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The Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-30, Page 5
A ry 4. erenem. u y ri)ee tnU V1,4,41;200;1 I lest Vigor 4 . ?M, [ [to a,(n,.,.,i. to w,a tlie. ! 1 ill '( artieti Its, it Dory the 'nude, sit Dy orin•+v(.,lc or the error ol•ex. w,nncrccrsxs.,axr•ur+xwi coshes of G th. This Railway' ab. Oatite'.,y cn, the most obstinate eases when ell other gtt,•e.an.ti 161) aVOf hl t 0VL1to relieve ,,old by drug. ate atItztt r ,;L[ti a.[, i s.e for S,: or rent by mail on receipt at pl,[co by s d[ ,sing.yillil JAMBS 1*ILnf91IIC ,00,. 'N•,,:ua n, Orr >`. [ ,'" r 1 uumhh66. Sold in-•• lG`or Sale is .Exeter by .1t• W, I3rowtdug The steamship men at 1VIontreal do, not consider the prospects for the coming sea son at a1i bright, while exporters expect low freights.' Harsh purgative remeclie; are fast giving Way to the gentLe action and mit,d effects of Carter's LittLe Liver Pius. If you try them, they wiLL certainLy please you, At an inercolonial postal conference in Brisbane Tuesday a motion favoring a cable from Australia to Vancouver, 13 C. was dts- cussed. THE POWER R OF NATURE I; Fer every ill nature has a cure. In the healing virtues of the Norway Pine ties the cures for coughs, colds croup, asthma,bron chitis, etc. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Sy- rup represents the virtues of Norway Pine Syrup and other peetorial remedies. Price 25c. It it is reported from Paris that the Bering n will In all likelihood, commission ad - 'ours until after the Easter holidays. KII,L TIIE WORMS' or they will kill your child, Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best worm killer. John Torry and Ben McCoy, colored, were hanged at klazelhurst, Miss., Tuesday afternoon for murder and robbery. If you had taken two of Carter's LittLe Liver PiLLs before retiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial, with you for occasional, use The police of Moscow are firm in their belief that the shooting of the mayor on Tuesday was the result of an Anarchits plot. GIVES STRENGTH t/ AND ePPETITE Dear Sirs—Last year I was very thin and reducing very fast, owing to the bad 'state of my blood and appetite. A friend of mine induced me to get a bottle of B. B.B. which I dirt. I obtained immediate perceptible re- lief from it, have gained stren•rth and ap- petite, and now weigh 193 pounes. M. T. Murphy, Dorchester Bridge, Quebec, Ont. Two important deputations waited on the government Tuesday and asked amendments to the mechanies' Tien act. When Baby was sick, wo gave Iter Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for, Castoria. When 'she became 3Iiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave Lheiu Castoria. At the wetland assizes Tuesrlay Stevens was sentenced to one 'month.: in goal for manslaughter and court adjourned. RESTORED 1'O IIEALTH. Dear Sirs.—For years I was troubled with indigestion, but being advised to try B. B. B. I did so and Lind myself quite re- stored to health. Howard SuLLivan Mgr. SuLLivan Farm, Dunbar Out. John J. Ryan.ef Toronto,arneteur champ. ion of Atne ican, has entered for the uia- • mond sculls at Flenley, England. TEIOROUGfI DIGESTIBIf,ITY and 'Nutritive value are two strong points in fa- vor of Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites. At the annual meeting of the Imperial Federation league Tuesday night Dr, Lar- ratt Smith was elected president. AJUERFOR CR()TJ. Croup krill tho^ n`a', where cholera kills or this dread disease no remedy can compare in curative power with Hagyard's :Yellow Oil. It loosens the phlegm, gives prompt relief,7eand soon completely cures the most violent attack. At a meeting held in Boston Tuesday the American tanners formed a combine with a capitalof $3o,Ooo,OoO. All disorders caused hy a bilious state of the system can be cured by using Carter's LittLe Liver Pills. No pain, griping ordis- comfort attendtng there use. Try them. A. Brantford despatch says Chief John Burk, one of the most eminent of the Onon- doga chiefs, is dead. A PL AIN STATEMENT. Hagvard's Pectoral Balsam cures ensigns colds asthma, hoarseness, bronchitis tight - of the chest and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Price 25c. It is asserted on good authority that the great English cotton lock -out wits be amic- ably settled to -day. BURT)OCK PILLS give satisfaction whereever tried. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Oxford defeated nambridge in the uni versity boat race in the fastest time on record. BEWARE OF CFIOLRRA. The healthy hotly thrown off the germs of cholera therefore wisdom councils, the use of Burdocic Blood Bitters, this sarin; to purify the Mend, retentete the systAhi, end fortify the body against cholera or other epidemics. Rev. George Dempatsr, formerly of 13rant ford, died at Clinton, N. C., the other day. NO REMEDY cures Coughs, Colds Croup, Hoarseness Asthma Bronchitic Sore Throat, etc.. so well as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Stanbury has ar•cepted a rhallenge from Teemer to row May 3o at St Louis fst. +• Newest; to Ilse'n , Cheapest,Pl0o's rtanedyfor Catarrh 15 the l.7m fifi ow,,, Solei by eruegists or sent by mail, 60e. E.'1'. llazeltlne. Warren, Pa, Arounci About U. Sir Joh i Abbott is on his way home from Italy, For a general family cathartic we confidently recommend Mood's Pills. The new binder twine machinery of the Kingston penitentiary will menu- facture 500 toils a year. .A cow belonging to Joseph Porteous, of Woodlawn, Torbolton, leas given birth to three fine calves. All are do- ing well. Together with severale1tlathcr others Albert Bryant, of Lucau, has passed the grad- ilatilig examination of the Veterinary College in Toronto. The °'Dalt n im haters" receiyed their sentel1Ces Saturday morning frotn o• . Judge i♦�IcDou;,gall. Benuett was sent- enced to tifteeu years imprisonment, Wm. Archer to ten years, and Edward r 1 r three years. •s. A 410 to � c, 1 Six hundred women are expected in London on April 17th and 13th. when the annual convention of the Wemen's Foreign Missionary Societies of the Presbyterian Church in Ontario will be held i11 St. Andrew's Church. The steamer Labrador, which ar rived. at Halifax on Saturclay evening, brought 1,030 immigrants; the Baum well, which arrived Friday, brought 415; the Lake Superior, due Monday, had 450, and the Buedos Ayers, also due Monday, has 650. Rev. T. D. Witt Talmage has given $10,000 toward the fund required to pay off the floating debt of $20,000 on the Brooklyn tabernacle, due ou April lst. 'Che rumor that Dr. Talmage was contemplating• leaving Brooklyn has been quieted by his gift to the Church. "Brace Up" Is a tantalizing admonition to these who at this season feel all tired out, weak, without appetite End diseour aged. But the way in which Hood's Sarsaprilla builds up the tired frame and gives a good appetite, is really wonderful. So we say, "Tarte Hood's and it will brace you up." Alfred .Dignan was eommitted for trial Monday by Squire Lacey on a charge of assaulting and wouuding James Ryder, of Biddulph. Ryder's evidence and that of the other witness es was mainly corroborative of what has been published. The public aro cautioned against im- itati, ns of the Pain Killer. and to he suspicious of persons who recommend any other article as "just as good;" many of these they make a little more profit upon, but which has no qualities in common with the Pain Killer. 25e. Bottle, New large size. Do not be discouraged if other medi cines have failed to give you relief. Metnbrays Kidney and Liver Cure acts on the Iiidueys direet, continued, with a mild action on the Liver and bowels, thereby removing the, cause of Back Ache, sour stomach, dizziness, indiges- tion and coltstipatiou. Try it. Fifteen,. years ago a young man a' aS0A001tbade f � rrg,004 fare artellrk`atrb>Gs to teetiWir'a oY't itt#'. the a bequeathe(t`to hinr.fr Ile ctiitid noel: turn as soon as he expected,*and his' correspondence with his wife ceased after two years. She went Holme to her patents in Montreal, aLd only a short time ago accidently met her hus- band. there. He explained that hear ing she was dead he had married again. The seeond wife was dead. however, and he remarried the first one. In Nor., 1884, h tramp got into the school house in No. 5, slaidstone, by opening a window. He found inside a key to one of the doors, and for some time after that he made himself com fortable there at night, At about the same time some one entered the house