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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-02-04, Page 2
4. QPARICH gICNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1971 • • BLUE THUMB BY G. Mac'.EOD,ROSS ., Tradtu;Ind h'ori t � eoya : 4 kind are best left to a valet' . ships. Lion, Iron ,Duke, tQueen One of the greatest services fight, he maintained 'the.. Fleet best sea' officer •,of ' based upon knowledge, of ore by chose amateurs who ',The • wai•;fashioned ' the ghost which' For• those who survive the ` Elizabeth,. Queen Mary.', Colossus which'Marde'r has performed has intact and y�continuing threat, a llrpper; the outstan.c' g •(lerrrran victories won. The confidence perartibulates under the title of Until recently the' late first 15 article -filled' years of the and New Zealand. When Beatty been to k some of the many conditu�t bleb :had a derisive Commander, Wemyss 'fitted the the Navy had when, war flame , ••. ' Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan of Century, it' id easy to understand lost three battle cruisers within legends which .surround this '-el un " (ierntair rtiorale a+id office of First Sea• Lord with Was something to behold The the Armed Forces o Canada. the United , States Navy, was • the •• sfar ion they experienced 20 minutes at Jutland, New period. For example; it was th•' will to, victory. . Admiral whilst Germans never had that, their s Hee is a country which cannot sa t } p distinction, whilst Admiral Sir° afford quantity; the obvious was regarded ° , as the most from. .those, inspiration and "Zealand was 'in the line with Prince Louis of Battenberg, not Scheer, the (ierinan (,omnlandir Reginald Hall,: the one time Was a, new Navy. Could .they or to ensure quality, He;e were -two . authoritative writer on Sea , inventive -filled ears, when to be hem. Her, captain wore a Maori Winston (hurchil1,.who stopped at Jutland said. Je�licue s.stluw . Intelligence Chief, was a genius could they not win a battle. in redients , of 'Paver, and,his "Iitfluertce of Sea y ' g quality which „ born, an Englishman -meant the kilt, _.glace him by a chieftain demobilisation of the. Fleet in blockade wits correct, and in his own sphere and brilliantly Good materiel yes' but this was were deliberately ignofed, Powd ' on History. 1660-1783 o rtunity for service all over who ro hesied no hart, would July 1314. It is not tree'" that accomplished its purpose". The successful. Finally—he tuii ; .-to the Navy steeped in the tradition opo 1? !? harm ,although they never appear in ", 'Which 'appeared in''1890, is still the lobe.. Fear here was a erio'd creme to ship or Wearer. Nor did• Lloyd George sat in the First Sea British. people }had',been brought • Jetli.coe for Whom' he has a great °f Nelson, The 'Germans were the Armed Forces` Estimates. We regarded as a classic in"lts, field, • in g history . }'frau tet ; with it. ' ., ' Lord's (Jellicoe's) chair in Ipril 0 up to regard their Davy as salts ��"affinity "When the chips are never looking for a fight; the last « Mahan considered Sea Power the g _ 1. 1, sur *et slttls re soche.• They should remise that next time challNnges to y�E�uth; challenges 1\lard.er x re union is 917 and tall the Adrriiraltyl. far'' pc down' 1 favour. Jellicoe , he >hirtg. they wanted was a g p we "may i9rcrt" possess a fifth decisive factor in warfare, and his an afternoon, as Lord e,�pected the kind of naval writes, Hi4 failings: •a tendency ,stand-up fight, even when they ,,,,,,;",,,;�t <,� �„�,,,�, s �r �-,�,F to •experience ;and, to innate foutt.ded.c�n his diligent research, �" battles to vvttich only Haywood ar mArit served; to influence, a, enius,Quite often challenges to Though he enerousl • ' lyes • Beaverbroo averred. The J •to become 'absorbed in `detail ••��� '-• thought �__�� had,' g c,^ generously g' attempt tb deal u Lebru e has recourse:, a series of rte ted ' numerical advanta Hitlet 3 in ensurikrg otrr co,nskleralble ' b ,caiy . of life itself. It wail's period .which credit to 'an uttusu l source.; P p g was l and' to attent{ t too much, ° advantage. It was the ,'„ survival. p fe o l a t `111'4=4...a at , ..,,. Cio a-, : t cess, for the :-f}crt ., engagements and _.. sntastting nevertheless Jellicoe had ,that... ghost of Nelson.. r- ra ssr vac p rtion, , .. tiroct tit t. �:.. iii h ..,, elk .