HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 18,, • -'.., . '
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1,041F. THUMB
If proof were -.needed that
geographical , piopinquity ,does
not make for similar patterns of
thotight, Ireland - and El3glapd
supply it, so that perhaps the
greatest mistake it Ls .possibie for
the English to make is to. think •
the • political reactions . of the
Irish will be the seine as their
OMI. - Like elephants, the Irish
never fOrget0. In fact, the, way le .4
which. they elieriSh grieyance,
t; is inniiscent Of iedo.g.,,with a
bone. And yet, they are .not the
only people whO•never forget, so
that. it is ineorlreet to say, that _
this characteristic, is unique to
the Irish. Those who people the
Southern States of Ameriea
which were ravished by the.
Confederates during the Civil
War, nurse a similar smouldering
grieVance, andfor identical.
reason, When a Southern lady
Was in FranCeconversing with a
friend, the French lady
reminded her: "*ti have no
idea what it, is like to live in., an
the most Celtic in Irelaud Purthermore they - had' no
Under the O'Neill family it was absentee landlords,. as had the
in violent opposition to England. *9,40. But above .all, they were
In 1607. when both O'Neill and ..Convinced' that their' southern
())Dortnell, were overthrown, and fellowmen were controlled by
occupied country," to 'which the their property confiscated, the clergy; of the liarnan
Southerner replied: have no Ulster, being 'at_tbe disposal„ of Catholic, 'church, so—that the,,
idea? Why 1 have lived all mN life the Crown was assigned to "Home Rule' the latter asked,
an oceupied countr English, and,, Scottish settlers.. would in fact be '-Rome Rule.'
,This Is not to .say that either Phe newcomers were n4. only of •Qf three' Home Rule Bills
the Irish orthe',40.4.hertierdo another race, •but" of another'. 'introduced into the English
f ir h °ir' reli ion .•bein Protestants Parliament two were thrown Partie'll the' NationaliSt leader: Army .and you know me." There, :entirely Irish ''that members of
severity when he was Irish Chief
Se.cretary.. After two years the
Irish knew exaftly where they
were with hipi.
The eternal Irish paradox is
world aisy,", -but they put the
fear of God into Napoleon's
veterans. There is the story of
Wellington addressing the
Rangers, perhaps • before their
well illustrated .hy the -fact that glorious • assault on Badajos:
the two most popular heroes of • "You are where you wish to be;
the oppressed Catholic majority leading , the: Army,. but if I hear
'were, on the one hand Jonathan.. of any straggling or irregelaritieS
Swift, the Protestael, Dean of.St. the pursuit, I'll punish you as
Patrick's" and Charles 'Stewart, . severely as the worst corps in, the Royalist AsSociation. It is also
the standard.of street fighting in
the city centre and in a number
ethousing estates."
Truly Ireland is a country in
which the probable never
happens and the impossible
always does. in consequence it is
entirety Irish that, there should
be two I.R.A.'s. The 'deb
Republican Army, and the Irish
, snot hate amp ,e g ,
resetittneet: It is not etre-suet v4thout ° the "least erunienical "out,, but .the third "reached. the had .the Mistimable merit cattle an agonised cry frotti the the.
come aLrots people.. tu1l attitudes. In • the result Ulster statute book just a, the ' First hi Irish eves of making the rear raeks:,,‘"eilory be to God! that
'L‘onversant with the details -oP'","Ayeetarre-"nik"zr fit",4014"Sirt ?str..c.t-,,4444,414
the properties of which they outhost in Ire and. . consequently put ' inta--eold impotent ..fgols. So as Yeats put, all." never
• 7
2-3:30 — Pre -School Skating'
, 3:30-5 — Lions Club
Free Skating
8,10 —. Figure Skating .
latter Association belieye . 4-8 Figure Skating
the present episode in the '
!)er •79toC;H*1-1;*H°6keY
have happened had the
16th Baron inen . THURSDAY
claim their ancestors were
dispossessed, centuries ago, just—
as-the carpet baggers robbed' the
Southern States' inure' fecently.
