HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-28, Page 111 m 5, TO RENT - , ' 8. HELP WANTED THREE-BEDROOM apartrrient on the Square now available. Phone 524-81.24. --- 4741 USINNiESS offices at 38 Hamil`t;cip 5`treet, Goderich, for • rent. Ideal as -offices or for small business. Heated. $80.00 per „ month', Apply ''McGe'e " Pontiac -Buick. — 45tf 4 , , SKI-.ROO rentals ,and ski-booses, •hoof ' °° sail 4 e €roma,:• qtr ' e .. �fJ'0 f�h�. -- 2 da a I' � v""x I y p Monday to Thti-rsd ty, rent for 3 hours pay', four, two, Call Paul Baechler, 524-7968. -1-4. THIRD FLOOR apartment available immediately. Frig, stoveand some furniture supplied. Rent , $80.00, per month includes heat and -utilities. Apply' to Town Clerk's Office, 57 West Street, Qoderich,,Ontario. — 4tf ' ONE -BEDROOM, second floor - apartment, just off ,, Square, completely redecorated, modern' .with new appliances, Not suitable for children, $75.,00, Phone 524-856'7:7'4,5,6 W A -FORMAL WEAR RENTALS' Dress right for all occasions We are agents for: Freeman's Formal' Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL Clinton LTD' " •Goderich o IV..4JylaA..K. -. PERSON for warehouse, store or uN/ 12. TENDERS WANTED 14: SERVICES AVAILABLE- a 14. SERViCES AVAII.ABLE ONTARIO - sales 'experience `Urgently • P,I;JBLIC WORKS required: Phone 482-9585, — 4x MECHANICAL•CONTRACTORS TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs SEALED TENDERS will be representative for short trips received until '3 :00 p.m. LOCAL surrounding Goderich. 'Contact TIME bon customers. We train. Write S. U. •, THURS]�;Av" Dickerson, Pres.,SQutht+irestern Petroleum Corp-, .Ft. Worth, ,FEBRUARY 11, 1: ii71 • Tex. —,4, t' ‘for the cvristruction of a new 8. HELP WANTED " WAITRESS — Part-time waitress required, 25 'to 30 hours per week during 0 the day. Good working 'conditions• and wages. Apply in' person to a The Club Grill,' Kingston Street. — 47tf 'Public or High. School " ' r TUTOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Town of Goderich uynr,derggrouncf J -eating . Piping Psychiatric Hospital, ' 't Qde..rieh, Ontario. Tender Documents :' may' be obtained from the Department ACE RADIA and TV Service, _' ..of Public Works; 'CustUpan of Frank Wilcox" '60 Picto,n `St. W„ Plans & Specifilatiuns,;...I ci rte �w , , NW 1167, 11th Floor, Far"go on t''bderich, Ont. Phone'd►21 7771. Block, Parliament Buildings, . 4Otf ANDERSON'S APPLIANCE• SERVICING 186 Mary St., Goderich 5246M4 Domestic Refrigeration-, Dryers, Stoves 4GLtf Any person , interested, in' applying for the above. position should submit an a{iplication in writing ,to the undersigned by February 9th, 1971. Interviews will be arranged. J. Harold Walls, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 57 West Street Goderich; Ont. 10. WANTED (General) ROOM AND BOARD, best _n --. cereals:; � tree-`I`.A1v=i�n-n=ocrrrt.... off, 524-9485.-- 50tf Toronto, Ontario, (Telephone No. '365.1270), or may be., viewed ' at the London and District Construction Association, 'London, • Ontario, A $9,000.00 Bid• Bond; a 100% Performance Bond and -a- 50%• Payment Bond will be required as specified. - A Deposit' of $25.00 MONEY' ORDER, cir CERTIFIED CHEQUE, made payable to the Treasure of Ontario, will he required per set of " tender documents which will be refunded i1 documeets are returned in gond condition within , thirty . days of ' above closing date, otherwise forfeited, NOTE: For further information regarding this tender, please call Mr, J. Elston, Department of •Public Works, Toronto, Ontario, • (Telephone NO, '365-4751 ). The-- lowest or any tender not. necessarily accepted. ,Deputy Minister :31 COMPLETE household effects .