- ..A coat n�rlda 4s . t , �hPwpklwgAw:. .. :� _ ,� � �. .'' .,t4.T3�?,kFtC1�1�'d'�;}7au�9'i,7J�:"."�i�..i�k�i719.�' 7' n Y/ lr�'" r i � 9W+1a2•'U-kid' k!P+`. �7C7G#"iYu'b.27bYaT.'N`\stili'Ae3Ye{?:TSAta;i�f��Y�°•"nuw�:. Y- ...a., u;Y,12!'Kii.7,i1�ixlry�1%It's�iS`�'`�%�P,7�.p�' y,hy� ,1 tr , W.. vs^- H.y.t .:. •. • F 3 7 • . !06 ."r,"'Ica^,• �L �„ �� '-rte ���h+������a.,�+���t��i��+,�L�ISt+,�•w�1FE'f.�C�C'c�: �,.. .a��{��t!''��EC� d�Ti�t�� C2�'r�7�'�71"'��.�t`�`�'°;, .p .�. �_,.,,,;��tt��,,�,:lt:b�..� ,��',:.�r��ful �•?t�'��•��rdr�a�i•p•�a}���•.w:�o���c.�tr�S,l<<L;�.,��eS1;�'� o P �' ... � �. __ has completed a telt-year Labor f the Fleet Lord Fisher and, as information to,. t heir friends 'in ' 24. hours after the tato. Lord The . ;.ermans :had superior + . great fleet commander. So much It would be reprehensible not 1. Frorxa,,.x> I raadnought to, �f love in five volumes. which < Service Fisher's su estitin tq Kingmaterial; the British ,superior for the Bir Five, - brilliant • . to, draw a lesson, from this Scapa Flow. Vol,, V. Victory anck { ? Marder _, makes very , clear; the Service and unearthed papers gg k leal�with the Royal. Navy: in the - :ithmit Lord 1^isher there mould _from "long forgotten boxes in Edward • XII in 1908 that the personnet. British shells, Lord Fisher, despite his brilliant study of Marder's Aftermath", by Arthur J. •,.-•`rears of its supremacy: 190.1 to ' ' have bee no Jutland, for there attics. While Lord St, Vincent' B r i t i s h Flee t. sho•uId signalling and searchlights Were retirement in ' 1915, dominates which,. Mice again, gives Harder. Oxford. PP, 417,. 75�- 2 1919'. Only last- OR -r`,,tfie would 'have been no Grand ' held that "\\omen would be the `Copenhagen' the German Fleet unreliable_ `inferior. There was as the scene with the six essentials Tradition ,pride of place as the "Memories", by Lord Fisher. iuthor, Arthur J. Harder vgas'cv Feet; ,, „no Dreadnought, no.. ruination of the Service", in Kiel was never. meant to be, no competent ,Naval Staff at the of the great military leader; esseia.tial of victory in battle," Hodder &Stoughton. 191! appointed a George Eastman Battle (`raisers, no sea going high Marder, on the contrary, claims taken seriously, but the Germans Admiralty. .Churchill summed .tip �'�'uts, Charm, , Ruthlessness, together with its corollary 3. See inside the Third 'ellow of • • Balliol College, h Vision, Strength and Brains: 111oralc. One Reich",by Albert Speer. College, pressure water -tube bailors, no his female informants were a believed it. the situation when he said. A4e oxford, ,to mark his reptitatio.n : p p When one compares the reflecting on Weidenfeld & Nicolson. PP 596.. steam turtines, no oil fuel, no special breed of cat' , and that Finally •-we conte to the had more captains of ships than g is- a naval historian. The -final' 15 -inch gobs. It Can be claimed .the produce of their attics was familiar controversy: Jellicoe c tains of "war'. As early as resourcefulness 'of the Royal rejection of such $12.50. ,.plume of the five, which has\vithOut fear of contradiction pure gold: versus Beat,t-•:• There were great , 1 10. 111 trials against Navy in terms of guns, prime p that no pane man ever In his pages we enGotTYiler•in� differences of temperament ` .dinburgh', the 1'? inch shall:.. movers and fuel; all ready to go cannot help the studied facts of human ust been u^blished. by the r ^ r se: 'o 7xford University Press. is revoltltionised'Y sea 'power, so entitled .*:.,1 "Victory and abS'Olu'tely. It?, was indeed an era . \fternrath" in which the author - of ,supermen. Je.livers his verdict on the period One:Of- these was the Hon. Sir ne has so devotedly surveyed. Charles Parsons, the inventor of i Jutland is a -battle to' be the steam turbine. (1S -1) one of • argued , over, "as ' Lord . Fisher t11e few - inventions which would have said ."