HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-04, Page 5x a.
Round and About With Martha
Winter ib Goderich
My introduction to Ggderich "
winters was in 1946: ,,After living
most of my horn da.s in Essex
County -= Sun'ar'fotir of Canada
--- I was anxious about the
winter weather up 'NORTH.' I
was assured .the winters were
fine and "you can ;always get
The very' 'firs -t icy blast was
about the middle of November,
so lwouldn'.t you. know that day
I'd get Rost. This 'was .rny one
fear as there were no street signs
'cept•i•those imprinted in the .
pavement. I contd. walk "up
to�vlrm rn abtitit' Ta�'mrnu�es, and '
I would stick to.Britannia ,Rd. to
South St., shop on "the 'Square
and return home bythei same
This day was very cold with
• icy winds such as I'd never
experienced, so I decided to take
a short cut home. Whatever the
r?CUT - a short cut was not for
the taking. 1, must have •had
Montreal St. in mind but took
Colborne instead for I ended up
'- looping. at a' wild river and a
wilder Jake. I knew if I turned
right and kept sight° of the Lake
I would eventually reach the old
Sunset hotel and I knew my
way from there.
Well, I'd left` home shortly
after one and -when I:read ed the
top of the hill at West St. the
men from the elevator and
harbour were on their way home
- 5 p.m.
I asked directions -- but still
-got tangled up before I found
that Hotel. By this. time I .was fit
to be tied, frozen and wet and in
no. mood for any kidding ,.,o.ri.
I --arrived home the - same time -
as my "hungry" men ' and of
cdurse, the fire was out - that'
cookstove and I just. didn't get
v.._ along and I had shed many a tear •
fussing with it from, time to
time. The Boss just had•to give it
• a kick and a shake and it would
go to beat the.band. I hated that
stove and it hated me right back4
I .think it,was,years later that
after finding a town map, I
figured out how I got so lost!
I wasn't the -only one to get
lost - any ,of our visiting friends •
sworcup and down there were,
at least eight drug stores around
the Square.
We always planned to spend
Christmas,'inWiridsor, so the .day
we are leaving doesn'tit start
snowing., beautiful, great hig
flakes, gently,, -gently falling•' I
had never seen sucha sight and
was not atall worried when
there was •about loot of.,snow
before noon time.
' Since you risked a . broken
axle travelling ori 21 we d,T'ided
to take. the •"back road" "to
Bayfield"-- (that road that leads
to the outdoor theatre, the first
one'out of town):
The first mile and a quarte
was fine - someone' had used'
that road,, but from there on it
was virgin territory and not' a
sign to show road from ditch -7-
you' just tried to stay in .the
The beautiful(?) fluff kept
falling steadily 'and' after a very'
few miles we were in real
trouble; Young Doug,,.,was with
qs and when the fan started
throwing the . snow up on the '
motor and stalling us - he was
. -alt-for -going -far-help-and-getting •
out of it all. .
• " But, no, the driver was - a
stubborn_ cuss _and _anything he
set coat to do would be done week, 1 was thankful we had
whether it was right or not. - hydro etc. So many were • less.
How many times we stopped fortunate and we could hear of
and brushed the snow off the the heroism of the hundreds of
motor, then sat and waited for it fellows who braved the storm to
to decide to start again, I can't • reach people stranded in cars
recall - but finally it decided Ota, r etc. or take • food and blankets•
bad had enough and' refused to and • so many things even
start. - machinery to people' in real
Doug had seen ,a farmi. house trouble.II
about a mile back so started,The snowmobile machines
back for help." He 'was •. weremachines °'the real life savers in this
almost there•• when the motor crisis and I feel many ,people.
decided t9 try again' and' • wehai!e- .changed" their minds about
backed 'up -in our tracks -.and their being a nuisance..1 hope
picked him urr and-s'ped,;forward .now they will have cF s with-
agai;o,`:t`titroh- faster; ,since w ' Jtad; .,k,.• acreage What they Van get• out
already flattened it down ,and and have fun • without risking
went flying thrb' two car , their life and that of. others by
lengths farther than we'd been being on the , highway or
before! ! sideroads, darting out in front of
What a trip - somehow we you either causl g an accident or
finally made it to the highway nearly scaring yo'h to death.