�. ,•� or small lots wanted. Call C. & 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE E: Furniture, 524:7231.; 23tf • TIMBER WANTED -- bushes., • selected trees or logs, all species, We pay tap:•cash prices. For free estimate call Craig's -Saw Mill, •A,uburn; 526-7226. ' — 4;5,6,9,10,11 • } wanted to teach Spelling andi. 1. Math for student from foreign country. Phone 524-8168. or 524-6175. MAKING A"LIVING FR6M8TO'5? - You Can be a su.ccess 'from. 6:00 to 9:00 PtIV ! It' is that little ektra,,,ambition, that oan,.make the difference between being aVerage or out in front. A second job enrolling Ontario• Automobile Association memberships may make the differencee. for you. Find out how, no obligation. Contact Ed Bauer, Wingham, phone 357-3805. 2,3;4 - a CLERK . -_;-' ,TREASURER for;' --'Public .Utilities Offige. State age, experience and salary expected.; ,Application too be in writing by February 4,,:.19,7', to"Chairman Clinton Prt.h0:-P-.0..-Box•,520;,• CI into n; Ont. EMPLOYMENT • WANTED LAD"? will,, take washing and ironing in her own hole. Phone 524,-7746. ~- 4 14.• SERVICES AVAILABLE CUSTOM'Mi=.AT SERVICE. • Chill, cut, wrap, and •sharp freeze. Custom killing ' ' in . Government inspected, abattoir. Alio beef by .quarter or half. Robinson's General '• Store, Auburn. Phone 526-7788. 4,5,6,7' - Thinking about, building a M') L:K Ili O U SE Or DRIVING -SHED? For free estimates call: 'RAY \LAM3ER-S Clnton 482-3395„ SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION - WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS , Phone 529-7403 for estimates FOR your Antenna iSales' and -Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, hhone 524-9889.., 11 HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call' Superior -Mail tenance, phone 521-8892, Goderich, --- DAILY CAR RENTAL' Reasonable Rates • M'c"GEE'S Goc erich Phone 24-8391m 19tf • PARK HOUSE Available .• for ' (vedding receptions, banquets,. parties. „Reasonable rates. , Phone 524-9942. —,4,5,6 • 'HOME ' RE.MODELLINel• - Kitchel-sa,.batlrooms. tiling, et0. Call 524-6921. — 1- 1 x GRAHAM' ELECTRIC -- Complete Electrical Service-, Residential — Commercial — Industrial ' ' 155 Keays Street " .P 524-8670 Gode, Ontario. • 27tf TRI -TOWN - BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ., .INCOME TAX • Complete record preparation and maintenance LAWRENCE.BEANE Brucefield " 1-16 51tf USE them SHARP! Saws, skates, 'cutlery, lawn mowers, etc C. H. Homar, Huron Road, , opposite store --- 1,2,3,4x ti • WANTED Dead and 'disabled cattle and horses, highest prevailing prices paid. ' 24 hour service - 7 days a week Fast, Efficient Service Call Collect Brussels 877-9334 , DRIVERS NEEDED trek, ;%cal arid over the road. Dieseror-ps, gas; experience helpful but not necessary.. You can earn over $4.00 per . hour after short training. For application and interyieW, call 4163.62-4002, oil write Safety Dept., Transport Training 'Systems of Canada, Ltd., 207 Queens Q.uay West, Toronto 117, Ontario, Canada. a,A,d�Lt.4.a,,:•'t...d.�,�'^,`�'�•".�::.'.ry.A..uor:.m.:+A..w,,...,.:.A.._ liROVINC�IaL COURT (CRIMINAL DIVISION) Part-time clerical,.pcisition available (full-time,„during summer vacation). Variety of general. office duties.. Quick, efficient ° worker essential. ' Shorthand preferable. For appointment telephone -524-9142: Mrs. Mable L. Gray, Court Administrator BRUSSELS PET FOOD Supplies • 'fix mi►les;so h..of Brussels N -6727-3-t-70 40tfn SIGNS .BY WEBSTER SPECIALIZING IN:„ * Bulletin boards' * Plastic electric,* Truck "lettering :* Silk screening * Commercial designing of company trademarks * • Show cards * Window ba-nners All Sizes & Types of Signs ;?HONE EXETER, . 235-0680 ANYTIME 2'4 HOUR 'APPROVALS' .2nd and,3rd'Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience ., • Of Your `Hor"ne "''f - LOW cost, You can call to 1 1 .p.m. today for helpful courtt'ous ' 'service.. Prompt. Investment Corp, uta..,, :1:1(1 "1?3�a ''Street; • Toronto, tall collect, - .366-5586;' EVGS., 231-8146 Experienced DecoratOr. PAINTING *t. • AND WALLPAPE.RIiV`G FREE ESTIMATES CaII, 524-6667 W,. Pedersen-. 