HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-04, Page 88 GODER4CH i WGNAL.STAR, THURSDAY, FEB1WARY4,1971 8. HELP WANTED 8. .HELP WANTED I. r,. PLAiTOPERATOR. Goderich Water Treatment Plant,. Person, physically fit • with grade 10 education., Derrlonftrated me+trhanical al?i,lity and knowTedge:of basic e(eetr:icity, Piermanent . ernp4o~ynient., .modern. ," pl'arvt,-gQ;ad` trv�`krrYg~�.1'rc.;Rti�to7t3" - � �. �s�i•�. Application forms available at the plant.or sent upon request. Mail replies stating •pl'nt and position for which. • you are applying .not later than February 12, 1971, to: Recruitment Officer, Personnel Branch, Ontario Water Resources 6onimission, 135 St. Clair Ave., W., Toronto 7, Ontario. 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE. ANDERSON'S APPLiANCE 'SERVICING 186'• Mary St., Goderich 524414 417t ffi# Yiall'effigera '.' Electric Washers, Dryers, Stoves MINE and SMELTER WORKERS . Wanted By THE 'INTERNATIONAL NiCKEL COMPANY • • OF CANADA." L I M t T,E. D at Stgibu1y, Ontario Applicants must be in good physical condition and • over 145 lbs. " 40 Hour Week Non -Contributory Pension Plan • START..IJVG, RATE: weigh ' 'Mine Beginners �' $3.47 per hour ' :Smelter Workers , .. 3.29 per�,hour • Mme"-. t ^' •�. ''Shift Prem,iu to ,,.1'0c per hour - Afternoon Shift 16c per -hour- Midnight Shift • Sunday premium Applicants should•apply at the INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY EMP•LOYMENVOFFICF 62. Frood Road, $udbu'y, Ontarip ' Monday thru Friday, 1:00 p.m': to 5:00 p.m; 14.' SERVICES" AVAILABLE 14. SEiVICE•S AVAILABLE CUSTOM MEAT SERVICE • Chill, cut, - wrap, and sharp freeze. Custom killing . in Government inspected. abattoir. Also beef by ituarter or half: Robinson's r;peneral Store,- Auburn. Phone 526-7788. - 4.5,6,7 Thinking about building a, MILK HOUSE or DRI"-I,NG,-SH,ED? - For free estimates call: RAY LAMBERS • Clinton -482-3305; SANDBLASTING DEM&ITION �Vit QR� SPRAY 'PA TING ARO D STOTHERS Phone 529-7403 Mr estimates • HAVE your rugs andchairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior ,MaintenaiRe., phone '524-8892, Goderich, •- 51tf TRI -TOWN' BO.OKKEEPiNGQ•,aE__VICE Wer,ta Nix -'alt e}>"f yy�� Com!plete'record preparation and mai n$eria`hce LAWRENCE BEANE 13rucefield 482-926Q 1-16 GRAHAM ELECTRIC '•' ',Complete Electrical Service Residential - Commercial - Industrial• 155' Keays Street Phone 524-8670 GL, oderich, Ontario, 27tf SEPTIC TANKS CLONED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GgARANTEED Write or Phone 'Harvey Dale, Clinton 1' ,PHONE 482-3320 -27tf 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111 • CALL FRANC TUTT , For all your flooring needs. Buy your carpet anywhere. 20 years' installation experience. Free measurements 524-6804 Goderich.. 'D.AVE',FARRISH Plumbing,, Heating & Air -Conditioning - nsta11ations trr atter• of `your. plumbing and Qheating needs;� Presently -situated at Esso Horne Comfort Depot, The Dock, Goderich. -Phone- before six 524-6631 'after six 1 291-13 .