HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 14Now a good salary °. pportunity-security for you in a business careE.r Goderich' Business College - Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial Courses, 524-8521 Res. 524-8732 4N11%, 'OODI RIC .' • L. ,g „AL -STAR'; THUMSDAY; JANUARY 21, 1971 Ann 4nndarc Y„ BY HELEN ALLEN, fi . This little charmer is Kim, 18 months old. Of black and white descent, she is a petite child with lovely dark eyes, brown tightly -curled hair and golden skin. Kim is a • healthy, • cheery little girl who is very busy exploring the small world of her foster home, and aceom- • plishing new things 'every day. She is beginning to talk and ,she obviously urittersta•nds most of what people say to her. • Kim• is ,a. 's'ociable child, who enjoyspeople, especially children,' and is very responsive to attention. a • • .6 She - needs:,warm, relaxed parents who will enjoy -mot; lght, busy toddler a1r4wit urrountl' her, with "love and security. To inquire about adopting Kim please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings," Toronto 182. For general adoption information, -ask your Children's Aid' Society. FOR YOUR - a RE� INS * M, . • - See Qtr..ehone MLCQLM MATHERS GE ERAL JNSt*ANCEY'AGENT 46 WES1 •,ST. 524-9442 , - No, listening post DEAR -ANN LANDERS: It is 2:30 in the morning and Lam so burnerd up I don't know what to do, so- l',m writing to you to let off steam: My wife and L.spent another evening with "The .Rapp ' w Warriors," a r>pan and wife team who take great delight in 'tearing each other to pieces. Here is }ny, message to thetin•;a a to, all. married, couples who fight in front'of•firien'ds: Dear Kooks:" Please wise up. Your acquaintances .44 do not appreciate it when }too use their. Y livin(�'i(, toomS gas-. a;.. > el tA' ,lT•'. I ti under the -gttise-,- of -a- oseeral evening." Few sights are so unattractive as a husband and wife spewing out all the hostility" and venom they have stored up for'weeks. Your friends are not interested in what his mother' said 40 your- mother or how Ann Landers, 7 A BARB FROM You .• told the woman she was. ,BARBERTON iniqature or she would not - DEAR BARB': The heart is tolerate such smothering. • You indeed between the lungs, but advised her to get professional, note of the heart extends to the help. left than to *the riit of the Any idiot can see it's not the breastbone. Check this outby girl who needs"professional help., leaning orwar alt• batf d d taking '4 InmllnuululUiIIIiliglltllll111tI111plglll IlIII11111H1t1111111pIIIIIil11111�h111 Ile's not a telling- ' whot really hoppened Mote it's her mother. Auer all, the -gird Ray Argyle, ,the chap who sy ndiEates this column, has prttten for about the fourth time asking fdr a new picture of yours truly to head up the ` c'otumn. For various reasons, . none of theta, worth the powder, 1 haven't got around to having my "portrait" of the • side which' emits the isn't calling ,anybody, . she's taken. heartbeat" And a - happy St. - merely answering. 'the „•phone: But 1 don't blame him.. Valentine's Day to -YOU. ' please 'print this letter and The" old one does not 'do me DEAR ANN, LANDERS: change your advice. LAB, Justice. There's scarcely a in Every•,now and then you. send VEGAS READER :There's 'little suggestion' that., • the wrong person to ' theDEAR LAS •..DEGAS': Ting ' 1 rn ray as .art r�ld billy -goat: need professional help Tie:ileat:lydeetwp lu', ' as the daughter Wh,o " " enty-fiveinesof years stferingof ern ' ;. tai.- of the bags under My eyes. today: J'rn beginning. to thing 0, but it ' lir o"ti"gfat"'to go.