01 VICTORIA ST. . BRE LES Authorized "SIMPLICITY” SALES & SERVICE. 1,38 ELIZABETH ST. Goderich 524-7144'° ew'ing Machine -PROBLEMS? Servicing All Makes New & Used Sales Alex Reed 197 Bayfield Rg., Goderich 524-8465 �C & W Salvage 205 Nelson, St: NOW BUY'IN-O . CARS For Scrap at their yard CALL 524-9514 • ',Also handling all types: of new and used steel products. tf the little dealer WHO SPECIALIZES IN HARD -TO -FIND--' ,_.UNITS OFFERS, YOU AS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL . . 1970 FORD. E 200' H. D. WINDOW VAN Equipped With V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio, positraction," oversize truck type .tire's and " wheels, auxiliary seat, all heavy .duty equipment, 13,000 original miles, chrome pak, instttiop group. This van is in immaculate condition. Sold for over $4,400 new in 1970. n• 2995.. ARRIVING . SOON Serious enquiries invited. 1969 MARQUIS BROUGHAM,` equipped with every cdhcejvabte' option,, including air-conditiipning, 429 \'-8, 29,p00 ori§'inal miles. - GRAF'S 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 'MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone - Harvey Dale, Clinton HUN- STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON- Due to the decrease in neat PHONE 482-3320 prices we are unable to pay for ��.({7 any faraustock. a,y ' , ,,. ,. w.. S."r1 N.,1 r.r, .tMl .,.,<.7• w..y ro.f+n•., • �' LL We offer • fast, • efficient, Courteous, same day service. c*7 Days a 'Week 24 -Hour Sexvi 15. N7►TIC to CREDITORS EAR 'OF THAI ,- ALL. persons hra, wing claims against , the Estate f . MARGAKET, LUEIJL_A•' SCIIA!*.:FER, Widow, late of the. Town of Goderich, in the County of Hur"on, who died on or about the' • 29th day of November, 1870, are required t„, file the same with fu•11°particulars with -the undersigned oy- ,the 13th- day of February, 197.1, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderieh, Ontario, this 18th day of January, 1971. PREST and EGEN'ER, ,Barristers, 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontar' '• ' Solicitors for the Esta GODERICH TAXI Taxi Stand At Bluewater Service Station 80 Vitoria St. 524-6594 '24 Hoer Service B ill, Swati, Prop. aL<„�„:yx�,_.hauic�Sy ..claims against ,Li�s,.,.:,h'"sA4:t �;1a►t"l• NIXON- BRI•NDLE`Y,' 'Farmer,. late of the Township of, Colborne, in the County • of Huron,. who died on or about the 29th day of December, 1970,'. -are required to file the same with full particulars with the undyrsigned by the 20th day of February, 1971, as after that date the assets of the estate will ' be distributed. , DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 2:lst day of January, 1971. PREST andEGENER, Barristers, etc., ''3 • -3 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4,5;6 n N • GLOUSHF.',,R: I wish to than everyone for,'flawer.s, carps and, • visits while 1- was a patient' its Alexandra •Bospital: Mania' to ;nurses on: second west and Dr, Mills: °— James Glousher_ �- ,4 ! •. • Jett Nig, l 7 ' ryilitl hyo the Opo 40l , ,I ql44,e%'uarY 1901,"4 !G.pddeh ,• Si,enl►.?tixii;,• w ,irig 60th' ,M,ual McODUng ;3angUet atc.• The Chill.dre, 's A$ Society of Huron fConnt r,' ►ill: k,.. held, in Ontario $trect United Ohurch,y^C.li,nton, on Wednegi ,,OY,•A, February' 3rd, 1971. Ttcite;a "4"^. $2.50, are available frolrn •Stat.' or Board Mez bees and. must h0, purchased' by Janu'ar'y 29tix, The Public is 'cordially . . ,invited, to'.attend. --3-4. .y :. ., , • CARD PARTY at Orange Hall, CIintan, on Saturday',, January GLAHAM: The family of the, late Mrs. IY arjQrrte M. Graham wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation, to relatives, friends and neigp.bors for' floral tributes, ,messages of sympathy and many acts of kindness duringr our recent b.er,eavement.' "Your thoughtfulness dill long b, remembered. — 4 •' . , , . 