-2tt- p A Word About the Used Automobile Business. ACE RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Pictn St. W., ..Goderich, Ont Phone 52-k7771. -- 40t1 - 4 FOR your Antenna Sales .and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 ' Mary Street, phone 524-9689. t 1' WANTED Dead and disabled cattle and horses, highest prevailingprices paid. • 24' hour•.service =.7 days a week Fast, Efficient Service Call Collect Brussels 8.7,7-9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD • Supplies 11 miles south of Brussels ,Lic. No. 273-C-70 • 40tfn , SIGNS BY WEBSTE(L_._, Sewing 14:a,chine PROBLEMS? • ' Servicing All k New & Used •Ma;Saleses Alex Reed 197' Bayfield-Rd:-;--Goderich 524.84 -' MV •.. C & W Salvage'• 205 Nelson Si. NOW BUYING CARS For Scrap at their, yard. ,,CAL L 524-9514 Also handling all types of new and used steel products. tf. SPECIALIZING IN. * Bulletin boards * .Plastic electric * Truck 'lettering * Silk screening, * Commercial designing of company trademarks, * Show< cards •,* Window banners ' Alt Sizes & Types of Signs PHONE EXETER 235-0680 ANYTIME "24 HOUR APPROVALS',, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged' in the Convenience Of Your Home LOW cost. Y op can call to 11 :p.nt: today for helpful. courteous service,' Prompt Investment Corp.. Ltd., 330 Bay Street, , Toronto. Call •colle,ct, 366-9586, SVGS.; i 231:$1,;46 Experienced Decorator PAINTING AND , -WALLPAPERING FREE ESTIMAT-ES ` • Call 524-6667 W. -Pedersen Pedersen -' Of VICTORIA ST. GODERICH TAXI ",. Taxi Stand At . BtueVater Service Station - 80 Victoria St. 524-6594 24 Hour Service , Bill Swan, Prop - .'v --MY NOT USE THEM SHARP? Saws, Cutier.y, Skates, Lawn Mowers • C. H. HOMAR - Huron Road,. Opposite Overholt's Store 5,6x SNOW • A. BIRTHS .' Ijt Bef 5M1T14 � At Alexandra Hospital,.•. - a to;studymancagemenl • Goderich,`on January. 28, 1,971, -Mr. and N10,. Stuart Smith, RR 6;-C oderieh,-a daughter, Lisa Marie. • °)C'RO' IER: ' At Alexandra 'Hospital, ,Goderich, on Januar, WOK••" 29, 1971, tit Mr. and Mrs 15. NOTICE 'to CREDITORS , Witham Crozier, Gctderich, a daughter, Denise Marguerite, ALL persons having claims ,it;ainst the Estate of LLOYD NI NON. BRINDLEY, Fanner, • late of, it v Township of Col boriae;-Ttn", ''>r'lte'(ounty of l'lua'un, who died on or 'about the fl)th day 'ut' Dec,niber, t_ 197p, are requited t o file the•, CONNELL•Y:,' At V' ~Alexandra ,anal' With i}ttlt liarticulars with Hospital, Goderich, on January lh'e undet•sigried,by, the 20th day 30, 1971, 'to Mrs an,d Mr`s. 9t', Fe'l rtrary;,.•t971., as after that I3:awnnis- t;,onnelly, RR'- • 3, date tie"i3•,9&13tIt'0 ,4)etts't'at'e4,0Thi tadiMhO tillAi• 'b•te ittT thstt ibuted„.•-' j,t' DAD 'A Goderich, Ontario, EDWARp: 'At" Alexandra this 2 1st day of January, 1971., PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc,, 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Stilieitois, for the Estate. _.. _ 4,5,6 • ALL persons having claims ataitist ,the • Estate, of MARGARET' LUELLA SC'il,AEFER,Widaw, late of the Town "..of Gods t•fch, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the, 29th day of November, 1970, are required', file the same tt-ith'full par a at$ with the undersigned try the C. BRIEFS 13th day of February, 1971, as - after that date the ,assets"of the • estate+ will be distributed. THE C -.P, & T. Fund Committee DATED at Goderich Ontario of Goderich Oddfellow and this 1,8th day. of Jantaery, 1971• Rebekah Lodges have PREST grid EGENER, heelchair- , an,Cl other equipment nor loan, free of Barristers, ,gtc•i, • 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. ,1,5,6 ROCK: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on January 30, 1971, ,to Mr. and MI's, John C. Rock, RR , 1, Kincardine, a daughter, Lisa Anne. '.' Hospital,,-Goderich", on Febitwary- 1, 1„9.71, to. Mr'. and Mrs. John 'Edward, RR -1, Goderich, a d lighter, MUNROE:. Bili and Judy (nee,: MacKay) are •HOUR 'to announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Ann, • January 26, 1971, at Greater Niagara General Hospital, Niagar• Falls, 'a sister for Billy, a granddaughter for 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munroe,' Niagara Fabs, and Mr. and, Mrs. DQ.natd•. H. MacKay, Goderich. 