HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-30, Page 3BEAUTY'S BOUDOIR, .. of mit awl styleis.: neeiggieegi The jap rorgeo 10 ingentotrely 0414 in Such aManner idiot in thetfiret place no eettime re vidible. The .folnetei 000. not emanate from the waieb (as in th 1830 dee th London Fashions Moot With lipproYal at Queen'yi&toria's Drawing -Room. &Loud:Colors do 311 weer —ehntled Shirts Pettish An Vogue—Stylish livening GOMM of Veiver--Tea-Uowns Veete the Caere Cut—en:um efewele of Gargantual Proportions TAM tise Now ibiliontian Bonnets—New style in Vable Deco - cations. Lennox, March. AT the preeent moment lone helf of fashionable London nuty be de- ecribocl as being more /mem or lees in a state of Icilailgtie ialitodieurto,poate—auays great model funotions are concerned ; for, although the Reason of Lem, is less rigidly ob- served than it was in .-- lenglatul some few e,g le ,tiii tyeeas ago there is an A ppreelable lull with re:gerd to social ar- e eererve Magemorttp de soiree. -1- eevered In Romet Paris, Ma- drid and Vienne thin penitential ponied. is 1narked in the world over which Dame Fashion presides by the almost total sup- pression of brilliant colons; whilst some fe w women never figure in a decollete toilette upon any occasion perentheeized between Ash Wednersday and Fleeter Sunday—ex- ception not being taken even to the mi.- -canine. This latter cult= is not likely to obtain however, in Great Britain, albeit many 'English women select a somewhat .sombre attire for thie period, favoring suoh tones as purple, prune, grey, lizerd or black in preference to more vivid hues. Those eacelesiaetical shades, known me the "Car - dined" violets, purples or mauves, will pre- vail until the opening of epring, when with the bursting forth of the budding leaves, •robes, chapeaux, and manteekin every tone •erf green will be the chic. 'see:togs AT QUEEN VICTORIA'S DRAWING ROOM. There was, however, little Lenten sombre- ness about the dresses worn at Queen Vic- toria's spring function. The colors were, as a rule, varied and brilliant. One or two women went in for a tropical splendor of hue and daringuese of contrast which fairly made one gasp. There was a predominance -of violet, in some cases soviolent of shade as to be better described by the old-world "puce." No doubt Her Majesty, who has not been in the way of observing changes in dress, was gratified by the return to the style, and in some measure to the colors, of the earlier portion of her reigo. Queen Victoria has never abendoned elle full skirt ever the bodice cut low on the shoulders, and she has a great liking for the colors in vogue in her earlier and happier years, ouch -as royal purple, puce and grass green. Red is aleo a favorite color with her, and it is 'well known to be Princess Chriatian's =chosen hue. There is no doubt that the revival of rreh and vivid coloring -does much to make large assemblies or smartly dressed women brilliant and en- livening sights. Gorgeous was the apparel -of one lady at the Pelaceewhose dress was ,of orange satin and her train of bright apple -green velvet. With just; a touch of ) alone her in splendor of plumage. Another vivid red, no tropical bird could have out - daring contrast was that of a bright red brocade dreier and a green velem) train. : Pink and mauve were beautifully combined rather than contrasted, in one court cos- tume; and and another showed a clever ,•blending of yeliow, pink and blue. . 'COSTUME OP THE CHINESE AMISASSADRESS. The novelty at the drawing -room was the 'Chinese Ambassador's wife, who was accom- panied by her daughter. This is the Brat occasion upon which a Chineee woman has ever attended oue of Queen Victoria's court receptions. The Ambaese,dress, Mdme. ..Sieh had an over•drees of almost black silk, with a petticoat on which embroideries • in many pale hues were arranged as Tarp squares around the hem. Below the = ohoulder cape was another Kluane, exquis- itely worked in a design of oirds, flowers and trees, an indication, doubtless, of rank . or official position, as with the addition of a seal and a tatael, this was also worn by the Ambassador himself. Her dark hair was drawn smoothly into a knot at the back of her head, but this was almost con- eealed by •her headdress of some dull, . pearly -white substance, of which one broad band passed across her brow and another further back upon her head, the two being oonnected at the sides, near the ear, with an ornament composed of several tenets of pearls. Mdlle. Sieh's hes,ddrees was similar to that of her mother, but the adornment at the side was simpler. Her petticoat was • also embroidered in the same deeiun and istyle as Mdme. Sieh's. The overdress which she wore was of rich silk, in a lovely shade of pure Daimon pink. The fall cape over the shoulders was stiffened out In metch the same faehion as Is now • layered by western mortals • and it • had broad revers, which °rained and reached to • the waist. For this a foundation of dark, aar almoat black silk was used, and Was . -elaborately worked in silk, of which redand 1.. white were the prevadinti tonett. The •, ,sleeves were loose and of salmon pink, .