HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-30, Page 4ATE. . y b is `la . ' », . ti • : t ,, SANDERS e% DYE„ Props, TflURSDAY, 1Viaroh 30th; 1893, NORTH WESTERN PROGRESS. Last week thele was laid on the ta: hie of the House of.Coremoesthe annu- al report of the Interior Departnieet, from x., R?hieh we gather slaty erteouray- ing filets relatirtg to the progress of i.ai.(1 u :a in Manitoba and, the North Western Territories. Our readers will nidtrstaed that the chief field for im- migration is in the. groat North .West, s'here many thnusatttls of pttpplo have formed a homta for themselves not only from Ontario but from the old world The Dominion government has lost no opportunity of booming that part of Canada, simply because of its illimit- able resources and fertile territory,— forntiag as it sloes an outlet for the con Bested districts in Britain aid Europe, as well as for aur young then and far- mers' sons who could not afford to buy laid in old Ontario and the other east ern provinces, Judgiig from the re port just submitted to parliament, it seems that an arrangement was made in 1874 by which the several provinces were to contribute a large sum annual - }y for the encouragement of immi;ra tion into the Dominion; but,as this was never carried our, the federal authori- ties closed lip the emigration agencies at various points, and thus a saving has been effectecfof 820,000, while the work was more efficiently done by the department as the direct medium for encouraging emigration to our West ern provinces. According to the ann- ual report. there were taken up in homesteads aid Eales of land by gov- erninent over 600,000 acres in 1891; and in the following' year (1S92) over 960,000 acres. Besides that, the gov- ernment have had surveyed during the same near 1,395,200 acres in farm gots ready for settlement. Not only is there found in all parts of the Western ter- ritory oceans of the most fertile soil, but in several localities coal of various kinds has been discovered thus giving to the settlers abundance of fuel at Sow rates. Since the Souris coal mines have been opened up, and bY means of transportation by rail, coal has been delivered at Regina and Wihnipeg and other points at $4 per ton. This, of course is a great advantage in a coun- try where, in many places, wood was scarce. The report just submitted to Parliament is full of encouraging de- tails—among other things stated, are the establishment of creameries and cheese factories; the enormous yield of grain amounting to 16,000,000 bushels last year, a large proportion of which is available for export; and the pros pect of our North Western hard wheat taking place of the softer wheat :grain grown in the Western States in the markets of China and Japan. All this is encouraging to Canadians, 'who should rejoice at the growing develop merit and prosperity ofa country which has progressed faster within a few years than almost any country in the world, THE PROPOSED PHARMACY ACT. A. bill has been prepared and will be introduced luto the Legislative As sembly nest month to amend the Pharmacy Act, and one which in our opinion is very injudicious and unjust, and not in public interest. I£ this bill should become law, none but a quali- fied druggist can sell medicine of any Y kind, r.at evee 'be most simple kind, such as castor oil, salts,senna, tur'pen- tine, patent medicines, horse medi- cines, and many other simple house hold articles that have been sold in country stores ever sitter the country was first settled. 4t'e are not aware that the; safety of lite or health has sttlfered from the vending of , these articles by sr.. ere keepers,—the suggest- ion appears to us simply absurd. Why, then, should a monopoly to benefit a few be established to the manifest in- juryofth.e store keepe.rs and to the verygreat inconvenience of the most of people 11 villa' outside of cities. There aro only about12e druggists in bust - boss in ()maria, unisidt: of the cities, ton ns awl incorporated villages, while thesame t,-rritury time() are about thirty three ;;gonial stores andgrocer, des all of which handle 'medicines, Amartg tht' articles'the sale of which it is proposed to restrict to druggists bb lira 'aranloc ir.ret all is C1' •, the rnlxaurtdS -theresof" 'Cluk>. itie-J0c1 1s Paris green ithtir LOttllun pnl'pit.l't'f, do riot 'think „, ^d inerchaais'0al other dealers tr stroli .l. be fareir.l i , In sell these arti:- r.le s. °l`hey at it 0,4i, in (minium) use by gnr'derrt•t'e, a .n, is aid fruit grow, ers, and If they may be bought only .from druggists great hardship to the elasseeeeained will follow, 1'1'.0 