„i. Eer:io..y' t; otat:-.. o gawa,,, z ??. ' wt.do set• Brit l"rr2^t;? advice ' to the ” woman whose not, likely t� tie' -receptive to -the there. mother phones her ten times a idea, but the "writer might. This day to ask ,what she is doing. is why I gave her that advice. • —HEALTH & SAFETY' • " - , ,Mainly for other 4. many ridiculous luxuries you bought last month, or how one "YOarol. barb . of you sided vyith the kids • against the other, or the , fact " that he left the party with a sexy redhead and they sat in the car for two hours.. We do not care if he hasn't touched you for. three Months, nor is it of any interest • to us, that he has not -paid your father the $2,000 he has owed him for three years. We find the details of your personal life extremely ;boring, frightfully -embarrassing, incredibly' crude and, to say the very least, in abominable taste: There_ are dozens o'f counselors, .psychiatrists , and '$ clergmen who will be glad to • listen to you both. And if y„ou would shut your mouths for a few minutes, they might even give you an inklingt as to why you T are having so.much Trouble in your marriage: * Thank you, Ann Landers, for . allowing us to use your'co'lumn to express our sentiments. - "TH E RELUCTANT WITNESSES WAR WIT: You •expressed not onlyYour sentiments but mine as well,, and I thank you. 'DEAR ANN LANDERS: Does the whole world belong to young people? Must everything be tailored to their needs, their desires, their whims, and their fads? I have - attended three •weddings in* three months and have gone home with a blistering '? 'headache each time.' '. Vhy?� Because the --music was so loud it - drove me crazy:.I'had ,to turn off my 'hearing aid and -even that didn't solve the problem. If a person .'' who is deaf gets a headache, 'what in the- name of heaven happens to thea,folq with normal hearing? ' My wife and I. '..received another Wedding invitation •' today and I told her • I wasn't going. ' She saes - we must go because the. people are long-time frien,: What is_.._y:'our advice, =Ann Landers? . •- MY. HEAD HURTS IN DETRO•I,T, ...DEAR t DE: r Accept the invitation and wear ear plugs. It's "'sensible "compromise. DEAR ' ANN LANDERS: When .answered the letter from the man wh.o was disappointed that So many , Americans acted like jerks when N ,u'i rl'lu'uY4'l4N l4Nu•14'Ix vN- N411411. Nr uN4N4N4rr4r14N4NXNrp the :�attonal'°"Arithe'"tri "v�aa pl'fi�'�d"" you made' a mistake: You said the 'heart -is on the -left -sider'T is a myth r perpetuated by the Steve Argyle takes this opportunity ,to•th "rk &II, those with 'whom he, has had the pleasure of:doing business this past teff years in. Goderich z nd area. UUith ,this co• mes a cgrdiE:I invitation to vis'•tr him at'his own ldeatio'n oq,:Colir-a St, in,Bayfield. Chain saw, lawn mower, --motorcycle, z,nd recreational vehicles are "still his,specialty. '14:1 4111.1 GLI AST, - BAYFIELD ri ri rr „i r.. ii�i��ru iu ri r4Nu� N4NNrINrr r,WX rlurl 14 4N4Nx r1urINN4N4N4'i4u4 Watch Children During Spring Cleaning It's spring, and your home probably never had it so•goodr "'13ut,what about your U;ttle chit- • dren'while you are bu-.y;, Working, especially the „nes under' five years'of age? Are they going t7t benefit by .. that fresh, newly scrubbed and painted' home? Or are they going to be exposed to harm because a busy adult forgot to be careful? Keep your eyes on the 'house- hold chemicals you are using, says ,the Council err •-hlnii.y Health, a iron -profit .rt,:Yniiatilin sponsored by riit,mb, •, ,,If t drug indust6. as it public service . to promote safety i11 t ho h1,me and family health. , Children can 1,0 very quick and curious. They should not he left alone even for a minute with potentially harmful ,ubstances. When, you ":,t ,finished using household hclliical.•:', put than away .imnrecti;ttely, iit°It of sight .and retch Ili y, u1:;:,tc r,: Think of all the cltetnic als n.,cd itt a household today. — i lead he soaps and detrrtu1.1�r \c a11r,•,nt111-.