• 'turned back at the wrists with a delicately oontriisting shade of mauve. 33oth ladies oartied smell Chilies° faas. The bounuets at - the drawing -room were quite loveli. On mome of the bougete lerge real bubterflies, 1 whose native home when they were alive wean in tho Brazilian forests, wore made to ,leover. When carefully atbuned to the odors of the dame theme were often an ex- , oellent addition, the light glhatiug on them •from variout; angles and bringing oub all • their wonderful beauty of glittering, almost metallic tones. • LAST vema's GOWNS NO GOOD, 1 If there be any among fashion's votaries -who are weak minded enough to chorieh hopes of utilizing their laat yearai gowtis iu the coining spring, they may at onoe aban- don all stunt illusiotat. For skirte aro to mee.eure five and even six yards round, The meat inventive getting cao hardly hope to contrive a petticoet of such ample ditnen- alone out of one rneoeuring noun) two and a half yardn iu circumference. The Charles X. skirt ie cub precisely the mune way as the cover of an tunbrelle. On the him however, it iiis tightly without so much as a crease or fold. The offecb reminds' one acnnewhat of an extingteleitet or e. penwipor. Nothing eau bo possibly more awkward, to field up than the neve einem. The erstwhile ebraitin were delightfully. easy carty in =Comparison, The texb innovation will be the ungraoeful dreeri suspeiidere of thjety arearit ago. StIADED SKIRTS TUE 'Jordon:a' rtreset. Shaded sltirtee *Moll aro double ot treble eleirts in tWo or throo nuances of the se. meted oolor, aro likely to find favor as the -Ssoastee advionies, Thin effete, Will be pat. tiottletly ideal in feeeli tonce of green ; bub to entearo the memo Of the wide delta; tee it ht neve univernaily received the perfection originalnee ), e skirt being, on the contrary, close -fitting for a short distance ; the "outward spring" then ie attained solely by the subtle craft of the ekilful skirt -builder, and comes on in a gradual and graceful manner. in the suaded, or repeated jupe the longest of the three ;skirts (which neceseitabee Oho slight atiffening attainable by a silken foundation) ehonld be in the deepest shade of the color chosen ; the second in a lighter tone of the same ; the top or ehort skirte being another degree paler in hue ; whilsb the oorsago is of a still more delioate tint. In view of the novel and probably excellent effect of these latest introductions, most of the new materials are shaded ; whilab good coraldua- Mons may also be achieved by the clever arrangement of some of the latest changeants, or short fabrics. A pal de clievre, for instance, is ahot with ameellyet and gold, a sister texture combining rose - petal pink with topaz, whilst; is third more ethereal fabrics unites a tender dove tint with jonquil. POPULARITY OF MIROIR VELVET. Aliroir velvet is immensely popular just now for evening gowne. The following is IA smut dinner droas of this fabric. It is made en princesse of blue velvet shot with yel- low. The front is draped with a &mace of old lace commencing at the square -cut de- colletagegand continuing on to the train. The opening at the neck is outlined with cabochons of jet and the large sleeves ea e of velvet. Another evening gown is of silver. grey brociade, patterned with is bold feather design, is bordered at the hem and with a frill of violet velvet. The low bodice has wide revers of velvet and is trimmed with a berth° of ecru lace. The sleeves also in violet are short, and boaillonnees finishing off with is frill. COLIMIDINA CAPULET'S NEW BONNET. The new bonnets are very pretty, but they are in direet defiance of whab ouee was thoughb refined taste. They are adorned with Palais Royal jewels, the size of filberts. Them have to be very carefully considered to avoid vulgarity. A tali and handeome lady on a recent occasion wore one on which were jewels not rioh and rare, but many, large and varied. She looked rather like that imitation Arabian jewelled brass - work with which one has beoome for the bonnet WEE deed gold. The effect was not sueoessfal, but it was remarkable, which was probably jaet what it