do ztor think this legislature would consent to a measure ca'leulated to put the job'ity.of the people of Ontario 'at a dis= advaetaige and coupe' them to pay higher prices than they now pay for artielea itr.cormnonuse. Again, the Graft bill provides that h sicians n)av not disease medicines p�'p It affirms that:no person but an apoth ecary or dispensing chemist elleeesed Andel' the ate may dispense medicines", and also that do physician or Inedical practitioner can bec `tile registered as au apothecary unless he ceases to practice as a physician or Surgeon. This, it strikes us, is alt wrong. The design of the law is, or should be, that the compounding of medicines shall not be left he ntlgtl.tllihed hands. Sure- ly no mail can be bstter able to coin. pound medicines than the physician who prescribes them, Indeed, in some cases, the physician may not know the exact streugth of the drug that will and its way into the mixture unless he has it in his own keeping. The legis lature should throw just so many safe- guards around the sale of medicines and poisons as are necessary for the protection of the public, and no more No provision should be put upon the statute book calculated to create a mo- nopoly and to compel consumers to pay higher prices than they would pay un der open competition, HUSBAND AND WIVES WIT- NESSES. At Thursday's session the Senate took up and considered the Canada Evideuce Aet of 1S93, which passed in the House of Commons two weeks ago. The most important section of the act was section four, which provided that in criminal trials the wife or husband of the accused should not only be com- petent to give evidence, but might be compelled to do so. This section con- templated a decided change in the law. Communications between husband and wife belong to the class of privileged communications. The theory of the law has been that the happiness of the marriage state requires that there should be the most unlimited confi- dene between husband and wife. For this reason, formerly, neither party could be examined in a legal action in which the other was interested as a party. This theory, however,was brok- en in upon iu 1873, when an act was passed placing husbands and wives under the same rules substantially as other persons in civil actions. The Senate has refused to extend this pro- secution. They probably think that it would be a severe hardship to compel one married person to go upon the stand and have to answer questions which might lead to the conviction and punishment, possibly to the capital punishment, of the person in whom all their interest and affection were cen- tered. The Montreal Star expressed his view with fervour when it argued that the proposed change in the law would introduce a system of moral torture into our criminal procedure nothing less than barbarous. We can- not say that we entertain or approve of the stand taken by the Senate. We believe that tire clause ohjected to should have passed. No doubt there is much to be said on the other side. No doubt there would he hardship, but the hardship would only exist where the accused was really guilty. In civil cases, there has been a great adyant-. age in giving the court tele benefit of the testimony of the parties and their husha.nds and wives. No one would think of returning to the old law when this important species of evidence was excluded. It is found to be of assist anoe in getting at the truth, and this is the object as well of criminal as of civil procedure. OtIZZIIN 11rtu l3oyes, a .ilial 'land, was as suited and robbed of $90 'arid `h gold watch near Qorubor Wednesday ltigklt. F[is assailants,esea ped, One of the most furious aortae known for years began Wednesday of last week awl raged for seyerat days throughout tlio Northwest, The second deposit of •e$300 :fa side wata made in the - Gaudaur Haulau match Thursday' and Orilla was decid- ed en as the place of the race,, All the jewellery has now been re- covered that was stolen in the daylight robbery affairs, Toronto, and the "des peradoes" haye been convicted. Two sudden deaths oceured in Brant ford on Monday. Mrs Ball, wife of A. Bali, blacksmith, fell dead when dress- ing, and J Davidson, formerly of Da- vison & Adams, wine and liquor mer chants, also passed away in a few min- utes, Heart disease was the cause in both instances. News of the Week in Brief. 