30> under ,.s uspices 'E.O 'L�, FISHED • We take t 11.1: is means , at 8:30. ,aches please bring saying a ".hearty thank, you': l;'o lunch. 4x .,� nei bors for theirconcern daawnsdL, Chagt.r'1?e``g wi'}' e”` 4 .rdartii aUUZA meeting hMaPle etf :each.oPpur.N.fiti$udx, : Tuesday, February t, 8:15, at many acts of remembrance to us .and our family While dive were.' the home of .Mrs. C. Edward, 22 hospitalized. To Dr. Mills, Ir. D. Victoria Street South. a. Johnston' and team of 500 CARD PARTY, Saturcday,W Westminster and Dr. A. D. January 30, 9 p.m,, Forresters McLachlin and team of Victoria Hal1,1Benmiller. Sponsor L1901'.44 and to alt our nurses and staff of and 86. Lunch and pries both hospitals a sincere thanks. provided. Everyone weli:ome. ---• — Phyllis and Elmer Fisher. 4x• 4 NM, 16. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 WILL, NOT be .responsible for any -debts incurred by my wife, Sherrill Ann Worsell (nee Carr), after January 21, 19.71, Etit:hard J. Worsell. •--- 4,5,6x rc.. • "19. •OST AND FOUND LOST — Five -month-old brown short haired dot„ family pet. Finder p`e se-plion,t24=9 9": A.' BIRTHS `I'ICHBORNE: Due to illness and being in hospital, I would like to take this way of 'saying thank you for all the kindness shown - to me, flowers, gifts, treats, Get Well and Christmas cards, which have helped so monk:,) -...ands' the wonderful care by nurses and staff on first floor of hospital. — Agnes Tichborne. 4x GRAHAM: The,, family of the late Mrs. Marjorie M. •Graham Wish to expresso their sincere thanks and ' appreciation • to relatives, friends and neighbors for floral tributes, messages "of sympathy and many acts of kindness during our recent ,bereavement. ' Your' thoughtfulness ----vv�• l ongb e remembered. — 4 GDCI Newsfront A FEW tickets'are still available for the seventieth anniversary of the Goderich. Women's Institute. Phone 524-86$9. —4 NEXT TRAVELOGUE TUESDAY, FEB. 23 DR. CHARLES TAYLOR "SCOTLAND FOREVER" Sponsored by Goderich Rotary • -° � I�M GfO N . � Every Saturday. Night -,,i. LEGION HALL t -Sart! Time -8:30. port:- .9 I-IASSALL: Bill''.and. Pam ( nee Buskard) wish to announce the • birth. of a daughter, Erin:Nicole, January 19, 1911, at Alexandra Marine' and General Hospital. ,A - sister `I'or,Lori •-and Jamie. —4 BY -NANCY HILLS BI ALL: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on January , 24, 1971, to Mr. and s4rs. Ferdiand Brall, RR 2, (loaderich, a daughter, Elizabeth Margaret. C O V I ER' At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on January 25, 1971, to Mr .and Mrs. V�'illiam Govier, Goderich, a son, Kevin Wayne. JkeFF ERSON: AI., Clinton Public I'tospital', Clinton, on January. 16, • 197.1, to Mr and Mrs. ,Donald C. Jefferson, a„son. 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS . MI L LION At 1N THE ESTATE • OF BERNARD WILLIS TIPER1 ' ALL parsons having claim' against .the ':estate of Bernard -Willis Tipert, • Hospital Attendant, late'of the Town'of Goderich, in , the County of Huro►i, who died on or about - the -12th day, of November, 1970 are requested to file -.the same ' with Cult.' particulars with the undersigned by the -29th day of January;, 1971 tis ,��fLct that date the a.'ssets yf the estate will be distributd. rt , - D4TED A`I' GODERICH this' 11 th day of January, 1971. J. KENNETH-II;UNTER, :30 North Street, GODERIC•H, Oi1•tario. 23,4 CALL ' FRANK TUTT For all your flooring, needs. Buy your carpet anywhere. 4.20 years' installation experience. Free measurements. 524-6804 Goderich. DAVE FA R R ISH • Plumbing, Heating & Air -Conditioning Remodelling and chew w4tis'tatl<atf rt " "#or wa{I .'of• your Y Il�E plumbing --and heating needs. Presently situated at Esso Home .Comfort Depot, The Dock, Wx ,��y, p ,,w.