HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-28, Page 141
,frpm the Distaff Side
Letit snow, let it snow ...
The Weekend upcoming will see
'°GQder-ich's Kinsmen Winter Carnival -and
We happen to know that the members of
that young, energetic group is hoping
there will be Tots and lots of snow for the
event as well at crisp, cold winter weather
•to accompany it.
Canada's: foremost - winter sport4.
-hockey( will kick-off the weekend as there
,,vwill be a squirt hpckey game and •'a
"hockey' fun game" in the arena Friday
Saturday there ''will be cutter races, •
„ big winter carnival dance in the evening.
The wi
awards will
the winne
course, th
'races: r,
The n
nners of the, snow
be chosen Sunday was well as
of the snowmobile draw. Of
ere will be' more snowmobile
ewest and one of the most
exciting events •is the skate:a-thon
sponsored by the Goderich Figure Skatirlo:
Club. The first skaters will take to the ice
Saturday at noon and will skate and skate
and skate until . , . we'll, who really
It is important to note, however, that it
is NOT NECESSARY to begin the skate
at noon of -Saturday. Skaters may get.
onto the ice at any hour. The 'winner will
be selected pecause_ he or she stayed on ,
the ice fork the greatest Ienc th •of time,;so •it
is entirety possible to •. begin' slea.ti.0g, 4/'4:
h I. �'iynrmoltr91NUt. f�.'1
t� w.,
victorious .'If you skate all night long
:and part of Sunday . • . or•maybe everi all
day Sunday .. or nger . •'•
The- eNient :it .•proving popular with the
kids and some of the oldsters who feel
like kids. It should be great f,in although
the winner will very likely earn the title
the hard way.--SJK.,
Woman to Woman
• Gast week was a .hectic one
for- me. As most of you must
know by now, I do the reporting
of school board at .Clinton and
of Huron County Council in the
court house. •
.Last Monday evening, the
School board met and Tuesday
afternoon, Huron •County
Council began a three-dav
f session. All in all, I.was kept
-completely,: out of mischief for,.
T. about four days because'of°those
meetings. °
Of course, the inaugural
session of Huron • County
Council is always a big day. This
year was no exception. The race
for the ward'en's chair had
attracted enough spActators to
fill all the available seats, some
of the "window ledges and even a
fairly- large area,out in the hall:
And the spectators were not
disappointed. The election was
� it:h `ShirFey 1".' K'etler
ratepayers of Huron .unty th
as far as he was concerned the
w'or;k of council would not
suffer because of the race heshad
lost. • ..,„
• And,Hayter promised'
somethinelse. He forewarned
Huron County Council that he
would be a candidate for warden
in 1972 -- .or whenever the
warden's chairwas vacated.
I ' wonder if this isn't the
earliest public announcement we
"have ever had concerning the
warden's race for the corning
year!,_ •
• Of course,` it was a beaming
Jack 'Alexander who -took the
warden's chair and accepted the
chair of office, the key to the
-county and 'the gavel. He will
have a busy year ahead, if he
intends to be present at every
. function - at which he is
'expected. -
Hugh Flynn, the young, One of the highlights of this
tnspoken' reeve .'of 1-Iullett was ..county council session a§ far as
o'+pped from the confest after • was', concerned was seeing
first ballot. Although Hugh Godetich's . two new members
de the very' best speech of the take their. seats. °
o before the voting began, it Paul Carroll °may have turned
rs generally .thought that a. few heads in his direction
ugh's chances of ascending to when he chose to wear a very
e warden's chair' were mod outfit - navy blue trousers .
sornewhat slim this year. • , and vest with a .,lilac shirt and
Then the members of council • Co-ordinated tie. And although
got down to the serious matter Dave Gower . chose a. more
f selecting one . of "the ''two conventional business suit (with,'
marling candidates,. Jack .,:a colorful shirt incidentally), as�•'
Alexander of Wingham or Elmer the two men were seated
Hayter :of Stanley TownslYp.. together they certainly ' gave the
Both men are veterans of county impression that some, youthful`
land vie in- according
to County,- county council hambersected to
both men were . assured of a Sitting next to ..Carroll and
The vote at county council 'new member.� ariother'vel'�'young
stzeable-nutriber of votes. Gower He is John Baker,
for the warden is a recorded reeve of Hensall. I've. known
vote That means_ that every . John f -or -a few years now, having
voter must state for everyortto • covered Hensall Village ,Council
hear,' his .choice. 'Them are no meetings. fel sornetimL ,Lhave_
secrets from anyone. Everybody great admiration and. respect for
:'knows exactly he everybody. John• Baker •and his •opinions. It
has voted. _ ), will be interesting to see him in
Spectators held their action in the"coming two years.
• collective breath 'as the voting b,.:` Gerry Qinn from..4 4deslel "
'seasawed back and forth, one for Township was another new
Hayter,, two for Alexander, three member who impressed me.