5 • charge. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, Park Street, phone •524-9623, ar Fred Fritzley, Wilson St►tet, -phone 524-7217. - cow .16. PUBLIC Nana --• .. D. -1N MEMORIAM- ' INTERESTED individuals or groups please, note 'that films, • pa na,p h 1 ets and• pertinent information are available for the asking, for' the purpos-e of cancer .,"education: • Anyone may'' -avail themsellves -of this service. bz contacting' the county°,secretary of 'the ,Canadian Cancer.Society, Mrs.' Gordon Rathwelt, ' at the office in Clinton, open' Tuesday and Friday, 2:30, - 5:00 p.m., phone'482-7832, -- 5,6,7,8 • REIVL'OV-AL '1I1EANNU-L .general meeting 4 wheel drive outfit with loader•- - can, clean sheds, barns, etc. 524.-61, 7. OR 524-8021 of the -.Children's Aid Sbeiety .of Huron 1C'oturty; which had'to be cancelled Tor ,February 3, 1971, �tiill now be held on Wednesday, February 1.0, 1971, at 1,:30,p.m: at the Court House,, Goderich.; The public is c'o'rdially i;•ivited to attend. The Banquet" honoring the Foster' -Parents of 'Huron County will 'be held at a later date. r- •5 .4' t CUSTOM , snow, blowing' R easo n able 'rates. Phone 524-92.1.2_.. Available between .'....1730 a. m.. and 5 p.m. t HURON, DEAD STOCK REMOVAL �1{it • T ,�{ ,,.��. ha •. K r7�2FT P� ; � cl�srta• TT. 'p' q�sq . ., "'��� -'tr'�'i'cl�>�fe', a Ill%�L L Due to"'""tlie ,decrease In meat ' "'Sherrill Ann Worrell (nee Carr), rices^vv are unable tee a for f ^„^ „^„^„^., „ ti, N,, h,<M,^n�n� ,�,�l 1p,� S,ea,f,.o,r.th,,and,.Wal,kerton. p pay „^,a tet• JairtarY 21, 1971 k. , " t, offer fast,• courteous, same 'lay service. 241 -tour Service -7 Days a Weeks WALLPAPERING" and painting. ' Free estimates. Phone 524-9287 or 524-7667. 5,64 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS v IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN CUTHBERTsON, LATE OF -THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, • • ALL persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward -full particulars of their claims to the' undersigned, on or before •th•e 25th .' day ' of February, 1971, after which date:, .the„ assets • - will be distributed. „ DONNELLY & MURPHY, Barristers, 18 The Square, r GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for' the Estate, • -4,5,6 16. PUBLIC' NOTICE PROCTOR In loving memory of a beloved son •and brother, Bob, • who passed away suddenly' Febru.ary,9, 1964. You meant so very much to us, That nothing we can say, , Can tell the , grieiTt. hat's. in our heal ts, ' - As we think of you today. It does not matter' the day or year, The're's'still a memory, always a tear; Memories don't' fade, -they just ''1%.7) ..-•w deep, ' For someone welov.ed",but could not .keep ' -- Dearly loved and sadly -missed by Mom, Dad, Jean, Jack, Beverley, Bill -and families. - Snc E. CARDS OF ' THANKS FOLEY: 7. swish to thank .all those who sent me flowers and 1�7. 'BUSINESS NOTICE messages•while I was a patient in . Alexandra Wand Marine General Hospital. I extend a grateful MEDICAL "M.assage;', Tha'"rm.o,Th e'ra,py •and Ultra -Violet, < 118 - Anglesea Street, 'phones, house 52.1=7617; office,. • 524-6281. W. C. Breckow, ' Reg• M. • • 1 A. -LOST AND -FOUND FOUND ' - 'Black and tan German Shepherd, about five months , old, near Shepparton. (✓all Bannister Motors, Qoderich. d. MISCELLANEOUS We do all types of JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw Retipping , * Watch Repair Acutron Repair ..