�.,, .. a c'Ge six m. • J^ x, F i $a rr a �.• .,.y� j �I7� p {F.�,, .u. $f1 ;b. ?9 i - '.ifilT:r. �PDa°+"G^X'�.. Tn�r. '�f,,: � 1 f' �4�` 'MK3"'�bvti�i�w '�b'r�>`~��riw�iri>►��� .1�?��.'�,`�� �a r"�ffr' �����,. AD HWY. 21 bERICH, ONT 54-663'1<-" 5 t I3AYFIIrLD ROAD, GORD MUNROE PHONE 5248411 JOHil GRAF 7244 Card ,'Collect 482-9811 License Wo.' 237-C-70 --41 t fn ., , IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN CUTHBERTSON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN ,,THE COUNTY 'OP HURON.' • ALL 'persons claiThing- against• the above Estate are required to 'forward full particulars of their Wednesday, January 274' was "'University Night for parents .and students • alike (both • from Goderich and Clinton) at Clinton High •School Representatives of the following uiiversities Were there to talk to the, people: Western, 'Windsor, Toronto', : York, Waterloo, $•Waterloo , ° ��.,;utheran, Royal Military College and the Department of University Affairs (Student Loans). - Alexandra GDCI Sport «-- • Senior Girls llospi+t�►I, Goderich; on January Volleyball Tournament 25, 1 971. , to Mr and Mrs. Marvin Million, Goderich, a son. -BY JUDY McGU!RE D. IN MEMORIAM " There were four schools , LA1B: 1n loving memory of -a dear father-.-- and.. grandfather, Robert.... Dawson Lamb, who passed away January .?,•t), 1970, 'His ;smiling way and pleasan face' ,- • Are a.pleas''ure_ to rec Some. day .we' hope to meet hirri; Some day, we know not when, To clasp his laird, Never to part again. - •—• Sadly • missed by son - H,arold, Phyllis and grandchildren - 1x .CINDARI: , -Two/years have passed since the ' day you: "left To go to heaven above But your laughter still rings in our hearts And we still can feel your love,. participating in played at -Northwestern J, uary 19.; In eight, Al Pirie two, Mike, Tafeit two, and Greg Smith one poipt. For St. •Marys, Taylor with 11 and Barnett and Andrews, each - with. nine, were the • leading scorers. • The Senior Vikings now boast a four wiii no loss record, and will face their stiffest test of the season tOn orrow ( Friday) when they travel to Mitchell. ', The Junior Vikings also had. an. easy timer, of rt, leading 27-14 at -the half enroute' 'to their 17 " point win. ' • John Moore was top scorer with 21 points. Dan Demero.had 14, Doug Fisher eight, Dave Patterson 'six, Rot Willis low • and Jim Durst two. St,' Marys scorers were B. " O'Connell and 3. Richardson' s with nine apiece, , J. ,Flanagan; with four, B, Murphy with three and J. Gregory with two points: The Junior Vikings record is• now three wins and one loss. the tournament Stratford on Tuesday, this tournament. players • travelled. -"1Yoin They too travel to Mitchell derich; St. Marys and Exeter. tomorrow. ►i the' Goderich against St., 'Marys • game, Goderich beat St.-•, WRESTLING. He hada kindly word, for each And died beloved 'by all. ' • Marys in a hard tough match 4 •N' two .games to one. In this match- . St.. Marys wrestling' team the strong servers were Sue saved their school from being — hand in the better Duckworth - ' 11 serves, Pennie completely shut out on the day's ,aciv" =- t rhes by winning their match - Vidler eight serves, Ruth Melady — six serves.' In their second match against Strat,ford _ Northwestern, Goderich 'lost in another hard fought match two games to one. in the Stratford match .the strong servers were Carol Willis — 13: serves;- Gail Fritzley •'' eight serves. : In their final match; Goderich dal—nil—CO the undersigned, on or the 25th - day of hit 'hard against South Huron before Tlibuh our hearts are void ,,of. Exeter And Goderich took 39-25 over matmen: The results 89 po ids (Goderic rt) McLelland, 1:02; 97 pounds — Dave Beaver (St. Marys) pinned' -Glen .Maylor,'5:27; 105 pounds. Ken Smale (St.