0000 Sons of Eng There are over �, land in Toronto. Dakota farmers are purchasing seed wheat in Manitoba. The Montreal Herald was again burned out last evening. Soloman Quick, a well to do farmer of Mersea, was kicked in the head ;Fri- day by a Was and fatally injured, Thieves entered threelor foar stores at Bethany S tiday night ' and blew open safes and tills. They got very little, plunder. by a vote of 81 to 10 theMinnesota Senate Tuesday passed the Senate bill, extending full suffrage at tiltt,0,leetions in Minnesota to wot'nerl The Brantford City Control: at its meeting Thursday deeidea Vo` -'endorse the Dominion Alliance petition' asking the Ontario Legislative to name a day for voting 4n prohibition. i `tl George b ea 'Welsh, of the 2nd gali ceq$ o n€ Bosamfttetc committed Suicide Mon- riw hirrtself in day morning i n byhats. his barn, Sickness and financial difli t e t , s,titt to have,been the eausie , I of the :tot, tf �r ill's ^. �i';.<;,•,f� 1`±ias Latta. Hu utiey "s ;.hc sister of Mr. W. S. Huntley of Cc.i:; incl, N. Y., a well known car- pellicr and builder. Her frank state- ment below gives only the absolute truth concerning her illness and mar- velous recovery by the 'aid of Hood's :Jarsapaiita. She says: "0. I. Flood, a: Co, Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sir: Twelve year ago I began to have :actnorrhages and Sour years ago became to iy that the physicians told me n ere Was : •l10 Hope an I should soon die. I could not be moved :<0u my bed. -Under my face were napkins ee:;.tinua;ly reddened with blood from my n:ttutll. la gerund eat anoadilf g and had no tee teenof,.alebowelsforawe k. The doctors seid the ause was ulcers lathe stomach. At this thee iny mother said. she wanted to make .- c :ewe t t .l, and asked if I would take :,cod's ;:n:st:parilla. I told her it would bo A Waste of Money but f:.ndlee it would comfort her, I began tak- ing it. In a few clays the bloating began to r, nadide, I seemed to feel a little stronger, but ti,uughl; it only limey. I was so weak I could only tako ten drops of Sarsaparilla at -first. In two weor..s I was able to sit up a Sew min- uted every day. in a month 3' could walk pert.,A1 ,tlae s-asscvn. One day 1 asked -what they were to have for dinner, and said I wanted something bearty.• My mother was so happy she cried. It was the First Time 0 had Fe&t'llun- gry for Two Yeari:3 • i kept en -lith FIood's Sarsaparillaaird in six moults Was as sellas ever in my life. It is now four years since i recovered, and I have not had a day's sickness since, nor any hemor- rhaw. If ever a human being thaukcd the poocl'LLerd on banded t ded knc es it was I. I know thit IIood's Sa1sapari 1. and that alone, unque?tio nably :i-a:zs nary LfSe." Messrs. ;ager & Jennings, the well known druggists of Cortland, say that Miss xtuntley "is a highly respected lady; her statement of what Hood's States aparilOa Has done for her is worthy the highest CODA. dance." need's 1?'a+Is earn Liver ins. John 'likens Of St. VI cry's, Ont. A Great Sufferer, from ys sia Perfectly Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla The best stomach tonics known, to medical science are so happily com- bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its severest forms, when other medicines. fail. In many cases Hoots Sarsapa- rilla seems to possess a magical touch, to quick and so gratifying the relief. Read the following from an aged and respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont.: " I am very glad to give this testimonial as to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for mo. I suffered very much with dyspepsia. I have been taking medicine For 25 Yearn and I never had anything do me as muon good as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every symp- tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap- peared and isappearedand I feel that I cannot praise the medicine too highly. 1 Eat Better) Sleep Batter and feel'stroivger tlia1t Z have for +many years. I have taken six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla bought of Mr, Sanderson, the druggist.'' .roar AIIELrS. y � y GO,i>uD7fA. Ii .Ti id•.,IORSE1a E1.75e. Pro*, Mr. Sctncierson theDrtipr$st. aCtr' , "I know Mr, Aikens to be a strictly honest, dtralglitforWardman, and take Much pleasure in testifying to tiro truth of the testimonial , Drug- gist, gives above.,i Zr. Zl•. SANriititsor'. g g 1st, Queen Street, St. Mary's, Orrtarlo. HOGG'S Pienta the best after-dhmer Bette Motet dlgeetiona prevent oonstipation.; At tite taasiees in Ottawi Wednesday the McGtee vy,Cennoliv conspiracy 'rise 11' r5 edjoltrtlt>d mitil`tlre next sit ting of the_eourt Sit September. Mr. G. 0.' Petty,. of the firth of Petty Biros., TIeisall, has routed the Kirton;. stole, on .Font street, Sarnia, which he has fitted lip for the pork packing bus. itless At Dayton, Ohio, Dors, Charles Ha gtau, iu