}1V 14 L. ,X �osponsible fc�r�.�,��.,L>L�utimh, �...�.��...,. ,iii•. ' `.� rye • � D. any' farm stoc efficien Isn't it a fact the most familiar .words heard at this time :of year by ,automobile dh`afers from the • customers are: "I'm going to wait till spring to buy." This seems to be repeated year after year, And year after year customers 'do wait knowing (.or do they?) that they will pay from one- to three hundred dollen more per -unit in 'the spring. Do you wonder why? Well, right now we are at our slackest time of year. 'Therefore, without the demand, prices are at the lowest. By spring (only 42 days away) the demand is such that it forces prices up. Why pay more by waiting till spring? As' they say, DO IT NOW!, and save. • Why not give this serious thought and 'then drop • in today. Selection is' no proble; -'Car lots are bulging: If we haven't got the unit you want now, i•t is quite probably coming soon. GRA .F':S' Call . Collect 482-9811,, License No. 237-C-70 -41 tfn\ DAILY AR RENTAL Reasonable Rates • McGEE'S.. Goderich• Phone 524-8391-' 19tf 'PARK HOUSE ,Available for wedding receptions, banquets, parties, Reasonable rates.' Phone 524-9942, - 4,5,6 , SERVICE t kfgw? dv5 of•nei rniMraPi i f, ':fir HAYFIELD ROAD, HWY 21 -- GODERICH, ONT GORD :A' UNRQE " ,PHONE 524-$411 JOHN t3RAF BRECIICLES Authorized '.'SIMPLICITY" SALES &' SERVICE : ... 138 I L12ABET H ""ST;. i Richard J. Worsell. - 4,5,6x 12tfn. OLYMPIC SI(1-D COVERS SNOWMOBILE SUITS and BOOTS 25 OFF ONE ONLY - REG. LIST $1.9 LARGE CABOOSE $150 thank you to Drs A, B., Deathe, J. M. Watts, nurses and staff on second east, Fr. Moynahan• and Dr. Cassano.'- Margaret Foley, BLACKWELL: Thanks to everyone who visited me, sent flowers and,gifts. TO, Dr. Deathe and; alll the hospital staff thanks for your,care. - Dianne. - 5 " G. COMING EVENTS ' - ST. GEORGE'S Shrove Tuesday• Buffet supper, Tuesday, February 23, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in St. George's Parish Hall;, adults $2.00, children $1 0.0:• For tickets phone Mrs. 'Scanlan at 524-7709 or Mrs. Campbell at • 524-7935, - i`,6,7 • RUMMAGE SALE • at the Salvatidn , Army, Goderich, Saturday, February 6, at 1:30 pain. 5 Forty-five area beef farmers, 2.8' from Huron County, kook part in a 2 --day feedlot, mapage,rnent course last Wednesday - and `Thursday," ,January 20th and 21. The course was held at c;entralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, and was sponsored toy., theF ',Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. in weiorning the farnters to the "1, ,local 'College, J. - A. 'MacDonald, E'rincipai,, noted ^ 13 .ti'7A {l a e,'�4,,:tle•_ . 15�:'p',h fi' the farm scene so rapidly that farmers must' continually tip=date their information: ,This was the purpose of this course, Lead-off speake-r, Dr.