V743 intended to be. The wearer is one of those women who take pains to get the newest things, and is equally careful that, having done so, she and they shall be noticed. Having is striking appearance she melees her clothes striking too, and it is a balm to her to hear, "Ah, the new bonnet; yes, we saw Lady Columbine Capulet wear- ing one like that weeks ago." Had it been o quieb and tasteful version of the lateeb novelty it might have been passed over un- remarked, but an insietent production, such as it was, attracted attention and remained on the nerves for some time. DINNER TABLE:DECORATION.: The great idea in arranging flowers for the table now is to have them look as bright as possible. The blossoma stand up as though they were growing,. and soft; yeila of asparagus fern and heiverang spraysof the invaluable smilax'with its neat, graceful and glossy leaf, shaped aimed like is heart. LONG LIFE YET IN STRIPES. That stripes down the centre of the table are quite gone out is is fallacy. Lotogths of shimmering brocade, especially if they con- tain some sparkling gold or silver threads, are eagerly pounced upon for this purpoae, and is table never looks better than when the candelabra and fruit dishes, whether of gold, ailver, rare china or costly glass, rise from a ground of exquisite brocade or sweet -tinted velvet, bordered with is tiny miniature hedge of flowers. I recently dined at a table where the centre was filled •with gold brocade, the shades were gold, lined withold rose (most becoming to the diners !), and the flowers wore tulips in every tone of gold colon INVENTOR OF IFICIFER MATCHES. Isaac Bolden, If. P., Fidel Think a Patent Worth Applying For. It is not generally known that it is to Isaac Holden, M. P., that we owe the in- vention of the limiter match. The dis- covery was, he has told us himself, says the Pall Mall Gazette, the result of is happy thought. " In the morning I used to get up at 4 o'clock to pursue my studies, and I used the [Hub aud steel, in the use of which I found great inconvenience. '01 couree, I knew, aa other chemiete did, the exploaive ineteriol necessary in order to produce instantaneous lighb, but it was very difficult to obtain is light on wood by that explosive material, and the idoe occurred to me to put sulphur under the ex- plosive mixture. I did so and showed it in my next lecture on chemistry. "There was is young man in the room who° father was to aheraist in London'and Ito immediately wrote to his faller about it, and shortly afterwards lucifor matchee were issued to the world. I believe that was the first occasion that we had the lucifer inetch. "I was urged to take out a patent imine- diately, but I thought it wee so small is matter, and it cost me so little labor, that I did not think it proper to get a patent; obherwiae I have no doubt it would have been very profitable." • Wle Wears a Coil Fish. A gentleman who was given up to die with consumption happened to receive a visit from is friend who recsommended " Miller'e Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil." Al- though having libtle faith he bought is bottle, and before he was through takieg it, found he was gaining flesh. Ho continued taking the Emulsion until he regained nearly fifty pounds. He is the heartieet •man in towu to -clay. To commemorate his reatonttion to health he him had a bountiful golden cod fish manufactured, which he wears au a charm upon his watch clair. That is pretty good tettimony for "Millers Emulsion of 'Cod Liver Oil." Everyboay im sounditieitt praisee. In big bottle% 50c. and $1, at, all drag storm t The United States Supreme Coutb hes given a strict consienebion in the eight-hour lean Any work clone on Sundays, tied ell work done on other day e iu excess of the eight-hour limit, enbitleil the workerto exbra pay. The deticab of ono day ()menet be charged agaiusb the ovules of another day in oder to make an average of eight hours. Paola day must be sepamately. ELC- counted for, and all work in excess of Inglit hours entitles the employee to extra com- pensation. ticlooeathe of the eight-hour (system could ask nothing more to their tante then tide final deolition, Catitomer—Why do yon refer to this folding bed as "elle? Clerk—Beoauecs, sir, there it no datiger ofits ehutthig sip Manager—Mr. Skylight, 1 eeci you're !ate again this morning. Have yott moved otib of town 1 Skylight—Yes, ein Manager— Haut fat t Skylight — The twentyllist story, sir. A LINCOLN COUNTY MIRACLE. Tile Terrible Experience a it Well-to-do ruiner. • Mr. Ezra Merritt Suffers 'Untold Agony— • Told by a Physician Tbat Only Reath Could End Psis suarerings—Illow Ile Secured