-intil Hell emerged from the inventor's freezes over". The submarine brain so fully fledged: To sell the had, been mastered • by the ,idea to tt,Navy. Parsons •Jonvoy. Jellicoe had gone: to be installed his' turbine in a small succeeded by the affable vessel.'the Turbinia, which was Wetpyss,, while at Scapa • Flow, ' capable of . 84 , 1'2 knots.. He - Beatty and the Grand Flet waited until there was a Royal Review of the Fleet. when he • , ��t shocked all those tak('ng part by their 'prime such nlen as Lord Chatfield; Beatty's Flag Captain at Jutland;' Vice Admiral G. Blake and Admiral ..Drax; and two, veterans.' still alive," admiral `Bubbles', (of Pears' Soap, -€,ani ) James, Head ' of` :�,aval Intelligence and Admiral Dannreuther. the gunnery officer o.f the battle cruiser Invincible, Which sank with 1000 nten..... becarne conscious .that the ' decisive battle for which they had spent a lifetime training, steaming his 'small vessel in and would never -take place, for the out of the majestic lines •9f 'German h, • em' Ft'et •.-t-teships, Much "tri :this' chagrm surrendered. then .conveniently of the Navy. When.picket boats scuttled 'itself. p were sent out Vo chase hitn•from . `Today itx becomes more and the Fleet anchorage. he more the fashion- to 'disinter the proceeded to give them such an past, and 'hold it up for the unequal run for .their money minutest examiriatjon, vs•ith the that no. spect'aitor could fail to .idea of,. e'xtracting the lessons wonder how• he achieved Bach which it holds. Official histories, speed. ' ' ' Mostly Written. too soon after, " Many years.. later the the'. events they describe', are Institution., of Civil, Engineers suspect,. especially where decided to honour Parsons. It 'controversi`al matter is involved, was only with some difficulty or where the character ofa living that he was persuaded to ••speak. soul is liable to 'be impugned... `however some acknowledgment �Gradttally it 'is becoming was necessary.. When,he got up epted• -that they also can he railed at the conservatism 'of t row light, who only stood and marine • engineers in, general waited; in •other words; recourse beeause he said' he had only ' is being had„to the stories of the recently been able to get them back -room boys to flesh -in the ., to accept steam pressures in. 'picture, especially' where the Sea -going ships of 200 pounds post mortem is into. matters , per' square inch: actually he .military: And this inspite of "the .insisted 1000 p_s.•l.: would have stricture of Lord Attlee wheq .,,t been safe, ' but ,,Parsons -was• long reviewing ``The Business of War” • before„his time. by General Sir John Kennedy, Perhaps the' best way to the distinguished Director of recapture, the -,'roma of Lprd and IntelligenceFisher's. character is to turn up Operationst at his Memories where;'in the • the War Office. Attlee. 'ins chapter he `sets characterised the, account_ as -the p p "°" "report of a subordinate- officer " down the . "Thir'igs that' Please of trivialities. Revelations of this me... Here we can read again . i- _. _ those brave declamations in which he gloried: "Think in Oceans • . — Shoot. • at Sight. Napoleonic in Audacity-; Cromwellian. .in Thoroughness ' . and- :''els2tnic ,in Execution. The best scale• for an .experiment is 12 inches to the foot. You cannot 'do. anyone • more 'good than by trying .to do ,him an injury. 'Originality' never led to Preferment. Repetition ',is the soul of Journalism. Mediocrity is the road to Hionour. Surprise is the pith and, marrow of war. 'Ruthles's - Relen-tl�e-- 1 M1�};�w: b4R}ry.�jl xLTi • Farm be veeaa- -them. Beatty.,, the had• been found •to •gla "ic tf • »'len war came in 1914, with ,dashing naval,. cavalryman, who armour set at, an angle. By 1916 -the failure of the Army 'machine wore his cap at a rakish angle. nothing had been done to rectify as• late as 1944, to produce a.°, Jellicoe - introspective, even this defect ., and .