'for the above -position basement with recreation room ' should- submit an application in and• gas heating.• Separate garage. writing • to the .undersigned by Close to shopping in and. schools. P ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER r- _ . _ • . 1F-ebGuar+yr 9t1c-1". • ,:r...; - Interviews will be arranged. 'One -storey ' two-bedroom brick home, large' kitchen, attractive living room, attached garage and - priped,to sell. • River,vieiV propePty situated on • a large lot. Three .bedrooms, living, room, dining room -and kitchen. Two fireplaces, hardwood < floors, • modern bathroom, ' dT tacF ed garage. Immediate `possession. Hill Terrace - this property is in • Bayfield oyerlooking the river, on,k large treed lot. Large,,l;iving room, , good kitchen, two bedrooms, • •double, garage. Equipped • for summer and winter , living: , Immediate possession, - Income property 'situated on a lot 104 x 104 with three 1 -bedroom apartments, one two-bedroom apart•ri'reit:• Heating electric. This property. shows a good return ••on `m°oney- invested. Three-bedroom home pn 1/2 acre lot, priced reasonable, 1ovv taxes. Two-bedroom -new-home in -Dungannon suitable, for V.L.A. 50 -acre farm in Colborne township, 5 acres bush the rest drained and productive. . J. Harold WalIs,1A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 57 West Street Goderich, Ont. 10: WANTED' (General) ,, •ROOM AND BOARD, best meals,: free TV in root, Phone 524-948.5• -'SOtf ' COMPLETE household effects or small lots ,wanted: Call C. & E. Furniture, 524-7231. 23tf TIMBER WANTED, -- bushes, selected trees or logs, all species. • We pay 'top cash prices. Forfree estimate - call Craig's Saw;Mill, Auburn,,, 526.4220. ' 4,5,6,9;10,11' - WANTED - Limousine and., simn•ental heifer calves or beef- tt"ws: with simmental or limousine ,heifex-..:nalvesat .side.. Bred back. to same or open. State ,