of Arthur Wilson and stole therefrom a gun, a suit of clothes, an overcoat, a eau and some other acticles. Mr. Wil- son enquired alt over the surrounding country, but could get no trace of the thief or the articles, and after a time the tnatter was forgotten. About three years ago the overcoat, a pair of souks and the key of the school house were found it1 the woods, not far from Mr. Wilson's house. A few weeks ago Mr. Wilson attended a shooting match in Maidstone, and while there no di:s covered his long lost arid almost for- gotten gnu in the hands of Mr. Laugs ton, of the sante. toivnship. It appeals that 0. Little bought the gun in a 'sec and hand store iti Windsora short rime after it was stolen..7•l.e sold it to auoth er Chas. Little, and from him it passed to Mr. Dixon, Who in tarn sold it to Mr.,Langston, from whom Mr. Wilson i' chit t d ita short time ago, and thus, like a hnntetarlg in the hands of a Oa tive'in Bari;est Africa," it returned to its owner. 1,. , n 1 , 4 tt, g pu tilt nod, he S> vcak and good w ll of -re' 1 t. aoe Grocery busiaees from. M. Viucwnt, i wish to remind all the old custozrzrrs and people of )11SOtei• and vicinity that :C am now before thorn sells ltin their trade and will keep oil Mind nothing but the purest Sugar, Teas, Coffee Syrup, Vinegar and Canned Goods. ••Butter anddeggs .taken �Efor goodso M. @d r IB;JIS s4 Tc. r Little London's Amanita Bat,n, On Friday last London VVeat was again SUbtl tl 4d which tlieat4cd great destruction to the residents of Lower KinSin°`toll, 111a11y having to vacate their premises and seer: shelter elsewhere, The flood is the laiges since the celebrated July i1Dnd and penetrated the break water lit many points. '1 he yillagor-; in the Southern end were for days nilly able to move about by boat or raft and their honstt , furnishings are, badly damaged. There were several a tlau•roly. escapes from drowning, There are several other washouts reported and d 1naCbridges have been swept away and travel is mpeded to considerable extent, Nineteen Boxes. Brantford, March 20th,—The Expos- itor last week published an article ON the ease of Archie Ifymal of this city, which has caused cunside.rahle excite- ment in Brantford and district. It ap• pears Mr. Rymal has had more than his share of suffering during the past few years,so far was he run down from kidney disease that he had lost the power of his limbs and back, Ile could only gut around with the aid of two crutches, or when assisted hy kind hands. Iiis death was daily expected. On the advice of his wife he tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, and took in alt nineteen boxes. His improvement was marked from the second box. IIe is now completely cured, and a living testimony of the curative powerr of that wonderful remedy. ••••••••••••••.•••.•••••.. !:PM REBU •• , : .........1 0 • p ail ���� O �&, A ® 1 �//n, ` a O O • t{ ,i y d • I • �' • 2 .. e O • • l 11 • i' :d ' 4p • r 00 o nraS O •O 0 1 n ©0 !.Y�ltnai 00 xrmc],rtws,• r7mopfi*.cw'tt',.caaa�drxuil'xrcw,utYmwvcoe'xxx,caxn.resexr� xensnu ,,uvvm �.an :s'en n�emm„m.n • m mares u„u ym*edan x+re rournr,:•.w ncrw,�;ulrhe, ,u ...v.nw•. e omplete6 ti li, f, le AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT." A Xedical Work that teiid the Causes, Describes the Effects, Points the Remedy. Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ever pub- lished ; 96 pages, every page bearing a half -tone illustration in tints. Subjects treated:— Nervous Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Development, 'Varicocele, the Husband, these Intending Marriage, etc. Every. plan who would know the Grand Truths the Plain Pacts, the Old Secrets and New Discoveries ormcdica1 Science as applied to Married life who would atone for past follies and avoid future pitfalls, should write for this WONDEktPr'T, LITTLE 13001C, It wilt be sent tree, under seal, while the edition lasts. Addh.,.s the publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., ' (Buffalo, N V, roe.. , a ty a set Iltianunt`t„ edit l 0 is to be found eombinedin theabbve [i."eture r , F • The Proprietors of the LADIES' .11tAti'.' • Meninx will give a iirst-class Upright 4 d Pictno of the very best make, valued at 4 0 $350, to the person who can first find 4 • McGinty in the above picture. A reward of 4 • a Safety Bicycle, valued at $135, 0 0 for the second correct answer. A complete 0 0 Business Education at a Clem- 4 0 mercial College to the third correct answer. 