^'though the tank which was Worthy of its conservative if you will, was "the • British had 151" heavy shell hits . crew in battle, the magnitude of :--,lits'---r-ian---to-. need Churchill's • to .55 by German guns, they - Lord Fisher's genius becomes, warning that he•"could lose the sank less than half the number apparent." Few, before of since. war in an ,afternoon", and his of, .ships, Someone, probably a have managed so much.. in so claim -to fa.ine'lies in the -strength Blimp or a Buggins, had short a time; against the .many of character which enabled him blundered... Too ,, much forces of bu reauerat ism, which to ignore public criticism, so ' amateuris_1; too little .were just as p6tent in the first ,,...,that while he never refused a • professionalism; the curse of the 20 \ ears of the cent ury as -they British Services. • are today. • When: Professor Miar"der begins Finally Harder introduces the /• • to hallo out the marks, he finds -mm-or ,° ,distillate of 'all his studies, and ta I k m rn o �� that as a Battle Cruiser finds that no factor' was more ey "' Commander, Beatty ° was not essential than the Traedi.tio.n...:of WITH JAGK.CUMMINGS really at the top' of the tree; He. the Royal Navy. 'The British , ... �...., - .:_:.. , ., ,, . , ., . -ever _..al e . s��. �,.. .. :: , THE STORM Chicketiwon their fifth straight vvs� e offs°c'r t net 'have. knoazt as., r ' , a Grand k legit, Comtnatlder and it much as he -should have about The worst Storni in many" game, defeating Gardiners .Dairy was.: his • devil-may-care Years struck Goderich and this__ 5-0. Five` team;inernbers, figured naval, history, but he knew temperament • which was enough to know the Royal Navy cancelled several nights.. of hockey a't the arena last 'week-. Also the- 0. M. H. '0. playoffs were cancelled and later dates on 'these will be announced as soon ' as •I get the reports. Goderich Minor Hockey Supporters,w01,0t,general meeting • was~called-off last Thursday and will' ''be ` held this .Thursday, February ',, ,,.,,.,,, t . the' arena auditorium.•Be sure to attend: Don't -forget to" ' bay your tickets for Fury Night, February 1.2. 'and next Friday, the CKNX Sports ,will play .the Firemen in a game which was cancelled: on Friday, Ja • ary 29. , • The Mothers of the Goderich Minor key Supporters Club held' a successful—. Baku- Sale. Saturday. January 30 .and made =- a .profi,t, The Supporters .Club and the- miner !hockey-. players. would like to thank all the• ladies who baked and gave Mir 'time to rhake thin; a great success. Also' thanks .to Wilf. Denomme who was , so generous in letting them use the store for the sale. Mrs. Dan • Murphy was the winner of the draw for a -cake', MITE HOUSE LEAGUE • • Remorseless: the three requisites of success. Big'. 'conceptions; Quick Decisions. Compromise is the Brash God"; no - English government ever yet went• "totus On January 29 Canadian Tire team defeated Bedford Hotel -Motel 5-1: Both teams were short' of. players due to weather conditions. Canadian Tire' -Scored • five unanswered goals as •Glenn Osborne sank two goals and Jimmy Costello picked up three. Scoring the lone goal for Bedford Hotel -Motel was Phil. Brown. In the first „game Satu�daj morning the Legion Flyers, ''coached . by Richard Madge won 4-1'over the Legion Sailors. Larry Boyce got the hat trick, •La s Kell of a sin 1'e. For th • porcus". the whotle y g g e. ''Favovritism....is she, secret of losers "Legion Sailors, the' lone goal 'was. by Robert McDonald. efficiency".In the 11 a.m.game between , .Fisher was •a firm believer in Ken Thompson, . president of ' in the scoring, Mike Hodges,le.pctnsible for the nlaintetlance had alwa •,s on Marder Doug Cruickshank, leil Sager, of the. morale of the Grandconcludes: "What saw the Navy Danny Boyce and Ron F.I.eet. "I yn�`liitt heitsiclers the through -.was tradition tradition Kirconnell. Jim Wilkin', in the nets for Kentucky Fried Chicken got his first shut -out of the year. In the second game Mills Motors won by -a score 7-1 as Tom Doherty had the hat..trick. Brian Reed scored two goals and singles going to Pahl Young and bill Shewfelt. Brian 'Argyle was the. lone -goal scorer rfor the' Legion team: ,.Ne-xt...:Ayeek ends the regalar- schedule, then the playoffs start. League standings. Kentucky • Fried :Chicken. 