close to the entrance to the Something good will surely"
bridge (long since torn down) -•- turn up for them now -• let's
two hours later - • and I hope there isn't a few careless
remarked • that the snowplow characters try` to spoil it all.
must have just gone thru' as the :Anyway, hundreds want to
road was quite bare. _ say "'Thank you, fellows, we're
When we crossed the bridge grateful for what you've done."
and reached the top of the hill - So after this terrible storm
(Bayfield doesn't seem to be on and freezing we've been ,thro' I
a hill, now) - there was NO just hope I don't hear a word
SNOW! : We "had to re -fuel at -about frost "bitten flowers in the
Reeds Cornet's - and the south --jas someone may get a
attendant asked us what part Of ' big fat eye!
the north we'. Were from. " He Just the same I hope the
wouldn't believe, Goderich, flowers are fine 'by• tate March as
No sign of snow - in fact they I'll be looking for them. Vo
were cutting the grass in Windsor hoping many of you have taken
- so we had quite a conversation •, pictures of some of the fantastic.
piece with over' a foot of snow snow drifts and ice and snow
on the roof .of the car. laden trees - most of them are
„' That 'New b Year's Eve, a now beautiful • - some are
tenihle. sleet. storm and bliLzard broken.
and *Iiatl eri� eh -as:*;.*.110,4„4„; ,.'I,'a::, was just'" thankful -'Ron'
the last week' carried on for wasn't around• with his camera
Ys . when I tried- to visit my -
No trains, trucks tor anything ° neighbour - ° dust about a
' reached us for over a week and hundred feet behind me, by
they had to have .a plane drop,, taking the'old route - thro' the
feed for the animals and other fence. ,-(
emergency items when the storm I had-q�i'ite a shock when I
subsided as the;.rural areas were sank into the drift just near the
really tied up. hedge -perhaps that's why 1
In February, we.made a short „,.didn't get rriy•head chopped off
trip to Wingham - my first' by our high'• clothesline as I
outing since New Year's EV'e. - m
somehow , issed it. .' I had to
•and it took all day. I couldn't. shake and shake' the cedars
believe my dyes when I 'saw the trying to get thro' our secret
condition of the countryside - path thro' them. When 'I did get
even after a thaw and a rain. 4 thio' I was facing a drift 'Which I
From Clayt Laithwaite's farm . 'couldn't even 'see over. Well, I
the tops of the telephone cross was sorted and knew where I
bars were just visible- and at was going just a few more feet
Clinton there was just one turn • to her . back door - so ' I
and that was the one towards ' ploughed into the drift. ,
''' Winghaxn, ° ..the other road had When I struggled out of it, my
been drifted over for a.long long boots were. full `- nearly .lost
time. them - my pockets and sleeves
On this strip - out of Clinton _ up to my elbows were packed
- we travelled thro: tunnels with , with now. What a nut! . But I
little "waiting• stations” wouldn't turn back and 1 was so,,
shovelled out - in case you met puffed out that I realized I had
another car. Well! All the snow better plan my nett move.
'I'd ever seen could have been.I realized J. must 'travel the
piled tap and . never been that,trough westward _ to another.
deep, •-hedge then 'br."eak thro' another
• That winter the boys pushed • big drift and walk back - did 1
and shovelled the car more than say walk? - flounder back
•they elle .in it, ,I think. I still towards the house in the valley
have "snaps" of the '•boys between the drifts By thi's time
tunnelling their way in and out I was ready for the St. Bernard
of their little shop- ; ' with. his,little keg under his chin
What a winter - I ,,had now =but I knew. I had to keep
decided: that the' folks in moving or I'd 'soon get covered
Goderich were great liars and I up ti
had :hit the„ Arctic Circle. . ..1 figured I,d be a sad 'looking
So here we .are, stranded for crocus in the spring when they'd
another week - couldn't even find me. - and I like sunny,
• get- my copy to the. Signal! happy flowers - so I'kept going.