Flis Release From Pain— • Anxious 'Mutt Others Should Benefit by illsExecirtenee. (Grimsby Independent.) How often wo hear the expreasien "Hills are green far afar e.s is terra of disparege- mente So ib may be with Many of our read - era when they hear of anything occurring at is distance from home bordering on the won- derful. They may playa little onfidence in it, mud even if they do believe ie, allow the matter to pees from their minds without leaving any permanent itnpresaion. Not so with local affairs. When anything startling mute in oar midst, effecting people whom we all know well, every one is inter- ested, and all are anxious and even eager for the most minute dentate For some months past there have been publiehed in the columne of the independent from time to bime accounte of remarkable cures made by that now justly famous medicine—Dr. "Wilhelm' Pink Pills for Palo People. Pos. sibly some of our readers have looked upon name of these accounts as describing cures highly improbable, if not impossible. And yet this should not be the case, for they are all vouched for by respectable news- papers who could have no object in stating other then the facts, gnd who would be desoredited by their own" readers were they to do so. However, seeing is believing, and Mr. Ezra Merritt, of South Grimsby, stands forth to -day as living testimony to the wonderful curative powers of this not at all over-estimated medicino—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Having heard that a moat remarkable cure had beenaffeeted in the caee of Mr. Merritt, the editor of the Independent, with that desire poezeseed by most newapaper men for veri- fying things coming under their notice, re- solved to investigate the case and satisfy himself as to the truth of the story. Some days ago he drove over to Smithville, and at once called upon Mr. D. W. Eestman, druggist, a straightforward business man whose word is as good as his bond with all who know him. Mr. Eeatman stated that he knew of the case of Mr. Merritt, and considered it is most remarkable one. Mr. Palmer Merritt had come to him one day and asked him if he could give him anything that would helphis brotter, Ezra Merritt, who was suffering untold agony with pains in all his joints, his back and his head. Mr. Merritt stated that his brother had tried everything, and could find nothing to help him, and that the doctors could give him no ease. One doctor from the United States had told him positively that there was no help for him, and that death only could set him free from his agony. Mr. Merritt further told Mr. Eastman that his brother wished to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and &eked him if he thought it would be any use. Mr. Eastman advieed him to try them, as wonderful cures had been worked by their use. Mr. Merritb acted on his advice and continued the use of Pink Pills until he is now is well man and sound as ever. • The editor then drove over to see Mr. Merritt, and found that gentleman sound and hearty, looking over his cattle in his farmyard. Mr. Ezra Merritt is is well-to-do former owning two fine farina about 3a miles west of Smithville, in the township of South Grimsby. When the newspaper man told the object; of his visit Mr. Merritt ex- pressed his willingnees to give him the mllest particulars of his case, and we can- not do better than give it in his own words: "The first time I was troubled," said Mr. Merritt, " was on July lat. 1891. We commenced haying on that day and I felt sore and stiff in all my joints. I now be. lieve the trouble originated through my washing some sheep in cold water the pre- ceedieg April, when I went into the water and stayed so long that when I came out my legs were numb, but I did not feel any bad rtsults until July, as I he•ve said. I graduelly grew worse until I could scarcely do anything. I kept on trying to work but it was a terrible struggle, and the way I suffered was something awful. Every joint in my body was etiff and in- tensely painful. As time paseed on I gradually grew worse, the pains went into my back and at times my agony was almost unbearable. I had tried all home- made remedies but without avail. I then consuited a doctor but his medicine had no effect. At the time of the Smithville fair a doctor wan over here from the Seetes and I consulted him. He said my case was hopeless, and I need not expect enytbing but death to release me from my pain. As winter came on the pain got into my head and my sufferings were something terrible. About dark the pain would starb about my ear and work up until it reached the crown of my head. As rimming came on the pain in my