a fit of jealous rage, dashed . a bottle of vitriol in her' lusband's facer Ragan is suffering terrible agony, and will'probabl,y he blind for life. The temperance;people of Fort Scott, I€ansas, are. fightitag the liquor ,sellers with tench vigor. Tuesday 20 saloon keepers were arrested by order of Gov- error Llewelling and placed behind bars (prison bars) and tite town is greatly excited. Mr. Geo. Parker, of Lucau, a cooper by trade, aged about 00 years dropped dead itt his coveyance while passing along Main Street there on Thursday afternoon. His medical ady iser stated that heart disease was the cause of his death. and had informed the deceased that he was liable to drop at any time within the last six months. CAN YOU DO fl `' SIX a Id FIVE mala. ELEVEN, ut who by at(dit g Five more straight marks to the above Six can make Cut out he above p fizzle a nd fill in with pencil or l en five stra'ght mann so that 11. will read NINE, enclose same with le three -cent stamps or 30 cents in silver to THE CftlEMIOAL SUPPLY CO., 170 Yonge St., Toronto, Can., to pay for One Package of Plate Pearl Pellets for Pallid People, and you, may receive a reward worth many tirnes your trouble. The proprietors of Plate Pearl Pel- lets for Pallid People having decided upon awarding a series of useful and valu- able premiums as the best means ofadver- tising this wonderful remedy, make the following liberal offer TO the first person sending in a correct solution to the above puzzle will be presented an Elegant Rosewood Piano valued at saOO; to the se- cond correct armies -ere a Solid Gold Hunting Case Watch valued at Sn85; to the third, a D ie.rnonel I�irn � ; to the four -tiro, choice of Black SIEIE Dress Pattern or Suit of Cksthes'made by first-class tailor; to the fifth, a Coin Silver Watch; to the sixth, a silver Five -O'clock Tea Set; seventh, a Sabra' Gaunt Brooch ; Eighth, Parlor Lamp; To the Next Ten correct answers will he given a Live -size Crayon Portrait of Self or Friend. To the sender of letter bearing latest post -mark received previous to April t;eh, will be given Free Transporf-a.'Citorn to the World's Fair, Chicago and First-class hotel Accomodatiorn for Two Weeks. To the second correct answer to the last, Ladies' or Gents Gold Watch. To the third from last, 510 in cash. If there should be as many as one hundred pertons ' 'sending correct answers, each :c ill receive a voidable prize. Names of those receiving leading prizes will be sent to each contestant at the close of the competi- tion. Extra Premiums Will be awarded to all who are willing to assist in the advertising and introduction of this medicine. Our object in offering these valuable prizes is to increase the popularity of our preparations. Porrect impartiality will be observed in awarding these prizes. CONDITIONS. The conditions under which these prizes will be awarded are that each person answering above puzzle must enclose 10 three -cent stamps or thirty cents in silver for One Package of Plate Pearl Pel- lets for Pallid People. You pay for the medicine ; we give you the presents. Here is an opportunity for the bright ones. Answer to -day and you may win one of the leading prizes. The spring of the year is the, time when everyone needs a tonic. Especially is this true of this year when we are threatened with a visit of an epidemic. Fortify your- self by a thorough cleansing of the blood. As a tonic Platz Pearl Pellets have no equal. As a blood purifier and preventative against' 'spring' diseases" caused by impurities of the blood, they stand foremost among the thousands or remedies offered to the public. Young Men should use them. Young Women cannot afford to be without them..lVliddle-aged Meri find in them new life and vigor. pt�l'cclotle-E3 Women praise their virtues. TO the Aged: .PIa tz Pearl Pellets for Patlicl Pa aple bring sound and refresh- ing sleep, strength to the nerves, cheerful. ness to the mind and,ease to the body, sr that the weight of years bears less heavil as the thread of lire lengthens. In order that our friends living at a cihtance may have an equal chance in this competitionwith our home patrons, we have decided that the data stamped by. the .postmaster shall determine the time sent. Successful competitors in this contest who object to publicity anti prefernot'to have their roes made known,shall hve their wishes respected This is our initial prize competition 0 series of which will hegiven through the months rfAr„1 May, (ane and July. In order that each succeeding compe- tition may be moreht gel't t nizril it shall he our endeavor to .keep perfect: frith with the public, and