Father had gotten awaywithout Every time.I',d'sink and try to sit
taking it.- the stornl.,.w,as,An HIS down - did you ever try to SIT
mind, and so I dressed warmly in soft snow? Well - if I. hadn't
and wasgoin_ to "run it down." ha:d„a sense of humour I'd never
Well, twice •I tried to get past made the • trip because I'd start
the corner of the house -with the laughing well it >, was a
icy wind cutting you to ribbons, ' ridiculous thing to try to do and
- when I realized -I`'d"nev`erjetou"t when 'I reached the' -door" my
of the drifts, so 'the Editor said,' ., friend laughed as Heartily as i 7 ---
"Don't worry, we will • pick it and if I'd • had a heart attack
' up.'' • . ' right then and there I'd have
Little did he -know that taxis, died laughing. -•
road equipment, , police and Oh well, I feel, -it ' broke the
was off the road and that things- "-Won't forget it for w Ie.- - —
mI iS�L, .,Fl
Work experience program a
is supported: by kcal businesses
• The students in Grade 12 of
the Business, and` Commerce
course at Goderich `District
Collegiate Institute are taking
part in a' Work. Experience
Program. This program is part of
the students' ,education and
training for employment upon
t graduation.
A number of local. comOanies.
are cd-opepting• with the school'
school :is- very enthused abdut
the program. •
Speaking "%to the SignalStar,
Mr. Wark said he would like thy.,
participating businesses to kno'
how much their efforts e
Thws:ose taking part 'are .as
Dominion ,Road Machinery,
in •the, project 1but participation
by an 'Yerpployer does notimply-
an,intentiop to employ,a student.
""`aftereg'a'doatimier;�� api~minpl y zw
willd give the stladent
first hand experience in an office
and report to the -school on the
student's progress.
The program is taking place'
from January 1;3 to January 22
and January 25 to January 29
Each of the participating`"
students attend regular classes
fbr one week of the program and
work in an ;office_, during the
.other week. While out on the
program each 'student is
expected to observe the .regular
working hours of the office and
any rules of employment in the
:office. Since this program is part
of the students'. total education
at Goderich District Collegiate,
• Institute no student will be'"Paid
and the schpol board -bears the
o •
,c st of insurance coverage on
. .the.student'while in an office.
Bill Wark, ',commercial
director at GDCI said in
° explanation to parents theI
• • Hockey
2-3:30 -= Pre -School Skating -
3: 30-5
kating-3:30-5 Lions Club
Free Skating
8-10 =- Figure Skating
4-8 - Figure Skating -
8:30 - C.H.H.L. Hockey
50c "
2-3:30 -- Pre -School Skating
• 3:30-5 - Lions Club
Free Skating
8.10 Sqt' rt Hockey
10-12 - Mite Hockey
• 12=1 - Pbwer Skating
1:30-5:30 - Figure Skating
2-4 - Family Skating
4:30 - Midget Hockey
7 and 9 -
•Mackey: Coutes . ,
t). MI IN
were•really at a standstill.
At time of Writing, 1 heard the
road is still tied up from Port
Albert°to Port Elgin more than a
-Signal;Star, Town of Goderich,
County of Huron, Regional
Assessment Office, MacEwari
and 1VtacEwan, Goderich
Psychiatric -Hospital, A1eN.andra
Marine and General hospital,
Sift() Salt --•,Mine, Sifto Salt -
Evaporator Elantt P.U.C., B. M:
R.oss,,and Associates Ltd, Union
Gas, Goderich.' Ellevator,.,
Transit Co.
?rest -and a Egener, A. Y� M.
Harper C.A., Ronald L.
McOonald C.A., Goderich
Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Others ;,�vhd„ve,
Bell Telephone, Donnelly and -
Nila:rphr, Canada Manpower. '
The weekly dance on Monday
afternoon was well attended
with most of the residents taking
part in wheel chair and round "
dances, as well -as practice on a
new dance the_,pa•t. ' cake pe1ka..•
Three nurses -from. the Goderich
Pyschiatric llosp'ital aittended
the program to observe and take
part in the dances,. A new
resident Mr. Moerbeek of
Kingsbridge was welcomed.w t,h-
ever� one joinin• g..in-.stag ng "For
he's a jottyrgood fellow.”
The 'January , birthday party
was held in the auditorium on
Wednesday afternoon with the •
'Women's Auxiliary, of
Nuronview in charge of the
program.' Mrs. Sutcliffe of
-Godericli acted as, mistress of
ceremonies and also contributed'
a mdsical number and dance.
Readings were giveri. by Mrs.
By Cindy Leeking
• Monday, January- 25, two qf.