4 • A Gold Watch to the fourth correct 0 0 answer. A Coin Silver Watch to A the fifth correct answer. —A $5 Gold 4 0 Piece to the sixth. A. fine Nicicle 0 0 Watch to the next three. We will give 4 • to the last correct answer . a Gold 0 0 Watch. To the second correct answer 4 O to the last a Coln Silver Watch, 0 0 and to the third, fourth and fifth from the 0 last, each a Life Size Mezzo Tint, a 0 O 0 new process made by Hall Pros., 395 to 4 V 399 5ppadina Ave., Toronto, in a fine combine- 4 • tion frame 24x30. And to the sixth. seventh 4 d and eighth correct answer from the last 0 •each a Solid Golci Glove But -0 •toner with chain and charm attached. 0 b • . CONDITIONS :—Each Contestant 0 O is to cut out the above Rebus and make a 0 0 cross with a lead pencil or ink on McGinty's a 0 face and send same to us'with ten O 0 three -cent stamps, (or 30 cents in silver) for ethree-month's subscription to the LADIES' e HOME •MONTHLY, Canada's high-class and O popularueentering thisnal. If ere ld we sha all 4 O add other valuable premiums to those above 6 ,• mentioned. Persons living at a distance 9 may have an equal chance in this comppeti-: :ptio postmark on with n let ersome nwillnbeagivlen preeef.a • deuce , so answer to day. Perfect impart -I- X .alityisguatatitced in givin•.rewards. We have given away thousands of dollars in nrizes in our post competitions. and have: thousands of testhnonlals for our prompt. nos and fair dealing. Don't class us with other firmsWo any of the succe successful manes in 0 : our last competition, given below. The ® :bona fide offers of the LimnNOME MONTE- 0o LY are made by reliable puilishers. who - A A miverlise what they do and do what they 4, t 194 The following Is a list of prize- 00 • winners 10 our last eonipetltlon t 0 O Mt. S. B. Murray, 201 Si woe St, i'oronto, 0 et Check for 0350.00 ; D, IL Bissell Oxf'or'd St, 0 Diamond Ear Rings ; D. M. Sanson. BankQ f Commerce, Spadina Ave, and College St., A Toronto,. Business Education ; Tinn C. A. P. 0 0 Pelletier. Senator, Ottawa, Goid Watch; J, 0 J Thompson, McrchantTailor, Sarnia, Gold a. 4 Watch; M4T1ss lelorenee ',Tulips, 206 Dundas 0 St., London, Ont., Gold Brooch; ,D. W. O' 0Jolntson, 892 Carey St., Winnipeg, Man., 0 Gold t3rooch, 'tils.'1'ltos, McOamon,;rweed, t 4 Ont., Gold Brooch Rose, Leoleire, 27 • 1 Uuirenre St, Montreal, Quebec, Gold 0 it ooch' hers. Avlswcrth, 66,12 Sheridan • Ave., G�liengg'n, Xll., Gold Brooch • Mrs. W. • Robertson, 73 John' St 9. 7Tnmi'lfon,Ont•• 0 Sliver aVatrh ; yrs, J. A, Grills, 7 St. Paul 0' St., Si. Catharines; orOnt,, Silver• Wa,teh; 0 Mrs. 11. J. 1Po15 Franklin, � , box 9, X'rnnlclin, bfuss. 0 Gold Brooch; b'rankie ilamptdn Alt. Forest, • 0 ft Id Branch, Mrs. John Rowe, Lox 582, 0 •Brantfta•d, Ont Gold Brooc:lt; ittt;a, Wtn.0 Ift t ra 870 Genesee St., Buffalo, N. Y., Gold* 41. Bennett. 0 All answers must ho sent by mail, None 0 alt] be received ifdelivered utour office, 0 Ile sure and answer to they and enclose 80 ' • cents, and you may t ere ve a reward that 0 will pay you mtely times for your trouble. 1 0' Address,, O A (331 T,A:1l1TTS'I1OME 11MON'i'i•7Ly, A , 19; iting St. `tv.,,'I'on'ot[fo, Can. 0 • 00 44.04-441), s)siyan,m,t4' p1os atoll at, asp Toon 9o;Fn,t, dn.t¢9 gpeo3•lseg `S1IV l AS13 1W 31111331 `13tlnd cos+$ ; 3 1 hhlherici i.. eky • npe !OLtS TERRY AIN C 'e. �n0�11quickly )113 1hY.ali4 c .pens a 9 C � 0u' hs, _:olds, stn 4 proal; ore a i $orr.Ei argai s Bargains I B rains 9 j 'i1he Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house cleaning. Tien after the "dirty work" is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures witi be necessary for a spring -Like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding and Curtain poles, Is at S ID 9S FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING —Establishment. - 1 t Packigg 1-1°gFj WOar44t4V;i9. PX1"°a Dressed sings bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per owl; off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuek; 3 lbs for. either bung gut or