head would subside, but the peens in the rest of my body never left me, and at lest I grew so had that when I would lie on my back I could not get up to save my life without ausistence, Although I had not lost my appetite I bectitne weak, so bad that though I cotild walk around I °Quid not stoop to lift is pound. I became ao week in this way Meal got diecoaraged an cl lost all hope of ever getting better. It was about this time that 1 hoard of the wonderful cures by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and Mr. Eastman, of Smitheitle, advised thab they be given a trial. My brother got me a box and I took them, hut felt no good resulte. I took dill another box and still no percep- tible betefit, and I felt to weak and dis- couraged that I decided not to take any more. At this time a lady from Hamilton •came to visit at our place and she strongly Advised me tit continue using the Pink She had known Mr. Marshall at that city awl knew that hie came was bona fide. I thought it useless to continue but; 0,6 the urgeet solicitations et my friOnds did so, and by tile time I was through with the third box I began to feel a benefit from them, This gave me hope which did not again waver, as I found myself steadily growing better, and continued the use of ehe Piult Pills until now I am as well as SVOC 1 was in my life. I know that it was Pink Pille that aaved me when all else had failed, and I have no objections whatever to the atory of my cure being published, as it may be tho moans of helping twine other sufferer baelt to health end etrongth and &Anew." • Mr, Merritt further Said that he had now to fear of a hard day'a work, end bee not had the elighteetreturnof the petrol or the stigmas in the joiute• . Retuning to Smithville the editor agaiti called upon Mr. Eastmari and Wail Merited by that gentleman that his gales of Pink P111 woro something ettormotta, Mr. Iller- rittits cure having ecenething to do with the increitee in Wee lately. There aro other caste aisle in thia vicinity little lees thee temtvelloureof whioli eve may same& litter ore Da Wiliterns" Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve t caterer outing uoh dithatma as theunlatitoni neetalgia, partial paralysio, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitae' ilatMe, nervous headache, nervone prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the efter-effects of le, grippe, infiuenze and eevere colds, diaeases depending on hunters in the blood, !molt as morofula, ohronio cmyeipeIas, eto. Pink Pills give is healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions, and ate is speeific for the troublea peculiar to the female sytem, and in the case of men they effect a radicel cure be all cases teriping from mental worry, overwork or exoessee of any nature. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr, Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schneetady, N. Y.'and are add only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at; 50 mints is box or six boxea for $2.5(). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, nor in any form except in packages bearing the company'a trade mark, and any dealer who otters substitutes in any other form Is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com. pany from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes is course of treatment comparatively inexpensive ae compared with other remedies or medical treatment. CARSON'S RIG JUMP. ins Tremendous Leap trona Arimainanism to Calvinism. Some minutes afterward he woke up with a question which elicited the reply " Yes, I am a newspaper man from Detroit." and to another, Yea, I know Carson good preacher, that; he went from Kingston to Detroit." "He went from here," was rapidly snapped out, and then I learned for the first time that the old gentleman was a Presbyterian minister. He told it in little jerks, as though he were fully prepared to sustain any statement he made at may haz- ard of life and limb. Then he discussed Careen for a short spell and said that Car- son took is tremendous leap when he left Arminianiem and took up with Calvinism, That he was is preacher in the Methodist Church and came out and joined the Pres- byterian Church. His words were of suoh solemnly weighty import and gave such an impression of the vast width of the theological chasm between the Mothodint and the Presbyterian churches that I fancied 1 oould see Mr. Carson resolutely flying through air in the tremendous leap ; but missing the other side by quite half a mile. But when the old man's voice changed to the brotherly pe.thebio and took on the flute -like tone, when he said he had a letter from Carson, with rather a tender touch of considerate- ness in his voice, I could easily see Mr. Carson stepping over the chasm without effort and being received with acclamations of joy by mighty congregations.