Canada's Trampolifie Champions -
.performed for the students,- at
G.D.C.I. ”
These experts combined
comedy with a .step by ',step
leaning process, and managed -to -
create quite an' interegt in the
sport . -
• More- activities of that nature
are being planned for the
students"this year:
n AT HOME- •
G.D`,C'',1.'s • nineteenth Annual
At Home "Emma' will � be held
this corning Frida:y,r.Fe.b.ruary 5,
from 9:00 to 1:00. ro
Music will be by Johnny
Downs and • his orchestra. The
tickets ' .are five dollars per
The school , queen will" be
chosen today (Thursday) by
ballot of 'the student 'body • and
her name will be announced
during the "At
By Sandy Maize
The • Goderich Junior girls
played a Tournament 'Tuesday,
January 19 at • Stratford North
They . played against South
.Huron and Stratford • North °
Western. .
Stratford North Western beat
Goderich 2 games to 0.. •The *
score in those games were 15 to
13 and -15 to 7.
' The girls that got the 'points
are Debbie Turner with 6 points;
Sue••'owell- with 1.,2 poinCs;
Brenda Brissette and. Carole
Cruickshank • each ' with one
in the games at South'•Huron
Goderich -tbok the "tour,riey. 2
games to 0:
° The scores in the games. were
15 to 1 and 1`b to 5,
The' • girls., who scored the
points in this .game 'were Linda
'Dorgherty with 8 points; Sue
Powell' with 7 points; Debbie
Turner .with 6, o1nts and Wendy
Ryan with . points. ''Carole
Cruickshank and Diane Osborn
each had 2 points: •
•:Thee manager forthe Goderich
Junior Vikings is • Bonnie
Sherrit, l iens;�ll and 4'°Mrs.
Colclough, • Clinton, Musical
. numbers by Mrs. Coombs, Mrs.
McConnell, of Seaforth; Mr and
Mrs. Bert' Finlay Goderich, Miss
. 'l�a.)mmie, Henan!. and Mrs.
Nevins, Clinton and sing song led
by ,Mrs. Sutcliffe accompanied
- by Nirs.,„Hawkins (Goderich).
The 2$ ° residents celebrating
Birt.bdkys in January were
kliresented with a gift and lunch
was served by the ladies.
The Girl. Guides of Clinton
with• their leaders Mrs. Kuehl,
Mr:6,_I11e1''v7.Mrs. '';'lade and Mrs.
Ihuclow proNsided the. aro r m
for Family Night 'this week.
Several campfire `songs with the
electric° campfire -in the' middle.,
of the group along with the.
action songs, a duet, a skit'and A
dance number were enjoyed by
,the residents. The girls assisted .
with wheel , chairs before and
after the program'' and we are
lookirigforward toryanbther visit
from the (xuid.es i;i the spring.
-The Family Night program on
the January 28 will be Scottish'.
in honour of Bobbie Burns with
Mr. Jack • '1'hyne and i),aVe
Hastings oK Brussels responsible'
for the program,
PHONE 524.7811
Also Tape Cartridge
' t , And Cassettes
The Square -
Friday And Saturday
Andy „ •
Music Byr •
- - . - ,,
DON BAUER 482-3240,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
BILL CRAWFORt - 524-6185
Hope you get news of coming •
events -on your calendar and,
have a care and have fun:
Love, Martha.
Siiturday/Feb.' 13
At Goderich Race Track
Registration ,N•4':1a: m..- tto x:45
'>' ; ri a •?':t; •f w
We can mention the
manufactu'rer's name_, 'on this
. sportswear but if we did Ike
weruldn't be able to handle the '
number of,, people who would be
' . in to buy. Come in arrid see for
yourself, what the brand name is
and take advantage of these big
savings on this top quality well
known merchandise. We suggest
you get in early for best•
��.; ��"ti-7�S�n4��e.1>�S.a•�T'ti`�•'AEi)�d�"�e.�°�,.-�c�'w.w.mp.,M�-.- '.'�rwy..Xa �r vrll#�'�
Thursday at 8.00 p.m.' Only
Friday and Saturday
at 7.30 and 9.45 p.m.
2:00 P.M. ALL SEATS 50c -
,UN.; MON., TUES. FEB. 7, 8, 9 ,
REGULAR 11.00 to '20.00
' Screenplay by JOEL IIEBER onc1 STAMEN HART
:.• 8ot4en the novel.bv.ibi rLIERER,Golecebvi.DEAU%f°•
Admission to 'Races -$1
*4 •