Tq begin to .understarad this
raining sore which is Ireland it..
is necessary to turn to histor\
the reign of•Elizabeth I the
province of. Ulster was probably
St * b t th f late
,In 1641 ,he native Irish took storage. ring the, war, while -a . it: Parnell lie was a oroed Wan/ • ones a Q U ... e perversity o clY
7adyantage f the Civil War. in ?re -School Skating
large mber of. Irishmen fought No prouder trod the groend/ . the Irish are'legion. There was a permitted himself „ to be •
e British Forces; a minority And a proud man's, a lOvely sketch in 'Penal' which showed nominated the prospecthie King, 3: 30-5 Lions Club
England to' rebel; incurring
number of atrocities „ Free Skating
organised the Easter Rising of man,' So pass the'bottle round." a World War Ilrish soldier in the of Ireland, The O'Briens are the
of• their temerity. A few years 1,916, in. Dublin. In 1,918 the
later Oliver (;ronwell arrived to Nationalist Partwas swept
re-establish English rule ariciailie away by the Sinn Fein, though
massacres at Drogheda and at1Ister continued to send,
Wexford which he perpetrated t n.io ni st Members to
if, • .., , are not tr)egotten to this
r. Law and order
Congregational meeting
his treatment of the dowri ()yet- a large part of
the country, and the British.
Roman Catholic clergy left the
• Goverement sent over- not
10 De e an. s
bitterest taste of all.
troops and police alone, but an.
Crornyvell$,Spolic to anglicise auxiliary force known as the,
three . quarters of the oiountry,
while confining the Irish to ,the
Provinee'of Coenaught and",the
. •
Nile U.C.W. meeting at. the
home of Mrs. Alvin Kerr was
attended by 15 members and
four children. Mrs. •. Elwyn
Pollock welcomed everyohe and
thanked .the hostess for her kind
Mrs. 1.1ortIon, Talmay opened
• the dic
evotles.' with • a poem,
"Yesterday,„ " Today and
Tomorrow." , -.
Robert McPhee read the
ornetrtary -'The
• , First,,Corninandrnent" followed
by prayer and a. New Years'
•• ,, This part of the meeting
closed with "A Thought foe -New'
, • Mrs. Talmay hat:Lei:vies of The
Observer on display - and urged
that a number of subscriptions
„ be ordered for the members at::
the 'U.C.W. Church' Officials and
group leaders • Or members of the
.• Con4gregation'who are interested
under the Every Family •Plan.
This.'-avilL he.- diseuiserl at the
congregational meeting:. .
Mrs. Elwyn Pollcick presided
for the business.
Mns: 4Alvin Kery. read the,
seeretary s 'report and the. count,N el Clare,- died with the
, correspondence which included
. "Thank \l'ou" notes from NIrs.
qennie Rutledge.. •Ronald
Pentland, :qrs. CYawfOrd,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. NI. Knight,
Reg. Rya, RossN'IcNee. and
Mrs. ' Colin Triners, for the
-.contribution to:help the, Tyro
Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge gave the
treasurer's report which.s.howed
balance of $4.43.0',-11:°-
• Roll call was answered :by the.
payment' of ,fees.
Plans for the wedding dinner
February. • 6 were discussed 'as
well as the community shower
to be "held the' ,Church,
January • 19. It was. dectded to
charge • S2.00 per • person for
dinners, ;hot or cold, to hava
said supper May and a bazaar
• in August.
The congregational meeting
ill he • held ' in the- Church..
1January 21 preceded by a pot
luck 3p.m. ..„ •
The', meeting closed and- tea
was served by Mrs. Alvin Kerr
and Mrs. Vv7ilmer• RUH-edge., A
social hour -was enjoyed.
.-. He ,also Wishea. to enac a the .rest of Ireland have drifted
meaSure „of.... Catholic' • further and !, further • apart.
f ''. co.most . , emancipation,
obstinate and• nothing . was
,. eancipation, but George NeVertheles"S- there is in 'Northern
Ireland a-iubstaptial minority
done until itlate.
was too '.