—Ottaroct Correspondence Detroit news. GIBBONS' ToorAcErx Guar acts as a temporary filling and stops toothaohe in- stantly. Sold by druggists. Women Must Sleep. A physician who is a specialist in nervout diseases says that women should sleep as least nine hours at night and one hour in the daytime. Perhapa you say it is quite int*. Bible for you to sleep even though you lie down, in daylight. Possibly you will not the first few times you try it, but keep up the practice and soon your eyes will close every .day -at a certain time and you will be drawing in great draughts of nature's own invigorator—sleep. The High Testimony Of hundreds of druggists affords convincirg prove of the great merit of Nerviline in all painful affections. F. R. Melville, druggist, writes : " My customers who have ueed Nerviline speak highly of it. I am satisfied it will take a leading place in the market." This expresaes the univereal verdict, and if you are auffering from any painful affeetion, internal or external, give Nervilino a triel, and immediate relief will boas certain as the sun shiues. Nerviline is a powerfully pene- trating pain remedy. Sold by dealers everywhere. More Information. Tommy—Paw, what does "public spir- ited" mean? Mr. Figg—Why—er--why do you want to know ? Tommy—This paper says Mr. Lotson is a *public-spirited oitizen. Mr. Figg—Oh, that means in hie case that be has a lob of real estate that he wants to boom. To Raise More Corn To the acre always use Putnam's Painlese Corn Extractor. Always safe and painless. Beware of subetitubes and imitations. Use Putnam's Painlese Corn Extractor. At druggists. A Good Reason. Mistress (finding visitor in kitchen)—Who is this, Mary? Mery (confused)—My b -brother, man. Mistress (stispieiously)—You're not much alike. Mary (stammering apologseicelly)—tare were, vein, bat heal just had his beard sleeved off, and that =hes idol look quite different, m'm. efeetidIonos Rheumatic Repellant. • Do you euffer with rheumatic peins in body or limbs ? if you have used ekery- thing available without relief, ask your druggist for tins valuable internal remedy neatly pub up in dollar bottles by W. A. McCollom, Tilsonburg. Sold by Wholesale Druggiats of Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, London and Winnipeg. If tho Whit dancer didn't kick for her salary she wouldn't get a cent. Superintendent Whyte, ot the C. P. R., denies the story telegraphed to the Atniai- oat press that a number of men had been killed by enowslitles in the Rooky Moun- tains. No such aocklent occur:ed. Goodness ine, Johnny ! What are you y g )$ Ci r y X11110 OA' 030111FORT, The British Club kivititit 04401500 it The life of an Bnglish, club mum, with say $1,300 to $1,800 is year, involves econo- mies that to the average American Would. be impossible, if he knew that by going to work be could earn as much, more. itt means lodgings in oome quiet street at considerably less than Filmdom lodginge would cost here; breakfast at the lodgings, is lunoheon somewhere °lee, and dinner at the club or at the house of is friend. It is possible to dram decently. on very little, so that the young man IS able to dine at the club the year round; if need be, to have his little run in the country, his cruise on is friend's yacht, or his fishing in the Highlands or in Norway. It is common in London clubs of the quiet kind to provide a table d'hote dinner at 3 shillings and 6 pence. The diner may have, in addition, for 30 or 40 cents a pint of excellent claret. Most of the 'diners at clubs of very good etending seldom go be- yond the table (Mote and its pint of claret. Even men in comparatively easy circum- stances are content with this and anxious that the meal shall be kept within 5 shil- lings. Something hatter is often provided for a guest ; but it one member of small in- come dines with another at the club or else- where it return dinner becomes a matter of obligation,—N. Y. Sun. Musical and Dramatic Notes. Henry Irving has been commanded to produce "Becket" before the Qeeen at Windsor on March nth. Willard has refused to play in eigh theatres next season where the dressing rooms have been deficient in conafort. Wagner wrote operasab 68; Verdi, who is 80, has lately. given us is comic opera and Haydn did creditable work after his "60th year. "Lady Winderinere's Fan" will be sent by Charles Frohman next ES08,0011 on is forty weeks' tour that will extend to San Fran- cisco. Last