gullett, if left in. All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 o nds dressed. Pu s a I BROS 8 Co. PALACE BAKERY The undersigned having handsome - .y fitted up his parlor and restaurant —will serve— ICE e ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Rims, Cakes &c. • Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in. heir season. ►?, W. FOSS,. k ensall Exeter JIIllsii1 !strllcM EMPORIUM. PERKINS MAUR PROPS. '\Te cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &c. The above instruments always on hand. Terms ,s to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL, (lppnsite J G rlgg's EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN EXETER p r i;. W yr e C L �f 1. %L 19 A k Yt.. 4 � H P,Lsti.'��tY t4s d tr 149)1'E,0. Yd 44L'v 1 's TASNRIz1,4 SCIFFERIIli •a 801*1 INTERgsTt lVG r lSTQRY r n Jaz tee... iY 'T�J�aIJl 711 STATE1t"!1I1 T OF tifl Vll1, WEE. For eight years I was troubled wit:..' a sore on my' leg', which resulted from The having it heal' nil,.: S te c,oetors keptmei in bed five months trying to heal it up, but all to no purpose. I tried till sort: ' r e t; ' ri n_(.ntn villa and of salves, us of e e d saes, , , blood medic: les but with no benefit. In 1833 it :became so bad that Thad to sit on one chair and scoop rely foot on an- other for four rnontlis I could not put my foot on the ground o or the blood would rush out in a stream and lily leg swelled to twice its natural size. ELEVEN 0RES developed on it which reduced me to it living skeleton (I lost 70 lbs. in four months). Friends advised me to 'o to the Hospital; but I woud rot, for 1 knew they would take my leg off. The doctor then wanted tosplit it open and serape the bone, but I was too weak to stand the operation. One old lady said it had turned to black erysipelas and could never be cured. I had never heard of Burdock Bleoc5Bitters then, but I read of a minister, Rev. Mr. Stout, 'who had been curecl of a severe al s •ess on tht neck by B.B.B., after mea e 1 ,id It (cif and I thought I would try Z it T. ,a asited the leg with the. Bitters wad took them according to directions t! ft rr using one bottle, I could walk on crutches, dies, after taking three, I threw a waythe crutches, took a. scythe and were to work in the field. At the. end of trio sixth bottle my leg was entirely healed uv e pieces of loosa bone had worked out of it and the cords came back to their natural places again. That was nine years ago and it has. never broken out since. IW can walk five miles to -day as fast as anyone, and all this I owe to B. B. B., which - certainly saved my leg, if not my life. I cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers. Give B. B. B. a trial, it will cure you as it did me. Yours truly, War. McNEE, St. Ives P.O., Ont. Mr. F. C. Sanderson, the druggist of St. Marys, Oat., certifies to the entire truthfulness of the remarkable statement made by Mr. McNee and says that several other wonderful cures have been made in his district. CLGIIII A. J. SNELL, U i ►'ERTAKING ROBERT N. ROWS Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (One Door north Molson's Bank.) 9 ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. I have also a complete stock of curtain poles and picture mould A Specialty i9 Geer'=S., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trout' erin g8, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouse lugs. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL Never was there known such low price in Furniture you will find at before, as 1wi r� Factorylatelyoccupied byW. Andrews, Ish to • �- 1 purchased the �Varel oohs and p Raving p{11.0 1, • Exeter and surrounding' that X' ani. ofering all kinds 111101111 the people of 1C�e � Country s of furniture at greatly re.cluced rates, A11 Goods guaranteed to be my own hand make, of first-class dry material and glut together in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and : nish. All kinds of ordered receives prompt attention. ' LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex- wolli` a11c1 repairing l c,cel�ea my - change for FURNITURE. Cmlye iaee ' iu to e , e e tea u the le 6:lent cat eta `i'°e • Mattress -est ii. t .e •04r et. "W' Andrewts..Old Stand 2 doors NOrth • Town 1l:all, xeter,