• for' Hayter; etc. etc. When • the - ftlinn,. I learned, is the third
final tally was made,. ,it was' generation of his family to sit on
". --_ l Huron , Count • Council and a.
evident that 20 votes had been • Y ,,
"T'"Reeve Everett Mei) cast. for each man. A tie.
Goderich Township, pointed out
I wase t• just sure how the •, to me, Gerry Ginn has •a
matter would be handled, but an tremendous amount of
'efficient John Berry stepped to experience- to -bring to the Huron
. the microphone and ..announced body because of it.- °
that the .reeve --of the town of I also understand that ' e'rry
Goderich would be called upon Ginn has had some valuable
• tb cast the deciding vote. persona) experience at the•
Young. Tail: 'Carrb'11, : reeve' Of ' municipal level and I'm looking
Goderich, first time in the .forward to watr' ng his,
County Council Chambers as an performance in the tit term.
0, 'I
There is another young new
member from Ushorne
`Township, Lloyd Ferguson.
° Although I worked in Exeter
for a year or more, I -don't know
Ferguson at all. He is Roy
Westcott's successor. Westcott as
you know, was last •year's
warden in Huron. b
- Ferguson nearly-•' brought the
roof down ,at ,county council
when he told the boys that
although Roy had told him he
would enjoy the work at., the
county level, Westcott failed to
mention that ' Ferguson would .
"have a ball."
1" suppose that's what most •
county •councillors think of ,the
initial session of Huron County
Council .... but ' when the
newness, wears•'lf and the
drudgery of committee meetings
and county business begins to.
weigh .heave, some of the
excitement and furl must go too.,
Other new members, include
Doug' McNeill of Colborne, Don ,..
:4TaFGregor of Exeter, George
Bailie of Blyth, Cecil Desjardine
'of Stephen and • Frank Cook,' of
Clinton. ` '
For the first time since the
new county board of education
was, formed, members from the
Ward made an official visit to
Huron County Council.
Hear RfPoNile,. United Chvrch iioId
The Annual v Congregational
meeting was held in the Nile
United Church with a pot luck
dinner served at 12:30 p.m, The
business part of the meeting at
1:80 p.m. _
Themeetinga and ,„eras
e op bid Wit ,th
p ey Y ev;
The minutes.. of the former
meeting were read.
' The Church Secretary'is Cliff
McNeil. „ .
The Sunday School i+eport
was read by Harvey McPhee
The treasurer report was read
by Glen Ribey showing a
balance on hand of "$467:20.
Th' Bible Society report was
read by Mrs. ,McClenaghan. They
collected $112.70.
The Auditors report was read
by Cliff McNeil anvil the books
were found rto be correct.
The manse co' mmittee4 report
was read by Mrs. , D.
MacDiarmid. • •
The report of session ,was
i ho 'ing a balance ori I}.ar d ' ' •leen by Cliff McNeil. Following
$fig 1;' tris ° report 'Rev. Meelenaghan
116. 707,„ '4Ort— ,arrecta -spoke-'. on-. the,..we .4 :., #Jw&4w
by Mrs. W Rutledge showing a Session and wished to thank the
balance on hand of .$143,09, , congregation and other ministers
,Mrs. A: Kerr reported 'the who helped while he was sick.
,Activities 6f the U.C.W. He also... stressed the importance
Senior Citizens meet
The senior citizens of
Goderich met January 20 for an
evening - Of progressive cards and
crokinoleith President- Earl`
Cooper in charge.
For 500, ladies' high, .Mrs.
Norma :McKenzie; gentled ens'
high, Albert Kitton; euchre,
ladies' high, Mrs. Ivy Johnstone;
gentlemen, Harold Johnstone,
Two . new couples were
'welcomed and • introduced by
Mr. Cooper. -
A footstool donated by Mr.
Salter • went to the highest
,bidder, Mrs. Pearl Chisholm: "
The door prize was won by
Jack VanOesch.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
John Marwick and • her
committee and due' to --
renovation of MacKay Hall,
meetings fpr February will be
For Octogenarians
.. and those older
. The God'eri•ch Signal -Star is, R,Leased to extend happiest
birthday- greetings to the following new member of the
-•-a..Octagenarran"C�ubb •_.,_..tea ...
Mrs. Rose E. Keene of Maitla &Manor fvhb will mark her
85th birthday tomorrow, January 29;
Mrs. Bertha McIntyre of..the Goflerich Nursing Home who
will -be -90 years old ,Monday, February 1.
If you know of someone who will be celebrating an 80th
birthday or better in the near future and would like to have his
or,' her, --name' mentioned in this column, 'please. telephone
524-$331 giving the 'name, address, age and birthday of the
There_is absolutelyno charge for •this service and we are•
pleased to hear from all of you.
~ Incidentally, an official .
delegation from Huron County
Council has not visited the board
of education room for a session
so it is in fact,' the;,Ost• time the
two bodies have net tifficially..