- Bob Curtis of the ••Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, outlined the proceduresr that • should •-be, followed in bringing new cattle into a feedlot. He, felt that farmers, should be demanding' pre -conditioned calves from Western Canada 'liut • the strong market for cal'ves encourage mnagy Western ranchers to do„ this. Dr. Curtis also advised that the farmer and his veterinarian should form .an alliance - a herd health program - - to combat health problems in the feedlot. A feed formulation workshop was conducted by Stan Paquette, Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron and Doug Jamieson, Head Livestock Division, Centralia College.' The latest ,information on the - nutrient' -requirements of beef cattle and the nutrient composition ' of common feedstuffs was discussed. David Beattie of • the Livestock Division, Ridgetbwn College of , Agricultural Technology outlined the need for protein supplements and„ how these can ' be supplied by .treating corn silage with urea and Pro-Sil. Thissession ended with the farmers evaluating the nutrient adequacy and' cost of their own rations. A lively workshop. developed on the topic " of feedlot economics presented by John Stephens, Head of the Farm Business Management Division; Centralia Col/gel-Many feedlot operators found that the large investmebt in feedlot facilities and feed storages was increasing production costs and lowering profits dramatically; However, several indicated that these facilities' were needed or they coulgd not remain in the -beef industry. Allan • Boswell of the Brandt Cahada Deartment - li -•'• of Agriculture, Ottawa, painted .a bright -future for beef producers. He - noted that beef,consumption per capita as well Wthe human o pt„ilation, inues :to _ _ i��'s''t��'i7iK"�"'i6r�ra"1�... .,the restocking'of.beef cow herds • in We,tern Canada and this should lead to more and cheaper feeder ,calves. He predicted that fed cattle prices would remain near the present level for the next year or two. V ' W At the course. banquet, Graeme Hedley, Secretary Manager of the Ontario Beef Improvement , Association brought producers up to date on Association activities. He - reviewed „ the -development of ganfax- a telephone market information service '' now available , to beef producers subscribers across O'rktario. Huron was the first county in Ontario t'9 set up this service,. Dr. Ron Usborne, Head of the Meat Science Section of" the Department of Animal Science, University or Guelph talked on. the development of a new grading' system for beef carcasses. The drafted proposals will be presented later this `winter ' to the Meat- Packers -Council -ander, the , Federal Covernmek Th'e coneePI-o't the proposed , system is to place higher value on heavily muscled carcasses which carry little trimmable fat: A local - feedlot owner, yClarence Hardy of Luca,n .also participated in a. panel• discussion. on beef marketing. Assisting in the planning, of the eoprse • were Stan Paquette, Clinton, course,,, co-ordinator; .Ralph' McCartney, Area , Beef Sp,e.cialist, Guelph; Doug Jamieson, Centralia College ,of Agricultural 'Technology; ' Dick Heard, ; - London and , Jack' Hagarty, Stratford both area •Farm Management„ Specialists and Extension ' Branch Oo-ordinators. Marketing legislation needed in Canada Canadian agriculture needs national . marketing legislation and needs it now.' , This was the main message'in the Ontario 'federation 'of Agriculture's brief to the Hotise of - Commons Standing ' Committee on • Agriculture 'hearings at Toronto's Sutton ,,Place' Hotel, , "The iso -called chicken -and -egg war, the' hog explosion on the Prairies, the depressed apple industry - these are all reasons why Canadian' agriculture 'must (have national marketing legislation and must have it now,"“ said - The OF -A brief. -_-. , "We do not suggest that this legislation can eliminate all the problems facing this industry. However, it will • permit RECEPTION and' dance for Mr. and Mrs. Ken' Murch .