„.,....which would like _to join the
' • The abcjlition Of thetithe arid Republic . and' it is the clash
fall of the Protectorate. In 1688,
whenJamesII lost his English
throne and fled to Ireland, he
was welcomed as a (.7.atholic,'Iffert
the protestants espoused • the
cause of his supplanter, William.
of ()range. Derry and Enniskillen
held out against James until
William arrived and beat James
at the battle of Pie Btayne.
Fighting continued into the
following ,year.'Wheepeace was - Staters and the .Republicaris
made at. Limerick,:but the treaW began a civil, war, which the -
has been an open sore ever since., former eventually won though
they lost their great —leader,
As late as 1759. the, English •Michael ,Collins, who . was
Chancellor ,went . as faras to
declare th'at "the law does not ambushed. • •
"Black arid ' Tans'', which last,
soon 'axquired.- an unsavoury
In '1922 ..a setttement,. was
reachd wherehy,the,26..co.unties-
of Sauthern Ireland obtained
autonomy within the
Commonwealth, as the Irish
Free State, while six of .the nine
Ulster counties got 'a -Parliament
of their own, while continuing
their, represeetation' at
Westminster. But hardly had this
treaty been signed than the Free
. .
During. the. Second World War.,.
- presume a Papist to exist in the 'the Irish tree—State Akra's n'etitral,...-
kingdom."thus was • a terrible, 4ie
until in 1948 when' Mr. Costell8; •
legacy of hatfed, generated, so the: :preinier, declared it • an
that in, 1795 the' extrerpe4,independent Republic; one
Protestants formed the Orange which-. has never reeognised
Order. In 1798 the Catholics .of Northern Irela d and: therefore
Leinster rose ;against their protests the presence of British
oppressors, • . suffering more troops on Irish soil,. since its
atrocities• until a French force offici4l
arrived ' at Kiliala. Three years policy is a United
later Pitt abolished tie Dublin .IreTlailds. it. is, that over the .last
, ,
Parliament,. and gave Irelaitl ' 100 yearthe •protestants -of.the
represeritation• at. Westminster. ,North" and. their countrymen in
A further paradox is that saddle on a transport mule in direct, descendants of King Brian
while the Irish have always France. He had lost one stirrup, ,Boru.,,,the,last King of all Ireland.
moc'ked the English,' •they have while the mule, anxious to be rid The family had royal status until,
always fought for them - of him, had lifted a hind. Igiaed.
throughout history; in the last replaced his foot with a hoof in
resort the most dogged and the empty'stirrup. The caption
deadliest of fighters. A third of. reed: "Begorrah.it' you're gettin'
the men -who followed Sir John up, then -I' sgettin' down." Or
Moore and the Duke , that ahoRt,the English visitor to
ton to 'cut the- Dublin station asking y the
Napoleonic arrnies; .01 France two clocks$old different times
down to si4e4 were Irish "And what would we be needin'
peasants. They enlisted for,.(, two cloekS for if they, both told
and broke all records for what the -same time?"
seigeant-majors call crime. More • recently he Belfast
When the Connaught Rangers Telegraph' carried :e following:"
bivouacked ih the- Peninsula, "Brighter 'Der ". Planned.
within half an hour all the hens Londonderry, --Development
and sheep would cluck 'and bleat Commission . -has plans to spend •
for miles around, for "they were about 24,000pounds within the .
a parcel o' kids that took the next few months on inipTaing
he say's medicar writer
the disestablishment Of the between these two viewpoints,
• ,
It's taken a long time, but
medical. researchers are
• getting round to an ailment that
bedevils, and . sometimes.
..ilaralyses, -us all — the headache.
'Even so, the common Or
'garden headache still, baffles
doctors. According to medical'
writer Maurice Chazottes,,there
is now an organization called
The; American.. Association For
the Study of the Headache.
last . summer, writes
efiazOttes, ,`the association
spent a _whole day on the topic.
Discussions ranged from 'the part
• played by 'eyestrain to the effect
of migraine cures- on the heart.
New York's Montefiore Hospital
has a fell -time headache unit ...
and in_ London„. England,'
migraine sufferers can drop into
a special centre at any hour of
the day or night." '
dliazOttes examines the most
cOmmorr''catises' of headaches,%
which include sinus congestion,
migraine, high blood pressure,
tumors and sundry infectionsof
other parts Of the body. •
..And yet he says, seven out of
ten headaches are caused by
'tension in 'the muscles at the
back of the neck -and tension
is a malaise of the increasingly
hectic u-rban society.