It was interesting to note how
some of the difference between
Che two bodies, disappeared
instantly, because of the "'visit.
I'm not saying :that all . their
problems are solved or that there
will never again be any bickering.
bac-k-41d ;forth. --F- rn say-ing-that--
there is a great: degree of
understanding between the two
bodies because of the Visit, and
in the° long'"run, I believe ' the,
benefit from the day the
chairman, Bob Elliott and the
vice-chairman, John Broadfoot _._.
' called on county council. .
As • Warden Jack Alexander.
said to his 'counoil,.." We can see
they're not so tough after all."
That —Statement would
indicate, of course, that Huron
County Council was a little
afraid . of the new elected
officials in the county. 1 suppose
everyone, is. " naturally
•ap.prehensi.ve of something that
is. not fully understood.
official member of council and
perhaps the youngest member
,ever to sit there, rose to his feet
and said, "I cast one more vote
for Jack Alexander, reeve -of
It Was settled. The County of
Huron had a 'new warden. He
wAs..._elected by the democratic
priRess and the only
unfortunate part about the
whole thing was that there could
• riot.be, two Winners.
More young blood was elected
to Huron County Council 'in
John McCutcheon. John's
brother George was ---a former
Warden of Huron.
John McCutcheon wasn't
always interested in politics and
municipal work, he told county
councillors Thursday' morning.
In fact, there was'a time when
, John McCutcheon Said he would
never "be bothered" with the
matters of . municipal
Elmer Hayter said later in the . government, •
session, that • some people ,had But, Metutcheon explained,
told him there were two winnersas he ° grew older and began to
- but only one warden's chair. accept his responsibilities ,as a
Hayter also behaved like a citizen, he began to see the need
gentleman and a wise politician for interest in municipal business
ly►btisfigk to lend' his full ' --and one thing ledtoanother
support to the new Warden, Jack and, wellnow John
Alexa►ndr'., McCutcheon,
is al' member of
�,. „Ilayter told counqii and the Huron County Council. Please turn to page ,:4A '
° FEB., 1 to MARCH
5- PERM FOR -x$20
$20 PERM • FOR $1T.
$18- PERM FOR 95
$15 PERM FOR, $1250
$,2.50 PERM FOR 90'
Mae- Barb - Lynda
Penny Shirley • -
Do Something
-„ Nice :For
' Yourself
I thought Mr. Elliott and Mr.
Ii'roadfoot conducted themselves
extremely well throughout the
meeting. They knew their
business and neither man backed
down under council's badgering.
' One of• the burning issues, of
'course, was, the number of times
per year which education taxes
are paid by the municipalities id'
' the school board. This is an area
which is difficult to reach an
amicable' decision about,
especially since the viewpoint of
each elected body is most solidly
concerned about the face it
present's -TO -the ratepayers in the
The school board feels it can
save money- and look better to
the taxpayer _: if it receives its
tax money four times a year.
of the non-resident member's roll
being brought up to, date.
A motion to accept all reports
was moved by Mrs: D.
MacDiarmict. and seconded by H.
The Ilders are as follows:
Orval McPhee, Jamieson Ribey,
Cliff McNeil, Doug McNeii, and
Earl Bogie,
The Board -of Stewards:- s:-- "
Alvin Kerr, • Glen Ribey, Jir'n
McPhee, Jim Hawkins, Carman 7.,
Pollock, Ron Pentland, Len
Christilan;"•b Rod McKenzie,
Arnold Stdth rs, Arnold Grayer,
Horace Crwford and Horton
Tle Trustee Board is: Mrs.
Iave,Mac Diarmid; Cliff McNeil,
Wm.•" Clark,' ,Doug McNeil and
Ron Pentland. "
Auditors, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Press Reporters, Mr. and Mrs.
C. McNeil.
Bible Society Representative;
Mts. H. Talmay; representatives
from the trustee board to the
manse committee, Ron Pentland
and D.- McNeil; anniversary
committee, Jamieson Ribey,
Mrs,. H. Talmay, Arnold Graver.
A suggested date for •
anniversary is Sunday,. October
17; 1971.
The salary • of -the organist was
discussed and, left up to the
Board'of Stewards.
There was a discussion`on the
Family -'Plan for the.. Observer.
Mrs. H. Talmay will, take charge•
of subscriptions.
The meeting was elosedbwith
the Benediction by Rev.
12:30 to7p.m
TUESDAY TO ATuRDAV _ OPEN..9,..A,M.TO 7.J'•,M, ' _k•
e�h'„ �tr.�*Yw�i%..R�xw^gkdfl?t N1kt w. w • .-•
*. WE ,._5E.E1;,..C'''F't"S'"5t:":.-.._„
'With " '•
to every customer making
'minimum $1 purchase (Only
one per customer).
(•Limited Quantity)
Highway 2'x;`4 Mires North Of Goderich, 524-6362
fl550(IATE, 5TOR E
- 221 Huron Road - '524-2121