• a IX•oud'XOt•k cic:ii c�<< -liquid lints paste poi-irirc- balls ,tnl tlakrs•§' 111 iraectants and deodorizers. 'tld' solt't't5t SUc✓,i,as• ttlt•pet:tine•' 1il'1•u5ene and ; gasol111e." ' .During the count of a "•cek, a -' houses;'ifs+ might, use lye prod- • tuts` to E1c:tn'� pltt}tt#ie A_'fi' f'ttrcti,- ixl:ceticicles 11 td rodenticides, rug shalllpoos an 1 upholstery clean - et., and paint solvsp.ts and thin- Each year finds the list gro�►•- �11e\t• prodtl.Cts'ltre (IISCOW-• ct� dto ��iofurbishing the h,,mv And each yearic„Nt4Atie Council, mothers have e to ,be just" that much more careful in shield- ing small chil•dren.front potenti'a'l—. poisonings l-1,owever, 1 ° have a good reason for -,not having a picture •fake-tf for a .couple of weeks, ,at least. l have a black eye. That is it was black. Then blue, Then 'purple. It's now asort of mauve, shading into yellow. • • I' haven't had such a dandy since 1944,, when • some German guards gave me a going-over 4 for being imprudent. That time it was both '-eyes. In fact, the ifitsv time I got a look in a mirror after the beating, I could have Keen mistaken for a fairly scruffy rainbow. There's w. nothing quite so embarrassing as a black eye. It arouses the worst •- in other people.- Loud and 'Near, "What happened- to , you, Smiley? Wife beat you up again?” And so on. ' Those inane remarks. To people who ask that, 1 reply tersely, "Yes." They don't know where to go from there. •' - But to those who seem gerttvinely. concerned, I try to find' the more exotic somethingto make reason,, them . think I'ma devil of a fellow .11010 By Rill Smiley this one happened doing v punched me in the tuft eye " the holidays. To the first few with her left fist. Which she who came sniffing around, would. a lots'of others; Hit looking for scandal, 1 tried m; -1: e e on. ,the. rear-view this gambit "Do you realize mirror when I collided with a that the cork from a champagne bottle, can • snow -,mobile and everyone penetrate ^t1't plaster, of a else ' ., suffered terrible ceiling? Next time you open lacerations.-• Struck my eye on • one, be sure the cork is the end of the handle of ;the snow -shovel when 1 had 'my pointing at somebnc:...,e)s,k..,4 w"' ....X ..--...-.:,- „-T. eye.""Khat shook them a bit, firs "cb'r"oi"iar"y. B:urnii ti" and they went away shaking head-on into the cat -when we their heads in admiration. Or 'were boll*, -Crawling. -around under the -bed,- looking for r .,,,✓,✓,-..,, something. •her. �` To the next few curious,,_ 1 B.ut 1 will never, never • remarked° offhandedly that resort to 'that oldie about . t1 a Sa uta a dabr, 1 ve,run . into pie I„ 'utX . 1oor ;-vol �..4N0,. �,s ,, other objects, in my"Ufe, But,;„,_ • it's a pretty cheap way of ' aco... untirig .for black eye. r 1. swear my wife didn't, do ' it. She, was so ill. through 'the holidaysshe couldn't have - given a goldfish a' black' eye, _ What's' your version.' Drop a •..,, • liner, • New Year .s._Eve, that he -was still, in hospital, and that 1 had- to face charges as soon as he was released, Whey didn`t" really. believe me, after •a scathing look 'at my - 142 pounds of pure suet, but they weren't sure. lig .wa5 just. a little ,cop", I added. "I kicked -`him right w the gall bladder." When this palled on me, 1 swore I'd had a brawl,✓with the. paper boy when he said I owed hilt for two.weeks and I l said one.,,..::11e.'s a big paper boy • For the ladies, I use a different technique. I tell them that this, lady took a violent crush on me" at a party, t at 1 was holding her gently, atting her back and trying to quench her unrequitedpassion, when her vicious, jealous husband hit ✓ rile right in the eye, right over her shoulder, with my hands .