(nee .Lexie,-,.,.-. 'r. Agricultural Hall; on Saturday, y , 1971.; s1ia1't'I'n'g• at 9 ebruar 6 -, p.m. Friends and • neighbors please accept- this invitation to producers to ';work 'out between -themselves how to best - overcome their problems:" • This is the second series of J, hearings held by the Standing Committee on Agriculture on , this legislation. It held one' series in Ottawa last summer, - • The Ontario Federation, of" Agriculture brief, delivered, by James Jacklin, an' ' Elmwood farmer and .executive member of OFA, expressed disappointment that the committee had decided to hold a second U series of hearings, delaying passage of Bill "It<,°witii experience;"said the brief, ,"inadequacies show up in' the bill, • farmer producers will pressure government' to act quickly to correct them." �tth . for rabies in ntfw-er Ice Nicks 71 will' be presented by the Goderich Figure Skating Club February 19th' and 20th at Goderich Memorial . Arena. -3,4,5. - Ea) NEXT TRAVELOGUE TUESDAY, FEET. 23 DR. CHARLES TAYLOR "SCOTLAND FOREVER" Sponsored by Goderich Rotary BINGO Every Saturday Night LEGION- HALL Starting Time -8:30 p.m. - •01111•••• ,.4 MARINE & SMALL ENGINES GOEjE ICH 88 Britannia Rd. t�a24da>x�''•�- Y • • • A t*o-year "old in Ontario County and a.,•'20 -month old Scarborough girl 'were bitten by rabid skunks last . November. Winter not only brings -snow but also rabies, and cases in skunks and foxes, two' major carriers, greatly increase during the cold season. -'- , Last year's figures for the York •County -Toronto area show significant' increases over 1969, 'particularly involving - the incidence of rabies in' kirnks;' skunk rabies having nearly, tripled over the same period in 1967. There is a temporary 'Prevalence of skunk rabies in the east Scarborough -West hill area which shows that, the disease is 'hot co>hfined to rural areas. The department of lands and forests anticipated- there ,would be an increase in skunk rabies in parts of Ontario because of a high 'skunk reproductive rate during the summer of 1070. - This time of year, watch for ',`strange' behavior in wildlife. .Beware of skunks seen during the. day or wandering into your yard. Rabid, skunkrs and foxes may - appear fr ie'ndly or Nr - w .UstlfdPR.7?' by. yohildabou ty' ur orc`doggyren t thethe yardnew. Remember a rabid animal's bite - can cause illness, and -even death! If you have reason to believe an animal is infected call the nearest office of the Canada department of agncu`Iture or the Ontario department of lands arid' forests for further directions: If 'you live in an area where hunting is not ' restricted, encourage hunters to hunt fox • on your property; especially' if you are aware of a large fox papulation. Adequate harvest of fox , populations lowers the incidence of contact and, consequently, the rabies problem is significantly reduced. Receive -s------ ' certificate • • 4 -: • • DANbELL BEACON'S BELLE 2N; 31,0595 ('Rated S'upreine Excellent Classification), owned and bred by H. B. Daniel, Bluevale, has • just 'been • issued - a Lifetime , •... t a ren ek�aggrc l"rke Y4rttrtc raClu'At9 a°A.4 a� abistmoczOnaitt O children oho dM , war'ne'd- astir..„oitus hitey s the Club% She NR���; :ov3t'Irlt ac'litig I�o 1;596 lbs, mil '�tlr�i'rl�e- has du'eed 9 k `""' .and 5,233 lbs: fat in 11 e'' • , nimals, particularliy foxes and •••'i�••• 'lactations. ' t;kuriks. �tieck out any reports .,trWfHT i••WY1•• '«I •