week completed a year's continuous run of Jr. M. Barrie'a farcicai coraedy, " Walker London," at Toote's Theatre, London. Stuart Robson ends his tour Seturday, May 27th. He expects to spend the summer in Cohitsset, Mass. Mr. W. R. Hayden continues as his manager next season. Bebe Vining, the leading lady at Stock - well's Theatre, in. San Francisco, has re- signed her position because she declares that she will never play with a professional pugilist in the same cast. Peter Jackson was the man in this case. Speaking of the recently revived plan of taxing the reeipients of free passes 10 cents a pees in New York for the benefit of the Actors' Fund. M. Marius said that in Paris it was the custom to tax all the theatres 10 per cent. of their receipts for the poor. " One of the sensations promised for next season," says Philadelphia Music and Drama, "is a huge pthoograplaingeniously constructed to represent a men, which will automatically make it entrances and exits, playing a long pert and introducing a num- ber of musical gems." Put This In Tour Scrap Book. Mr. Lie°. Flokett, Paris, Ont., writes : I purchased a hoz of "Texas Balsam" from your agent, W. S. Rochester, which has proved itself far superior to anybhing I have ever used. While driving on the road last summer ray horse beoame sore in spots and also scalded, I applied the Balsam and in a few days it was entirely heated, leaving no sign of a sore at all. I will never be without Texas Balsam as long as I own a horse." Price 25 cents. Ask your draggle for it or addrees F. F. Segsworth, No. Wellington street east, Toronto. mice, ciemese Style. Wash it well in cold water, drain it through a sieve, throw it into boiling water. When pulpy take it out of the water with a ladle, end putting it into a clean vessel set it near the fire, veliere it will keep hot, but not cook. Let it remain so for fifteen minutee or until it becomes white and dry, but not head. Thus cooked, with the Chinese it takes the place of bread. retZeitaia AU Fixed. Aotor—When you come to tho theatre all you have to do is to mention my name. Bore—To whom? Actor—The policeman at the door. Bore—Will he let me in? Actor—Oh, yea; he'll run you in. 'Why melee]. Was Canteens. Little Ethel—I don't; want any cake. Papa—No cake? What's the natter? Little Ethel—Mamma said it wasn'tquite perfect, an' when she says her own cake isn'b pito perfect, it must be awful. Mappy Old 1Ladtes. There is rejoicing among the elderly ladies who have the misfortune to inhabit the London workhouse. The Poor Law Guardians give them a weekly allowance of peppermint lozenges and barley sugar. It has been decided in New York, says the Philadeiphia Record, in a libel suit broeght by Dr. Funk, of the publishing firm of Funk & Wagnalle, agteinat the New Yank Eveniv Post, that it is not libelous to lenorixice as "steeling" and "literazy pirany " the reprint and eale in this country et the "Eucyciopedie, Britannica," which is the product of rhe labor and capital of Edinburgh publishers. The Evenztuj Post magnified its °Ranee by saying that the " st eal Mg, " and " piracy wore more heinous from the fact that they had been cominated by a Dector of Divinity. It took the jury fifteen minutes to find in favor of the Post and honest dealing. Only one person in one thee:sand dies of • old age. So ib seems that old age is not so • dangerous as the insurance te.bleet would have us believe. The queetion of deportment is not an un- importaot one. A man always looks better who manage himself well than when two or more frlende are trying to carry him. A Kieueits woman wishes to open a mend- ing bureau et the Worldts Fair, for the re- placement of buttons torn off in the ex- peoted Privileged Ag9suert, Polly had beer; making herself is PPM', nuisance in the hitcher; all the moruing. At last Bridget, who had is had tempera eculd stand it no longer. " qet out o' here, you 'Any little brat% you!" :the cried. Little Polly drew herself up with gong* dignity. "I never allow any one but my inothog to epeak to me like that 1" she replied. inameewaeatessimaisousessualeemessameessiaosasem ISSUE NO 13 1893, NO.TR In. replying to goy of these advertiSmentit • please mention this Palter. tatteteentrawoursosmorAr,!.0.0reas, At the " Sank. This is to notify you that your ac- count at the bank me of health is over- drawn; at this rate you will soon be bankrupt, unless you take Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophospbites to build you up. It will STOP A. cozra zt; CURE A COLD, and check CONSTIMPTION and aft forrns of WASTING DISEASISSai- most as palatable as Milk.. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. For sale by all druggists. DOSES25 11.1CGRE--,q' 'ELMO P.CUREi Cures Gonsareption, Coughs, Croup, Sera Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.. Fora Lame Side, Sack or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction.—as gents. • !LON'S CATAR E ME Have you Catarrh? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price Nets. Thi' Injector for its successful treatment, free. Remember. Shiloh's B.emedies are sold on a guarantee..go laimm TERNAL OR INTERNAL, 49FI9SSelUARoNtErS.T,c7siy4LCER.- ATION, ITCHING on BLEEDING OUR GUAR why be troubled with pe_Eg.ex.„ BCT NI oe mus wh FILE oINTMENT gives immediate miler In the hands of THOUSANDS it has proved perfectly invaluable. if Never Fails event= oases of long standing. Pim $1.00 at !Druggist& Sent by rreel on recelpt of -price by adaressira CLARK CHEMICAL 00., lee Aoieeee ST 41Est Mina We send the marvelous French Remedy cALTHOS free, and a legal guarantee that OALTAIOS ETOP Dlochargem Erniadons, C1TRE Sperrantorrhea.Varteoceio and RESTORE Lost Vigor. avnodNpamy ifoNsaLtiscfioed... SoleArldisureeeii'tl'ean Agents, /Madams% Ohio. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD HOME? If so, drop a few lines to ELM, PIERCE, of West Bay City, Mich. He has 12,000 acres ot splendid farm lands for sale on the line of the Michigan Cen- tral, Detroit & Alpena & Loon Lake railways. Pammorrrrrate and on most reasonable terms. . Thousands of Canadians are settling on these lines. This is a chance not often given for a home in aline Stse e. Pare paid one way on purchaeo of 40 west -Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free to ail Suflerer. Give Express and Post Office address. Ho SF ROOT. bt,C,,,S3 West Adelaide Stteet, Tomato, Oat 1",,j ARMS FOR SALE—THE UNDERSIGNED X' has a nutnber of choicest farms for sale in the County of Lambton, the garden of Canada for grain, fruit and dairy purposes ; also town properties for sale in the thriving Town of Forest; a brick livery stable for sale at a bar- gain. First-class blacksmith. and carriage shop. Good stand. Apply to • THOMAS WOOD, Land and General Agent, Forest, Ont., IT PAYS Economy slways pays e Forty beautiful designs of Turkish Rug Patterns. Catalogues free. Agents wanted. J. T. HAZELTON, Guelph, Ont. LADtge OR. SLOCUM'S COMPOUND PENNY - 2' 1654 ROYAL TEAemer Sails. Price 2,5e. by anaiL SAMPLE FREE. Lady Agents wanted. T. A. SLOCUM & CO., Toronto, Ontario* Envelope, Silk Fringe, Fancy Shape and Acquaintance CAICOS with your name, 12 cents. Address, P. 0. 330x 552, Woodstock, Ontario. 43,000 COPIES SOLD 1 Of MRS E. M. JONES Now Book. "IDAIRVINO FOR PROM."' Thirty cents by mail. Send andgetit. ROBT. BROWN', Agent, Box 321, Brockville, Ont., Can FREE TO MEN oNu. If you are suffering from Nervous Debility, Exhausted Vitality, Errors of Youth, etc.. we will send you a full course of Dr. Chester'e Restorative without a cent of pay in advance. ftt.r a fair trial, if you find it is genuine remedy, you ecu pay us ea for the Santa; if ni4ti. you need not pay a cent. Confidential - CHESTER CHEMICAL CO„ Toronto, Ont. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to 'Use, and Cheapest. qrt ,,,,e;L.MXte,SEgAL Sold by drUgglets or sent by nut See. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. . &tamed about eatin, pig gig, night, and 0•101.111211.11100.1011111110SISMITnornmulnwranuatratamerivelerarmeravgestatenswistanalortsk.;ommnatemilamianinamernmasaaosemereoanoliaermoo* didn't." An English paper relatee a story of a distinguished biahop who ettifers frona hint paired vision, During a recent leVt30 is guesti approached and maid : "Prow do you do my lord?" My mother wishes to be kindly ;remembered to you," "Ah," said the biebop, "that is very good of her. And how is the dear old soul? Nothing like a pod old mother I Be sure to take care of your old mother. Good morning." The bishop did not, know who his visitok was, and said to his footman Who was that?" The servant replied : "The last gentleman who left your lordship's reception was the Duke of Cantaught." The latest club for women in tendoli is ono for the use of clerks, bookheepers, sten- ographers, telephone gitIs &TA Others 'who earn their daily broad in the city, but live it the suburbs,. ttyr2s:Talqi:: mi „ „. 4A04t,e4 j'r e..114),41.4.4 *7,a or the) moo T1451 11110.00DittTME UPC ilro.srify worruntly end 010 tottenco eau Dive ita t, r TM* remedy ia guaranteed to be en atenliskie Illoled-SpecEe eta death to all /Finnan aura* 1Prlist. $1.00 pee beettere 3 bottles 32.S6 Strews glreggisr kleas not hep It, ottot,1 &oat toe* , tor itt. PAattlattalt Pitt*. • OZON1 SPECIRI sree uto wawa: matatrhatt