•Marys) pinned Roger Moore, 2:54; 114 pounds — Alan Stewart (St. Marys), pinned Steve. Reabu,rn; 2:50; • the Goderich were as follows: Mark Chisholm - pinned Morris Fehr a 1971 after, .,auhrich. ..-- . t"` "'"'" , x , � i �,1't�ciia]'war,m,�ti ,,: �•�.,..K,,. • .. �`�t�;�''�a�'�i1�r.�?���1�:.► x .• . '`tltc ..'ays�`e „ � tyl1't- �Se That' coir R 1 us -through thea, .. O t .` - In this th t rvers Marys) decisioned' Terry distributed. gars..,. Kame e s rong'se, DONNELLY & MURPHY, We take pride in being who you we Barristers, taught us to be serves, Ruth Melady — five 18• -'Th' S'q'uare And that pride wipes away the serves, Pennie Vidler — five GODERICH, Ontario. sery•,esr��/ Solicitors for the Estate. SO rat the Goderich Sejiior - • - 4,5,6 Girls Volleyball team- have Won fout%ganies and lost one. The Senior Girls will . be entering in the next tournament to be played on February 3 at Clinton against Clinton and , ''Wingham•. rte ,r -"D' Corbett, 240; 129 pounds - Joe re Sue Duckworth — five. Reynon (St. Marys) pinned John' Willis; 395; 135 pounds Don Broughton' • (Goderich) pinned, Don 'Beaver", 3,02; 140 pounds -- Bob' Bob' Barker (Goderich) pinned Doug Krziyzek, 2:51; 147 pounds - Jerry Zvdrikin (St. Marys) decisioned Bruce Bowman, 9.1; 156 pounds — Ron, Waken (St. Marys) pinned -Bob Schmidt, 1:40; 167 .pounds — Vince Zvonkin • (St. Marys) decisioned Jim Reaburn, 2-1; 177 pounds -= Rick Hendricks (St. Marys)" pinned Ross Dobie, 1:07; 193. pounds — Mark Ryan (G.o d e r ich) �, pinned m. Doug Hamilton, 0:35; and in Unlimited — At Drennan (Goderich) pinned Larry McLean, 4:30. 82-38 score, and the Junior's an equally. impressive 55-27 win. Coach Gerry Paolin's Midget team' made the swegp complete with a 14-11 wilt., In the Senior game, the, Vikings led 'by a big margin all WFIGF.L; I wish tothank Drs• the way, opening up an 18-5' ' U. F., Mi11s,.�Iw MY. Vf azts aand A. B. first quarter edge, and leading n:':theli ter . ..y- • 1;Je�thr�°•�Sld"-ev�'eYyr,s�'e "tmerCtn�cl'' �'r.. .» .w...mv.,,srhwrrer•r�+:wue::r east, also Rev. Royal, for their - 'Brian Macken ie was the big care alto kindness during my man under the'`lioop with 26 HELP ""' ""' points. Warren Watt hit for .16, stay al �1lexadtin a Marine and 'ears. -- Sadly missed and lovingly remembered, . Di and Terr .-- 20. MISCELLANEOUS 'We i4oi'aTl'tyli'es" ' JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw Retipping * Watch Repair Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton 1 2ffn: HOW TO SELL YOUR �HOME .AND SAVE OVER 9,000.00'. Send for thls'informative,-detailed booklet written by two former al estate brokers, -licensed under the laws of Ontario. . This booklet discloses' all the secrets of the trade, along with illustrated eiaamples of proper preparation, financing, advertising. andoffers to purchase to assist you- mea quick -sale .witbotit.,thh.high-.commission to pay. M-' Write to -day, enclositi $2.00 money order to: Provincialylnnfformati�►e Foundation,� 0„,- ,. 3tr - a atti (.dXw'R% 'ss {'at'�i'.Yi'.0 ' teWnslTdt+� Y'7N' im Toronto 1, Ontario. Q •� LAMB: In` loving memory of my, dear husband, Robert Dawson, who , left, us one year ago, January 30, 49;70. ' '-`"'- Thr-ough' tears I 'watched -him suffer, We saw him fade away; My heart, was almost bi-oken,,, We wanted him to,st.ay. , But God saw that he was weary, And the road was hard tci climb; *So He closed his weary eyelids,. And whispered peace be thine: Each time I see his picture, He seems to smile and say; , ' Don't`cry I'm only sleeping, We will be together, some day. — Sadly missed by wife Myrtle, Dawson and Carl. 4x E. CARDS OF THANKS 'JODERICH — Boys Sports BY T. -D. . GDCI basketball teams swept ' all.three games from St. Marys in games played here last Thursday. The Seniors won by a'decisive 4x Louosbury 1,2, Brock Stimsofi