• tied ' up. They raise an -eyebrow, sometimes two, but I can heir them muttering together and sneaking glances at me from the other end of the room. a s la, . List: �:.. Tca .s:t.l�•1.. ,, t., r� . l was arm -wrestling with „my daughter, and when she found I •was winning, -she 4. 1 tames Richardso,n at Sons Ltd; Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario , PHONE 524-8388, ' GODERICH The Argyle Syndicate °iY/lOSDAhriesAyS: SOMET//fES ME CREAK! OfSOC/ETV 7740vs oar 70 8ESk'/MMED M/LK JOE'S BP Service Station and Coffee -Shop, 411 Huron ad., Goderich 54-6871 tt `" The NavnesOf five. SignalStar Subscrib- ers Are .To Be Found In Onc Of These Ads valentine. Any Medical expert will tell you that the heart is'.it1 themiddle -= between the lungs. Please make a correction. People expect fact, not fiction, -from ATTENTION GODERIC4-AREA. , --_- olkswagen Owners r, THIS IS AN OPEN IN\ITATION for you to take advantage of our service' and, sales departr'nent. ALL :,—NEW CAR WARRANTIESr,--will be honoured and nothing but the highest quality of service will be offered. FOUR LICENSED MECHANICS to serve v"•'. Also COMPLETE PAINTING and COLLISION' REM -IFI service along with the late- \GNOSTIC EQUIPMENT. • ASS AN INTRODUCTION WE WILL GIVE YOUR CAR A FREE LUBRICATION OPV YOUR FIRST VISIT, ' CALL EXETER 235-1100 AND ASK FOR .GERALD GACKSTETTER DON TAYLOR FOR SERVICE OR SALES. r. DON TYLQR MOTORS CTD. } p,� �X�Y 'p ..HM1 P' urn • i `' �; tin` w s, r e Y it h e� i � ,. lam- _ L"• ` e y�/T� } p� . 1bf�' Wy* � '',t+�''�({.A: r Al ,f.�1 .T:d9A5v1Gt F '1 '• p TA' A7N' � � '. ��.5. .�`j .1�D':.rkl f•ai. W�t.� 14r� 235:1100' t _ MAIN ST. SOUTH, EXETER ". MOST PROGRESSIVEDEALERSHIP .., .. HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST-, � , . • r . ACI nxwxltlp Ir n+"tvr u,rm, aw.ntw� SEE REGULAR AD FOR,DATES AND TIMES - STARTS WEDNESDAY JAN, 20 Wed. and JACK DY -� _-.. Hymn r 1 I'Lhu r.s... at. 8 p.m IINat SIMOMSTOtit Fr'i. and Sat. IHE OUT-Of-TOWIIEDS Nights �Za3.0 and y ,aip ppb C�Y{I�6' ��r,,�� ,o.:W..• •+•,IAS {! - r rYr Whets they take you for alt out="o f -t o r, they really take you.. " THIS SPACE U , . N " RESERVE'` FOR YOUR P'Y * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE' *'GIBSON * HOO'VER Sales and Service • Lewis Ellwo'bd• 154 Walnut THIS SPACE I• RESE FFIVED. FOR YOUR AD .,• v is $7ts�'r; �' 1�".ry{»^Yc, �y,i.y n��4�y,.w TJ,%I ik,�xT SWAM C +•h Are 6+."+:Prj!iDrl. �iJl • Cards For All Occasions * Gifts -• - i'' Books ' * Stationery Supplies • Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE - 3 East St. Goderich Mr. Wm.gMelick 266 rift St. 1 GODERKH", BUILDING CENTRE X 1. •r' Lt r,; . .t •r X.a�K� ba; Cambria at..,Angtesea n BROTHERS APPLIANCES ''& TV LTD The Square T Goderich For ' FASHION •`"•.•". RIGHT SHOES Mrs. D. Hunter 49 Market St. The Place To Go i'$ ROSS SHOES. i The Square Goderich' THIS SPACE MERVD FOR YOUR A JC�' � il4f`p!xi PHILIPS 4 KpHJL.CO Marshall Belt '95 Brock ,St. Colour Television SALES and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION -,RADIO 34 The Square Goderich For Pleasant Surroundirk, and Good food THE „ GODERICH RESTAURANT' STEAK HOUSE. and TAVERN 1 •., DOUBLE PASSES PARKTHEATRE r. WORK 'BOOTS.:.: Mrs. Jack Ryan, '" 111 Newgate St. EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles • DAVE GOWER''S Industrial& Garden Centre H'amilton'St, "A'-'°"141 • CONTEST RUL -ES Each week the names and adtitesses.-of 5 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory.• r w , -Look for your name and address in the ads, -Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser'in whose ad your name,appeared and ViRSDIONAMINg li Only Subscribers to the Signal -Star are eligible.