Thus the best way to avoid 'a
headache is to avoid 'tension.
That means yoir, should eat
regularly. You should not .try to
end a hectic week by totailk
relaxing at the weekend because
that will bring on a headache,
You should avoid boredom; take
relaxing baths; persuade a kindly
spouse or companion to give you
"a 'neck massage — and not watch
ta9,-n?.a.ny ,TY
the be'st ,cures for headaches* .
Protestant Church of,Ireland did sincerely held by both; with
much to' assuage legitimate both firmly convinced that they
grievances; but as the 19th have reason, as well as history on
century progressed, new their side, that is responsible for
.differences between' Ulster and such headlines as we readntoday:
the rest of the country, arose. ',IRISH MOB ATTACKS
Firstthe famine reduced the BRITISH ARMY POST." .Hence
1841 population of eight the bombs and firearms found in
Millions 'to just under six attics andl'ellifsr'a"hd the joyous
millions by - 186f, with the abandon with which the
greatest losses incured , in the unfortunate;British' soldiery is
South. The second factor was pelted and stoned in the streets
"the industrialisation of Ulster, of Londonderry and, -,-Belfast
while the rest of the country today.
remained agricultural. A demand Far -while being_ a: most
for the repeal of the Act of lovable people, the Irish rejoice
Union With 'Eegla'ntlailed, . in a fight. They love a scrap,
Michael Davitt fourided the though unfortunately they
. Land League, while Parnell 'regard a fight as an affair which
''..,-',.1•Sticceeded to the leadership of • must be pursued to t'he bitter
he , Slationalists. Between thern end, While secretly regarding it
they began, the movement for as a tremendous .joke. The only
the estalylishment" of an Irish British .'statesman, to deal with.
Republic. This made "no appeal - the Irish successfully,was Arthur
to.the Ulsterites, who did not ' )3alfour'who, seeing there was no
wish to lose their shipbuilding ultimate answer to anything,
ani linen PdPStries.,...Whieh:. were treatekall-Breaches, with .calm,
by then flourishing. cold, philosophical scientific
the Chief acknowledged Henry
VIII. The Apparent to the
Throne is Phaedrig, while his
brother Fionn is second. The
third in line is. Captain Conor
O'Briere_aged 27, of the 14/20th
King's Hussars and it is felt that
by the time the Captain accedes
as 18th Baron the monarchy
might, become possible. ,The
O'Briens are Protestants which
.Mighls ease the , problem.
Meanwhile Conor. goes: to
Singapore- with his Regiment
feeling the problem of being
King would be less trouble than
serving in Ulster with the name
of O'Brien.
8-10'— See- rt Hockey
10-12 — Mite Hockey
12-1 '— Power Skatihg
1: 30-5:30 — F igure Skati
2"-4 — Family Skating
4:30 — Midget Hockey
7 and '9 C.H.H.L.
Hockey Games 4,
Admission 50c
ng "
ubtir Jottre
WHEREASyttie week of January 23rd is being observed throughout _Canada as a period to
focus publie--at.tention on the -physical, character ; -building and differ benefits of .hockey
for. our youth, and ,
WHE;REA.5, the gan.:e of hockey- is recognized as Canada's National Game which taches our
youtih to develop a competitiV" e 'Spirit, co-operation with others, 1;?ody-bUilding, and
respect for authoeity, and-- i •
WHEREAS, it is the hope of every municipality to develop One or more players, Capable of
o) o
representing Canada as a member..of Canada's National Te,am, and
WHEREAS .the Minor Hockey Association in,this community has earned the commendation
and support of every citizen, and
WHEREAS Mindr ilpckey is the toundation from which accornplished hockey playet,
'NOWTHEREFORE, 1, asMaor o Goderichclo .hereby declare the week commencing
January,23rclbe observed as '
and re'quest that all parents nd ott-yers support this observance by aitendipggames during
Minor Hockey Week and thereafter until Ihe-rninor hockey season ends:
... And ST
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