10, pain, s; Mills ' Motors L7„,,,points} then Gare ers' Dairy with 3` paints and 'the, '• Legion team, w•ho� has failed Co, . pick up a point. '• 1 SUN LIFE a ,. progressive company, in a progressive industry • GORPOWtWSTLIKFT.:: Phone 565-5333 Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY" OF CANADA . SALE Final Markdown - BANTAM HOUSE LEAGUE The:.top team 1n the standings: Goderich Elevator were defeated 3-1 as' Harry Kerr cbach of the Don Hoist Real) state, did not . have his regular goalie and .used Keith Williamson in th'e net. . • Scoring for Don Holst' were Tom Vdlick_ Scott Miller and Carl Le Blanc. Goderich Elevator • scorer was Tim Gloucher who tied fife game 1-1 but due to ,*several players not being able to get in, , to play. Don Hoist team pulled 'an upset.. In the second garne McGee's won a close ,game 2-1 and are not only one poiBt out of first .,place with. 11 points.' There is: • one game remaining in the 'schedule. Kevin Such scored • the only goal for the losers Denornme Flowers. Ken Straugha-n- and Brent Boak each got+ a goal for McGee' s4.• • Our policy of no carrvi over -•t© next season has forced further reductions on all winter ready-to-wear. Prices ` have again been ;marked down to rock bottorit: Prices are now reduced- up ;to 50% and.. more on many _garments. , . - Alt garments • ere reduced! None are held back! Shop now for your share of these -Final Markdowp Prices! ' ;., HOCKEY NOTES FULL LENGTH 'LEATHER COATS. ZIP -IN L'IIERS, GOOD SELECTION OF. STYLES & COLOURS' "-FINAL REDUCTION PRICE TWEEDS & PLAIN FABRICS REG.. $60.00 to A BEST BUY AT ••••••-• ONLY WOOL, CRIMPLENE & CORDUROY FINAL MARKDOWN PRICE FRINGED �"+"'�w.�n.�Jr���'m�.�.il•�''=f �S'"",°�8y�l�.G (lli I'',Y'"�O �,�'at.l:-l.;�i+.n,f.,a°+wy'Kt+�S�'f�`�,�7C�v..;}`7t+'' �'=Mt-�,:,'.+t� e'�e�•ritr�:,••�,'',, '�''`to"�,�Yl.:.r�r'F':R!(��'k�'4pk Supporters Club has urgently requested that all parents interested in Minor :Hockey attend this important general. Meeting which will be held this Thursday in ,the arena auditorium at 8 o'clock sharp. - Playoffs in the 0. M. H. A. have now been rescheduled for,, this Wednesday;;.. February when the, Midget, Bantam and Pee -:Wee . Allstars travel' to Orangeville -fp.x. the first games. • Factory'. Plain or safety toe. Choice of seven sole materials. RQ SHOE SHOP 142 The Square Goderich, Ont .. frtf. N[ Doiial�dMarine the, " winii lig selection. Promotion . of the 'winners bright boy instead of 'making were Goderich Electric, 3-1. All him wait and wait till all the the goals came in the t period '.'" Ba ins' had had their turns. as Mike Paquette opened, then . gg Bar`ry Good scored two more. Two of .had best preferments were Jellicoe and Beatty... goals for Goderich Electric. And so t'he narrative moves on Scott McIntyre was the lone and •we meet what Beatty called—rksman for MacDonald "the disgusting breed,- without Marine. • real patriotism" - ,theSQUIRT HOUSE LEAGUE politicians: Churchill, Geddes, , Balfour and Lloyd George; the Saturday morning i`n the first politicians were the men to scheduled game, Kentucky Fried whom S-ir Henry Wilson applied the term "Frocks". And. as a backdrop to all this_caste.,,,.Qf ;"varied characters, the great grey FUN NICHT f RiZES BROOr BALL'- HOCKEY' •MOTHERS vs. SONS FIREIVIEN vs. POLICEMEN wa FEBRUARY 12 '-. ickets-, 25e—or---5for $1.00 i' ' Mirior Hockey Supporter's Club' •4J GE1-A-W'AY WEEKEND IN TORONTO Get away from it all. Come to the Lord Simcoe, close to shopping, theatres and entertainment. Special price'54.9Qper couple includes Fri. & Sat. night accommodation in.,deluxe bed sitting room, or best available. , Bottle of champagne. Breakfast and dinner (for 2) on Saturday. Breakfast and city sight seeing tour (for 2) on Sunday. earn win ,•,, Please mention the get -a -way weekend to your travel agent or when you' make your reservations. Special weekend price valid until„. p,ril 1, 1971, and includes taxes.'„.„ - Lord Simcoe Hotel Tel. 362''1848 Telex 02-245 wi • • 7•AX/It 1.11W ZIP -IN LINER „ aoNOW ONLY REG. $15.00 REG. TO FINAL -1 • 99 99 $14.98 MARKDOWN • - • SIZES 8 - 20 IN WET LOOK, FUN FURS, WOOL TWEEDS AND . PLAIDS• REG: TO*$55:00 ALL ,COATS MARKED DOWN TO TWO LOW PRICES. 0 .; VVIGS. (LIMITED SELECTION) WASHABLE STRETCH i rGS KANEKALON WITH 11EAD & WIG box- . REG. • 'NOW ' 99 ' $29.99 • ONLY • '. AT SALEPRICES BRASSiER65 SLEEPWEAR GIRDLES SHOES LINGERIE - FhBRICS - '- SWEATERS 4