award -ill prizea promptly and impartially. we e ire ear patrons and tl,e public generally to under stand that these prize comp t trans are gotten up singly for the purpose of advertising. and introducing this wonderful medicine into as many of oor Gann. alae h anus:u: possible during the next throe months, 'ti,d to give all who wish to do so, ah opportunity en test the merits of Platz Pc, 11 Pellets, and reccit e a rrward for assisting to intre,duce then: into other homes. All contmunicadons promplly answered'. Prides awarded same day answers are re cast d. Adclrrvs :ill lel.ieri: (0) omernicAo. rt,9PPLY 'l fi1,•, 110 Voiegeo i t een't, "i`ortn'to, Can. ENTRAL-- SHAVING PARLOR. EXETER, - ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Everyattention paid to L Children Ladies' and C�> �ld cll HairGating, ltttin THE PEOPLE'S 110111E-CUMMO t * Ii1111tf411 SSb E-494 Powoglis A).1- i4 A DACtri, 11piay core not a` ger,! tiserd to ouato every, hang,4rrteinivly hca41- ac1teS 24.5/ Memo. ¢t will .cost but 05 coeta f�v'r ae boa) an4 they iv.ts laanrtatess. Day are not a Cathartic. ON SENTRY DUTY ria -771/ / 1 \ \ It will guard you securely from disease YOU Have a Very Bad Cough, Are Suffering Froin Lung Troubles, Have Lost Flesh Through illness, Are Threatened 'With Consumption, IT WILL Cure That Cough, Heal Your Lungs, Put Flesh On Your Bones, Prevent Consumption. SMALL & LARGE BOTTLES 50a. & $1.00. IT IS VERY PLEASANT TO TAKE. Ask for and be sure you get the " D. & L. Emulsion.' Men's, . . Boy's . . and Children's Hair cut in the latest style, Ladies' Knots, Ban's and Switches made to order. E. H. FISH, Barber, —AGENT TOR THE— PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. CHRISTIE'S CoRc1AL) Lm) First Class BIOS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms R,ee•soms.bl. Telephone Connection . G. Bissett's Liyery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT Cheapest and Best Place in Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MANSO 'S I lEO Just a few more pairs of those Men's, cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Don .;ola Kids left. N xt Door e MSOL h f Postofei SolIi o c READ AND LEARN. That oar Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve lnents. We tire prepared to dot planing and mnatab Lug, 'band and scrollsawing turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach. ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YA1t1) you. will find a large and. well assorted stoule of all kinds of building materitals. Pine and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dresses', See, our stools of x x and x x x Pine Shingles manufactured by the best' makers in Ontario, We also have a largo stook of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent value. rot 1 fine Lath con- s tan tly on-stantly in Stock We have a 'urge stock of barn stisla which we elan furnish with; or without glass. Wo are fitted up with mach- inery s a/tstally adapted. for nelm all kinds of Tanks alitlOisteres,whicli we can furnisk to oer ottstotnors on short notice. We show something new in this line for watering cat- tle in attlein the fl'e'd or barnyard, Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used, Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter $75,000 00. —All persons who want— CHEAP 'iO EY ti 4, 6 and 6a PER CENT should call —at the— Of ,Ce of It. COLLINS UNTRAL TQRL A complete stock of Pure andReliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —t— PalontfilofliciQes, Soiies, Druggist's Supplies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. Wirtrts cogIt!o powggr the best in the market.. C. LUTZ, ,PROP. When in need of a FALL SUIT —OR— CALL ON �V[��erOger�oal 7 BERT. KNIGHT, The Clothier, Who gives the best satisfac- tion obtainable in the village. He also has a Chain hit to 1,nt from In his quarters: Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. Yonr Patronage Solicited. BERT. KNIGHT. Hoosier Steed Fra e Gran Drill, There are more Hoosier Drills of our manufacture in use in Canada than of all others combined. Guaranteed the Pest Drill Made. Porfocf acid insthntandous regulation of depth of hoes in all 'rinds of soil, 'TBE 01L2 Pie tPEC;C 15O11C/ PEED itt disc, Tho equipment t of our, factory with tha latest improved labor saving maehinery and a latgely increase;' output enables its to oifor the .floestor Drill and all other implements of our manufacture at prices lower than ever before; nus throughout Pot catalogues, tions anti terms see our local e rout the eountxy, or a a ,l , g g to our ggree. rend ofla EENRY afiNES rAg6ilt:{1111 , 1 0. y f�1 G I I�It, I. it